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In this report we describe the use of five oligonucleotide probes, namely (GATA)4, (GACA)4, (GGAT)4, (GAA)6 and (CAC)5, to reveal highly polymorphic DNA regions in rice. With each of the oligonucleotide probes, the level of polymorphism was high enough to distinguish several rice genotypes. Moreover, individual plants of one cultivar showed the same cultivar-specific DNA fingerprint. The multilocus fingerprint patterns were somatically stable. Our study demonstrates that microsatellite-derived DNA fingerprints are ideally suited for the identification of rice genotypes. As the majority of the probes detected a high level of polymorphism, they can be very useful in monitoring and aiding gene introgression from wild rice into cultivars.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting in cattle using the probe pV47   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multilocus probe pV47 detected an average of nine bands in cattle between 23 kb and 4 kb. Band sharing was estimated for three groups of unrelated animals. The first group comprised 20 individuals of 12 different breeds, the second group 10 individuals of the Swiss Simmental population and the third group 11 individuals of the Swiss Brown Swiss population. The band sharing probabilities were 33%, 42% and 58% respectively. The DNA fingerprints of 38 offspring with a total of 277 bands revealed no bands that could not be traced to the parents.  相似文献   

M. Septak 《Luminescence》1989,4(1):351-356
Chemiluminescent acridinium ester derivatives have been synthesized and covalently attached to suitably modified synthetic DNA oligonucleotides. Attachment of acridinium ester label to primary aliphatic amine group(s) present in the synthetic DNA probe molecule is rapid and efficient. Methods have been developed for efficient separation of acridinium ester-labelled DNA from unincorporated labelling reagent and underivatized DNA. The basic hydrogen peroxide detection reaction and photon counting conditions for measurement of chemiluminescence emission from acridinium ester-labelled DNA probes have been optimized. Under optimal conditions, the observed detection limit for the labelled DNA (1:1 mole ratio) is the same as for the free acridinium ester label, which is 2 attomole sensitivity in the best case studied.  相似文献   

随着16 S rRNA序列资源的不断丰富,以及寡核苷酸微阵列基因芯片技术的不断进步,检测复杂微生物菌落中的微生物种群构成成为可能.现有的序列特异性探针设计算法缺乏足够的覆盖度、灵活性以及效率,不能满足大规模细菌检测基因芯片的设计要求.很多组特异性探针设计算法的思路多局限于针对某个目标序列组设计唯一的组特异性探针.在很多应用场合,设计单个探针检测组内所有目标序列的目标是很难达到的.因此,设计多个探针通过组合方式进行检测是很有必要的.每个探针能特异性地检测组内一部分目标序列,通过组合就能提高覆盖率.然而,在所有可能的探针组合中找到一个优化的探针组合是很耗时的.提出了一个可行的基于相对熵和遗传算法的组合探针设计算法.  相似文献   

Hybridization of DNA targets to glass-tethered oligonucleotide probes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hybridization of nucleic acids to surface-tethered oligonucleotide probes has numerous potential applications in genome mapping and DNA sequence analysis. In this article, we describe a simple standard protocol for routine preparation of terminal amine-derivatized 9-mer oligonucleotide arrays on ordinary microscope slides and hybridization conditions with DNA target strands of up to several hundred bases in length with good discrimination against mismatches. Additional linker arms separating the glass surface from the probe sequence are not necessary. The technique described here offers a powerful tool for the detection of specific genetic mutations.  相似文献   

We have evaluated 15 different micro- and minisatellite core probes for use in identity and paternity testing in cattle, based on Southern blot hybridization analysis. The core probes were tested in animals of different breeds and by analysis of seven two-generation pedigrees. Of the 15 core probes tested, seven were able to detect on average seven variant bands per individual animal. Segregation analysis showed that on average two out of 3 6 variant bands scored per core probe were genetically linked while two out of 12 variant bands correspond to the same allelic pair. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of multilocus core probes for determining identity and paternity in cattle.  相似文献   

The vast majority of perennial plants reproduce sexually and vegetatively at the same time. This may lead to important variation among clonal plant populations in their amount of genotypic diversity. In order to verify this assumption, we compare the clonal diversity of 10 natural populations of the aquatic clonal macrophyte Sparganium erectum in France. Diversity was quantified by DNA fingerprinting and allozyme electrophoresis for a sample of 10 shoots per population. Two DNA probes (CA)8 and (TAA)6 TA, were selected among 10 synthetic oligonucleotide probes containing simple repeat motifs. Both allozymes and DNA fingerprints revealed different amounts of diversity among populations. Five populations consist of a single genotype, whereas two populations were genetically highly diverse. In four of the monomorphic populations, absence of fingerprints diversity was combined with uniformly heterozygous allozyme loci, suggesting that each population was composed of a single clone. In the highly diverse populations, the level of clonal diversity combined with the allele segregation of the two allozyme loci Lap and Est suggests frequent seedling recruitment. The origin of new genotypes remains unclear but the absence of widespread genotypes together with the discrete distribution of Sparganium erectum populations implies that new genotypes are locally produced through sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

The statistical power of the technique of DNA fingerprinting relies greatly on the ability of the investigator to make an assumption that the presence or absence of different fingerprint bands are independent. Such linkage equilibrium is unlikely if bands are tightly linked to each other. Thus, when a new organism is to be investigated it is helpful to examine the segregation of parental bands into the offspring to confirm that the bands are not linked. By considering families of the tilapia Oreochrotnis niloticus , we produce statistical tests for linkage that can be applied to DNA fingerprint information. The use of these tests is more difficult and complicated if one parent is missing, but some progress can be made. We recommend that at least ten offspring are examined for segregation in families, since smaller numbers of offspring result in coincidental perfect agreements in band distributions in the absence of any linkage.  相似文献   

Bacterial plasmids with stringently regulated copy numbers have directly repeated DNA sequences, termed iterons, in the vicinity of their replication origins. These sequences bind a specific protein exerting a key role in the initiation of plasmid replication. Plasmids P1, pSC101 and RFS1010 have different iteron sequences and belong to three different incompatibility groups. Used as DNA probes each of these plasmids generates specific patterns in mammals similar to those obtained by the DNA fingerprinting technique. The iteron-containing regions were identified as the part of the plasmids responsible for those patterns by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA segments that contained the iteron regions as probes.  相似文献   

The process of granule formation in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was studied using oligonucleotide hybridization probes. Two laboratory-scale UASB reactors were inoculated with sieved primary anaerobic digester sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and operated similarly except that reactor G was fed glucose, while reactor GP was fed glucose and propionate. Size measurements of cell aggregates and quantification of different populations of methanogens with membrane hybridization targeting the small-subunit ribosomal RNA demonstrated that the increase in aggregate size was associated with an increase in the abundance of Methanosaeta concilii in both reactors. In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the major cell components of small aggregates collected during the early stages of reactor startup were M. concilii cells. These results indicate that M. concilii filaments act as nuclei for granular development. The increase in aggregate size was greater in reactor GP than in reactor G during the early stages of startup, suggesting that the presence of propionate-oxidizing syntrophic consortia assisted the formation of granules. The mature granules formed in both reactors exhibited a layered structure with M. concilii dominant in the core, syntrophic consortia adjacent to the core, and filamentous bacteria in the surface layer. The excess of filamentous bacteria caused delay of granulation, which was corrected by increasing shear through an increase of the recycling rate.  相似文献   

The quantitative measurement of steady-state mRNA levels is fundamental to the analysis of gene expression. A variety of techniques are widely used to achieve this including Northern blotting, RNase protection, and S1 nuclease protection. We describe here in detail a relatively recent extension of the S1 nuclease protection technique (1) in which radiolabeled oligonucleotides are used as probes in a solution hybrieization assay (2). The principle advantage of this technique is that it allows, in a single RNA sample, the simultaneous measurement of the relative levels of at least six mRNA species, including that of a control mRNA. Further, a large number of RNA samples can be analyzed at one time.  相似文献   

Summary DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) is the enzymatic amplification of arbitrary stretches of DNA which is directed by very short oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary sequence to generate complex but characteristic DNA fingerprints. To determine the contribution of primer sequence and length to the fingerprint pattern and the effect of primer-template mismatches, DNA was amplified from several sources using sequence-related primers. Primers of varying length, constructed by removing nucleotides from the 5 terminus, produced unique patterns only when primers were 8 nucleotides or fewer in length. Larger primers produced either identical or related fingerprints, depending on the sequence. Single base changes within this first 8-nucleotide region of the primer significantly altered the spectrum of amplification products, especially at the 3 terminus. Increasing annealing temperatures from 15° to 70° C during amplification did not shift the boundary of the 8-nucleotide region, but reduced the amplification ability of shorter primers. Our observations define a 3-terminal oligonucleotide domain that is at least 8 bases in length and largely conditions amplification, but that is modulated by sequences beyond it. Our results indicate that only a fraction of template annealing sites are efficiently amplified during DAF. A model is proposed in which a single primer preferentially amplifies certain products due to competition for annealing sites between primer and terminal hairpin loop structures of the template.  相似文献   

 Four minisatellite core sequences were used as primers in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, known as the directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD), to detect polymorphisms in three pairs of hexaploid/tetraploid wheat cultivars. In each pair, the tetraploid cultivar (genomic formula AABB) was extracted from its corresponding hexaploid (genomic formula AABBDD) parent. Reproducible profiles of the amplified products revealed characteristic bands that were present only in the hexaploid wheats but not in their extracted tetraploids. Some polymorphisms were observed among the hexaploid cultivars. Twenty-three DAMD-PCR amplified fragments were isolated and screened as molecular probes on the genomic DNA of wild wheat species, hexaploid wheat and triticale cultivars. Subsequently, 8 of the fragments were cloned and sequenced. The DAMD-PCR clones revealed various degrees of polymorphism among different wild and cultivated wheats. Two clones yielded individual-specific DNA fingerprinting patterns which could be used for species differentiation and cultivar identification. The results demonstrated the use of DAMD-PCR as a tool for the isolation of informative molecular probes for DNA fingerprinting in wheat cultivars and species. Received: 13 May 1996/Accepted: 11 October 1996  相似文献   

The ability of oligonucleotide probes containing short repetitive sequence motifs to differentiate between isolates of Helicobacter pylori was investigated. Genomic DNA preparations from H. pylori were digested with the restriction enzyme Hind III, electrophoresed in agarose gels and transferred to nylon filters. Five separate oligonucleotide probes were tested for hybridization sequentially to fingerprint the digested DNA from a panel of 29 clinical isolates and one type strain of H. pylori , and their relative discriminatory abilities were assessed. Four probes, (GACA)4, (GT)8, (GTG)5 and (GGAT)4, were each shown to yield highly informative hybridization band profiles allowing differentiation of H. pylori isolates. The DNA fingerprints of individual isolates obtained with each probe were distinct and reproducible. Direct comparison with ribotyping revealed that oligonucleotide fingerprinting had far superior discriminatory power. Computer-assisted similarity analysis of (GGAT)4-generated hybridization profiles of pairwise combinations of H. pylori isolates revealed that there was no correlation between ribotype and oligonucleotide fingerprint patterns. The results of this study demonstrate that oligonucleotide probes containing microsatellite sequences provide a new and powerful tool for isolate discrimination of H. pylori .  相似文献   

Ecological studies on the actinomyceteFrankia are often influenced by the difficulty to isolate and identify this microorganism. The application of molecular biological techniques offers possibilities to detect microbes without isolation and cultivation.Nif genes or whole plasmids can serve as targets for the design of specific probes. Alternatively, ribosomal RNA (rRNA), commonly used in modern phylogenetic studies, can be used as a target molecule in ecological studies. This paper gives an overview of new developments on the use of 16S rRNA as a target molecule for oligonucleotide probes. Group-specific sequences in the 16S rRNA ofFrankia can be used as targets for oligonucleotide probes that a) recognize ineffectiveFrankia strains onAlnus, b) recognize effective strains onAlnus, c) recognize allFrankia strains tested so far. The present paper summarizes the essential steps needed for the use of these probes for the detection ofFrankia strains in soil without isolation and cultivation.  相似文献   

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