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Despite recent advances in breast cancer treatment, drug resistance frequently presents as a challenge, contributing to a higher risk of relapse and decreased overall survival rate. It is now generally recognized that the extracellular matrix and cellular heterogeneity of the tumor microenvironment influences the cancer cells' ultimate fate. Therefore, strategies employed to examine mechanisms of drug resistance must take microenvironmental influences, as well as genetic mutations, into account. This review discusses three-dimensional (3D) in vitro model systems which incorporate microenvironmental influences to study mechanisms of drug resistance in breast cancer. These bioengineered models include spheroid-based models, biomaterial-based models such as polymeric scaffolds and hydrogels, and microfluidic chip-based models. The advantages of these model systems over traditionally studied two-dimensional tissue culture polystyrene are examined. Additionally, the applicability of such 3D models for studying the impact of tumor microenvironment signals on drug response and/or resistance is discussed. Finally, the potential of such models for use in the development of strategies to combat drug resistance and determine the most promising treatment regimen is explored.  相似文献   

司鑫鑫  孙玉洁 《遗传》2014,36(5):411-419
肿瘤耐药是导致肿瘤化疗失败的主要原因, 其产生机制复杂多样, 是多种因素共同作用的结果。近年来, 表观遗传改变在肿瘤耐药中的作用日益受到关注。DNA甲基化是一种重要的表观遗传修饰, 在调节基因表达和维持基因组稳定性中扮演着重要角色。原发性或获得性耐药的肿瘤细胞大多伴随DNA异常甲基化, 越来越多的证据显示, DNA甲基化异常是肿瘤细胞耐药表型产生的重要机制。文章就DNA甲基化异常与肿瘤细胞耐药的关系及相关作用机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

病原微生物及其耐药性是全球公共卫生的重要问题。众多人兽共患病原菌可通过食品产业链传播给人,同时耐药性使得感染更难治疗,增加了疾病传播和死亡的风险。从分子水平上研究病原体的变异规律、毒力及其致病机制有助于寻找新的药物靶点、研制新的药物。DNA聚合酶IV(polymerase IV,Pol IV)是γ家族聚合酶中的重要成员,广泛分布在原核生物、真核生物和古细菌3个生命域。Pol IV具有跨损伤DNA合成的能力,不仅在SOS反应(SOS response)和RpoS调控下响应DNA损伤,还参与细菌抗生素抗性及适应性的获得,在细菌中发挥着至关重要的作用。本文综述了近年来细菌Pol IV相关研究,回顾了其遗传特征、结构特征、表达调控及对细菌适应性的影响,并且讨论了Pol IV作为潜在药物靶点的可行性。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol gamma) is the sole DNA polymerase responsible for replication and repair of animal mitochondrial DNA. Here, we address the molecular mechanism by which the human holoenzyme achieves high processivity in nucleotide polymerization. We have determined the crystal structure of human pol gamma-beta, the accessory subunit that binds with high affinity to the catalytic core, pol gamma-alpha, to stimulate its activity and enhance holoenzyme processivity. We find that human pol gamma-beta shares a high level of structural similarity to class IIa aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, and forms a dimer in the crystal. A human pol gamma/DNA complex model was developed using the structures of the pol gamma-beta dimer and the bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase ternary complex, which suggests multiple regions of subunit interaction between pol gamma-beta and the human catalytic core that allow it to encircle the newly synthesized double-stranded DNA, and thereby enhance DNA binding affinity and holoenzyme processivity. Biochemical properties of a novel set of human pol gamma-beta mutants are explained by and test the model, and elucidate the role of the accessory subunit as a novel type of processivity factor in stimulating pol gamma activity and in enhancing processivity.  相似文献   

Faithful replication of genomic DNA by high-fidelity DNA polymerases is crucial for the survival of most living organisms. While high-fidelity DNA polymerases favor canonical base pairs over mismatches by a factor of ∼1 × 105, fidelity is further enhanced several orders of magnitude by a 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease that selectively removes mispaired bases in the primer strand. Despite the importance of proofreading to maintaining genome stability, it remains much less studied than the fidelity mechanisms employed at the polymerase active site. Here we characterize the substrate specificity for the proofreading exonuclease of a high-fidelity DNA polymerase by investigating the proofreading kinetics on various DNA substrates. The contribution of the exonuclease to net fidelity is a function of the kinetic partitioning between extension and excision. We show that while proofreading of a terminal mismatch is efficient, proofreading a mismatch buried by one or two correct bases is even more efficient. Because the polymerase stalls after incorporation of a mismatch and after incorporation of one or two correct bases on top of a mismatch, the net contribution of the exonuclease is a function of multiple opportunities to correct mistakes. We also characterize the exonuclease stereospecificity using phosphorothioate-modified DNA, provide a homology model for the DNA primer strand in the exonuclease active site, and propose a dynamic structural model for the transfer of DNA from the polymerase to the exonuclease active site based on MD simulations.  相似文献   

Sun S  Geng L  Shamoo Y 《Proteins》2006,65(1):231-238
In vivo, replicative DNA polymerases are made more processive by their interactions with accessory proteins at the replication fork. Single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) is an essential protein that binds tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA during replication to remove adventitious secondary structures and protect the exposed DNA from endogenous nucleases. Using information from high resolution structures and biochemical data, we have engineered a functional chimeric enzyme of the bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase and SSB with substantially increased processivity. Fusion of RB69 DNA polymerase with its cognate SSB via a short six amino acid linker increases affinity for primer-template DNA by sixfold and subsequently increases processivity by sevenfold while maintaining fidelity. The crystal structure of this fusion protein was solved by a combination of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction and molecular replacement to 3.2 A resolution and shows that RB69 SSB is positioned proximal to the N-terminal domain of RB69 DNA polymerase near the template strand channel. The structural and biochemical data suggest that SSB interactions with DNA polymerase are transient and flexible, consistent with models of a dynamic replisome during elongation.  相似文献   

Y‐family DNA polymerases bypass Pt‐GG, the cisplatin‐DNA double‐base lesion, contributing to the cisplatin resistance in tumour cells. To reveal the mechanism, we determined three structures of the Y‐family DNA polymerase, Dpo4, in complex with Pt‐GG DNA. The crystallographic snapshots show three stages of lesion bypass: the nucleotide insertions opposite the 3′G (first insertion) and 5′G (second insertion) of Pt‐GG, and the primer extension beyond the lesion site. We observed a dynamic process, in which the lesion was converted from an open and angular conformation at the first insertion to a depressed and nearly parallel conformation at the subsequent reaction stages to fit into the active site of Dpo4. The DNA translocation‐coupled conformational change may account for additional inhibition on the second insertion reaction. The structures illustrate that Pt‐GG disturbs the replicating base pair in the active site, which reduces the catalytic efficiency and fidelity. The in vivo relevance of Dpo4‐mediated Pt‐GG bypass was addressed by a dpo‐4 knockout strain of Sulfolobus solfataricus, which exhibits enhanced sensitivity to cisplatin and proteomic alterations consistent with genomic stress.  相似文献   

We have determined a 2.6 Å resolution crystal structure of Pfu DNA polymerase, the most commonly used high fidelity PCR enzyme, from Pyrococcus furiosus. Although the structures of Pfu and KOD1 are highly similar, the structure of Pfu elucidates the electron density of the interface between the exonuclease and thumb domains, which has not been previously observed in the KOD1 structure. The interaction of these two domains is known to coordinate the proofreading and polymerization activity of DNA polymerases, especially via H147 that is present within the loop (residues 144–158) of the exonuclease domain. In our structure of Pfu, however, E148 rather than H147 is located at better position to interact with the thumb domain. In addition, the structural analysis of Pfu and KOD1 shows that both the Y-GG/A and β-hairpin motifs of Pfu are found to differ with that of KOD1, and may explain differences in processivity. This information enables us to better understand the mechanisms of polymerization and proofreading of DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

The inhibitory activities against DNA polymerases (pols) of catechin derivatives (i.e., flavan-3-ols) such as (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-gallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, (+)-catechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-gallocatechin gallate, and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) were investigated. Among the eight catechins, some catechins inhibited mammalian pols, with EGCg being the strongest inhibitor of pol alpha and lambda with IC(50) values of 5.1 and 3.8 microM, respectively. EGCg did not influence the activities of plant (cauliflower) pol alpha and beta or prokaryotic pols, and further had no effect on the activities of DNA metabolic enzymes such as calf terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, T7 RNA polymerase, and bovine deoxyribonuclease I. EGCg-induced inhibition of pol alpha and lambda was competitive with respect to the DNA template-primer and non-competitive with respect to the dNTP (2'-deoxyribonucleotide 5'-triphosphate) substrate. Tea catechins also suppressed TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate)-induced inflammation, and the tendency of the pol inhibitory activity was the same as that of anti-inflammation. EGCg at 250 microg was the strongest suppressor of inflammation (65.6% inhibition) among the compounds tested. The relationship between the structure of tea catechins and the inhibition of mammalian pols and inflammation was discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the molecular basis of ddNTP selectivity in archaeal family B DNA polymerases by randomly mutagenizing the gene encoding Thermococcus sp. JDF-3 DNA polymerase and screening mutant libraries for improved ddNTP incorporation. We identified two mutations, P410L and A485T, that improved ddNTP uptake, suggesting the contribution of P410 and A485 to ddNTP/dNTP selectivity in archaeal DNA polymerases. The importance of A485 was identified previously in mutagenesis studies employing Pfu (A486) and Vent (A488) DNA polymerases, while the contribution of P410 to ddNTP/dNTP selectivity has not been reported. We demonstrate that a combination of mutations (P410L/A485T) has an additive effect in improving ddNTP incorporation by a total of 250-fold. To assess the usefulness of the JDF-3 P410L/A485T in fluorescent-sequencing applications, we compared the archaeal mutant to Taq F667Y with respect to fidelity and kinetic parameters for DNA and dye-ddNTPs. Although the Taq F667Y and JDF-3 P410L/A485T mutants exhibit similar K(m) and V(max) values for dye-ddNTPs in single-base extension assays, the archaeal mutant exhibits higher fidelity due to a reduced tendency to form certain (ddG:dT, ddT:dC) mispairs. DNA polymerases exhibiting higher insertion fidelity are expected to provide greater accuracy in SNP frequency determinations by single-base extension and in multiplex minisequencing assays.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase (pol) β is the founding member of a large group of DNA polymerases now termed the X-family. DNA polymerase β has been kinetically, structurally, and biologically well characterized and can serve as a phylogenetic reference. Accordingly, we have performed a phylogenetic analysis to understand the relationship between pol β and other members of the X-family of DNA polymerases. The bacterial X-family DNA polymerases, Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol IV, and four mammalian X-family polymerases appear to be directly related. These enzymes originated from an ancient common ancestor characterized in two Bacillus species. Understanding distinct functions for each of the X-family polymerases, evolving from a common bacterial ancestor is of significant interest in light of the specialized roles of these enzymes in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The catalytic core of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III contains three tightly associated subunits (alpha, epsilon, and theta). The theta subunit is the smallest, but the least understood of the three. As a first step in a program aimed at understanding its function, the structure of the theta subunit has been determined by triple-resonance multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Although only a small protein, theta was difficult to assign fully because approximately one-third of the protein is unstructured, and some sections of the remaining structured parts undergo intermediate intramolecular exchange. The secondary structure was deduced from the characteristic nuclear Overhauser effect patterns, the 3J(HN alpha) coupling constants and the consensus chemical shift index. The C-terminal third of the protein, which has many charged and hydrophilic amino acid residues, has no well-defined secondary structure and exists in a highly dynamic state. The N-terminal two-thirds has three helical segments (Gln10-Asp19, Glu38-Glu43, and His47-Glu54), one short extended segment (Pro34-Ala37), and a long loop (Ala20-Glu29), of which part may undergo intermediate conformational exchange. Solution of the three-dimensional structure by NMR techniques revealed that the helices fold in such a way that the surface of theta is bipolar, with one face of the protein containing most of the acidic residues and the other face containing most of the long chain basic residues. Preliminary chemical shift mapping experiments with a domain of the epsilon subunit have identified a loop region (Ala20-Glu29) in theta as the site of association with epsilon.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic DNA replication, DNA polymerase ε (Polε) is responsible for leading strand synthesis, whereas DNA polymerases α and δ synthesize the lagging strand. The human Polε (hPolε) holoenzyme is comprised of the catalytic p261 subunit and the noncatalytic p59, p17, and p12 small subunits. So far, the contribution of the noncatalytic subunits to hPolε function is not well understood. Using pre-steady-state kinetic methods, we established a minimal kinetic mechanism for DNA polymerization and editing catalyzed by the hPolε holoenzyme. Compared with the 140-kDa N-terminal catalytic fragment of p261 (p261N), which we kinetically characterized in our earlier studies, the presence of the p261 C-terminal domain (p261C) and the three small subunits increased the DNA binding affinity and the base substitution fidelity. Although the small subunits enhanced correct nucleotide incorporation efficiency, there was a wide range of rate constants when incorporating a correct nucleotide over a single-base mismatch. Surprisingly, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme was significantly slower than that of p261N when editing both matched and mismatched DNA substrates. This suggests that the presence of p261C and the three small subunits regulates the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme. Together, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity and the variable mismatch extension activity modulate the overall fidelity of the hPolε holoenzyme by up to 3 orders of magnitude. Thus, the presence of p261C and the three noncatalytic subunits optimizes the dual enzymatic activities of the catalytic p261 subunit and makes the hPolε holoenzyme an efficient and faithful replicative DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase epsilon interacts with the CMG (Cdc45-MCM-GINS) complex by Dpb2p, the non-catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon. It is postulated that CMG is responsible for targeting of Pol ɛ to the leading strand. We isolated a mutator dpb2-100 allele which encodes the mutant form of Dpb2p. We showed previously that Dpb2-100p has impaired interactions with Pol2p, the catalytic subunit of Pol ɛ. Here, we present that Dpb2-100p has strongly impaired interaction with the Psf1 and Psf3 subunits of the GINS complex. Our in vitro results suggest that while dpb2-100 does not alter Pol ɛ’s biochemical properties including catalytic efficiency, processivity or proofreading activity – it moderately decreases the fidelity of DNA synthesis. As the in vitro results did not explain the strong in vivo mutator effect of the dpb2-100 allele we analyzed the mutation spectrum in vivo. The analysis of the mutation rates in the dpb2-100 mutant indicated an increased participation of the error-prone DNA polymerase zeta in replication. However, even in the absence of Pol ζ activity the presence of the dpb2-100 allele was mutagenic, indicating that a significant part of mutagenesis is Pol ζ-independent. A strong synergistic mutator effect observed for transversions in the triple mutant dpb2-100 pol2-4 rev3Δ as compared to pol2-4 rev3Δ and dpb2-100 rev3Δ suggests that in the presence of the dpb2-100 allele the number of replication errors is enhanced. We hypothesize that in the dpb2-100 strain, where the interaction between Pol ɛ and GINS is weakened, the access of Pol δ to the leading strand may be increased. The increased participation of Pol δ on the leading strand in the dpb2-100 mutant may explain the synergistic mutator effect observed in the dpb2-100 pol3-5DV double mutant.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the Klenow fragment of the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I (Klentaq1) complexed with four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTP) have been determined to 2.5 A resolution. The dNTPs bind adjacent to the O helix of Klentaq1. The triphosphate moieties are at nearly identical positions in all four complexes and are anchored by three positively charged residues, Arg659, Lys663, and Arg587, and by two polar residues, His639 and Gln613. The configuration of the base moieties in the Klentaq1/dNTP complexes demonstrates variability suggesting that dNTP binding is primarily determined by recognition and binding of the phosphate moiety. However, when superimposed on the Taq polymerase/blunt end DNA complex structure (Eom et al., 1996), two of the dNTP/Klentaq1 structures demonstrate appropriate stacking of the nucleotide base with the 3' end of the DNA primer strand, suggesting that at least in these two binary complexes, the observed dNTP conformations are functionally relevant.  相似文献   

Zoonotic pathogens including those transmitted by insect vectors are some of the most deadly of all infectious diseases known to mankind. A number of these agents have been further weaponized and are widely recognized as being potentially significant biothreat agents. We describe a novel method based on multiply-primed rolling circle in vitro amplification for profiling genomic DNAs to permit rapid, cultivation-free differential detection and identification of circular plasmids in infectious agents. Using Phi29 DNA polymerase and a two-step priming reaction we could reproducibly detect and characterize by DNA sequencing circular DNA from Borrelia burgdorferi B31 in DNA samples containing as little as 25 pg of Borrelia DNA amongst a vast excess of human DNA. This simple technology can ultimately be adapted as a sensitive method to detect specific DNA from both known and unknown pathogens in a wide variety of complex environments.  相似文献   

Soluble DNA polymerase (DNA polymerase-α) and chromatin-bound DNA polymerase (DNA polymerase-β) have been assayed in serial sections cut from the roots of 5-day-old pea seedlings. The activity of DNA polymerase-α is high in regions of the root which exhibit high rates of DNA replication, and declines during cell differentiation and maturation. The activity of DNA polyrnerase-β is low in cells which show high rates of DNA replication, and increases during differentiation and maturation.  相似文献   

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