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Summary The internal epithelium of mouse forestomach represents a fully keratinized tissue that has many morphological aspects in common with the integumental epidermis. In the present study we have, therefore, analyzed keratin expression in the total epithelium, in subfractions of basal cells and in living and dead suprabasal cells that were obtained by Percoll density gradient centrifugation of trypsin-dissociated forestomach keratinocytes. The keratin analysis revealed that basal forestomach keratinocytes synthesize the same keratin types as basal epidermal cells (60 000, 52 000 and 47 000 daltons), whereas differentiating cells contain both the epidermal suprabasal keratin pair (67 000 and 59 000 daltons) and the suprabasal keratin pair characteristic for other internal squamous epithelia (57 000 and 47 000 daltons). Indirect immunofluorescence using an antibody recognizing the members of the epidermal-type suprabasal keratin pair and in-situ-hybridization experiments using specific cDNA probes for the members of the internal-type keratin pair showed that the two keratin pairs are uniformly coexpressed in living suprabasal forestomach keratinocytes. Furthermore, it could be shown that distinct cells in the basal cell layer acquire the ability to express both the 67 000/59 000 dalton and the 57 000/47 000 dalton keratin pair and that some basal cells apparently lose the ability to synthesize mRNAs for basal keratins.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of normal human alveolar mucosa originating from the anterior vestibulum was subjected to stereologic analysis. Eight biopsies were collected half-way between the muco gingival junction and the vestibular fornix from 20 to 50 year-old females, and processed for light and electron microscopy. At two levels of magnification, electron micrographs were sampled from four artificially selected strata in regions of epithelial ridges. Stereologic point counting based on a computer-aided system for analyzing stratified epithelia served for examining a total of about 860 electron micrographs. The alveolar epithelium was 0.26 mm thick, occasionally interdigitated by short, slender connective tissue papillae, and consisted of (1) a narrow basal and suprabasal, and (2) a broad spinous and surface compartment. It displayed a differentiation pattern which, in most subjects studied, was similar to that of normal human buccal epithelium, however, on the average, produced less mature surface cells. This pattern was expressed mainly by a density increase of cytoplasmic filaments (98 Å in diameter), a concomitant decrease of the cytoplasmic ground substance, the formation of dark-cored membrane coating granules, and individually variable amounts of glycogen deposition. In some subjects, a mixed differentiation pattern was found. The structural organization of alveolar epithelium, in analogy to cheek epithelium, was compatible with the function of distensibility.
Zusammenfassung Das Epithel der normalen menschlichen Alveolarschleimhaut im vorderen Vestibulum wurde einer stereologischen Analyse unterworfen. Acht Biopsien wurden in der Mitte zwischen mukogingivaler Grenzlinie und Fornix bei 20 bis 50 Jahre alten Frauen entnommen und für licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Studien verarbeitet. Auf zwei Vergrößerungsstufen wurden Stichproben elektronenmikroskopischer Aufnahmen aus vier Schichten im Bereich epithelialer Leisten entnommen. Insgesamt 860 Bilder wurden mit Hilfe stereologischer Punktzählverfahren analysiert. Das Alveolarepithel war im Durchschnitt 0,26 mm dick, wurde gelegentlich von kurzen, schlanken Bindegewebspapillen durchzogen und bestand aus einem schmalen basalen und suprabasalen, sowie einem breiten, homogen-strukturierten Ober-flächenkompartiment. Es wies ein Differenzierungsmuster auf, das, in der Mehrzahl der Fälle, große Ähnlichkeit mit dem des menschlichen Wangenepithels zeigte, aber durchschnittlich weniger stark ausgereifte Oberflächenzellen hervorbrachte. Dieses Muster wurde zur Hauptsache durch einen Anstieg der Filamentdichte (der Filamentdurchmesser betrug etwa 98 Å), einen entsprechenden Abfall der Volumendichte der zytoplasmatischen Grundsubstanz, der Bildung von membranversteifenden Granula und durch individuell unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägte Glykogenablagerungen geprägt. In einigen Fällen wurde ein gemischtes Differenzierungsmuster gefunden. Die strukturelle Organisation des Alveolarepithels, wie auch die des Wangenepithels, ist mit der funktionellen Dehnbarkeit dieser Schleimhautregionen vereinbar.

Summary The epithelium of normal human hard palate was subjected to stereologic analysis. Ten biopsies were selected from a total of twenty specimens collected from 9 to 16 year old females, and processed for light- and electron microscopy. At two levels of magnification, electron micrographs were sampled from three strata (basale, spinosum, granulosum) in two locations (epithelial ridges and portions over connective tissue papillae). Stereologic point counting procedures were employed to analyse a total 1560 electron micrographs. In general, the thickness of the palate epithelium was 0.12 mm (over papillae) and 0.31 mm (in ridges), the epithelium is distinctly stratified, and homogeneously ortho-keratinized. From basal to granular layers, the composition of strata revealed decreasing densities of nuclei, mitochondria, membrane-bound organelles and aggregates of free ribosomes. Keratohyalin bodies and membrane coating granules increased, and cytoplasmic filaments with a constant diameter of about 85 Å increased from 14 to 30% of cytoplasmic unit volume. The cytoplasmic ground substance occupied a stable 50% of the epithelial cytoplasm in all strata. The composition of basal layers in ridges differed from that over connective tissue papillae. The data are discussed in relation to the observations that (1) an increasing gradient of filament density is not the most characteristic feature of ortho-keratinizing oral epithelium and (2) differences in the degree of differentiation in cells of the stratum basale coincided with the comparable frequency distribution pattern of dividing cells.The authors are thankful to Miss K. Rossinsky for excellent technical assistance, to Mrs. M. Graf-de Beer for competent data computation and to Mrs. S. Münzel-Pedrazzoli for help in morphometric analysis. This study was in part supported by Grants Nos. 51 and 106 of the Hartmann Müller Foundation and by a Grant from the Foundation of Scientific Research at the University of Zürich.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of normal human buccal mucosa was subjected to stereologic analysis. Ten biopsies were selected from a total of 20 specimens collected from 10 to 15 year old females, and processed for lightand electron microscopy. At two levels of magnification, electron micrographs were sampled from four strata in epithelial ridges and from three strata in regions over connective tissue papillae. Stereologic point counting based on a recently improved system for analyzing stratified epithelia was employed to analyze a total of 1820 electron micrographs. Buccal epithelium was found to be 0.48 mm thick, interdigitated by long, slender connective tissue papillae, and comprised of a narrow basal and suprabasal, and a broad, homogeneously structured spinous and surface compartment. From basal to surface layers, the epithelium displayed a differentiation pattern different from that of keratinizing epithelia. This pattern was a function mainly of a drastic density increase of cytoplasmic filaments of a constant 80 Å diameter, a corresponding decrease of the cytoplasmic ground substance, the appearance of dark-cored membrane coating granules and individually varying amounts of glycogen deposition. It is suggested that the dense meshwork of filaments which fill 70% of the epithelial cytoplasm in a broad subsurface and surface layer, serves as the functional matrix for epithelial distensibility.This investigation was performed while Dr. Landay was on leave from the Department of Periodontology, Temple University, School of Dentistry.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of intact guinea pig palate was subjected to stereologic analysis in a study of structural alterations in the keratinizing epithelium in response to wounding. Point counting procedures were employed to analyse electron micrographs sampled from three epithelial strata in biopsies collected from five animals. The differentiation pattern of the guinea pig palate epithelium displayed the following structural density gradients from basal to granular layers: descending gradients of metabolically active organelles, ascending gradient of bundled filaments coupled with the appearence of membrane coating granules and keratohyalin granules, and a plateau-like gradient of cytoplasmic ground substance. This pattern of epithelial differentiation is basically identical to that of human hard palate epithelium and epidermis. Regional and species variations in structure of keratinizing epithelia are suggested based on interepithelial differences in morphometric parameters.This investigation was supported in part by grant No. 512-4064 from the Danish State Medical Research Council and by a grant from the Calcin Foundation.The data recording and computation was performed on a guest visit at the Dental Institute, University of Zürich.  相似文献   

Summary The pathway for movement of chloride ions across frog skin is not well understood. Mitochondria-rich (MR) cells have been proposed as the route for chloride across the skin. To test this hypothesis we studied the MR cells of the skin of the frog,Rana pipiens, by quantitative light microscopic determination of cell volume. MR cell volume was influenced by changes in the chloride concentration or osmolality of the outside bathing solution. MR cells shrank about 23% when all chloride was removed from the outside (mucosal) bathing solution. MR cells were also shown to be responsive to changes in the osmolality of either the mucosal or serosal bath. Osmotically-induced swelling caused by dilution of the serosal bath resulted in volume regulatory decrease. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that MR cells constitute the pathway for chloride movement across frog skin.  相似文献   

Gap junctions are documented in the human airway epithelium but the functional expression and molecular identity of their protein constituents (connexins, Cx) in the polarized epithelium is not known. To address this question, we documented the expression of a family of epithelial Cx (Cx26, Cx30, Cx30.3, Cx31, Cx31.1, Cx32, Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43) in primary human airway epithelial cells (AEC) grown on porous supports. Under submerged conditions, AEC formed a monolayer of airway cells whereas the air-liquid interface induced within 30-60 days AEC differentiation into a polarized epithelium for up to 6-9 months. Maturation of AEC was associated with the down-regulation of Cx26 and Cx43. The well-differentiated airway epithelium exhibited gap junctional communication between ciliated and between ciliated and basal cells. Interestingly, Cx30 was mostly present between ciliated cells whereas Cx31 was found between basal cells. These results are supportive of the establishment of signal-selective gap junctions with maturation of AEC, likely contributing to support airway epithelium function. These results lay the ground for studying the role of Cx-mediated cell-cell communication during repair following AEC injury and exploring Cx-targeted interventions to modulate the healing process.  相似文献   

Human esophageal, tracheal, and pancreatic ductal fragments were collected at autopsy after a postmortem interval of 12 hours or less and maintained in explant organ culture for 30 days. The viability and growth of the explants was assessed by morphology, LDH enzyme release, and cellular outgrowth. The viability and growth of the bronchial explant epithelium was directly related to the postmortem interval. Esophageal epithelial regeneration followed the desquamation of the superficial cell layers. Pancreatic epithelia appeared to grow more slowly and with less outgrowth than the other tissues. Epithelial cell growth along the explant surface and onto the culture dish appeared to proceed through the well-characterized process that follows cell injury, i.e., flattening, migration, replication, and differentiation. Thus, sufficient numbers of viable epithelial cells capable of regeneration were present in routine autopsy epithelium, but there was considerable variation from tissue to tissue and case to case. The most effective and accurate approach to follow when evaluating and predicting the growth and viability of these explants is by using a combination of morphologic, enzymatic and biologic assays. Errors in the interpretation of viability are possible when only one assay method is utilized. These tissues grown in explant organ culture are suitable for studies on the mechanism and response of epithelia to cell injury, recovery and wound healing.Abbreviations 4F-1G 4% formaldehyde, 1% glutaraldehyde - HIFBS heat inactivated fetal bovine serum - IA immediate autopsy - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - OsO4 osmium tetroxide - RA routine autopsy  相似文献   

Human retinal pigment epithelium (HRPE) cells are important in maintaining the normal physiology within the neurosensory retina and photoreceptors. Recently, transplantation of HRPE has become a possible therapeutic approach for retinal degeneration. By negative immunoselection (CD45 and glycophorin A), in this study, we have isolated and cultivated adult human bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) with multilineage differentiation potential. After a 2- to 4-week culture under chondrogenic, osteogenic, adipogenic, and hepatogenic induction medium, these BMSCs were found to differentiate into cartilage, bone, adipocyte, and hepatocyte-like cells, respectively. We also showed that these BMSCs could differentiate into neural precursor cells (nestin-positive) and mature neurons (MAP-2 and Tuj1-positive) following treatment of neural selection and induction medium for 1 month. Furthermore, the plasticity of BMSCs was confirmed by initiating their differentiation into retinal cells and photoreceptor lineages by co-culturing with HRPE cells. The latter system provides an ex vivo expansion model of culturing photoreceptors for the treatment of retinal degeneration diseases.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for the isolation of human intrahepatic bile ductular epithelium, and the establishment of primary cultures using a serum- and growth-factor-supplemented medium combined with a connective tissue substrata is described. Initial cell isolates and monolayer cultures display phenotypic characteristics of biliary epithelial cells (low molecular weight prekeratin positive; albumin, alphafetoprotein, and Factor VIII-related antigen negative). Ultrastructural features of the cultured cells show cell polarization with surface microvilli, numerous interepithelial junctional complexes and cytoplasmic intermediate prekeratin filaments.  相似文献   

In this article, we report expressions for the excluded volume, v ex and second virial coefficient, B 2, of hard cylinders as a function of their aspect ratio (𝒜 = L/D), where L and D are the length and diameter of the cylinder, respectively. These expressions are valid for aspect ratio values within the interval 0.001 < 𝒜 < 100, that covers from thin plates to long rods and reproduce Monte Carlo (MC) simulation values. We compare these results with Onsager's predictions and with reported values of hard bodies of similar geometry, as cut spheres (CS), hard spherocylinders (HSC) and linear tangent hard sphere chains (LTHSC). Simulation values for v ex were obtained with an overlap algorithm that is also presented in detail. The obtained results can be applied in theoretical and computer simulation studies of discotic liquid crystals.  相似文献   

The alteration of the mucociliary clearance is a major hallmark of respiratory diseases related to structural and functional cilia abnormalities such as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), asthma and cystic fibrosis. Primary cilia and motile cilia are the two principal organelles involved in the control of cell fate in the airways. We tested the effect of primary cilia removal in the establishment of a fully differentiated respiratory epithelium. Epithelial barrier integrity was not altered while multiciliated cells were decreased and mucous-secreting cells were increased. Primary cilia homeostasis is therefore paramount for airway epithelial cell differentiation. Primary cilia-associated pathophysiologic implications require further investigations in the context of respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

Schwartz等报告的用从人胚胎干细胞分化成的视网膜色素上皮细胞(RPE)移植治疗视网膜病,已观察4月,尚属成功。这是首次用从人胚胎干细胞(hESC)定向分化而成的细胞移植至患者取得成功。本文复习RPE移植的历史与现况;hESC分化而成的RPE(hESC-RPE)的实验研究以及临床移植的意义、方法、效果及存在问题,并展望了应用干细胞分化的RPE移植的前景。  相似文献   

The retinal pigment epithelium located between the neurosensory retina and the choroidal vasculature is critical for the function and maintenance of both the photoreceptors and underlying capillary endothelium. While the trophic role of retinal pigment epithelium on choroidal endothelial cells is well recognized, the existence of a reciprocal regulatory function of endothelial cells on retinal pigment epithelium cells remained to be fully characterized. Using a physiological long‐term co‐culture system, we determined the effect of retinal pigment epithelium‐endothelial cell heterotypic interactions on cell survival, behaviour and matrix deposition. Human retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells were cultured on opposite sides of polyester transwells for up to 4 weeks in low serum conditions. Cell viability was quantified using a trypan blue assay. Cellular morphology was evaluated by H&E staining, S.E.M. and immunohistochemistry. Retinal pigment epithelium phagocytic function was examined using a fluorescent bead assay. Gene expression analysis was performed on both retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells by quantitative PCR. Quantification of extracellular matrix deposition was performed on decellularized transwells stained for collagen IV, fibronectin and fibrillin. Our results showed that presence of endothelial cells significantly improves retinal pigment epithelium maturation and function as indicated by the induction of visual cycle‐associated genes, accumulation of a Bruch's membrane‐like matrix and increase in retinal pigment epithelium phagocytic activity. Co‐culture conditions led to increased expression of anti‐angiogenic growth factors and receptors in both retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells compared to monoculture. Tube‐formation assays confirmed that co‐culture with retinal pigment epithelium significantly decreased the angiogenic phenotype of endothelial cells. These findings provide evidence of critical interdependent interactions between retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cell involved in the maintenance of retinal homeostasis.  相似文献   

Two human hepatoma cell lines, QGY-7703 and SMMC-7721, and two human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell lines, LTEP-a-2 and SPC-A-1, were found to respond to 1 μg/mL Na2SeO3, 24 h, in-vitro treatment by decreasing its confluent saturation density. The same treatment was found to cause an increase in the adhesiveness of cells measured as resistance to detachment by trypsin/EDTA. The pathological features of tumors after heterotransplantation of treated and untreated cells were similar, but the size of tumor grown from treated cells was much smaller.  相似文献   

Summary Proventricular epithelium (PV epithelium) from 6-day chicken embryos was associated with cultured cells, derived from fetal rat small intestine, or with fetal rat or human skin fibroblasts. The cytodifferentiation of PV epithelium was investigated using antibodies to chicken pepsinogen, a marker protein of PV epithelium, and to chicken sucrase, a marker enzyme of the small-intestinal brush-border membrane. PV epithelium formed complex glands and produced pepsinogen in association with cultured gut mesenchymal cells and skin fibroblasts. Its development was comparable to that achieved under the influence of PV mesenchyme. PV epithelial development was severely inhibited, however, under the influence of intact chicken or rat intestinal mesenchyme. The data are consistent with the idea that during the first step of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, the epithelium and not the mesenchyme may be responsible for the determination of the developmental fate.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelial lining of the mucosa of the edentulous, maxillary alveolar ridge was subjected to an ultrastructural and stereological analysis. Four biopsies collected from the non-inflamed crest, i.e., the center over former tooth sockets, in non-denture-wearing female patients 30 to 55 years of age were processed for light and electron microscopy. At the light-microscopic level, epithelial thickness was determined histometrically. Electron micrographs were sampled at two levels of magnification, from five strata in regions of epithelial ridges and from three strata over connective tissue papillae. Standardized stereological pointcounting techniques were employed to analyze a total of 990 electron micrographs. Observations and data revealed that at the alveolar ridge the oral epithelium is truly keratinizing and comprises four strata including a 40±5 m-thick stratum corneum, which displays the oral keratin pattern. The histoand cytodifferentiation were peculiar: (1) Compared to the neighbouring gingival and hard palate epithelium, that of the alveolar crest was markedly thicker, with elongated rete ridges indicating acanthosis. (2) The cytoarchitecture was identical neither to the gingival nor to the hard palate epithelium but revealed a mixture of features typical for either of these two epithelia. Reasons for this are explained on the basis of factors, possible genetic, inherent in epithelial cells that are possibly derived from both the gingival and the palatal environment.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological and histochemical characteristics of endocrinelike cells of the pulmonary epithelium of the right lower lobe of 12 human adult lungs were studied.Few cells were reactive to the argyrophil silver method of Grimelius and of Sevier and Munger and cells with a similar morphology and distribution emitted a green or yellow fluorescence after treatment of the lung epithelium with the amine precursors L-DOPA or L-HTP, respectively. A greater number of cells seems to be demonstrated by electron microscopy. The cells were characterized by small, round secretory granules showing a central dense core and a very thin clear halo between the core and the surrounding membrane.The cells are thought to be related to the endocrine-like cells of the pulmonary epithelium of the human foetal lung and to cells of carcinoids of larger bronchi.  相似文献   

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