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The intracellular pathway for secretion of thymulin, a thymic hormone, was studied in primary cultures of human thymic epithelial cells by experimentally blocking the movement of secretory vesicles within these cells. These cultures were subjected to cytoskeleton inhibitors, such as colchicine and/or cytochalasin B, that block the directed movement of secretory vesicles, or to monensin, an ionophore that specifically perturbs the traffic of Golgi-derived vesicles. Both cytoskeleton inhibitors partially prevented thymulin secretion into the culture supernatants, and their effects were dose-dependent. Moreover, the percentage of thymulin-containing cells (evaluated by immunofluorescence with a zinc-specific anti-thymulin monoclonal antibody), as well as the fluorescence intensity within these cells, was significantly higher than observed in control cultures, suggesting that the hormone was accumulated in the cytoplasm, thus facilitating its detection. Similar results were obtained with monensin. These results, together with the recent identification of high molecular weight proteins reacting with anti-thymulin antibodies, suggest that thymulin is secreted via the following intracellular pathway: a precursor is synthesized at the level of the granular endoplasmic reticulum; it migrates to the Golgi complex, from which it is released within hormone-containing vesicles; the vesicles incorporate zinc, move towards the cell membrane, and eventually fuse with it. This sequence of events characterizes the classical phenomenon of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Data have now accumulated to strongly demonstrate that several neuropeptides, including endogenous opioids, can have immunomodulatory functions. Most of the studies have so far focused on the direct action of these substances on lymphocytes. We decided to investigate whether thymic epithelial cells (TEC) - the major component of the thymic microenvironment - could also be modulated by endogenous opioids. Primary cultures of human and murine TEC were subjected to several opioids (alpha-beta- or gamma-endorphins, as well as met- or leuenkephalins) applied in concentrations ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-9) M. On the following days we measured the levels of thymulin (a chemically-defined thymic hormone known to stimulate some steps of T-cell differentiation) in the culture supernatants, as well as the numbers of thymulin containing cells, evaluated by immunofluorescence with an anti-thymulin monoclonal antibody. After treatment of TEC cultures with beta-endorphin or leu-enkephalin a significant increase in the levels of thymulin in the culture media was observed, paralleled by a rise in the percentage of thymulin containing cells. In addition, this stimulatory effect was dose-dependent. Preincubation of the opioids with the specific antibodies abrogated the opioid-induced stimulatory effect on TEC. Moreover, naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, blocked the effect of beta-endorphin on thymulin production, suggesting that the effect of this neuropeptide on epithelial cells was mediated by an opioid receptor. Importantly, no effect on thymulin production was observed with the other opioids used, whatever the dose. These results suggest that, at least in vitro, beta-endorphin and leu-enkephalin stimulate the hormonal function of the thymic epithelium. These findings lead to the general concept that the modulatory role of endogenous opioids on the immune system is not restricted to lymphocytes but can also take place at the level of cells belonging to T-cell differentiating microenvironments.  相似文献   

Direct contact between thymocytes and thymic stromal elements may be one of the mechanisms involved in thymocyte differentiation. Thymic lymphoepithelial complexes have been isolated in which thymocytes appear to be in direct association with cortical epithelial cells. We have previously reported the isolation and successful culture of two morphologically distinct types of murine thymic epithelial cells. We have utilized these to study the interactions of lymphoid and epithelial cells by means of an in vitro assay of the binding of radiolabeled thymocytes to monolayers of these cultured thymic epithelial cells. The percentage of bound cells increased rapidly during the first hour of incubation, reaching approximately 40% binding. Binding continued to increase slowly until plateau levels were reached at approximately 5 hr. Thymocyte binding to thymic epithelium, but not fibroblast monolayers, was trypsin-sensitive, suggesting that specific protein interactions may be involved. Binding of thymocytes to epithelium was temperature-dependent, involved formation of cytoplasmic projections, and was inhibited by cytochalasin B. We also found that cortical thymocytes (peanut agglutinin-positive (PNA+)cells) bound to cultured epithelium to a greater degree than medullary thymocytes (PNA- cells). This correlates with in vivo studies by others in which thymocytes associated with lymphoepithelial complexes have been found to have immature phenotypes. This system provides a means for a quantitative study of the role of cell to cell contact in the process of thymocyte selection and differentiation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that two populations of thymic epithelium can be separated in culture on the basis of their differential growth rates and their adherence to the culture substratum, and maintained as long-term, morphologically distinct cell cultures, TECs and TECL. We have also described the effects of supernatants from the small epithelial cell (TESs) on the proliferative responses of thymocytes cocultured with mitogen and TESs over a 72-hr period. We now describe the effects in thymic epithelial supernatants (TESL) of soluble factors produced by TECL (the large epithelial cell) on thymocytes costimulated with mitogen and compare their effects to those derived from TECs. Both TESL and TESs suppress optimally stimulated thymocytes and enhance the proliferative responses of suboptimally stimulated thymocytes over a 72-hr period. The suppressive activities produced by TECL and TECs appear distinct, based upon markedly different molecular weights, but have similar sensitivities to heat treatment. The enhancing activities are of similar molecular weight, but have different sensitivities to heat treatment. In addition, TECL synthesize four- to fivefold less PGE2 than TECs. These results provide additional distinctions between the two cell types, and taken in conjunction with data on the anatomic distribution of similar cells, suggest that although they have similar functional effects in vitro, they may prove to have separable roles in vivo.  相似文献   

The hallmark of infection with HIV-1 is progressive depletion and qualitative dysfunction of the CD4+ Th cell population in infected individuals. Clinical trials of antiretroviral agents have shown that, despite suppression of virus replication, regeneration of the T cell pool does not occur. One proposed explanation for the defective regenerative capacity of the CD4+ T cell pool is infection of early T lymphocyte progenitors or stem cells. An additional explanation could be failure of cells of the intrathymic microenvironment (thymic epithelial (TE) cells) to carry out critical nurturing functions for developing thymocytes, i.e., secretion of thymocyte-trophic cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules. This study examines the effect of HIV on cultured TE cells and determines the role of TE cells in the regulation of viral expression in chronically HIV-infected cells. We found no evidence of infection of TE cells after exposure to HIV-1. However, normal human serum induced secretion of IL-6 by TE cells; induction of TE IL-6 was partially blocked by anti-IFN-gamma antibodies. Moreover, supernatants from TE cells maintained in normal human serum up-regulated HIV replication in chronically HIV-1-infected cells. Because intrathymic T cell precursors can be infected with HIV and T cell precursors come into close contact with TE cells in the thymus, IL-6 secreted by TE cells during normal intrathymic development may induce HIV expression in infected thymocytes in vivo and promote the intrathymic spread of HIV.  相似文献   

Using an immunofluorescence (IF) assay, the presence of metallothionein (MT) was investigated in sections of normal and pathologic human thymuses as well as in cultures of thymic epithelial cells. This protein, known to have a high binding affinity for class II B transitional metals, such as zinc, was detected in the epithelial component of the thymus. Moreover, double labeling experiments with the anti-MT and an anti-thymulin monoclonal antibody showed that all cells containing thymulin, a thymic hormone whose active structure is known to contain zinc, also exhibited large amounts of metallothionein. These results, together with the fact that zinc and thymulin have been detected in the same type of cell organelles, lead to the conclusion that the MT present in thymic epithelial cells might be involved in the mechanism of zinc storage in these cells, thus favoring the secretion of thymulin in its biologically active, zinc-containing form.  相似文献   

The influence of adrenals and gonads on the intrathymic production and the circulating level of thymulin was evaluated in young adult mice. Adrenalectomy (Adx) and gonadectomy (Cx) induce a temporary decrease of thymulin serum level. One simultaneously notes, as a compensatory phenomenon, an increase in the thymic content of the hormone-producing cells. The decrease of serum thymulin levels after Adx and Cx is at least partially due to the appearance of low m.w. thymulin-inhibitory molecules. The fact that thymectomy prevents the appearance of these inhibitors suggests that the effects of Adx and Cx could be explained by a negative control by sex hormones of the synthesis or activity of thymulin inhibitors produced or controlled by the thymus. Specific hormone replacement therapy of castrated/adrenalectomized animals normalized thymulin serum level and thymic content. Such correction was also spontaneously observed after 4 mo, suggesting that other mechanisms (e.g., an influence of the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis) might be involved in the endocrine control of thymic hormone secretion.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) on cytokine secretion by caprine endometrial epithelial cells (EEC) in vitro. Epithelial cells grown alone or in co-culture with stromal cells (ESC) were treated with E2 or P4, or both. Homogeneity of the endometrial cell populations was ascertained immunocytochemically. The quantities of cytokines secreted in this system were assessed by ELISA and their protein expression by Western blot. The exposure of EEC to P4 alone or in combination with E2 significantly increased the amount of TGF-β1, TNF-α and IL-18 secretion, whereas E2 had no effect on the synthesis of these cytokines. When epithelial cells were co-cultured with ESC, the secretion of TGF-β1, TNF-α and IL-18 by EEC significantly increased compared to that by EEC alone. However, the treatment with both steroids decreased the secretion of TNF-α, IL-18 and TGF-β1 by EEC in the presence of ESC. In contrast to TGF-β1, TNF-α and IL-18, the secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) by EEC was not affected by E2 and/or P4 either directly or indirectly. The present results indicate that the interactions between caprine endometrial stromal and epithelial cells can modulate the secretion of TGF-β1, TNF-α and IL-18 by EEC exposed to E2 and/or P4 in vitro.  相似文献   

The thymus is a heterogeneous immune organ in which immature T-cells develop and eventually specialize to make certain immune responses of their own. Among various types of stromal cells in the thymus, thymic epithelial cells (TECs) have a crucially important function for presenting self-antigens and secreting cytokines to thymocytes for their maturation into T-cells. In this study we show that the p73 gene, a homologue of the tumor suppressor gene p53, was expressed in the nucleus of the human TEC in vivo and in TEC lines in vitro. Because p73 has the capacity to be a transactivator like p53, it may contribute to T-cell development in the context of TEC biology as regulated in the cell cycle and apoptosis.  相似文献   

The earliest T-precursor population in the adult murine thymus can give rise to dendritic cells (DC) in culture if stimulated with a cocktail of cytokines that includes interleukin (IL)-3, but not with cytokine mixes based on granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), normally used to generate myeloid-derived DC. This and other evidence led to the proposal that two different lineages of DC exist, one lymphoid-related and the other myeloid-related. To determine whether this selective response to cytokines was restricted to murine DC, early human thymic T-precursors were isolated and their capacity to generate DC in response to various cytokines directly compared to their murine counterparts. In contrast to cultures of murine thymic precursors, CD34+CD1a- lineage marker negative (Lin-) precursor cells from the human thymus proliferated and generated DC with both the IL-3-containing cytokine mix lacking GM-CSF and with GM-CSF based cytokine mixes. These CD34+CD1a-Lin- human precursor cells also gave rise to NK cells under appropriate culture conditions, but produced no granulocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, megakaryocyte or erythroid cells in standard soft-agar colony-forming cell assays. Thus, although apparently lymphoid-restricted, the human thymic DC precursors responded to the myeloid factor GM-CSF as well as to the cytokines selective for murine lymphoid-related DC.  相似文献   

Summary Thymic epithelial cells were grown in defined medium without unknown serum factors and without concurrent growth of other cell types. Thymic tissue was obtained from 1- to 4-wk-old mice, disaggregated, and incubated in a mixture of collagenase-dispase-DNAse. The resulting organoids were seeded on collagen-coated flasks. The culture medium consisted of DME-F12 with low or high concentration of Ca2+ supplemented with insulin, epidermal growth factor, cholera toxin, hydrocortisone, and transferrin. Under these conditions, explants attached to the substrate within 2 d, and expanding epithelioid monolayer islets emerged from the organoids during the following days. [3H]Thymidine incorporation revealed a growth fraction of the cells close to 5%. By omitting either epidermal growth factor, insulin, or cholera toxin from the medium, pronounced reduction in sizes of islets and in [3H]thymidine incorporation was found. Throughout the culture period, the islets appeared as continuous sheets of polygonal cells. The epithelial nature of the expanding cell islets was confirmed by demonstration of cytokeratins and of desmosomes. Ultrastructural evaluation of early cultures revealed clusters of epithelial cells intermixed with lymphocytes, and late cultures showed a typical pattern of stratified keratinizing epithelium. However, squamous metaplasia was avoided by the use of low Ca2+ medium, which also proved essential for cell transfer. MHC class II antigen was detected on the majority of the cultured cells, and culture supernatants contained co-mitogenic activity for thymocytes and GM-colony stimulating activity. This work supported by The Danish Research Council, grant 12-8148.  相似文献   

A 24-hour co-cultivation of thymocytes and epithelial cells taken from human thymus results in mutual activation of epitheliocytes and thymocytes, as well as in apoptosis of thymocytes. The apoptosis can also be induced by a cultural supernatant of the thymic-epithelial cells, its level being lower, however, than in the co-culture. Thymocyte death and elimination develop faster in a co-culture with allogeneic thymic epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We report here the successful selective cultivation of murine thymic mesenchymal reticular cells (MTMC) and murine thymic epithelial cells (MTEC) grown on extracellular matrix in the presence of defined medium. The selective growth of these two cell types was based on 1) conditions of tissue disruption and 2) differential growth requirements. Both cell types were dependent on transferrin, high density lipoproteins, insulin, hydrocortisone, and epidermal growth factor, whereas MTMC was dependent also on selenium and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine. The elimination of single factors or extracellular matrix resulted in specific and different changes in the growth pattern of each cell subpopulation. Cells of both types exhibited the ultrastructural features of high metabolic activity. The epithelial nature of MTEC cultures was defined by bundles of tonofilaments and desmosomes and by positive staining to keratins and negative to vimentin. In addition MTEC were positively stained with mAb to thymic medullary epithelial cells and by Ulex europeus agglutinin, and were able to form Hassall's corpuscles, suggesting their medullary origin. MTEC were also H-2 and Ia positive. In contrast MTMC were positive for vimentin and periodic acid-Schiff, low positive for H-2, and negative for keratin and Ia. Both cells did not contain nonspecific esterase, nor did they phagocytize latex beads. With the use of all these criteria we classified MTEC as epithelial cells from the medullary compartment of the thymus and MTMC as reticular cells of mesenchymal origin.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests a role for prostaglandins in the immune response. As steroids have been shown recently to modulate prostaglandin secretion, we have studied the secretion of prostaglandin and the effect of various steroids in culture of human thymus epithelial cells. Using reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassays, we have shown that these cells produce substantial amounts of PGE2 and PGE and that this secretion is modulated by steroid hormones. Prostaglandin could represent one of the factors of the thymic environment which respond to steroid hormones.  相似文献   

A new method for the long-term culture of pure rat thymic epithelial cells was established. The cultures were characterized by immunocytochemistry, electron microscopy and proliferation assays. Non-epithelial thymic cells were eliminated with a reliable and reproducible pre-plating method, by differential trypsin treatment of the cultures and by addition of horse serum to the culture medium instead of fetal calf serum. The final cultures contained more than 95% pure epithelial cells as evidenced by immunostaining for cytokeratin. Ultrastructural studies indicated that these cells are physiologically active epithelial cells with tonofilaments, desmosomes and filopods. The subsets of the thymic epithelial cells in vitro were investigated by comparing their staining pattern with that obtained in situ using several subtype-selective antibodies. Thymic epithelial cells in vitro showed a preferential expression of subcapsular/perivascular and medullary markers. Only few cultivated cells were of cortical origin. In the first to the fourth subcultures, some cells were immunopositive for the thymus hormone/factor thymulin. The proliferation of thymic epithelial cells was stimulated by horse serum and to a lesser extend by fetal calf serum. The adenylate cyclase activators isoproterenol and forskolin, and the glucocorticoid cortisol inhibited the proliferation. Received: 12 May 1995 / Accepted: 13 October 1995  相似文献   

Studies of regulated mucin secretion from goblet cells in primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells have suffered, generally, from poor signal-to-noise ratios, with reported secretory responses of <100% (less than onefold) relative to baseline. Using, instead, HBE cells grown as xenografts in the backs of nude mice, we found that UTP (100 micro M) stimulated strong mucin secretory responses from isolated, luminally perfused preparations. The peak response (10 min) for 11 control experiments (37 xenografts) was 3.3 +/- 0.05-fold relative to baseline, and the time-integrated response (60 min) was 23.4 +/- 0.5-fold. Because responses to ATP and UTP were approximately equal, an apical membrane P2Y(2)-receptor (R) is suggested. Additionally, ADP activated mucin release from HBE xenografts, whereas UDP and 2-methlythio-ADP did not, a pattern of response inconsistent with known purinoceptors. Hence, either a novel receptor to ADP is suggested or there is significant conversion of ADP to ATP by ecto-adenylate kinase activity. Adenosine and a nitric oxide donor were without effect. Consistent with P2Y(2)-R coupling to phospholipase C, HBE xenografts responded to ionomycin and PMA; however, they were recalcitrant to forskolin and chlorophenylthio-cAMP, and to 8-bromo-cGMP. Hence, human airway goblet cells, like those of other species, appear to be regulated primarily via phospholipase C pathways, activated particularly by apical membrane P2Y(2)-R agonists.  相似文献   

Our earlier study reported the ability of interleukin 1 (IL1) to promote proliferation and to induce morphological changes of human thymic epithelial cells (TEC) in culture. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of IL1 on the secretory function of TEC. Both human recombinant IL1 alpha and IL1 beta induced TEC to produce molecules in the culture supernatant fluids (TES) which displayed marked thymocyte proliferative capacities. This activity was specifically induced by IL1 since other TEC growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and a bovine pituitary extract had no effect on promoting secretion of T cell-activating molecules by TEC. Using specific radioimmunoassays for both forms of IL1, we found that unstimulated TEC produced negligible amounts of IL1 alpha and IL1 beta in TES, which were not increased by IL1 stimulation, and we concluded that the IL1-induced TES molecules were not IL1. IL1 induced TEC to produce IL6, as detected by the hybridoma growth factor biological activity. Neutralizing anti-IL6 antibodies completely blocked the thymocyte activating capacities of the IL1-induced TES thus implying a major role for IL6 in TEC-derived T cell activation. IL1 also induced TEC to produce GM-CSF as measured by bioassay and confirmed by an immunoenzymetric assay. Our results confirm that TEC are a source of cytokines and show that TEC respond to IL1 by producing cytokines with consequences on the thymic lymphoid population. This further emphasizes the importance and complexity of paracrine molecular interactions involved in intrathymic development.  相似文献   

We have described a procedure for isolating thymic macrophages and have evaluated their activity in stimulating thymocyte maturation in vitro. The culturing of gradient-purified immature thymocytes on thymic macrophages leads to an increased expression of H-2 antigens and decreased lytic sensitivity with anti-TL and C. The macrophage-stimulated thymocyte also acquires the ability to respond in the MLR. We propose that the macrophage may regulate one stage of thymic differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

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