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Seagrass transplants (plant units [PUs]) were established to examine the feasibility of seagrass rehabilitation in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia. Five hundred and twenty plant units (plugs and sprigs) of Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge et Kuo were placed at seven locations at depths of 3, 5, and 9 m and monitored to determine the influence of transplant method, location, and depth upon survival and growth over 2 years. Depending on the site, more plugs had survived at the completion of the trial (mean survival 41%) than sprigs (mean survival 15%). Plug and sprig survival differed significantly with transplant depth, decreasing overall with increasing depth. Forty‐five percent of surviving plugs and 50% of sprigs exhibited horizontal rhizome extension. Mean rhizome extension after 2 years was 9.5 cm/plug (1–23 cm) and 18.3 cm/sprig (0.5–31 cm). Declines in PU survival and variable growth correlate with site‐specific variability in light climate. Plug transplantation was deemed the most suitable method for further manual seagrass rehabilitation, exhibiting higher survival across all sites and conditions; however, they are costly to deploy. Sprig PUs have greatest potential in shallow water with fine sands, moderate water movement, and maximum light availability. The low cost of deploying sprigs may outweigh their lower survival compared to plugs; further efforts should be directed to enhancing survival of sprig PUs under a wider range of conditions. Suitable locations for future rehabilitation efforts in Cockburn Sound were the Eastern and Western Banks and shallow areas off Woodman Point and Mangles Bay.  相似文献   

A 1.2 km2 meadow of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog was found at Pto. Aldea, Bahia Tongoy, 60 km south of Coquimbo, 30°S on the coast of Chile. This provides documented evidence of seagrass occurrence on the west coast of South America. Since H. tasmanica is widespread throughout southern Australia, the Chilean stock represents a highly disjunct population. It appears from several growth parameters (density, leaf biomass, leaf area index, specific leaf area, δ 13C) that the H. tasmanica meadow at Pto. Aldea is very similar to those found in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

A key issue in habitat restoration are the changes in ecological processes that occur when fragments of habitat are lost, resulting in the persistence of habitat-degraded margins. Margins often create or enhance opportunities for negative plant-herbivore interactions, preventing natural or assisted re-establishment of native vegetation into the degraded area. However, at some distance from the habitat margin these negative interactions may relax. Here, we posit that the intensity of species interactions in a fragmented Posidonia australis seagrass meadow may be spatially dependent on proximity to the seagrass habitat edge, whereby the risk of grazing is high and the probability of survival of seagrass transplants is low. To test this, transplants were planted 2 m within the meadow, on the meadow edge at 0m, and at 2m, 10m, 30m, 50m and 100m distance from the edge of the seagrass meadow into the unvegetated sand sheet. There was an enhanced grazing risk 0-10m from the edge, but decreased sharply with increasing distances (>30m). Yet, the risk of grazing was minimal inside the seagrass meadow, indicating that grazers may use the seagrass meadow for refuge but are not actively grazing within it. The relationship between short-term herbivory risk and long-term survival was not straightforward, suggesting that other environmental filters are also affecting survival of P. australis transplants within the study area. We found that daily probability of herbivory was predictable and operating over a small spatial scale at the edge of a large, intact seagrass meadow. These findings highlight the risk from herbivory can be high, and a potential contributing factor to seagrass establishment in restoration programs.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating the rate of accumulation of epiphyte biomass on leaves of the seagrass, Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog and for estimating the effect of epiphyte biomass on photosynthesis of the seagrass. Epiphyte biomass was determined by comparison of the weight per unit area of epiphyte-covered and epiphyte-free leaf blades. Epiphyte weight increased as age of the seagrass leaves increased. Linear regression on epiphyte biomass vs. leaf age estimated the rate of biomass accumulation. Rates varied from 5.7 to 104 μg epiphyte dry weight per cm2 of leaf surface per day at three sites in Western Port and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Rates of accumulation of epiphyte biomass were generally higher during December through March (summer) than in May (autumn), August (winter) or October (Spring). Light attenuation by epiphytes increase linearly with biomass. The rate of biomass accumulation of epiphytes was compared with leaf growth rate, ambient photon flux density in H. tasmanica beds and the photosynthesis—photon flux density curve of H. tasmanica. This comparison demonstrated that epiphyte biomass can accumulate fast enough to shade H. tasmanica leaves and significantly reduce the time (to less than one half of the leaf life span) in which positive net photosynthesis of the leaf blade is possible.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,86(1):83-85
Posidonia australis seed predation experiments conducted in three seagrass habitats (P. australis, Posidonia sinuosa, Halophila ovalis) and bare sand in Two Peoples Bay, Western Australia, showed higher predation rates in seagrass than bare sand, supporting general conclusions from two previous predation studies in Western Australia. However, much higher rates were noted in H. ovalis, compared to previous observations of very low rates in H. ovalis on Rottnest Island, Western Australia. We attribute these differences to gammaridean amphipods (family Lysianassidae) that were present in a detrital layer within the H. ovalis in Two Peoples Bay. Our data from Two Peoples Bay continues to add to the growing body of information showing high seed predation rates in most seagrass habitats by a diverse group of crustacean species.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(3):291-293
Propagating shoots were observed on the upright stems of Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonder & Aschers. and A. griffithii (J.M. Black) den Hartog in the summer on the west and south coast of Western Australia. They develop from intercalary meristems at the stem nodes and remain attached to the parent plant assisting in the expansion of the meadow. The propagating shoots occur more frequently on the fringes of the Amphibolis meadow where unstable substrata may prevent normal spread by underground rhizomes.  相似文献   

Abstract The wave‐exposed nature of much of the southwestern Australian coastline considerably reduces the protective influence of seagrasses, and sediment movement appears to be relatively unaffected by their presence. Present seagrass restoration efforts focus on the deployment of large mechanically transplanted “sods” of seagrass as a means of combating the negative effects of water motion on transplant survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined role of wave energy and transplant spacing on sediment movement and transplant survival to provide guidance for seagrass transplantation in areas of high wave energy. One hundred sixty sods (0.25 m2) of seagrass were mechanically extracted from a mixed meadow consisting of Amphibolis griffithii (Cymodoceaceae) and Posidonia coriacea (Posidoniaceae) and planted in a high wave energy site with the treatments configured as three replicates of 16 sods placed in 4 × 4–meter squares at distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 meters apart. An additional 16 single sods were planted randomly throughout the site. Monitoring was conducted at two monthly intervals and consisted of counting the number of sods surviving and measuring the shoot density of seagrass species within each surviving sod. Sediment height was monitored using a series of sediment plates and an electronic sediment level sensor. Sod spacing had no significant effect upon transplant survival, which remained above 90% for 4 months after transplantation and then declined with the onset of winter (June to August). After 14 months individual sod survival was between 9% and 40%. Initial shoot densities were 200 to 500 shoots/m2 and declined to less than 50 shoots/m2. Sediment fluctuations up to 35 cm were noted, occasionally taking place over a matter of hours, and storms during winter caused significantly increased sediment movement. This probably curtailed rhizome extension and prevented the expansion of the transplants. This study indicates that the ability of seagrasses to influence sediment would appear to vary with the prevailing hydrodynamic regime and that a reappraisal of the notion that all seagrass communities trap sediment is necessary.  相似文献   

H. Kirkman 《Aquatic Botany》1985,21(4):363-375
The southern Western Australian coast is relatively diverse inseagrass species. This paper discusses the effects of storm-caused disturbance and follows the changes in seagrass communities over a 5-year period. The intermediate distrubances caused by winter storms prevent Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge and Kuo from dominating all available space and allow pioneering species to be present at all times. During the study no new spaces were cleared by storms in the dominant community, but changes amongst the pioneers were noted as well as some succession.  相似文献   

Abstract We conducted a 2-year in situ experiment to test the capacity of iron additions to reverse the decline experienced by a Posidonia oceanica meadow colonizing carbonate, iron poor sediment. Iron additions improved the sediment conditions that support seagrass growth by decreasing the sediment sulfide concentration and sulfate reduction rates, and decreased sulfide intrusion into the plants. Iron additions for 2 years did not significantly change survivorship of shoots present at the onset of the experiment, but significantly increased shoot recruitment and survivorship of shoots recruited during the experiment. After 2 years, iron additions reversed seagrass decline and yielded positive growth rates of shoots relative to control populations where seagrass continued to decline. This research demonstrates that seagrass decline in carbonate sediments may be reversed by targeting critical processes such are sediment sulfide pools and seagrass nutritional status, controlling the functioning of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Marine aquaculture is an activity that has induced severe local losses of seagrass meadows along the coastal areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of an area degraded by fish‐farm activities to support Posidonia oceanica seedlings. In the study site, a bay in the southeast coast of Spain where part of a meadow disappeared by fish‐farm activities, seedlings inside mesh‐pots were planted in three areas. Two plots were established in each area, one in P. oceanica dead matte and another inside a P. oceanica meadow. To evaluate if sediment conditions were adequate for the life of the seedlings, half of them were planted in direct contact with the sediment and the other half were planted above the surface of the sediment in each plot. Monitoring during 1 year showed that there were large differences in seedling survival between the dead matte and the P. oceanica meadow. While seedlings planted in dead matte had a high survivorship after 1 year (75%), seedlings planted in P. oceanica progressively died (survivorship of 20% after 1 year). The average leaf length of the seedlings surviving in the two substrata was not different, but the leaf area per seedling was lower in the seedlings growing inside the P. oceanica meadow during most part of the year. Seedling survivorship and vegetative development were not affected by the level of planting and suggest that the sediment conditions are adequate for the life of P. oceanica seedlings.  相似文献   


The natural growth of a Posidonia oceanica meadow is the result of a long process of development (series of events), but the dynamics are often difficult to establish because of the lack of a zero state and of sufficiently long chronological series. In addition, while it is sometimes possible to observe major regressions, the phenomena of recolonisation and of small-scale fluctuations are rarely detected. Nevertheless, with the emergence of new investigatory techniques (lepidochronology, microcartography, monitoring networks, accurate dating techniques, etc.,) considerable progress has been made in this field. The development in space and time of the seagrass beds is dependant on hydrodynamic action and sedimentary deposits. This means that in sheltered bays Posidonia oceanica may form original structures such as barrier reefs or micro-atolls, while in turbulent waters one observes the formation of spectacular structures resulting from erosion (intermatte, “rivière de retour”). A disequilibrium in sedimentation may result in dramatic regression in some seagrass beds. The multiplicity of prevailing environmental conditions results in the occurrence of a range of meadow types: “herbiers de plaines”, “herbiers de collines”, “herbiers tigrés”, “herbiers en escalier”. The impact of human pressure over the past few decades has not been insignificant. Coastal development constructions that have altered the direction of currents and the sedimentation, sewage outfalls that have resulted in an increase in the turbidity of the water and the mechanical action of anchors or trawl nets which have damaged certain areas of seagrass meadow have caused extensive regression. Conversely, the rehabilitation of previously degraded areas has made it possible to monitor the process of recolonisation.  相似文献   

A decrease in seagrass cover and a commensurate increase in Caulerpa taxifolia distribution in Moreton Bay have prompted concern for the impact that habitat change may have on faunal communities. Therefore, it is important to understand the patterns of habitat use. We examined habitat selection of three common seagrass species: double-ended pipefish (Syngnathoides biaculeatus), eastern trumpeter (Pelates quadrilineatus), and fan-bellied leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis) using a mesocosm experiment. Fish were given three possible habitat pairings (1) seagrass and C. taxifolia, (2) seagrass and unvegetated, and (3) C. taxifolia and unvegetated. Observation trials were conducted during the day and night over two days. In all trials, fish preferred vegetated habitat (seagrass or C. taxifolia) over unvegetated habitat (sand). In seagrass and C. taxifolia trials, all species preferred seagrass significantly over C. taxifolia. Habitat use patterns did not differ between day and night trials. Caulerpa taxifolia provides a valuable structured habitat in the absence of seagrass; however, it is unclear if C. taxifolia meadows provide other resource benefits to fishes beyond that of shelter.  相似文献   

Walker, D. I. and Cambridge, M. L. 1994. An experimental assessment of the temperature responses of two sympatric seagrasses, Amphibolis antarctica and Amphibolis griffithii, in relation to their biogeography.Seedlings of the viviparous seagrasses, Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonder & Aschers. and Amphibolis griffithii (Black) den Hartog, were grown in seawater cultures at temperatures of 10–30 °C. This temperature range exceeded the range of temperatures occurring in habitats where Amphibolis grows.All seedlings of both species survived at 15 °C, and all A. antarctica at 10 and 20 °C. There was some mortality at 25 °C, but more in A. griffithii than in A. antarctica. All seedlings showed marked senescence at 30 °C within 2 weeks, and all seedlings of both species were dead at this temperature in 6 weeks. Leaf production rates were different at different temperatures for each species, but were high across the 15–25 °C temperature range for both species. Given the time of release of seedlings from parent plants (winter), these results are consistent with the observed distribution of adult plants, and so the more restricted range of A. griffithii can be explained partially by its' response to temperature in culture. These results do not explain the absence of both Amphibolis species from the east coast of Australia, which may be a consequence of habitat availability.  相似文献   

A new caprellid amphipod, Caprella tavolarensis n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow at the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea). The species is close to Caprella liparotensis, but can be clearly distinguished by smaller size, presence of a short rostrum, body elongate and dorsally smooth, absence of serrate carina on the basis of gnathopod 2 and pereopods, mouthparts scarcely setose, absence of fine setae on peduncle of antenna 1 and absence of swimming setae on antenna 2. The number of caprellid species reported from the Mediterranean Sea has increased from 23 (1993) to 41 (2010), consequently, further taxonomical studies should be addressed to properly estimate the total amphipod diversity in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Recent findings have shown that photosynthesis in the skin of the seed of Posidonia oceanica enhances seedling growth. The seagrass genus Posidonia is found only in two distant parts of the world, the Mediterranean Sea and southern Australia. This fact led us to question whether the acquisition of this novel mechanism in the evolution of this seagrass was a pre-adaptation prior to geological isolation of the Mediterranean from Tethys Sea in the Eocene. Photosynthetic activity in seeds of Australian species of Posidonia is still unknown. This study shows oxygen production and respiration rates, and maximum PSII photochemical efficiency (Fv : Fm) in seeds of two Australian Posidonia species (P. australis and P. sinuosa), and compares these with previous results for P. oceanica. Results showed relatively high oxygen production and respiratory rates in all three species but with significant differences among them, suggesting the existence of an adaptive mechanism to compensate for the relatively high oxygen demands of the seeds. In all cases maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II rates reached similar values. The existence of photosynthetic activity in the seeds of all three species implicates that it was an ability probably acquired from a common ancestor during the Late Eocene, when this adaptive strategy could have helped Posidonia species to survive in nutrient-poor temperate seas. This study sheds new light on some aspects of the evolution of marine plants and represents an important contribution to global knowledge of the paleogeographic patterns of seagrass distribution.  相似文献   

Seagrass productivity, as leaf extension, was measured using the hole punch and needle punch techniques. These methods have been widely implemented to determine seagrass leaf extension rates, yet there is no evidence in the literature of a comparison between methods. The hole punch method involves removing part of the basal area of a seagrass leaf and it was proposed that this measurement technique may affect the leaf extension rates that are being measured. Leaf extension rates were measured in Posidonia sinuosa meadows off the coast of Perth, Western Australia. There were no significant differences in seagrass leaf extension between the two methods. The hole punch method is favoured, as measurement of incremental leaf growth is facilitated by the obvious hole left by the punch. The needle punch method leaves lesions on seagrass leaves that are easily confused with other lesions, possibly left by invertebrate grazers. These findings are likely to be applicable to other straplike seagrass species, though a similar comparison is recommended in the initial stages of a study.  相似文献   

Vegetative propagules for dispersal by waves and currents were produced during summer and autumn by the Australian seagrasses Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog from the apical meristems of erect stems and in Zostera mucronata den Hartog from intercalary meristems below some nodes on the erect generative shoots.  相似文献   

In situ nitrogen uptake by leaves and epiphytes was studied in a Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow impacted from a fish farm and a pristine meadow, using 15NH4 and 15NO3 as tracers. In the impacted meadow both leaves and epiphytes yielded higher N concentrations and showed higher specific N uptake, suggesting a linkage between N uptake and its accumulation. Epiphytes took up N faster than leaves in relation to their corresponding biomass, but when assessed per unit area, N uptake was higher in leaves. Leaf N uptake was negatively correlated with epiphyte N uptake. With increasing epiphyte load on leaves, N leaf uptake decreased while N epiphyte uptake increased, indicating that epiphyte overgrowth hinders N uptake by P. oceanica leaves. Epiphyte contribution to total N uptake increased, while that of leaves decreased at the impacted meadow. However, 2-3 times less N was transferred daily from the water column to the benthic compartment, through seagrass and epiphyte uptake on total, at the impacted meadow. Therefore, it is probably still the loss of the key species - the seagrass - which plays the most important role in N cycling in seagrass ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of fish farm biodeposition on benthic bacteria, thraustochytrid protists, and heterotrophic protozoa (nanoflagellates and ciliates) in an oligotrophic area of the Mediterranean Sea. The fish farm impact was investigated both on a seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) bed and on soft bottom sediments. In both systems, sediment samples were collected with a multicontrol sampling strategy (i.e., beneath the fish farm and at three control sites per system). The uneaten food pellets supplied to the fish determined the accumulation of sediment organic matter and the enhancement of protein content in impacted sediments (both seagrass bed and soft sediments). In both systems, the abundance and biomass of heterotrophic protists increased significantly beneath the fish farm, but the structure of the protist assemblages responded differently in vegetated and unvegetated sediments. Thraustochytrid abundance increased significantly in impacted seagrass. These results provide evidence that the structure of protist assemblages respond significantly to fish farm biodeposition and indicate that the monitoring of these benthic components provides complementary information for the assessment of the fish farm impact on the benthic systems.  相似文献   

Seagrasses form temporally dynamic, fragmented subtidal landscapes in which both large- and small-scale habitat structure may influence faunal survival and abundance. We compared the relative influences of seagrass (Zostera marina L.) habitat fragmentation (patch size and isolation) and structural complexity (shoot density) on juvenile blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) survival and density in a Chesapeake Bay seagrass meadow. We tethered crabs to measure relative survival, suction sampled for crabs to measure density, and took seagrass cores to measure shoot density in patches spanning six orders of magnitude (ca. 0.25-30,000 m2) both before (June) and after (September) seasonally predictable decreases in seagrass structural complexity and increases in seagrass fragmentation. We also determined if juvenile blue crab density and seagrass shoot density varied between the edge and the interior of patches. In June, juvenile blue crab survival was not linearly related to seagrass patch size or to shoot density, but was significantly lower in patches separated by large expanses of unvegetated sediment (isolated patches) than in patches separated by <1 m of unvegetated sediment (connected patches). In September, crab survival was inversely correlated with seagrass shoot density. This inverse correlation was likely due to density-dependent predation by juvenile conspecifics (i.e. cannibalism); juvenile blue crab density increased with seagrass shoot density, was inversely correlated with crab survival, and was greater in September than in June. Shoot density effects on predator behavior and on conspecific density also likely caused crab survival to be lower in isolated patches than in connected patches in June. Isolated patches were either large (patch area >3000 m2) or very small (<1 m2). Large isolated patches had the lowest shoot densities, which may have allowed predators to easily find tethered crabs. Very small isolated patches had the highest shoot densities and consequently a high abundance of predators (=juvenile conspecifics). Though shoot density did not differ between the edge and the interior of patches, crabs were more abundant in the interior of patches than at the edge. These results indicate that seagrass fragmentation does not have an overriding influence on juvenile blue crab survival and density, and that crab cannibalism and seasonal changes in landscape structure may influence relationships between crab survival and seagrass habitat structure. Habitat fragmentation, structural complexity, faunal density, and time all must be incorporated into future studies on faunal survival in seagrass landscapes.  相似文献   

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