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Mazon H  Marcillat O  Forest E  Vial C 《Biochimie》2005,87(12):1101-1110
Hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry has been used to investigate the structure and dynamics of native dimeric cytosolic muscle creatine kinase. The protein was incubated in D2O for various time. After H/D exchange and rapid quenching of the reaction, the partially deuterated protein was cleaved in parallel by two different proteases (pepsin or type XIII protease from Aspergillus saitoi) to increase the sequence coverage and spatial resolution of deuterium incorporation. The resulting peptides were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. In comparison with the 3D structure of MM-CK, the analysis of the two independent proteolysis deuteration patterns allowed us to get new insights into CK local dynamics as compared to a previous study using pepsin [Mazon et al. Protein Science 13 (2004) 476-486]. In particular, we obtained more information on the kinetics and extent of deuterium exchange in the N- and C-terminal extremities represented by the 1-22 and 362-380 pepsin peptides. Indeed, we observed a very different behaviour of the 1-12 and 13-22 type XIII protease peptides, and similarly for the 362-373 and 374-380 peptides. Moreover, comparison of the deuteration patterns of type XIII protease segments of the large 90-126 pepsin peptide led us to identify a small relatively dynamic region (108-114).  相似文献   

Elucidating protein structure in amorphous solids is central to the rational design of stable lyophilized protein drugs. Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to lyophilized powders containing calmodulin (17 kDa) and exposed to D(2)O vapor at controlled relative humidity (RH) and temperature. H/D exchange was influenced by RH and by the inclusion of calcium chloride and/or trehalose in the solid. The effects were not exhibited uniformly along the protein backbone but occurred in a site-specific manner, with calcium primarily influencing the calcium-binding loops and trehalose primarily influencing the alpha-helices. The results demonstrate that the method can provide quantitative and site-specific structural information on proteins in amorphous solids and on changes in structure induced by protein cofactors and formulation excipients. Such information is not readily available with other techniques used to characterize proteins in the solid state, such as Fourier transform infrared, Raman, and near-infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Spore photoproduct lyase (SPL) catalyzes the repair of the UV lesion spore photoproduct (SP) in a reaction dependent on S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM). We have utilized H/D exchange to show that in the presence of SAM, a significant reduction in H/D exchange is observed upon binding SPTpT or undamaged oligonucleotide, indicating a shift of 20 or 10 amide protons, respectively, from a rapidly-exchangable state to a fully-protected conformation. In the absence of SAM, neither the oligonucleotide nor the SPTpT produce a significant perturbation in H/D exchange, indicating SAM is a requisite binding partner. Performing the same experiments in aerobic conditions reduced the magnitude of ligand-induced structural changes, consistent with the importance of the oxygen-sensitive iron–sulfur cluster for SAM and substrate binding.  相似文献   

Crosslinking mass spectrometry captures protein structures in solution. The crosslinks reveal spatial proximities as distance restraints, but do not easily reveal which of these restraints derive from the same protein conformation. This superposition can be reduced by photo-crosslinking, and adding information from protein structure models, or quantitative crosslinking reveals conformation-specific crosslinks. As a consequence, crosslinking MS has proven useful already in the context of multiple dynamic protein systems. We foresee a breakthrough in the resolution and scale of studying protein dynamics when crosslinks are used to guide deep-learning-based protein modelling. Advances in crosslinking MS, such as photoactivatable crosslinking and in-situ crosslinking, will then reveal protein conformation dynamics in the cellular context, at a pseudo-atomic resolution, and plausibly in a time-resolved manner.  相似文献   

Viral capsids are dynamic protein assemblies surrounding viral genomes. Despite the high-resolution structures determined by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, their in-solution structure and dynamics can be probed by hydrogen exchange. We report here using hydrogen exchange combined with protein enzymatic fragmentation and mass spectrometry to determine the capsid structure and dynamics of a human rhinovirus, HRV14. Capsid proteins (VP1-4) were labeled with deuterium by incubating intact virus in D(2)O buffer at neutral pH. The labeled proteins were digested by immobilized pepsin to give peptides analyzed by capillary reverse-phase HPLC coupled with nano-electrospray mass spectrometry. Deuterium levels incorporated at amide linkages in peptic fragments were measured for different exchange times from 12 sec to 30 h to assess the amide hydrogen exchange rates along each of the four protein backbones. Exchange results generally agree with the crystal structure of VP1-4,with extended, flexible terminal and surface-loop regions in fast exchange and folded helical and sheet structures in slow exchange. In addition, three alpha-helices, one from each of VP1-3, exhibited very slow exchange, indicating high stability of the protomeric interface. The beta-strands at VP3 N terminus also had very slow exchange, suggesting stable pentamer contacts. It was noted, however, that the interface around the fivefold axis had fast and intermediate exchange, indicating relatively more flexibility. Even faster exchange rates were found in the N terminus of VP1 and most segments of VP4, suggesting high flexibilities, which may correspond to their potential roles in virus uncoating.  相似文献   



Hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) coupled to mass spectrometry permits analysis of structure, dynamics, and molecular interactions of proteins. HDX mass spectrometry is confounded by deuterium exchange-associated peaks overlapping with peaks of heavy, natural abundance isotopes, such as carbon-13. Recent studies demonstrated that high-performance mass spectrometers could resolve isotopic fine structure and eliminate this peak overlap, allowing direct detection and quantification of deuterium incorporation.


Here, we present a graphical tool that allows for a rapid and automated estimation of deuterium incorporation from a spectrum with isotopic fine structure. Given a peptide sequence (or elemental formula) and charge state, the mass-to-charge ratios of deuterium-associated peaks of the specified ion is determined. Intensities of peaks in an experimental mass spectrum within bins corresponding to these values are used to determine the distribution of deuterium incorporated. A theoretical spectrum can then be calculated based on the estimated distribution of deuterium exchange to confirm interpretation of the spectrum. Deuterium incorporation can also be detected for ion signals without a priori specification of an elemental formula, permitting detection of exchange in complex samples of unidentified material such as natural organic matter. A tool is also incorporated into QUDeX-MS to help in assigning ion signals from peptides arising from enzymatic digestion of proteins. MATLAB-deployable and standalone versions are available for academic use at qudex-ms.sourceforge.net and agarlabs.com.


Isotopic fine structure HDX-MS offers the potential to increase sequence coverage of proteins being analyzed through mass accuracy and deconvolution of overlapping ion signals. As previously demonstrated, however, the data analysis workflow for HDX-MS data with resolved isotopic fine structure is distinct. QUDeX-MS we hope will aid in the adoption of isotopic fine structure HDX-MS by providing an intuitive workflow and interface for data analysis.  相似文献   

Backbone dynamics of the camphor monoxygenase cytochrome P450(cam) (CYP101) as a function of oxidation/ligation state of the heme iron were investigated via hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/D exchange) as monitored by mass spectrometry. Main chain amide NH hydrogens can exchange readily with solvent and the rate of this exchange depends upon, among other things, dynamic fluctuations in local structural elements. A fluxional region of the polypeptide will exchange more quickly with solvent than one that is more constrained. In most regions of the enzyme, exchange rates were similar between oxidized high-spin camphor-bound and reduced camphor- and CO-bound CYP101 (CYP-S and CYP-S-CO, respectively). However, in regions of the protein that have previously been implicated in substrate access by structural and molecular dynamics investigations, the reduced enzyme shows significantly slower exchange rates than the oxidized CYP-S. This observation corresponds to increased flexibility of the oxidized enzyme relative to the reduced form. Structural features previously found to be perturbed in CYP-S-CO upon binding of the biologically relevant effector and reductant putidaredoxin (Pdx) as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance are also more protected from exchange in the reduced state. To our knowledge, this study represents the first experimental investigation of backbone dynamics within the P450 family using this methodology.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) is a key component in numerous cell signaling pathways. The cAPK regulatory (R) subunit maintains the kinase in an inactive state until cAMP saturation of the R-subunit leads to activation of the enzyme. To delineate the conformational changes associated with cAPK activation, the amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange in the cAPK type IIbeta R-subunit was probed by electrospray mass spectrometry. Three states of the R-subunit, cAMP-bound, catalytic (C)-subunit bound, and apo, were incubated in deuterated water for various lengths of time and then, prior to mass spectrometry analysis, subjected to digestion by pepsin to localize the deuterium incorporation. High sequence coverage (>99%) by the pepsin-digested fragments enables us to monitor the dynamics of the whole protein. The effects of cAMP binding on RIIbeta amide hydrogen exchange are restricted to the cAMP-binding pockets, while the effects of C-subunit binding are evident across both cAMP-binding domains and the linker region. The decreased amide hydrogen exchange for residues 253-268 within cAMP binding domain A and for residues 102-115, which include the pseudosubstrate inhibitory site, support the prediction that these two regions represent the conserved primary and peripheral C-subunit binding sites. An increase in amide hydrogen exchange for a broad area within cAMP-binding domain B and a narrow area within cAMP-binding domain A (residues 222-232) suggest that C-subunit binding transmits long-distance conformational changes throughout the protein.  相似文献   

Mammalian glutathione (GSH) transferases are dimeric proteins, many of which share a common hydrophobic interaction motif that is important for dimer stability. In the rGSTM1-1 enzyme this motif involves the side chain of F56, located on the 56 loop of the N-terminal domain, which is intercalated between the alpha4- and alpha5-helices of the C-terminal domain of the opposing subnuit. Disruption of the complementary interactions in this motif by mutation of F56 to serine, arginine, or glutamate is known to have deleterious effects on catalytic efficiency but remarkably different effects on the stability of the dimer [Hornby et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 14238-14247]. The structural basis for the behavior of the mutants by amide H/D exchange mass spectrometry is described. A substantial decrease in H/D exchange is observed in the GSH binding domain and in parts of the dimer interface upon substrate binding. The F56S and F56R mutants exhibit enhanced H/D exchange kinetics in the GSH binding domain and at the dimer interface. In contrast, the F56E mutant shows a decrease in the rate and extent of amide H/D exchange at the dimer interface and enhanced exchange kinetics in the GSH binding domain. The results suggest that the F56E mutant has a restructured dimer interface with decreased solvent accessibility and dynamics. Although all of the F56 mutations disrupt the GSH binding site, the effects of the mutations on the structure of the subunit interface and dimer stability are quite distinct.  相似文献   

A new method based on protein fragmentation and directly coupled microbore high-performance liquid chromatography-fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HPLC-FABMS) is described for determining the rates at which peptide amide hydrogens in proteins undergo isotopic exchange. Horse heart cytochrome c was incubated in D2O as a function of time and temperature to effect isotopic exchange, transferred into slow exchange conditions (pH 2-3, 0 degrees C), and fragmented with pepsin. The number of peptide amide deuterons present in the proteolytic peptides was deduced from their molecular weights, which were determined following analysis of the digest by HPLC-FABMS. The present results demonstrate that the exchange rates of amide hydrogens in cytochrome c range from very rapid (k > 140 h-1) to very slow (k < 0.002 h-1). The deuterium content of specific segments of the protein was determined as a function of incubation temperature and used to indicate participation of these segments in conformational changes associated with heating of cytochrome c. For the present HPLC-FABMS system, approximately 5 nmol of protein were used for each determination. Results of this investigation indicate that the combination of protein fragmentation and HPLC-FABMS is relatively free of constraints associated with other analytical methods used for this purpose and may be a general method for determining hydrogen exchange rates in specific segments of proteins.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method that substantially improves the sensitivity of high-performance liquid chromatography hydrogen exchange-mass spectrometry (HPLC HX MS). The success of this method relies on using a capillary HPLC column (0.1mm IDx5cmL) to increase the sensitivity of electrospray ionization, while keeping analysis times short to minimize hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange. A small, immobilized pepsin column and a capillary C18 trap were included in the capillary HPLC MS system to provide rapid digestion, peptide concentration, and desalting while maintaining slow H/D exchange conditions. To minimize the analysis time, dead volumes and capacities of all components were optimized. Fully deuterated cytochrome c and its fully deuterated peptic peptides were used to evaluate deuterium recovery at amide linkages. The deuterium recovery measured at low flow rates using this system spanned a range of 66-77% (average of 71%), which was similar to the range measured for a much larger system (67-80%, average 75%). Signal levels of most peptides for the downsized system increased by about 100-fold compared with the signal for the larger system. These results greatly strengthen the HPLC HX MS technique for studies where the quantity of protein is small.  相似文献   

Disordered or unstructured regions of proteins, while often very important biologically, can pose significant challenges for resonance assignment and three‐dimensional structure determination of the ordered regions of proteins by NMR methods. In this article, we demonstrate the application of 1H/2H exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) for the rapid identification of disordered segments of proteins and design of protein constructs that are more suitable for structural analysis by NMR. In this benchmark study, DXMS is applied to five NMR protein targets chosen from the Northeast Structural Genomics project. These data were then used to design optimized constructs for three partially disordered proteins. Truncated proteins obtained by deletion of disordered N‐ and C‐terminal tails were evaluated using 1H‐15N HSQC and 1H‐15N heteronuclear NOE NMR experiments to assess their structural integrity. These constructs provide significantly improved NMR spectra, with minimal structural perturbations to the ordered regions of the protein structure. As a representative example, we compare the solution structures of the full length and DXMS‐based truncated construct for a 77‐residue partially disordered DUF896 family protein YnzC from Bacillus subtilis, where deletion of the disordered residues (ca. 40% of the protein) does not affect the native structure. In addition, we demonstrate that throughput of the DXMS process can be increased by analyzing mixtures of up to four proteins without reducing the sequence coverage for each protein. Our results demonstrate that DXMS can serve as a central component of a process for optimizing protein constructs for NMR structure determination. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange in combination with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and near-ultraviolet (UV) circular dichroism (CD) was used to study the conformational properties and thermal unfolding of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and its Cys32-alkylated derivatives in 1% acetic acid (pH 2.7). Thermal unfolding of oxidized (Oxi) and reduced (Red) -thioredoxin (TRX) and Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl (GS-ethyl-TRX) and Cys-32-ethylcysteinyl (Cys-ethyl-TRX), which are derivatives of Red-TRX, follow apparent EX1 kinetics as charge-state envelopes, H/D mass spectral exchange profiles, and near-UV CD appear to support a two-state folding/unfolding model. Minor mass peaks in the H/D exchange profiles and nonsuperimposable MS- and CD-derived melting curves, however, suggest the participation of unfolding intermediates leading to the conclusion that the two-state model is an oversimplification of the process. The relative stabilities as measured by melting temperatures by both CD and mass spectral charge states are, Oxi-TRX, GS-ethyl-TRX, Cys-ethyl-TRX, and Red-TRX. The introduction of the Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl group provides extra stabilization that results from additional hydrogen bonding interactions between the ethylglutathionyl group and the protein. Near-UV CD data show that the local environment near the active site is perturbed to almost an identical degree regardless of whether alkylation at Cys-32 is by the ethylglutathionyl group, or the smaller, nonhydrogen-bonding ethylcysteinyl group. Mass spectral data, however, indicate a tighter structure for GS-ethyl-TRX.  相似文献   

Equine myelin basic protein (MBP) has been isolated from spinal cord and shown to consist of a number of components (charge isomers) by alkaline-urea gel electrophoresis. Mass analyses of several of these components showed that each was posttranslationally modified and some have been identified. Component 1, the most cationic charge isomer, was sequenced by a combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of peptides obtained by proteolytic digestion. At 172 residues it is slightly larger than the bovine (169) and the human (170). A major difference between bovine and equine sequences was the replacement of AQGH (bovine residues 76-79) by SRDG (equine). A number of other replacements involving single amino acids were also found. Methylated arginine (residue 108 equine) was found as both the mono- and the dimethylated derivative and represents the first MS/MS evidence for this modification in any MBP.  相似文献   

Epac2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, regulates a wide variety of intracellular processes in response to second messenger cAMP. In this study, we have used peptide amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to probe the solution structural and conformational dynamics of full-length Epac2 in the presence and absence of cAMP. The results support a mechanism in which cAMP-induced Epac2 activation is mediated by a major hinge motion centered on the C terminus of the second cAMP binding domain. This conformational change realigns the regulatory components of Epac2 away from the catalytic core, making the later available for effector binding. Furthermore, the interface between the first and second cAMP binding domains is highly dynamic, providing an explanation of how cAMP gains access to the ligand binding sites that, in the crystal structure, are seen to be mutually occluded by the other cAMP binding domain. Moreover, cAMP also induces conformational changes at the ionic latch/hairpin structure, which is directly involved in RAP1 binding. These results suggest that in addition to relieving the steric hindrance imposed upon the catalytic lobe by the regulatory lobe, cAMP may also be an allosteric modulator directly affecting the interaction between Epac2 and RAP1. Finally, cAMP binding also induces significant conformational changes in the dishevelled/Egl/pleckstrin (DEP) domain, a conserved structural motif that, although missing from the active Epac2 crystal structure, is important for Epac subcellular targeting and in vivo functions.  相似文献   

Oligomeric proteins generally undergo unfolding through a dissociation/denaturation mechanism wherein the subunits first dissociate and then unfold. This mechanism can be detected by the fact that the proteins exhibit a concentration dependence of the denaturation curve. However, the concentration dependence does not answer the question of whether there are thermally induced conformational changes that facilitate subunit dissociation. To fully probe these mechanisms it is desirable to have an analytical approach that is capable of measuring both subunit dissociation and protein denaturation in a highly sensitive manner. In this article, we demonstrate that the combined use of native mass spectrometry to detect subunit mixing, and amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange to detect transient unfolding events can provide a very unique insight into the pre‐melting transitions in a protein oligomer. Both methods keep an isotopic record of each transformation event, without the dependence on equilibrium of the unfolding reaction. Here, we use a combined form of H/D exchange/mass spectrometry and isotopic labeling/native electrospray mass spectrometry to study the pre‐unfolding events of Bacillus subtilis NAD+ synthetase, a symmetrical dimer protein, which plays a vital role in the lifecycle of the bacteria. In the experimental outcome provided, we were able to clearly illustrate that at elevated temperatures, the NAD synthetase dimer undergoes reversible dissociation without monomer unfolding, while at temperatures where monomer unfolding is observed to take place, the rate of dimer dissociation still yet exceeds the rate of unfolding. Information provided by combining these two mass spectrometric methods was found to be very robust, and allowed us to establish an NAD synthetase unfolding model, where primary dissociation occurs prior to the complete unfolding of the NAD+ synthetase.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a bacterial cytochrome c were performed to investigate the lifetime and fluctuations of backbone hydrogen bonds and to correlate these data with protection factors for hydrogen exchange measured by NMR spectroscopy (Bartalesi et al. in Biochemistry, 42:10923–10930, 2003). The MD simulations provide a consistent pattern in that long lifetimes of hydrogen bonds go along with small amplitude fluctuations. In agreement with experiments, differences in stability were found with a rather flexible N-terminal segment as compared with a more rigid C-terminal part. Protection factors of backbone hydrogen exchange correlate strongly with the number of contacts but also with hydrogen-bond occupancy, hydrogen-bond survival times, as well as the inverse of fluctuations of backbone atoms and hydrogen-bond lengths derived from MD simulation data. We observed a conformational transition in the C-terminal loop, and significant motion in the N-terminal loop, which can be interpreted as being the structural units involved in the onset of the protein unfolding process in agreement with experimental evidence on mitochondrial cytochrome c. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Gernot Kieseritzky and Giulia Morra both contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The extent of deuterium labeling of hen lysozyme, its three-disulfide derivative, and the homologous alpha-lactalbumins, has been measured by both mass spectrometry and NMR. Different conformational states of the proteins were produced by varying the solution conditions. Alternate protein conformers were found to contain different numbers of 2H atoms. Furthermore, measurement in the gas phase of the mass spectrometer or directly in solution by NMR gave consistent results. The unique ability of mass spectrometry to distinguish distributions of 2H atoms in protein molecules is exemplified using samples prepared to contain different populations of 2H-labeled protein. A comparison of the peak widths of bovine alpha-lactalbumin in alternate solution conformations but containing the same average number of 2H atoms showed dramatic differences due to different 2H distributions in the two protein conformers. Measurement of 2H distributions by ESI-MS enabled characterization of conformational averaging and structural heterogeneity. In addition, a time course for hydrogen exchange was examined and the variation in distributions of 2H atom compared with simulations for different hydrogen exchange models. The results clearly show that exchange from the native state of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at 15 degrees C is dominated by local unfolding events.  相似文献   

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