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Animals who live in groups need to divide available resources amongst themselves. This is often achieved by means of a dominance hierarchy, where dominant individuals obtain a larger share of the resources than subordinate individuals. This paper introduces a model of dominance hierarchy formation using a multi-player extension of the classical Hawk-Dove game. Animals play non-independent pairwise games in a Swiss tournament which pairs opponents against those which have performed equally well in the conflict so far, for a fixed number of rounds. Resources are divided according to the number of contests won. The model, and its emergent properties, are discussed in the context of experimental observations.  相似文献   

The realized (observed) value of Landau’s dominance hierarchy index is examined. Under a model of constant pairwise dominance probabilities, the observed index is shown to be a strongly consistent estimator of the underlying (true) index. However, a large number of encounters between animals is shown to be required in order to reduce bias and variance to practical levels except when the pairwise dominance probabilities are near one.  相似文献   

Agonistic and non-agonistic behaviors were studied before, during, and after the formation of social status in crayfish. Differences in the expression of a non-agonistic behavior by dominant and subordinate crayfish developed in parallel with the differences in agonistic behaviors that indicate the animals' social status. An increase in burrowing behavior marked the ascendancy of the dominant animal, while an immediate suppression of burrowing paralleled the inhibition of aggressive behavior in the new subordinate. The strikingly similar changes in both agonistic and non-agonistic behaviors following the decision on status suggest related underlying neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

Helping effort in a dominance hierarchy   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In many cooperatively breeding species, group members form adominance hierarchy or queue to inherit the position of breeder.Models aimed at understanding individual variation in helpingbehavior, however, rarely take into account the effect of dominancerank on expected future reproductive success and thus the potentialdirect fitness costs of helping. Here we develop a kin-selectionmodel of helping behavior in multimember groups in which onlythe highest ranking individual breeds. Each group member caninvest in the dominant's offspring at a cost to its own survivorship.The model predicts that lower ranked subordinates, who havea smaller probability of inheriting the group, should work harderthan higher ranked subordinates. This prediction holds regardlessof whether the intrinsic mortality rate of subordinates increasesor decreases with rank. The prediction does not necessarilyhold, however, where the costs of helping are higher for lowerranked individuals: a situation that may be common in vertebrates.The model makes two further testable predictions: that the helpingeffort of an individual of given rank should be lower in largergroups, and the reproductive success of dominants should begreater where group members are more closely related. Empiricalevidence for these predictions is discussed. We argue that theeffects of rank on stable helping effort may explain why attemptsto correlate individual helping effort with relatedness in cooperativelybreeding species have met with limited success.  相似文献   

A hierarchy of Hares: dominance status and access to oestrous does   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. J. F. HOLLEY 《Mammal Review》1986,16(3-4):181-186

The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in laboratory mice. The important feature of the model is a group of two males only placed into the special experimental cage. The cage consists of two nestling chambers and central chamber. Observations were made 3 times per day (20 min each) throughout 5 days. Aggression, defence and sniffing behaviours of both partners were recorded during each observation period using video camera. Social rank was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. It was shown that social hierarchy was established during the first four tests limited by the first 24 h after pairing. After this period aggression and defence behaviours were greatly decreased. After the first 5 tests a stabilization in aggression (number of wins, active attacks and not direct aggression) and defence (number of vertical defensive postures and escapes) as well as sniffing behaviours took place. But a strong asymmetry in mentioned here behaviours in males of different ranks (dominants and subordinates) was kept up. Thus we offer a new experimental model of minimal society, which entirely reproduces a pattern of establishment and maintenance of social hierarchy. Our model demonstrates significant differences in agonistic, defence and sniffing behaviours between males of different social rank.  相似文献   

A unified model of eukaryotic chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Medial temporal lobe structures including the hippocampus are implicated by separate investigations in both episodic memory and spatial function. We show that a single recurrent attractor network can store both the discrete memories that characterize episodic memory and the continuous representations that characterize physical space. Combining both types of representation in a single network is actually necessary if objects and where they are located in space must be stored. We thus show that episodic memory and spatial theories of medial temporal lobe function can be combined in a unified model.  相似文献   

The prevalence of polyploidy among flowering plants is surprising given the hurdles impeding the establishment and persistence of novel polyploid lineages. In the absence of strong assortative mating, reproductive assurance, or large intrinsic fitness advantages, new polyploid lineages face almost certain extinction through minority cytotype exclusion. Consequently, much work has focused on a search for adaptive advantages associated with polyploidy such as increased competitive ability, enhanced ecological tolerances, and increased resistance to pathogens. Yet, no consistent adaptive advantages of polyploidy have been identified. Here, to investigate the potential for autopolyploid establishment and persistence in the absence of any intrinsic fitness advantages, we develop a simulation model of a diploid population that sporadically gives rise to novel autopolyploids. The autopolyploids have only very small levels of initial assortative mating or niche differentiation, generated entirely by dosage effects of genome duplication, and they have realistic levels of reproductive assurance. Our results show that by allowing assortative mating and competitive interactions to evolve, establishment of novel autopolyploid lineages becomes common. Additional scenarios where adaptive optima change over time reveal that rapid environmental change promotes the replacement of diploid lineages by their autopolyploid descendants. These results help to explain recent empirical findings that suggest that many contemporary polyploid lineages arose during the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction, without invoking adaptive advantages of polyploidy.  相似文献   

A group of six unrelated female pigtail macaques,Macaca nemestrina, of the same age, was studied in captivity over a period of five years. The animals were observed under six different situations, following changes in the social composition of the group. The following social interactions were recorded: withdrawal, attack, threat, presentation, mount, and grooming. Although behavioural rates varied for each period, their distribution network was remarkably consistent. Each subject could be assigned a rank, which remained stable over the six periods. From an analysis of the number of dyads in which one of the two animal significantly performed both paired behaviours more than the other animal (external validity), behaviours clustered into two main groups: (1) attacks, threats, and withdrawals; and (2) mounts, presentations, and grooming. Quantitative methods were performed to standardize the degree in which linearity, stability, reciprocity, and idiosyncrasy of the interactions under study may account for social variability. When considering these properties, the behaviours clustered in the same two groups (“agonistic” and “affinitive”). A method to describe the dominance style ofMacaca nemestrina was proposed, which can easily be replicated for comparisons with females of other primate species and in different conditions.  相似文献   

A new differential equation model for the growth of trees, involving structure/storage partitioning, is set up. The model, which is relatively simple, is shown to exhibit suppression and dominance effects. It also suggests a possible mechanism for the bimodal distributions of tree size which are observed in even-aged monoculture stands.  相似文献   

While dominance relationships have been widely studied in chimpanzees, in bonobos, dominance style and linearity of hierarchy are still under debate. In fact, some authors stated that bonobo hierarchy is nonlinear/ill-defined, while others claimed that it is fairly linear. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that a shift in group composition determines changes in linearity of hierarchy. To test this hypothesis, we collected data on one of the largest captive groups in the world, in the Apenheul Primate Park (The Netherlands). We investigated the linearity of the hierarchy in two different periods, with a shifting group composition. We used the corrected Landau's index and David's scores to estimate which animals were most dominant. The major overall result of our study is that hierarchy is fairly nonlinear in this group: during the first study period (eight adults), the hierarchy was nonlinear, whereas during the second one (six adults), it failed to reach statistical linearity. We argue that the reduction of the number of adults is the principal factor affecting linearity. We also found that dominance interactions were evenly distributed across sex classes in both study periods. Furthermore, no correlation was observed between age/body weight and rank. As for the overall dominance relationship between males and females, our results suggest that there is no exclusive female dominance in the Apenheul group. The dominance style of bonobos may be loose and differentially expressed in diverse groups or in the same group, along with shifting conditions.  相似文献   

A unified model for budburst of trees   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Accurate plant phenology (seasonal plant activity driven by environmental factors) models are vital tools for ecosystem simulation models and for predicting the response of ecosystems to climate change. Since the early 1970s, efforts have concentrated on predicting phenology of the temperate and boreal forests because they represent one-third of the carbon captured in plant ecosystems and they are the principal ecosystems with seasonal patterns of growth on Earth (one-fifth of the plant ecosystems area). Numerous phenological models have been developed to predict the growth timing of temperate or boreal trees. They are in general empirical, nonlinear and non-nested. For these reasons they are particularly difficult to fit, to test and to compare with each other. The methodological difficulties as well as the diversity of models used have greatly slowed down their improvement. The aim of this study was to show that the most widely used models simulating vegetative or reproductive phenology of trees are particular cases of a more general model. This unified model has three main advantages. First, it allows for a direct estimation of (i) the response of bud growth to either chilling or forcing temperatures and (ii) the periods when these temperatures affect the bud growth. Second, it can be simplified according to standard statistical tests for any particular species. Third, it provides a standardized framework for phenological models, which is essential for comparative studies as well as for robust model identification.  相似文献   

Amoebae from different clones of Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate into a common slug, which migrates towards light for dispersal, then forms a fruiting body consisting of a somatic, dead stalk, holding up a head of living spores. Contributions of two clones in a chimera to spore and stalk are often unequal, with one clone taking advantage of the other's stalk contribution. To determine whether there was a hierarchy of exploitation among clones, we competed all possible pairs among seven clones and measured their relative representation in the prespore and prestalk stages and in the final spore stage. We found a clear linear hierarchy at the final spore stage, but not at earlier stages. These results suggest that there is either a single principal mechanism or additive effects for differential contribution to the spore, and that it involves more than spore/stalk competition.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a unified model of immune response in terms of discrete automata describing the concentrations of the cells constituting the immune network. The model of normal immune response proposed by Kaufman, Urbain and Thomas and that of auto-immune response proposed by Weisbuch, Atlan and Cohen are special cases of this unified model. Moreover, this model also describes the immune response in patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that is known to cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

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