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A population of the xylem-feeding spittlebug, Neophilaenus lineatus, on blocks of natural vegetation transferred to large hemispherical chambers was studied over two generations with continuous exposure to elevated CO2 (600 ppm). The third generation was transferred from the blocks to potted Juncus squarrosus to enable measurements of fecundity. The principal food plant throughout was Juncus squarrosus. Survival of the nymphs was reduced by more than 20% in elevated CO2 relative to ambient (350 ppm) in both years of the main experiment. Elevated CO2 also delayed development by one or more nymphal instars in each year. Fecundity was not significantly affected. The C/N ratio of whole Juncus leaves was increased in elevated CO2 and the transpiration rates of the plants were reduced. These changes may have been responsible for the effect of elevated CO2 on spittlebug performance. However, other factors such as plant architecture and microclimate may also be important.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The growth, development and consumption of three successive generations of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), reared on milky grains of spring wheat grown under elevated CO2 (double-ambient vs. ambient) in open-top chambers (OTCs) were examined. Decreases in protein, total amino acid, water and nitrogen content, and increases in total non-structure carbohydrates (TNCs) and ratio of TNC : nitrogen were found in wheat milky grains grown under elevated CO2 conditions. Changes in quality of wheat grains affected the growth, development and food utilization of H. armigera . Significantly longer larval lifespan for the third generation and lower pupal weight for all generations were observed in cotton bollworm fed on milky grains of spring wheat grown under elevated CO2 conditions. Bollworm fecundity was significantly decreased for the second and third generations under elevated CO2 levels. The consumption, frass per larva and relative consumption rate significantly increased in elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2 conditions. However, the potential population consumption was significant reduced by elevated CO2 in the second and third generations. The results of this study indicate that elevated CO2 levels adversely affect grain quality, resulting in consistently increased consumption per larva for a longer period to produce less fecund bollworm through generations, suggesting that net damage of cotton bollworm on wheat will be less under elevated atmospheric CO2 levels because increased consumption is offset by slower development and reduced fecundity.  相似文献   

Effects of source-sink relations on photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6  
Abstract. While photosynthesis of C3 plants is stimulated by an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration, photosynthetic capacity is often reduced after long-term exposure to elevated CO2. This reduction appears to be brought about by end product inhibition, resulting from an imbalance in the supply and demand of carbohydrates. A review of the literature revealed that the reduction of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2 was most pronounced when the increased supply of carbohydrates was combined with small sink size. The volume of pots in which plants were grown affected the sink size by restricting root growth. While plants grown in small pots had a reduced photosynthetic capacity, plants grown in the field showed no reduction or an increase in this capacity. Pot volume also determined the effect of elevated CO2 on the root/shoot ratio: the root/shoot ratio increased when root growth was not restricted and decreased in plants grown in small pots. The data presented in this paper suggest that plants growing in the field will maintain a high photosynthetic capacity as the atmospheric CO2 level continues to rise.  相似文献   

A mechanistic evaluation of photosynthetic acclimation at elevated CO2   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plants grown at elevated pCO2 often fail to sustain the initial stimulation of net CO2 uptake rate (A). This reduced, acclimated, stimulation of A often occurs concomitantly with a reduction in the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vc,max) of Rubisco. To investigate this relationship we used the Farquhar model of C3 photosynthesis to predict the minimum Vc,max capable of supporting the acclimated stimulation in A observed at elevated pCO2. For a wide range of species grown at elevated pCO2 under contrasting conditions we found a strong correlation between observed and predicted values of Vc,max. This exercise mechanistically and quantitatively demonstrated that the observed acclimated stimulation of A and the simultaneous decrease in Vc,max observed at elevated pCO2 is mechanistically consistent. With the exception of plants grown at a high elevated pCO2 (> 90 Pa), which show evidence of an excess investment in Rubisco, the failure to maintain the initial stimulation of A is almost entirely attributable to the decrease in Vc,max and investment in Rubisco is coupled to requirements.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 and plant structure: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Consequences of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant structure, an important determinant of physiological and competitive success, have not received sufficient attention in the literature. Understanding how increasing carbon input will influence plant developmental processes, and resultant form, will help bridge the gap between physiological response and ecosystem level phenomena. Growth in elevated CO2 alters plant structure through its effects on both primary and secondary meristems of shoots and roots. Although not well established, a review of the literature suggests that cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning may be affected, driven mainly by increased substrate (sucrose) availability and perhaps also by differential expression of genes involved in cell cycling (e.g. cyclins) or cell expansion (e.g. xyloglucan endotransglycosylase). Few studies, however, have attempted to elucidate the mechanistic basis for increased growth at the cellular level. Regardless of specific mechanisms involved, plant leaf size and anatomy are often altered by growth in elevated CO2, but the magnitude of these changes, which often decreases as leaves mature, hinges upon plant genetic plasticity, nutrient availability, temperature, and phenology. Increased leaf growth results more often from increased cell expansion rather than increased division. Leaves of crop species exhibit greater increases in leaf thickness than do leaves of wild species. Increased mesophyll and vascular tissue cross-sectional areas, important determinates of photosynthetic rates and assimilate transport capacity, are often reported. Few studies, however, have quantified characteristics more reflective of leaf function such as spatial relationships among chlorenchyma cells (size, orientation, and surface area), intercellular spaces, and conductive tissue. Greater leaf size and/or more leaves per plant are often noted; plants grown in elevated CO2 exhibited increased leaf area per plant in 66% of studies, compared to 28% of observations reporting no change, and 6% reported a decrease in whole plant leaf area. This resulted in an average net increase in leaf area per plant of 24%. Crop species showed the greatest average increase in whole plant leaf area (+ 37%) compared to tree species (+ 14%) and wild, nonwoody species (+ 15%). Conversely, tree species and wild, nontrees showed the greatest reduction in specific leaf area (– 14% and – 20%) compared to crop plants (– 6%). Alterations in developmental processes at the shoot apex and within the vascular cambium contributed to increased plant height, altered branching characteristics, and increased stem diameters. The ratio of internode length to node number often increased, but the length and sometimes the number of branches per node was greater, suggesting reduced apical dominance. Data concerning effects of elevated CO2 on stem/branch anatomy, vital for understanding potential shifts in functional relationships of leaves with stems, roots with stems, and leaves with roots, are too few to make generalizations. Growth in elevated CO2 typically leads to increased root length, diameter, and altered branching patterns. Altered branching characteristics in both shoots and roots may impact competitive relationships above and below the ground. Understanding how increased carbon assimilation affects growth processes (cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning) will facilitate a better understanding of how plant form will change as atmospheric CO2 increases. Knowing how basic growth processes respond to increased carbon inputs may also provide a mechanistic basis for the differential phenotypic plasticity exhibited by different plant species/functional types to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

We present evidence that plant growth at elevated atmospheric CO2 increases the high‐temperature tolerance of photosynthesis in a wide variety of plant species under both greenhouse and field conditions. We grew plants at ambient CO2 (~ 360 μ mol mol ? 1) and elevated CO2 (550–1000 μ mol mol ? 1) in three separate growth facilities, including the Nevada Desert Free‐Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) facility. Excised leaves from both the ambient and elevated CO2 treatments were exposed to temperatures ranging from 28 to 48 °C. In more than half the species examined (4 of 7, 3 of 5, and 3 of 5 species in the three facilities), leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants maintained PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) to significantly higher temperatures than ambient‐grown leaves. This enhanced PSII thermotolerance was found in both woody and herbaceous species and in both monocots and dicots. Detailed experiments conducted with Cucumis sativus showed that the greater Fv/Fm in elevated versus ambient CO2‐grown leaves following heat stress was due to both a higher Fm and a lower Fo, and that Fv/Fm differences between elevated and ambient CO2‐grown leaves persisted for at least 20 h following heat shock. Cucumis sativus leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants had a critical temperature for the rapid rise in Fo that averaged 2·9 °C higher than leaves from ambient CO2‐grown plants, and maintained a higher maximal rate of net CO2 assimilation following heat shock. Given that photosynthesis is considered to be the physiological process most sensitive to high‐temperature damage and that rising atmospheric CO2 content will drive temperature increases in many already stressful environments, this CO2‐induced increase in plant high‐temperature tolerance may have a substantial impact on both the productivity and distribution of many plant species in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Seed production and seed quality in a calcareous grassland in elevated CO2   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In diverse plant communities the relative contribution of species to community biomass may change considerably in response to elevated CO2. Along with species‐specific biomass responses, reproduction is likely to change as well with increasing CO2 and might further accelerate shifts in species composition. Here, we ask if, after 5 years of CO2 exposure, seed production and seed quality in natural nutrient‐poor calcareous grassland are affected by elevated CO2 (650 μ L L?1 vs 360 μ L L?1) and how this might affect long‐term community dynamics. The effect of elevated CO2 on the number of flowering shoots (+ 24%, P < 0.01) and seeds (+ 29%, P = 0.06) at the community level was similar to above ground biomass responses in this year, suggesting that the overall allocation to sexual reproduction remained unchanged. Compared among functional groups of species we found a 42% increase in seed number (P < 0.01) of graminoids, a 33% increase (P = 0.07) in forbs, and no significant change in legumes (? 38%, n.s.) under elevated CO2. Large responses particularly of two graminoid species and smaller responses of many forb species summed up to the significant or marginally significant increase in seed number of graminoids and forbs, respectively. In several species the increase in seed number resulted both from an increase in flowering shoots and an increase in inflorescence size. In most species, seeds tended to be heavier (+ 12%, P < 0.01), and N‐concentration of seeds was significantly reduced in eight out of 13 species. The fraction of germinating seeds did not differ between seeds produced in ambient and elevated CO2, but time to germination was significantly shortened in two species and prolonged in one species when seeds had been produced in elevated CO2. Results suggest that species specific increases in seed number and changes in seed quality will exert substantial cumulative effects on community composition in the long run.  相似文献   

We used the New Zealand grazed pasture free air CO2 enrichment experiment to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on earthworm (Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus rubellus) cast production and mineral nitrogen (N) concentration over a 5‐week period in the spring. Elevated CO2 did not affect earthworm biomass or the amount of cast material produced. However, cast mineral N concentrations were 18% lower, resulting in 27% less mineral N being deposited on the soil surface under elevated CO2. An analysis of the earthworms' potential diet showed that a reduction in the N content of sheep dung at elevated CO2 was the most likely cause of the lower cast N concentrations. Earthworm casts made only a small contribution to mineral N cycling in our system; however, their quality may act as a sensitive indicator of reduced N availability under elevated CO2 which is consistent with the hypothesised process of progressive N limitation.  相似文献   

Rice carbon balance under elevated CO2   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Three components of global change, elevated CO2, nitrogen addition, and decreased plant species richness (‘diversity’), increased the percent leaf area infected by fungi (pathogen load) for much to all of the plant community in one year of a factorial grassland experiment. Decreased plant diversity had the broadest effect, increasing pathogen load across the plant community. Decreased diversity increased pathogen load primarily by allowing remaining plant species to increase in abundance, facilitating spread of foliar fungal pathogens specific to each plant species. Changes in plant species composition also strongly influenced community pathogen load, with communities that lost less disease prone plant species increasing more in pathogen load. Elevated CO2 increased pathogen load of C3 grasses, perhaps by decreasing water stress, increasing leaf longevity, and increasing photosynthetic rate, all of which can promote foliar fungal disease. Decreased plant diversity further magnified the increase in C3 grass pathogen load under elevated CO2. Nitrogen addition increased pathogen load of C4 grasses by increasing foliar nitrogen concentration, which can enhance pathogen infection, growth, and reproduction. Because changes in foliar fungal pathogen load can strongly influence grassland ecosystem processes, our study suggests that increased pathogen load can be an important mechanism by which global change affects grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although feeding behaviour of Chromatomyia syngenesiae on plants grown in elevated CO2 (ambient + 200ppm) was unaffected, leaf-miner development was slower in elevated compared to ambient CO2 atmospheres. Pupal weight was lower at high CO2 and correlated with the area of leaf mined; no such correlation existed in ambient CO2. There appears to be no compensatory feeding by the leaf-miner for the reduced food quality of plants growing in elevated CO2. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 may alter patterns of plant biomass production. These changes will be dependent on the ability of plants to acquire sufficient nutrients to maintain enhanced growth. Species-specific differences in responsiveness to CO2 may lead to changes in plant community composition and biodiversity. Differences in species-level growth responses to CO2 may be, in a large part, driven by differences in the ability to acquire nutrients. To understand the mechanisms of how elevated CO2 leads to changes in community-level productivity, we need to study the growth responses and patterns of nutrient acquisition for each of the species that comprise the community. In this paper, we present a study of how elevated CO2 affects community-level and species-level patterns of nitrogen uptake and biomass production. As an experimental system we use experimental communities of 11 co-occurring annuals common to disturbed seasonal grasslands in south-western U.S.A. We established experimental communities with approximately even numbers of each species in three different atmospheric CO2 concentrations (375, 550, and 700 ppm). We maintained these communities for 1, 1.5, and 2 months at which times we applied a 15N tracer (15NH415NO3) to quantify the nitrogen uptake and then measured plant biomass, nitrogen content, and nitrogen uptake rates for the entire communities as well as for each species. Overall, community-level responses to elevated CO2 were consistent with the majority of other studies of individual- and multispecies assemblages, where elevated CO2 leads to enhanced biomass production early on, but this enhancement declines through time. In contrast, the responses of the individual species within the communities was highly variable, showing the full range of responses from positive to negative. Due to the large variation in size between the different species, community-level responses were generally determined by the responses of only one or a few species. Thus, while several of the smaller species showed trends of increased biomass and nitrogen uptake in elevated CO2 at the end of the experiment, community-level patterns showed a decrease in these parameters due to the significant reduction in biomass and nitrogen content in the single largest species. The relationship between enhancement of nitrogen uptake and biomass production in elevated CO2 was highly significant for both 550 ppm and 700 ppm CO2. This relationship strongly suggests that the ability of plants to increase nitrogen uptake (through changes in physiology, morphology, architecture, or mycorrhizal symbionts) may be an important determinant of which species in a community will be able to respond to increased CO2 levels with increased biomass production. The fact that the most dominant species within the community showed reduced enhancement and the smaller species showed increased enhancement suggest that through time, elevated CO2 may lead to significant changes in community composition. At the community level, nitrogen uptake rates relative to plant nitrogen content were invariable between the three different CO2 levels at each harvest. This was in contrast to significant reductions in total plant nitrogen uptake and nitrogen uptake relative to total plant biomass. These patterns support the hypothesis that plant nitrogen uptake is largely regulated by physiological activity, assuming that physiological activity is controlled by nitrogen content and thus protein and enzyme content.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effects of elevated CO2 on the physiology of symbiotic N2-fixing trees. Tree species grown in low N soils at elevated CO2 generally show a decline in photosynthetic capacity over time relative to ambient CO2 controls. This negative adjustment may be due to a reallocation of leaf N away from the photosynthetic apparatus, allowing for more efficient use of limiting N. We investigated the effect of twice ambient CO2 on net CO2 assimilation (A), photosynthetic capacity, leaf dark respiration, and leaf N content of N2-fixing Alnus glutinosa (black alder) grown in field open top chambers in a low N soil for 160 d. At growth CO2, A was always greater in elevated compared to ambient CO2 plants. Late season A vs. internal leaf p(CO2) response curves indicated no negative adjustment of photosynthesis in elevated CO2 plants. Rather, elevated CO2 plants had 16% greater maximum rate of CO2 fixation by Rubisco. Leaf dark respiration was greater at elevated CO2 on an area basis, but unaffected by CO2 on a mass or N basis. In elevated CO2 plants, leaf N content (μg N cm?2) increased 50% between Julian Date 208 and 264. Leaf N content showed little seasonal change in ambient CO2 plants. A single point acetylene reduction assay of detached, nodulated root segments indicated a 46% increase in specific nitrogenase activity in elevated compared to ambient CO2 plants. Our results suggest that N2-fixing trees will be able to maintain high A with minimal negative adjustment of photosynthetic capacity following prolonged exposure to elevated CO2 on N-poor soils.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how increasing atmospheric CO2 change plant tissue quality in four native grassland grass species (Agrostis stolonifera, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis) which are all larval food‐plants of Coenonympha pamphilus (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). We assessed the effect of these changes on the performance and larval food‐plant preference of C. pamphilus in a greenhouse experiment. Furthermore, we tested the interactive effects of elevated CO2 and soil nutritional availability in F. rubra and its effect an larval development of C. pamphilus. In general, elevated CO2 decreased leaf water concentration, nitrogen concentration and specific leaf area (SLA), while leaf starch concentration was increased in all grass species. A species‐specific reaction to elevated CO2 was only found for foliar starch concentration. P. pratensis did not increase its starch concentration under elevated CO2 conditions, whereas the other three species did. Fertilisation, investigated only for F. rubra, increased leaf nitrogen concentration and amplified the CO2‐induced decrease in leaf nitrogen. Development time of C. pamphilus was on the average prolonged by two days under elevated CO2 and the prolongation differed from 0.7 to 5.3 days among food‐plant species. Pupal fresh weight differed marginally between CO2 treatments. Fertilisation of the larval food‐plant F. rubra shortened development time by one day and significantly increased pupal and adult fresh weights. C. pamphilus larvae showed a clear food‐plant preference among grass species at the age of 36 h or older. Additionally, a change of food‐plant preference under elevated CO2 was found. Larvae at ambient CO2 preferred Agrostis stolonifera and F. rubra, while under elevated CO2Anthoxanthum odoratum and P. pratensis were preferred. The present study demonstrates that larval development of C. pamphilus is affected by food‐plant species and CO2 induced changes in foliar chemistry. Although we found some species‐specific reactions to elevated CO2 for foliar chemistry, no such CO2 by species interaction was found for insect development. The change in food‐plant preference of larvae under elevated CO2 implies potential changes in selection pressure for grass species and might therefore affect evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Sap-feeding insects such as aphids are the only insect herbivores that show positive responses to elevated CO2. Recent models predict that increased nitrogen will increase aphid population size under elevated CO2, but few experiments have tested this idea empirically. To determine whether soil nitrogen (N) availability modifies aphid responses to elevated CO2, we tested the performance of Macrosiphum euphorbiae feeding on two host plants; a C3 plant (Solanum dulcamara), and a C4 plant (Amaranthus viridis). We expected aphid population size to increase on plants in elevated CO2, with the degree of increase depending on the N availability. We found a significant CO2× N interaction for the response of population size for M. euphorbiae feeding on S. dulcamara: aphids feeding on plants grown in ambient CO2, low N conditions increased in response to either high N availability or elevated CO2. No population size responses were observed for aphids infesting A. viridis. Elevated CO2 increased plant biomass, specific leaf weight, and C : N ratios of the C3 plant, S. dulcamara but did not affect the C4 plant, A. viridis. Increased N fertilization significantly increased plant biomass, leaf area, and the weight : height ratio in both experiments. Elevated CO2 decreased leaf N in S. dulcamara and had no effect on A. viridis, while higher N availability increased leaf N in A. viridis and had no effect in S. dulcamara. Aphid infestation only affected the weight : height ratio of S. dulcamara. We only observed an increase in aphid population size in response to elevated CO2 or increased N availability for aphids feeding on S. dulcamara grown under low N conditions. There appears to be a maximum population growth rate that M. euphorbiae aphids can attain, and we suggest that this response is because of intrinsic limits on development time and fecundity.  相似文献   

CO2 responsiveness of plants: a possible link to phloem loading   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Of the many responses of plants to elevated CO2, accumulation of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC in % dry weight) in leaves is one of the most consistent. Insufficient sink activity or transport capacity may explain this obvious disparity between CO2 assimilation and carbohydrate dissipation and structural investment. If transport capacity contributes to the problem, phloem loading may be the crucial step. It has been hypothesized that symplastic phloem loading is less efficient than apoplastic phloem loading, and hence plant species using the symplastic pathway and growing under high light and good water supply should accumulate more TNC at any given CO2 level, but particularly under elevated CO2. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out CO2 enrichment experiments with 28 plant species known to belong to groups of contrasting phloem-loading type. Under current ambient CO2 symplastic loaders were found to accumulate 36% TNC compared with only 19% in apoplastic loaders (P=0.0016). CO2 enrichment to 600 μmol mol?1 increased TNC in both groups by the same absolute amount, bringing the mean TNC level to 41% in symplastic loaders (compared to 25% in apoplastic loaders), which may be close to TNC saturation (coupled with chlornplast malfunction). Eight tree species, ranked as symplastic loaders by their minor vein companion cell configuration, showed TNC responses more similar to those of apoplastic herbaceous loaders. Similar results are obtained when TNC is expressed on a unit leaf area basis, since mean specific leaf areas of groups were not significantly different. We conclude that phloem loading has a surprisingly strong effect on leaf tissue composition, and thus may translate into alterations of food webs and ecosystem functioning, particularly under high CO2.  相似文献   

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