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The diet of the Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica was studied during two seasons at Svarthamaren, an inland colony in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, and in the pack ice off the coast of Svarthamaren. The most important food (wet mass) at Svarthamaren was crustaceans (67%), fish (29%) and squid (5%); however, individuals collected in the pack ice took mostly fish (87%). The prey composition and lengths of prey are comparable to what has been documented in other studies on this species. Estimates of food consumption by birds breeding at Svarthamaren (ca. 250,000 pairs) suggest that approximately 6500 tonnes of crustaceans, 2800 tonnes of fish and 435 tonnes of squid are consumed during the breeding season. The annual consumptions of these birds are estimated to be 34,100 tonnes of crustaceans, 14,700 tonnes of fish, and 2300 tonnes of squid. Satellite telemetry data indicate that Antarctic petrels from Svarthamaren may fly more than 3000 km during one foraging trip, and thus may cover a huge ocean area to obtain their prey. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Summary We studied the thermoregulatory capacity of Antarctic Petrel chicks, Thalassoica antarctica, breeding in a large colony in Queen Maud Land (71°53S,5°10E) on the Antarctic continent. Compared to newly hatched chicks of other birds, those of the Antarctic Petrel are characterized by a relatively high standard metabolic rate (SMR) and thermal conductance. Their metabolic scope is limited, however, being only 1.6 times the SMR, and they consequently depend on parental brooding to maintain Tb. At an age of 11 days the chicks become thermally independent and are left alone in the nest. The chicks keep a relatively high body temperature (>36°C) throughout their early development and we found no indication that they normally experience hypothermia. A significant positive relationship between latitude of breeding and SMR of the hatchlings is shown to exist for procellariiform birds. It is suggested that the high SMR found in Antarctic Petrel hatchlings could be a prerequisite for achieving a high growth rate, rather than being of any thermoregulatory significance.Publication no. 105 from the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (1984/1985)  相似文献   

Cold tolerance in Tardigrada from Dronning Maud Land,Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Survival at low temperatures was studied in three species of Tardigrada from Müihlig-Hofmannfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Both hydrated and dehydrated specimens of Echiniscus jenningsi, Macrobiotus furciger and Diphascon chilenense had high survival rates following exposure to -22°C for ca. 600 days, and dehydrated specimens following 3040 days at this temperature. In hydrated E. jenningsi, mortality increased with the duration of exposure from 7 to 150 days at -80°C, while mortalities of the two other species did not change. Hydrated specimens of all species were rapidly killed at -180°C, but all species exhibited good survivorship in the dehydrated state after 14 days at -180°C. In conclusion, hydrated tardigrades are able to survive extended periods at low temperatures, and dehydrated specimens are even better adapted to survive overwintering on Antarctic nunataks.  相似文献   

KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》1998,140(1):163-170
Incubation and brooding performance of the Cape Petrel Daption capense at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, in the 1991 -1992 austral summer is reported in detail and compared with data from two other areas. There was an inverse relationship between the mean foraging trip length and mean peak weight of chicks. Variation in shift length throughout incubation resulted from a combination of seasonal effects (food supply) and behavioural adjustment to hatching. The length of the last incubation shift was independent of its number but decreased with date of initiation. The average weight of nestattending birds increased steadily during the incubation period and at the same rate in both sexes. Females attained seasonal peak body-weight before the egg hatched, whereas males just recovered their pre-breeding weight. Males took on a slightly larger share of incubation (52%, range 40–63%) and invested more time in mutual nest attendance. Length of foraging trips varied consistently in pairs and individuals, its repeatability being twice as high in females as in males. The incubation performance of individual females (length of the first and an average foraging trip) was correlated with the size of the egg they had laid and also to subsequent chick growth and fledging success. There was a tendency in successful pairs to spend more time together at the nest and to have shorter foraging trips. I suggest that variation in breeding performance among pairs was mainly a result of individual variation in female quality, with pairs where the female contributed more to incubation being more successful. There is little evidence that egg losses were caused by parental errors.  相似文献   

Summary Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) brooding young chicks at Scullin Monolith (67°7S, 66°42E), Antarctica, fed fish and crustaceans (87% and 13%, respectively, on a mass basis) to their young. Amounts of solids fed were equivalent to 6.6% of the body mass of adult birds with an empty stomach. The prey comprised species known to occur in the surface layers of the Antarctic ocean in the east wind drift, such as Pleuragramma antarcticum, Notolepis coatsi and Euphausia superba, consistent with the surface feeding habits of Antarctic petrels.  相似文献   

Four species of nematodes, sixteen species of rotifers and seven species of tardigrades were found in samples from nunataks in Vestfjella and Heimefrontfjella in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. The distribution of the fauna was very aggregated and some samples contained no animals. The degree of similarity in species composition between various nunataks was low. The highest abundances and number of species were found on the largest and highest nunataks in the most southern position.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted on the Antarctic petrel to test whether the parents were able to respond to changes in food demand of their offspring. Two experimental groups were formed by replacing eight 20-day-old chicks with 10-day-old chicks, and vice versa. The growth rate of chicks in the experimental groups was compared with that in two control groups with chicks of known age. The growth rate of 10-day-old chicks in the nests of parents which initially had 20-day-old chicks did not differ significantly from that in their respective control groups. This indicates that those parents were able to raise a new young nestling, despite having already raised another chick from hatching to 20 days. However, the 20-day-old chicks placed in nests with 10-day-old chicks had a significantly lower growth rate than their control group. Feeding rate per day and nest did not differ significantly among any of the groups. This suggests that the observed difference in growth rate between 20-day-old chicks is related to a lower amount of food delivered per visit to experimental chicks. Thus, in the Antarctic petrel, the feeding rate apparently is not regulated by the status of the chick, but by the parents' ability to gather food or willingness to provide food for the chicks.Publication no. 137 from the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition (NARE) 1989/90  相似文献   

We present data on sexual dimorphism in some morphological measurements (wing length, head length, bill depth and bill length) in the Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica. Males were on average larger than females for all measurements. Sexual dimorphism was on average largest for bill depths whereas wing lengths discriminated least between the sexes. A discriminant function including bill depth, head length and wing length correctly sexed 92% of the sample. Due to between-measurer variation it is recommended that morphometric measurements obtained by others on sexed birds are compared with ours before proceeding with the use of the discriminant function on unsexed individuals.Publication No. 116 of the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (1991/92)  相似文献   

The flea Glaciopsyllus antarcticus is endemic to the Antarctic continent, where it is known to parasitise a number of seabird species. This paper reports the occurrence of the flea and two species of lice from snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) colonies in central Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, and extends considerably the recorded distribution of the flea. Flea adults, pupae and larvae were recovered from 10 of 11 samples of organic material collected from snow petrel nests at Svarthamaren (71°53S, 05°10E) in the Mühlig-Hofmannfjella. Specimens of two philopterid lice species, Saemundssonia antarctica and Pseudonirmus charcoti, were recovered from three of these samples. Specimens of the Antarctic flea and of the louse S. antarctica were recovered from carcasses of snow petrel chicks collected both at Svarthamaren and Robertskollen (71°28S, 03°15W) in the northern Ahlmannryggen; the louse Pseudonirmus charcoti was recovered from Robertskollen only. Received: 30 January 1996 / Accepted: 28 April 1997  相似文献   

The extant Acari occurring on the inland mountain ranges and nunataks of Continental Antarctica comprise only pre-Pleistocene endemic Prostigmata and Cryptostigmata of which the Prostigmata are the probable earlier colonists. The inland acarofauna of Continental Antarctica has a different origin from that of Maritime Antarctica, though both are the relict descendants of a Mesozoic acarofauna, which has been radically depleted by one or more Mesozoic and/or Cenozoic glacial events.  相似文献   

Breeding strategies of two closely related fulmarine petrels were studied on Ardery Island, on the continental coast of East Antarctica, where short summers are expected to narrow the time-window for reproduction. Both species had a similar breeding period (97 days from laying to fledging) but Antarctic Petrels Thalassoica antarctica bred up to 16 days earlier than Southern Fulmars. During the pre-laying exodus, all Antarctic Petrels deserted the colony, whereas some Southern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialoides remained. Antarctic Petrels exhibited stronger synchronization in breeding, made longer foraging trips and spent less time guarding their chicks than Southern Fulmars. Overall breeding success of both species was similar but failures of Antarctic Petrels were concentrated in the early egg-phase and after hatching, when parents ceased guarding. Southern Fulmars lost eggs and chicks later in the breeding cycle and so wasted more parental investment in failed breeding attempts. Different breeding strategies may be imposed by flight characteristics; Southern Fulmars are less capable of crossing large expanses of pack ice and need to delay breeding until the sea ice retreats and breaks up. However, due to the short summer they risk chick failure when weather conditions deteriorate late in the season.  相似文献   

In species where incubation is shared by both parents, the mate'sability to fast on the nest may constrain the time availablefor foraging. The decision to return to the nest should thereforebe a compromise between an animal's own foraging success andits mate's ability to fast on the nest. To examine how the bodyconditions of incubating Antarctic petrels, Thalassoica antarctica,influence both the length of foraging trips and incubation shifts,we experimentally handicapped females by increasing their flightcosts during a foraging trip by adding lead weights to theirlegs. Handicapped females spent more time at sea and had lowerbody conditions at arrival to the colony than controls, and,moreover, females in poor body condition at arrival to the colonyspent generally more time at sea than those with higher bodycondition. The prolonged time period spent at sea by handicappedfemales was associated with higher desertion rates than amongcontrols. The time the incubating mates fasted increased withtheir body condition at arrival to the colony, suggesting thata high body condition of the incubating bird may reduce theprobability of nest desertion. Accordingly, our results suggestthat the time spent foraging is adjusted to the body conditionsof both the foraging and incubating mate.  相似文献   

Epiglacial and supraglacial lakes are characteristic lake types in Antarctica, and regardless of their mostly seasonal existence and ultraoligotrophy, some lakes have a relatively diverse microbial community. The results of water chemistry and phytoplankton, based on basic limnological methods, from five epiglacial and two supraglacial seasonal lakes are presented from western Dronning Maud Land, an area where only physical studies have been previously carried out. Electric conductivity varied mostly between 0.1 and 10 mS m?1 (25 °C), phosphorus concentration was <5 mg m?3, and nitrogen concentration was <300 mg m?3 except in some shore areas, and water pH ranged from 6 to 11. Low phytoplankton biomasses (in most cases <10 mg m?3) supported the ultraoligotrophic status of the lakes. Phytoplankton was found from both types of lakes, but less was found from supraglacial lakes. The charophyte Mesotaenium cf. berggrenii dominated the supraglacial lakes, while cyanoprokaryotes such as Gloeocapsopsis cf. magma, Planktothrix prolifica/rubescens, Nostoc cf. sphaericum, Cyanothece sp. and Phormidium sp. dominated the biomass in some epiglacial lakes. Chrysophytes (e.g. Pseudopedinella-type flagellates) were observed in both types of lakes, and they were occasionally dominant. The green alga Botryococcus braunii, some diatoms (Cyclotella sp., Diatoma tenuis, Luticola muticopsis), and non-planktonic microalgal colonies visible to the eye (incl. the cyanoprokaryote Nostoc commune) were also found. Signs of a living ecosystem with a food web were observed in one epiglacial lake, but not elsewhere, which indicates extreme circumstances in the Antarctic seasonal lakes. Altogether, only some 25 taxa were discovered.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the ecology of Cryptopygus sverdrupi Lawrence (Collembola, Isotomidae) were made with specimens from the Mühlig-Hofmannfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. At an elevation of 1600 m a.s.l. the species was numerous in association with the green alga Prasiola on gravel fields and in crevices of large boulders. The distribution of size-classes in field samples suggested that the population comprised several overlapping generations. Growth and development is probably very slow due to long winters and daily periods of subzero temperatures in their microhabitat during the summer. Specimens collected in mid-January had a mean supercooling point of-24.6°C with small individual variations. The lack of high supercooling points in the summer suggests that the springtails feed on a nuleatorfree diet. The ability to supercool was increased during prolonged starvation and acclimation at 0,-4 and-8°C. Glycerol and other potential low molecular weight cryoprotective substances were demonstrated in specimens acclimated at-4 and-8°C. The species possessed a relatively high tolerance to desiccation.Publication No. 81 of the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (1984/85)  相似文献   

The Schimacher Oasis, an ice-free plateau in East Antarctic Dronning Maud Land, consists of over 120 freshwater lakes. These lakes are connected largely through four major surface channels. The bacterial diversity in these lake ecosystems remains largely unexplored. In this study, we compared the bacterial diversity in five freshwater lakes (L42, L46, L47, L50, and L51) interconnected by two surface channels using bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) method. We further compared the resultant bacterial composition from these five lakes with another freshwater lake in the Schirmacher Oasis, Lake Tawani(P), which is not connected through the same surface channels. Using bTEFAP, we differentiated nine different phyla with the phyla Proteobacteria (especially the class Alphaproteobacteria) and Bacteroidetes (the class Sphingobacteria) dominating in lakes interconnected by surface channel 1, while the phyla Chloroflexi and Firmicutes were highly abundant in lakes interconnected by surface channel 2. The operational taxonomic unit (OTU) network and Principle Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) plot based on unweighted UNIFRAC determined that the bacterial assemblages found in these five lakes are different than the bacterial composition residing in Lake Tawani(P). The distribution and the diversity of the bacterial communities in Schirmacher Oasis freshwater lakes that are connected through surface channels may provide an insight into the role of the extreme physico-chemical parameters that help shape microbially driven functional ecosystems in other oases on this icy continent.  相似文献   

W. K. Steele 《Polar Biology》2005,28(9):672-679
This study investigated the trophic hierarchy status of the Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica antarctica) and snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) within the Southern Ocean food-web off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. During 1991/92 ten Antarctic petrel and ten snow petrel carcasses were collected from Jekselen (71°59S, 02°35W) and Robertskollen (71°28S, 03°15W) respectively, in the northern Ahlmannryggen, Dronning Maud Land. Collagen from the dense bone of the humeri of these carcasses was extracted and the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of these samples determined. The snow petrel bone collagen samples displayed a mean 13C value of –23.9±0.7 (range: –24.7 to –22.9; n=9) and a mean 15N value of 15.2±1.6 (range: 12.9 to 18.4; n=10). The corresponding values for Antarctic petrel bone collagen were –24.8±1.0 (range: –26.2 to –22.8; n=9) and 13.2±0.6 (range: 12.5 to 13.9; n=8) respectively. The difference between the species 13C values may indicate differences in their foraging habitat. It has previously been suggested that the snow petrel has a higher wing loading than other Procellariiforme species, making the snow petrel less adapted to pelagic foraging than related species and more likely to forage close to the sea ice edge. Algae growing under sea ice apparently can have comparatively high 13C values, possibly due to growing under carbon dioxide limited conditions. If so, animals foraging close to the sea ice edge might be expected to show higher 13C values in their body tissues than animals foraging farther out over the open ocean. However, the high 13C of snow petrel collagen is possibly more likely to be related to the correspondingly high 15N values found in this tissue, and hence caused by snow petrels including offal from high trophic level Antarctic mammals and birds in their diet.  相似文献   

Breeding snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) may be a major source of nutrients for the ecosystems on the inland nunataks (mountain outcrops) of continental Antarctica. To test this theory, the δ15N and δ13C values of soil and plants (moss, lichen and algae) from 11 nunataks with and without breeding snow petrels in northwestern Dronning Maud Land were compared. High δ15N values in all samples from nunataks with breeding birds provide a strong indication of the presence of breeding birds, as well as the use of bird-derived nitrogen by the plants of these ecosystems. The δ13C values showed little difference between the nunataks and are not a useful indicator of bird effects on ecosystem development. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

Samples of the stomach contents of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) were obtained on board ship in the Prydz Bay region of Antarctica from birds which had spontaneously regurgitated. The weight of food and the species composition of the stomach contents were measured. Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, the sole prey item taken, were compared to krill obtained by nets in the same region as part of a large-scale krill survey. Krill from petrel stomach samples were larger in mean size than those sampled by nets. This may be attributed to selection of the larger sized krill by the petrels, it may be caused by the nets sampling different populations of krill or it may be due to net avoidance by the larger krill.  相似文献   

In Grey-faced Petrels Pterodroma macroptera gouldi parental care during the 55-day incubation period is mainly achieved by three long shifts (two by the male) when one partner is ashore while the other forages at sea. This situation would seem to carry high risks of parental desertion and failure of the hatching chick to receive a meal before its yolk sac is exhausted. We examined incubation routines of 51 pairs of Grey-faced Petrels to investigate factors implicated in parental desertion and in the duration of the final foraging trip before hatching. The duration of the final long foraging trip (by the female) during incubation is not predicted by the time spent fasting on the nest but by the time elapsed since laying. Desertions accounted for 6.5% of egg losses. Eggs were deserted not after the delay of the foraging bird to return to the nest, but when the incubating bird departed early in the incubation spell. Desertions were not a response to critically depleted energy reserves.  相似文献   

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