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Microrobots is playing more and more important roles for medical applications,such as targeting tumoral lesions for therapeutic purposes,Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) and highly localized drug delivery.However,energy efficient propulsion system poses significant challenges for the implementation of such mobile robots.Flagellated chemotactic bacteria can be used as an effective integrated propulsion system for microrobots.In this paper,we proposed a new type of propulsion method that is inspired by the motility mechanism of flagellated chemotactic bacteria in different pH gradients.The pH gradient field was established in solution through electrolysis method.The distribution of the pH values in solution was measured with pH indicator and analyzed with image processing technology,and the mechanism by which the pH values changed was also discussed.The swimming speed and direction of the bacteria were studied experimentally.Through analyzing the key parameters,such as stabilization time and electrode voltage,the optimal design of propulsion mechanism based on bacteria motion in the pH gradient field was proven.  相似文献   

Even in the absence of guidance cues, chemotactic cells are often spontaneously motile, which should accompany a spontaneous symmetry breaking inside the cells. A shallow chemoattractant gradient can induce these cells to move directionally without much change in cell morphology. As the gradient becomes steeper, the accuracy of chemotaxis increases. It is not clear how the steepness is expressed or encoded internally in the signaling network, which in turn coordinately activates the motile apparatus for chemotaxis. In Dictyostelium cells, self-organizing polarization activities in the signaling network have been reported. In this paper, we conducted a theoretical study of the response of this self-organizing system to guidance cues. Our analyses indicate that self-organizing systems respond sharply to a shallow external gradient by increasing the precision of polarity direction and modulating the frequency of self-polarization. We also show how the precision increase and frequency modulation are achieved. Our results indicate that self-organizing activity, independent of external cues, is the basis for the sensitive and robust response to shallow gradients. Finally, we show that the system can sense the direction of space-time waves of a stimulus, for which Dictyostelium cells exhibit chemotaxis in the developmental process.  相似文献   

Bioactive materials present important micro-environmental cues that induce specific intracellular signaling responses which ultimately determine cell behavior. For example, vascular endothelial cells on a normal vessel wall resist inflammation and thrombosis, but the same cells seeded on an artificial vascular graft or stent do not. What makes these cells behave so differently when they are adhered to different materials? Intracellular signaling from integrins and other cell-surface receptors is an important part of the answer, but these signaling responses constitute a highly-branched, interconnected network of molecules. In order to perform rational design of biomaterials, one must understand how altering the properties of the material (micro-environment) causes changes in cell behavior, and this in turn requires understanding the complex signaling response. Systems biology and mathematical modeling aid analysis of the connectivity of this network. This review summarizes applicable systems biology and mathematical modeling techniques including ordinary differential equations-based models, principal component analysis, and Bayesian networks. Next covered is biomaterials research which studies the intracellular signaling responses generated by variation of biomaterial properties. Finally, the review details ways in which modeling has been or could be applied to better understand the link between biomaterial properties and intracellular signaling.  相似文献   

Even in the absence of guidance cues, chemotactic cells are often spontaneously motile, which should accompany a spontaneous symmetry breaking inside the cells. A shallow chemoattractant gradient can induce these cells to move directionally without much change in cell morphology. As the gradient becomes steeper, the accuracy of chemotaxis increases. It is not clear how the steepness is expressed or encoded internally in the signaling network, which in turn coordinately activates the motile apparatus for chemotaxis. In Dictyostelium cells, self-organizing polarization activities in the signaling network have been reported. In this paper, we conducted a theoretical study of the response of this self-organizing system to guidance cues. Our analyses indicate that self-organizing systems respond sharply to a shallow external gradient by increasing the precision of polarity direction and modulating the frequency of self-polarization. We also show how the precision increase and frequency modulation are achieved. Our results indicate that self-organizing activity, independent of external cues, is the basis for the sensitive and robust response to shallow gradients. Finally, we show that the system can sense the direction of space-time waves of a stimulus, for which Dictyostelium cells exhibit chemotaxis in the developmental process.  相似文献   

Complexes of chemoreceptors in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane allow for the sensing of ligands with remarkable sensitivity. Despite the excellent characterization of the chemotaxis signaling network, very little is known about what controls receptor complex size. Here we use in vitro signaling data to model the distribution of complex sizes. In particular, we model Tar receptors in membranes as an ensemble of different sized oligomer complexes, i.e., receptor dimers, dimers of dimers, and trimers of dimers, where the relative free energies, including receptor modification, ligand binding, and interaction with the kinase CheA determine the size distribution. Our model compares favorably with a variety of signaling data, including dose-response curves of receptor activity and the dependence of activity on receptor density in the membrane. We propose that the kinetics of complex assembly can be measured in vitro from the temporal response to a perturbation of the complex free energies, e.g., by addition of ligand.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis has the potential to increase the rate of degradation of chemoattractants, but its influence on degradation of hydrophobic attractants initially dissolved in a non-aqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) has not been examined. We studied the effect of chemotaxis by Pseudomonas putida G7 on naphthalene mass transfer and degradation in a system in which the naphthalene was dissolved in a model NAPL. Chemotaxis by wild-type P. putida G7 increased the rates of naphthalene desorption and degradation relative to rates observed with nonchemotactic and nonmotile mutant strains. While biodegradation alone influenced the rate of substrate desorption by increasing the concentration gradient against which desorption occurred, chemotaxis created an even steeper gradient as the cells accumulated near the NAPL source. The extent to which chemotaxis affected naphthalene desorption and degradation depended on the initial bacterial and naphthalene concentrations, reflecting the influences of these variables on concentration gradients and on the relative rates of mass transfer and biodegradation. The results of this study suggest that chemotaxis can substantially increase the rates of mass transfer and degradation of NAPL-associated hydrophobic pollutants.  相似文献   

Disregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling directly promotes bypass of proliferation and survival restraints in a high frequency of epithelia-derived cancer. As such, much effort is currently focused on decoding the molecular architecture supporting EGFR activation and function. Here, we have leveraged high throughput reverse phase protein lysate arrays, with a sensitive fluorescent nanocrystal-based phosphoprotein detection assay, together with large scale siRNA-mediated loss of function to execute a quantitative interrogation of all elements of the human kinome supporting EGF-dependent signaling. This screening platform has captured multiple novel contributions of diverse protein kinases to modulation of EGFR signal generation, signal amplitude, and signal duration. As examples, the prometastatic SNF1/AMPK-related kinase hormonally upregulated Neu kinase was found to support EGFR activation in response to ligand binding, whereas the enigmatic kinase MGC16169 selectively supports coupling of active EGFR to ERK1/2 regulation. Of note, the receptor tyrosine kinase MERTK and the pyrimidine kinase UCK1 were both found to be required for surface accumulation of EGFR and subsequent pathway activation in multiple cancer cell backgrounds and may represent new targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play essential roles in Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) signaling. Systematic characterization of ALK interactors helps elucidate novel ALK signaling mechanisms and may aid in the identification of novel therapeutics targeting related diseases. In this study, we used the Mammalian Membrane Two-Hybrid (MaMTH) system to map the phospho-dependent ALK interactome. By screening a library of 86 SH2 domain-containing full length proteins, 30 novel ALK interactors were identified. Many of their interactions are correlated to ALK phosphorylation activity: oncogenic ALK mutations potentiate the interactions and ALK inhibitors attenuate the interactions. Among the novel interactors, NCK2 was further verified in neuroblastoma cells using co-immunoprecipitation. Modulation of ALK activity by addition of inhibitors lead to concomitant changes in the tyrosine phosphorylation status of NCK2 in neuroblastoma cells, strongly supporting the functionality of the ALK/NCK2 interaction. Our study provides a resource list of potential novel ALK signaling components for further study.  相似文献   

Recruitment of effector T cells to sites of infection or inflammation is essential for an effective adaptive immune response. The chemokine CCL5 (RANTES) activates its cognate receptor, CCR5, to initiate cellular functions, including chemotaxis. In earlier studies, we reported that CCL5-induced CCR5 signaling activates the mTOR/4E-BP1 pathway to directly modulate mRNA translation. Specifically, CCL5-mediated mTOR activation contributes to T cell chemotaxis by initiating the synthesis of chemotaxis-related proteins. Up-regulation of chemotaxis-related proteins may prime T cells for efficient migration. It is now clear that mTOR is also a central regulator of nutrient sensing and glycolysis. Herein we describe a role for CCL5-mediated glucose uptake and ATP accumulation to meet the energy demands of chemotaxis in activated T cells. We provide evidence that CCL5 is able to induce glucose uptake in an mTOR-dependent manner. CCL5 treatment of ex vivo activated human CD3(+) T cells also induced the activation of the nutrient-sensing kinase AMPK and downstream substrates ACC-1, PFKFB-2, and GSK-3β. Using 2-deoxy-d-glucose, an inhibitor of glucose uptake, and compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK, experimental data are presented that demonstrate that CCL5-mediated T cell chemotaxis is dependent on glucose, as these inhibitors inhibit CCL5-mediated chemotaxis in a dose-dependent manner. Altogether, these findings suggest that both glycolysis and AMPK signaling are required for efficient T cell migration in response to CCL5. These studies extend the role of CCL5 mediated CCR5 signaling beyond lymphocyte chemotaxis and demonstrate a role for chemokines in promoting glucose uptake and ATP production to match energy demands of migration.  相似文献   

Lyngbya birgei and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae elicited a significant chemotactic attraction of Aeromonas hydrophila compared with controls lacking cyanobacteria. There was a positive exponential relationship between biomass (chlorophyll a) of L. birgei and A. flos-aquae and chemotactic attraction of A. hydrophila. The assay equipment was simple and reliable and could be used to study bacterial chemotaxis in other species in situ.  相似文献   

Calcium sensing receptors (CaSR) interact with 14-3-3 binding proteins at a carboxyl terminal arginine-rich motif. Mutations identified in patients with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, autosomal dominant hypocalcemia, pancreatitis or idiopathic epilepsy support the functional importance of this motif. We combined total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and biochemical approaches to determine the mechanism of 14-3-3 protein regulation of CaSR signaling. Loss of 14-3-3 binding caused increased basal CaSR signaling and plasma membrane levels, and a significantly larger signaling-evoked increase in plasma membrane receptors. Block of core glycosylation with tunicamycin demonstrated that changes in plasma membrane CaSR levels were due to differences in exocytic rate. Western blotting to quantify time-dependent changes in maturation of expressed wt CaSR and a 14-3-3 protein binding-defective mutant demonstrated that signaling increases synthesis to maintain constant levels of the immaturely and maturely glycosylated forms. CaSR thus operates by a feed-forward mechanism, whereby signaling not only induces anterograde trafficking of nascent receptors but also increases biosynthesis to maintain steady state levels of net cellular CaSR. Overall, these studies suggest that 14-3-3 binding at the carboxyl terminus provides an important buffering mechanism to increase the intracellular pool of CaSR available for signaling-evoked trafficking, but attenuates trafficking to control the dynamic range of responses to extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Retrograde Signaling from Chloroplast to Nucleus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Recent studies describe new genome-wide mutagenesis strategies, coupled with phenotypic screening, and demonstrate the power of such approaches to provide new insights into the genetics of the immune response.  相似文献   

Due to their surface characteristics, nanosized titanium dioxide particles (nTiO2) tend to adhere to biological surfaces and we thus hypothesize that they may alter the swimming performance and behavior of motile aquatic organisms. However, no suitable approaches to address these impairments in swimming behavior as a result of nanoparticle exposure are available. Water fleas Daphnia magna exposed to 5 and 20 mg/L nTiO2 (61 nm; polydispersity index: 0.157 in 17.46 mg/L stock suspension) for 96 h showed a significantly (p<0.05) reduced growth rate compared to a 1-mg/L treatment and the control. Using three-dimensional video observations of swimming trajectories, we observed a treatment-dependent swarming of D. magna in the center of the test vessels during the initial phase of the exposure period. Ensemble mean swimming velocities increased with increasing body length of D. magna, but were significantly reduced in comparison to the control in all treatments after 96 h of exposure. Spectral analysis of swimming velocities revealed that high-frequency variance, which we consider as a measure of swimming activity, was significantly reduced in the 5- and 20-mg/L treatments. The results highlight the potential of detailed swimming analysis of D. magna for the evaluation of sub-lethal mechanical stress mechanisms resulting from biological surface coating and thus for evaluating the effects of nanoparticles in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Mapping from GenBank to MEDLINE   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
GenBank has been based largely on literature that provides nucleic acid sequences. To find additional literature that is relevant to a given sequence, a search of MEDLINE can prove helpful. This paper documents some of the similarities between GenBank and MEDLINE that facilitate retrieval of documents from MEDLINE. In particular, techniques and examples are presented which take GenBank information and lead to MEDLINE information that supplements the GenBank information.  相似文献   

Transitions from Drag-based to Lift-based Propulsion in Mammalian Swimming   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
The evolution of fully aquatic mammals from quadrupedal, terrestrialmammals was associated with changes in morphology and swimmingmode. Drag is minimized by streamlining body shape and appendages.Improvement in speed, thrust production and efficiency is accomplishedby a change of swimming mode. Terrestrial and semiaquatic mammalsemploy drag-based propulsion with paddling appendages, whereasfully aquatic mammals use lift-based propulsion with oscillatinghydrofoils. Aerobic efficiencies are low for drag-based swimming,but reach a maximum of 30% for lift-based propulsion. Propulsiveefficiency is over 80% for lift-based swimming while only 33%for paddling. In addition to swimming mode, the transition tohigh performance propulsion was associated with a shift fromsurface to submerged swimming providing a reduction in transportcosts. The evolution of aquatic mammals from terrestrial ancestorsrequired increased swimming performance with minimal compromiseto terrestrial movement. Examination of modern analogs to transitionalswimming stages suggests that only slight modification to theneuromotor pattern used for terrestrial locomotion is requiredto allow for a change to lift-based propulsion.  相似文献   

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