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武晓东  阿娟  付和平  金珩 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5999-6017
群落的格局和动态是群落牛态学和生态系统生态学研究中的基础问题,也是揭示群落结构和功能的核心问题。为了深入了解生态系统的结构与功能,研究啮齿动物群落格局在人为不同干扰下的动态特征,特别是研究荒漠区的脆弱生态系统中啮齿动物群落格局在人为不同干扰下的动态特征,是揭示人为干扰下荒漠生态系统结构和功能变化特征的基础。2002~2004年在内蒙古阿拉善典型荒漠区,选择了4种不同干扰条件的生境,分别为禁牧区、过牧区、轮牧区和开垦区,研究了人为不同干扰下啮齿动物群落格局的变动趋势,应用典型相关方法分析了啮齿动物群落与植物群落在不同干扰条件下的相互关系。结果表明,在两种观察尺度域上(标志样地和线路样地)动物群落变量与植物群落变量的相关关系表现为:动物群落变量与植物群落变量中的草本关系最为突出,在分析的两个尺度的8个样地中,除标志样地的过牧区外,其它7个样地均与草本关系密切,且绝大多数样地动物群落变量与草本的盖度和地上生物量呈负相关关系。这说明荒漠生态系统中,在4种干扰条件下,草本的特性,特别是草本的盖度和地上生物量对啮齿动物群落格局及其动态变化起到关键作用,其值越大,啮齿动物群落组成种的丰富度(数量)和生物量就越小。就同一种干扰条件下的两种尺度域上的情况看,动物群落和植物群落的相关性较突出的特点是:在禁牧区和开垦区,喜湿的种类(黑线仓鼠和草原黄鼠)与植被的相关性显著,在轮牧区和过牧区,喜旱的种类(小毛足鼠和三趾跳鼠)与植被的相关性显著,且均与草本呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

Murid rodents are considered globally important invasive species, yet they are still sold in the pet trade. Little is known about the genetic diversity of traded rodents, and many species are incorrectly identified in the pet trade. We used mitochondrial gene regions to assess the taxonomy and genetic diversity of 149 rodents sold in pet shops across eight South African provinces. We identified a total of 112 specimens as Mus musculus, while 31 were Rattus norvegicus, and six were identified as the southern African endemic, southern multimammate mouse Mastomys coucha. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the three species were monophyletic. Mus musculus and R. norvegicus showed higher levels of genetic diversity, with 19 unique mtDNA haplotypes recovered for M. musculus and eight haplotypes for R. norvegicus. KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng Provinces had the most unique haplotypes than other provinces. Our findings showed that non-native species are widely distributed in the South African pet trade industry, while M. coucha was not widely traded, although recorded in three provinces. This suggests that most provinces comply with the trade regulations on native species, but the threat of invasive rodents to South Africa's unique biodiversity is highlighted.  相似文献   

袁帅  付和平  武晓东  兴安  甘红军  岳秀贤 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4795-4806
放牧被认为是草地生态系统的主要干扰之一。许多研究表明,放牧影响了啮齿动物的个体条件、繁殖、种群动态、群落组成及群落多样性等多个方面。由于受传统统计学方法的限制,这些研究只是单独的对放牧作用进行假设检验,而没有将多个假设放在同一个框架内进行验证。2006—2011年,采用标志重捕法对内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区不同放牧生境中啮齿动物优势种的数量进行研究并使用结构方程建模的方法将可能影响荒漠啮齿动物优势种的环境因子(气候条件、土壤硬度、植物隐蔽、植物生物量等19个指标)与啮齿动物优势种种群动态结合后进行多假设检验,旨在找出不同放牧干扰下制约优势啮齿动物环境因子的发生途径。结果表明:气候条件对五趾跳鼠和三趾跳鼠有直接不利影响,隐蔽对于两足活动的五趾跳鼠有负效应,而对四足活动的子午沙鼠有正效应。植物生物量对五趾跳鼠有正效应,但对子午沙鼠有负效应。土壤硬度的增加间接的有利于五趾跳鼠,对子午沙鼠有直接的正效应。因此荒漠啮齿动物优势种种群动态是多个过程共同作用的结果,气候条件是驱动啮齿动物种群动态的根本原因,而放牧会因为改变植物隐蔽而影响啮齿动物在群落中的组成。  相似文献   

Chronic treatment with inorganic lead (Pb) has been shown to increase the proportion of arachidonic acid (ArA), as well as the arachidonate/linoleate (ArA/LA) ratio, in the fatty acids of lipids from a variety of avian tissues. Changes in two fatty acid-mediated phenomena, peroxidation of membrane lipids and synthesis of eicosanoid cytokines, are associated with this enhanced ArA content. The authors are not aware of any reports in the literature in which these effects of Pb have been described for any animals other than birds. In the current study, the authors investigated the effect of Pb on lipid metabolism in three species: avian, rodent, and human. The group of children identified as suffering environmental Pb exposure were from a Pb-surveillance program and had blood Pb concentrations (PbB) averaging 23 μg/dL. Turkey poults fed 100 ppm dietary Pb as Pb acetate-trihydrate for 19 d had a PbB of 46 μg/dL. Gastric intubation of rats with 80 mg Pb/kg/d for 10 d resulted in a PbB of 74 μg/dL. We analyzed fatty acid composition of whole blood from children, poults, and virgin rats. Low-dose (nongrowth inhibitory) Pb exposure resulted in significantly increased ArA concentration and ArA/LA ratio in blood from all species. Also analyzed were plasma and liver of poults, virgin rats, and pregnant rats and their fetuses. In plasma and liver from Pb-treated poults and virgin rats, ArA and the ArA/LA ratio were again enhanced. Pb intoxication also affected ω3 composition, increasing the concentrations of all long-chain ω3 fatty acids of fetuses from Pb-treated pregnant dams. The authors propose that altered fatty acid metabolism may be responsible for some indications of Pb poisoning. Possible consequences mediated through lipid peroxidation and production of ArA-derivative eicosanoids are considered.  相似文献   

Summary A well developed system of ependymal glial cells with long basilar processes stretching to the surface of the brain (tanycytes, Horstmann, 1954) has been described in the basal hypothalamus of Coturnix quail. The tanycytes both in the median eminence and the ventro-lateral hypothalamus form a link between the third ventricle and the hypophysial circulation. The processes of the ventro-lateral tanycytes terminate in the region of the infundibular sulcus in apposition to a loose network of vessels which are continuous with the primary plexus of the hypophysial portal system.Within the median eminence, the subependymal capillary network connects the vasculature of the contra-lateral sides of hypothalamus. There are no direct connections with the hypophysial portal vessels.With the aid of the light and electron microscope the ventricular ependyma was divided into a dorsal typical region and two glandular regions (ventro-lateral and ventral). Each region contains different forms of tanycyte. One of the two forms of tanycyte (designated type 3) associated with the ventro-lateral glandular ependyma has no contact with the third ventricle.Ultrastructural studies on the glandular ependyma failed to show any obvious differences between castrated, oestrogen or testosterone implanted, and sexually mature or immature quail.The possibility that the tanycyte-vascular system may have a neuroendocrine role is discussed.I am indebted to Professor A. Oksche, Dept. of Anatomy, University of Giessen for providing research facilities and to The Royal Society for additional financial support.  相似文献   

Evolutionary plasticity is limited, to a certain extent, by phylogenetic constraints. We asked whether the diel activity patterns of animals reflect their phylogenies by analyzing daily activity patterns in the order Rodentia. We carried out a literature survey of activity patterns of 700 species, placing each in an activity time category: diurnal, nocturnal, or active at both periods (a-rhythmic). The proportion of rodents active at these categories in the entire order, was compared to the activity patterns of species of different families for which we had data for over ten species each: Dipodidae, Echimyidae, Geomyidae, Heteromyidae, Muridae, and Sciuridae. Activity times of rodents from different habitat types were also compared to the ordinal activity time pattern. We also calculated the probability that two random species (from a particular subgroup: family, habitat, etc.) will be active in the same period of the day and compared it to this probability with species drawn from the entire order. Activity patterns at the family level were significantly different from the ordinal pattern, emphasizing the strong relationship between intra-family taxonomic affiliation and daily activity patterns. Large families (Muridae and Sciuridae) analyzed by subfamilies and tribes showed a similar but stronger pattern than that of the family level. Thus it is clear that phylogeny constrains the evolution of activity patterns in rodents, and may limit their ability to use the time niche axis for ecological separation. Rodents living in cold habitats differed significantly from the ordinal pattern, showing more diurnal and a-rhythmic activity patterns, possibly due to physiological constraints. Ground-dwelling rodents differed significantly, showing a high tendency towards a-rhythmic activity, perhaps reflecting their specialized habitat. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The structuring of populations at small scales has important consequences for ecological relationships and may contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity within populations. As an example we tested the effects of variation in nectar production rates (NPR) on pollinator visitation in experimental populations of Echium vulgare with different spatial arrangements. Bumblebees discriminate between groups of plants with different NPRs only when these groups are separated by distances larger than 6 m. Within groups, plants with high and low NPR receive similar numbers of approaches. Plants with high NPR increase the average number of approaches to all plants in the group; therefore, plants with low NPR benefit from nectar-rich plants nearby. These results demonstrate that the effects of NPR on pollinator service depend on the spatial structuring of the population. We suggest that this may help to explain the large genetic differences in NPR that we find for E. vulgare at our study site.  相似文献   

The four kinds of sites under different kinds of human disturbances, i.e. a farmland area, a rotational-grazing area, an over-grazing area and a prohibited-grazing area, were selected in the typical region of the Alashan Desert of Inner Mongolia from April to October in 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively. The fluctuating tendency of rodent communities and the sensitive response of their populations were studied using mark-recapture and trap-day methods. The four kinds of mark-recapture samples and line samples were taken in different human disturbance areas. The area of the mark-recapturing sample was 0.95 hm2 and that of the line sample was 10 km2. The samples were collected every month in the mark-recapturing sites for four consecutive days and in line sites in April, July and October every year. The variable matrix was composed of the numbers of captured rodents of the rodent communities. The sensitive response of the populations in the communities was analyzed with principal component analysis (PCA). Results showed that there were different types of rodent communities under different kinds of human disturbance on two scales in three years. In each scale, there were large differences in both the number of species and the number of main population in the rodent communities under different kinds of human disturbance on the farmland area and over-grazing area especially. The results of PCA showed that the sensitive response of the populations of the communities was significantly different under different kinds of human disturbance on the two scales in the three years. Cricetulus barabensis was the most sensitive on the farmland area, there were no differences in sensitive response of the various rodents on the rotational-grazing area, and Dipus sagitta and Phodopus roborovskii were the most sensitive in the over-grazing area.  相似文献   

武晓东  付和平 《生态学报》2006,26(3):849-861
2002~2004年,在阿拉善荒漠区的典型地区,选择了4种不同干扰条件的样地,分别为开垦区、轮牧区、过牧区和禁牧区,在两种尺度上研究啮齿动物群落的变动趋势及其种群的敏感性反应,在每种干扰条件的地段设计了标志流放区,面积为0.95hm2,采用标志重捕法,每月连捕4d,同时在4种不同干扰条件的地区选择了4条线路取样,每条线路面积约10 km2,采用铗日法调查,分别在4、7、10月份取样.用不同干扰条件下每个群落组成种的捕获量构成变量矩阵,应用PCA(主成分分析)方法分析群落中种群对不同干扰条件的敏感性反应.结果表明,3个年度中在两个观察尺度上,啮齿动物群落的格局在4种不同的干扰条件下表现出不同特征,各个群落的组成种类和主要种类的数量均有较大差异,特别是在开垦区和过牧区两种干扰条件下啮齿动物群落的组成种类及主要种类的数量均有较大的改变.同时PCA分析结果表明,在3个年度的两种观察尺度上,啮齿动物群落中的主要种群在4种不同干扰条件下的敏感性反应具有明显的差别.在开垦区黑线仓鼠的敏感性反应最强,在禁牧区的反应也较明显;在轮牧区各鼠种的敏感性反应差别不明显,而在过牧区三趾跳鼠和小毛足鼠的反应最强.  相似文献   

The four kinds of sites under different kinds of human disturbances, i.e. a farmland area, a rotational-grazing area, an over-grazing area and a prohibited-grazing area, were selected in the typical region of the Alashan Desert of Inner Mongolia from April to October in 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively. The fluctuating tendency of rodent communities and the sensitive response of their populations were studied using mark-recapture and trap-day methods. The four kinds of mark-recapture samples and line samples were taken in different human disturbance areas. The area of the mark-recapturing sample was 0.95 hm2 and that of the line sample was 10 km2. The samples were collected every month in the mark-recapturing sites for four consecutive days and in line sites in April, July and October every year. The variable matrix was composed of the numbers of captured rodents of the rodent communities. The sensitive response of the populations in the communities was analyzed with principal component analysis (PCA). Results showed that there were different types of rodent communities under different kinds of human disturbance on two scales in three years. In each scale, there were large differences in both the number of species and the number of main population in the rodent communities under different kinds of human disturbance on the farmland area and over-grazing area especially. The results of PCA showed that the sensitive response of the populations of the commu nities was significantly different under different kinds of human disturbance on the two scales in the three years. Cricetulus barabensis was the most sensitive on the farmland area, there were no differences in sensitive response of the various rodents on the rotational-grazing area, and Dipus sagitta and Phodopus roborovskii were the most sensitive in the over-grazing area. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(3): 849–861 [译自:生态学报]  相似文献   

In several groups of mammals, adaptation to differing functional demands is reflected in long bone cross-sectional properties (CSP), which relate to the resistance to compression and to bending loads in the craniocaudal and mediolateral directions. Members of the Sciuromorpha (“squirrel-like” rodents) display a diversity of locomotor ecologies and span three orders of magnitude in terms of body size. The availability of robust phylogenies is rendering them a suitable group to further substantiate the relationship of long bone CSP with locomotor ecology and body mass while taking the phylogenetic non-independence among species into account. Here, we studied 69 species of Sciuromorpha belonging to three lifestyle categories, “arboreal,” “fossorial,” and “aerial” (i.e., gliding). We hypothesized locomotor category specific loading regimes that act on femora during predominant or, in terms of gliding, critical locomotor behaviors of each category. High resolution computed tomography scans of the specimens' femora were obtained and cross-sections in 5% increments were analyzed. Cross-sectional area, the craniocaudal second moment of area (SMAcc), and the mediolateral second moment of area were quantified. Further, a scaling analysis was conducted for each bone cross-section to examine how the CSP scale with body mass. Body mass accounted for variances in CSP with mainly positive allometry. The aerial sciuromorphs showed lower values of CSP compared to the arboreal and fossorial species in the distal epiphysis for all quantified parameters and along the bone for SMAcc. In contrast to previous studies on other mammalian lineages, no differences in CSP were found between the fossorial and the arboreal lifestyles.  相似文献   

中国西部干旱地区啮齿动物多样性分布格局   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
周立志  马勇 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):T001-T003
在系统整理我国西部干旱地区啮齿动物的分布资料,获得物种分布范围的基础上,应用GIS软件,基于等面积栅格系统,研究啮齿动物的等级多样性,探讨啮齿动物物种的区域分化特征。结果表明,祁连山地和北塔山、伊犁天山、阿拉套山和阿尔泰山地,以及贺兰山地等处的啮齿动物的属数最高;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的属数最低。阿尔泰山南麓、伊犁天山和东祁连山地的啮齿动物科数最多;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的科数较少。在青藏高原的周边,寒漠与温性荒漠、荒漠与山地、高原与盆地、荒漠与草原、山地与草原等景观的交界处,多样性指数较高。蒙新荒漠区的啮齿动物的属科数比相对较高,青藏高原的属科数比值较低,但青藏高原的种属数比值相对较高,而且GF指数亦较高。  相似文献   

Extinction rates for terrestrial rodent species from palaeontological sites in the Meade Basin of southwestern Kansas and an archaeological site in New Mexico are compared with extinction rates for modern rodents from locations affected by anthropogenic activities. Background extinction rates are defined as global extinctions occurring over proscribed intervals in the absence of significant environmental perturbations. Background rates for the Meade Basin are estimated at 0–~1.0 E/MSY (extinctions per million species years). Elevated rates from 1.4 to 6.25 E/MSY are associated with volcanic events and Late Pleistocene environmental change. These rates are considerably less than those for rodent extinction rates promoted by human activities during the Holocene, the latter ranging from 42.3 to 50,000 E/MSY.  相似文献   

Aim To document the elevational pattern of epiphyte species richness at the local scale in the tropical Andes with a consistent methodology. Location The northern Bolivian Andes at 350–4000 m above sea level. Methods We surveyed epiphytic vascular plant assemblages in humid forests in (a) single trees located in (b) 90 subplots of 400 m2 each located in (c) 14 plots of 1 ha each. The plots were separated by 100–800 m along the elevational gradient. Results We recorded about 800 epiphyte species in total, with up to 83 species found on a single tree. Species richness peaked at c. 1500 m and declined by c. 65% to 350 m and by c. 99% to 4000 m, while forests on mountain ridges had richness values lowered by c. 30% relative to slope forests at the same elevations. The hump‐shaped richness pattern differed from a null‐model of random species distribution within a bounded domain (the mid‐domain effect) as well as from the pattern of mean annual precipitation by a shift of the diversity peak to lower elevations and by a more pronounced decline of species richness at higher elevations. With the exception of Araceae, which declined almost monotonically, all epiphyte taxa showed hump‐shaped curves, albeit with slightly differing shapes. Orchids and pteridophytes were the most species‐rich epiphytic taxa, but their relative contributions shifted with elevation from a predominance of orchids at low elevations to purely fern‐dominated epiphyte assemblages at 4000 m. Within the pteridophytes, the polygrammoid clade was conspicuously overrepresented in dry or cold environments. Orchids, various small groups (Cyclanthaceae, Ericaceae, Melastomataceae, etc.), and Bromeliaceae (below 1000 m) were mostly restricted to the forest canopy, while Araceae and Pteridophyta were well represented in the forest understorey. Main conclusions Our study confirms the hump‐shaped elevational pattern of vascular epiphyte richness, but the causes of this are still poorly understood. We hypothesize that the decline of richness at high elevations is a result of low temperatures, but the mechanism involved is unknown. The taxon‐specific patterns suggest that some taxa have a phylogenetically determined propensity for survival under extreme conditions (low temperatures, low humidity, and low light levels in the forest interior). The three spatial sampling scales show some different patterns, highlighting the influence of the sampling methodology.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the spermatozoon from the Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber (Family: Castoridae), was determined and compared to that of other sciuromorph rodents. The beaver spermatozoon has a head, which is variable in form but usually paddle-shaped, with a small nucleus and very large acrosome, and a tail that is relatively short compared to that of most other rodents. Transmission electron microscopy indicates that in most testicular spermatozoa the acrosome projects apically, although in a few it becomes partly flexed. During the final stages of maturation, however, the acrosome becomes highly folded so that the apical segment comes to lie alongside part of the acrosome that occurs lateral to the nucleus, with, in some cases, fusion taking place between the outer acrosomal membranes. The sperm nucleus is wedge-shaped, being broader basally and narrowing apically with an occasional large nuclear vacuole occurring. This spermatozoon structure is markedly different from that found in the other species of Geomyoidea, which is the sister group of the Castoridae. The findings thus emphasize the highly divergent nature of the beaver spermatozoon and demonstrate that, within the proposed Infraorder Castorimorpha, very large differences in sperm structure have evolved.  相似文献   

We have used confocal microangiography to examine and describe the vascular anatomy of the developing zebrafish, Danio rerio. This method and the profound optical clarity of zebrafish embryos make it possible to view the entire developing vasculature with unprecedented resolution. A staged series of three-dimensional images of the vascular system were collected beginning shortly after the onset of circulation at 1 day postfertilization through early- to midlarval stages at approximately 7 days postfertilization. Blood vessels in every region of the animal were imaged at each stage, and detailed "wiring patterns" were derived describing the interconnections between every major vessel. We present an overview of these data here in this paper and in an accompanying Web site "The interactive atlas of zebrafish vascular anatomy" online at (http://eclipse.nichd.nih.gov/nichd/lmg/redirect.html). We find a highly dynamic but also highly stereotypic pattern of vascular connections, with different sets of primitive embryonic vessels severing connections and rewiring in new configurations according to a reproducible plan. We also find that despite variation in the details of the vascular anatomy, the basic vascular plan of the developing zebrafish shows strong similarity to that of other vertebrates. This atlas will provide an invaluable foundation for future genetic and experimental studies of vascular development in the zebrafish.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder of high prevalence and major socioeconomic impact. Patients suffering from PTSD typically present intrusion and avoidance symptoms and alterations in arousal, mood and cognition that last for more than 1 month. Animal models are an indispensable tool to investigate underlying pathophysiological pathways and, in particular, the complex interplay of neuroendocrine, genetic and environmental factors that may be responsible for PTSD induction. Since the 1960s, numerous stress paradigms in rodents have been developed, based largely on Seligman's seminal formulation of ‘learned helplessness’ in canines. Rodent stress models make use of physiological or psychological stressors such as foot shock, underwater trauma, social defeat, early life stress or predator‐based stress. Apart from the brief exposure to an acute stressor, chronic stress models combining a succession of different stressors for a period of several weeks have also been developed. Chronic stress models in rats and mice may elicit characteristic PTSD‐like symptoms alongside, more broadly, depressive‐like behaviours. In this review, the major existing rodent models of PTSD are reviewed in terms of validity, advantages and limitations; moreover, significant results and implications for future research—such as the role of FKBP5, a mediator of the glucocorticoid stress response and promising target for therapeutic interventions—are discussed.  相似文献   

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