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We analyze the simultaneous evolution of emigration and settlement decisions for actively dispersing species differing in their ability to assess population density. Using an individual-based model we simulate dispersal as a multi-step (patch to patch) movement in a world consisting of habitat patches surrounded by a hostile matrix. Each such step is associated with the same mortality risk. Our simulations show that individuals following an informed strategy, where emigration (and settlement) probability depends on local population density, evolve a lower (natal) emigration propensity but disperse over significantly larger distances - i.e. postpone settlement longer - than individuals performing density-independent emigration. This holds especially when variation in environmental conditions is spatially correlated. Both effects can be traced to the informed individuals' ability to better exploit existing heterogeneity in reproductive chances. Yet, already moderate distance-dependent dispersal costs prevent the evolution of multi-step (long-distance) dispersal, irrespective of the dispersal strategy.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the ecological and evolutionary causes of dispersal can be crucial in understanding the behaviour of spatially structured populations, and predicting how species respond to environmental change. Despite the focus of much theoretical research, simplistic assumptions regarding the dispersal process are still made. Dispersal is usually regarded as an unconditional process although in many cases fitness gains of dispersal are dependent on environmental factors and individual state. Condition-dependent dispersal strategies will often be superior to unconditional, fixed strategies. In addition, dispersal is often collapsed into a single parameter, despite it being a process composed of three interdependent stages: emigration, inter-patch movement and immigration, each of which may display different condition dependencies. Empirical studies have investigated correlates of these stages, emigration in particular, providing evidence for the prevalence of conditional dispersal strategies. Ill-defined use of the term 'dispersal', for movement across many different spatial scales, further hinders making general conclusions and relating movement correlates to consequences at the population level. Logistical difficulties preclude a detailed study of dispersal for many species, however incorporating unrealistic dispersal assumptions in spatial population models may yield inaccurate and costly predictions. Further studies are necessary to explore the importance of incorporating specific condition-dependent dispersal strategies for evolutionary and population dynamic predictions.  相似文献   

Individuals vary greatly in the distance they disperse, and in doing so, strongly affect ecological and evolutionary processes. Dispersal, when viewed as a component of phenotype, can be affected independently or jointly by environment. However, among taxa with complex life cycles that occupy different habitats over ontogeny, the effects of environment on dispersal and the interaction between environment and phenotype remains poorly understood. Here, we conducted a field experiment to measure how dispersal distance was affected by phenotype, environment experienced before and after metamorphosis, and their interaction. We manipulated the environment encountered by a pond‐breeding salamander Ambystoma annulatum during the aquatic larval stage and again as dispersing terrestrial juveniles. After assaying juvenile phenotype (exploration behavior, body condition, and morphology), we then measured the initial distance dispersed by juveniles. The distance moved by dispersing salamanders was affected by attributes of both larval and juvenile habitat, with salamanders that encountered low quality habitat in either life stage moving the farthest. However, we did not find support for an interactive effect of phenotype and environment affecting the distance moved by dispersers. Interestingly, exploration behavior explained the distance moved by philopatric animals but not dispersing ones. Our findings indicate that the environment experienced before metamorphosis can affect juvenile dispersal behavior, and demonstrates the need to consider dispersal in species with complex life cycles to understand the coupling between local and regional population dynamics.  相似文献   

Metapopulation dynamics lead to predictable patterns of habitat occupancy, population density and trophic structure in relation to landscape features such as habitat patch size and isolation. Comparable patterns may occur in behavioural, physiological and life‐history traits but remain little studied. In the Glanville fritillary butterfly, females in newly established populations were more mobile than females in old populations. Among females from new populations, mobility decreased with increasing connectivity (decreasing isolation), but in females from old populations mobility increased with connectivity. The [ATP]/[ADP] ratio of flight muscles following controlled activity showed the same pattern as mobility in relation to population age and connectivity, suggesting that physiological differences in flight metabolic performance contribute to the observed variation in mobility. We demonstrate with an evolutionary metapopulation model parameterised for the Glanville fritillary that increasing spatial variation in landscape structure increases variance in mobility among individuals in a metapopulation, supporting the general notion that complex landscape structure maintains life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Although dispersal is often considered to be a plastic, condition-dependent trait with low heritability, growing evidence supports medium to high levels of dispersal heritability. Obtaining unbiased estimates of dispersal heritability in natural populations nevertheless remains crucial to understand the evolution of dispersal strategies and their population consequences. Here we show that dispersal propensity (i.e. the probability of dispersal between habitat patches) displays a significant heritability in the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, as estimated by within-family resemblance when accounting for environmental factors. Offspring of dispersing mothers or fathers had a higher propensity to disperse to a new habitat patch themselves. The effect of parental dispersal status was additional to that of local habitat quality, as measured by local breeding population size and success, confirming previous results about condition-dependent dispersal in this population. The estimated levels of heritability varied between 0.30±0.07 and 0.47±0.10, depending on parent–offspring comparisons made and correcting for a significant assortative mating with respect to dispersal status. Siblings also displayed a significant resemblance in dispersal propensity. These results suggest that variation in between-patch natal dispersal in the collared flycatcher is partly genetically determined, and we discuss ways to quantify this genetic basis and its implications.  相似文献   

One of the central questions of metacommunity theory is how dispersal of organisms affects species diversity. Here, we show that the diversity–dispersal relationship should not be studied in isolation of other abiotic and biotic flows in the metacommunity. We study a mechanistic metacommunity model in which consumer species compete for an abiotic or biotic resource. We consider both consumer species specialised to a habitat patch, and generalist species capable of using the resource throughout the metacommunity. We present analytical results for different limiting values of consumer dispersal and resource dispersal, and complement these results with simulations for intermediate dispersal values. Our analysis reveals generic patterns for the combined effects of consumer and resource dispersal on the metacommunity diversity of consumer species, and shows that hump‐shaped relationships between local diversity and dispersal are not universal. Diversity–dispersal relationships can also be monotonically increasing or multimodal. Our work is a new step towards a general theory of metacommunity diversity integrating dispersal at multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   

Detailed data on juvenile survival are rare in the literature. Although many studies estimate recruitment, if you cannot distinguish between permanent dispersal and mortality, the management implications for a population may be unclear. We estimated juvenile survival in a reintroduced North Island robin (Petroica longipes) population in a protected sanctuary surrounded by an unprotected landscape where the species is extirpated. The population has had marginal population growth due to poor recruitment so we modeled 3 types of data (resighting of fledglings, radio-telemetry of independent juveniles, resighting of adults) in an integrated framework to determine the life stages where high mortality was occurring, and to distinguish mortality from dispersal. Approximately 16% of birds that fledged (n = 109) were present at the start of the next breeding season, consistent with recruitment rates from previous years. Low survival in the first 6 weeks after fledging was the primary cause of poor recruitment. Only 50% survived to independence (4 weeks after fledging), and 18% survived to the end of the radio-tracking period (14 weeks), after which juvenile survival matched adult survival. No dispersal from the sanctuary occurred during the radio-tracking period. Juveniles moved between adjacent forest fragments within the sanctuary, but did not leave the sanctuary. This information, which demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between natal mortality and dispersal, is important for ongoing management of the site and selection of future reintroduction sites for this species. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Studies on the relationship between behavioral traits and dispersal are necessary to understand the evolution of dispersal syndromes. Empirical studies have mainly focused on natal dispersal, even though behavioral differences between dispersers and philopatric individuals are suspected to hold through the whole life cycle, potentially affecting breeding dispersal propensity. Using capture–mark–recapture data and behavioral trials in a forest passerine, the thorn-tailed rayadito Aphrastura spinicauda, we describe inter-individual differences in exploratory behavior and aggressiveness, and investigate the relationship between those traits and breeding dispersal. Our study took place in Fray Jorge National Park, north-central Chile, where a relatively isolated population of rayaditos inhabits a naturally fragmented environment. We found that scores for behavioral traits were consistent between years. Exploratory behavior was similar between sexes, while males showed higher levels of aggression towards a conspecific male intruder. Only exploratory behavior was related to breeding dispersal propensity, with fast-exploring rayaditos being more likely to have dispersed between seasons. This finding provides indirect evidence for the existence of a dispersal strategy that could reduce dispersal costs in the fragmented landscape of Fray Jorge. To our knowledge, this is the first study documenting an association between breeding dispersal and exploratory behavior in a wild bird population. A longitudinal individual-based study will help determining whether this association constitutes a behavioral syndrome.  相似文献   

Remains of 15 hominids were recovered within a Mousterian archaeological context in the cave of Qafzeh, Israel. Dated to ca. 95 kyr BP, this skeletal material has been crucial for understanding biological, chronological, and cultural aspects of anatomically modern ancient Homo sapiens. The high proportion of children (N = 8) in Qafzeh Cave is unique among Middle Palaeolithic sites and encourages the search for skeletal evidence of disease and trauma. We report on the case of one child, Qafzeh 12, ca. 3 years old (according to modern human reference standards), who manifests some outstanding skeletal abnormalities that indicate hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the causes of natal dispersal in four Spanish areas where 35 breeding groups of the polygynous great bustard Otis tarda were monitored intensively. A total of 392 juveniles were radio-tracked between 1991 and 2006 by ground and via aeroplane to avoid potential biases derived from the non-detection of long-distance dispersers. 2. We explored 10 explanatory variables that were related to individual phenotypic features, habitat and conspecific traits in terms of group size and breeding performance, and spatial distribution of available breeding groups. Probability of group change and natal dispersal distances were investigated separately through multifactorial analyses. 3. Natal dispersal occurred in 47.8% of the birds and median natal dispersal distance of dispersers was 18.1 km (range 4.97-178.42 km). Sex largely determined the dispersal probability, with 75.6% of males being dispersers and 80.0% of females being philopatric, in contrast to the general pattern of female-biased dispersal found in most avian species. 4. Both the frequency of natal dispersal and dispersal distances were affected by the spatial distribution of breeding groups. More isolated groups showed a higher proportion of philopatric individuals, the effect being more evident in males than in females. This implies a reduction in gene flow in fragmented populations, as most genetic exchange is achieved through male dispersal. Additionally, dispersers hatched in more isolated groups tended to exhibit longer dispersal distances, which increases the associated energetic costs and mortality risks. 5. The dispersal decision was influenced by the number of conspecifics in the natal group. The individual probability of natal dispersal was related inversely to the size of the natal group, which supports the balanced dispersal model and the conspecific attraction hypothesis. 6. Overall, our results provide a good example of phenotypic plasticity and reinforce the current view that dispersal is an evolutionary complex trait conditioned by the interaction of individual, social and environmental causes that vary between individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of this study was to estimate the silky cane weevil rate of dispersal under near‐natural conditions inside a screened enclosure where an array of buckets was baited with cut sugarcane stalks. One hundred weevils were released and weevils inside the buckets were counted hourly for 8 h, and then 24 and 48 h after release. A passive diffusion model was used to estimate the weevil's dispersal and disappearance rates, within and between rows of buckets with sugarcane. The weevils concentrated around the release point and slowly moved towards the boundaries of the experimental plot over time with an overall average dispersal rate of 2.8 ± 3.58 cm2/h. Dispersal and disappearance rates within and between rows were not significantly different among the time intervals considered (1–8, 8–24 and 24–48 h after release) except for the 1–8 time interval on the array representing the release point when the dispersal rate, D, was significantly higher than those at other time intervals. Continuum of the substratum to disperse from one side of the array to another via a wooden bridge may explain the higher dispersal rate through this array. The number of buckets exposed to the sun during the morning hours was significantly higher on those rows exposed to the sun (south side of the screen enclosure) than on the shaded side. Longer times of bucket exposure to the sun may explain the predominant distribution of weevils in that area suggesting that the weevil population is constantly expanding and retracting according to micro environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental process affecting the genetic structureof populations, speciation, and extinction. Nevertheless, ourunderstanding of the evolution of dispersal is limited by ourpaucity of knowledge on dispersal decisions at the individuallevel. We investigated the effect of interactions between residentsand juvenile dispersers on individual dispersal and settlementdecisions in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). In this group-livingbird species, some offspring remain on the parental territoryfor up to 3 years (retained juveniles) whereas other offspringdisperse within 2 months of fledging (dispersers). We foundthat retained juveniles constrained settlement decisions ofdispersers by aggressively chasing dispersers off their territory,resulting in dispersers continuing to disperse and settlingin groups without retained juveniles. Experimental removal ofmale breeders during the dispersal period also demonstratedthat dispersers were unable to settle in high-quality breedingopenings, which were instead filled by older nonbreeding residents.Rather, dispersers immigrated into groups without retained offspringwhere they became subordinate group members, queuing for a breedingopening. Also, they preferably settled in groups with shortqueues where no same-sex juveniles were present. Dispersal didnot inflict a cost to dispersers through increased mortality.However, the presence of immigrants was costly for breedersbecause it increased the rate of conflicts during the breedingseason which negatively affected nestling condition. These resultsdemonstrate that resident individuals constrain both dispersaland settlement decisions of dispersers. Social interactionsbetween residents and dispersers can thus be a key factor tounderstand the evolution of dispersal.  相似文献   

1. Testing the extent to which traits act alone or in combination with other traits to influence responses to fire informs the trade-off between increased generalisation using single traits and increased predictive power using interactions. This study investigated the following question: do four traits (body size, trophic group, dispersal ability, and stratum of the ecosystem), alone or in combination, best explain changes in beetle occurrence with time since fire? 2. The data from 4 years and 15 independent fires in southern Australia were analysed using generalised linear mixed models. The study also assessed whether detectability depends on time since fire using multi-year detection models, because detectability has the potential to confound occurrence patterns. 3. The best model included the three-way combination of size, flight, and trophic level interacting with time since fire and with year. The relationship between detectability and time since fire was similar to the occurrence relationship in six of the 10 trait–combination groups, with flightless species generally showing reduced detection probability as time since fire increased. Detectability did not confound occurrence responses for four trait groups, with three increasing with time since fire and one decreasing. 4. Generalisation using main effects of traits risks oversimplifying animal responses to fire, because combinations of traits influence the direction and magnitude of the response. Also, taking detectability into account is critical to correctly interpretating occupancy data. Three-way trait combinations that differ by just one trait, particularly dispersal ability, can result in either negligible effects of disturbance on detectability or strong effects that influence observed occurrence.  相似文献   

We analyze models of evolution of sex ratio conditional on habitat quality and with sex specific dispersal. Previous analysis concluded that the main constraint on sex ratio is habitat choice and leads to overproduction of the most dispersing sex in low quality habitat. Here, we analyze three models with finite local populations and show that constraints on sex ratio can balance constraints on habitat choice. In the first model, dispersal rates are fixed. In the second, sex specific dispersal can evolve independently of the habitat quality. These models suggests that sex ratio evolution can lead to higher global dispersal rates (mean of male and female dispersal rates) from high quality habitats. In the last model dispersal evolves conditionally with both sex and habitat. Our models suggests that conditions for overproduction of the most dispersing sex in high quality habitat are frequent. The predictions of the models with evolving dispersal contrast with patterns generally described in nature. We discuss possible reasons of this difference.  相似文献   

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