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Dominance hierarchies pervade animal societies. Within a static social environment, in which group size and composition are unchanged, an individual's hierarchy rank results from intrinsic (e.g. body size) and extrinsic (e.g. previous experiences) factors. Little is known, however, about how dominance relationships are formed and maintained when group size and composition are dynamic. Using a fusion-fission protocol, we fused groups of previously isolated shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) into larger groups, and then restored groups to their original size and composition. Pre-fusion hierarchies formed independently of individuals' sizes, and were maintained within a static group via winner/loser effects. Post-fusion hierarchies differed from pre-fusion ones; losing fights during fusion led to a decline in an individual's rank between pre- and post-fusion conditions, while spending time being aggressive during fusion led to an improvement in rank. In post-fusion tanks, larger individuals achieved better ranks than smaller individuals. In conclusion, dominance hierarchies in crabs represent a complex combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, in which experiences from previous groups can carry over to affect current competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Important issues that are still unresolved in the study of animal social groups are how dominance is measured and how individuals are ranked. Based on observations of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus), we constructed hierarchies for the same 26 bucks using five potential correlates of dominance and three measures based on the outcome of agonistic interactions. Data for each of six behavior measures were converted to ranks by six different numerical techniques. Different measures of behavior resulted in different hierarchies. This was especially so when the hierarchy based on sparring rates was compared to hierarchies based on other criteria. Although our results showed that dominance is not a unitary concept, several measures of dominance were highly correlated with one another. Thus, one measure, in some instances, may be a good but imperfect predictor of dominance defined by other criteria. For data sets based on index scores or rates of performing behavior, the mean difference and standard-error difference ranking methods had distinct advantages. Both produced equally weighted ranks that minimized the effects of sampling errors.  相似文献   

Summary. In many animal societies aggressive interactions regulate essential features such as feeding order and reproductive rights. Because aggressive interactions are costly the number of individuals competing for direct reproduction (hopeful reproductives) affects colony productivity. Using mathematical models, based on the costs/benefits trade-off for a worker to attempt to become a reproductive, we determine the number of hopeful reproductives expected to occur in insect societies with totipotent workers and several reproductives. The model is based on the biology of the polygynous queenless ant Rhytidoponera confusa (Formicidae: Ectatomminae), where every worker can potentially reproduce but only a few actually do, but is valid for all societies with totipotent individuals. We compare the number of hopeful reproductives predicted in the absence of a dominance hierarchy and with a linear dominance hierarchy, and we investigate the effects of colony size, relatedness, and mortality. The models show that a linear dominance hierarchy reduces the number of hopeful reproductives, and additional unpublished models show that this reduction is lower in non-linear hierarchies. Dominance hierarchies are thus favoured by natural selection. Larger colony size and higher mortalities result in longer hierarchy, whereas higher relatedness shortens hierarchy length. These predictions were successfully tested with eight colonies of R. confusa.Received 2 August 2004; revised 10 January 2005; accepted 12 January 2005.  相似文献   

Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain the development and maintenance of dominance hierarchies. According to the first hypothesis the dominance hierarchy is a result of the animals fighting once at their first encounter and then using the outcome of that fight to determine the rank order. The second hypothesis proposes that a dominance hierarchy reflects the fighting ability of the individuals in the group at each moment and is therefore relatively fluid with individuals continuously fighting for position. A third hypothesis, the suppression hypothesis, states that the dominance hierarchy is based to a large extent on the outcome of the first fight between the individuals but the dominant animal in each pair continuously attacks the subdominant individuals to condition them to lose in future encounters. We studied six well‐established flocks containing six adult hens each (Gallus gallus domesticus). Five of the flocks had linear hierarchies. The aggression was significantly more often directed towards the next low‐ranking individual. There was a good correlation between rank and comb size (height × width), but no significant correlation between rank and weight, or rank and level of fluctuating asymmetry. There was no significant correlation between levels of aggression and similarity of comb size for individuals of neighboring ranks. Our results tentatively support the suppression hypothesis for the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in the domestic hen.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1996,38(3):227-239
This research compares the role of initial individual characteristics to that of patterns of resolution in which successive dominance relationships are established during the formation of triads in the domestic hen. Combining weight and comb size with prior victory or defeat in the site of encounter, we created three levels of asymmetries of characteristics for triads of hens. The effects of these asymmetries were then examined on the resultant hierarchies and on the order of conflict resolution within triads under two different conditions of assembly. In one condition (simultaneous triad), the three hens were simultaneously introduced to each other and could thus freely choose their opponent. In the other condition (step-assembled triad), the hen predicted to occupy the highest rank was left on standby and introduced once the other two hens had settled dominance. This condition disrupts the normal process of hierarchy formation by imposing the first sequence of dominance settlement. We found that the structure of triadic hierarchies can be predicted from individual characteristics existing prior to hierarchy formation. No difference in the resultant structures were found between conditions of introduction, though different paths of conflict resolution were followed indicating that individual differences had a more determining role on the resultant hierarchies than patterns of resolution. In addition to demonstrating that individual differences determine resultant triadic structures, the present results also show that the same end structures can be reached by following resolution paths that are not necessarily of the Double Dominance and Double Subordinance types as prescribed by Chase's model. It is also found that in the simultaneous condition hens select each other to form pairs. Therefore, individuals do not meet at random but choose each other as opponents. The two hens predicted from individual differences to occupy the highest ranks first settle dominance, followed by settlement between the winner of the previous encounter and the bystander.  相似文献   

Animals who live in groups need to divide available resources amongst themselves. This is often achieved by means of a dominance hierarchy, where dominant individuals obtain a larger share of the resources than subordinate individuals. This paper introduces a model of dominance hierarchy formation using a multi-player extension of the classical Hawk-Dove game. Animals play non-independent pairwise games in a Swiss tournament which pairs opponents against those which have performed equally well in the conflict so far, for a fixed number of rounds. Resources are divided according to the number of contests won. The model, and its emergent properties, are discussed in the context of experimental observations.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(2):159-168
The occurence of tied rank numbers in dominance hierarchies is discussed, especially its effect on the linearity of the hierarchy. This linearity is measured with Landau's index, that is calculated for several hierarchies with tied ranks on one, two of three levels. Linearity is mostly affected by ties in small groups with many ties. A distinction is made between a hierarchy of individuals and hierarchical levels. The phenomenon of despotism is called an extreme case of tied ranks. It is proposed to regard hierarchies with a linearity in a continuous scale.  相似文献   

Many social species with relatively simple societies have dominance hierarchies of individuals, with dominant individuals achieving fitness and subordinate individuals either queuing to obtain fitness or achieving only indirect fitness by helping relatives. Assessing the dominance hierarchy in a social group is generally based upon observing dyadic interactions as and when they occur spontaneously within the whole‐group setting. However, this method can be very time‐consuming because many dyads interact only very rarely, necessitating either extremely long observation periods or many dyadic relationships being unresolved. Here, we report an alternative method using the queenless dinosaur ant Dinoponera quadriceps, which lives in colonies containing tens of individuals. We removed all individuals from their nest and observed the dominance behaviours expressed in isolated dyadic interactions for every pairwise combination of individuals. Individuals showed a classic dominance behaviour in this setting, and the rapid nature of the assay allowed us to observe every dyadic relationship on a weekly basis over 4 weeks. The dominance hierarchies based on these isolated dyadic interactions correlated well with those produced by the conventional method of colony observations. They showed the hierarchies to be highly linear and stable, and also revealed that dominance relationships may extend further down the hierarchy than previously thought. Although highly manipulative, the isolated dyadic interaction method works well and will likely make more feasible the study of other social species in which pairs of individuals can be isolated together.  相似文献   

Although social behaviour can bring many benefits to an individual, there are also costs that may be incurred whenever the members of a social group interact. The formation of dominance hierarchies could offer a means of reducing some of the costs of social interaction, but individuals within the hierarchy may end up paying differing costs dependent upon their position within the hierarchy. These differing interaction costs may therefore influence the behaviour of the group, as subordinate individuals may experience very different benefits and costs to dominants when the group is conducting a given behaviour. Here, a state-dependent dynamic game is described which considers a pair of social foragers where there is a set dominance relationship within the pair. The model considers the case where the subordinate member of the pair pays an interference cost when it and the dominant individual conduct specific pairs of behaviours together. The model demonstrates that if the subordinate individual pays these energetic costs when it interacts with the dominant individual, this has effects upon the behaviour of both subordinate and the dominant individuals. Including interaction costs increases the amount of foraging behaviour both individuals conduct, with the behaviour of the pair being driven by the subordinate individual. The subordinate will tend to be the lighter individual for longer periods of time when interaction costs are imposed. This supports earlier suggestions that lighter individuals should act as the decision-maker within the pair, giving leadership-like behaviours that are based upon energetic state. Pre-existing properties of individuals such as their dominance will be less important for determining which individual makes the decisions for the pair. This suggests that, even with strict behavioural hierarchies, identifying which individual is the dominant one is not sufficient for identifying which one is the leader.  相似文献   

The effects of social hierarchy on population dynamics and epidemiology are examined through a model which contains a number of fundamental features of hierarchical systems, but is simple enough to allow analytical insight. In order to allow for differences in birth rates, contact rates and movement rates among different sets of individuals the population is first divided into subgroups representing levels in the hierarchy. Movement, representing dominance challenges, is allowed between any two levels, giving a completely connected network. The model includes hierarchical effects by introducing a set of dominance parameters which affect birth rates in each social level and movement rates between social levels, dependent upon their rank. Although natural hierarchies vary greatly in form, the skewing of contact patterns, introduced here through non-uniform dominance parameters, has marked effects on the spread of disease. A simple homogeneous mixing differential equation model of a disease with SI dynamics in a population subject to simple birth and death process is presented and it is shown that the hierarchical model tends to this as certain parameter regions are approached. Outside of these parameter regions correlations within the system give rise to deviations from the simple theory. A Gaussian moment closure scheme is developed which extends the homogeneous model in order to take account of correlations arising from the hierarchical structure, and it is shown that the results are in reasonable agreement with simulations across a range of parameters. This approach helps to elucidate the origin of hierarchical effects and shows that it may be straightforward to relate the correlations in the model to measurable quantities which could be used to determine the importance of hierarchical corrections. Overall, hierarchical effects decrease the levels of disease present in a given population compared to a homogeneous unstructured model, but show higher levels of disease than structured models with no hierarchy. The separation between these three models is greatest when the rate of dominance challenges is low, reducing mixing, and when the disease prevalence is low. This suggests that these effects will often need to be considered in models being used to examine the impact of control strategies where the low disease prevalence behaviour of a model is critical.  相似文献   

Methods to describe dominance hierarchies are a key tool in primatology studies. Most current methods are appropriate for analyzing linear and near-linear hierarchies; however, more complex structures are common in primate groups. We propose a method termed "dominance-directed tree." This method is based on graph theory and set theory to analyze dominance relationships in social groups. The method constructs a transitive matrix by imposing transitivity to the dominance matrix and produces a graphical representation of the dominance relationships, which allows an easy visualization of the hierarchical position of the individuals, or subsets of individuals. The method is also able to detect partial and complete hierarchies, and to describe situations in which hierarchical and nonhierarchical principles operate. To illustrate the method, we apply a dominance tree analysis to artificial data and empirical data from a group of Cebus apella.  相似文献   

In species living in social groups, aggression among individuals to gain access to limiting resources can lead to the formation of stable social hierarchies. We tested whether dominance rank in social groups of sponge-dwelling cleaning gobies Elacatinus prochilos in Barbados was determined by physical attributes of individuals or by prior experience of dominance, and examined the foraging consequences of dominance rank. Intraspecific aggression within groups resulted in stable dominance hierarchies that were strongly correlated with fish length. Dominant individuals maintained exclusive territories while subordinate fish occupied broader home ranges. Larger, competitively dominant fish were able to monopolize areas inside the sponge lumen with the highest abundance of the polychaete Haplosyllis spp., a favoured prey item, and achieved the highest foraging rates. The removal of a territorial individual from large groups resulted in a domino-like effect in territory relocation of the remaining fish as individuals moved to the territory previously occupied by the individual just above them in the group hierarchy. Individuals added to existing groups generally failed to gain access to territories, despite being formerly dominant in their original groups. When given the opportunity to choose a location in the absence of larger competitors, gobies frequently preferred positions that were previously defended and that had abundant food. These results suggest that intraspecific competition for resources creates the observed dominance structures and provides support for the role of individual physical attributes in the formation and maintenance of dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

Polistes are an ideal system to study ultimate and proximate questions of dominance, and to test theoretical predictions about social evolution. The behaviors typically associated with dominance in Polistes are similar to those observed in many vertebrate societies. Here, we review recent ethological, mechanistic, and evolutionary studies on how social dominance hierarchies are established and maintained in Polistes spp. From the ultimate perspective, we address individual and group benefits of hierarchy formation, as well as issues such as reproductive skew, queen-worker conflict, and costs of challenging the dominant. From the proximate perspective, we review social, physical, and physiological factors influencing hierarchy formation, including co-foundress interactions, age structure, body size, endocrine system, and chemical and visual signals. We also discuss the extensive inter- and intra-specific variation of Polistes in the formation and maintenance of hierarchies, as well as levels of within-colony aggression. We conclude the review by highlighting the utility of this variation for comparative studies and the immense potential of the genus Polistes to address fundamental and unanswered questions about the evolution and maintenance of dominance behavior in animals.  相似文献   

We studied sex differences in the nature of aggression and dominance behaviour in two newly formed groups of 1-year-old Icelandic horses. One herd contained nine geldings, the other nine mares. The groups were matched with regard to dominance-determining traits such as age, weaning age, composition of native herd, social experience, genetic origin, body condition and maternal dominance status. High-ranking individuals of both sexes were more aggressive, high-ranking males were older, and high-ranking females had a better body condition. Frequencies of aggressions were similar in both groups. The mares reacted significantly more by showing submission upon an aggression rather than by not responding or by escalating the aggression. For the geldings, this difference was not observed due to a lower tendency to submit. A linear dominance hierarchy was found in both groups. David’s scores provided additional information regarding cardinal rank distances and were used to calculate steepness of hierarchies. The female hierarchy was somewhat steeper compared to the male hierarchy, suggesting somewhat lower despotism among males. This was mainly a consequence of the lower unidirectionality in male submission. Male contests occurred predominantly between dyads at top and mid positions, suggesting a low degree of acceptance of the hierarchy.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies are a prominent feature of the lives of many primate species. These hierarchies have important fitness consequences, as high rank is often positively correlated with reproduction. Although adult male chimpanzees strive for status to gain fitness benefits, the development of dominance relationships is not well understood. While two prior studies found that adolescent males do not display dominance relationships with peers, additional research at Ngogo in Kibale National Park, Uganda, indicates that adolescents there form a linear dominance hierarchy. These conflicting findings could reflect different patterns of rank acquisition across sites. An alternate possibility arises from a recent re-evaluation of age estimates at Ngogo and suggests that the report describing decided dominance relationships between adolescent males may have been due to the accidental inclusion of young adult males in the sample. To investigate these issues, we conducted a study of 23 adolescent male chimpanzees of known age during 12 months at Ngogo. Adolescent male chimpanzees exchanged pant grunts, a formal signal of submission, only 21 times. Recipients of pant grunts were late adolescent males, ranging between 14 and 16 years old. In contrast, younger adolescent males never received pant grunts from other males. Aggression between adolescent males was also rare. Analysis of pant grunts and aggressive interactions did not produce a linear dominance hierarchy among adolescent males. These data indicate that adolescent male chimpanzees do not form decided dominance relationships with their peers and are consistent with the hypothesis that the hierarchy described previously at Ngogo resulted from inaccurate age estimates of male chimpanzees. Because dominance relationships develop before adulthood in other primates, our finding that adolescent male chimpanzees do not do so is surprising. We offer possible explanations for why this is the case and suggest future studies that may help clarify the matter.  相似文献   

Salmonids form dominance hierarchies in environments, where space or food are limiting. Our first objective was to investigate the physiology of individual rainbow trout in 4-fish hierarchies. Our second was to compare conclusions drawn from grouping physiological data on the basis of social rank with those based on relating individual physiology to individual aggressive behavior. To create a social hierarchy, groups of 4 juvenile trout were fed (1 % ration) using a darkened feeding container, twice daily (morning and evening). Each morning feeding was videotaped to record aggressive behavior, thereby facilitating the assignment of a social status rank to each fish. On days 5 and 10–11, physiological parameters were measured in fish fasted for 24 h. Social hierarchies formed in all tested groups. One fish would become dominant, whereas the three subordinate individuals would each assume a stable social rank. When classified according to this social rank, the three subordinate individuals all displayed similar physiology, different from the physiology of the dominant fish. The latter included higher ammonia excretion rate, greater protein utilization in aerobic metabolism, greater feeding, higher specific growth rate, greater increase in condition factor, and lower routine oxygen consumption rate. However, when individual aggression was taken into account, a continuous gradient was observed between aggression and physiology for most parameters, regardless of social status. These relationships could be improved by normalizing the aggression score to the overall level of aggression in each hierarchy. We argue that individual behavior should be considered instead of just social rank when studying the physiology of trout in social hierarchies.  相似文献   

Understanding dominance hierarchies is an important aspect of many studies of animal groups. Collecting the necessary data requires a large amount of time and effort to detect only a small number of interactions. Here, we assess the viability of extracting interactions from a temporal data stream of arrival and departures to a feeder equipped with a radio‐frequency identifier antenna. We show that the interactions extracted from this type of data can create similar dominance hierarchies to those produced by analysing video data of interactions. Additionally, we assessed the amount of temporal data required to obtain a dominance hierarchy and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of utilising temporal data streams to generate dominance hierarchies of animal groups. The code to extract the dominance interactions and test the correlation between different dominance hierarchies is included in the Supporting Information .  相似文献   

群居灵长类动物等级序列是长期进化的结果,也是动物行为生态学研究的热点。灵长类动物个体间通过等级序列,合理的利用自然资源、避免过多的伤亡、保护群体内的幼弱者,从而更好地适应复杂的生态环境。2013年6月至2014年1月,采用焦点动物取样法对白马雪山国家级自然保护区人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群的6个一雄多雌单位之间等级序列进行了研究。通过对一雄多雌单元之间攻击-屈服行为数据分析发现:一雄多雌单位之间存在明显的等级序列(大个子单元>单疤单元>红脸单元>联合国单元>偏冠单元>花唇单元);单元之间成年雄性的攻击行为多于成年雌性;单位之间的等级序列与取食次数、第一序位取食总次数呈显著正相关,与各单元取食总时间无明显相关性;同时,一雄多雌单元之间的等级序列与单元内成年雌性数量呈显著正相关。研究结果符合群居灵长类动物攻击-屈服假说和资源优先占据-雌性高序列偏好假说。  相似文献   

In four scatter-fed groups of Tilapia rendalli , the distribution of food between individuals was not significantly different from that expected if the food was shared uniformly between all the fish in the group for nine of the 12 radiographic assessments of feeding behaviour. Individual fish maintained the same feeding rank over time, indicating a stable feeding hierarchy, in only one of the four scatter feeding groups. In contrast, in four point source feeding groups, the distribution of food between individuals differed significantly from uniformity in 10 of the 12 radiographic assessments of feeding behaviour and stable feeding hierarchies were maintained over time in three of the four groups. Thus, scatter feeding promoted a more uniform distribution of food between individuals within the group and prevented the formation of feeding hierarchies. There was no significant correlation between individual feeding rank and dominance index in all four scatter feeding groups. In contrast, significant positive correlations were found between individual feeding rank and dominance index in all four point source feeding groups. The results of this study confirm that feeding rank can be used as a correlate of relative social status under defensible feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Dominance orders in the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus were observed in the laboratory. Groups of four crabs formed loose dominance hierarchies as determined by repeated display and retreat behaviour. Stronger dominance orders were inversely correlated with the frequency of aggressive interactions. Recognition of individuals, as measured by frequency and intensity of aggressive encounters between familiar crabs and introduced strangers, was not important in maintaining dominance orders. Rather, P. longicarpus recognized the aggressive state of conspecifics, as shown by frequencies of aggressive encounters after individuals of different dominance rankings were exchanged between established hierarchies.  相似文献   

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