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In budding yeast mitosis is endonuclear and associated with a very limited condensation of the chromosomes. Despite this partial chromosomal condensation, condensin is conserved and essential for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitotic cycle. Here, we investigate the localization of condensin during the mitotic cycle. In addition to a constitutive association with rDNA, we have discovered that condensin is localized to the kinetochore in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Shortly after duplication of the spindle pole body, the yeast equivalent of the centrosome, we observed a local enrichment of condensin colocalizing with kinetochore components. This specific association is consistent with mutant phenotypes of chromosome loss and defective sister chromatid separation at anaphase. During a short period of the cell cycle, we observed, at the single cell level, a spatial proximity of condensin and a cohesin rosette, without colocalization. Furthermore, using a genetic screen we demonstrated that condensin localization at kinetochores is specifically impaired in a mutant for ulp2/smt4, an abundant SUMO protease. In conclusion, during chromosome segregation, we established a SUMO-dependent cell cycle-specific condensin concentration colocalizing with kinetochores.  相似文献   

Spindle orientation is critical for accurate chromosomal segregation in eukaryotic cells. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, orientation of the mitotic spindle is achieved by a program of microtubule-cortex interactions coupled to spindle morphogenesis. We previously implicated Bud6p in directing microtubule capture throughout this program. Herein, we have analyzed cells coexpressing GFP:Bud6 and GFP:Tub1 fusions, providing a kinetic view of Bud6p-microtubule interactions in live cells. Surprisingly, even during the G1 phase, microtubule capture at the recent division site and the incipient bud is dictated by Bud6p. These contacts are eliminated in bud6 delta cells but are proficient in kar9 delta cells. Thus, Bud6p cues microtubule capture, as soon as a new cell polarity axis is established independent of Kar9p. Bud6p increases the duration of interactions and promotes distinct modes of cortical association within the bud and neck regions. In particular, microtubule shrinkage and growth at the cortex rarely occur away from Bud6p sites. These are the interactions selectively impaired at the bud cortex in bud6 delta cells. Finally, interactions away from Bud6p sites within the bud differ from those occurring at the mother cell cortex, pointing to the existence of an independent factor controlling cortical contacts in mother cells after bud emergence.  相似文献   

Spa2p is a nonessential protein that regulates yeast cell polarity. It localizes early to the presumptive bud site and remains at sites of growth throughout the cell cycle. To understand how Spa2p localization is regulated and to gain insight into its molecular function in cell polarity, we used a coimmunoprecipitation strategy followed by tandem mass spectrometry analysis to identify proteins that associate with Spa2p in vivo. We identified Myo1p, Myo2p, Pan1p, and the protein encoded by YFR016c as proteins that interact with Spa2p. Strikingly, all of these proteins are involved in cell polarity and/or actin function. Here we focus on the functional significance of the interactions of Spa2p with Myo2p and Myo1p. We find that localization of Spa2GFP to sites of polarized growth depends on functional Myo2p but not on Myo1p. We also find that Spa2p, like Myo2p, cosediments with F-actin in an ATP-sensitive manner. We hypothesize that Spa2p associates with actin via a direct or indirect interaction with Myo2p and that Spa2p may be involved in mediating polarized localization of polarity proteins via Myo2p. In addition, we observe an enhanced cell-separation defect in a myo1spa2 strain at 37 degrees C. This provides further evidence that Spa2p is involved in cytokinesis and cell wall morphogenesis.  相似文献   

N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine (t6A) is a universal tRNA modification essential for normal cell growth and accurate translation. In Archaea and Eukarya, the universal protein Sua5 and the conserved KEOPS/EKC complex together catalyze t6A biosynthesis. The KEOPS/EKC complex is composed of Kae1, a universal metalloprotein belonging to the ASHKA superfamily of ATPases; Bud32, an atypical protein kinase and two small proteins, Cgi121 and Pcc1. In this study, we investigated the requirement and functional role of KEOPS/EKC subunits for biosynthesis of t6A. We demonstrated that Pcc1, Kae1 and Bud32 form a minimal functional unit, whereas Cgi121 acts as an allosteric regulator. We confirmed that Pcc1 promotes dimerization of the KEOPS/EKC complex and uncovered that together with Kae1, it forms the tRNA binding core of the complex. Kae1 binds l-threonyl-carbamoyl-AMP intermediate in a metal-dependent fashion and transfers the l-threonyl-carbamoyl moiety to substrate tRNA. Surprisingly, we found that Bud32 is regulated by Kae1 and does not function as a protein kinase but as a P-loop ATPase possibly involved in tRNA dissociation. Overall, our data support a mechanistic model in which the final step in the biosynthesis of t6A relies on a strictly catalytic component, Kae1, and three partner proteins necessary for dimerization, tRNA binding and regulation.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc42 protein, a member of the Ras superfamily of low-molecular-weight GTP-binding proteins, is involved in the control of cell polarity during the yeast cell cycle. This protein has a consensus sequence (CAAX) for geranylgeranyl modification and is likely to be associated, at least in part, with cell membranes. Using cell fractionation and immunolocalization techniques, we have investigated the subcellular localization of Cdc42p. Cdc42p was found in both soluble and particulate pools, and neither its abundance nor its distribution varied through the cell cycle. The particulate form of Cdc42p could be solubilized with detergents but not with NaCl or urea, suggesting that it is tightly associated with membranes. An increase in soluble Cdc42p was observed in a geranylgeranyltransferase mutant strain (cdc43-2ts) grown at the restrictive temperature. In addition, Cdc42p from a cdc42C188S mutant strain (that has an alteration at the prenylation consensus site) was almost exclusively in the soluble fraction, suggesting that membrane localization is dependent on geranylgeranyl modification at Cys-188. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy experiments demonstrated that Cdc42p localizes to the plasma membrane in the vicinity of secretory vesicles that were found at the site of bud emergence, at the tips and sides of enlarging buds, and within mating projections (shmoo tips) in alpha-factor-arrested cells. These results indicate that Cdc42p is localized to the bud site early in the cell cycle and suggest that this localization is critical for the selection of the proper site for bud emergence and for polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification of yeast glycoproteins with alpha 1,3- linked mannose is initiated within a Golgi compartment analogous to the medial Golgi cisternae of higher eukaryotes. We have characterized the synthesis, posttranslational modification, and localization of the yeast alpha 1,3 mannosyltransferase (Mnn1p) using antibodies prepared against a segment of this protein expressed in bacteria. Mnn1p is initially synthesized as a 98.5-kD, type II integral membrane glycoprotein that is modified with both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. It is subject to a slow, incremental increase in molecular mass that is dependent upon protein transport to the Golgi complex. Self-modification of Mnn1p with alpha 1,3 mannose epitopes, primarily on O-linked oligosaccharides, is at least partly responsible for the incremental increase in molecular mass. Mnn1p is a resident protein of the Golgi complex and colocalizes with guanosine diphosphatase to at least two physically distinct Golgi compartments by sucrose gradient fractionation, one of which may be a late Golgi compartment that also contains the Kex2 endopeptidase. Surprisingly, we found that a significant fraction of Mnn1p is mislocalized to the plasma membrane in a clathrin heavy chain temperature sensitive mutant while guanosine diphosphatase remains intracellular. A mutant Mnn1p that lacks the NH2-terminal cytoplasmic tail is properly localized to the Golgi complex, indicating that clathrin does not mediate Mnnlp Golgi retention by a direct interaction with the Mnn1p cytoplasmic tail. These results indicate that clathrin plays a broader role in the localization of Golgi proteins than anticipated.  相似文献   

Cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which bear a cdc4 gene mutation, arrest early in the cell cycle but continue to produce buds in a periodic fashion. We show here that this periodic bud formation by cells already arrested at the CDC4 step is inhibited if the cell cycle regulatory step "start" is also specifically blocked by mutation or by the presence of the yeast mating pheromone alpha-factor. Thus, the characteristic periodic bud formation by cdc4 mutant cells requires the continued ability to perform start. This finding raises questions concerning the nature of start; these issues are discussed.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, chs5 mutants are defective in chitin synthesis and cell fusion during mating. Chs5p is a late-Golgi protein required for the polarized transport of the chitin synthase Chs3p to the membrane. Here we show that Chs5p is also essential for the polarized targeting of Fus1p, but not of other cell fusion proteins, to the membrane during mating.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) is an abundant by-product of cellular metabolism. PPi-producing reactions take place in the nucleus concurrently with reactions that use PPi as a substrate. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two soluble pyrophosphatases (sPPases): Ipp1p, an essential and allegedly cytosolic protein, and Ipp2p, a mitochondrial isoenzyme. However, no sPPase has yet been unambiguously described in the nucleus. In vivo studies with fluorescent fusions together with activity and immunodetection analyses demonstrated that Ipp1p is a nucleocytoplasmic protein. Mutagenesis analysis showed that this sPPase possesses a nuclear localization signal which participates in its nuclear targeting. Enforced nucleocytoplasmic targeting by fusion to heterologous nuclear import and export signals caused changes in polypeptide abundance and activity levels, indicating that Ipp1p is less stable in the nucleus that in the cytoplasm. Low nuclear levels of this sPPase are physiologically relevant and may be related to its catalytic activity, since cells expressing a functional nuclear-targeted chimaera showed impaired growth and reduced chronological lifespan, while a nuclear-targeted catalytically inactive protein was not degraded and accumulated in the nucleus. Moreover, nuclear proteasome inhibition stabilized Ipp1p whereas nuclear targeting promoted its ubiquitination and interaction with Ubp3p, a component of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Overall, our results indicate that Ipp1p is nucleocytoplasmic, that its stability depends on its subcellular localization and that sPPase catalytic competence drives its nuclear degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome system. This suggests a new scenario for PPi homeostasis where both nucleocytoplasmic transport and nuclear proteasome degradation of the sPPase should contribute to control nuclear levels of this ubiquitous metabolite.  相似文献   

The transposition of the Ty mobile genetic element of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is induced by carcinogens. While the molecular background of spontaneous Ty1 transposition is well understood, the detailed mechanism of carcinogen induced Ty1 transposition is not clear. We found that mitochondrial functions participate in the Ty induced transposition induced by carcinogens. Contrary to the parental rho(+) cells rho(-) mutants (spontaneous or induced by ethidium bromide) do not increase the rate of Ty1 transposition upon treatment with carcinogens. Preliminary results strongly suggest that the absence of oxidative phosphorylation in rho(-) mutants is the reason for the inhibited Ty transposition. The lack of carcinogen induced Ty1 transposition in rho(-) cells is not specific for a particular carcinogen and represents a general feature of different carcinogenic substances inducing rho(-). It is concluded that carcinogen induced Ty1 transposition depends on the functional state of mitochondria and cannot take place in cells with compromised mitochondrial function (rho(-)).  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of mutants has been crucial in understanding a number of processes in the field of cell biology. In this exercise, students examine the effects of mutations in the secretory pathway on protein localization. Yeast strains deficient for synthesis of histidinol dehydrogenase are transformed with a plasmid encoding a chimeric protein. The chimera contains a signal sequence fused to histidinol dehydrogenase. A strain with a defect in the translocation of secretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) accumulates sufficient histidinol dehydrogenase in the cytoplasm to grow on media lacking histidine. In contrast, yeast proficient for secretion, or yeast with secretion defects later in the pathway, are unable to grow on media lacking histidine. Student analysis of the experimental yeast transformants and appropriate controls allows investigation into the effects of conditional defects in the secretory pathway on both cell viability and protein localization. The exercise is usually performed in a manner that allows students to execute a number of techniques common in molecular biology laboratories, including plasmid minipreps, restriction digestions, and Southern blots. Student understanding and enjoyment of the exercise was assessed by laboratory reports, oral and written examinations, and questionnaires. After completion of these experiments, students can describe the utility of protein fusions, the roles of mutant analysis in cell biology, and the steps taken by proteins transiting the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Because of an increased emergence of resistance to current antitubercular drugs, there is a need for new antitubercular agents directed against novel targets. Diaminopimelic acid (DAP) biosynthetic enzymes are unique to bacteria and are absent in mammals and provide a rich source of essential targets for antitubercular chemotherapy. Herein, we review the structure and function of the mycobacterial DAP biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

The yeast alpha1,2-mannosidase Mns1p is involved in N-linked oligosaccharide processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by converting Man9GlcNAc2 to a single isomer of Man8GlcNAc2. alpha1,2-Mannosidase is a 63 kDa type II resident membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that has none of the known endoplasmic reticulum localization signals (HDEL/KDEL, KKXX, or RRXX). Using antibodies against recombinant alpha1,2-mannosidase, indirect immunofluorescence showed that alpha1,2-mannosidase localization is abnormal in rer1 cells and that the alpha1,2-mannosidase localizes in the vacuoles of rer1/deltapep4 cells whereas in wild-type and deltapep4 cells it is found in the endoplasmic reticulum. 35S-labeled cell extracts were subjected to double immunoprecipitation, first with antibodies to alpha1,2-mannosidase, then with either alpha1,2-mannosidase antibodies or antibodies to alpha1,6-mannose residues added in the Golgi. The labeled proteins were examined by autoradiography after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A significant proportion of the labeled alpha1,2-mannosidase was immunoprecipitated by alpha1,6-mannose antibodies in wild-type, deltapep4 and rer1/deltapep4 cells with endogenous levels of alpha1,2-mannosidase, and in wild-type, deltapep4, rer1 and rer1/deltapep4 cells overexpressing alpha1,2-mannosidase. The alpha1,2-mannosidase of rer1/deltapep4 cells had a slower mobility on the gels than alpha1,2-mannosidase precipitated from wild-type or deltapep4 cells, indicating increased glycosylation due to transport through the Golgi to the vacuoles. It is concluded that the endoplasmic reticulum localization of alpha1,2-mannosidase in wild-type cells depends on Rer1p for retrieval from an early Golgi compartment.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase type I (PP1), encoded by the single essential gene GLC7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, functions in diverse cellular processes. To identify in vivo subcellular location(s) where these processes take place, we used a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Glc7p fusion protein. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy revealed GFP-Glc7p localizes predominantly in the nucleus throughout the mitotic cell cycle, with the highest concentrations in the nucleolus. GFP-Glc7p was also observed in a ring at the bud neck, which was dependent upon functional septins. Supporting a role for Glc7p in bud site selection, a glc7-129 mutant displayed a random budding pattern. In alpha-factor treated cells, GFP-Glc7p was located at the base of mating projections, again in a septin-dependent manner. At the start of anaphase, GFP-Glc7p accumulated at the spindle pole bodies and remained there until cytokinesis. After anaphase, GFP-Glc7p became concentrated in a ring that colocalized with the actomyosin ring. A GFP-Glc7-129 fusion was defective in localizing to the bud neck and SPBs. Together, these results identify sites of Glc7p function and suggest Glc7p activity is regulated through dynamic changes in its location.  相似文献   

Melloy PG  Holloway SL 《Genetics》2004,167(3):1079-1094
The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase in the ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathway (UMP). To understand how the APC/C was targeted to its substrates, we performed a detailed analysis of one of the APC/C components, Cdc23p. In live cells, Cdc23-GFP localized to punctate nuclear spots surrounded by homogenous nuclear signal throughout the cell cycle. These punctate spots colocalized with two outer kinetochore proteins, Slk19p and Okp1p, but not with the spindle pole body protein, Spc42p. In late anaphase, the Cdc23-GFP was also visualized along the length of the mitotic spindle. We hypothesized that spindle checkpoint activation may affect the APC/C nuclear spot localization. Localization of Cdc23-GFP was disrupted upon nocodazole treatment in the kinetochore mutant okp1-5 and in the cdc20-1 mutant. Cdc23-GFP nuclear spot localization was not affected in the ndc10-1 mutant, which is defective in spindle checkpoint function. Additional studies using a mad2Delta strain revealed a microtubule dependency of Cdc23-GFP spot localization, whether or not the checkpoint response was activated. On the basis of these data, we conclude that Cdc23p localization was dependent on microtubules and was affected by specific types of kinetochore disruption.  相似文献   

Aip3p/Bud6p is a regulator of cell and cytoskeletal polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that was previously identified as an actin-interacting protein. Actin-interacting protein 3 (Aip3p) localizes at the cell cortex where cytoskeleton assembly must be achieved to execute polarized cell growth, and deletion of AIP3 causes gross defects in cell and cytoskeletal polarity. We have discovered that Aip3p localization is mediated by the secretory pathway. Mutations in early- or late-acting components of the secretory apparatus lead to Aip3p mislocalization. Biochemical data show that a pool of Aip3p is associated with post-Golgi secretory vesicles. An investigation of the sequences within Aip3p necessary for Aip3p localization has identified a sequence within the N terminus of Aip3p that is sufficient for directing Aip3p localization. Replacement of the N terminus of Aip3p with a homologous region from a Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein allows for normal Aip3p localization, indicating that the secretory pathway-mediated Aip3p localization pathway is conserved. Delivery of Aip3p also requires the type V myosin motor Myo2p and its regulatory light-chain calmodulin. These data suggest that one function of calmodulin is to activate Myo2p's activity in the secretory pathway; this function is likely the polarized movement of late secretory vesicles and associated Aip3p on actin cables.  相似文献   

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