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Aims Desert soils play an important role in the exchange of major greenhouse gas (GHG) between atmosphere and soil. However, many uncertainties existed in understanding of desert soil role, especially in efflux evaluation under a changing environment. Methods We conducted plot-based field study in center of the Gurbantünggüt Desert, Xinjiang, and applied six rates of simulated nitrogen (N) deposition on the plots, i.e. 0 (N0), 0.5 (N0.5), 1.0 (N1), 3.0 (N3), 6.0 (N6) and 24.0 (N24) g·m-2·a-1. The exchange rates of N2O, CH4 and CO2 during two growing seasons were measured for two years after N applications. Important findings The average efflux of two growing seasons from control plots (N0) were 4.8 μg·m-2·h-1, -30.5 μg·m-2·h-1 and 46.7 mg·m-2·h-1 for N2O, CH4 and CO2, respectively. The effluxes varied significantly among seasons. N0, N0.5 and N1 showed similar exchange of N2O in spring and summer, which was relatively higher than in autumn, while the rates of N2O in N6 and N24 were controled by time points of N applications. The uptake of CH4 was relatively higher in both spring and summer, and lower in autumn. Emission of CO2 changed minor from spring to summer, and greatly decreased in autumn in the first measured year. In the second year, the emission patterns were changed by rates of N added. N additions generally stimulated the emission of N2O, while the effects varied in different seasons and years. In addition, no obvious trends were found in the emission factor of N2O. The uptake of CH4 was not significantly affected by N additions. N additions did not change CO2 emissions in the first year, while high N significantly reduced the CO2 emissions in spring and summer of the second year, without affected in autumn. Structure equation model analysis on the factors suggested that N2O, CH4 and CO2 were dominantly affected by the N application rates, soil temperature or moisture and plant density, respectively. Over the growing seasons, both the net efflux and the global warming potential caused by N additions were small.  相似文献   

We aimed in the first part of our work to study the effect of cryopreservation on the human sperm DNA integrity and the activation of caspase 3, the main apoptosis indicator. In the second part, we were interested in testing the effect of quercetin, as an antioxidant, in preventing sperm damage during the freeze–thawing process. Seventeen semen samples were obtained from 17 men recruited for infertility investigations. Liquefied sperm was cryopreserved using spermfreeze®. Nine of the used samples were divided into two aliquots; the first one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze only (control) and the second one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze supplemented with quercetin to a final concentration of 50 μM. Sperm motility and viability were assessed according to WHO criteria. We used TUNEL assay and the Oxy DNA assay to assess sperm DNA integrity. Activated caspase 3 levels were measured in spermatozoa using fluorescein-labeled inhibitor of caspase (FLICA). Cryopreservation led to a significant increase in sperm DNA fragmentation, DNA oxidation and caspase 3 activation (p < 0.01). Supplementation of the cryopreservation medium with quercetrin induced a significant improvement in post thaw sperm parameters, compared to those of control, regarding sperm motility (p = 0.007), viability (p = 0.008) and DNA integrity (p = 0.02); however, it had no effect on caspase 3 activation (p = 0.3). We conclude that oxidative stress plays a major role in inducing sperm cryodamage but implication of apoptosis in this impairment requires further investigations. Quercetin could have protective effect during cryopreservation but further research is needed to confirm this effect.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Plants absorb and carry soluble silica from soils and then deposit SiO2?·?nH2O within themselves producing amorphous silica particles known as phytoliths. Trace amount of organic carbon is occluded during phytolith formation referred to as phytolith-occluded carbon (PhytOC). This carbon fraction has been recognized as an important way of carbon biosequestration. Previous studies have investigated the PhytOC contents of many crop plants and their contribution to global carbon sink. However, the PhytOC in soil is less focused. In this study, we investigated the distribution of soil PhytOC in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP).


Twenty-six soil profiles were collected in the Chinese Loess Plateau. A wet oxidation method was used for phytolith extraction. Occluded carbon was determined by element analyzer.


Our results showed that the soil PhytOC density (SPCD) ranged from 0.757 to 23.110 g/m2 among different soil profiles. The SPCD of profiles in the Southern CLP was generally higher than that in the Northern CLP. It was estimated that 5.35 Mt of PhytOC was stored in the upper soil of the CLP. We also estimated the annual phytolith flux into the Yellow River from the CLP by soil erosion and about 2.5 Mt of phytoliths eroded and transported into rivers per year.


Our study indicated that PhytOC was one of the potential biosequestration way and phytoliths had an important influence on biogeochemical cycle of silica. Our results suggested that the soil PhytOC was mainly influenced by different plant communities.  相似文献   

The projected recession of forests in the forest–steppe ecotone under projected climate drying would restrict the carbon sink function of terrestrial ecosystems. Previous studies have shown that the forest–steppe ecotone in the southeastern Inner Mongolia Plateau originally resulted from climate drying and vegetation shifts during the mid- to late-Holocene, but the interrelated processes of changing soil carbon storage and vegetation and soil shifts remain unclear. A total of 44 forest soil profiles and 40 steppe soil profiles were excavated to determine soil carbon storage in deciduous broadleaf forests (DBF), coniferous forests (CF) and steppe (ST) in this area. Carbon density was estimated to be 106.51 t/hm2 (DBF), 73.20 t/hm2 (CF), and 28.14 t/hm2 (ST) for these ecosystems. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content was negatively correlated with sand content (R = −0.879, P < 0.01, n = 42), and positively correlated with silt (R = 0.881, P < 0.01, n = 42) and clay (R = 0.858, P < 0.01, n = 42) content. Consistent trends between fractions of coarse sand and a proxy index of relative aridity in sediment sequences from two palaeo-lakes further imply that climate drying reduced SOC through coarsening of the soil texture in the forest–steppe ecotone. Changes in carbon storage caused by climate drying can be divided into two stages: (1) carbon storage of the ecosystem was reduced to 68.7%, mostly by soil coarsening when DBF were replaced by CF at ~5,900 14C years before present (BP); and (2) carbon storage was reduced to 26.4%, mostly by vegetation shifts when CF were replaced by ST at ~2,900 14C years BP.  相似文献   

Methane emission from the grass–moss fens of the Western Siberia subtaiga was studied using a static chamber method. It was established that CH4 flux median ± half of the interquartile range in the studied wetland ecosystems constituted 4.9 ± 2.9 mg of CH4/(m2 h). It was shown that such a high spatial variability of emission is caused mainly by the difference in the water table level. It was found that, in these observations, a higher water table level correlates with lower emission values. The causes of this phenomenon are discussed, and recommendations for conducting field studies for estimating the regional flux are given.  相似文献   

Ephemeral streams and wetlands are characterized by complex cycles of submersion and emersion, which influence the greenhouse gas flux rates. In this study we quantify the spatiotemporal variability in CO2 and CH4 concentrations and fluxes of an intermittent first-order stream over three consecutive wet and dry cycles spanning 56 days, to assess how hydrologic phase transitions influence greenhouse gas evasion. Water column excess CO2 ranged from ?11 to 1600 μM, and excess CH4 from 1 to 15 μM. After accounting for temporal changes in the ratio of wet versus dry streambed hydraulic radius, total CO2–C fluxes ranged from 12 to 156 mmol m?2 day?1, with an integrated daily mean of 61 ± 25 mmol m?2 day?1. Soil–air evasion rates were approximately equal to those of water–air evasion. Rainfall increased background water–air CO2–C fluxes by up to 780% due to an increase in gas transfer velocity in the otherwise still waters. CH4–C fluxes increased 19-fold over the duration of the initial, longer wet-cycle from 0.1 to 1.9 mmol m?2 day?1. Temporal shifts in water depth and site-specific ephemerality were key drivers of carbon dynamics in the upper Jamison Creek watercourse. Based on these findings, we hypothesise that the cyclic periodicity of fluxes of biogenic gases from frequently intermittent streams (wet and dry cycles ranging from days to weeks) and seasonally ephemeral watercourses (dry for months at a time) are likely to differ, and therefore these differences should be considered when integrating transient systems into regional carbon budgets and models of global change.  相似文献   

Flora similarity was assessed using complete floristic lists of five ecotopes in each of four mounds along the transect from meadow steppes to desert steppes. It was found that the circumapical similitude of floras is more significant than the expositional similitude. Soil analysis in separate ecotopes showed that regular changes in the biogeochemical features are manifested along the topographic gradient and under the effect of the insolation exposure of slopes in local (mound) ecosystems. It was noted that the slopes are characterized by the most abundant steppe vegetation classes in the phytosociological spectrum of mound ecotopes.  相似文献   

There are three Northeast Pacific Rivers still supporting spawning populations of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, but all have been modified hydrologically and thermally by dam construction. Age 1- to 3-year-old green sturgeon, progeny of artificially spawned, wild-caught Klamath River adults, were used to assess the effects of temperature and carbon dioxide on critical hematological parameters related to evolutionary adaptations of this species to its physical environment. In vitro measurement of the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on blood–oxygen affinity and equilibrium curve shape yielded the following data for the respective temperature treatments (11, 15, 19, and 24°C): half-saturation values (P50’s, kPa, a measure of affinity) 1.26, 1.44, 1.63, 1.69 for low-PCO2 treatments and 2.08, 2.41, 2.74, 2.94 for high-PCO2 treatments; Bohr factors ?0.322, ?0.327, ?0.366, ?0.536; and non-bicarbonate buffer values (slykes) ?6, ?3, ?5, ?8. Temperature sensitivities (ΔH, kJ mol O 2 ?1 ) between these respective temperatures were ?34.20, ?15.24, ?6.74 for low-PCO2 treatments and ?20.05, ?27.00, and ?11.55 for the high-PCO2 treatments. These data suggest that juvenile green sturgeon may tolerate moderate environmental hypoxia, moderate aerobic activity, low to moderate hypercapnia, and moderate temperature changes in their environments.  相似文献   

There are three Northeast Pacific Rivers still supporting spawning populations of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, but all have been modified hydrologically and thermally by dam construction. Age 1- to 3-year-old green sturgeon, progeny of artificially spawned, wild-caught Klamath River adults, were used to assess the effects of temperature and carbon dioxide on critical hematological parameters related to evolutionary adaptations of this species to its physical environment. In vitro measurement of the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on blood–oxygen affinity and equilibrium curve shape yielded the following data for the respective temperature treatments (11, 15, 19, and 24°C): half-saturation values (P50’s, kPa, a measure of affinity) 1.26, 1.44, 1.63, 1.69 for low-PCO2 treatments and 2.08, 2.41, 2.74, 2.94 for high-PCO2 treatments; Bohr factors −0.322, −0.327, −0.366, −0.536; and non-bicarbonate buffer values (slykes) −6, −3, −5, −8. Temperature sensitivities (ΔH, kJ mol O2−1) between these respective temperatures were −34.20, −15.24, −6.74 for low-PCO2 treatments and −20.05, −27.00, and −11.55 for the high-PCO2 treatments. These data suggest that juvenile green sturgeon may tolerate moderate environmental hypoxia, moderate aerobic activity, low to moderate hypercapnia, and moderate temperature changes in their environments.  相似文献   

A simplified equation has been derived which reduces the time and complexity of calculating subzero cell water content during freezing and thawing as compared to calculation by means of the Mazur equation. The simplified equation also allows inclusion of the effects of nonideality of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide aqueous electrolyte solutions. Furthermore, a very simple, iterative method of solving the simplified equation has been shown to give results which are equivalent to those obtained using the far more difficult and involved Runge-Kutta technique. It is hoped that these simplifications will make calculation of cell water content accessible to more cryobiologists. In addition, possible applications of such calculations to mechanistic issues in the area of “solution effects” injury are discussed.  相似文献   

The current research examines the impact of agitation on deactivation of isoamylase and β-amylase under supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2). Our experimental results showed that the activity of either enzyme decreased with increasing pressure or speed of agitation. The degree of enzymatic deactivation caused by pressure became more prominent in the presence of agitation, suggesting that the agitation plays an important role in enzymatic deactivation in SC-CO2 environment. Moreover, the enzymatic deactivation behavior associated with agitation and pressure was further quantitatively analyzed using a proposed inactivation kinetic model. Our analysis indicated that isoamylase and β-amylase exhibited significantly different relationships between the inverse of percentage residual activity and the product of number of revolution per time and time elapsed under pressurized carbon dioxide. We believe that the outcome from this work may provide a better understanding of the effects of agitation and pressure in enzyme deactivation behavior under SC-CO2.  相似文献   

Wetlands play a disproportionately large role in global terrestrial carbon stocks, and from 1 year to the next individual wetlands can fluctuate between carbon sinks and sources depending on factors such as hydrology, temperature, and land use. Although much research has been done on short-term seasonal to annual wetland biogeochemical cycles, there is a lack of experimental evidence concerning how the reversibility of wetland hydrological changes will influence these cycles over longer time periods. Five years of drought-induced declining water table at Lost Creek, a shrub fen wetland in northern Wisconsin, coincided with increased ecosystem respiration (Reco) and gross primary production (GPP) as derived from long-term eddy covariance observations. Since then, however, the average water table level at this site has increased, providing a unique opportunity to explore how wetland carbon fluxes are affected by interannual air temperature differences as well as changing water table levels. Water table level, as measured by water discharge, was correlated with Reco and GPP at interannual time scales. However, air temperature had a strong correlation with Reco, GPP, and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) at monthly time scales and correlated with NEP at inter-annual time scales. Methane flux was strongly temperature-controlled at seasonal time scales, increasing an order of magnitude from April to July. Annual methane emissions were 51 g C m?2. Our results demonstrate that over multi-year timescales, water table fluctuations can have limited effects on wetland net carbon fluxes and instead at Lost Creek annual temperature is the best predictor of interannual variation.  相似文献   

Knaupp M  Mishra KB  Nedbal L  Heyer AG 《Planta》2011,234(3):477-486
A role of non-reducing sugars like sucrose and raffinose in the protection of plant cells against damage during freezing has been proposed for many species, but reports on physiological effects are conflicting. Non-aqueous fractionation of mesophyll cell compartments in Arabidopsis thaliana was used to show that sucrose and raffinose accumulate in plastids during low temperatures, pointing to a physiological role in protecting the photosynthetic apparatus. Comparing a previously described raffinose synthase (RS) mutant of A. thaliana with its corresponding wild type, accession Col-0, revealed that a lack of raffinose has no effect on electrolyte leakage from leaf cells after freeze–thaw cycles, supporting that raffinose is not essential for protecting the plasma membrane. However, in situ chlorophyll fluorescence showed that maximum quantum yield of PS II photochemistry (F v/F m) and other fluorescence parameters of cold acclimated leaves subjected to freeze–thaw cycles were significantly lower in the raffinose synthase mutant than in the corresponding wild type, indicating that raffinose is involved in stabilizing PS II of cold acclimated leaf cells against damage during freezing.  相似文献   

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