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Many gram-negative bacteria produce and excrete siderophores, which complex iron with high affinity in the environment. The ferric siderophore complexes are transported across the outer membrane by receptor proteins. This process requires energy and is TonB dependent and must involve conformational changes in the receptor proteins to allow the transport of the ferric siderophores from the extracellular binding site to the periplasm. There is a large variety in the structures, molecular weights and charges among the siderophores. It was therefore realized that when the sequences of the many different receptor proteins were compared, simultaneously, all identities and close similarities, found in this manner, could only be due to residues involved in the conformational changes and transport mechanism, common to all the proteins, and not be due to the specificity of ligand recognition. Once the crystal structures of FepA, FhuA and FecA became available, it was immediately clear that the sequence similarities which were found in the simultaneous alignment, were all localized in a few structural domains, which are identical in the three structures and can therefore be expected to be maintained in all the proteins in this family. One of these domains, tentatively named the lock region, consists of 10 residues with a central quadrupole formed by two arginines and two glutamates, from the plug region and the beta barrel. We mutated several of these residues in FepA. All showed normal binding in quantitative binding studies. Some showed normal transport as well, however, the majority showed moderate to severe defective transport with ferric enterobactin. The results therefore show the validity of the hypothesis that the simultaneous sequence alignment will select the residues involved in the transport function of the receptor proteins. In addition the results allow to relate the severity of the transport deficiency to be correlated with the structure of the lock region while it is also possible to propose a function of this region in the conformational changes of the protein during the transport of the ligand from the binding site to the periplasm.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Escherichia coli strains mainly isolated from children with diarrhea in São Paulo, and showing characteristics of enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), were characterized by serotyping and outer membrane protein (OMP) profiles. The relationship between these characteristics was evaluated, as well as the usefulness of OMP profiles in the clonal analysis of EAEC strains. All strains presented aggregative adherence to HeLa cells and were classified in two groups based on their interaction with the EAEC DNA probe. A diversity of serotypes and OMP profiles was observed in both groups studied. Although no significant correlation between serotypes and OMP profiles was observed, unique OMP profiles were identified in 80% of the probe-positive strains which were distributed in only 4 OMP profiles. This result may indicate the presence of a few clones in the probe-positive group. On the other hand, probe-negative strains seem to constitute a more diverse group. In general, the observed heterogeneity in serotypes and OMP profiles described in the present study suggest a great genetic diversity in EAEC isolates of either the same or different serotypes and in strains presenting the same EAEC markers identified in our community.  相似文献   

A gene upstream from fimA, the gene encoding fimbrilin, on the chromosome of Porphyromonas gingivalis was sequenced and shown to be the gene encoding an outer membrane protein in this organism based on homology and biochemical analyses. Therefore, the gene (formerly ORF5) was designated pgmA, the P. gingivalis outer membrane protein A gene. The gene product, PgmA, was sensitive to protease, and was detected as a 60-kDa protein from wild-type strains with trichloroacetic acid treatment, which was carried out to destroy intrinsic proteases, and from protease-deficient mutants without this treatment prior to electrophoresis. PgmA was indeed present in the membrane fraction. Its nature was determined to be that of outer membrane proteins in gram-negative bacteria based on attempts at differential extraction of inner membrane proteins with detergents. No evidence has been found thus far from functional analyses that this protein is related to fimbrial morphogenesis and functions or to serum resistance of this organism.  相似文献   

FhuA (Mr 78,992, 714 amino acids), siderophore receptor for ferrichrome-iron in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, was affinity tagged, rapidly purified, and crystallized. To obtain FhuA in quantities sufficient for crystallization, a hexahistidine tag was genetically inserted into the fhuA gene after amino acid 405, which resides in a known surface-exposed loop. Recombinant FhuA405.H6 was overexpressed in an E. coli strain that is devoid of several major porins and using metal-chelate chromatography was purified in large amounts to homogeneity. FhuA crystals were grown using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique and were suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. On a rotating anode X-ray source, diffraction was observed to 3.0 A resolution. The crystals belong to space group P6(1) or P6(5) with unit cell dimensions of a=b=174 A, c=88 A (alpha=beta=90 degrees, gamma=120 degrees).  相似文献   

Abstract Outer membranes of Escherichia coli K-12 were used to isolate hybridoma cell lines that produce monoclonal antibodies against the FhuA (TonA) protein. Two monoclonal antibodies were obtained from independent immunization and fusion experiments. The antibodies belonged to the subclass IgG1 and κ, and IgG2b and κ, respectively. The latter antibody was purified by affinity chromatography on protein A-Sepharose. The culture supernatants of the hybridoma cell lines and the isolated antibody inhibited adsorption of the phages T5 and T1 to E. coli cells while binding of phage ø80, which also uses the FhuA protein as a receptor, remained unaffected. The specificity of the antibodies to the FhuA protein was supported by the prevention of killing of cells by colicin M and by the lack of inhibition of colicin B and of phage BG23. Transport of iron(III) as ferrichrome complex was not inhibited by the isolated antibody. However, partial competition with the adsorption of the phages T2, TuIb and T6 was observed which may indicate an organization of certain functional phage receptors into clusters.  相似文献   

Many new Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins have recently been identified by proteomics techniques. However, poorly expressed proteins and proteins expressed only under certain conditions may escape detection when wild-type cells are grown under standard conditions. Here, we have taken a complementary approach where candidate outer membrane proteins have been identified by bioinformatics prediction, cloned and overexpressed, and finally localized by cell fractionation experiments. Out of eight predicted outer membrane proteins, we have confirmed the outer membrane localization for five-YftM, YaiO, YfaZ, CsgF, and YliI--and also provide preliminary data indicating that a sixth--YfaL--may be an outer membrane autotransporter.  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria provides a protective barrier for natural occurring inhibitors. Pressure mediated OM permeabilisation therefore contributes to the elimination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella by pressure preservation processes. Pressure mediated inactivation, sublethal injury, and membrane permeabilisation of E. coli were determined using two strains differing in their barotolerance. Pressure treatment of E. coli TMW 2.427 at 300, 500 and 600 MPa for 40 min resulted in a 0, 1, and greater 6 log decrease of viable cell counts, respectively. The kinetics of OM and cytoplasmic membrane permeabilisation after pressure treatment were determined by staining of pressure treated cells with the fluorescent dyes propidium iodide (PI) and 1-N-phenylnaphtylamine (NPN), respectively. A slight increase of PI fluorescence was observed at conditions resulting in a greater 6 log decrease of viable cell counts only. In contrast, increased NPN fluorescence indicating OM permeabilisation was observed prior to cell death and sublethal injury. An on-line assay for determination of pressure mediated OM damage based on NPN fluorescence was established to distinguish between reversible and irreversible OM damage. Generally, the same degree of outer membrane damage was observed by either on line or off line determinations. However, whereas reversible membrane damage occurred fast and in thermodynamic equilibrium with pressure conditions, irreversible outer membrane damage was a time dependent process.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play a fundamental role in human disease and therapy, but suffer from a lack of structural and functional information compared to their soluble counterparts. The paucity of membrane protein structures is primarily due to the unparalleled difficulties in obtaining detergent-solubilized membrane proteins at sufficient levels and quality. We have developed an in vitro evolution strategy for optimizing the levels of detergent-solubilized membrane protein that can be overexpressed and purified from recombinant Escherichia coli. Libraries of random mutants for nine membrane proteins were screened for expression using a novel implementation of the colony filtration blot. In only one cycle of directed evolution were significant improvements of membrane protein yield obtained for five out of nine proteins. In one case, the yield of detergent-solubilized membrane protein was increased 40-fold.  相似文献   

Almost all proteins that reside in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria contain a membrane-spanning segment that folds into a unique β barrel structure and inserts into the membrane by an unknown mechanism. To obtain further insight into outer membrane protein (OMP) biogenesis, we revisited the surprising observation reported over 20 years ago that the Escherichia coli OmpA β barrel can be assembled into a native structure in vivo when it is expressed as two noncovalently linked fragments. Here, we show that disulfide bonds between β strand 4 in the N-terminal fragment and β strand 5 in the C-terminal fragment can form in the periplasmic space and greatly increase the efficiency of assembly of “split” OmpA, but only if the cysteine residues are engineered in perfect register (i.e., they are aligned in the fully folded β barrel). In contrast, we observed only weak disulfide bonding between β strand 1 in the N-terminal fragment and β strand 8 in the C-terminal fragment that would form a closed or circularly permutated β barrel. Our results not only demonstrate that β barrels begin to fold into a β-sheet-like structure before they are integrated into the OM but also help to discriminate among the different models of OMP biogenesis that have been proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of various outer membrane proteins on peptide penetration through the outer membrane in Escherichia coli was assessed by determining peptide transport kinetics in wild type and outer membrane protein-deficient strains. Peptide uptake was measured in whole cells by using a fluorescamine-based assay to monitor continuously the removal of peptides from the medium. Transport data were collected and processed using a microcomputer to give overall K m and V max values for peptide transport in each strain. In the mutants, K m values were changed more markedly then V max values reflecting an alteration in diffusion through the envelope. This approach shows that porins are involved in facilitating peptide penetration and that the OmpF channel appears to be more important than either OmpC or PhoE proteins. The loss of OmpA protein also decreases outer membrane permeability towards peptides, although whether this protein forms pores itself or exists more to maintain the functional integrity of other proteins is not known.  相似文献   

Abstract The conformation of the outer membrane protein OmpA of Escherichia coli produced in Bacillus subtilis and solubilized in Sarkosyl was studied by measuring its ability to bind OmpA-specific phage K3 and to inhibit F-mediated conjugation. The partially purified protein was inactive in both these assays. Refolding of the protein in the presence of lipopolysaccharide resulted in preparations with full phage-binding and conjugation-inhibiting capacity, indicating the formation of surface-exposed loops of OmpA of native conformation. The finding is of importance for the potential use of outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria as vaccines.  相似文献   

Results of studies, mostly using the outer membrane, 325 residue protein OmpA, are reviewed which concern its translocation across the plasma membrane and incorporation into the outer membrane ofEscherichia coli. For translocation, neither a unique export signal, acting in a positive fashion within the mature part of the precursor, nor a unique conformation of the precursor is required. Rather, the mature part of a secretory protein has to be export-compatible. Export-incompatibility can be caused by a stretch of 16 (but not 8 or 12) hydrophobic residues, too low a size of the polypeptide (smaller than 75 residue precursors), net positive charge at the N-terminus, or lack of a turn potential at the same site. It is not yet clear whether binding sites for chaperonins (SecB, trigger factor, GroEL) within OmpA are importantin vivo. The mechanism of sorting of outer membrane proteins is not yet understood. The membrane part of OmpA, encompassing residues 1 to about 170, it thought to traverse the membrane eight times in antiparallel -sheet conformation. At least the structure of the last -strand (residues 160–170) is of crucial importance for membrane assembly. It must be amphiphilic or hydrophobic, these properties must extend over at least nine residues, and it must not contain a proline residue at or near its center. Membrane incorporation of OmpA involves a conformational change of the protein and it could be that the last -strand initiates folding and assembly in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Changes in the outer membrane subproteome of Escherichia coli along the transition to the viable but nonculturable state (VBNC) were studied. The VBNC state was triggered by exposure of E. coli cells to adverse conditions such as aquatic systems, starvation, suboptimal temperature, visible light irradiation and seawater. The subproteome, obtained according to Molloy et al ., was analysed at the beginning of exposure (inoculum, phase 1), after a variable exposure time (95% of population culturable, phase 2) and when populations were mainly in the VBNC state (95% of cells VBNC, phase 3). Proteome changes were dependent on adverse conditions inducing the transition and were detected mainly in phase 2. The permanence of E. coli cells in seawater under illumination conditions entailed a dramatic rearrangement of the outer membrane subproteome involving 106 new spots, some of which could be identified by peptide fingerprinting. However, proteins exclusive to the VBNC state were not detected.  相似文献   

UGO1 encodes an outer membrane protein required for mitochondrial fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane fusion plays an important role in controlling the shape, number, and distribution of mitochondria. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the outer membrane protein Fzo1p has been shown to mediate mitochondrial fusion. Using a novel genetic screen, we have isolated new mutants defective in the fusion of their mitochondria. One of these mutants, ugo1, shows several similarities to fzo1 mutants. ugo1 cells contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. ugo1 mutants lose mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In zygotes formed by mating two ugo1 cells, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their matrix contents. Fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mtDNA in ugo1 mutants are rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. We find that UGO1 encodes a 58-kD protein located in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Ugo1p appears to contain a single transmembrane segment, with its NH(2) terminus facing the cytosol and its COOH terminus in the intermembrane space. Our results suggest that Ugo1p is a new outer membrane component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery.  相似文献   

The 12 histidine and four cysteine residues of the Fur repressor of Escherichia coli were changed, respectively, to leucine and serine by site-directed mutagenesis of the fur gene. The affects of these mutations were measured in vivo by ligation of the mutated genes to a wild-type fur promoter followed by measurement of the ability of these plasmids to regulate expression of a lacZ fusion in the aerobactin operon. In vitro affects were assayed by insertion of the mutated genes in the expression vector pMON2064 attended by isolation of the altered Fur proteins and appraisal of their capacity to bind to operator DNA. The results suggest that cysteine residues at positions 92 and 95 are important for the activity of the Fur protein.  相似文献   

The outer membrane protein LambB from Escherichia coli has been crystallized from detergent-containing solutions. Several different crystal habits can be obtained under the same ionic and precipitant conditions by altering the detergent head group composition of the protein-detergent mixed micelle or by adding polar organic compounds. Two crystal forms have been partially characterized as P1 and C2221, the former diffracting to beyond 4 A resolution and the latter to 6 A. The detergents used were beta-octyl glucoside, octyl tetraoxyethylene, and octyl polyoxyethylene (polydisperse) either alone or as mixtures. In some experiments, the addition of small nonionic amphiphiles having n-butyl alkyl tails significantly influenced crystallization. The experiments suggest that the detergent region of the mixed micelle plays a critical role in crystal formation. Using the methods developed here for LamB and also for matrix porin (Garavito, R. M., Jenkins, J. A., Jansonius, J. N., Karlsson, R., and Rosenbusch, J. P. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 164, 313-327), an additional protein from the outer membrane, OmpA, has been obtained as a microcrystalline preparation.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins are structurally distinct from those that reside in the inner membrane and play important roles in bacterial pathogenicity and human metabolism. X-ray crystallography studies on >40 different outer membrane proteins have revealed that the transmembrane portion of these proteins can be constructed from either β-sheets or less commonly from α-helices. The most common architecture is the β-barrel, which can be formed from either a single anti-parallel sheet, fused at both ends to form a barrel or from multiple peptide chains. Outer membrane proteins exhibit considerable rigidity and stability, making their study through x-ray crystallography particularly tractable. As the number of structures of outer membrane proteins increases a more rational approach to their crystallization can be made. Herein we analyse the crystallization data from 53 outer membrane proteins and compare the results to those obtained for inner membrane proteins. A targeted sparse matrix screen for outer membrane protein crystallization is presented based on the present analysis.  相似文献   

LamB protein is involved in the transport of maltose across the outer membrane and constitutes the receptor for phage lambda. In this study we characterized six previously described anti-LamB monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Four of these, the E-mAbs, recognized determinants that were exposed at the cell surface, whereas the other two, the I-mAbs, recognized determinants which were not exposed. Competition experiments demonstrated that the domains recognized by these two classes of mAbs were completely distinct. In addition, the E-mAbs prevented LamB from neutralizing phage lambda in vitro and protected LamB against proteolytic degradation, whereas the I-mAbs had no such effects. The E-mAbs have been shown previously to constitute two classes: some E-mAbs inhibit maltose transport in vivo, and others do not. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the I-mAbs also define at least two types of determinants. One of these, which is accessible in membrane fragments from a mutant (lpp) devoid of lipoprotein but not in membrane fragments from an lpp+ strain, probably corresponds to a region of LamB that is involved in the interactions with peptidoglycan. The other determinant, which is fully accessible in LamB-peptidoglycan complexes and in LamB-containing phospholipid vesicles but only slightly accessible in membrane fragments from an lpp mutant, is probably located very close to the inner surface of the outer membrane. LamB also contains at least one additional determinant, which (i) is exposed at the inner surface of the membrane, (ii) is accessible to antibodies in membrane fragments from an lpp+ strain, and (iii) may be involved in the interaction of LamB with the periplasmic maltose-binding protein.  相似文献   

Summary Gene lamB encodes an outer membrane protein involved in maltose and maltodextrin transport as well as phage adsorption. The active form is a trimer. We characterized 11 mutations in lamB, obtained after random insertion of a BamH1 linker and screening for stable immunodetectable mutant proteins. Six mutations resulted in the loss of the distal part of the LamB protein either by deletion (five cases) or frameshift (one case). The six corresponding proteins had all lost the ability to confer phage sensitivity and the capacity to grow on dextrins, and to yield immunnodetectable oligomers. Induction of a high level of the four longest of these proteins was toxic to the cell. Five other mutations were due to in-frame insertions. In four cases, the corresponding proteins still had the ability to yield immunodetectable oligomers, to confer phage sensitivity and the capacity to grow on dextrins and were not toxic on induction. In one case (AJC73), the mutant protein had lost the first three properties and was toxic on induction. Deletions and duplications between some of the inserts were also constructed and studied. To account for our results we present a hypothetical scheme in which trimerization would not only be needed for phage sensitivity and growth on dextrins but also for proper insertion into the outer membrane. The C-terminus of the protein, as well as other regions such as the site of mutation AJC73, would be required for the formation of stable trimers. We tentatively interpret toxicity as due to improper insertion into the outer membrane. Our results also show that it is possible to insert several amino acids (up to 11 in one case) at a number of positions in LamB without appreciably affecting its export and activities.  相似文献   

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