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Control of tidal volume during rebreathing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

De Groote, A., M. Wantier, G. Cheron, M. Estenne, and M. Paiva. Chest wall motion during tidal breathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(5): 1531-1537, 1997.We have used an automaticmotion analyzer, the ELITE system, to study changes inchest wall configuration during resting breathing in five normal,seated subjects. Two television cameras were used to record thex-y-z displacements of 36 markers positioned circumferentiallyat the level of the third (S1) and fifth(S2) costal cartilage, corresponding to the lung-apposedrib cage; midway between the xyphoid process and thecostal margin (S3), corresponding to the abdomen-apposedrib cage; and at the level of the umbilicus (S4).Recordings of different subsets of markers were made by submitting thesubject to five successive rotations of 45-90°. Each recordinglasted 30 s, and three-dimensional displacements of markers wereanalyzed with the Matlab software. At spontaneous end expiration,sections S1-3 were elliptical but S4 wasmore circular. Tidal changes in chest wall dimensions were consistentamong subjects. For S1-2, changes during inspirationoccurred primarily in the cranial and ventral directions and averaged3-5 mm; displacements in the lateral direction were smaller(1-2 mm). On the other hand, changes at the level ofS4 occurred almost exclusively in the ventral direction. Inaddition, both compartments showed a ventral displacement of theirdorsal aspect that was not accounted for by flexion of the spine. Weconclude that, in normal subjects breathing at rest in the seatedposture, displacements of the rib cage during inspiration are in thecranial, lateral outward, and ventral directions but that expansion ofthe abdomen is confined to the ventral direction.


CO2 elimination (VCO2) was monitored during high-frequency oscillation (HFO) over a frequency (f) range of 2-30 Hz in anesthetized and paralyzed rabbits to determine whether effective gas exchange could be achieved in this species, to determine the f and tidal volume (VT) dependence of gas exchange in this species, and to compare these results with those from dog and human studies. We were able to produce VCO2 levels during HFO that exceeded normal steady-state levels of CO2 production with VT's less than the total dead space volume. VCO2 was related to f in a curvilinear fashion, whereas in some rabbits VCO2 became independent of f at higher frequencies. This curvilinear relationship between f and VCO2 is similar to data from humans but contrasts with the linear relationship found in dogs. Evidence is presented indicating frequency-dependent behavior of gas exchange is correlated with a frequency-dependent decrease in respiratory system resistance. We propose that the frequency-dependent mechanical properties of the rabbit lung may also account for the species differences in HFO gas exchange.  相似文献   

Dependences of the mechanical properties of the respiratory system on frequency (f) and tidal volume (VT) in the normal ranges of breathing are not clear. We measured, simultaneously and in vivo, resistance and elastance of the total respiratory system (Rrs and Ers), lungs (RL and EL), and chest wall (Rcw and Ecw) of five healthy anesthetized paralyzed dogs during sinusoidal volume oscillations at the trachea (50-300 ml, 0.2-2 Hz) delivered at a constant mean lung volume. Each dog showed the same f and VT dependences. The Ers and Ecw increased with increasing f to 1 Hz and decreased with increasing VT up to 200 ml. Although EL increased slightly with increasing f, it was independent of VT. The Rcw decreased from 0.2 to 2 Hz at all VT and decreased with increasing VT. Although the RL decreased from 0.2 to 0.6 Hz and was independent of VT, at higher f RL tended to increase with increasing f and VT (i.e., as peak flow increased). Finally, the f and VT dependences of Rrs were similar to those of Rcw below 0.6 Hz but mirrored RL at higher f. These data capture the competing influences of airflow nonlinearities vs. tissue nonlinearities on f and VT dependence of the lung, chest wall, and total respiratory system. More specifically, we conclude that 1) VT dependences in Ers and Rrs below 0.6 Hz are due to nonlinearities in chest wall properties, 2) above 0.6 Hz, the flow dependence of airways resistance dominates RL and Rrs, and 3) lung tissue behavior is linear in the normal range of breathing.  相似文献   

Comparison of the abdominal muscle response to CO2 rebreathing in rapid-eye-movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep was performed in healthy premature infants near full term. Eight subjects were studied at a postconceptional age of 40 +/- 1.6 (SD) wk (range 38-43 wk) during spontaneous sleep. Sleep stages were defined on the basis of electrophysiological and behavioral criteria, and diaphragmatic and abdominal muscle electromyographic activity was recorded by cutaneous electrodes. The responses to CO2 were measured by a modified Read rebreathing technique. The minute ventilation and diaphragmatic and abdominal muscle electromyographic activities were calculated and plotted against end-tidal CO2 partial pressure. Both the ventilatory and diaphragmatic muscle responses to CO2 decreased from NREM to REM sleep (P less than 0.05). Abdominal muscles were forcefully recruited in response to CO2 rebreathing during NREM sleep. In REM sleep, abdominal muscle response to CO2 was virtually absent or decreased compared with NREM sleep (P less than 0.05). We conclude that 1) the abdominal muscles are recruited during NREM sleep in response to CO2 rebreathing in healthy premature infants near full term and 2) the abdominal muscle recruitment is inhibited during REM sleep compared with NREM sleep, and this REM sleep-related inhibition probably contributes to the decrease in the ventilatory response to CO2 rebreathing in REM sleep.  相似文献   

Arterial-alveolar equilibration of CO2 during exercise was studied by normoxic CO2 rebreathing in six dogs prepared with a chronic tracheostomy and exteriorized carotid loop and trained to run on a treadmill. In 153 simultaneous measurements of PCO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) and end-tidal gas (PE'CO2) obtained in 46 rebreathing periods at three levels of mild-to-moderate steady-state exercise, the mean PCO2 difference (PaCO2-PE'CO2) was -1.0 +/- 1.0 (SD) Torr and was not related to O2 uptake or to the level of PaCO2 (30-68 Torr). The small negative PaCO2-PE'CO2 is attributed to the lung-to-carotid artery transit time delay which must be taken into account when both PaCO2 and PE'CO2 are continuously rising during rebreathing (average rate 0.22 Torr/s). Assuming that blood-gas equilibrium for CO2 was complete, a lung-to-carotid artery circulation time of 4.6 s accounts for the observed uncorrected PaCO2-PE'CO2 of -1.0 Torr. The results are interpreted to indicate that in rebreathing equilibrium PCO2 in arterial blood and alveolar gas are essentially identical. This conclusion is at variance with previous studies in exercising humans during rebreathing but is in full agreement with our recent findings in resting dogs.  相似文献   

We investigated the respiratory muscle contribution to inspiratory load compensation by measuring diaphragmatic and intercostal electromyograms (EMGdi and EMGic), transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), and thoracoabdominal motion during CO2 rebreathing with and without 15 cmH2O X l-1 X s inspiratory flow resistance (IRL) in normal sitting volunteers. During IRL compared with control, Pdi measured during airflow and during airway occlusion increased for a given change in CO2 partial pressure and EMGdi, and there was a greater decrease in abdominal (AB) end expiratory anteroposterior dimensions with increased expiratory gastric pressure (Pga), this leading to an inspiratory decline in Pga with outward AB movement, indicating a passive component to the descent of the abdomen-diaphragm. The response of EMGic to IRL was similar to that of EMGdi, though rib cage (RC)-Pga plots did infer intercostal muscle contribution. We conclude that during CO2 rebreathing with IRL there is improved diaphragmatic neuromuscular coupling, the prolongation of inspiration promoting a force-velocity advantage, and increased AB action serving to optimize diaphragm length and configuration, as well as to provide its own passive inspiratory action. Intercostal action provides increased assistance also. Therefore, compensation for inspiratory resistive loads results from the combined and integrated effort of all respiratory muscle groups.  相似文献   

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