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Summary Protein synthesis in egg follicles and blastoderm embryos ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to 400 polypeptide spots have been resolved on autoradiographs. Stage 10 follicles (for stages see King, 1970) were labelled in vitro for 10 to 60 min with35S-methionine and cut with tungsten needles into an anterior fragment containing the nurse cells and a posterior fragment containing the oocyte and follicle cells. The nurse cells were found to synthesize a complex pattern of proteins. At least two proteins were detected only in nurse cells but not in the oocyte even after a one hour labelling period. Nurse cells isolated from stages 9, 10 and 12 follicles were shown to synthesize stage specific patterns of proteins. Several proteins are synthesized in posterior fragments of stage 10 follicles but not in anterior fragments. These proteins are only found in follicle cells. No oocyte specific proteins have been detected. Striking differences between the protein patterns of anterior and posterior fragments persist until the nurse cells degenerate. In mature stage 14 follicles, labelled in vivo, no significant differences in the protein patterns of isolated anterior and posterior fragments could be detected; this may be due to technical limitations. At the blastoderm stage localized synthesis of specific proteins becomes detectable again. When blastoderm embryos, labelled in vivo, are cut with tungsten needles and the cells are isolated from anterior and posterior halves, differences become apparent. The pole cells located at the posterior pole are highly active in protein synthesis and contribute several specific proteins which are found exclusively in the posterior region of the embryo. In this study synthesis of specific proteins could only be demonstrated at those developmental stages which are characterized by the presence of different cell types within the egg chamber, while no differences were detected when stage 14 follicles were cut and anterior and posterior fragments analyzed separately. The differences in the pattern of protein synthesis by pole cells and blastoderm cells indicate that even the earliest stages of determination are reflected by marked changes at the biochemical level.  相似文献   

The toucan (toc) gene is required in the germline for somatic cell patterning during Drosophila oogenesis. To better understand the function of toc, we performed a detailed analysis of the distribution of the Toucan protein during oogenesis. Toc expression is restricted to the germline cells and shows a dynamic distribution pattern throughout follicle development. Mislocalization of the Toc protein in mutant follicles in which the microtubule network is altered indicates that microtubules play a role in Toc localization during oogenesis.  相似文献   

Several peroxidase isozymes have been described in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe a peroxinectin-like gene (Dpxt) in D. melanogaster. Peroxinectin is a cell-adhesive hemoperoxidase which binds superoxide dismutase and mediates blood cells attachment and spreading in the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. The Dpxt predicted protein has a putative RGD-integrin binding tripeptide. The Dpxt mRNA is present in high amounts in late oogenesis and in early embryogenesis until the cellular blastoderm stage. It is virtually absent at other stages of the Drosophila life cycle, suggesting that Dpxt function is restricted to the early stages of fly development.  相似文献   

Detection of nucleic acid sequence at the ultrastructural level has allowed us to better understand the expression of genes in some fields of application in cell biology. In situ hybridization at the ultrastructural level can be carried out using three different methods: on vibratome sections before embedding in epoxy resin, on ultrathin frozen section, or on ultrathin section of tissue embedded in hydrophilic resin such as Lowicryl. Before starting the detection of nucleic acid sequences at the electron microscope level, the experimenter has to choose various parameters: the type of tissue fixation, the probe and its label, and the in situ hybridization method, depending on the sensitivity, the resolution and the ultrastructural preservation required. This review of technical aspects, by describing the different methods of ultrastructural in situ hybridization, will help the experimenter to optimize each step of the hybridization procedure.  相似文献   

Recently, beta-catenin has been reported to control the expression of morphogenetic genes through the Wnt signaling pathway in invertebrate embryogenesis. In this study, the distribution pattern of beta-catenin during starfish embryogenesis was investigated using immunohistochemistry. In 16-cell stage embryos, beta-catenin began to accumulate in some nuclei at the vegetal pole. During the early cleavage stage, the cells expressing nuclear beta-catenin increased in number in the vegetal pole region of the embryos, and the beta-catenin signal increased in intensity in each nucleus. At the blastula stage, signal for beta-catenin was also found in the cytoplasm of the cells with nuclear beta-catenin. At the vegetal plate stage, almost all vegetal plate cells expressed beta-catenin in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. When the embryos developed to early gastrulae, cells with nuclear beta-catenin were restricted to the archenteron tip, and the signal gradually faded in later stages. The localization and temporal change of beta-catenin expression suggests that beta-catenin has a pivotal role in archenteron formation in starfish embryos.  相似文献   

Summary Cultures of embryonicDrosophila melanogaster cells were examined by electron microscopy and events in myogenesis were recorded. Thick and thin myofilaments, T-tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum all appeared at about the same time, 10.5 hr. This was about 5 hr after the final division of myoblasts and about the time that muscle cells were elongating, aligning and fusing. Sarcoplasm typical of insect muscle was detected by 18.5 hr, as were myotendonal and tendocuticular junctions. Two populations of myocytes were detected, the cytoplasm of one more electron-dense than the other. The only previous report of myofibrilogenesis in invertebrate embryos had described novel mechanisms. InDrosophila embryonic material, however, the sequence of myofibrilogenesis resembled that in post-embryonic insect or vertebrate material. Mrs. Pilar Toribio-Fiorio provided excellent technical assistance, and Patricia Minter, the secretarial expertise. This investigation was supported, in part, by NIH Grant NS9330 and the James Douglas Research Fund to Robert L. Seecof and NIH Grant No. 1 RO1 CA17223-01 to Raymond L. Teplitz.  相似文献   

The neuroectoderm of insects contains an initially indifferent population of cells which during later development will give rise to the progenitor cells of the neural and epidermal lineages. Experimental evidence indicates that cellular interactions determine which cells will adopt each one of these fates. Transplantation experiments suggest that a signal with neuralising character is required to stabilize the primary neural fate in 25% of all the neuroectodermal cells, which will develop as neuroblasts, and that an epidermalising signal contributes to suppress the neural fate in the remaining 75% of the cells, allowing in this way their development as epidermal progenitor cells. The invoked cell interactions are assumed to be mediated by the products of several genes forming a complex, not yet well understood network of interrelationships. Elements of this network are the proteins encoded by Delta and Notch, which appear to convey the regulatory signals between the cells; the proteins encoded by the achaete-scute gene complex, which regulate neural development; and the proteins encoded by the Enhancer of split gene complex, which give neuroectodermal cells access to epidermal development. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, formation of the germline progenitors, the pole cells, is induced by polar plasm localized in the posterior pole region of early embryos. The polar plasm contains polar granules, which act as a repository for the factors required for pole cell formation. It has been postulated that the factors are stored as mRNA and are later translated on polysomes attached to the surface of polar granules. Here, the identification of mitochondrial small ribosomal RNA (mtsrRNA) as a new component of polar granules is described. The mtsrRNA was enriched in the polar plasm of the embryos immediately after oviposition and remained in the polar plasm throughout the cleavage stage until pole cell formation. In situ hybridization at an ultrastructural level revealed that mtsrRNA was enriched on the surface of polar granules in cleavage embryos. Furthermore, the localization of mtsrRNA in the polar plasm depended on the normal function of oskar, vasa and tudor genes, which are all required for pole cell formation. The temporal and spatial distribution of mtsrRNA is essentially identical to that of mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA (mtlrRNA), which has been shown to be required for pole cell formation. Taken together, it is speculated that mtsrRNA and mtlrRNA are part of the translation machinery localized to polar granules, which is essential for pole cell formation.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila females homozygous for the mutation dicephalic occasionally produce ovarian follicles with a nurse-cell cluster on each oocyte pole (dic follicles). Most dic follicles contain 15 nurse cells as in the normal follicle, but the total nurse-cell volume is larger in dic follicles; this is in keeping with the increase in DNA content recently described. However, the relative increase in oocyte volume during nurse-cell regression (from stage 10B onward) is not significantly larger in dic than in normal follicles. Time-lapse recordings in vitro show that, as a rule, both nurse cell clusters in a dic follicle export cytoplasm to the oocyte but nurse-cell regression remains incomplete at both poles and the persisting remnants of the nurse cells cause anomalies in chorion shape. The kinematics of cytoplasmic transfer are less aberrant at that oocyte pole which harbours the germinal vesicle. Possible links are discussed between these anomalies of oogenesis and the double-anterior embryonic patterns observed in the majority of developing dic eggs.  相似文献   

A bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeled DNA probe was used for in situ hybridization at the electron microscopic (EM) level. A BrdU labeled DNA probe was hybridized in situ to cryostat sections of paraformaldehyde fixed OCT compound embedded cultured HL-60 cells. After hybridization, some sections were incubated with FITC-conjugated anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody for fluorescence microscopy (FM). and others were embedded in Quetol for electron microscopy (EM). The ultrathin sections of Quetol-embedded specimens were incubated with the anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody and the immunoglobulin: gold colloid. In both FM and EM studies, the signals were concentrated in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, some label was arranged from the nucleus to the cytoplasm at the EM level. Relatively simple methods using the BrdU labeled DNA probe for the detection of the defined nucleic acid sequence with reasonable tissue preservation and high resolution are described here. This method may be useful for developmental and disease related studies of specific mRNA in cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis of Drosophila melanogaster (w1118) ovarian cells has shown that stressful heat treatment of flies causes the appearance of electron-dense granules and large lysosomes in the cytoplasm of ovarian cells. These changes are not due to the presence of the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia, as these changes were observed in both infected and uninfected flies. Essential envelope disturbances and other structural alterations have been revealed in the bacteria present in the ovarian cell cytoplasm of the flies. Some of the fly embryos died after heat shock; however, the bacteria retain their typical morphology in survived embryos. Endosymbionts did not change their localization in ovarian cells and in early fly embryos; they closely interacted with mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum after the heat-shock treatment of flies. The performed study has shown that the high temperature affects both the host and the endosymbiont, but does not change the character of their structural interaction. Original Russian Text M.V. Zhukova, D.A. Voronin, E.V. Kiseleva, 2008, published in Tsitologiya, vol. 50, No. 5, 2008.  相似文献   

We expressed two green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Nopp140 isoforms in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster to study nucleolar dynamics during oogenesis and early embryogenesis. Specifically, we wanted to test whether the quiescent oocyte nucleus stored maternal Nopp140 and then to determine precisely when nucleoli formed during embryogenesis. During oogenesis nurse cell nucleoli accumulated GFP-Nopp140 gradually such that posterior nurse cell nucleoli in egg chambers at stage 10 were usually brighter than the more anterior nurse cell nucleoli. Nucleoli within apoptotic nurse cells disassembled in stages 12 and 13, but not all GFP-Nopp140 entered the oocyte through inter-connecting cytoplasmic bridges. Oocytes, on the other hand, lost their nucleoli by stage 3, but GFP-Nopp140 gradually accumulated in oocyte nuclei during stages 8–13. Most oocyte nuclei at stage 10 stored GFP-Nopp140 uniformly, but many stage 10 oocytes accumulated GFP-Nopp140 in presumed endobodies or in multiple smaller spheres. All oocyte nuclei at stages 11-12 were uniformly labeled, and GFP-Nopp140 diffused to the cytoplasm upon nuclear disassembly in stage 13. GFP-Nopp140 reappeared during embryogenesis; initial nucleologenesis occurred in peripheral somatic nuclei during embryonic stage 13, one stage earlier than reported previously. These GFP-Nopp140-containing foci disassembled at the 13th syncytial mitosis, and a second nucleologenesis occurred in early stage 14. The resulting nucleoli occupied nuclear regions closest to the periphery of the embryos. Pole cells contained GFP-Nopp140 during the syncytial embryonic stages, but their nucleologenesis started at gastrulation. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant MCB-0234245). O'Keith Dellafosse was supported by the Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LAMP).  相似文献   

Ubiquitin/proteasome‐mediated degradation of eukaryotic proteins is critically implicated in a number of signalling pathways and cellular processes. To specifically impair proteasome activities, in vitro developing Drosophila melanogaster egg chambers were exposed to the MG132 or epoxomicin proteasome inhibitors, while a GAL4/UAS binary genetic system was employed to generate double transgenic flies overexpressing β2 and β6 conditional mutant proteasome subunits in a cell type‐specific manner. MG132 and epoxomicin administration resulted in severe deregulation of in vitro developing egg chambers, which was tightly associated with precocious induction of nurse cell‐specific apoptotic and autophagic death programmes, featured by actin cytoskeleton disorganization, nuclear chromatin condensation, DRICE caspase activation and autophagosome accumulation. In vivo targeted overexpression of β2 and β6 conditional mutants, specifically in the nurse cell compartment, led to a notable up‐regulation of sporadic apoptosis potency during early and mid‐oogenesis ‘checkpoints’, thus reasonably justifying the observed reduction in eclosion efficiency. Furthermore, in response to the intracellular abundance of β2 and β6 conditional mutant forms, specifically in numerous tissues of third instar larval stage, the developmental course was arrested, and lethal phenotypes were obtained at this particular embryonic period, with the double transgenic heterozygote embryos being unable to further proceed to complete maturation to adult flies. Our data demonstrate that physiological proteasome function is required to ensure normal oogenesis and embryogenesis in D. melanogaster, since targeted and cell type‐dependent proteasome inactivation initiates developmentally deregulated apoptotic and autophagic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Notch signaling plays crucial roles in the control of cell fate and physiology through local cell–cell interactions. The core processes of Notch signal transduction are well established, but the mechanisms that fine-tune the pathway in various developmental and post-developmental contexts are less clear. Drosophila almondex, which encodes an evolutionarily conserved double-pass transmembrane protein, was identified in the 1970s as a maternal-effect gene that regulates Notch signaling in certain contexts, but its mechanistic function remains obscure. In this study, we examined the role of almondex in Notch signaling during early Drosophila embryogenesis. We found that in addition to being required for lateral inhibition in the neuroectoderm, almondex is also partially required for Notch signaling-dependent single-minded expression in the mesectoderm. Furthermore, we found that almondex is required for proper subcellular Notch receptor distribution in the neuroectoderm, specifically during mid-stage 5 development. The absence of maternal almondex during this critical window of time caused Notch to accumulate abnormally in cells in a mesh-like pattern. This phenotype did not include any obvious change in subcellular Delta ligand distribution, suggesting that it does not result from a general vesicular-trafficking defect. Considering that dynamic Notch trafficking regulates signal output to fit the specific context, we speculate that almondex may facilitate Notch activation by regulating intracellular Notch receptor distribution during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, E.C. catalyzes the synthesis of acetylcholine, and is considered to be a phenotypic marker specific for cholinergic neurons. In situ hybridization using a nonradioactive cRNA probe identified a large number of cell bodies expressing ChAT mRNA in the cortices of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster brain. Strong labeling is remarkable in the cortical regions associated with the lamina and antennal lobe, and also in the median neurosecretory (MNS) cells within pars intercerebralis, suggesting that some of the lamina monopolar neurons, antennal interneurons, and MNS cells are cholinergic. In two temperature-sensitive mutant alleles, Chats1 and Chats2, most hybridization signal disappears after exposure to a restrictive temperature (30°C). Loss of signal is especially evident in the optic lobes. Some centrally located neurons, however, continue to express ChAT mRNA and are thus likely to have expression controlled in a different way than the majority of cholinergic neurons. Immunocytochemistry, using a ChAT specific monoclonal antibody, identified two sets of paired neurons located in the posterior cortex of the brain. These neurons persist in ChAT immunoreactivity even in the Chats mutants exposed to restrictive temperature. ChAT mRNA is also detectable in the corresponding cell bodies when Chats mutants are held at restrictive temperature. Our findings demonstrate some specific cholinergic neurons in Drosophila brain, and indicate that ChAT expression is differentially regulated in particular sets of cholinergic neurons. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The replication band is a large, migrating, macronuclear domain that is the site of DNA synthesis in hypotrichous ciliated protozoa. A number of agents that produce inactivation of this structure and its replicational activity are described here. These agents include heat shock, aphidicolin, cell crowding, various cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors and a calmodulin inhibitor. With the exception of aphidicolin, which has a direct inhibitory effect upon DNA polymerases, the mechanisms of inactivation are presently unknown. the inactivating properties of cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors suggest that intracellular cAMP levels may influence replication band structure and function.  相似文献   

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