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Chlorate-resistant mutants corresponding to each known genetic locus (chlA, chlB, chlC, chlD, chlE) were isolated from Escherichia coli K-12. All these mutants showed decreased amounts of membrane-bound nitrate reductase, cytochrome b, and formic dehydrogenase, but all had normal succinic dehydrogenase activity. Proteins from the cytoplasmic membranes of these mutants were compared to those of the wild type-on polyacrylamide gels. The addition of nitrate to wild-type anaerobic cultures caused increased formation of three membrane proteins. These same proteins, along with one other, were missing in varying patterns in mutants altered at the different genetic loci. One of the missing proteins was found to be the enzyme nitrate reductase, although this protein was present in some mutants lacking nitrate reductase activity. None of the others has been identified.  相似文献   

Structurally unique among ion channels, ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are essential in coupling cellular metabolism with membrane excitability, and their activity can be reconstituted by coexpression of an inwardly rectifying K+ channel, Kir6.2, with an ATP-binding cassette protein, SUR1. To determine if constitutive channel subunits form a physical complex, we developed antibodies to specifically label and immunoprecipitate Kir6.2. From a mixture of Kir6.2 and SUR1 in vitro-translated proteins, and from COS cells transfected with both channel subunits, the Kir6.2-specific antibody coimmunoprecipitated 38- and 140-kDa proteins corresponding to Kir6.2 and SUR1, respectively. Since previous reports suggest that the carboxy-truncated Kir6.2 can form a channel independent of SUR, we deleted 114 nucleotides from the carboxy terminus of the Kir6.2 open reading frame (Kir6.2ΔC37). Kir6.2ΔC37 still coimmunoprecipitated with SUR1, suggesting that the distal carboxy terminus of Kir6.2 is unnecessary for subunit association. Confocal microscopic images of COS cells transfected with Kir6.2 or Kir6.2ΔC37 and labeled with fluorescent antibodies revealed unique honeycomb patterns unlike the diffuse immunostaining observed when cells were cotransfected with Kir6.2-SUR1 or Kir6.2ΔC37-SUR1. Membrane patches excised from COS cells cotransfected with Kir6.2-SUR1 or Kir6.2ΔC37-SUR1 exhibited single-channel activity characteristic of pancreatic KATP channels. Kir6.2ΔC37 alone formed functional channels with single-channel conductance and intraburst kinetic properties similar to those of Kir6.2-SUR1 or Kir6.2ΔC37-SUR1 but with reduced burst duration. This study provides direct evidence that an inwardly rectifying K+ channel and an ATP-binding cassette protein physically associate, which affects the cellular distribution and kinetic behavior of a KATP channel.  相似文献   

The RCK-containing MthK channel undergoes two inactivation processes: activation-coupled desensitization and acid-induced inactivation. The acid inactivation is mediated by the C-terminal RCK domain assembly. Here, we report that the desensitization gating is governed by a desensitization domain (DD) of the cytoplasmic N-terminal 17 residues. Deletion of DD completely removes the desensitization, and the process can be fully restored by a synthetic DD peptide added in trans. Mutagenesis analyses reveal a sequence-specific determinant for desensitization within the initial hydrophobic segment of DD. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy analyses with synthetic peptides and isolated RCK show interactions between the two terminal domains. Additionally, we show that deletion of DD does not affect the acid-induced inactivation, indicating that the two inactivation processes are mutually independent. Our results demonstrate that the short N-terminal DD of MthK functions as a complete moveable module responsible for the desensitization. Its interaction with the C-terminal RCK domain may play a role in the gating process.  相似文献   

The presence of possible lipid-binding regions in the cytoplasmic or extracellular loops of membrane proteins with an emphasis on protein translocation membrane proteins was investigated in this study using bioinformatics. Recent developments in approaches recognizing lipid-binding regions in proteins were found to be promising. In this study a total bioinformatics approach specialized in identifying lipid-binding helical regions in proteins was explored. Two features of the protein translocation membrane proteins, the position of the transmembrane regions and the identification of additional lipid-binding regions, were analyzed. A number of well-studied protein translocation membrane protein structures were checked in order to demonstrate the predictive value of the bioinformatics approach. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that lipid-binding regions in the cytoplasmic and extracellular loops in protein translocation membrane proteins can be predicted, and it is proposed that the interaction of these regions with phospholipids is important for proper functioning during protein translocation.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a membrane-bound MalE β-galactosidase hybrid protein, when induced by growth of Escherichia coli on maltose, leads to inhibition of cell division and eventually a reduced rate of mass increase. In addition, the relative rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins, but not that of inner membrane proteins, was reduced by about 50%. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that this reduction coincided with the period of maximum synthesis of the hybrid protein (and another maltose-inducible protein, LamB). The accumulation of this abnormal protein in the envelope therefore appeared specifically to inhibit the synthesis, the assembly of outer membrane proteins, or both, indicating that the hybrid protein blocks some export site or causes the sequestration of some limiting factor(s) involved in the export process. Since the MalE protein is normally located in the periplasm, the results also suggest that the synthesis of periplasmic and outer membrane proteins may involve some steps in common. The reduced rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins was also accompanied by the accumulation in the envelope of at least one outer membrane protein and at least two inner membrane proteins as higher-molecular-weight forms, indicating that processing (removal of the N-terminal signal sequence) was also disrupted by the presence of the hybrid protein. These results may indicate that the assembly of these membrane proteins is blocked at a relatively late step rather than at the level of primary recognition of some site by the signal sequence. In addition, the results suggest that some step common to the biogenesis of quite different kinds of envelope protein is blocked by the presence of the hybrid protein.  相似文献   

Tat systems transport folded proteins across energized membranes of bacteria, archaea, and plant plastids. In Escherichia coli, TatBC complexes recognize the transported proteins, and TatA complexes are recruited to facilitate transport. We achieved an abstraction of TatA from membranes without use of detergents and observed a co-purification of PspA, a membrane-stress response protein. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TatA was required for the interaction. Electron microscopy displayed TatA complexes in direct contact with PspA. PspB and PspC were important for the TatA-PspA contact. The activator protein PspF was not involved in the PspA-TatA interaction, demonstrating that basal levels of PspA already interact with TatA. Elevated TatA levels caused membrane stress that induced a strictly PspBC- and PspF-dependent up-regulation of PspA. TatA complexes were found to destabilize membranes under these conditions. At native TatA levels, PspA deficiency clearly affected anaerobic TMAO respiratory growth, suggesting that energetic costs for transport of large Tat substrates such as TMAO reductase can become growth limiting in the absence of PspA. The physiological role of PspA recruitment to TatA may therefore be the control of membrane stress at active translocons.  相似文献   

Galactosyl-mannitol can be transported into cells of Escherichia coli by beta-galactoside permease and can be hydrolyzed rapidly to mannitol and galactose by beta-galactosidase. When a mutant strain lacking enzyme I of the phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system and constitutive in the lactose system was presented with galactosyl-mannitol in which the mannitol moiety was labeled with (3)H, the liberated mannitol remained inside the cell if the Enzyme II complex of the phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system for mannitol was uninduced. It is postualted that one of the enzyme II proteins can still catalyze translocation of mannitol across the cell membrane even when phsophorylation is not possible.  相似文献   

The potassium conductance of the basolateral membrane (BLM) of proximal tubule cells is a critical regulator of transport since it is the major determinant of the negative cell membrane potential and is necessary for pump-leak coupling to the Na+,K+-ATPase pump. Despite this pivotal physiological role, the properties of this conductance have been incompletely characterized, in part due to difficulty gaining access to the BLM. We have investigated the properties of this BLM K+ conductance in dissociated, polarized Ambystoma proximal tubule cells. Nearly all seals made on Ambystoma cells contained inward rectifier K+ channels (γslope, in = 24.5 ± 0.6 pS, γchord, out = 3.7 ± 0.4 pS). The rectification is mediated in part by internal Mg2+. The open probability of the channel increases modestly with hyperpolarization. The inward conducting properties are described by a saturating binding–unbinding model. The channel conducts Tl+ and K+, but there is no significant conductance for Na+, Rb+, Cs+, Li+, NH4+, or Cl. The channel is inhibited by barium and the sulfonylurea agent glibenclamide, but not by tetraethylammonium. Channel rundown typically occurs in the absence of ATP, but cytosolic addition of 0.2 mM ATP (or any hydrolyzable nucleoside triphosphate) sustains channel activity indefinitely. Phosphorylation processes alone fail to sustain channel activity. Higher doses of ATP (or other nucleoside triphosphates) reversibly inhibit the channel. The K+ channel opener diazoxide opens the channel in the presence of 0.2 mM ATP, but does not alleviate the inhibition of millimolar doses of ATP. We conclude that this K+ channel is the major ATP-sensitive basolateral K+ conductance in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The role of the tripeptide glutathione in the growth and survival of Escherichia coli cells has been investigated. Glutathione-deficient mutants leak potassium and have a reduced cytoplasmic pH. These mutants are more sensitive to methylglyoxal than the parent strain, indicating that in the absence of glutathione-dependent detoxification, acidification of the cytoplasm cannot fully protect cells. However, increasing the intracellular pH of the glutathione-deficient strain resulted in enhanced sensitivity to methylglyoxal. This suggests that acidification of the cytoplasm can provide some protection to E. coli cells in the absence of glutathione. In the presence of the Kdp system, glutathione-deficient mutants are highly sensitive to methylglyoxal. This is due to the higher intracellular pH in these cells. In the absence of methylglyoxal, the presence of the Kdp system in a glutathione-deficient strain also leads to an extended lag upon dilution into fresh medium. These data highlight the importance of glutathione for the regulation of the K+ pool and survival of exposure to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   

The relative stability of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli was investigated to determine whether these proteins are degraded at heterogeneous rates and, if so, whether the degradative rates are correlated with the sizes or charges of the proteins. Cells growing in a glucose-limited chemostat with a generation time of 15 h were labeled with [14C]leucine. After allowing 24 h for turnover of 14C-labeled proteins, the cells were labeled for 15 min with [3H]leucine. By this protocol, the rapidly degraded proteins have a high ratio of 3H to 14C, whereas the stable proteins have a lower ratio. The total cell envelope fraction was collected by differential centrifugation, and the proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative ratio for each protein was determined by dividing its 3H/14C ratio by the 3H/14C ratio of the total membrane fraction. Although most of the 125 membrane proteins had relative ratios close to the average for the total membrane fraction, 19 varied significantly from this value. These differences were also observed when the order of addition of [14C]leucine and [3H]leucine was reversed. In control cultures labeled simultaneously with both isotopes, the relative ratios of these 19 proteins were similar to that of the total membrane fraction. Thirteen of these proteins had low relative ratios, which suggested that they were more stable than the average protein. An experiment in which the normal labeling procedure was followed by a 60-min chase period in the presence of excess unlabeled leucine suggested that the low relative ratios of 3 of these 13 proteins may be due to a slow post-translational modification step. Six membrane proteins had high relative ratios, which indicated that they were degraded rapidly. In contrast to the relationships found for soluble proteins in mammalian cells, there were no strong correlations between the degradative rates and either the isoelectric points or the molecular weights of membrane proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

探讨了荧光蛋白作为报告蛋白用于蛋白质转运系统研究的可行性 ,结果表明海葵红色荧光蛋白聚集在细胞质内 ,不能转运至周质空间。而水母绿色荧光蛋白在Tat信号肽和Tat转运酶的共同作用下 ,以折叠形式转运至周质空间。通过荧光定量分析表明信号肽保守序列中的双精氨酸是保证绿色荧光蛋白转运及转运效率所必需的 ,且第二个精氨酸比第一个精氨酸更为重要。同时 ,揭示了Tat信号肽需要一定的高级结构才能行使功能 ;Tat信号肽不仅引导蛋白质的转运 ,而且也参与蛋白质的折叠。因此 ,绿色荧光蛋白是非常理想的报告蛋白 ,可用于研究Tat系统 ,但是海葵红色荧光蛋白易于聚集而不适合于此目的。  相似文献   

Enterococcus hirae ATCC 9790 grew well in Na+-deficient, low-K+ medium, but growth was inhibited by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Growth inhibition and decrease of cellular K+ levels in the presence of CCCP were relieved by the addition of Na+ and a high concentration of K+. In contrast, in the mutant defective in Na+-ATPase or the NtpJ component of the KtrII K+ uptake system, CCCP-induced growth inhibition was rescued by a high concentration of K+ but not of Na+. These transporters are thus indispensable for homeostatis of K+ and Na+ at low proton potential.  相似文献   

Treatment of a partially purified preparation of cell walls of Escherichia coli with Triton X-100 at 23 C resulted in a solubilization of 15 to 25% of the protein. Examination of the Triton-insoluble material by electron microscopy indicated that the characteristic morphology of the cell wall was not affected by the Triton extraction. Contaminating fragments of the cytoplasmic membrane were removed by Triton X-100, including the fragments of the cytoplasmic membrane which were normally observed attached to the cell wall. Treatment of a partially purified cytoplasmic membrane fraction with Triton X-100 resulted in the solubilization of 60 to 80% of the protein of this fraction. Comparison of the Triton-soluble and Triton-insoluble proteins from the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane fractions by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after removal of the Triton by gel filtration in acidified dimethyl formamide indicated that the detergent specifically solubilized proteins of the cytoplasmic membrane. The proteins solubilized from the cell wall fraction were qualitatively identical to those solubilized from the cytoplasmic membrane fraction, but were present in different proportions, suggesting that the fragments of cytoplasmic membrane which are attached to the cell wall are different in composition from the remainder of the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell. Treatment of unfractionated envelope preparations with Triton X-100 resulted in the solubilization of 40% of the protein, and only proteins of the cytoplasmic membrane were solubilized. Extraction with Triton thus provides a rapid and specific means of separating the proteins of the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli.  相似文献   

The gene pth, encoding peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase (Pth), is essential for protein synthesis and viability of Escherichia coli. Two pth mutants have been studied in depth: a pth(Ts) mutant isolated as temperature sensitive and a pth(rap) mutant selected as nonpermissive for bacteriophage lambda vegetative growth. Here we show that each mutant protein is defective in a different way. The Pth(Ts) protein was very unstable in vivo, both at 43 degrees C and at permissive temperatures, but its specific activity was comparable to that of the wild-type enzyme, Pth(wt). Conversely, the mutant Pth(rap) protein had the same stability as Pth(wt), but its specific activity was low. The thermosensitivity of the pth(Ts) mutant, presumably, ensues after Pth(Ts) protein levels are reduced at 43 degrees C. Conditions that increased the cellular Pth(Ts) concentration, a rise in gene copy number or diminished protein degradation, allowed cell growth at a nonpermissive temperature. Antibiotic-mediated inhibition of mRNA and protein synthesis, but not of peptidyl-tRNA drop-off, reduced pth(Ts) cell viability even at a permissive temperature. Based on these results, we suggest that Pth(Ts) protein, being unstable in vivo, supports cell viability only if its concentration is maintained above a threshold that allows general protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Envelope preparations obtained by passing Escherichia coli cells through a French pressure cell were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation into two distinct particulate fractions. The fraction with the higher density was enriched in fragments derived from the cell wall, as indicated by the high content of lipopolysaccharide, the low content of cytochromes, and the similar morphology of the fragments and intact cell walls. The less-dense fraction was enriched in vesicles derived from the cytoplasmic membrane, as indicated by the enrichment of cytochromes, the enzymes lactic and succinic dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase, and the morphological similarity of the vesicles to intact cytoplasmic membrane. Both fractions were rich in phospholipid. The protein composition was compared by mixing the cytoplasmic membrane-enriched fraction from a (3)H-labeled culture with the cell wall-enriched fraction from a (14)C-labeled culture and examining the resulting mixture by gel electrophoresis. Thirty-four bands of radioactive protein were resolved; of these, 27 were increased two- to fourfold in the cytoplasmic membrane-enriched fraction, whereas 6 were similarly increased in the cell wall-enriched fraction. One of the proteins which is clearly localized in the cell wall is the protein with a molecular weight of 44,000, which is the major component of the envelope. This protein accounted for 70% of the total protein of the cell wall, and its occurrence in the envelope from spheroplasts suggests that it is a structural protein of the outer membranous component of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The cellular concentrations of ppGpp in the dnaK(Ts) and dnaJ(Ts) mutants of Escherichia coli were examined, since the thermosensitive RNA synthesis of these mutants is relaxed by an additional mutation in the relA gene. The results showed that ppGpp accumulated extensively in the dnaK(Ts) and dnaJ(Ts) mutants after a temperature shift up, reaching levels of 5 mM and 0.5 mM, respectively. This unusual accumulation of ppGpp was suppressed by the relA1 mutation, implying that it results from induction of a stringent response in these mutants at a nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase in proximal tubule cells is associated with increased endocytosis of its α and β subunits into early and late endosomes via a clathrin vesicle-dependent pathway. In this report we evaluated intracellular signals that could trigger this mechanism, specifically the role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K), the activation of which initiates vesicular trafficking and targeting of proteins to specific cell compartments. DA stimulated PI 3-K activity in a time- and dose-dependent manner, and this effect was markedly blunted by wortmannin and LY 294002. Endocytosis of the Na+,K+-ATPase α subunit in response to DA was also inhibited in dose-dependent manner by wortmannin and LY 294002. Activation of PI 3-K generally occurs by association with tyrosine kinase receptors. However, in this study immunoprecipitation with a phosphotyrosine antibody did not reveal PI 3-K activity. DA-stimulated endocytosis of Na+,K+-ATPase α subunits required protein kinase C, and the ability of DA to stimulate PI 3-K was blocked by specific protein kinase C inhibitors. Activation of PI 3-K is mediated via the D1 receptor subtype and the sequential activation of phospholipase A2, arachidonic acid, and protein kinase C. The results indicate a key role for activation of PI 3-K in the endocytic sequence that leads to internalization of Na+,K+-ATPase α subunits in response to DA, and suggest a mechanism for the participation of protein kinase C in this process.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins constitute 20–30% of all proteins encoded by the genome of various organisms. Large amounts of purified proteins are required for activity and crystallization attempts. Thus, there is an unmet need for a heterologous membrane protein overexpression system for purification, crystallization, and activity determination. We developed a combinatorial method for overexpressing and purifying membrane proteins using Escherichia coli. This method utilizes short hydrophilic bacterial proteins, YaiN and YbeL, fused to the ends of the membrane proteins to serve as facilitating factors for expression and purification. Fourteen prokaryotic and mammalian membrane proteins were expressed using this system. Moderate to high expression was obtained for most proteins, and detergent solubilization combined with a short purification process produced stable, monodispersed membrane proteins. Five of the mammalian membrane proteins, overexpressed using our system, were reconstituted into liposomes and exhibited transport activity comparable with the native transporters.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of Escherichia coli to detergent was examined by isopycnic sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Sodium lauryl sarcosinate (Sarkosyl) was found to disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane selectively under conditions in which Triton X-100 and dodecyl sodium sulfate solubilized all membrane protein. These results were verified by gel electrophoresis; membrane proteins solubilized by Sarkosyl were identical to those of the cytoplasmic membrane. The presence of Mg(2+) during treatment with Sarkosyl was found to afford partial protection of the cytoplasmic membrane from dissolution.  相似文献   

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