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The function of DNA‐ and RNA‐binding proteins can be inferred from the characterization and accurate prediction of their binding interfaces. However, the main pitfall of various structure‐based methods for predicting nucleic acid binding function is that they are all limited to a relatively small number of proteins for which high‐resolution three‐dimensional structures are available. In this study, we developed a pipeline for extracting functional electrostatic patches from surfaces of protein structural models, obtained using the I‐TASSER protein structure predictor. The largest positive patches are extracted from the protein surface using the patchfinder algorithm. We show that functional electrostatic patches extracted from an ensemble of structural models highly overlap the patches extracted from high‐resolution structures. Furthermore, by testing our pipeline on a set of 55 known nucleic acid binding proteins for which I‐TASSER produces high‐quality models, we show that the method accurately identifies the nucleic acids binding interface on structural models of proteins. Employing a combined patch approach we show that patches extracted from an ensemble of models better predicts the real nucleic acid binding interfaces compared with patches extracted from independent models. Overall, these results suggest that combining information from a collection of low‐resolution structural models could be a valuable approach for functional annotation. We suggest that our method will be further applicable for predicting other functional surfaces of proteins with unknown structure. Proteins 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Models of adsorption were considered, which describe the binding of biologically active ligands on DNA templates. The binding is described most comprehensively and in greatest detail by the distribution function, which determines the probability of detecting the preset number of adsorbed ligands on the template. In the case of noncooperative binding, this function corresponds to the Gaussian distribution and is characterized by two quantities: the mean value of the occupation of the template by ligands and the dispersion of occupation. The accuracy of the occupation of the template by ligands is inversely proportional to dispersion. As the length of the template and the number of reaction sites covered by one ligand upon binding increase, the accuracy of the occupation of the template by ligands increases. An important characteristic of binding is the degree of coverage of the template by ligands. This characteristic represents the portion of template reaction sites covered by all ligands adsorbed on the template. If polycations are bound to nucleic acid molecules, the coverage of the template determines the transition of nucleic acids to a compact state. The degree of template coverage for extended ligands depends only slightly on the binding constant in a wide range of concentrations of a free ligand in solution. Different adsorption models are considered from the unified point of view. The classification of cooperative interactions for a wide class of systems is given, from situations when several ligands are bound on nucleic acid templates to a situation when templates change by the action of ligands and begin to interact with each other.  相似文献   

Competition dialysis is a powerful new tool for the discovery of ligands that bind to nucleic acids with structural- or sequence-selectivity. The method is based on firm thermodynamic principles and is simple to implement. In the competition dialysis experiment, an array of nucleic acid structures and sequences is dialyzed against a common test ligand solution. After equilibration, the amount of ligand bound to each structure or sequence is determined by absorbance or fluorescence measurements. Since all structures and sequences are in equilibrium with the same free ligand concentration, the amount bound is directly proportional to the ligand binding affinity. Competition dialysis thus provides a direct and quantitative measure of selectivity, and unambiguously identifies which of the samples within the array are preferred by a particular ligand. We describe here the third generation implementation of the method, in which competition dialysis was adapted for use in a 96-well plate format. In this format, we have been able to greatly expand the array of nucleic acid structures studied, and now can routinely study the interactions of a ligand of interest with 46 different structures and sequences.  相似文献   

Some of the most serious diseases are characterized by the presence of a specific secondary structure within DNA or RNA, often in the promoter or the coding region of the responsible gene, that enhances or disrupts expression of the protein. Structural elements that impact cellular function may also be formed in other genomic regions such as telomeres. Compounds that interact with such structural elements may be useful in diagnosis or treatment of patients. In this report, we present a FRET melting assay that allows testing of libraries of compounds against four different nucleic acid structures. Compounds are tested to determine whether they stabilize preformed secondary structures (i.e., whether they cause an increase in melting temperature (T(m))). This property is described by the ΔT(m) parameter, which is the difference between the T(m) of the compound-stabilized structure and the T(m) of the unbound structure. Model oligonucleotides are labeled with FAM as a fluorescent donor and TAMRA as an acceptor. The intensity of FAM fluorescence is recorded as a function of temperature. Melting temperatures are determined by the FRET method in 96-well plates; this assay could easily be converted into 384-well format.  相似文献   

Visualization of nucleic acid sequence structural information   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several interactive Pascal programs have been written for theanalysis and display of structural information in nucleic acidsequences. Layout procedures were developed to display the homologyand repeat matrices of a sequence and to predict and displaythe secondary structure of RNA/DNA molecules free of overlapand to predict and display internal repeats. No special plottingdevices are required because the output is adapted to line printers.Sequences from several DNA database systems can be used as input.These programs are part of a general nucleic acid sequence analysispackage. Received on December 9, 1984; accepted on January 11, 1985  相似文献   

Structures of multisubunit RNA polymerases strongly differ from the many known structures of single subunit DNA and RNA polymerases. However, in functional complexes of these diverse enzymes, nucleic acids take a similar course through the active center. This finding allows superposition of diverse polymerases and reveals features that are functionally equivalent. The entering DNA duplex is bent by almost 90 degrees with respect to the exiting template-product duplex. At the point of bending, a dramatic twist between subsequent DNA template bases aligns the "coding" base with the binding site for the incoming nucleoside triphosphate (NTP). The NTP enters through an opening that is found in all polymerases, and, in most cases, binds between an alpha-helix and two catalytic metal ions. Subsequent phosphodiester bond formation adds a new base pair to the exiting template-product duplex, which is always bound from the minor groove side. All polymerases may undergo "induced fit" upon nucleic acid binding, but the underlying conformational changes differ.  相似文献   

Cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP) is a small single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein made of seven Zn knuckles and an Arg-Gly rich box. CNBP is strikingly conserved among vertebrates and was reported to play broad-spectrum functions in eukaryotic cells biology. Neither its biological function nor its mechanisms of action were elucidated yet. The main goal of this work was to gain further insights into the CNBP biochemical and molecular features. We studied Bufo arenarum CNBP (bCNBP) binding to single-stranded nucleic acid probes representing the main reported CNBP putative targets. We report that, although bCNBP is able to bind RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) probes in vitro, it binds RNA as a preformed dimer whereas both monomer and dimer are able to bind to ssDNA. A systematic analysis of variant probes shows that the preferred bCNBP targets contain unpaired guanosine-rich stretches. These data expand the knowledge about CNBP binding stoichiometry and begins to dissect the main features of CNBP nucleic acid targets. Besides, we show that bCNBP presents a highly disordered predicted structure and promotes the annealing and melting of nucleic acids in vitro. These features are typical of proteins that function as nucleic acid chaperones. Based on these data, we propose that CNBP may function as a nucleic acid chaperone through binding, remodeling, and stabilizing nucleic acids secondary structures. This novel CNBP biochemical activity broadens the field of study about its biological function and may be the basis to understand the diverse ways in which CNBP controls gene expression.  相似文献   

It is proposed that particular segments of some ribosomal, histone and plant viral capsid proteins adopt a helical structural mode for interaction with nucleic acid. The amino acid regions were determined by three probes applied to 26 protein sequences: searches for helical wheels displaying asymmetric basic charge distributions, secondary structural predictions, and searches for primary structural homologies. In 11 of the protein sequences examined, homologous heptapeptides were found in the residue spans delineated by the three probes. A helical wheel analysis of the oligopeptide amino acids showed a distinct positive charge clustering. It is suggested that the basic amino acid side chains on the hydrophilic helical side interact with nucleic acid negative phosphate groups while the somewhat hydrophobic side is available for interaction within the protein or possibly with the major groove of double-stranded nucleic acid.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the energy and structural character of RNA-RNA triplets and RNA-DNA duplex base triplets, 64 sets of three-dimensional models of RNA-DNA duplex base triplets and mRNA-tRNA triplex base triplets were constructed and optimized by homologous modeling method using the software InsightII. The comparative statistical method and cluster analysis were adopted to study these features. The result showed: (i) all energy parameters of monomer RNA-DNA hybrid triplets and ternary complexes appeared significantly different; and some parameters related with overall molecules such as overall energy, bond energy and coulomb energy have statistically significant correlations between the structures in vacuum and aquatic solutions while other parameters, including theta energy, phi energy, hydrogen bond energy and non-bond energy, changed significantly, but not continuously. (ii) However, the case of mRNA-tRNA triplets was much more complicated in that only the bond energy's correlation coefficient is -0.8. Typically, the main contribution of GC pairs and G/A/U bases were interesting. The models of RNA-DNA hybrid triplets and mRNA-tRNA triplet should be helpful for the study of base pairing in codons and the biological effectiveness of antisense nucleic acids.  相似文献   



Protein-protein interactions are important for several cellular processes. Understanding the mechanism of protein-protein recognition and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes are long standing goals in molecular and computational biology.


We have developed an energy based approach for identifying the binding site residues in protein–protein complexes. The binding site residues have been analyzed with sequence and structure based parameters such as binding propensity, neighboring residues in the vicinity of binding sites, conservation score and conformational switching.


We observed that the binding propensities of amino acid residues are specific for protein-protein complexes. Further, typical dipeptides and tripeptides showed high preference for binding, which is unique to protein-protein complexes. Most of the binding site residues are highly conserved among homologous sequences. Our analysis showed that 7% of residues changed their conformations upon protein-protein complex formation and it is 9.2% and 6.6% in the binding and non-binding sites, respectively. Specifically, the residues Glu, Lys, Leu and Ser changed their conformation from coil to helix/strand and from helix to coil/strand. Leu, Ser, Thr and Val prefer to change their conformation from strand to coil/helix.


The results obtained in this study will be helpful for understanding and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes.

The thermodynamic parameters of the interaction of the two anthracyclines 13-dihydrodaunomycin and marcellomycin with calf thymus DNA were examined by equilibrium binding studies. Enthalpy and entropy changes of the binding of both drugs show salt dependence profiles that cannot be rationalized by the polyelectrolyte theory. This feature is common to other anthracycline compounds. The nucleotide sequence binding preferences of daunomycin, adriamycin, 13-dihydrodaunomycin and marcellomycin have been studied by monitoring the degree of protection from cleavage by restriction endonucleases of linearized pBR322. Differential protection of pBR322 DNA against the cleavage of Bgl I and Ava II suggests that these drugs recognize changes in the sequences near the enzyme recognition site. Alterations of the electrophoretic restriction pattern of pBR322 in the presence of anthracyclines are dependent on time and on concentration. These results are discussed in relation to the existence of nucleotide sequences with different affinity for these drugs.  相似文献   

As one of the most widely used drugs worldwide, heparin is an essential anticoagulant required for surgery, dialysis, treatment of thrombosis, cancer, and general circulatory management. Stabilin-2 is a scavenger clearance receptor with high expression in the sinusoidal endothelium of liver. It is believed that Stabilin-2 is the primary receptor for the clearance of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparins in the liver. Here, we identify the modifications and length of the heparin polymer that are required for binding and endocytosis by both human Stabilin receptors: Stabilin-2 and its homolog Stabilin-1 (also found in liver endothelium). Using enzymatically synthesized (35)S-labeled heparan sulfate oligomers, we identified that sulfation of the 3-OH position of N-sulfated glucosamine (GlcNS) is the most beneficial modification for binding and endocytosis via both Stabilin receptors. In addition, our data suggest that a decasaccharide is the minimal size for binding to the Stabilin receptors. These findings define the physical parameters of the heparin structure required for efficient clearance from blood circulation. These results will also aid in the design of synthetic heparins with desired clearance rates.  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA (anti-DNA) are the serological hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and can mediate disease pathogenesis by the formation of immune complexes. Since blocking immune complex formation can attenuate disease manifestations, the effects of nucleic acid binding polymers (NABPs) on anti-DNA binding in vitro were investigated. The compounds tested included polyamidoamine dendrimer, 1,4-diaminobutane core, generation 3.0 (PAMAM-G3), hexadimethrine bromide, and a β-cylodextrin-containing polycation. As shown with plasma from patients with SLE, NABPs can inhibit anti-DNA antibody binding in ELISA assays. The inhibition was specific since the NABPs did not affect binding to tetanus toxoid or the Sm protein, another lupus autoantigen. Furthermore, the polymers could displace antibody from preformed complexes. Together, these results indicate that NABPs can inhibit the formation of immune complexes and may represent a new approach to treatment.  相似文献   

A method for detecting and quantifying the cooperativity in the simultaneous binding of two ligands, A and B, to DNA (intercooperativity; omega(AB)) is proposed. This involves the determination of an apparent affinity constant K(app) for one of the ligands (A) in the limit of its null saturation (nu(Alpha) --> 0), in the presence of the second one (B). A definition for this constant is given and an expression is derived corresponding to a simple model of competitive binding to an unbranched three-state homogeneous polar lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions (Markov chain). The ratio between the apparent and intrinsic affinity constants of one ligand in the maximum saturation limit of the other one becomes omega(2)(AB), and thus can be graphically obtained from K(app)(A) vs nu(B) plots. All the frequencies that define the sequence distribution of ligands can be easily calculated by introducing some generalized statistical weights for the free lattice monomer in a standard sequence generating function procedure. A model of fluorescence quenching emission is obtained from such frequencies under the hypothesis of a short-range electron transfer mechanism of the deactivation; it confirms, as suggested by the binding model, an outstanding influence of the intercooperativity on the distribution.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein which binds to nucleic acids has now been purified from Ustilago maydis until free from detectable deoxyribonuclease activity. It binds to a variety of substrates and in doing so, makes them soluble in dilute trichloroacetic acid. Physical studies suggest that it forms a variety of aggregates under low ionic strength, but at high ionic strength the monomer consists of a single polypeptide chain. Preliminary experiments have detected this novel binding activity in bacterial, fungal and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The primary sequences were compared among several proteins: gene product 5 protein (GP5) from phage M13; PIKE from phage Ike; gene product 32 protein (GP32) from phage T4; RecA, SSB and SSF from Escherichia coli. These proteins bind strongly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA with no sequence specificity. GP5 is the smallest in this group and its three-dimensional structure is well-characterized. Using the entire sequence of GP5 as a template we searched for the regions in other single-stranded DNA binding proteins yielding the best alignment of aromatic and basic residues. The identified domains show alignment of five aromatic and four charged residues in these proteins. The domains in PIKE, GP32 and RecA exhibit statistically significant sequence homology with GP5. These observations strongly favor the hypothesis that the protein-single-stranded DNA complex in this class of proteins is stabilized by the stacking interaction of the aromatic residues with the bases of the DNA, and by the electrostatic interaction of the basic residues with the phosphate groups of the DNA. We also find that the DNA binding domains of these proteins have similar secondary structural preferences, mainly beta structures. The triple-stranded beta-sheet may be a common motif in the DNA binding domains of these proteins.  相似文献   

Kim Y  Yang CJ  Tan W 《Nucleic acids research》2007,35(21):7279-7287
Hairpin nucleic acid probes have been highly useful in many areas, especially for intracellular and in vitro nucleic acid detection. The success of these probes can be attributed to the ease with which their conformational change upon target binding can be coupled to a variety of signal transduction mechanisms. However, false-positive signals arise from the opening of the hairpin due mainly to thermal fluctuations and stem invasions. Stem invasions occur when the stem interacts with its complementary sequence and are especially problematic in complex biological samples. To address the problem of stem invasions in hairpin probes, we have created a modified molecular beacon that incorporates unnatural enantiomeric l-DNA in the stem and natural d-DNA or 2'-O-Me-modified RNA in the loop. l-DNA has the same physical characteristics as d-DNA except that l-DNA cannot form stable duplexes with d-DNA. Here we show that incorporating l-DNA into the stem region of a molecular beacon reduces intra- and intermolecular stem invasions, increases the melting temperature, improves selectivity to its target, and leads to enhanced bio-stability. Our results suggest that l-DNA is useful for designing functional nucleic acid probes especially for biological applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of theoretical computations on the interaction energies and geometries for the binding to nucleic acids of a number of representative groove binding non intercalating drugs: netropsin, distamycin A, SN 18071, etc. The computations account for the specificity of binding in all cases and demonstrate that the formation of hydrogen bonds is not necessary neither for binding nor for the preference for the minor groove of AT sequences of B-DNA. It appears that if a relatively good steric fit can be obtained in the minor groove, the interaction will be preferentially stabilized there by the favorable electrostatic potential generated in this groove by the AT sequences. The computation of the interaction energies in free space does not reproduce, however, the order of affinities of the ligands studied and yields too great values of the binding energies. The introduction of the solvent effect, through the computation of the hydration and cavitation effects, confirms the specificity, improves the ordering and brings the values of the energies close to the experimental ones. The theoretical account of the “surprising” effect of netrospin binding to the major groove of theTψC stem of tRNAPhe confirms the decisive significance of the distribution of the molecular electrostatic potential for the selection of the binding site. The inclusion in the computations of the flexibility of DNA enables to predict correctly the main features of the macromolecular deformation upon the binding of the ligand.  相似文献   

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