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Cardiac neural crest cells (CNCC) migrate into the caudal pharynx and arterial pole of the heart to form the outflow septum. Ablation of the CNCC results in arterial pole malalignment and failure of outflow septation, resulting in a common trunk overriding the right ventricle. Unlike preotic cranial crest, the postotic CNCC do not normally regenerate. We applied the hedgehog signaling inhibitor, cyclopamine (Cyc), to chick embryos after CNCC ablation and found normal heart development at day 9 suggesting that the CNCC population was reconstituted. We ablated the CNCC, and labeled the remaining neural tube with DiI/CSRE and applied cyclopamine. Cells migrated from the neural tube in the CNCC-ablated, cyclopamine-treated embryos but not in untreated CNCC-ablated embryos. The newly generated cells followed the CNCC migration pathways, expressed neural crest markers and supported normal heart development. Finally, we tested whether reducing hedgehog signaling caused redeployment of the dorsal–ventral axis of the injured neural tube, allowing generation of new neural crest-like cells. The dorsal neural tube marker, Pax7, was maintained 12 h after CNCC ablation with Cyc treatment but not in the CNCC-ablated alone. This disruption of dorsal–ventral neural patterning permits a new wave of migratory cardiac neural crest-like cells.  相似文献   

In chick and mouse embryogenesis, a population of cells described as the secondary heart field (SHF) adds both myocardium and smooth muscle to the developing cardiac outflow tract (OFT). Following this addition, at approximately HH stage 22 in chick embryos, for example, the SHF can be identified architecturally by an overlapping seam at the arterial pole, where beating myocardium forms a junction with the smooth muscle of the arterial system. Previously, using either immunohistochemistry or nitric oxide indicators such as diaminofluorescein 2-diacetate, we have shown that a similar overlapping architecture also exists in the arterial pole of zebrafish and some shark species. However, although recent work suggests that development of the zebrafish OFT may also proceed by addition of a SHF-like population of cells, the presence of a true SHF in zebrafish and in many other developmental biological models remains an open question. We performed a comprehensive morphological study of the OFT of a wide range of vertebrates. Our data suggest that all vertebrates possess three fundamental OFT components: a proximal myocardial component, a distal smooth muscle component, and a middle component that contains overlapping myocardium and smooth muscle surrounding and supporting the outflow valves. Because the middle OFT component of avians and mammals is derived from the SHF, our observations suggest that a SHF may be an evolutionarily conserved theme in vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Splanchnic mesoderm in the region described as the second heart field (SHF) is marked by Islet1 expression in the mouse embryo. The anterior part of this region expresses a number of markers, including Fgf10, and the contribution of these cells to outflow tract and right ventricular myocardium has been established. We now show that the posterior region also has myocardial potential, giving rise specifically to differentiated cells of the atria. This conclusion is based on explant experiments using endogenous and transgenic markers and on DiI labelling, followed by embryo culture. Progenitor cells in the right or left posterior SHF contribute to the right or left common atrium, respectively. Explant experiments with transgenic embryos, in which the transgene marks the right atrium, show that atrial progenitor cells acquire right-left identity between the 4- and 6-somite stages, at the time when Pitx2c is first expressed. Manipulation of Pitx2c, by gain- and loss-of-function, shows that it represses the transgenic marker of right atrial identity. A repressive effect is also seen on the proliferation of cells in the left sinus venosus and in cultured explants from the left side of the posterior SHF. This report provides new insights into the contribution of the SHF to atrial myocardium and the effect of Pitx2c on the formation of the left atrium.  相似文献   

Chick embryos incubated for 72-80 hours were exposed to various volumes (0.20-0.40 m1/egg) of 50% ethyl alcohol. Examination of embryos at day 14 of incubation showed that higher doses of ethanol decreased the survival rate of embryos compared with control embryos. Three major categories of cardiovascular malformations were observed in this study: intracardiac anomalies characterized primarily by isolated ventricular septal defect, ventricular septal defect with overriding aorta, double outlet right ventricle or common aorticopulmonary trunk; aortic arch anomalies; and subclavian artery anomalies. Frequencies of embryos with intracardiac anomalies were equal to or greater than 64.8% in the six groups exposed to ethanol. Administration of ethanol also induced high frequencies of embryos with subclavian artery anomalies (11.2-89.1%). Absence or hypoplasia of the right and/or left secondary subclavian artery was commonly associated with persistence of the corresponding primary subclavian artery. Bilateral absence and/or hypoplasia of the secondary subclavian arteries was more common than unilateral anomalies, whereas absence of the left secondary subclavian artery was more commonly observed than an absent right secondary subclavian artery. No embryos in the two control groups combined (n = 94) demonstrated aortic arch or subclavian artery anomalies.  相似文献   

Connexin43 knockout mice die neonatally from conotruncal heart malformation and outflow obstruction. Previous studies have indicated the involvement of neural crest perturbations in these cardiac anomalies. We provide evidence for the involvement of another extracardiac cell population, the proepicardial cells. These cells give rise to the vascular smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries and cardiac fibroblasts in the heart. We have observed the abnormal presence of fibroblast and vascular smooth muscle cells in the infundibular pouches of the connexin43 knockout mouse heart. In addition, the connexin43 knockout mice exhibit a variety of coronary artery patterning defects previously described for neural crest-ablated chick embryos, such as anomalous origin of the coronary arteries, absent left or right coronary artery, and accessory coronary arteries. However, we show that proepicardial cells also express connexin43 gap junctions abundantly. The proepicardial cells are functionally well coupled, and this coupling is significantly reduced with the loss of connexin43 function. Further analysis revealed an elevation in the speed of cell locomotion and cell proliferation rate in the connexin43-deficient proepicardial cells. A parallel analysis of proepicardial cells in transgenic mice with dominant negative inhibition of connexin43 targeted only to neural crest cells showed none of these coupling, proliferation or migration changes. These mice exhibit outflow obstruction, but no infundibular pouches. Together these findings indicate an important role for connexin43 in coronary artery patterning, a role that probably involves the proepicardial and cardiac neural crest cells. We discuss the potential involvement of connexin43 in human cardiovascular anomalies involving the coronary arteries.  相似文献   

Retroviral and transgenic lineage-tracing studies have shown that neural crest cells associate with the developing bundles of the ventricular conduction system. Whereas this migration of cells does not provide progenitors for the myocardial cells of the conduction system, the question of whether neural crest affects the differentiation and/or function of cardiac specialized tissues continues to be of interest. Using optical mapping of voltage-sensitive dye, we determined that ventricles from chick embryos in which the cardiac neural crest had been laser ablated did not progress to apex-to-base activation by the expected stage [i.e., Hamburger and Hamilton (HH) 35] but instead maintained basal breakthroughs of epicardial activation consistent with immature function of the conduction system. In direct studies of activation, waves of depolarization originating from the His bundle were found to be uncommon in control hearts from HH34 and HH35 embryos. However, activations propagating from septal base, at or near the His bundle, occurred frequently in hearts from HH34 and HH35 neural crest-ablated embryos. Consistent with His bundle cells maintaining electrical connections with adjacent working myocytes, histological analyses of hearts from neural crest-ablated embryos revealed His bundles that had not differentiated a lamellar organization or undergone a process of compaction and separation from surrounding myocardium observed in controls. Furthermore, measurements on histological sections from optically mapped hearts indicated that, whereas His bundle diameter in control embryos thinned by almost one-half between HH30 and HH34, the His bundle in ablated embryos underwent no such compaction in diameter, maintaining a thickness at HH30, HH32, and HH34 similar to that observed in HH30 controls. We conclude that the cardiac neural crest is required in a novel function involving lamellar compaction and electrical isolation of the basally located His bundle from surrounding myocardium.  相似文献   

Heart development depends on the spatio-temporally regulated contribution of progenitor cells from the primary, secondary and anterior heart fields. Primary heart field (PHF) cells are first recruited to form a linear heart tube; later, they contribute to the inflow myocardium of the four-chambered heart. Subsequently cells from the secondary (SHF) and anterior heart fields (AHF) are added to the heart tube and contribute to both the inflow and outflow myocardium. In amniotes, progenitors of the linear heart tube have been mapped to the anterior-middle region of the early primitive streak. After ingression, these cells are located within bilateral heart fields in the lateral plate mesoderm. On the other hand SHF/AHF field progenitors are situated anterior to the linear heart tube, however, the origin and location of these progenitors prior to the development of the heart tube remains elusive. Thus, an unresolved question in the process of cardiac development is where SHF/AHF progenitors originate from during gastrulation and whether they come from a region in the primitive streak distinct from that which generates the PHF. To determine the origin and location of SHF/AHF progenitors we used vital dye injection and tissue grafting experiments to map the location and ingression site of outflow myocardium progenitors in early primitive streak stage chicken embryos. Cells giving rise to the AHF ingressed from a rostral region of the primitive streak, termed region ‘A’. During development these cells were located in the cranial paraxial mesoderm and in the pharyngeal mesoderm. Furthermore we identified region ‘B’, located posterior to ‘A’, which gave rise to progenitors that contributed to the primary heart tube and the outflow tract. Our studies identify two regions in the early primitive streak, one which generates cells of the AHF and a second from which cardiac progenitors of the PHF and SHF emerge.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog signaling in the secondary heart field has a clear role in cardiac arterial pole development. In the absence of hedgehog signaling, proliferation is reduced in secondary heart field progenitors, and embryos predominantly develop pulmonary atresia. While it is expected that proliferation in the secondary heart field would be increased with elevated hedgehog signaling, this idea has never been tested. We hypothesized that up-regulating hedgehog signaling would increase secondary heart field proliferation, which would lead to arterial pole defects. In culture, secondary heart field explants proliferated up to 6-fold more in response to the hedgehog signaling agonist SAG, while myocardial differentiation and migration were unaffected. Treatment of chick embryos with SAG at HH14, just before the peak in secondary heart field proliferation, resulted unexpectedly in stenosis of both the aortic and pulmonary outlets. We examined proliferation in the secondary heart field and found that SAG-treated embryos exhibited a much milder increase in proliferation than was indicated by the in vitro experiments. To determine the source of other signaling factors that could modulate increased hedgehog signaling, we co-cultured secondary heart field explants with isolated pharyngeal endoderm or outflow tract and found that outflow tract co-cultures prevented SAG-induced proliferation. BMP2 is made and secreted by the outflow tract myocardium. To determine whether BMP signaling could prevent SAG-induced proliferation, we treated explants with SAG and BMP2 and found that BMP2 inhibited SAG-induced proliferation. In vivo, SAG-treated embryos showed up-regulated BMP2 expression and signaling. Together, these results indicate that BMP signaling from the outflow tract modulates hedgehog-induced proliferation in the secondary heart field.  相似文献   

Abstract. An adenoviral construct encoding a nuclear-localized beta-galactosidase marker protein was injected into the heart of chick embryos at Hamburger-Hamilton (HH) stage 14-15 (approximately 52-56 h of incubation). Reporter gene expression was determined 48-54 h after injection. Efficient gene transfer into endothelial cells (ECs) of intraembryonic and yolk sac vessels was observed. ECs of vessels in the head region, which undergo massive expansion around the time of injection, were efficiently labeled. However, limb bud vasculature, which starts to develop around stage 16 (HH), carried scarce (wing bud) or no (leg bud) lacZ marker. In contrast, ECs of the allantois, a structure that develops even later (around stage HH 18), expressed lacZ reporter. This observation suggests that EC precursors infected at an earlier time migrated into the allantois. A few non-endothelial cell types were also labeled by the reporter. These results suggest that adenovirus-mediated gene transfer provides a powerful tool to study angiogenesis in the developing chick embryo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how the coronary artery stems develop in the chick embryo. The hearts of 51 ink-injected and cleared chick embryos, aged embryonic days 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 9, and 10, were dissected, examined, and selectively photographed. Two representative hearts from each group were paraffin embedded, serially sectioned at 10 microns, and examined for aortic endothelial budding. We found that the proximal coronary artery did not appear to grow outward from the aorta as commonly described in the literature. It appeared to originate from a capillary ring which encircled the aortic and pulmonary outflow tracts. On embryonic day 7.5, one to three channels arising from this ring penetrated each aortic sinus, in an area of darker textured endothelium. Histologically and grossly, multiple channels were still apparent on day 9, particularly in the left coronary artery. One of these channels always became dominant to form the stem. Each stem, which varied in length from embryo to embryo, always ended in a plexus of sinusoidal endothelial tubes. By day 10, the coronary artery stems were longer, with many major branches. Histologically, evidence of multiple channels still was visible. It is significant that channels from the bulbar vascular ring penetrated the aorta at very specific points in the aortic sinuses and did not penetrate the pulmonary trunk or other aortic sites. We believe this fact indicates that the penetration of the aortic sinuses by channels from the bulbar vascular ring represents a controlled invasion of the aorta.  相似文献   

目的:通过建立右室流出道室速(RVOT-VT)的动物模型,以L型钙通道α1c蛋白作为观察指标,观察RVOT-VT时对L型钙通道α1c蛋白表达的影响,旨在探讨L型钙通道在RVOT-VT中的作用。方法:健康新西兰大耳白兔30只,随机分三组,分别为对照组(10只)、室速组(10只)、室速加维拉帕米干预组(10只)。采用免疫组织化学的方法对三组实验动物的右室流出道心肌组织进行L型钙通道cdc蛋白表达的检测。结果:1、高频刺激主动脉与肺动脉交界处均诱发了起源于右室流出道部位的室速,且室速持续时间均大于4小时。2、室速组L型钙通道α1c蛋白表达量明显下降;干预组L型钙通道α1cc蛋白的表达下降,但与对照组比较无显著差异。结论:1、室速组的心肌L型钙通道α1c蛋白表达发生了重构。2、维拉帕米可以改善心肌L型钙通道α1c蛋白的重构。3、L型钙通道在RVOT-VT发生、持续中起重要作用。  相似文献   

The role of apoptosis in cardiac morphogenesis has not been directly tested. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis is prevalent during the remodeling of the embryonic chicken cardiac outflow tract (OFT) in the transition from a single to a dual circulation. We tested the hypothesis that OFT cardiomyocyte apoptosis drives the shortening and rotation of the embryonic cardiac OFT and is required to achieve the mature ventriculo-arterial configuration. Chick embryos were treated with the peptide Caspase inhibitors zVAD-fmk or DEVD-cho at HH stages 15-20 (looped heart). Morphology of control and experimental embryos was assessed at HH stage 35, at which time the control hearts have developed a dual circulation. Infection of the hearts with a recombinant adenovirus expressing green fluorescent protein was used to follow the fate of the OFT cardiomyocytes. Affected embryos displayed abnormal persistence of a long infundibulum (OFT myocardial remnant) beneath the great vessels, indicating failure of OFT shortening. In some instances, the infundibulum connected both great vessels to the right ventricle in a side-by-side arrangement with transposition of the aorta, indicating a failure of rotation of the OFT, and modeling human congenital double outlet right ventricle. Defects were also observed at other sites in the heart where apoptosis is prevalent, such as in the formation of the cardiac valves and trabeculae. To more specifically target the apoptosis of the OFT cardiomyocytes, recombinant adenovirus was used to express the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in these cells. This resulted in an effect on outflow tract shortening and rotation similar to that of the peptide inhibitors, while the effects on the other cardiac structures were not observed. These results demonstrate that elimination of OFT cardiomyocytes by apoptosis is necessary for the proper formation of the ventriculo-arterial connections, and suggest apoptosis as a potential target of teratogens and genetic defects that are associated with congenital human conal heart defects.  相似文献   

We have used the vital dye, DiI, to analyze the contribution of sacral neural crest cells to the enteric nervous system in chick and mouse embryos. In order to label premigratory sacral neural crest cells selectively, DiI was injected into the lumen of the neural tube at the level of the hindlimb. In chick embryos, DiI injections made prior to stage 19 resulted in labelled cells in the gut, which had emerged from the neural tube adjacent to somites 29-37. In mouse embryos, neural crest cells emigrated from the sacral neural tube between E9 and E9.5. In both chick and mouse embryos, DiI-labelled cells were observed in the rostral half of the somitic sclerotome, around the dorsal aorta, in the mesentery surrounding the gut, as well as within the epithelium of the gut. Mouse embryos, however, contained consistently fewer labelled cells than chick embryos. DiI-labelled cells first were observed in the rostral and dorsal portion of the gut. Paralleling the maturation of the embryo, there was a rostral-to-caudal sequence in which neural crest cells populated the gut at the sacral level. In addition, neural crest cells appeared within the gut in a dorsal-to-ventral sequence, suggesting that the cells entered the gut dorsally and moved progressively ventrally. The present results resolve a long-standing discrepancy in the literature by demonstrating that sacral neural crest cells in both the chick and mouse contribute to the enteric nervous system in the postumbilical gut.  相似文献   

Much of the heart, including the atria, right ventricle and outflow tract (OFT) is derived from a progenitor cell population termed the second heart field (SHF) that contributes progressively to the embryonic heart during cardiac looping. Several studies have revealed anterior-posterior patterning of the SHF, since the anterior region (anterior heart field) contributes to right ventricular and OFT myocardium whereas the posterior region gives rise to the atria. We have previously shown that Retinoic Acid (RA) signal participates to this patterning. We now show that Hoxb1, Hoxa1, and Hoxa3, as downstream RA targets, are expressed in distinct sub-domains within the SHF. Our genetic lineage tracing analysis revealed that Hoxb1, Hoxa1 and Hoxa3-expressing cardiac progenitor cells contribute to both atria and the inferior wall of the OFT, which subsequently gives rise to myocardium at the base of pulmonary trunk. By contrast to Hoxb1Cre, the contribution of Hoxa1-enhIII-Cre and Hoxa3Cre-labeled cells is restricted to the distal regions of the OFT suggesting that proximo-distal patterning of the OFT is related to SHF sub-domains characterized by combinatorial Hox genes expression. Manipulation of RA signaling pathways showed that RA is required for the correct deployment of Hox-expressing SHF cells. This report provides new insights into the regulatory gene network in SHF cells contributing to the atria and sub-pulmonary myocardium.  相似文献   

The second heart field (SHF) is indicated to contribute to the embryonic heart development. However, less knowledge is available about SHF development of human embryo due to the difficulty of collecting embryos. In this study, serial sections of human embryos from Carnegie stage 10 (CS10) to CS16 were stained with antibodies against Islet‐1 (Isl‐1), Nkx2.5, GATA4, myosin heavy chain (MHC) and α‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA) to observe spatiotemporal distribution of SHF and its contribution to the development of the arterial pole of cardiac tube. Our findings suggest that during CS10 to CS12, SHF of the human embryo is composed of the bilateral pharyngeal mesenchyme, the central mesenchyme of the branchial arch and splanchnic mesoderm of the pericardial cavity dorsal wall. With development, SHF translocates and consists of ventral pharyngeal mesenchyme and dorsal wall of the pericardial cavity. Hence, the SHF of human embryo shows a dynamic spatiotemporal distribution pattern. The formation of the Isl‐1 positive condense cell prongs provides an explanation for the saddle structure formation at the distal pole of the outflow tract. In human embryo, the Isl‐1 positive cells of SHF may contribute to the formation of myocardial outflow tract (OFT) and the septum during different development stages.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) is the mechanism by which cells orient themselves in the plane of an epithelium or during directed cell migration, and is regulated by a highly conserved signalling pathway. Mutations in the PCP gene Vangl2, as well as in other key components of the pathway, cause a spectrum of cardiac outflow tract defects. However, it is unclear why cells within the mesodermal heart tissue require PCP signalling. Using a new conditionally floxed allele we show that Vangl2 is required solely within the second heart field (SHF) to direct normal outflow tract lengthening, a process that is required for septation and normal alignment of the aorta and pulmonary trunk with the ventricular chambers. Analysis of a range of markers of polarised epithelial tissues showed that in the normal heart, undifferentiated SHF cells move from the dorsal pericardial wall into the distal outflow tract where they acquire an epithelial phenotype, before moving proximally where they differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Thus there is a transition zone in the distal outflow tract where SHF cells become more polarised, turn off progenitor markers and start to differentiate to cardiomyocytes. Membrane-bound Vangl2 marks the proximal extent of this transition zone and in the absence of Vangl2, the SHF-derived cells are abnormally polarised and disorganised. The consequent thickening, rather than lengthening, of the outflow wall leads to a shortened outflow tract. Premature down regulation of the SHF-progenitor marker Isl1 in the mutants, and accompanied premature differentiation to cardiomyocytes, suggests that the organisation of the cells within the transition zone is important for maintaining the undifferentiated phenotype. Thus, Vangl2-regulated polarisation and subsequent acquisition of an epithelial phenotype is essential to lengthen the tubular outflow vessel, a process that is essential for on-going cardiac morphogenesis.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the septation of the outflow tract of the heart is formed by the cardiac neural crest. Ablation of this region of the neural crest prior to its migration from the neural fold results in anomalies of the outflow and inflow tracts of the heart and the aortic arch arteries. The objective of this study was to examine the migration and distribution of these neural crest cells from the pharyngeal arches into the outflow region of the heart during avian embryonic development. Chimeras were constructed in which each region of the premigratory cardiac neural crest from quail embryos was implanted into the corresponding area in chick embryos. The transplantations were done unilaterally on each side and bilaterally. The quail-chick chimeras were sacrificed between Hamburger-Hamilton stages 18 and 25, and the pharyngeal region and outflow tract were examined in serial paraffin sections to determine the distribution pattern of quail cells at each stage. The neural crest cells derived from the presumptive arch 3 and 4 regions of the neuraxis occupied mainly pharyngeal arches 3 and 4 respectively, although minor populations could be seen in pharyngeal arches 2 and 6. The neural crest cells migrating from the presumptive arch 6 region were seen mainly in pharyngeal arch 6, but they also populated pharyngeal arches 3 and 4. Clusters of quail neural crest cells were found in the distal outflow tract at stage 23.  相似文献   

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