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沙地柏 (Sabina vulgaris)系毛乌素沙地唯一的天然常绿沙生灌木 ,也是一种有代表性的克隆植物 ,对沙地环境具有很强适应性。为了研究不定根对沙地柏生长和资源获得的重要性 ,通过切断匍匐茎 ,以分析模拟干扰对沙地柏子株存活、生长、生物量分配、气体交换和资源利用效率的影响。结果表明 :1)切断匍匐茎对沙地柏子株存活率无明显影响 ,这表明已定居的子株能够独立存活 ;2 )切断匍匐茎对当年生枝生长和生物量分配的影响受模拟干扰和环境水分状况的双重制约 ,流动沙地上比茎长随干扰强度的增加而显著增大 ,这有利于子株寻找到优越的微环境 ;3)固定沙地上 ,切断匍匐茎对当年生枝气体交换和资源利用效率的影响均不显著 ,而显著影响生物量分配 ,这种格局表明切断匍匐茎对沙地柏子株的影响可能具有层次性 ;4)气孔导度减小、资源利用效率提高可能是沙地柏子株对强度干扰的一种生理适应。  相似文献   

选择毛乌素沙地优势灌木中间锦鸡儿为研究对象,人为控制4种降水量水平来测定中间锦鸡儿幼苗的形态,。生物量干重,气体交换和叶绿素荧光参数,结果表明,不同施水量显著影响幼苗株高,基径,叶数,叶面积,生物量干重,净光合速率,蒸腾速率,气孔导度以及水分利用效率,157.5mm和630mm施水的幼苗以上参数显著低于472.5mm施水的幼苗,157.5mm和630mm施水量的幼苗PSIII光化学效率和最大荧光与初始荧光比显著小于472.5mm施水量的幼苗;不同施水量对幼苗生物量干重分配有显著影响;随着施水量增加,根冠生物量干重比显著减少。  相似文献   

水分因素对沙地柏实生苗水分和生长特征的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨未来降雨变化对半干旱气候区毛乌素沙地常绿优势灌木沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)实生苗水分和生长特征的可能影响,在鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态站开展了模拟降雨变化的实验。水分饱和亏缺和组织密度随土壤水分含量提高而降低,失水系数却相反,这表明沙地柏实生苗的保水抗旱性随模拟降雨量增加而降低。水分梯度对枝茎面积比无显著影响,叶质量茎面积比和叶质量枝面积比随土壤水分含量增大而降低,这意味着实生苗分枝的供水潜力随水分可利用性提高而降低。水分变化显著影响生物量分配,而对形态和植冠生产力指数均无显著影响;生物量、株高和基茎增量的变化反映了沙地柏生长的缓慢性。根系对水分变化的敏感性高于叶和茎,地下部分生物量投资随水分可利用性提高而增大,这暗示沙地柏实生苗可能通过节约利用水分方式适应自然生境中的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

水分因对沙地柏实生苗水分和生长特征的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨未来降雨条化对半干旱气候区毛乌素沙地常绿优势灌木沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)实生苗水分和生长特征的可能影响。在鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态站开展了模拟降雨变化的实验,水分饱和亏缺和组织密度随土壤水分含量提高而降低,失水系数却相反,这表明沙地柏实生苗的保水抗旱性随模拟降雨量增加而降低。水分梯度对枝茎面积比无显著影响,叶质量茎面积比和叶质量枝面积比随土壤分含量增大击降低。这意味着实生苗分枝的供水潜力随水分可利用性提高而降低,水分变化显著影响生物量分配,而对形态和植冠生产力指数均显著影响;生物量、株高和茎茎增量的变化反映了沙地柏生长的缓慢性,系对水分变化的敏感性高于叶和茎,地下部分生物量投资随水分可利用性提高而增大,这暗示沙地柏实生苗可能通节约利用水分方适应自生境中的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

刘凤红  刘建  董鸣 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3415-3419
克隆植物根据其构型可以分为游击型和密集型。游击型克隆植物的间隔子长,分株在水平空间的扩展范围大,可以利用更大空间范围内的资源,其通过克隆生理整合作用发生的非局部反应的能力强。由此可以得出的推论之一是,小生境斑块的环境发生变化,生长于其中的密集型克隆植物的反应可能会更灵敏。这种反应可能会体现在生物量以及配置格局的变化上。以毛乌素地区沙生半灌木群落中两种优势克隆植物羊柴(H edy sarum laeve)和油蒿(A rtem isia ord osica)为研究对象,前者是典型的游击型克隆植物,后者是密集型克隆植物。采取野外调查的方式,观测在不同植被盖度的小生境斑块内二者地上生物量分配格局的变化情况,并结合二者的克隆构型和生活史特征试图探讨产生这种格局的原因。结果表明:羊柴的地上各部分生物量对植被盖度变化的响应不如油蒿敏感。这或者是因为羊柴的游击型克隆构型决定其可以跨越小尺度斑块实现克隆生理整合,可以利用不同小生境斑块的资源导致的。油蒿只能利用小生境斑块内的资源,当小生境斑块的条件改变,其生物量以及配置方式也随之发生相应的变化。在繁殖方式上,羊柴的有性繁殖结构以及有性繁殖投资显著小于油蒿。在资源有限的条件下,对一种繁殖方式的投资常常会削弱另一种繁殖方式。羊柴主要依靠克隆繁殖,这或者符合并支持配置理论的观点。  相似文献   

试验采用人工控制土壤水分的方法,测定不同土壤含水量条件及有效辐射强度下沙地柏苗木的蒸腾速率、净光合速率、水分利用效率等指标,分析沙地柏在不同土壤含水量和光照条件下影响的光合生理响应特征及其变化规律。土壤含水量(SWC)用称重法测定,将硬塑盆中的土壤水分含量设置为7.5%,10%,12.5%,15%,17.5%,20%等6个不同的处理,每天进行称重,瞬时土壤水分含量用TDR100土壤水分测速仪(上海赛弗生物公司)测定,用Li-6400光合测定仪(美国LI-COR公司)测定沙地柏在不同土壤水分条件下光合生理指标。研究表明沙地柏的蒸腾速率、净光合速率均随着土壤含水量的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。光合有效辐射在400—2000μmol·m-2·s-1范围内,沙地柏的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率均呈现最高值。土壤水分含量在18.71%,17.99%和12.44%时,沙地柏的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率达到最高值。土壤含水量12.44%—18.71%是沙地柏生长最适宜的土壤水分区间。在实践中利用沙地柏最适宜的土壤水分区间对沙地柏的栽植和生长可以进行...  相似文献   

狭叶红景天幼苗对水分及遮阴的生长及生理生化响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究植物对水分和遮阴胁迫的响应及其生理机制对制定合理的栽培管理措施十分必要。以红景天属植物为研究对象,设置土壤含水量分别为田间持水量的80%(过湿水分)、70%(正常水分)、60%(轻度干旱)、40%(中度干旱)、20%(重度干旱)5个水分梯度;设置2个遮阴处理,以全光照(遮阴率为0)为对照、黑色遮阴网遮阴(遮阴率为85%),研究狭叶红景天生长及生理生化指标的变化特征。结果表明:在不同水分处理下,与对照相比,叶绿素含量、茎干重和茎重比(SMR)显著增加(P0.05),株高、总生物量、叶面积、叶干重、叶重比(LMR)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶面积比(LAR)和叶面积根干重比(LARMR)增加,根冠比和根重比(RMR)减少;随着干旱程度加剧,丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸(Pro)和可溶性糖(Ss)含量增加,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性总体呈先增加后减小的趋势。在遮阴处理下,株高、SMR、SLA、LAR和LARMR显著增加(P0.05),叶绿素SPAD值和叶面积增加,总生物量、根干重、根冠比和LMR显著减少(P0.05),茎干重和叶干重减少,MDA含量显著增加,Pro含量略有下降,Ss含量减少。在水分胁迫下,狭叶红景天中度干旱时通过增加酶活性抵御伤害,重度干旱超过其阈值,SOD活性下降,植物体受到伤害,Ss可能是主要的渗透调节物质。在遮阴处理下,狭叶红景天通过增加SLA避免遮阴伤害。狭叶红景天在受到环境胁迫时会通过形态改变、调节MDA含量、抗氧化酶活性和渗透调节物质来保证自身正常的生长发育。  相似文献   

水分梯度对沙地柏幼苗荧光特征和气体交换的影响   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
 为了探讨未来降雨变化对半干旱毛乌素沙地常绿灌木沙地柏(Sabina valgaris Ant.)荧光特征和气体交换的影响,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态站开展了水分梯度实验。结果表明:水分梯度对初始荧光、可变荧光、最大量子产量、最大荧光/初始荧光比的影响均不显著;相反,显著影响净光合比率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2/大气CO2,水分利用效率、表观CO2利用效率和表观光能利用效率。这些结果指示,在一个实验期,土壤水分变化显著影响沙地柏幼苗的“表观性”气体交换和资源利用效率,并不显著影响光系统Ⅱ的“内在性”荧光特征。气体交换和资源利用效率对水分变化的响应格局因生理指标不同而存在差异。净光合速率对接近土壤最大持水量的施水处理最敏感。  相似文献   

以‘全年油麦菜’尖叶莴苣为试验材料,采用水培方式,研究3个浓度(0 mg·L-1、0.1 mg·L-1、1 mg·L-1)Ni2+在22.4 mg·L-1 N处理下对尖叶莴苣氮素吸收的生长及生理影响。结果显示:(1)尖叶莴苣根系和地上部生物量随处理时间的增加呈上升趋势。与对照T1(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、112 mg·L-1 N)相比,T2处理(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及叶片生长具有一定抑制作用,植株鲜重、干重、根冠比、根系长度、平均直径、表面积、体积、根尖数、分根数、叶片表面积和体积在T3处理(0.1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)下显著高于对照,T4处理(1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及其叶片生长具有一定促进作用,但对其根尖数和分根数表现出一定抑制性。(2)随着Ni2+浓度的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量呈先升后降的变化规律,且均在T3处理下显著提高。(3)随着处理时间的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)逐渐上升,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)逐渐下降,且T3处理叶片的Gs显著高于对照,其Ci最低,Pn最大。(4)施加Ni2+对尖叶莴苣有机酸、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量以及SOD和POD活性有显著影响,在T3处理下有机酸含量降低,可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量显著增加,SOD和POD活性显著提高。(5)T3处理尖叶莴苣根系中N及叶片中B和Ca含量较高;根系中Ni含量高于叶片,T3处理叶片中的Ni含量较低,Mg含量较高;植株体内Cu含量随Ni2+浓度增加而下降。研究表明,外源Ni2+处理能影响低氮条件下(22.4 mg·L-1 N)尖叶莴苣幼苗生长及生理状况,适宜浓度(0.1 mg·L-1)Ni2+可有效提高尖叶莴苣根系对氮素的吸收利用效率,减少氮素施用量,促进尖叶莴苣根系和地上部叶片生长,增加光合色素含量,并提高净光合速率,进而改善植株的产量和营养品质。  相似文献   

铜胁迫对狭叶香蒲生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水培法,研究不同浓度Cu~(2+)胁迫对狭叶香蒲生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明:狭叶香蒲叶宽、株高的增长量及整株干物质累积量在较低浓度Cu~(2+)处理时均未受影响,此后随Cu~(2+)浓度升高显著下降。Cu~(2+)浓度为o~30 mg·L~(-1)时,叶绿素含量显著上升,此后随Cu~(2+)浓度增加其含量显著下降。在Cu~(2+)浓度0~5 mg·L~(-1)范围内根系活力显著上升,此后随Cu~(2+)浓度升高则大幅下降。根系和叶片SOD、POD、CAT、活性随Cu~(2+)浓度增加均呈先显著升高后显著降低的趋势,根系SOD、POD活性在30 mg·L~(-1)时出现最大值,叶片SOD、POD活性在55 mg·L~(-1)时出现最大值,根系和叶片CAT活性均在80 mg·L~(-1)时出现最大值;同一Cu~(2+)浓度下,根系SOD、POD、CAT活性明显高于叶片,说明根系比叶片对Cu~(2+)胁迫反应更敏感。从根系和叶片SOD/POD、SOD/CAT的比值变化上看出,在Cu~(2+)为1 mg·L~(-1)和5 mg·L~(-1)时起主要保护作用的酶是SOD、POD,后来CAT起到主要作用。MDA含量自Cu~(2+)浓度为30 mg·L~(-1)时开始持续上升。说明在Cu~(2+)为30~55 mg·L~(-1)时狭叶香蒲表现为积极的生理响应。  相似文献   

With the increasing global demand for food, fuel and fibre, the use of plant growth regulators in agriculture has become an agricultural practice aimed to improve physiological and productive responses. Our work aimed to evaluate the effect of tryptophol (Tol), a precursor of auxin, on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The experiment was conducted in pots under greenhouse conditions, where we evaluated the Tol effect on bean crop under two different application forms: TSoil – soil application of Tol (4.10?4 mg L?1) and TLeaf – leaf tryptophol application (4.10?4 mg L?1), plus a reference treatment (0 mg L?1 of Tol). We analysed the variables: shoot fresh and dry matter; root dry matter, area and volume; leaf macro and micronutrients; CO2 net assimilation rate (A); stomatal conductance (gS); internal CO2 concentration (CI); foliar transpiration (E); photosynthetic pigment content and some crop production attributes. The application of Tol through the foliar pathway proved to be more advantageous because it improved the shoot fresh and dry matter, increased the root volume and area, favoured less foliar transpiration and improved the length of pods, while the application of Tol in soil induced higher nitrogen accumulation in leaves. Our observations allow the characterization of Tol as a bioactive metabolite, suggesting an important potential for use in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Although fast‐growing Populus species consume a large amount of water for biomass production, there are considerable variations in water use efficiency (WUE) across different poplar species. To compare differences in growth, WUE and anatomical properties of leaf and xylem and to examine the relationship between photosynthesis/WUE and anatomical properties of leaf and xylem, cuttings of six poplar species were grown in a botanical garden. The growth performance, photosynthesis, intrinsic WUE (WUEi), stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and anatomical properties of leaf and xylem were analysed in these poplar plants. Significant differences were found in growth, photosynthesis, WUEi and anatomical properties among the examined species. Populus cathayana was the clone with the fastest growth and the lowest WUEi13C, whereas P. × euramericana had a considerable growth increment and the highest WUEi13C. Among the analysed poplar species, the highest total stomatal density in P. cathayana was correlated with its highest stomatal conductance (gs) and lowest WUEi13C. Moreover, significant correlations were observed between WUEi and abaxial stomatal density and stem vessel lumen area. These data suggest that photosynthesis, WUEi and δ13C are associated with leaf and xylem anatomy and there are tradeoffs between growth and WUEi. It is anticipated that some poplar species, e.g. P. × euramericana, are better candidates for water‐limited regions and others, e.g. P. cathayana, may be better for water‐abundant areas.  相似文献   

In Sweden the deciduous forest perennial Sanicula europaea L. (Apiaceae) is frequently subjected to leaf loss due to cattle grazing and trampling. In a two-season field experiment, the effects of the extent, timing and repetition of leaf removal on survival, growth and reproduction in S. europaea were examined. Removal of vegetative tissue in S. europaea reduced future survival, growth and flowering probabilities. The magnitude of these effects depended both on the extent and the timing of the season of the leaf losses, as greater leaf losses had more negative effects than moderate and early removals had more negative consequences than late. Moreover, the probability of an individual to regrow the same season after severe losses was higher when losses occurred early in the season than when they occurred late. And, those defoliated early that did regrow, did so to a larger extent than those defoliated later. Experimental responses were more pronounced after a second year of leaf removals, indicating that repeated herbivory exhausts resources. Thus, herbivory causing losses in vegetative tissue will affect the performance of S. europaea. However, the impact depends on the extent and timing of the leaf losses. This should be considered in managing policies and cattle should, if possible, not be introduced early in the growing season.  相似文献   

He  W.-M.  Zhang  X.-S.  Dong  M. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):105-109
We examined differences in net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), water use efficiency (WUE), ratio of substomatal to atmospheric CO2 concentration (C i/C a), cuticle thickness (CT), epidermis cell size (ECS), mesophyll cell size (MCS), vascular bundle size (VBS), tissue density (TD), and coefficient of water loss (k) in Sabina vulgaris as related to sex, shoot form, and leaf form. P N, E, WUE, C i/C a, MCS, VBS, and k varied with sex, whereas CT, ECS, and TD did not. These differences in physiology and anatomy between the female and male plants may be closely related with their reproduction behaviour. P N, E, C i/C a, CT, ECS, MCS, and VBS were significantly smaller in the erect shoots than in the prostrate shoots, WUE was just opposite; TD and k did not vary with shoot form. These changes in physiology with shoot form indicate that erect shoots may be more tolerant of water stress than prostrate shoots. P N, E, C i/C a, TD, and k were significantly greater in the spine leaves than in the scale leaves, whereas WUE, CT, ECS, MCS, and VBS followed the opposite trends. The changes in physiology and anatomy with leaf form suggest that scale leaves have higher drought-resistant and water-holding capacities than spine leaves. Measurements of field gas exchange showed that three-year-old seedlings had lower drought-resistance and higher water loss than five-year-old seedlings, which provides some evidence that seedling survival decreases with decreasing plant age.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effects of nitrogen supply on growth, allocation, and gas exchange characteristics of two perennial grasses of dry, nutrient-poor inland dunes: Corynephorus canescens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis vinealis Schreber. C. canescens invests more biomass in leaves and less in roots, but has less leaf area and more root length per unit plant weight than A. vinealis. A. vinealis invests more nitrogen per unit leaf weight, but less per unit leaf area, despite a similar relative nitrogen investment in leaves and plant nitrogen concentration. Between-species differences in the rate of net photosynthesis, transpiration and shoot respiration are positively related to leaf nitrogen content per unit leaf area. The rate of net photosynthesis per unit plant weight is higher for A. vinealis at both levels of nitrogen supply, due to differences in leaf area ratio (LAR), and despite the reverse differences in the rate of net photosynthesis per unit leaf area. The water use efficiency of the two species is similar and increases significantly with an increase in nitrogen supply. The photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency on the other hand is not affected by nitrogen supply, while at both low and high nitrogen supply A. vinealis has a 10% higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency than C. canescens.  相似文献   

It was postulated that the release of lateral buds from apical dominance is triggered by the immediate increase in apoplastic water potential (hydrostatic pressure) that is produced by shoot decapitation and that is rapidly transmitted throughout the plant. In experiments conducted to test this hypothesis the use of a strain gauge transducer capable of measuring bud growth with an accuracy of ± 0.1 μm, showed that growth of the inhibited lateral bud at the primary leaf node of Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) ev. Canadian Wonder was initiated within 1 to 5 s following shoot decapitation or excision of the primary leaves. When only the apical bud was excised the lateral bud showed a brief, transitory growth response of ca 1 min duration, but the axillary buds of the first and second trifoliate leaves were released from inhibition. Decapitation of the shoot just below the first trifoliate leaf induced a lateral bud response characterized by three distinct stages: a) a rapid initial growth response with a mean duration of 4.9 min b) a period of arrested growth, which varied in duration from 2 min to 4 h and c) the subsequent resumption of growth.
Excision of both primary leaves induced a rapid but transitory bud response of considerably greater duration than that induced by apical bud excision. Excision of the primary leaves prior to decapitation of the shoot eliminated the phase of arrested growth, which characterized the bud response to decapitation of the intact plant. The rapidity of the bud response to both shoot decapitation and leaf excision and the interaction between the effect of these two treatments are consistent with the hypothesis that competition for water plays a major role in the correlative inhibition of lateral buds.  相似文献   


Olive is a drought-tolerant species and it is known that it responds efficiently to any additional water up to a limit. A field experiment was planned with the following aims: to provide estimates of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) to improve water use efficiency during the growing season; to present guidelines for efficient management of irrigation scheduling; and to characterize the relationship between plant water status and optimum fruit yield. These relationships were monitored during four years by analysing the influence of deficit irrigation strategies on mature modern-trained olive trees of cultivars Frantoio and Leccino. Treatments were a non-irrigated control (rain-fed) and three treatments that received a seasonal water amount equivalent to 33, 66 and 100% of ETc, from the beginning of pit hardening to early fruit veraison. Results of the relationship between leaf water potential and maximum stomatal conductance (Ψpd vs. g smax) showed that the stomatal apparatus in Frantoio was more sensitive to water deficit than that of Leccino. Differences in yield between treatments were mainly related to mean fruit weight, indicating that water availability might have affected growing conditions before flowering or during the early stages of fruit growth rather than later in the summer season. Vegetative development was a function of water available to plants. Frantoio achieved the highest crop production per unit of water consumption. Oil quality was scarcely affected by deficit irrigation. Regulated deficit irrigation of olive trees after pit hardening could be recommended, at least under the experimental conditions of this study. Given the different long-term watering response of Frantoio and Leccino, a cultivar-specific irrigation scheduling is advisable.  相似文献   

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