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利用原子力显微镜分别对未加药人急性T淋巴细胞性白血病细胞(Jurkat细胞)和经超抗原刺激不同时间(6,12,48,72 h)后的Jurkat 细胞进行了细胞全貌和细胞膜表面纳米结构成像和探测研究,并通过比较不同状态下细胞表面的粘附力变化,探讨Jurkat细胞形态变化与粘附行为之间的关系,用CCK-8检测细胞的增殖,以期对Jurkat 细胞形态结构和细胞功能之间的关系有进一步的了解。结果发现:与未加药的Jurkat 细胞相比,随着超抗原刺激时间的延长,Jurkat 细胞的体积、高度、半宽度、粗糙度等参数发生明显的变化;活化48、72 h时,细胞与针尖间的相互作用力大约是活化6 h时的5倍,活化过程中细胞膜表面纳米结构的改变,引起其机械性能的变化。Jurkat 细胞的表面超微结构、细胞膜结构的改变和分化对于更深入地了解T细胞活化与免疫信号的传递,阐明其免疫过程的作用机制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 细胞力学特性在生理病理变化过程中起着关键调控作用,开展细胞力学特性研究为揭示生命活动奥秘及疾病发生发展演变规律提供了新的视角。原子力显微镜(AFM)的出现为单细胞力学特性研究提供了强大的技术手段。AFM的独特优势是不需要对活细胞进行任何预处理即可在溶液环境下对天然状态的活细胞力学特性进行高精度(纳米级空间分辨率,皮牛级力感知灵敏度)探测。基于AFM压痕实验的细胞力学特性探测已成为生命科学领域的重要研究方法。然而,现有基于AFM的单细胞力学特性测量主要依赖于人工操作,特别是在测量过程中需要人工控制AFM探针移动到细胞表面特定位置进行压痕实验,导致实验过程耗时费力且效率低下。本文通过将AFM与光学图像自动识别相结合建立了单细胞力学特性快速测量方法。方法 分别利用UNet++深度学习网络模型和模板匹配算法识别出光学图像中的细胞及AFM探针,在此基础上自动确定细胞和AFM探针之间的空间位置关系,并控制AFM探针准确移动至目标细胞表面进行压痕实验。在光学显微镜视觉导引下利用AFM微操作将单个微球黏附至AFM探针悬臂梁制作得到球形针尖探针。选取HEK 293(人胚胎肾细胞)和MCF-7(人乳腺癌细胞)两种细胞进行实验。利用Hertz-Sneddon模型对在细胞表面获取的力曲线进行分析得到细胞杨氏模量。结果 基于光学图像识别结果可将AFM探针针尖准确移动至目标细胞(HEK 293或MCF-7)并对细胞力学特性进行测量,同时实验结果表明本文所提出的方法不仅适用于常规AFM锥形针尖探针,也适用于AFM球形针尖探针。结论 将AFM与光学图像识别结合显著提升了AFM细胞力学特性测量效率,为高通量自动化AFM单细胞力学特性探测提供了新的方法和思路,对于细胞力学特性研究具有广泛的积极意义。  相似文献   

人卵巢癌细胞微观形态的AFM观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨原子力显微镜(AFM)在人卵巢癌细胞微观形貌表征方面的应用。方法:应用原子力显微镜分别观察培养的高低转移的人卵巢癌细胞及其周围纤连蛋白原纤维和经过紫杉醇药物处理后的细胞的微观形态,进一步对正常的卵巢癌细胞组织和经过紫杉醇药物处理后的卵巢癌细胞组织经过超声波处理后组织的微观结构进行AFM成像观察。结果:高转移特性的卵巢癌细胞周围的纤维少而短;而低转移特性的卵巢癌细胞周围的纤维多且长。经过紫杉醇药物处理后的细胞的形态发生了变化,结构呈现不规则状,且与基底没有纤维连接。结论:不同类型的卵巢癌细胞受其生物功能的影响在基底上的形态不同。药物处理后的癌细胞微观组织发生了变化,与其核溶,核碎和核解的生理变化过程相符。正常的卵巢癌细胞组织结构之间的黏附力较小,故超声波处理后呈现分散的分布。经过紫杉醇药物处理后的卵巢癌细胞组织结构之间的黏附力较大,超声波处理后分布在基底上的结构较紧凑。  相似文献   

目的 细胞力学特性与细胞生理病理变化过程及机体健康状态密切相关,研究细胞力学特性对于揭示生命活动内在机制具有重要科学意义.原子力显微镜(AFM)的出现为单细胞研究提供了新的技术手段,它不仅可以在溶液环境下对单个活细胞的形貌结构进行高分辨率成像,还能够对细胞力学特性进行定量测量.基于AFM的单细胞力学特性研究在过去数十年...  相似文献   

原子力显微镜(AFM)的发明为微纳尺度下高分辨率探测天然状态生物样本的物理特性提供了强大工具,是对传统生化特性检测方法的有力补充.近年来,多参数成像模式AFM的出现使得人们不仅可以获取生物样本表面形貌特征,还能同时获取生物样本多种力学特性图(如杨氏模量、黏附力、形变等),为研究生物结构、力学特性及其生理功能之间的关联提供了新的技术手段.多参数成像AFM的生物医学应用研究为细胞/分子生理活动及相关疾病内在机理带来了大量新的认识.本文结合作者在AFM细胞探测方面的研究工作,介绍了多参数成像AFM工作原理,总结了多参数成像AFM在细胞及分子力学特性探测方面的研究进展,并对其存在的问题进行了讨论和展望.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜(SEM)对油茶叶肿病变态叶叶片表面和横切面进行观察,利用透射电镜(TEM)对其细胞超微结构进行观察,以期探明油茶叶肿病变态叶的形态特征和细胞学特征。结果表明:(1)变态叶是受感染油茶幼叶组织增生形成的,肿大的叶片厚度比正常叶片厚度增加3~5倍,细胞体积增大3~8倍,细胞数增加1~2倍,叶片细胞形态和结构发生了变化。(2)叶片受细丽外担菌侵染后,菌丝存在于下表皮向内的4~7层细胞间隙中,感染后期叶片下表面脱落露出子实层。(3)变态叶细胞出现叶绿体膜破裂、类囊体片层膜数目减少及细胞器成分被破坏等异常现象。  相似文献   

为预测超抗原葡萄球菌肠毒素(SE)家族中的SEA、SEB和SEC1的HLAⅠ和HLAⅡ抗原结合表位,并对其活化T细胞作用的机理进行探讨,根据已发表的SEA、SEB和SEC1基因全序列,用T细胞抗原表位预测软件Guotif2.0对其进行T细胞抗原表位预测,统计与HLAⅠ和HLAⅡ各抗原位点结合的SEA、SEB和SEC1肽段的出现次数。结果显示,SEA、SEBT SEC1具有共同的特点,即都是主要与HLAⅠ类分子的A3位点和HLAⅡ类分子的DR1位点具有较强的结合。说明SEA、SEB和SEC1与HLAⅠ类分子和HLAⅡ类分子都有很强的结合性。三者在HLAⅠ和HLAⅡ结合位点上具有较强的同源性。本研究为SE活化T细胞作用机制的功能实验提供了依据。  相似文献   

原子力显微镜(AFM)以其独特的优势(纳米级空间分辨率、皮牛级力灵敏度、免标记、可在溶液下工作)成为细胞生物学的重要研究手段.AFM不仅可以对活细胞表面超微形貌进行可视化表征,同时还可通过压痕技术对细胞机械特性(如杨氏模量)进行定量测量,为原位探索纳米尺度下单个活细胞动态生理活动及力学行为提供了可行性.过去的数十年中,研究人员利用AFM在细胞超微形貌成像和机械特性测量方面开展了广泛的应用研究,展示了有关细胞生理活动的大量新认识,为生命医药学领域相关问题的解决提供了新的思路;同时AFM自身的性能也在不断得到改进和提升,进一步促进了其在生命科学领域的应用.本文结合作者在应用AFM观测纳米尺度下癌症靶向药物作用效能方面的研究工作,介绍了AFM成像与细胞机械特性测量的原理,总结了近年来AFM用于细胞表面超微形貌成像与机械特性测量所取得的进展,讨论了AFM表征与检测细胞生理特性存在的问题,并对其未来发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

目的 研究单个病毒颗粒的行为特性对于揭示调控病毒生命周期的内在机制、发展新型抗病毒治疗方法具有重要基础意义。原子力显微镜(AFM)的出现为高分辨率探测单个病毒颗粒的结构和力学特性提供了新的强大工具,极大地促进了物理病毒学的发展。然而,目前人们对于力学特性在病毒生命活动过程中调控作用的认知仍然很不足,特别是利用多参数AFM成像技术对病毒颗粒开展的研究还不多见。本文结合AFM多参数成像技术和压痕实验技术研究了溶液环境下化学刺激诱导的单个天然状态病毒颗粒结构及力学特性动态变化。方法 通过在盖玻片基底表面覆盖一层多聚赖氨酸以将慢病毒颗粒吸附到基底,随后利用AFM直接在溶液环境下对天然状态的单个病毒颗粒进行探测。基于AFM峰值力轻敲(PFT)多参数成像模式,同时获取单个病毒颗粒的形貌结构及力学特性图。在AFM形貌图导引下控制AFM探针移动至单个病毒颗粒中央部位进行压痕实验以测量病毒力学特性。利用75%酒精溶液对病毒颗粒进行处理后,对病毒颗粒的形貌结构及力学特性变化情况进行观测。结果 利用AFM在溶液环境下可对单个病毒颗粒的形貌及力学特性进行高质量成像表征,实验结果显示病毒颗粒在空气中和溶液中分别...  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜术和光学显微镜术研究了黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)的珠孔塞和珠孔的形态发育和花粉管在雌蕊中的路径.黄檗胚珠的珠孔塞起源于珠柄.随着胚珠生长,珠孔塞逐渐增大,胚珠成熟时珠孔塞变得相当大并紧密地覆盖在珠孔上.当雌花进入可传粉期时,珠孔塞的形态发生很大变化,其表面细胞径向延伸,形成柱形、半乳突或乳突细胞.受精后,珠孔塞体积变小并逐步退化.花粉管在子房室中并非一定经过珠孔塞结构.花粉管是否经过珠孔塞取决于它们进入子房室的位置.我们不支持先前研究者关于珠孔塞主要充当对花粉管生长的机械作用的观点.我们对黄檗胚珠的珠孔的形态发育研究显示,在不同的生殖时期,珠孔的结构会发生变化,在传粉时期它的结构显示不对称性.黄檗珠孔塞和珠孔的发育与雌配子体发育存在密切关系.  相似文献   

To date, nanoscale imaging of the morphological changes and adhesion force of CD4+ T cells during in vitro activation remains largely unreported. In this study, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study the morphological changes and specific binding forces in resting and activated human peripheral blood CD4+ T cells. The AFM images revealed that the volume of activated CD4+ T cells increased and the ultrastructure of these cells also became complex. Using a functionalized AFM tip, the strength of the specific binding force of the CD4 antigen-antibody interaction was found to be approximately three times that of the unspecific force. The adhesion forces were not randomly distributed over the surface of a single activated CD4+ T cell, indicated that the CD4 molecules concentrated into nanodomains. The magnitude of the adhesion force of the CD4 antigen-antibody interaction did not change markedly with the activation time. Multiple bonds involved in the CD4 antigen-antibody interaction were measured at different activation times. These results suggest that the adhesion force involved in the CD4 antigen-antibody interaction is highly selective and of high affinity.  相似文献   

Although CD69 is well known as an early T cell‐activation marker, the possibility that CD69 are distributed as nano‐structures on membrane for immune regulation during T cell activation has not been tested. In this study, nanoscale features of CD69 expression on activated T cells were determined using the atomic force microscopy (AFM) topographic and force‐binding nanotechnology as well as near‐field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)‐/fluorescence quantum dot (QD)‐based nanosacle imaging. Unstimulated CD4+ T cells showed neglectable numbers of membrane CD69 spots binding to the CD69 Ab‐functinalized AFM tip, and no detectable QD‐bound CD69 as examined by NSOM/QD‐based imaging. In contrast, Phytohemagglutinin (PHA)‐activated CD4+ T cells expressed CD69, and displayed many force‐binding spots binding to the CD69 Ab‐functionalized AFM tip on about 45% of cell membrane, with mean binding‐rupture forces 276 ± 71 pN. Most CD69 molecules appeared to be expressed as 100–200 nm nanoclusters on the membrane of PHA‐activated CD4+ T cells. Meanwhile, NSOM/QD‐based nanoscale imaging showed that CD69 were non‐uniformly distributed as 80–200 nm nanoclusters on cell‐membrane of PHA‐activated CD4+ T cells. This study represents the first demonstration of the nano‐biology of CD69 expression during T cell activation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simultaneous atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal fluorescence imaging were used to observe in aqueous buffer the three-dimensional landscape of the inner surface of membrane sheets stripped from fixed tumor mast cells. The AFM images reveal prominent, irregularly shaped raised domains that label with fluorescent markers for both resting and activated immunoglobin E receptors (FcepsilonRI), as well as with cholera toxin-aggregated GM1 and clathrin. The latter suggests that coated pits bud from these regions. These features are interspersed with flatter regions of membrane and are frequently surrounded and interconnected by cytoskeletal assemblies. The raised domains shrink in height by approximately 50% when cholesterol is extracted with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Based on composition, the raised domains seen by AFM correspond to the cholesterol-enriched dark patches observed in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These patches were previously identified as sites of signaling and endocytosis based on their localization of activated FcepsilonRI, at least 10 associated signaling molecules, and the presence of clathrin-coated pits. Overall the data suggest that signaling and endocytosis occur in mast cells from raised membrane regions that depend on cholesterol for their integrity and may be organized in specific relationship with the cortical cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins) are a family of closely related, yet structurally distinct signal transducing proteins. In this study the presence and relative abundance of several G-proteins and of their corresponding mRNAs were measured in resting and activated human T lymphocytes. We found that T lymphocytes contain RNA coding for Gs, Gi2, and Gi3. No Gi1- and Go-specific RNA could be detected. Membrane fractions of resting and activated lymphocytes were studied in immunoblot experiments. Again, Gs, Gi2, and Gi3, but not Gi1 and Go, were detected. Upon mitogenic activation, a relative increase in mRNA for Gs and Gi3, but not for Gi2 could be demonstrated in Northern blot experiments. Immunoblotting indicated an increase in Gs and Gi3 density in membrane fractions of T cells as well. Paralleling the increase in Gs, we found that activated T cells produce five to seven times more cAMP per cell in response to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) than resting lymphocytes. Finally, PGE2 binding studies showed that the number of receptors for this hormone increased from 435 +/- 322 to 1035 +/- 357 per cell following in vitro stimulation. We propose that in vitro T cell activation is paralleled by an increase in sensitivity to PGE2-induced cAMP generation. This sensitization is accompanied by both an increase in cell surface PGE2 receptor numbers as well as by increased expression of the signal transducing protein Gs and may physiologically be important for limiting an immune response.  相似文献   

AFM (atomic force microscopy) analysis, both of fixed cells, and live cells in physiological environments, is set to offer a step change in the research of cellular function. With the ability to map cell topography and morphology, provide structural details of surface proteins and their expression patterns and to detect pico‐Newton force interactions, AFM represents an exciting addition to the arsenal of the cell biologist. With the explosion of new applications, and the advent of combined instrumentation such as AFM—confocal systems, the biological application of AFM has come of age. The use of AFM in the area of biomedical research has been proposed for some time, and is one where a significant impact could be made. Fixed cell analysis provides qualitative and quantitative subcellular and surface data capable of revealing new biomarkers in medical pathologies. Image height and contrast, surface roughness, fractal, volume and force analysis provide a platform for the multiparameter analysis of cell and protein functions. Here, we review the current status of AFM in the field and discuss the important contribution AFM is poised to make in the understanding of biological systems.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a non-invasive microscopy to explore living biological systems like cells in liquid environment. Thus AFM is an appropriate tool to investigate surface chemical modification and its influence on biological systems. In particular, control over biomaterial surface chemistry can result in a regulated cell response. This report investigates the influence of adhesive and non-adhesive surfaces on the cell morphology and the influence of the cytoskeleton structure on the local mechanical properties. In this study, the main work concerns a thorough investigation of the height images obtained with an AFM as therecorded images provide the evolution of the mechanical properties of the cell as function of its local structure. Information on the cell elasticity due to the cytoskeleton organization is deduced when comparing the AFM tip indentation depth versus the distance between the cytoskeleton bundles for the different samples.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural and mechanical properties of single resting, activated and apoptosis lymphocyte have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Using topographic imaging, we showed that the surface of the resting lymphocyte is smooth, while lymphocyte activation and apoptosis are often accompanied by changes in cell morphology. The apoptosis lymphocyte is rougher than those of the two other morphotypes, and coated with many big particles. Using spatially resolved force–distance curves, we found that the valve of the activated lymphocyte is about two to three times stiffer (Young's modulus of ~20 kPa) than those of the two other morphotypes (5–11 kPa). These results can improve our understanding of the mechanical properties of cells during growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Using a new scheme based on atomic force microscopy (AFM), we investigate mechanical properties of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs). CCVs are multicomponent protein and lipid complexes of approximately 100 nm diameter that are implicated in many essential cell-trafficking processes. Our AFM imaging resolves clathrin lattice polygons and provides height deformation in quantitative response to AFM-substrate compression force. We model CCVs as multilayered elastic spherical shells and, from AFM measurements, estimate their bending rigidity to be 285 +/- 30 k(B)T, i.e., approximately 20 times that of either the outer clathrin cage or inner vesicle membrane. Further analysis reveals a flexible coupling between the clathrin coat and the membrane, a structural property whose modulation may affect vesicle biogenesis and cellular function.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that aldosterone acts on heart where it causes cellular remodeling and hypertrophy. Since it is still unclear whether aldosterone directly acts on cardiomyocytes or indirectly, by an altered electrolyte balance in the organism, we applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) in primary cultures of neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes to measure hormone-induced changes in cell volume and plasma membrane surface. AFM measures cell volume and, at the same time, provides quantitative information on cell surface properties. Neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes were cultured for 28 hours in absence or presence of 100 nM aldosterone. Spironolactone was applied as a selective aldosterone receptor antagonist. At the microscopic level, single cell volume and single cell surface were found unchanged by aldosterone. However, nanoscopy of the cell surface, i.e. analysis of the plasma membrane at the nanometer level, revealed a specific increase in plasma membrane nano-enfoldings (roughness). This aldosterone-mediated increase in cell surface roughness was completely prevented by spironolactone. We conclude: (i) Aldosterone directly acts upon cardiomyocytes. (ii) At the microscopic level, no changes of cell volume and cell surface are detectable. (iii) At the nanoscopic level, aldosterone increases plasma membrane roughness. These nanometer changes, detectable only with AFM in cells scanned in fluid after fixation under physiological conditions, indicate plasma membrane remodeling of cardiomyocytes by mineralocorticoids.  相似文献   

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