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A large bloom of Prymnesium polylepis occurred in the Baltic Sea during the winter 2007 – spring 2008. Based on numerous reports of strong allelopathic effects on phytoplankton exerted by P. polylepis and its toxicity to grazers, we hypothesized that during this period negative correlations will be observed between P. polylepis and (1) main phytoplankton groups contributing to the spring bloom (i.e., diatoms and dinoflagellates), and (2) zooplankton growth and abundance. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed inter-annual variability in phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics as well as growth indices (RNA∶DNA ratio) in dominant zooplankton in relation to the Prymnesium abundance and biomass. Contrary to the hypothesized relationships, no measurable negative responses to P. polylepis were observed for either the total phytoplankton stocks or the zooplankton community. The only negative response, possibly associated with P. polylepis occurrence, was significantly lower abundance of dinoflagellates both during and after the bloom in 2008. Moreover, contrary to the expected negative effects, there were significantly higher total phytoplankton abundance as well as significantly higher winter abundance and winter-spring RNA∶DNA ratio in dominant zooplankton species in 2008, indicating that P. polylepis bloom coincided with favourable feeding conditions for zooplankton. Thus, primary consumers, and consequently also zooplanktivores (e.g., larval fish and mysids), may benefit from haptophyte blooms, particularly in winter, when phytoplankton is scarce.  相似文献   

Microbial communities associated with Arctic fjord ice polluted with petroleum oils were investigated in this study. A winter field experiment was conducted in the Van Mijen Fjord (Svalbard) from February to June 2004, in which the ice was contaminated with a North Sea paraffinic oil. Holes were drilled in the ice and oil samples frozen into the ice at the start of the experiment. Samples, including cores of both oil-contaminated and clean ice, were collected from the field site 33, 74, and 112 days after oil application. The sampled cores were separated into three sections and processed for microbiological and chemical analyses. In the oil-contaminated cores, enumerations of total prokaryotic cells by fluorescence microscopy and colony-forming units (CFU) counts of heterotrophic prokaryotes both showed stimulation of microbial growth, while concentrations of oil-degrading prokaryotes remained at similar levels in contaminated and clean ice. Analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that bacterial communities in oil-contaminated ice generated fewer bands than communities in clean ice, although banding patterns changed both in contaminated and clean ice during the experimental period. Microbial communities in unpolluted ice and in cores contaminated with the paraffinic oil were examined by cloning and sequence analysis. In the contaminated cores, the communities became predominated by Gammaproteobacteria related to the genera Colwellia, Marinomonas, and Glaciecola, while clean ice included more heterogeneous populations. Chemical analysis of the oil-contaminated ice cores with determinations of n-C17/Pristane and naphthalene/phenanthrene ratios indicated slow oil biodegradation in the ice, primarily in the deeper parts of the ice with low hydrocarbon concentrations.  相似文献   

To investigate the responses of Baltic Sea wintertime bacterial communities to changing salinity (5 to 26 practical salinity units), an experimental study was conducted. Bacterial communities of Baltic seawater and sea ice from a coastal site in southwest Finland were used in two batch culture experiments run for 17 or 18 days at 0 degrees C. Bacterial abundance, cell volume, and leucine and thymidine incorporation were measured during the experiments. The bacterial community structure was assessed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes with sequencing of DGGE bands from initial communities and communities of day 10 or 13 of the experiment. The sea ice-derived bacterial community was metabolically more active than the open-water community at the start of the experiment. Ice-derived bacterial communities were able to adapt to salinity change with smaller effects on physiology and community structure, whereas in the open-water bacterial communities, the bacterial cell volume evolution, bacterial abundance, and community structure responses indicated the presence of salinity stress. The closest relatives for all eight partial 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained were either organisms found in polar sea ice and other cold habitats or those found in summertime Baltic seawater. All sequences except one were associated with the alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria or the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group. The overall physiological and community structure responses were parallel in ice-derived and open-water bacterial assemblages, which points to a linkage between community structure and physiology. These results support previous assumptions of the role of salinity fluctuation as a major selective factor shaping the sea ice bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

A comprehensive assessment of bacterial diversity and community composition in arctic and antarctic pack ice was conducted through cultivation and cultivation-independent molecular techniques. We sequenced 16S rRNA genes from 115 and 87 pure cultures of bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic pack ice, respectively. Most of the 33 arctic phylotypes were >97% identical to previously described antarctic species or to our own antarctic isolates. At both poles, the α- and γ-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were the dominant taxonomic bacterial groups identified by cultivation as well as by molecular methods. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from multiple arctic and antarctic pack ice samples revealed a high incidence of closely overlapping 16S rRNA gene clone and isolate sequences. Simultaneous analysis of environmental samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that ~95% of 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells hybridized with the general bacterial probe EUB338. More than 90% of those were further assignable. Approximately 50 and 36% were identified as γ-proteobacteria in arctic and antarctic samples,respectively. Approximately 25% were identified as α-proteobacteria, and 25% were identified as belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group. For the quantification of specific members of the sea ice community, new oligonucleotide probes were developed which target the genera Octadecabacter, Glaciecola, Psychrobacter, Marinobacter, Shewanella, and Polaribacter. High FISH detection rates of these groups as well as high viable counts corroborated the overlap of clone and isolate sequences. A terrestrial influence on the arctic pack ice community was suggested by the presence of limnic phylotypes.  相似文献   

The response of Baltic Sea ice communities to changing light climate was studied in three subsequent 3 week in situ experiments on the SW coast of Finland. The investigation covered three different winter periods, short day with low solar angles leading to limited light in the ice, late winter with deep snow cover and early spring with melting snow and increasing light availability. The experimental setup consisted of transparent (no snow) and completely darkened (heavy snow cover) plexiglass tubes in which the ice cores were incubated in situ from 1 to 2 weeks. Changes in the concentrations of inorganic nutrients (NO3-–N, PO43−-–P, SiO4-–Si) and chlorophyll-a concentration in the phytoplankton community composition were recorded as responses to different light manipulations. Changes in inner ice light intensity in untreated ice as well as the temperature both in air and ice were recorded over the entire study period. Increased irradiance in late winter/early spring and during meltdown affected the chlorophyll-a amount in the sea ice. During these periods the phytoplankton community in the top layers decreased possibly as a consequence of photo-acclimation. Closer to the bottom of the ice, however, the increased inner ice light intensity induced algal growth. Complete exclusion of light stopped the algal growth in the whole ice column. Darkening the ice cores also slowed down the ice melting opposite to accelerated melting caused by increased light. The significant differences found in nutrient concentrations between the light and dark treatments were mostly explicable by changes in algal biomass. No obvious changes were observed in the phytoplankton community composition due to light manipulation, diatoms and heterotrophic flagellates dominating throughout the study period.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Continuous and discontinuous intertidal waters bothexperience fluctuations in salinity frequently accompanied bychanges in temperature, levels of dissolved gases and pH. Amultidimensional approach to environmental fitness may thereforebe more representative of natural conditions in the intertidalzone. Various combinations of environmental factors are discussedincluding salinity/temperature, and salinity/O2 tension. Salinitywill directly affect osmotic and ionic regulation and indirectlyaffect acid-base balance and various components of the respiratorysystem including ventilation, gas exchange, perfusion, O2 transportby the respiratory pigment and utilization at the tissues. Additionalareas covered in this review article are osmotic problems facedby air-breathing aquatic intertidal animals, ontogenetic changesin osmoregulatory capabilities and a comparison of steady state(square wave) versus sinusoidal (cyclical) salinity changes.  相似文献   

Colony-forming cyanobacteria of the genus Aphanizomenon form massive blooms in the brackish water of the Baltic Sea during the warmest summer months. There have been recent suggestions claiming that the Baltic Sea Aphanizomenon species may be different from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae found in lakes. In this study, we examined variability in the morphology and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of A. flos-aquae populations along a salinity gradient from a string of lakes to a fjord-like extension of the Baltic Sea to the open Baltic Sea. Morphological differences among the populations were negligible. We found that the Baltic Sea was dominated (25 out of 27 sequences) by one ITS1-S (shorter band of ITS 1 [ITS1]) genotype, which also was found in the lakes. The lake populations of A. flos-aquae tended to be genetically more diverse than the Baltic Sea populations. Since the lake ITS1-S genotypes of A. flos-aquae are continuously introduced to the Baltic Sea via inflowing waters, it seems that only one ITS1 genotype is able to persist in the Baltic Sea populations. The results suggest that one of the ITS1-S genotypes found in the lakes is better adapted to the conditions of the Baltic Sea and that natural selection removes most of the lake genotypes from the Baltic Sea A. flos-aquae populations.  相似文献   

Recent development in molecular approaches allows access to genetic structure and diversity of indigenous microbial communities. In contrast, the functional analysis of microorganisms in their environment is still hampered by methodological limitations. Analysis of total proteins expressed at the whole community level (metaproteome) has been proposed to characterize the functional structure of microbial communities in their environment. However, developments are still required to perform such analysis. Our aim was to optimize methods to extract and characterize metaproteome of indigenous microbial communities. Experiments were first conducted in monoxenic bacterial cultures, and various methods were examined to define a procedure of protein extraction ensuring an efficient recovery regardless of the taxonomic affiliation of the cells. These developments were next applied to characterize the metaproteome from indigenous bacterial communities in freshwater samples. Bacterial cells were recovered from water using a high-speed density gradient centrifugation method before protein extraction and fingerprinting. The reactivity and sensitivity of this metaproteomic approach were tested by analyzing the variations of protein fingerprints according to perturbations (cadmium or mercury contamination). The genetic structure of the corresponding communities was also characterized by automated ribosomal spacer analysis (ARISA) DNA fingerprinting. Both protein and DNA fingerprints were statistically analyzed. Results obtained showed that the method developed for protein recovery and fingerprinting was efficient, sensitive, and reproducible. Both the functional and genetic structures of the freshwater bacterial community were complex and varied with perturbations. These variations occurred at both population and protein expression levels and were specific to the perturbation applied.  相似文献   

河西走廊不同生态型芦苇对干旱和盐渍胁迫的响应调节   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
长期稳定的自然变异植物种是研究植物适应逆境机制的理想实验体系。就河西走廊芦苇不同生态型的划分、4种生态型的光合响应调节、抗氧化保护机制、膜流动性修饰机制和渗透调节机制中的响应特征、胁迫诱导的特异表达成分等作了概述。  相似文献   

Experiments simulating the sea ice cycle were conducted by exposing microbes from Antarctic fast ice to saline and irradiance regimens associated with the freeze-thaw process. In contrast to hypersaline conditions (ice formation), the simulated release of bacteria into hyposaline seawater combined with rapid exposure to increased UV-B radiation significantly reduced metabolic activity.Sea ice is a predominant feature of polar oceans and exerts a unique influence on Antarctic marine ecosystems (1, 6). For microbial communities, the ice matrix represents a harsh physicochemical environment, and productivity reflects a complex relationship between ice dynamics, the distribution of organic and inorganic nutrients, and also photosynthetically active radiation and UV-B radiation (2, 9, 20, 22). As such, the quantitative importance of bacterial production is difficult to assess (13), but it is likely that bacteria participate in a microbial loop within the ice, whereby the consumption of bacteria supports higher trophic levels (3, 5, 7, 8).Although sea ice bacteria are known to exhibit high levels of metabolic activity (14), few authors have examined adaptation to the physicochemical extremes of the habitat (11, 12, 15, 16). In contrast, pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry has provided insight into the intracellular stress response of microalgae to a range of experimental stimuli. For example, the release of microalgae into the hyposaline meltwater at the ice edge in the austral summer may cause more physiological stress than incorporation into the ice matrix during winter (18). The ability of Antarctic sea ice bacteria to cope with the transitional saline and irradiance levels associated with ice melt is not known but may determine their capacity to act as “seed populations” that initiate ice edge blooms.In this study, sea ice bacteria and microalgae from the bottom (congelation layer) of annual fast ice were exposed to irradiance and saline regimens that are similar to the annual freeze-thaw process. A powered auger (Jiffy) and Kovaks corer were used to extract ice cores, and microbes were subsequently obtained by cutting and then melting the bottom 50 to 100 mm of each core over a period of 12 h into three times the volume of filtered seawater. Five saline treatments (8‰, 21‰, 32‰, 51‰, and 69‰) were prepared using the melted stock solution, and the metabolic response of bacteria to salinity stress was quantified using tetrazolium chloride (CTC) and calibrated against a community level estimate of activity ([3H]leucine). Visible light (photosynthetically active radiation), sample filtration, and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) were also included in the simulation to determine whether bacterial activity is influenced by photosynthate derived from algae. The effect of UV-B (280 to 320 nm) on metabolic activity was examined by melting blocks of ice (60 by 50 by 15 mm) in a water bath with an overhead halogen array and UV tube (see http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sbs/staff/staff_academic/ryanken/ryan-ken.aspx for further details).  相似文献   

Several marine ecosystems under anthropogenic pressure have experienced shifts from one ecological state to another. In the central Baltic Sea, the regime shift of the 1980s has been associated with food-web reorganization and redirection of energy flow pathways. These long-term dynamics from 1974 to 2006 have been simulated here using a food-web model forced by climate and fishing. Ecological network analysis was performed to calculate indices of ecosystem change. The model replicated the regime shift. The analyses of indicators suggested that the system’s resilience was higher prior to 1988 and lower thereafter. The ecosystem topology also changed from a web-like structure to a linearized food-web.  相似文献   

Increases of extreme weather events are predicted to occur with ongoing climate change, but impacts to freshwaters have rarely been examined. We assessed the effects of temperature on leaf‐litter associated fungi by exposing leaves colonized in a stream to 18 °C (control), 25 °C, or 18 °C after freezing. Treatments altered fungal dominance on leaves; Lunulospora curvula sporulation was stimulated by increased temperature and stopped by the freeze‐thaw treatment. Fungal biomass and diversity decreased at 18 °C after freezing, but not at 25 °C. Leaf decomposition was retarded by the freeze‐thaw treatment (k = –0.024 day–1) and stimulated at 25 °C (k = –0.069 day–1). Results suggest that occasional freezing may constrain fungal diversity and their ecological functions, while warming appears to accelerate plant‐litter decomposition in streams. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Most marine bacteria produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), and bacterial EPS represent an important source of dissolved organic carbon in marine ecosystems. It was proposed that bacterial EPS rich in uronic acid is resistant to mineralization by microbes and thus has a long residence time in global oceans. To confirm this hypothesis, bacterial EPS rich in galacturonic acid was isolated from Alteromonas sp. JL2810. The EPS was used to amend natural seawater to investigate the bioavailability of this EPS by native populations, in the presence and absence of ammonium and phosphate amendment. The data indicated that the bacterial EPS could not be completely consumed during the cultivation period and that the bioavailability of EPS was not only determined by its intrinsic properties, but was also determined by other factors such as the availability of inorganic nutrients. During the experiment, the humic-like component of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) was freshly produced. Bacterial community structure analysis indicated that the class Flavobacteria of the phylum Bacteroidetes was the major contributor for the utilization of EPS. This report is the first to indicate that Flavobacteria are a major contributor to bacterial EPS degradation. The fraction of EPS that could not be completely utilized and the FDOM (e.g., humic acid-like substances) produced de novo may be refractory and may contribute to the carbon storage in the oceans.  相似文献   

The soil microbial community plays an important role in terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycling. However, microbial responses to climate warming or cooling remain poorly understood, limiting our ability to predict the consequences of future climate changes. To address this issue, it is critical to identify microbes sensitive to climate change and key driving factors shifting microbial communities. In this study, alpine soil transplant experiments were conducted downward or upward along an elevation gradient between 3,200 and 3,800 m in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau to simulate climate warming or cooling. After a 2-year soil transplant experiment, soil bacterial communities were analyzed by pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. The results showed that the transplanted soil bacterial communities became more similar to those in their destination sites and more different from those in their “home” sites. Warming led to increases in the relative abundances in Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Actinobacteria and decreases in Acidobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria, while cooling had opposite effects on bacterial communities (symmetric response). Soil temperature and plant biomass contributed significantly to shaping the bacterial community structure. Overall, climate warming or cooling shifted the soil bacterial community structure mainly through species sorting, and such a shift might correlate to important biogeochemical processes such as greenhouse gas emissions. This study provides new insights into our understanding of soil bacterial community responses to climate warming and cooling.  相似文献   

Responses of Atriplex spongiosa and Suaeda monoica to Salinity   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The growth and tissue water, K+, Na+, Cl, proline and glycinebetaine contents of the shoots and roots of two Chenopodiaceae, Atriplex spongiosa and Suaeda monoica have been measured over a range of external NaCl salinities. Both species showed some fresh weight response to low salinity mainly due to increased succulence. S. monoica showed both a greater increase in succulence (at low salinities) and tolerance of high salinities than A. spongiosa. Both species had high affinities for Na+ and maintained constant but low shoot K+ contents with increasing salinity. These trends were more marked with S. monoica in which Na+ stimulated the accumulation of K+ in roots. An association between high leaf Na+ accumulation, high osmotic pressure, succulence, and a positive growth response at low salinities was noted. Proline accumulation was observed in shoot tissues with suboptimal water contents. High glycinebetaine contents were found in the shoots of both species. These correlated closely with the sap osmotic pressure and it is suggested that glycinebetaine is the major cytoplasmic osmoticum (with K+ salts) in these species at high salinities. Na+ salts may be preferentially utilized as vacuolar osmotica.  相似文献   

High-latitude reefs support unique ecological communities occurring at the biogeographic boundaries between tropical and temperate marine ecosystems. Due to their lower ambient temperatures, they are regarded as potential refugia for tropical species shifting poleward due to rising sea temperatures. However, acute warming events can cause rapid shifts in the composition of high-latitude reef communities, including range contractions of temperate macroalgae and bleaching-induced mortality in corals. While bleaching has been reported on numerous high-latitude reefs, post-bleaching trajectories of benthic communities are poorly described. Consequently, the longer-term effects of thermal anomalies on high-latitude reefs are difficult to predict. Here, we use an autonomous underwater vehicle to conduct repeated surveys of three 625 m2 plots on a coral-dominated high-latitude reef in the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, over a four-year period spanning a large-magnitude thermal anomaly. Quantification of benthic communities revealed high coral cover (>70%, comprising three main morphospecies) prior to the bleaching event. Plating Montipora was most susceptible to bleaching, but in the plot where it was most abundant, coral cover did not change significantly because of post-bleaching increases in branching Acropora. In the other two plots, coral cover decreased while macroalgal cover increased markedly. Overall, coral cover declined from 73% to 59% over the course of the study, while macroalgal cover increased from 11% to 24%. The significant differences in impacts and post-bleaching trajectories among plots underline the importance of understanding the underlying causes of such variation to improve predictions of how climate change will affect reefs, especially at high-latitudes.  相似文献   

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