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Hereditary pancreatitis (HP), an autosomal dominant disorder, has been associated with mutations in the cationic trypsinogen gene. Here we demonstrate that the two most frequent HP mutations, Arg117 --> His and Asn21 --> Ile, significantly enhance autoactivation of human cationic trypsinogen in vitro, in a manner that correlates with the severity of clinical symptoms in HP. In addition, mutation Arg117 --> His inhibits autocatalytic inactivation of trypsin, while mutation Asn21 --> Ile has no such effect. The findings strongly argue that increased trypsinogen activation in the pancreas is the common initiating step in both forms of HP, whereas trypsin stabilization might also contribute to HP associated with the Arg117 --> His mutation.  相似文献   

Enteropeptidase is a membrane-bound serine protease that initiates the activation of pancreatic hydrolases by cleaving and activating trypsinogen. The enzyme is remarkably specific and cleaves after lysine residues of peptidyl substrates that resemble trypsinogen activation peptides such as Val-(Asp)4-Lys. To characterize the determinants of substrate specificity, we solved the crystal structure of the bovine enteropeptidase catalytic domain to 2.3 A resolution in complex with the inhibitor Val-(Asp)4-Lys-chloromethane. The catalytic mechanism and contacts with lysine at substrate position P1 are conserved with other trypsin-like serine proteases. However, the aspartyl residues at positions P2-P4 of the inhibitor interact with the enzyme surface mainly through salt bridges with the Nzeta atom of Lys99. Mutation of Lys99 to Ala, or acetylation with acetic anhydride, specifically prevented the cleavage of trypsinogen or Gly-(Asp)4-Lys-beta-naphthylamide and reduced the rate of inhibition by Val-(Asp)4-Lys-chloromethane 22 to 90-fold. For these reactions, Lys99 was calculated to account for 1.8 to 2.5 kcal mol(-1) of the free energy of transition state binding. Thus, a unique basic exosite on the enteropeptidase surface has evolved to facilitate the cleavage of its physiological substrate, trypsinogen.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is secreted as a disulfide-bonded FN dimer. Each subunit contains three types of repeating modules: FN-I, FN-II, and FN-III. The interactions of alpha5beta1 or alphav integrins with the RGD motif of FN-III repeat 10 (FN-III10) are considered an essential step in the assembly of FN fibrils. To test this hypothesis in vivo, we replaced the RGD motif with the inactive RGE in mice. FN-RGE homozygous embryos die at embryonic day 10 with shortened posterior trunk, absent tail bud-derived somites, and severe vascular defects resembling the phenotype of alpha5 integrin-deficient mice. Surprisingly, the absence of a functional RGD motif in FN did not compromise assembly of an FN matrix in mutant embryos or on mutant cells. Matrix assembly assays and solid-phase binding assays reveal that alphavbeta3 integrin assembles FN-RGE by binding an isoDGR motif in FN-I5, which is generated by the nonenzymatic rearrangement of asparagines (N) into an iso-aspartate (iso-D). Our findings demonstrate that FN contains a novel motif for integrin binding and fibril formation whose activity is controlled by amino acid modification.  相似文献   



Clathrin is a multimeric protein involved in vesicle coat assembly. Recently clathrin distribution was reported to change during the cell cycle and was found to associate with the mitotic spindle. Here we test whether the recruitment of clathrin to the spindle is indicative of a critical functional contribution to mitosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Previously a chicken pre-B lymphoma cell line (DKO-R) was developed in which the endogenous clathrin heavy chain alleles were replaced with the human clathrin heavy chain under the control of a tetracycline-regulatable promoter. Receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis were significantly inhibited in this line following clathrin knockout, and we used this to explore the significance of clathrin heavy chain expression for cell cycle progression. We confirmed using confocal microscopy that clathrin colocalised with tubulin at mitotic spindles. Using a propidium iodide flow cytometric assay we found no statistical difference in the cell cycle distribution of the knockout cells versus the wild-type. Additionally, we showed that the ploidy and the recovery kinetics following cell cycle arrest with nocodazole were unchanged by repressing clathrin heavy chain expression.


We conclude that the association of clathrin with the mitotic spindle and the contribution of clathrin to endocytosis are evolutionarily conserved. However we find that the contribution of clathrin to mitosis is less robust and dependent on cellular context. In other cell-lines silencing RNA has been used by others to knockdown clathrin expression resulting in an increase in the mitotic index of the cells. We show an effect on the G2/M phase population of clathrin knockdown in HEK293 cells but show that repressing clathrin expression in the DKO-R cell-line has no effect on the size of this population. Consequently this work highlights the need for a more detailed molecular understanding of the recruitment and function of clathrin at the spindle, since the localisation but not the impact of clathrin on mitosis appears to be robust in plants, mammalian and chicken B-cells.  相似文献   

An RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) motif in coxsackievirus A9 has been implicated in internalization through an interaction with the integrin alpha v beta 3. We have produced a number of virus mutants, lacking the motif, which have a small-plaque phenotype in LLC-Mk2 and A-Vero cells and are phenotypically normal in RD cells. Substitution of flanking amino acids also affected plaque size. The results suggest that interaction between the RGD motif and alpha v beta 3 is not critical for virus viability in the cell lines tested and therefore that alternative regions of the CAV-9 capsid are involved in internalization.  相似文献   

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenesae-1 (IDO-1) catalyses the initial, rate-limiting step in tryptophan metabolism, thereby regulating tryptophan availability and the formation of downstream metabolites, including picolinic and quinolinic acid. We found that Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection induced marked upregulation of IDO-1 expression in both human and murine macrophages in vitro and in the lungs of mice following aerosol challenge with M. tuberculosis. The absence of IDO-1 in dendritic cells enhanced the activation of mycobacteria-specific T cells in vitro. Interestingly, IDO-1-deficiency during M. tuberculosis infection in mice was not associated with altered mycobacteria-specific T cell responses in vivo. The bacterial burden of infected organs, pulmonary inflammatory responses, and survival were also comparable in M. tuberculosis-infected IDO-1 deficient and wild type animals. Tryptophan is metabolised into either picolinic acid or quinolinic acid, but only picolinic acid inhibited the growth of M. tuberculosis in vitro. By contrast macrophages infected with pathogenic mycobacteria, produced quinolinic, rather than picolinic acid, which did not reduce M. tuberculosis growth in vitro. Therefore, although M. tuberculosis induces robust expression of IDO-1 and activation of tryptophan metabolism, IDO-1-deficiency fails to impact on the immune control and the outcome of the infection in the mouse model of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The HNH motif was originally identified in the subfamily of HNH homing endonucleases, which initiate the process of the insertion of mobile genetic elements into specific sites. Several bacteria toxins, including colicin E7 (ColE7), also contain the 30 amino acid HNH motif in their nuclease domains. In this work, we found that the nuclease domain of ColE7 (nuclease-ColE7) purified from Escherichia coli contains a one-to-one stoichiometry of zinc ion and that this zinc-containing enzyme hydrolyzes DNA without externally added divalent metal ions. The apo-enzyme, in which the indigenous zinc ion was removed from nuclease-ColE7, had no DNase activity. Several divalent metal ions, including Ni2+, Mg2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, re-activated the DNase activity of the apo-enzyme to various degrees, however higher concentrations of zinc ion inhibited this DNase activity. Two charged residues located at positions close to the zinc-binding site were mutated to alanine. The single-site mutants, R538A and E542A, showed reduced DNase activity, whereas the double-point mutant, R538A + E542A, had no observable DNase activity. A gel retardation assay further demonstrated that the nuclease-ColE7 hydrolyzed DNA in the presence of zinc ions, but only bound to DNA in the absence of zinc ions. These results demonstrate that the zinc ion in the HNH motif of nuclease-ColE7 is not required for DNA binding, but is essential for DNA hydrolysis, suggesting that the zinc ion not only stabilizes the folding of the enzyme, but is also likely to be involved in DNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Mutations in human cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) cause autosomal dominant hereditary pancreatitis. Increased intrapancreatic autoactivation of trypsinogen mutants has been hypothesized to initiate the disease. Autoactivation of cationic trypsinogen is proteolytically regulated by chymotrypsin C (CTRC), which mitigates the development of trypsin activity by promoting degradation of both trypsinogen and trypsin. Paradoxically, CTRC also increases the rate of autoactivation by processing the trypsinogen activation peptide to a shorter form. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CTRC on the autoactivation of clinically relevant trypsinogen mutants. We found that in the presence of CTRC, trypsinogen mutants associated with classic hereditary pancreatitis (N29I, N29T, V39A, R122C, and R122H) autoactivated at increased rates and reached markedly higher active trypsin levels compared with wild-type cationic trypsinogen. The A16V mutant, known for its variable disease penetrance, exhibited a smaller increase in autoactivation. The mechanistic basis of increased activation was mutation-specific and involved resistance to degradation (N29I, N29T, V39A, R122C, and R122H) and/or increased N-terminal processing by CTRC (A16V and N29I). These observations indicate that hereditary pancreatitis is caused by CTRC-dependent dysregulation of cationic trypsinogen autoactivation, which results in elevated trypsin levels in the pancreas.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1) actively transports a broad range of cytotoxic compounds out of the cell. The COOH terminus of P-gp contains a dileucine motif (Leu(1260)-Leu(1261)) and a conserved phenylalanine (Phe(1268)). Similar residues in SUR1 (ABCC8) were reported to be important plasma membrane-targeting signals (Sharma, N., Crane, A., Clement, J. P. t., Gonzalez, G., Babenko, A. P., Bryan, J., and Aguilar-Bryan, L. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 20628-20632). Here, we used alanine-scanning mutagenesis to test whether these residues were essential for trafficking of P-gp to the cell surface. Mutant L1260A expressed a 150-kDa immature protein that did not reach the cell surface and was sensitive to digestion by Endo H(f). By contrast, mutants L1261A, F1268A, and wild-type P-gps expressed the 170-kDa mature proteins at the cell surface. Mutation of Leu(1260) to Gly, Ile, Trp, Lys, or Glu also resulted in the expression of the 150-kDa immature protein. All of the mutants, however, expressed the 170-kDa protein in the presence of the drug substrate/specific chemical chaperone cyclosporin A. Mutant L1260A P-gp exhibited drug-stimulated ATPase activities similar to that of wild-type enzyme after rescue with cyclosporin A. Deletion of the last 22 amino acids (Q(1259)-Q(1280)) also caused misprocessing. The mutant, however, was rescued by expression in the presence of cyclosporin A and conferred resistance to colchicine in transfected cells. These results show that the dileucine motif is not a plasma membrane targeting signal. The COOH terminus is required for proper folding of P-gp but not for activity.  相似文献   

Bak but not Bax is essential for Bcl-xS-induced apoptosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bcl-x(S), a proapoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family, is localized in the mitochondria and induces apoptosis in a caspase- and BH3-dependent manner by a mechanism involving cytochrome c release. The way in which Bcl-x(S) induces caspase activation and cytochrome c release, as well as the relationship between Bcl-x(S) and other proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, is not known. Here we used embryonic fibroblasts derived from mice deficient in the multidomain proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family (Bax and Bak) and the apoptotic components of the apoptosome (Apaf-1 and caspase-9) to unravel the cascade of events by which Bcl-x(S) promotes apoptosis. Our results show that Bak but not Bax is essential for Bcl-x(S)-induced apoptosis. Bcl-x(S) induced activation of Bak, which in turn promoted apoptosis by apoptosome-dependent and -independent pathways. These findings provide the first evidence that a proapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein induces apoptosis exclusively via Bak.  相似文献   

Meichroacidin (MCA) is a highly hydrophilic protein that contains the membrane occupation and recognition nexus motif. MCA is expressed during the stages of spermatogenesis from pachytene spermatocytes to mature sperm development and is localized in the male meiotic metaphase chromosome and sperm flagellum. MCA sequences are highly conserved in Ciona intestinalis, Cyprinus carpio, and mammals. To investigate the physiological role of MCA, we generated MCA-disrupted mutant mice; homozygous MCA mutant males were infertile, but females were not. Sperm was rarely observed in the caput epididymidis of MCA mutant males. However, little to no difference was seen in testis mass between wild-type and mutant mice. During sperm morphogenesis, elongated spermatids had retarded flagellum formation and might increase phagocytosis by Sertoli cells. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that MCA interacts with proteins located on the outer dense fibers of the flagellum. The testicular sperm of MCA mutant mice was capable of fertilizing eggs successfully via intracytoplasmic sperm injection and generated healthy progeny. Our results suggest that MCA is essential for sperm flagellum formation and the production of functional sperm.  相似文献   

The C-terminal region of interleukin-5 has previously been suggested to be important for biological activity [Mackenzieet al., (1991),Mol. Immunol. 28, 155–158; Kodamaet al. (1991),Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 178, 514–519]. We have investigated this region by making a series of truncation mutants. The proteins were expressed inEscherichia coli, purified from inclusion bodies, and were able to refold with the disulfide homodimeric topology typical of interleukin-5. Analysis of the truncated carboxy-terminal proteins in an interleukin-5-dependent proliferation assay on TF-1 cells showed a rapid loss of activity as the C-terminal was shortened by more than two amino acids. This loss of biological activity correlated with a drop in binding affinity to both the chain of the receptor and the high-affinity complex consisting of the and subunits. Analysis of the proteins by1H-NMR showed that the truncated mutants have higher exchange rates with solvent, indicating a less rigid structure. The carboxy-terminal region is therefore necessary to maintain the stability of the four-helix bundle and to orient correctly the important residues of the fourth helix. Inspection of the structure determined by X-ray crystallography shows that Trp-110 acts as the major residue in anchoring the fourth helix.  相似文献   

We tested the importance of the aspartate-any residue-aspartate (DXD) motif for the enzymatic activity and nucleotide binding capacity of the Golgi glycosyltransferase GM2 synthase. We prepared point mutations of the motif, which is found in the sequence 352-VLWVDDDFV, and analyzed cells that stably expressed the mutated proteins. Whereas the folding of the mutated proteins was not seriously disrupted as judged by assembly into homodimers, Golgi localization, and secretion of a soluble form of the enzyme, exchange of the highly conserved aspartic acid residues at position 356 or 358 with alanine or asparagine reduced enzyme activity to background levels. In contrast, the D356E and D357N mutations retained weak activity, while the activity of V352A and W354A mutants was 167% and 24% that of wild-type enzyme, respectively. Despite the major effect of the DXD motif on enzymatic activity, nucleotide binding was not altered in the triple mutant D356N/D357N/D358N as revealed by binding to UDP-beads and labeling with the photoaffinity reagent, P(3)-(4-azidoanilido)uridine 5'-triphosphate (AAUTP). In summary, rather than being critical for nucleotide binding, this motif may function during catalysis in GM2 synthase, as has been proposed elsewhere for the SpsA glycosyltransferase based on its crystal structure.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis and biological evaluation of three analogues of the natural product (+)-grandifloracin (+)-1. All three analogues exhibit enhanced antiproliferative activity against PANC-1 and HT-29 cells compared to the natural product. The retention of activity in an analogue lacking the enone functional group, 9, implies this structural element is not an essential part of the (+)-grandifloracin pharmacophore.  相似文献   

PKB/Akt, S6K1 and SGK are related protein kinases activated in a PI 3-kinase-dependent manner in response to insulin/growth factors signalling. Activation entails phosphorylation of these kinases at two residues, the T-loop and the hydrophobic motif. PDK1 activates S6K, SGK and PKB isoforms by phosphorylating these kinases at their T-loop. We demonstrate that a pocket in the kinase domain of PDK1, termed the 'PIF-binding pocket', plays a key role in mediating the interaction and phosphorylation of S6K1 and SGK1 at their T-loop motif by PDK1. Our data indicate that prior phosphorylation of S6K1 and SGK1 at their hydrophobic motif promotes their interaction with the PIF-binding pocket of PDK1 and their T-loop phosphorylation. Thus, the hydrophobic motif phosphorylation of S6K and SGK converts them into substrates that can be activated by PDK1. In contrast, the PIF-binding pocket of PDK1 is not required for the phosphorylation of PKBalpha by PDK1. The PIF-binding pocket represents a substrate recognition site on a protein kinase that is only required for the phosphorylation of a subset of its physiological substrates.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptors are expressed on proliferating cells and are required for their growth. Transferrin receptors can be detected after, but not before, mitogenic stimulation of normal peripheral blood T and B cells. In the experiments reported here we have examined the regulation of transferrin receptor expression on activated human B cells and whether or not these receptors are necessary for activation to occur. Activation was assessed by studying both proliferation and immunoglobulin secretion. We have determined that transferrin receptor expression on B cells is regulated by a factor contained in supernatants of mitogen-stimulated T cells (probably B-cell growth factor). This expression is required for proliferation to occur, since antibody to transferrin receptor (42/6) blocks B-cell proliferation. Induction of immunoglobulin secretion, however, although dependent on PHA-treated T-cell supernatant, is not dependent on transferrin receptor expression and can occur in mitogen-stimulated cells whose proliferation has been blocked by antitransferrin receptor antibody. In addition, we have demonstrated that IgM messenger RNA induction following mitogen stimulation is unaffected by antitransferrin receptor antibody. These findings support a model for B-cell activation in which mitogen (or antigen) delivers two concurrent but distinct signals to B cells: one, dependent on B-cell growth factor and transferrin receptor expression, for proliferation, and a second, dependent on T cell-derived factors and not requiring transferrin receptors, which leads to immunoglobulin secretion.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI) is the sole activator in vivo of several granule-associated serine proteases of cytotoxic lymphocytes. In vitro, DPPI also activates mast cell chymases and tryptases. To determine whether DPPI is essential for their activation in vivo, we used enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical approaches and solution-based activity assays to study these enzymes in tissues and bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs) from DPPI +/+ and DPPI -/- mice. We find that DPPI -/- mast cells contain normal amounts of immunoreactive chymases but no chymase activity, indicating that DPPI is essential for chymase activation and suggesting that DPPI -/- mice are functional chymase knockouts. The absence of DPPI and chymase activity does not affect the growth, granularity, or staining characteristics of BMMCs and, despite prior predictions, does not alter IgE-mediated exocytosis of histamine. In contrast, the level of active tryptase (mMCP-6) in DPPI -/- BMMCs is 25% that of DPPI +/- BMMCs. These findings indicate that DPPI is not essential for mMCP-6 activation but does influence the total amount of active mMCP-6 in mast cells and therefore may be an important, but not exclusive mechanism for tryptase activation.  相似文献   

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