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Peculiarities of permeability of intestinal barrier in germfree animals for enteropathogenic E. coli 055 were studied. Both germfree and conventional guinea pigs and rats were used. An increase of bacteriemia was revealed in gnotobiotes during the first day of oral E. coli 055 monocontamination; bacteriemia was transient in conventional animals. Under electron microscopy alterations of intercellular contacts and formation of spaces between enterocytes containing numerous microorganisms were found in the intestinal mucous membrane in gnotobiotes. Also more pronounced changes of microvessels of the intestinal mucous membrane were discovered in gnotobiotes. The processes of ingestionan and digestion of Escherichia coli by enterocytes and leukocytes were noted in conventional animals. The revealed derangements of the intestinal barrier in gnotobiotes explain the cause of higher bacteriemia in germfree animals. An important role of the microbial factor in the formation of intestinal barrier is indicated by the data obtained.  相似文献   

Treatment of the cell wall tetrasaccharide GlcNAcbeta(1 leads to 4)-MurNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-GlcNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-MurNAc with alkali resulted in the formation of the unsaturated tetrasaccharide GlcNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-MurNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-GlcNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-delta2,3-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucoseen. The same compound was also formed by transglycosylation upon incubation of the unmodified tetrasaccharide with the unsaturated disaccharide GlcNAc-beta(1 leads to 4)-delta2,3-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucoseen (Tipper, D. J. (1968) Biochemistry 7, 1441-1449) and hen egg white lysozyme. The unsaturated tetrasaccharide was further characterized by paper electrophoresis, amino sugar analysis, and NMR. From NMR analysis it is concluded that the delta2,3-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucoseen at the reducing end of the unsaturated tetrasaccharide has a half-chair conformation. This conformation is similar to the one proposed for the sugar at subsite D in the lysozyme-substrate complex in the transition state. Addition of the unsaturated tetrasaccharide to a solution of hen egg white lysozyme quenched the fluorescence of the enzyme and shifted the fluorescence maximum to the blue, similar to the effect produced by the parent compound. The association constant of the unsaturated tetrasaccharide and lysozyme was measured at pH 6.0 and 24 degrees by spectrofluorimetry and microcalorimetry and found to be 1.45 X 10(5) M-1 and 2.5 X 10(5) M-1, respectively. The average value is 100 times higher than that found for the binding of unmodified tetrasaccharide to the enzyme under the same conditions. The unsaturated tetrasaccharide proved to be a better inhibitor of the lysis of Micrococcus luteus cells than the parent compound by a factor of 35. These results support the hypothesis that the active site of the enzyme is constructed so as to bind the transition state for the reaction it catalyzes more firmly than the substrate itself.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides corresponding to the total tRNAfMET FROM E. coli have been synthesized. These fragments were joined by using RNA ligase to yield quarter molecules. The 5'-quarter molecule showed 84% amino acid acceptor activity when it was combined with the natural three quarter molecule.  相似文献   

The activity of alpha-hemolysin increased at the log growth phase in the culture of E. coli P678 Hly+ hemolytic strain; this activity diminished with the change into the stationary phase, and then fell sharply. Replacement of the culture medium in the stationary growth phase by fresh one led to restoration of the hemolytic activity of the culture. The culture fluid separated from the cells at the stationary growth phase produced an inhibitory action on the alpha-hemolysin Ca ions activated and stabilized the alpha-hemolysin. Sodium citrate and sucrose served as hemolysis inhibitors. The action of alpha-hemolysin was maximal against human erythrocytes at pH 6.5. Hemolytic activity was characterized in time by a distinct lag-phase and the phase of the greatest rate of reaction. The duration of the lag-phase and also the rate of hemolysis depended on the concentration of alpha-hemolysin (with the increase of the hemolysin concentration lag-phase was shortened and the reaction was accelerated). There proved to be a linear relationship between the amount of erythrocytes taken into the reaction and the rate of hemoglobin release, and also there was noted a temperature activation of the hemolytic reaction.  相似文献   

Laccases produced by white rot fungi are capable of rapidly oxidizing benzo[a]pyrene. We hypothesize that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacteria producing laccase can enhance the degree of benzo[a]pyrene mineralization. However, fungal laccases are glycoproteins which cannot be glycosylated in bacteria, and there is no evidence to show that bacterial laccases can oxidize benzo[a]pyrene. In this study, the in vitro oxidation of PAHs by crude preparations of the bacterial laccase, CueO, from Escherichia coli was investigated. The results revealed that the crude CueO catalyzed the oxidation of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene in the same way as the fungal laccase from Trametes versicolor, but showed specific characteristics such as thermostability and copper dependence. In the presence of 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), high amounts of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene, 80% and 97%, respectively, were transformed under optimal conditions of 60°C, pH 5, and 5 mmol l(-1) CuCl(2) after a 24-h incubation period. Other PAHs including fluorene, acenaphthylene, phenanthrene, and benzo[a]anthracene were also oxidized by the crude CueO. These findings indicated the potential application of prokaryotic laccases in enhancing the mineralization of benzo[a]pyrene by PAH-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

A modified procedure for the large scale preparation of tRNA from E. coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A procedure for the preparation of about 50 g batches of tRNA from 25 kg E. coli W is described. The method involves phenolic extraction of the cells, batch absorption of the tRNA on DEAE-cellulose, washing the DEAE-cellulose and packing it into a column, elution of the tRNA from the column and precipitation of the tRNA with ethanol. The method is less time and labor consuming than the methods described in the literature and can be carried out with relatively simple equipment.  相似文献   

Native proinsulin belongs to the class of the difficult-to-express proteins in Escherichia coli. Problems mainly arise due to its small size, a high proteolytic decay, and the necessity to form a native disulfide pattern. In the present study, human proinsulin was produced in the periplasm of E. coli as a fusion to ecotin, which is a small periplasmic protein of 16 kDa encoded by the host, containing one disulfide bond. The fusion protein was secreted to the periplasm and native proinsulin was determined by ELISA. Cultivation parameters were studied in parallel batch mode fermentations using E. coli BL21(DE3)Gold as a host. After improvement of fed-batch high density fermentation conditions, 153 mg fusion protein corresponding to 51.5mg native proinsulin was obtained per L. Proteins were extracted from the periplasm by osmotic shock treatment. The fusion protein was purified in one step by ecotin affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsinogen. After thrombin cleavage of the fusion protein, the products were separated by Ni-NTA chromatography. Proinsulin was quantified by ELISA and characterized by mass spectrometry. To evaluate the influence of periplasmic proteases, the amount of ecotin-proinsulin was determined in E. coli BL21(DE3)Gold and in a periplasmic protease deficient strain, E. coli SF120.  相似文献   

T2-DNA was modified by 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-bromoacetooxypiperidine-1-oxyl (I) at different NaCl concentrations (10(-1) M NaCl--10(-4) M NaCl). Modified DNA were investigated as templates for the RNA-polymerase from E. coli B. It was shown that T2-DNA modified I in 0,1 M NaCl completely preserves the native secondary structure, has a low degree modification (1 molecule I per 1000-2000 nucleotide pairs), but is a noneffective template for the RNA-polymerase from E. coli B (20%-40% as compared with unmodified T2-DNA). Under these conditions the modification occurs probably at the "weakest" (readily melting) sites of DNA. The role of these "weak" sites on DNA as promotors is discussed. The modification of T2-DNA by reagnet I has a stronger inhibitory effect on the total RNA synthesis than on the RNA-synthesis stable to rifampicin. Possible existence of two kinds of "early" promotors on T2-DNA is assumed.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum cellobiohydrolase was isolated in preparative amounts from the recombinant strain of E. coli K12 C600 carrying plasmid pCU 304 with a C. thermocellum chromosomal DNA insertion. The isolation procedure included chromatography on Ultrogel AcA 44, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B, rechromatography on Ultrogel and FPLC on Mono Q resulting in a 17.6% yield and 1530-fold purification. According to data from sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis performed under nondenaturing conditions and analytical gel isoelectrofocusing, the enzyme preparation contains only one active protein band with Mr 56.2 +/- 1.0 kDa and pI 4.15. The enzyme does not reduce the viscosity of the CM-cellulose solution but forms reducing sugars from this soluble substrate. Cellobiose (93-97%) is the major component produced by the enzyme from crystalline and amorphous cellulose (specific activity 2.3 x 10(-3) and 2.8 x 10(-2) U/mg, respectively). The activity optimum of the enzyme is at pH 5.6, 60 degrees C. The half-inactivation time at 60 degrees C and 65 degrees C is 450 and 15.5 min, respectively. The action pattern of the enzyme on the low molecular fluorogenic cellooligosaccharides suggests that the enzyme pertains to typical cellobiohydrolases.  相似文献   

Homogeneity of the enzyme was shown with the methods of gel filtration and disc electrophoresis. The molecular mass of penicillinamidase (PA) was determined. Sorption of PA by a carboxylic ion exchanger within a wide range of pH was studied. The values of pH in the ion exchanger phase under the conditions of the enzyme sorption were estimated. The ion exchange technique for determination of the isoelectric points of the proteins is described and the isoelectric point of PA is determined. It is proposed to use the method for estimation of close ionization constants of amphoteric an weak electrolites for interpretation of the bell-like pH dependence of kinetic and equilibrium parameters of the enzymatic reaction. The ionization constants of Michaelis complex of PA were evaluated. The activation energy of benzylpenicillin hydrolysis catalized by PA was determined.  相似文献   

Bacterial primase is essential for DNA replication in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It is also structurally distinct from eukaryotic primases, and therefore an attractive, but under-explored, target for therapeutic intervention. We applied virtual screening to discover primase inhibitors, and subsequently several commercially available analogs of these initial hits showed potent primase inhibition and in vitro antibacterial activity. This work provides a 3D pharmacophore for primase ligands, SAR trends, and leads that can be further optimized.  相似文献   

Uridine phosphorylase was isolated from E. coli K-12 cells in a homogeneous state. The molecular mass of the enzyme as determined by gel filtration corresponds, approximately, to a hexamer made up of 27.5 kDa monomers. Evidence for the hexameric structure of uridine phosphorylase was obtained by electron microscopy with numerical treatment of the images. The six monomers within the enzyme molecule are arranged in two layers, three monomers in each, at the apices of a triangular antiprism with a point group symmetry of 32.  相似文献   

Investigations carried out demonstrated a possibility of transmission of plasmid Rldrd19 from E. coli to Hafnia. The incidence of the plasmid transmission varied from 10(-7) to 10(-9) and depended on the properfies of Hafnia strains. Tra-operon of plasmid Rldrd19 in the Hafnia 614 strain functioned with the same efficacy as in E. coli. Plasmid Rldrd19 in Hafnia was unstable and was eliminated from the cells in case of storage at low temperatures. As shown, plasmid Rldrd19 was under strict replication control in Hafnia as in E. coli. Formation of the CCC-form of the plasmid Rldrd19 was suppressed in Hafnia at 29--30 degrees C and was not suppressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

l-Asparaginase [EC], antitumor enzyme, was purified to a crystalline form from the cell free extract of Escherichia coli A-l-3 KY3598, by ethanol fractionation and chromatographies on DEAE cellulose and CM Sephadex. The crystalline enzyme was homogeneous by the criteria of ultracentrifugation: s20, w was 7.87S.

The molecular weight was estimated to be 141,000 by the short column method. The pI of the enzyme protein was 4.75 according to isoelectric electrofocusing.

Amino acid analysis revealed the absence of cysteine or cystine residues in the molecule.

The enzyme exhibited optimal activity between pH 6 and 8. It was stable in the pH range 5.5 ~ 9.0.

The enzyme activity was cleared very slowly in the plasma of dog. Intravenous administration of the enzyme caused a complete regression of the Gardner lymphoma implanted in the C3H mice.  相似文献   

We have previously described the isolation of thymidine kinase positive (TK+), human beta-globin gene-containing colonies following co-microinjection of mouse TK- L cells with two recombinant pBR322 plasmids, one containing the TK gene of herpes simplex virus type I (plasmid pXl), and the second containing a human genomic DNA fragment within which is the human beta-globin gene (plasmid pRKl). DNA isolated from one such clone was used in bacterial transformation experiments with a selection for tetracycline-resistant colonies (that is, for cells containing pRKl). A total of forty-two tetracycline-resistant colonies were isolated, thirty of which contained circular pRK1 molecules identical to those originally injected. The remaining twelve colonies contained unique plasmids that were grouped into five different classes of recombinant molecules. All five of these unique recombinant classes appear to contain a common deletion endpoint occurring at a specific region of the pBR322 segment of pRKl. Four of the unique recombinant classes appear to have arisen from the deletion of a segment of a pRKl trimer or dimer molecule, while the fifth class appears to have resulted from recombination between pRKl and pXl followed by a deletion event within this recombinant. It is uncertain whether these deletions are occurring within the eukaryotic cell or upon subsequent transformation of the bacterial cell. If the latter, then the passage of the plasmid DNA through the eukaryotic cell alters a specific site of the pBR322 DNA in such a way that deletions can occur at a high frequency in this region when the plasmid DNA is introduced back into a bacterial cell. Thus, we have established a prokaryote-eukaryote-prokaryote DNA transfer and recovery system which should be useful in studies on DNA replication and the regulation of gene expression in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The antiviral activity of a bacterial ribonuclease conjugate with chitosane of Kamchatka crab (in a form of water soluble chito-oligosaccharides) has been studied. The conjugate inhibitory activity for A and B viruses as well as to Sindbis arbovirus in tissue cultures is shown. The preparation efficiency at intramuscular and intranasal administration was observed at experimental influenza infection of white mice.  相似文献   

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