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Linkage disequilibrium (LD) in crops, established by domestication and early breeding, can be a valuable basis for mapping the genome. We undertook an assessment of LD in sugarcane (Saccharum spp), characterized by one of the most complex crop genomes, with its high ploidy level (>or=8) and chromosome number (>100) as well as its interspecific origin. Using AFLP markers, we surveyed 1,537 polymorphisms among 72 modern sugarcane cultivars. We exploited information from available genetic maps to determine a relevant statistical threshold that discriminates marker associations due to linkage from other associations. LD is very common among closely linked markers and steadily decreases within a 0-30 cM window. Many instances of linked markers cannot be recognized due to the confounding effect of polyploidy. However, LD within a sample of cultivars appears as efficient as linkage analysis within a controlled progeny in terms of assigning markers to cosegregation groups. Saturating the genome coverage remains a challenge, but applying LD-based mapping within breeding programs will considerably speed up the localization of genes controlling important traits by making use of phenotypic information produced in the course of selection.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 65 chicken populations was studied using 29 simple sequence repeat loci. Six main clusters which corresponded to geographical origins and histories were identified: Brown Egg Layers; predominantly Broilers; native Chinese breeds or breeds with recent Asian origin; predominantly breeds of European derivation; a small cluster containing populations with no common history and populations that had breeding history with White Leghorn. Another group of populations that shared their genome with several clusters was defined as 'Multi-clusters'. Gallus gallus gallus (Multi-clusters), one of the subspecies of the Red Jungle Fowl, which was previously suggested to be one of the ancestors of the domesticated chicken, has almost no shared loci with European and White Egg layer populations. In a further sub-clustering of the populations, discrimination between all the 65 populations was possible, and relationships between each were suggested. The genetic variation between populations was found to account for about 34% of the total genetic variation, 11% of the variation being between clusters and 23% being between populations within clusters. The suggested clusters may assist in future studies of genetic aspects of the chicken gene pool.  相似文献   

We present novel data on mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in the Udmurt population, which represents a Finno-Ugric ethnos residing in the Volga-Ural region. Our analysis of the Udmurt mtDNA polymorphisms have shown that neighboring ethnoses had almost no effect on formation of the Udmurtian intra-ethnic diversity. These results strongly indicate that genetic differences in the Udmurtian population are determined by their tribal structure rather than their geographic location.  相似文献   

为更好地指导盆栽小菊的引种和栽培,筛选适宜粤港澳大湾区产业化生产应用的优良品种,该文以荷兰引进的30个盆栽小菊品种为研究对象,从观赏性和适应性两个方面选取22个评价指标,基于层次分析法(AHP)构建了一套盆栽小菊园林应用综合评价体系.结果表明:(1)花色、花径、冠幅和观花期等4个评价指标权重值居前,是影响盆栽小菊观赏价...  相似文献   

Song XX  Zheng CS  Sun X  Ma HY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1737-1742
以切花菊品种‘白马’为材料,采用盆栽试验研究了控释肥对菊花叶片叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素和养分含量及观赏品质的影响.结果表明:未施肥处理(对照)的菊花叶片PSⅡ原初光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ潜在光化学活性(Fv/Fo)和PSⅡ量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)与施肥处理相比显著下降;两种普通复合肥CCFA(N∶P∶K=20∶8∶10)和CCFB(N∶P∶K=14∶14∶14)处理的Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo和ΦPSⅡ在前期(30~60 d)比两个控释肥CRFA(N∶P∶K=20∶8∶10)和CRFB(N∶P∶K=14∶14∶14)处理有所增高,但在中后期(75~120 d)比两个控释肥处理显著下降.CRFA处理的Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ和光化学猝灭系数(qP)比CRFB处理有所增高.两种控释肥处理的非化学猝灭系数(NPQ)与对照和两种普通复合肥处理相比显著下降.各处理叶绿素含量变化规律与Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo和ΦPSⅡ基本一致.切花采收期CRFA和CRFB处理的叶片N、P、K含量以及花梗长、花梗粗、花径、花鲜质量和干质量均高于CCFA、CCFB和对照,而且CRFA处理的花鲜质量和干质量比CRFB处理显著增高.表明控释肥可以通过提...  相似文献   

Small scale glasshouse trials showed that second instar nymphs of Orius laevigatus reduced Frankliniella occidentalis numbers (78-92%) more than Neoseiulus cucumeris (0-30%). Combining the predators did not increase reduction of thrips numbers (84-93%). Pollen did not increase thrips control, but led to an increase in the number of thrips.  相似文献   

Novel patterns of gene expression in polyploid plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Genome doubling, or polyploidy, is a major factor accounting for duplicate genes found in most eukaryotic genomes. Polyploidy has considerable effects on duplicate gene expression, including silencing and up- or downregulation of one of the duplicated genes. These changes can arise with the onset of polyploidization or within several generations after polyploid formation and they can have epigenetic causal factors. Many expression alterations are organ-specific. Specific genes can be independently and repeatedly silenced during polyploidization, whereas patterns for other genes appear to be more stochastic. Three recent reports have provided intriguing new insights into the patterns, timing and mechanisms of gene expression changes that accompany polyploidy in plants.  相似文献   

A gene geographic analysis of the indigenous population of the Caucasian historical cultural province was carried out with a set of genetic markers extensively studied in the Adyges (39 alleles of 18 loci): AB0, ACP, C3, FY, GC, GLO, HP, KEL, LEW, MN, MNS, P, PGD, PGM1, RH-C, RH-D, RH-E, and TF. Genetic information on 160 Caucasian populations was used (on average, 65 populations per locus). A synthetic map of the first principal component clearly showed a division into two gene geographic provinces: Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The component significantly differed across the Greater Caucasian Ridge. One of the major regions of extreme values corresponded to the Adyge region. A map of the second component revealed two poles, Northwestern (the Adyges) and Caspian, in gene pool variation of the Caucasian population. The analysis of the maps and the space of principal components showed that the Adyge population is an important component of the Caucasian gene pool. A map of genetic distance from all Caucasian populations to the Adyges showed that the north Caucasian populations (excluding the Ossetes) are the most genetically similar to the Adyges, while Georgians from the Kolkhida Valley and Azerbaijanians from the lowlands near the Caspian Sea and highland steppes are the most genetically remote from the Adyges. The genetic diversity (GST x 10(2)) of the entire Caucasian gene pool was studied. The average diversity of subpopulation within a Caucasian ethnos was GS-E = 0.81, the diversity of ethnoses within a linguistic family was GE-L = 0.83, and the diversity of linguistic families was GL-T = 0.58. The race classification of the Caucasian populations (GS-E = 0.81, GS-R = 0.80, GR-T = 0.76) proved to be more genetically informative than the linguistic one. The major parameters of the Adyges (total diversity HT = 0.364, heterozygosity HS = 0.361, and subpopulation diversity within the ethnos GS-E = 0.69) were similar to those averaged over the entire Caucasian population. A comparison with the same set of genetic markers showed that the interethnic diversity in the Caucasian region was lower than in the other north Eurasian regions (GS-E was 1.24 in the European region, 1.42 in the Ural region, 1.27 in Middle Asia, and 3.85 in Siberia).  相似文献   

Bradshaw CJ 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(24):5111-5113
Despite the impression held by some that few biological mysteries remain, even evocative species such as humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) have poorly documented movement patterns, reproductive strategies and population dynamics despite years of dedicated research. This is largely due to the difficulty of observing wide-ranging marine species over the majority of their life cycle. The advent of powerful tracking devices has certainly improved our understanding, but it is usually only with molecular tools that the nature of population structure becomes apparent. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Castro and colleagues have provided the first global-scale assessment of population structure for the largest fish--whale sharks (Rhincodon typus). Whale sharks can reach lengths > 12 m and are a popular tourist attraction at places where they aggregate, yet for most of their life cycle, we know little indeed of where they go and how they interact with other populations. Previous tracking studies imply a high dispersal capacity, but only now have Castro and colleagues demonstrated high gene flow and haplotype diversity among the major ocean basins where they are found.  相似文献   

The structure of Khakass gene pool has been investigated: Y-chromosome haplogroup compositions and frequencies were described in seven population samples of two basic subethnic groups, Sagai and Kachins, from three geographically separated regions of the Khakass Republic. Eight haplogroups were detected in the Khakass gene pool: C3, E, N*, N1b, N1c, R1a1a, and R1b1b1. The haplogroup spectra and the genetic diversity by haplogroups and YSTR haplotypes differed significantly between Sagai and Kachins. Kachins had a low level of gene diversity, whereas the diversity of Sagai was similar to that of other South-Siberian ethnic groups. Sagai samples from the Askizskii district were very similar to each other, and so were two Kachin samples from the Shirinskii district, while Sagai samples from the Tashtypskii district differed considerably from each other. The contribution of intergroup differences among ethnic groups was high, indicating significant genetic differentiation among native populations in Khakassia. The Khakass gene pool was strongly differentiated both by haplogroup frequencies and by YSTR haplotypes within the N1b haplogroup. The frequencies of YSTR haplotypes within the chromosome Y haplogroups N1b, N1c, and R1a1 were determined and their molecular phylogeny was investigated. Factor and cluster analysis, as well as AMOVA, suggest that the Khakass gene pool is structured by territory and subethnic groups.  相似文献   

Members of the primary gene pool of the chickpea, including 38 accessions of Cicer arietinum, six of C. reticulatum and four of C. echinospermum grown in India were investigated using 100 SSR markers to analyze their genetic structure, diversity and relationships. We found considerable diversity, with a mean of 4.8 alleles per locus (ranging from 2 to 11); polymorphic information content ranged from 0.040 to 0.803, with a mean of 0.536. Most of the diversity was confined to the wild species, which had higher values of polymorphic information content, gene diversity and heterozygosity than the cultivated species, suggesting a narrow genetic base for cultivated chickpea. An unrooted neighbor-joining tree, principal coordinate analysis and population structure analysis revealed differentiation between the cultivated accessions and the wild species; three cultivated accessions were in an intermediate position, demonstrating introgression within the cultivated group. Better understanding of the structure, diversity and relationships within and among the members of this primary gene pool will contribute to more efficient identification, conservation and utilization of chickpea germplasm for allele mining, association genetics, mapping and cloning gene(s) and applied breeding to widen the genetic base of this cultivated species, for the development of elite lines with superior yield and improved adaptation to diverse environments.  相似文献   

Evolution of duplicate gene expression in polyploid and hybrid plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Allopolyploidy is a prominent mode of speciation in flowering plants. On allopolyploidy, genomic changes can take place, including chromosomal rearrangement and changes in gene expression; these processes continue over evolutionary time. Recent studies of gene expression in polyploid and hybrid plants, reviewed here, have examined expression in natural polyploids and synthetic neopolyploids as well as in diploid and F(1) hybrids. Considerable changes in gene expression have been observed in allopolyploids, including up- or downregulation of expression in the polyploids compared with their parents, unequal expression of duplicated genes, and silencing of one copy. Genes in a variety of functional categories show altered expression, and the patterns vary considerably by gene. Some changes seem to be stochastic, whereas others are repeatable. Gene expression changes can be organ specific. Reciprocal silencing of duplicates in different organs has been observed, suggesting subfunctionalization and long-term retention of duplicates. It has become clear that hybridization has a much greater effect than chromosome doubling on gene expression in allopolyploids. Diploid and triploid F(1) hybrids can show alterations of expression levels compared with their parents. Parent-of-origin effects on gene expression have been examined, and loss of gene imprinting has been shown. Some gene expression changes in polyploids and hybrids can be correlated with phenotypic effects. Demonstrated mechanisms of gene expression changes include DNA methylation, histone modifications, and antisense RNA. Several hypotheses have been proposed for why gene expression is altered in allopolyploids and hybrids.  相似文献   

Balanovskaia EV  Nurbaev SD 《Genetika》1998,34(11):1559-1573
A new approach for investigating the selective structure of the gene pool reflecting the type and intensity of selection is proposed. Selection pressure is estimated on the basis of interpopulation gene diversity with the use of the selection intensity index: RS(i) = NeS(i) = 1/4(1/FST(i)-1/Fe). Distributions of RS(i) in gene pools of indigenous populations from all continents and five subregions of the northeastern Eurasia were examined. It was shown that, of all theoretical distributions, only beta-distributions provide a good approximation of RS(i) estimates. Based on the confidence intervals of RS obtained from beta-distributions, genes can be grouped into the three following classes according to their selective structure: LOWER DIFF, NEUTRAL, and SUPER DIFF. These classes, respectively, include genes subjected mainly to stabilizing selection (RS(i) > 0; LOWER DIFF), genes subjected mainly to differentiating selection (RS(i) < 0; SUPER DIFF), and arbitrarily selectively neutral genes (RS(i) approximately 0; NEUTRAL). Simulation of gene pool sampling (10(6) samples from 50 markers for each gene pool) allowed us to characterize the selective structure by determining markers that fall into the same selective class irrespective of the variant for the sampling process. The selective structure of gene pools from six continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America, and southeastern Eurasia) and five subregions of northeastern Eurasia was characterized. It was shown that approximately one-third of genes is subjected to selection irrespective of the hierarchical level of the region. In gene pools of Europe, northeastern Eurasia, and European and Ural subregions, the proportion of genes under stabilizing selection was higher, the proportion of selectively neutral genes, lower. Debatable issues of tests for selective neutrality based on heterogeneity of interpopulation gene diversity are considered. These issues include the effect on FST of the hierarchical population structure, sample size, number of subpopulations, and other factors that shift estimates of gene selective values.  相似文献   

Burow MD  Simpson CE  Starr JL  Paterson AH 《Genetics》2001,159(2):823-837
Polyploidy creates severe genetic bottlenecks, contributing to the genetic vulnerability of leading crops. Cultivated peanut is thought to be of monophyletic origin, harboring relatively little genetic diversity. To introduce variability from diploid wild species into tetraploid cultivated Arachis hypogaea, a synthetic amphidiploid [[A. batizocoi K9484 x (A. cardenasii GKP10017 x A. diogoi GKP10602)](4x)] was used as donor parent to generate a backcross population of 78 progeny. Three hundred seventy RFLP loci were mapped onto 23 linkage groups, spanning 2210 cM. Chromatin derived from the two A-genome diploid ancestors (A. cardenasii and A. diogoi) comprised mosaic chromosomes, reflecting crossing over in the diploid A-genome interspecific F(1) hybrid. Recombination between chromosomes in the tetraploid progeny was similar to chromosome pairing reported for A. hypogaea, with recombination generally between chromosomes of the same subgenomic affinity. Segregation distortion was observed for 25% of the markers, distributed over 20 linkage groups. Unexpectedly, 68% of the markers deviating from expected segregation showed an excess of the synthetic parent allele. Genetic consequences, relationship to species origins, and significance for comparative genetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Large polyploid genomes of non-model species remain challenging targets for DNA polymorphism discovery despite the increasing throughput and continued reductions in cost of sequencing with new technologies. For these species especially, there remains a requirement to enrich genomic DNA to discover polymorphisms in regions of interest because of large genome size and to provide the sequence depth to enable estimation of copy number. Various methods of enriching DNA have been utilised, but some recent methods enable the efficient sampling of large regions (e.g. the exome). We have utilised one of these methods, solution-based hybridization (Agilent SureSelect), to capture regions of the genome of two sugarcane genotypes (one Saccharum officinarum and one Saccharum hybrid) based mainly on gene sequences from the close relative Sorghum bicolor. The capture probes span approximately 5.8?megabases (Mb). The enrichment over whole-genome shotgun sequencing was 10-11-fold for the two genotypes tested. This level of enrichment has important consequences for detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from a single lane of Illumina (Genome Analyzer) sequence reads. The detection of polymorphisms was enabled by the depth of sequence at or near probe sites and enabled the detection of 270?000-280?000 SNPs within each genotype from a single lane of sequence using stringent detection parameters. The SNPs were present in 13?000-16?000 targeted genes, which would enable mapping of a large number of these chosen genes. SNP validation from 454 sequencing and between-genotype confirmations gave an 87%-91% validation rate.  相似文献   

The structure of Khakass gene pool has been investigated: compositions and frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups were described in seven population samples of two basic subethnic groups--Sagays and Kachins from three territorially distanced regions of Khakassia Republic. Eight haplogroups: C3, E, N*, N1b, N1c, R1a1a and R1b1b1 have been determined in Khakass gene pool. Significant differences between Sagays and Kachins were shown in haplogroup spectra and a level of genetic diversity in haplogroups and YSTR-haplotypes. Kachin samples are characterized by a low value of gene diversity, whereas the level of Sagay diversity is similar to that of other South-Siberian ethnoses. Sagay samples from Askizsky region are very similar to each other just as two Kachin samples from Shirinsky region, while Sagay samples from Tashtypsky region greatly differ from each other. A great portion of intergroup differences was determined among different ethnic groups, which testifies to significant genetic differentiation of native populations in Khakassia. Khakass gene pool is greatly differentiated both in haplogroup frequencies and in YSTR-haplotypes within N1b haplogroup. Frequencies and molecular phylogenesis of YSTR-haplotypes were revealed within N1b, N1c and R1a1 haplogroups of Y-chromosome. We carried out comparative analysis of the data obtained. The results of factor, cluster and dispersion analyses are evidence of structuredness of Khakass gene pool according to territorial-subethnic principle.  相似文献   

Culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches were used to determine the relationship between the dehalogenase gene pool in bacteria enriched and isolated on 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (22DCPA) and the environmental metagene pool (the collective gene pool of both the culturable and uncultured microbes) from which they were isolated. The dehalogenases in the pure-cultures isolates, which were able to degrade 22DCPA, were similar to previously described group I and II dehalogenases. Significantly, the majority of the dehalogenases isolated from activated sludge by degenerate PCR with primers specific for alpha-halocarboxylic acid dehalogenases were not closely related to the dehalogenases in any isolate. Furthermore, the dehalogenases found in the pure cultures predominated in the enrichments but were a minor component of the community used to inoculate the batch cultures. Phylogenetic analysis of the dehalogenase sequences isolated by degenerate PCR showed that the diversity of the group II deh gene was greater than that of the group I deh gene. Direct plating of the activated sludge onto minimal media supplemented with 22DCPA resulted in biomass and DNA from which dehalogenases were amplified. Analysis of the sequences revealed that they were much more closely related to the sequences found in the community used to start the enrichments. However, no pure cultures were obtained with this isolation method, and thus no pure cultures were available for identification. In this study we examined the link between genes found in pure cultures with the metagene pool from which they were isolated. The results show that there is a large bias introduced by culturing, not just in the bacteria isolated but also the degradative genes that they contain. Moreover, our findings serve as a caveat for studies involving the culturing of pure cultures of bacteria and conclusions which are drawn from analysis of these organisms.  相似文献   

The genome of modern sugarcane cultivars is highly polyploid ( approximately 12x), aneuploid, of interspecific origin, and contains 10 Gb of DNA. Its size and complexity represent a major challenge for the isolation of agronomically important genes. Here we report on the first attempt to isolate a gene from sugarcane by map-based cloning, targeting a durable major rust resistance gene (Bru1). We describe the genomic strategies that we have developed to overcome constraints associated with high polyploidy in the successive steps of map-based cloning approaches, including diploid/polyploid syntenic shuttle mapping with two model diploid species (sorghum and rice) and haplotype-specific chromosome walking. Their applications allowed us (i) to develop a high-resolution map including markers at 0.28 and 0.14 cM on both sides and 13 markers cosegregating with Bru1 and (ii) to develop a physical map of the target haplotype that still includes two gaps at this stage due to the discovery of an insertion specific to this haplotype. These approaches will pave the way for the development of future map-based cloning approaches for sugarcane and other complex polyploid species.  相似文献   

Methods and Reagents is a unique monthly column that highlights current discussions in the newsgroup bionet.molbio.methods-reagnts, available on the internet. This month's column discusses a strange contaminant thought to be lurking in a waterbath, as well as some other items of unfinished business. For details on how to partake in the newsgroup, see the accompanying box.  相似文献   

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