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We previously identified the origin of replication of p703/5, a small cryptic plasmid from the KBL703 strain of Enterococcus faecalis. The origin of replication contains putative regulatory cis-elements required for replication and a replication initiator (RepA) gene. The replicon of p703/5 is similar in its structural organization to theta-type plasmids, and RepA is homologous to a family of Rep proteins identified in several plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria. Here, we report molecular interactions between RepA and the replication origin of p703/5. DNase I footprinting using recombinant RepA together with electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed the binding of RepA to the replication origin of p703/5 via iterons and an inverted repeat. We also demonstrated the formation of RepA dimers and the different binding of RepA to the iteron and the inverted repeat using gel filtration chromatographic analysis, a chemical crosslinking assay, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride. Our results suggest that RepA plays a regulatory role in the replication of the enterococcal plasmid p703/5 via mechanisms similar to those of typical iteron-carrying theta-type plasmids.  相似文献   

Discerning the interactions between initiator protein and the origin of replication should provide insights into the mechanism of DNA replication initiation. In the gamma origin of plasmid R6K, the Rep protein, pi, is distinctive in that it can bind the seven 22-bp iterons in two forms; pi monomers activate replication, whereas pi dimers act as inhibitors. In this work, we used wild type and variants of the pi protein with altered monomer/dimer ratios to study iteron/pi interactions. High resolution contact mapping was conducted using multiple techniques (missing base contact probing, methylation protection, base modification, and hydroxyl radical footprinting), and the electrophoretic separation of nucleoprotein complexes allowed us to discriminate between contact patterns produced by pi monomers and dimers. We also isolated iteron mutants that affected the binding of pi monomers (only) or both monomers and dimers. The mutational studies and footprinting analyses revealed that, when binding DNA, pi monomers interact with nucleotides spanning the entire length of the iteron. In contrast, pi dimers interact with only the left half of the iteron; however, the retained interactions are strikingly similar to those seen with monomers. These results support a model in which Rep protein dimerization disturbs one of two DNA binding domains important for monomer/iteron interaction; the dimer/iteron interaction utilizes only one DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

RepA is the DNA replication initiator protein of the Pseudomonas plasmid pPS10. RepA has a dual function: as a dimer, it binds to an inversely-repeated sequence acting as a repressor of its own synthesis; as a monomer, RepA binds to four directly-repeated sequences to constitute a specialized nucleoprotein complex responsible for the initiation of DNA replication. We have previously shown that a Leucine Zipper-like motif (LZ) at the N-terminus of RepA is responsible for protein dimerization. In this paper we characterize the existence in RepA of two protein globular domains C-terminal to the LZ. We propose that dissociation of RepA dimers into monomers results in a conformational change from a compact arrangement of both domains, competent for binding to the operator, to an extended species that is suited for iteron binding. This model establishes the structural basis for the activation of DNA replication initiators in plasmids from Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

The minimal P1 replicon encompasses an open reading frame for the essential replication protein, RepA, bracketed by two sets of multiple 19-base pair repeated sequences, incA and incC. This study focused on the interaction of RepA with the incC and incA repeated sequences because earlier studies suggested that incA might control P1 copy number by titrating limiting amounts of RepA and because the incC repeats, which are part of the origin of replication, contain the promoter for repA. RepA is essential for origin function, autoregulates its own synthesis from the promoter, and, when overproduced, blocks origin function. In this study, RepA was overproduced from an expression vector and purified to 90% homogeneity. The binding of RepA to the DNA encompassing repeat sequences was assayed by monitoring the mobility of protein-DNA complexes on polyacrylamide gels. Distinct species of retarded bands were seen with the maximum number of bands corresponding to the number of repeats present in the target fragment. No evidence was found for RepA binding to fragments not containing the repeats. This suggests that the specific binding of RepA to the repeats may be involved in each of the diverse activities of RepA.  相似文献   

Role of the RepA1 protein in RepFIC plasmid replication.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
R Maas  C Wang 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(7):2163-2168

The basic replicon of plasmid pCU1 contains three different replication origins. Replication initiated from the oriB origin requires pCU1-encoded protein RepA. Previously, information analysis of 19 natural RepA binding sequences predicted a 20-bp sequence as a RepA binding site. Guanines contacting RepA in the major groove of DNA have also been determined. In this study, we used the missing-nucleoside method to determine all of the bases relevant to RepA binding. The importance of some thymine bases was also confirmed by a missing-thymine site interference assay. Participation of the 5-methyl groups of two thymines (at positions -6 and 7) in RepA binding was pointed out by a missing-thymine methyl site interference assay. Phosphate groups of the DNA backbone which strongly interfered with RepA binding upon ethylation were also identified. The pattern of contacting positions mapped by hydroxyl radical protection footprinting indicates that RepA binds to one face of B-form DNA. The length of the binding site was found to be 20 bp by dissociation rate measurement of complexes formed between RepA and a variety of binding sequences. The symmetry of the binding site and that of the contacting bases, particularly the reacting 5-methyl groups of two thymines, suggest that pCU1-encoded RepA may contact its site as a homodimer.  相似文献   

The minimal replicon from IncP-9 plasmid pM3, consisting of oriV and rep, is able to replicate in Pseudomonas putida but not in Escherichia coli, unless production of Rep protein is increased. The Rep protein, at 20kDa, is the smallest replication protein so far identified for a theta replicating plasmid. Rep was purified and shown to bind in three blocks across the oriV region that do not correlate with a single unique binding sequence. The block closest to rep is not necessary for oriV function. Rep forms at least two types of complex--one rendering the DNA entirely resistant to cleavage, the other occupying one side of the helix. No short segment of oriV showed the same affinity for Rep as the whole of oriV. The oriV region did not bind purified DnaA from E. coli, P. putida or P. aeruginosa but when Rep was present also, super-shifts were found with DnaA in a sequence-specific manner. Scrambling of the primary candidate DnaA box did not inactivate oriV but did increase the level of Rep required to activate oriV. The general pattern of Rep-DNA recognition sequences in oriV indicates that the IncP-9 system falls outside of the paradigms of model plasmids that have been well-studied to date.  相似文献   

The sequence motifs present in the replication initiator protein (Rep) of geminiviruses have been compared with those present in all known rolling circle replication initiators. The predicted secondary structures of Rep representing each group of organisms have been compared and found to be conserved. Regions of recombination in the Rep gene and the adjoining 5′ intergenic region (IR) of representative species of Geminiviridae have been identified using Recombination Detection Programs. The possible implications of such recombinations on the increasing host range of geminivirus infections are discussed.  相似文献   

The yeast two-hybrid assay revealed that Bacillus subtilis DnaD, a possible component of the primosome and required for replication initiation, interacted with DnaA and DnaD itself. The mutant DnaD23 was incapable of interacting with DnaA but retained interaction with the wild-type DnaD. These results suggest that interaction between DnaD and DnaA is important for replication initiation.  相似文献   


Cryptic plasmid pHM1519 is a rolling-circular replication mode plasmid of the pCG1 plasmid family in coryneform bacteria. The derived shuttle vector pPK4 is maintained at about 40–50 copies per chromosome in Corynebacterium glutamicum 2256 (ATCC 13869). We found that a mutation (designated copA1) within the repA gene encoding essential initiator protein RepA of the pHM1519-replicon increased the copy number of the mutant plasmid to about 800 copies per chromosome. The mutation was a single G to A base transition, which changed Gly to Glu at position 429 of the amino acid sequence of RepA. In silico secondary structure prediction of RepA suggested that Gly429 is situated in a disordered region in a helix-turn-helix motif, which is a typical DNA-binding domain. This study shows the first example of a high copy number of a C. glutamicum cryptic plasmid caused by an altered replication initiator protein.  相似文献   

Zoueva OP  Iyer VN  Matula TI  Kozlowski M 《Plasmid》2003,49(2):152-159
The broad-host-range replicon of the plasmid pCU1 has three origins of vegetative replication called oriB, oriS, and oriV. In the multi-origin replicon, individual origins can distinguish among replication factors provided by the host. It has been found that during replication in Escherichia coli polA(-) host, oriS was the only active origin of a mutant pCU1 derivative bearing a mutation in the gene encoding replication initiation protein RepA. To further investigate the capacity of oriS to function in an E. coli polA(-) host we constructed a number of clones of the basic replicon of pCU1 containing oriS as the only replication origin. An oriS construct created with pUC18 could transform the polA(-) strain when RepA was supplied in trans. When the oriS region (between nucleotides 290 and 832) was ligated to an antibiotic resistance Omega fragment, the construct could be recovered as a plasmid from polA(+) strain if functional RepA was provided in trans. Our results therefore indicate that the basic replicon of pCU1, containing oriS as the sole origin, does require RepA to initiate plasmid replication in E. coli  相似文献   

The secondary structure of DnaA protein and its interaction with DNA and ribonucleotides has been predicted using biochemical, biophysical techniques, and prediction methods based on multiple-sequence alignment and neural networks. The core of all proteins from the DnaA family consists of an “open twisted α/β structure,” containing five α-helices alternating with five β-strands. In our proposed structural model the interior of the core is formed by a parallel β-sheet, whereas the α-helices are arranged on the surface of the core. The ATP-binding motif is located within the core, in a loop region following the first β-strand. The N-terminal domain (80 aa) is composed of two α-helices, the first of which contains a potential leucine zipper motif for mediating protein-protein interaction, followed by a β-strand and an additional α-helix. The N-terminal domain and the α/β core region of DnaA are connected by a variable loop (45–70 aa); major parts of the loop region can be deleted without loss of protein activity. The C-terminal DNA-binding domain (94 aa) is mostly α-helical and contains a potential helix-loop-helix motif. DnaA protein does not dimerize in solution; instead, the two longest C-terminal α-helices could interact with each other, forming an internal “coiled coil” and exposing highly basic residues of a small loop region on the surface, probably responsible for DNA backbone contacts. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Rolling circle type DNA replication is initiated by introduction of a nick in the leading strand of the origin by the initiator protein, which in most cases binds covalently to the 5' end of the nick. In filamentous phage, however, such a covalent complex has not been detected. Using a suitable substrate and short reaction time, we show that filamentous phage initiator gpII forms a covalent complex with nicked DNA, which rapidly dissociates unless gpII is inactivated. A peptide-DNA complex was isolated from trypsin digest of the complex by ion-exchange column chromatography and gel filtration, and its peptide sequence was determined. The result indicated that gpII was linked to DNA by the tyrosine residue at position 197 from the N-terminus. The mutant protein in which this tyrosine was replaced by phenylalanine did not show any detectable activity to complement gene II amber mutant phage in vivo. In vitro, the mutant protein recognized the origin and bent DNA as well as the wild-type does, but failed to introduce a nick and to relax the superhelicity of cognate DNA.  相似文献   

The plasmid pGT5 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi replicates via the rolling circle mechanism. pGT5 encodes the replication initiator protein Rep75 that exhibits a nicking–closing (NC) activity in vitro on single-stranded oligonucleotides containing the pGT5 double-stranded origin (dso) sequence. Some mesophilic Rep proteins present site-specific DNA topoisomerase-like activity on a negatively supercoiled plasmid harbouring the dso. We report here that Rep75 also exhibits topoisomerase activity on a negatively supercoiled DNA substrate. This DNA topoisomerase-like activity is dependent on the amino acids involved in NC activity of Rep75. However, in contrast with mesophilic Rep proteins, Rep75 topoisomerase activity is not dso dependent. Moreover, although pGT5 is known to be relaxed in vivo, Rep75 was not able to act on a relaxed plasmid in vitro, whether or not it contained the dso.  相似文献   

RepA, a plasmid-encoded gene product required for pSC101 replication in Escherichia coli, is shown here to inhibit the replication of pSC101 in vivo when overproduced 4- to 20-fold in trans. Unlike plasmids whose replication is prevented by mutations in the repA gene, plasmids prevented from replicating by overproduction of the RepA protein were lost rapidly from the cell population instead of being partitioned evenly between daughter cells. Removal of the partition (par) locus increased the inhibitory effect of excess RepA on replication, while host and plasmid mutations that compensate for the absence of par, or overproduction of the E. coli DnaA protein, diminished it. A repA mutation (repA46) that elevates pSC101 copy number almost entirely eliminated the inhibitory effect of RepA at high concentration and stimulated replication when the protein was moderately overproduced. As the RepA protein can exist in both monomer and dimer forms, we suggest that overproduction promotes RepA dimerization, reducing the formation of replication initiation complexes that require the RepA monomer and DnaA; we propose that the repA46 mutation alters the ability of the mutant protein to dimerize. Our discovery that an elevated intracellular concentration of RepA specifically impedes plasmid partitioning implies that the RepA-containing complexes initiating pSC101 DNA replication participate also in the distribution of plasmids at cell division.  相似文献   

The structures of operator DNA unbound and in complex with lambda repressor protein are compared. The conformation of the left 10 base pairs of a lambda right regulatory operator DNA sequence has been previously determined in solution using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and the structure of a homologous left regulatory operator DNA bound to lambda repressor N-terminal domain had been previously solved using X-ray crystallography. The DNA adopts an overall linear B-form DNA both in the absence and presence of lambda repressor. Superimpositioning of the DNA structures reveals small differences between them that are due to the binding of protein and not to the different techniques used for their determination.  相似文献   

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