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Microbial desulfurization of dibenzothiophene: A sulfur-specific pathway   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Abstract Rhodococcus rhodochrous strain IGTS8 metabolizes dibenzothiophene, a model compound for organic sulfur in fossil fuels, in a sulfur-specific manner. Two routes of desulfurization have been identified. Under growth conditions, the intermediates are dibenzothiophene sulfoxide, dibenzothiophene sulfone, 2'-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfonate, and 2,2'-dihydroxybiphenyl. Stationary phase cells produce 2-hydroxybiphenyl as the desulfurized product and use the 2'-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfonate, rather than the sulfonate, as key intermediate.  相似文献   

以筛选得到的红球菌SDUZAWQ为对象,研究其在不同浓度的有机硫化合物二苯并噻吩(DBT)存在下的脱硫能力,以及在0.2mmolLDBT和不同浓度Na2SO4同时存在下的脱硫情况。当DBT浓度高达6mmolL时,菌株仍能生长,而且检测出产物2-羟基联苯(2-HBP)的存在,说明该菌株具有耐受较高浓度DBT的能力。当DBT和Na2SO4同时存在时,DBT为菌株SDUZAWQ所利用,并且也检测出2-HBP,并非如文献所报道的红球菌在无机硫存在下不代谢DBT,表明该菌株能够耐受一定浓度的无机硫酸盐。对相关脱硫基因的克隆和测序结果显示,完整脱硫基因dszABC、其上游调控序列和dszD的序列与模式菌株RhodococcuserythropolisIGTS8的同源性分别是99%、100%和100%。  相似文献   

The formation of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in fermented food is a subject of interest. Such compounds are essential for the aroma of many food products like cheeses or fermented beverages, in which they can play an attractive or a repulsive role, depending on their identity and their concentration. VSC essentially arise from common sulfur-bearing precursors, methionine being the most commonly found. In the first section of this paper, the main VSC found in cheese, wine, and beer are reviewed. It is shown that a wide variety of VSC has been evidenced in these food products. Because of their low odor threshold and flavor notes, these compounds impart essential sensorial properties to the final product. In the second section of this review, the main (bio)chemical pathways leading to VSC synthesis are presented. Attention is focused on the microbial/enzymatic phenomena—which initiate sulfur bearing precursors degradation—leading to VSC production. Although chemical reactions could also play an important role in this process, this aspect is not fully developed in our review. The main catabolic pathways leading to VSC from the precursor methionine are presented.  相似文献   

葡萄酒中重要挥发性硫化物的代谢及基因调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葡萄酒中的挥发性硫化物是由酿酒微生物在葡萄酒发酵过程中代谢所产生的,主要包括硫化氢、硫醇、硫醚、硫醇酯、含硫杂醇油及杂环化合物等,它们对葡萄酒的风味会产生重要影响。本综述介绍了葡萄酒中重要的挥发性硫化物的主要代谢途径及相关基因的调控机制,并提出酿酒微生物的相关研究是提高优良风味物质含量,同时抑制不良风味产生的有效途径。  相似文献   

Compounds of interest in this work are methanethiol (MeSH), dimethyl sulfide (Me2S), dimethyl polysulfides (Me2Sx) and carbon disulfide (CS2) since these volatiles have been identified as predominant odorants in the emission of a wide range of activities in the bio-industry (e.g. aerobic waste water treatment plants, composting plants, rendering plants). In these processes, the occurrence of volatile organic sulfur compounds is mainly related to the presence of anaerobic microsites with consecutive fermentation of sulfur containing organic material and/or to the breakdown of the latter due to thermal heating. Due to the chemical complexity of these low-concentrated waste gas streams and the high flow rates to be handled, mainly biotechnological techniques and scrubbers can be used to control the odour emission. When using biofilters or trickling filters, inoculation with specific micro-organisms and pH-control strategies should be implemented to optimise the removal of volatile organic sulfur compounds. In scrubbers, chemical oxidation of the volatile organic sulfur compounds can be obtained by dosing hypochlorite, ozone or hydrogen peroxide to the scrubbing liquid. However, optimal operational conditions for each of these abatement techniques requires a further research in order to guarantee a long-term and efficient overall odour abatement.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of some compounds used in fossil fuels biodesulphurisation studies, on the respiration activity, was evaluated by Gordonia alkanivorans and Rhodococcus erythropolis. Moreover, the effect of 2-hydroxybiphenyl on cell growth of both strains was also determined, using batch (chronic bioassays) and continuous cultures. The IC50 values obtained showed the toxicity of all the compounds tested to both strains, specially the high toxicity of 2-HBP. These results were confirmed by the chronic toxicity data. The toxicity data sets highlight for a higher sensitivity to the toxicant by the strain presenting a lower growth rate, due to a lower cells number in contact with the toxicant. Thus, microorganisms exhibiting faster generation times could be more resistant to 2-HBP accumulation during a BDS process. The physiological response of both strains to 2-HBP pulse in a steady-state continuous culture shows their potential to be used in a future fossil fuel BDS process.  相似文献   

Phytochemical research has revealed that organic sulfur-containing compounds (OSCs) from Allium species exert biological effects, that might be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of a range of diseases, such as infections, cardiovascular and metabolic affections, cancers and related indispositions. Focusing physiological activities of these compounds in the context of cancer, it became clear from both epidemiological studies in men and experimental studies in diverse models, that the OSCs have a strong potential to prevent or to treat cancers even with selectivity against non-neoplastic cells. Though underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood, several parts of their modes and mechanisms of action were elucidated: Pivotal molecular targets of as well chemoprevention as chemotherapy are metabolic, transporter or repair enzymes strongly affecting cell death, proliferation and formation of metastases. Accordingly effects are not restricted to the run of cell death programs, but they moreover comprise the strongly interdepending immune and inflammatory systems. Respectively, several hypotheses exist which are based on chemical properties of sulfur as the “pharmacophor” of the compounds appearing in up to ten different oxidation states (−2 to +6). Hence compounds can undergo redox-reactions and electrostatic interactions, making reactive oxygen species (ROS) a key feature of their mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

As several authors have reported previously, the Biodesulfurization of hydrodesulfurization recalcitrants, such as dibenzothiophene, is not yet commercially viable because mass transfer limitations and feedback inhibition effects are produced during the conversion. This work has been focused to investigate the inhibition process in aqueous and oil-water systems with two different aerobic biocatalysts types, Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 and Pseudomonas putida CECT 5279. The results obtained have proven that global DBT desulfurization process using CECT 5279 was not clearly deactivated due to final product accumulation, under the experimental conditions assayed. Consistently, the desulfurization pattern has been described with the Michaelis-Menten equation, determining the kinetic parameters. On other hand, the assays have shown that important mass transfer limitations produced the decrease of the yields obtained with this Gram(-) strain in biphasic media. With strain IGTS8 it was observed lower mass transfer problems, but contrary the reaction was severely affected by the final product accumulation, in both aqueous and biphasic systems. Therefore it has been proposed an enzymatic kinetic model with competitive inhibition to describe the BDS evolution pattern when this Gram(+) strain was used.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the abilities of various probiotic bacteria to produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) relevant to food flavour and aroma.
Methods and Results:  Probiotic strains ( Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC55730 and L. reuteri BR11), Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC4797, L. plantarum ATCC14917 and Lactococcus lactis MG1363 were incubated with either cysteine or methionine. Volatile compounds were captured, identified and quantified using a sensitive solid-phase microextraction (SPME) technique combined with gas chromatography coupled to a pulsed flame photometric detector (SPME/GC/PFPD). Several VSCs were identified including H2S, methanethiol, dimethyldisulfide and dimethyltrisulfide. The VSC profiles varied substantially for different strains of L. plantarum and L. reuteri and it was found that L. reuteri ATCC55730 and L. lactis MG1363 produced the lowest levels of VSCs ( P  < 0·05). Levels of VSCs generated by bacteria were found to be equivalent to, or higher than, that found in commercial cheeses.
Conclusions:  Several probiotic strains are able to generate considerable levels of VSCs and substantial variations in VSC generating potential exists between different strains from the same species.
Significance and Importance of the Study:  This study demonstrates that probiotic bacteria are able to efficiently generate important flavour and aroma compounds and therefore has implications for the development of probiotic containing foods.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic oxidation of reduced inorganic sulfur compounds (RISCs) is a topic of utmost importance from a biogeochemical and industrial perspective. Despite sulfur oxidizing bacterial activity is largely known, no quantitative approaches to biological RISCs oxidation have been made, gathering all the complex abiotic and enzymatic stoichiometry involved. Even though in the case of neutrophilic bacteria such as Paracoccus and Beggiatoa species the RISCs oxidation systems are well described, there is a lack of knowledge for acidophilic microorganisms. Here, we present the first experimentally validated stoichiometric model able to assess RISCs oxidation quantitatively in Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (strain DSM 17318), the archetype of the sulfur oxidizing acidophilic chemolithoautotrophs. This model was built based on literature and genomic analysis, considering a widespread mix of formerly proposed RISCs oxidation models combined and evaluated experimentally. Thiosulfate partial oxidation by the Sox system (SoxABXYZ) was placed as central step of sulfur oxidation model, along with abiotic reactions. This model was coupled with a detailed stoichiometry of biomass production, providing accurate bacterial growth predictions. In silico deletion/inactivation highlights the role of sulfur dioxygenase as the main catalyzer and a moderate function of tetrathionate hydrolase in elemental sulfur catabolism, demonstrating that this model constitutes an advanced instrument for the optimization of At. thiooxidans biomass production with potential use in biohydrometallurgical and environmental applications. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2242–2251. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of Dimethylsulfide (DMS),Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) – its precursor –,Dimethylsulfoxyde (DMSO) – one of its oxidation products –Carbonyl sulfide (COS) and Carbonyl disulfide (CS2) wereinvestigated during nine oceanographic cruises carried out in six majortidal European estuaries between July 1996 and May 1998. Low levels ofDMS were recorded (mean of 0.6 nM, standard deviation () 0.3 nM)during these 9 cruises. Positive correlations between DMS and salinitywere frequently observed, with the highest DMS concentrations in theplume of estuaries, which could be explained by change in phytoplanktonspeciation from estuarine to shelf waters. Strong correlation betweenDMSP and DMS was reported for most of the estuaries denoting a simpleconservative mixing of riverine and marine waters controlled by tide. Incontrast to DMS, significant levels of COS and CS2 with meanconcentrations of 220 ± 150 (pM; pM =10–12 M) and 25 ± 6 pM respectively wererecorded in four estuaries, indicating that estuaries could be asignificant source of these compounds.  相似文献   

Total S concentration in the top 35 cm of Big Run Bog peat averaged 9.7 mol·g — wet mass–1 (123 mol·g dry mass–1). Of that total, an average of 80.8% was carbon bonded S, 10.4% was ester sulfate S, 4.5% was FeS2­S, 2.7% was FeS­S, 1.2% was elemental S, and 0.4% was SO4 2–­S. In peat collected in March 1986, injected with35S­SO4 2– and incubated at 4 °C, mean rates of dissimilatory sulfate reduction (formation of H2S + S0 + FeS + FeS2), carbon bonded S formation, and ester sulfate S formation averaged 3.22, 0.53, and 0.36 nmol·g wet mass–1·h–1, respectively. Measured rates of sulfide oxidation were comparable to rates of sulfate reduction. Although dissolved SO4 2– concentrations in Big Run Bog interstitial water (< 200 µM) are low enough to theoretically limit sulfate reducing bacteria, rates of sulfate reduction integrated throughout the top 30–35 cm of peat of 9 and 34 mmol·m–2·d–1 (at 4 °C are greater than or comparable to rates in coastal marine sediments. We suggest that sulfate reduction was supported by a rapid turnover of the dissolved SO4 2– pool (average turnover time of 1.1 days). Although over 90% of the total S in Big Run Bog peat was organic S, cycling of S was dominated by fluxes through the inorganic S pools.  相似文献   

All of fourteen sulfate-reducing bacteria tested were able to carry out aerobic respiration with at least one of the following electron donors: H2, lactate, pyruvate, formate, acetate, butyrate, ethanol, sulfide, thiosulfate, sulfite. Generally, we did not obtain growth with O2 as electron acceptor. The bacteria were microaerophilic, since the respiration rates increased with decreasing O2 concentrations or ceased after repeated O2 additions. The amounts of O2 consumed indicated that the organic substrates were oxidized incompletely to acetate; only Desulfobacter postgatei oxidized acetate with O2 completely to CO2. Many of the strains oxidized sulfite (completely to sulfate) or sulfide (incompletely, except Desulfobulbus propionicus); thiosulfate was oxidized only by strains of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans; trithionate and tetrathionate were not oxidized by any of the strains. With Desulfovibrio desulfuricans CSN and Desulfobulbus propionicus the oxidation of inorganic sulfur compounds was characterized in detail. D. desulfuricans formed sulfate during oxidation of sulfite, thiosulfate or elemental sulfur prepared from polysulfide. D. propionicus oxidized sulfite and sulfide to sulfate, and elemental sulfur mainly to thiosulfate. A novel pathway that couples the sulfur and nitrogen cycles was detected: D. desulfuricans and (only with nitrite) D. propionicus were able to completely oxidize sulfide coupled to the reduction of nitrate or nitrite to ammonia. Cell-free extracts of both strains did not oxidize sulfide or thiosulfate, but formed ATP during oxidation of sulfite (37 nmol per 100 nmol sulfite). This, and the effects of AMP, pyrophosphate and molybdate on sulfite oxidation, suggested that sulfate is formed via the (reversed) sulfate activation pathway (involving APS reductase and ATP sulfurylase). Thiosulfate oxidation with O2 probably required a reductive first step, since it was obtained only with energized intact cells.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - APS adenosine phosphosulfate or adenylyl sulfate  相似文献   

Nouchi  Isamu  Hosono  Tatsuo  Sasaki  Kaori 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(2):233-245
Rice paddies emit not only methane but also several volatile sulfur compounds such as dimethyl sulfide (DMS: CH3SCH3). However, little is known about DMS emission from rice paddies. Fluxes of methane and DMS, and the concentrations of methane and several volatile sulfur compounds including hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl disulfide (CS2), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) and DMS in soil water and flood water were measured in four lysimeter rice paddies (2.5 × 4 m, depth 2.0 m) once per week throughout the entire cultivation period in 1995 in Tsukuba, Japan. The addition of exogenous organic matter (rice straw) was also examined for its influence on methane or DMS emissions. Methane fluxes greatly differed between treatments in which rice straw had been incorporated into the paddy soil (rice straw plot) and plots without rice straw (mineral fertilizer plot). The annual methane emission from the rice straw plots (37.7 g m-2) was approximately 8 times higher than that from the mineral fertilizer plots (4.8 g m-2). Application of rice straw had little influence on DMS fluxes. Significant diurnal and seasonal changes in DMS fluxes were observed. Peak DMS fluxes were found around noon. DMS was emitted from the flood water in the early growth stage of rice and began to be emitted from rice plants during the middle stage. DMS fluxes increased with the growth of rice plants and the highest flux, 15.1 µg m-2 h-1, was recorded before heading. DMS in the soil water was negligible during the entire cultivation period. These facts indicate that the DMS emitted from rice paddies is produced by metabolic processes in rice plants. The total amount of DMS emitted from rice paddies over the cultivated period was estimated to be approximately 5–6 mg m-2. CH3SH was emitted only from flood water during the first month after flooding.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of a rapid increase of the digester temperature (from 54 degrees C to 58 degrees C in 2 weeks) with a slow increase (from 53.9 degrees C to 57.2 degrees C at a rate of 0.55 degrees C per month) on full-scale thermophilic anaerobic digestion at Hyperion Treatment Plant. The short-term test demonstrated that rapidly increasing the digester temperature caused elevated production of volatile sulfur compounds, most notably methyl mercaptan, but volatile solids destruction and methane production were not significantly affected. The increase of the volatile fatty acid to alkalinity ratio from 0.1 to over 0.3 indicated a transient change in digester biochemistry, which was reversed by lowering the temperature. In the long term-test, a slow increase of digester temperature, the production of hydrogen sulfide increased above temperatures of 56.1 degrees C, but was controlled by increased injection of ferrous chloride. Methyl mercaptan was detected in trace amounts at the highest temperature tested (57.2 degrees C). This test showed insignificant effects on other digestion parameters, although some temperature-independent changes were observed that could have been seasonal effects over the year that the long-term test lasted. Thus a slow temperature increase was preferable. This observation contrasts with previous results showing the desirability of a rapid temperature rise to first establish a thermophilic culture when converting from mesophilic operation. Further research is warranted on temperature limits and process changes to optimize thermophilic anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

The selectivity of Rhodococcus sp. strain JVH1 among selected sulfidic and thiophenic compounds was investigated in both single-liquid-phase (aqueous) cultures and in two-liquid-phase cultures, where the sulfur compounds were dissolved in 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane as the immiscible organic carrier phase. In the single-liquid-phase cultures, Rhodococcus sp. strain JVH1 showed a preference for benzyl sulfide over both 1,4-dithiane and benzothiophene. An increased lag was observed in the degradation of benzyl sulfone and benzothiophene sulfone when both compounds were present. These results were consistent with a competitive inhibition mechanism, affecting both sulfur oxidation and carbon–sulfur bond cleavage. In the two-liquid-phase cultures, the effect of partitioning between the two liquid phases dominated the desulfurization activity of the culture. This partitioning resulted in an apparent absence of selectivity, as well as decreases in lag time, extent of degradation, and time to completion of degradation. Desulfurization activity also depended on the growth phase of the cultures. Mass transfer rate limitations were not observed at the low degradation rates of 0.02 mmol day-1 l−1. Owing to the importance of partitioning, Rhodococcus sp. strain JVH1 is predicted to show nonselective activity towards the sulfur species in a whole crude oil.  相似文献   

Concentrations and natural isotope abundance of total sulfur and nitrogen as well as sulfate and nitrate concentrations were measured in needles of different age classes and in soil samples of different horizons from a healthy and a declining Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria, Germany), in order to study the fate of atmospheric depositions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds. The mean δ15N of the needles ranged between −3.7 and −2.1 ‰ and for δ34S a range between −0.4 and +0.9 ‰ was observed. δ34S and sulfur concentrations in the needles of both stands increased continuously with needle age and thus, were closely correlated. The δ15N values of the needles showed an initial decrease followed by an increase with needle age. The healthy stand showed more negative δ15N values in old needles than the declining stand. Nitrogen concentrations decreased with needle age. For soil samples at both sites the mean δ15N and δ34S values increased from −3 ‰ (δ15N) or +0.9 ‰ (δ34S) in the uppermost organic layer to about +4 ‰ (δ15N) or +4.5 ‰ (δ34S) in the mineral soil. This depth-dependent increase in abundance of 15N and 34S was accompanied by a decrease in total nitrogen and sulfur concentrations in the soil. δ15N values and nitrogen concentrations were closely correlated (slope −0.0061 ‰ δ15N per μmol eq N gdw −1), and δ34S values were linearly correlated with sulfur concentrations (slope −0.0576 ‰ δ34S per μmol eq S gdw −1). It follows that in the same soil samples sulfur concentrations were linearly correlated with the nitrogen concentrations (slope 0.0527), and δ34S values were linearly correlated with δ15N values (slope 0.459). A correlation of the sulfur and nitrogen isotope abundances on a Δ basis (which considers the different relative frequencies of 15N and 34S), however, revealed an isotope fractionation that was higher by a factor of 5 for sulfur than for nitrogen (slope 5.292). These correlations indicate a long term synchronous mineralization of organic nitrogen and sulfur compounds in the soil accompanied by element-specific isotope fractionations. Based on different sulfur isotope abundance of the soil (δ34S=0.9 ‰ for total sulfur of the organic layer was assumed to be equivalent to about −1.0 ‰ for soil sulfate) and of the atmospheric SO2 deposition (δ34S=2.0 ‰ at the healthy site and 2.3 ‰ at the declining site) the contribution of atmospheric SO2 to total sulfur of the needles was estimated. This contribution increased from about 20 % in current-year needles to more than 50 % in 3-year-old needles. The proportion of sulfur from atmospheric deposition was equivalent to the age dependent sulfate accumulation in the needles. In contrast to the accumulation of atmospheric sulfur compounds nitrogen compounds from atmospheric deposition were metabolized and were used for growth. The implications of both responses to atmospheric deposition are discussed.  相似文献   

Employing mouse skin epidermal JB6 cells and dermal fibroblasts, here we examined the mechanisms of DNA damage by 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES), a monofunctional analog of sulfur mustard (SM). CEES exposure caused H2A.X and p53 phosphorylation as well as p53 accumulation in both cell types, starting at 1 h, that was sustained for 24 h, indicating a DNA-damaging effect of CEES, which was also confirmed and quantified by alkaline comet assay. CEES exposure also induced oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage in both cell types, measured by an increase in mitochondrial and cellular reactive oxygen species and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels, respectively. In the studies distinguishing between oxidative and direct DNA damage, 1 h pretreatment with glutathione (GSH) or the antioxidant Trolox showed a decrease in CEES-induced oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage. However, only GSH pretreatment decreased CEES-induced total DNA damage measured by comet assay, H2A.X and p53 phosphorylation, and total p53 levels. This was possibly due to the formation of GSH–CEES conjugates detected by LC-MS analysis. Together, our results show that CEES causes both direct and oxidative DNA damage, suggesting that to rescue SM-caused skin injuries, pleiotropic agents (or cocktails) are needed that could target multiple pathways of mustard skin toxicities.  相似文献   

LEAFY COTYLEDON 2 (LEC2) is a key regulator of seed maturation in Arabidopsis. To unravel some of its complex pleiotropic functions, analyses were performed with transgenic plants expressing an inducible LEC2:GR protein. The chimeric protein is functional and can complement lec2 mutation. Interestingly, the induction of LEC2 leads to the accumulation of storage oil in leaves. In addition, short-term induction and use of translation inhibitors allowed to demonstrate that LEC2 can directly trigger the accumulation of seed specific mRNAs. Consistent with these results, the expression of three other major seed regulators namely, LEC1, FUS3, and ABI3 were also induced by LEC2 activation.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone, also called coenzyme Q, is a lipid subject to oxido-reduction cycles. It functions in the respiratory electron transport chain and plays a pivotal role in energy generating processes. In this review, we focus on the biosynthetic pathway and physiological role of ubiquinone in bacteria. We present the studies which, within a period of five decades, led to the identification and characterization of the genes named ubi and involved in ubiquinone production in Escherichia coli. When available, the structures of the corresponding enzymes are shown and their biological function is detailed. The phenotypes observed in mutants deficient in ubiquinone biosynthesis are presented, either in model bacteria or in pathogens. A particular attention is given to the role of ubiquinone in respiration, modulation of two-component activity and bacterial virulence. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.  相似文献   

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