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The polymorphism of arsenate tolerance in a Holcus lanatus L. population from an uncontaminated soil was investigated and a high percentage of tolerant individuals (65%) was found in the population studied. Influx of arsenate was highly correlated to arsenate tolerance within the population, with the most tolerant individuals having the lowest rates of arsenate influx. Isotherms for the high affinity arsenate uptake systems were determined in six tolerant and six non-tolerant genotypes. Tolerant plants had the lowest rates of arsenate influx. This was achieved by adaptation of the Vmax of arsenate influx with the Vmax of the high affinity uptake system saturating at lower substrate concentrations in the tolerant plants. The polymorphism is discussed with relation to adaptation to the extreme environments to which the plants are subjected on mine-spoil soils.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant Agrostis stolonifera ecotypes commonly grow on upper salt marshes, environments regarded as having a limited nitrogen supply. The interaction between salinity and nitrate supply limitation was studied in two ecotypes of A. stolonifera, one isolated from an upper salt marsh and one from an inland habitat. The ion, amino acid, glycine betaine and sugar contents of the two ecotypes were determined over a range of external salt concentrations and levels of nitrate supply. In vivo nitrate reductase activity was also measured. Several low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds accumulated in the salt-stressed plants. Nitrogen supply limitation had a great effect on the way in which the plants responded to salt stress. In particular, the concentrations of the soluble organic nitrogenous compounds were reduced. The results are discussed with respect to the salt marsh environment, and possible models for cytoplasmic osmoregulation are presented.Acknowledgements: One of us (MJH) gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a research studentship from the Science Research Council, U.K. We would also like to thank Mrs E. E. Griffiths for skilled technical assistance, and Dr I. Ahmad for help with the amino acid analysis.  相似文献   

Misra  Aparna  Tyler  Germund 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):297-303
Shoot uptake of mineral nutrients (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, mg, Mn, P, S, Zn) by Agrostis stolonifera L. was compared with Festuca ovina L. under wet and dry cycles. Such conditions are typical for A. stolonifera sites, whereas F. ovina is growing mostly on consistently drier and better-drained soils. Plants were grown in a glasshouse, at controlled temperature and light conditions, using two moisture regimes, one constant at 60% WHC (water holding capacity), one wet/dry fluctuating between 35 and 100% WHC. Above ground and total biomass production was lower under wet/dry treatment than at constant water regime in F. ovina, but did not differ between regimes in A. stolonifera. Shoot uptake of most elements was severely reduced in F. ovina at the wet/dry regime. Shoot uptake and concentrations of most elements studied (Cu, K, Mn, P, S, Zn) were lower (p<0.05) under wet/dry treatment than at constant regime in A. stolonifera and tended to be lower also of Fe and Mg. Differences in biomass production observed are consistent with field evidence that A. stolonifera grows in sites which are periodically flooded but may become quite dry during other periods, and that F. ovina is limited to sites which are consistently drier and better drained. Evidence from the present study, however, does not support any view that alternating wet and dry cycles, as typical of A. stolonifera field sites, would be beneficial to nutrient acquisition of this species but that biomass production may develop normally at the lower uptake of most mineral nutrients measured under the wet/dry regime. Such regimes are decidedly unfavourable to both growth and nutrient acquisition of F. ovina.  相似文献   

Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) is one of the most adapted bentgrass species for use on golf course fairways and putting greens because of its high tolerance to low mowing height. It is a highly outcrossing allotetraploid species (2n=4x=28, A2 and A3 subgenomes). The first linkage map in this species is reported herein, and it was constructed based on a population derived from a cross between two heterozygous clones using 169 RAPD, 180 AFLP, and 39 heterologous cereal and 36 homologous bentgrass cDNA RFLP markers. The linkage map consists of 424 mapped loci covering 1,110 cM in 14 linkage groups, of which seven pairs of homoeologous chromosomes were identified based on duplicated loci. The numbering of all seven linkage groups in the bentgrass map was assigned according to common markers mapped on syntenous chromosomes of ryegrass and wheat. The number of markers linked in coupling and repulsion phase was in a 1:1 ratio, indicating disomic inheritance. This supports a strict allotetraploid inheritance in creeping bentgrass, as suggested by previous work based on chromosomal pairing and isozymes. This linkage map will assist in the tagging and eventually in marker-assisted breeding of economically important quantitative traits like disease resistance to dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett) and brown patch (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn).  相似文献   

Sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are commonly present in extraction tailings waters produced as a result of surface mining and affect plants on reclaimed areas. Red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings were demonstrated to be relatively resistant to these high salinity oil sands tailings waters. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of Na2SO4 and NaCl, on growth, tissue ion content, water relations and gas exchange in red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings. In the present study, red-osier dogwood seedlings were grown in aerated half-strength modified Hoagland's mineral solution containing 0, 25, 50 or 100 mM of NaCl or Na2SO4. After four weeks of treatment, plant dry weights decreased and the amount of Na+ in plant tissues increased with increasing salt concentration. Na+ tissue content was higher in plants treated with NaCl than Na2SO4 and it was greater in roots than shoots. However, Cl concentration in the NaCl treated plants was higher in shoots than in roots. The decrease in stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates observed in presence of salts is likely to contribute to the growth reduction. Our results suggest that red-osier dogwood is able to control the transport of Na+ from roots to shoots when external concentrations are 50 mM or less.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA), ethylene, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may be involved in the regulation of plant responses to heat stress. The objective of this study was to determine whether these signaling molecules are involved in survival at high temperatures in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). We investigated the effects of treatment with ABA, SA, H2O2, and ACC (an ethylene precursor) on physiological damage occurring in creeping bentgrass during heat stress (35 °C for 1 month). We also compared the effects of chemical application and the induction of thermotolerance using moderate heat stress (30 °C for 24 h). All of the pre-treatments (heat or chemical) resulted in increased tolerance to prolonged heat stress (1 month) compared to control plants. All treated samples showed more green leaves, decreased membrane leakage and reduced oxidative damage compared to control plants. We then measured changes in the endogenous concentration of these chemical components during heat stress (35 °C) and during recovery after a stress treatment (cooling back to 20 °C). An oxidative burst was detected 5 min after the initiation of heat treatment, with the increase in H2O2 being detected primarily in the apoplast of the cells in both leaf and root tissues. Free SA was detected only an hour after the initiation of heat stress, and concentration remained low subsequently. Neither ABA nor ethylene concentrations rose during heat stress, but the concentration of both increased during subsequent cooling. These results suggest that the signaling components of interest are involved in thermotolerance in creeping bentgrass, but that the different chemicals are likely to be involved in separate signaling pathways. An oxidative burst and SA may be bona fide heat stress signals, but ABA and ethylene appear to be involved in signaling pathways in response to recovery from heat stress in this species.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic and morphological variation was studied in 13 cultivars ofC. lanatus and 31 accessions ofC. colocynthis from Israel. Twelve enzyme systems were assayed, representing 19 loci. We found 12 commercially grown cultivars to be monomorphic at all loci. OneC. lanatus accession collected from Israel is highly polymorphic and carries alleles ofC. colocynthis; this accession is probably a representative of a locally cultivated land race grown by Bedouins for animal feed. Over a range of 500 km two forms ofC. colocynthis were identified: one which grows along the coastal plains of the Mediterranean and the other in the arid Negev and Sinal deserts. A high level of electrophoretic and morphological divergence was found between plants of the two regions, whereas within the ecotypes little variation was observed.  相似文献   

Arsenate and arsenite sensitivity and arsenate influx tests were conducted for two rice cultivars of different arsenic sensitivity, Azucena and Bala. These were to establish if the mechanism of reduced arsenic sensitivity is achieved through an altered phosphate uptake system, as shown for Holcus lanatus. High phosphate treatments (≥50 μM) provided protection against both arsenate and arsenite. Unlike the H. lanatus tolerance mechanism, in the less sensitive cultivar Bala, arsenate influx did not decrease with phosphate treatment and phosphate transporters appeared to be constitutively upregulated; Vmax for arsenate influx remain similar when Bala was grown in the presence or absence of phosphate (Vmax - 0.90 and 0.63 nmol g−1 f.wt min−1 respectively). Although mean Km appear different, Bala did not show lower affinity to arsenate than Azucena in the absence of phosphate (Km - Azucena, 0.30 mM and Bala, 0.18), while in phosphate treatment, Bala arsenate affinity was half that observed for Azucena (Km - Azucena, 0.14 and Bala, 0.36 mM). These were low compared to a 4 and 6 fold decrease seen for similar studies on H. lanatus in the absence and presence of phosphate. Phosphate-induced arsenic protection was observed but the mechanism does not resemble that of H. lanatus. Alternative mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

Detritus based food webs may mediate the impacts of invasive species on ecosystem processes. Holcus lanatus (L.) is an invasive perennial grass that is rapidly spreading in the coastal prairie of California. We used litterbags to determine if H. lanatus altered the rate of litter decomposition through its interaction with the dominant macroinvertebrate detritivore at our study site, the isopod Porcellio scaber (Latreille). Over the course of a year, H. lanatus litter loss was 15% less than annual grasses, a difference that was directly attributable to P. scaber. Although there was no effect of isopods on litter loss during the winter, when most decomposition occurred, isopods had substantial effects on litter loss of annual grasses during the summer. P. scaber had no effect on litter loss of H. lanatus litter. Our findings suggest that H. lanatus invasion slows decomposition in the coastal prairie because it is unusually refractory to an important detritivore. The decreased decomposition of H. lanatus litter, along with increased production during the growing season, lead to a doubling of the end-of-season litter biomass where H. lanatus had invaded.  相似文献   

Maestre FT  Reynolds JF 《Oecologia》2007,151(3):512-520
While it is well-established that the spatial distribution of soil nutrients (soil heterogeneity) influences the competitive ability and survival of individual plants, as well as the productivity of plant communities, there is a paucity of data on how soil heterogeneity and global change drivers interact to affect plant performance and ecosystem functioning. To evaluate the effects of elevated CO2, soil heterogeneity and diversity (species richness and composition) on productivity, patterns of biomass allocation and root foraging precision, we conducted an experiment with grassland assemblages formed by monocultures, two- and three-species mixtures of Lolium perenne, Plantago lanceolata and Holcus lanatus. The experiment lasted for 90 days, and was conducted on microcosms built out of PVC pipe (length 38 cm, internal diameter 10 cm). When nutrients were heterogeneously supplied (in discrete patches), assemblages exhibited precise root foraging patterns, and had higher total, above- and belowground biomass. Greater aboveground biomass was observed under elevated CO2. Species composition affected the below:aboveground biomass ratio and interacted with nutrient heterogeneity to determine belowground and total biomass. Species richness had no significant effects, and did not interact with either CO2 or nutrient heterogeneity. Under elevated CO2 conditions, the two- and three-species mixtures showed a clear trend towards underyielding. Our results show that differences among composition levels were dependent on soil heterogeneity, highlighting its potential role in modulating diversity–productivity relationships. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible to authorized users.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to test the feasibility of introducing barley hva1 gene, a LEA3 member, into perennial grass species using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation technique and to determine whether heterologous expression of hva1 would alleviate water-deficit injury in grass species. Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera var. palustris), a drought-intolerant grass species, was transformed transiently or stably using three different promoters in conjunction with the downstream report/target genes. Two abscisic acid (ABA)-inducible promoters, ABA1 and ABA2 derived from ABA-response complex (ABRC3) were used to examine stress-responsive expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Transient expression of GFP demonstrated the inducibility of ABA1 and ABA2 promoters in response to exogenous ABA application. The ABA2 promoter was further studied for stress-responsive expression of hva1 and a maize Ubi-1 promoter was tested for constitutive expression of the gene. In the T0 generation, the Ubi-1::hva1 transformants displayed variable expression levels of HVA1 protein under normal growth conditions. The hva1 gene in the ABA2::hva1 transformants maintained low expression under well-watered conditions, but was upregulated under water-deficit conditions. The tolerance to water deficit of T0 transgenic lines was assessed by measuring leaf relative water content and visually rating the severity of leaf wilting during to water stress. Under water-stressed conditions, some transgenic lines maintained high water content in leaves and showed significantly less extent of leaf wilting compared with non-transgenic control plants. These results indicated that the introduction of barley hva1 gene using constitutive or stress-inducible promoters lessened water-deficit injury in creeping bentgrass, suggesting that heterologous expression of LEA3 protein genes may enhance the survival ability of creeping bentgrass in water limiting environments.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a native of eastern and central North America, is a leading candidate as a dedicated biofuel feedstock in the US due to its broad adaptability, rapid growth rate, and ability to grow in low production soils. To begin to characterize the important agronomic and ecological traits related to environmental tolerance of switchgrass, we evaluated fitness under stressful growing conditions. We assessed the germination, establishment, performance, and reproductive potential of four common accessions, both upland and lowland ecotypes, at various levels of soil moisture availability (moisture deficit to flooded) in the greenhouse. Seeds emerged and established (55–90% survival) under all soil moisture conditions (−0.3 MPa to flooded). Transplants of lowland ecotypes performed as well in flooded conditions as in field capacity controls, though flooding reduced performance of upland ecotypes. Drought treatments (−4.0 and −11.0 MPa) reduced tiller length and number, leaf area, and biomass production by up to 80%. However, once established, all plants survived at −4.0 MPa and had the same proportion of tillers in flower as at field capacity. The ability of switchgrass to germinate, establish, and flower in low moisture and flooded conditions, particularly lowland ecotypes, may increase the range of environments suitable for biofuel cultivation, and can serve as a baseline for further ecological studies and genetic improvement.  相似文献   

High levels of naturally occurring selenium (Se) are often found in conjunction with different forms of salinity in central California. Plants considered for use in phytoremediation of high Se levels must therefore be salt tolerant. Selenium accumulation was evaluated for the following species under increasing salt (NaCl and CaCl) conditions:Brassica napus L. (canola),Hibiscus cannibinus L. (kenaf),Festuca arundinacea L. (tall fescue), andLotus tenuis L. (birdsfoot trefoil). The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four salt treatments of <1, 5, 10, and 20 dS m-1, four plant species, three blocks, and six replicates per treatment. Ninety days after growing in the respective salt treated soil with a Se concentration of 2 mg Se kg-1 soil, added as Na2SeO4, all plant species were completely harvested. Among the species tested, shoot and root dry matter yield of kenaf was most significantly (p<0.001) affected by the highest salt treatment and tall fescue and canola were the least affected species. Generally there was a decrease in tissue accumulation of Se with increasing salt levels, except that low levels of salinity stimulated Se accumulation in canola. Canola leaf and root tissue accumulated the highest concentrations of Se (315 and 80 mg Se kg-1 DM) and tall fescue the least (35 and 7 mg Se kg-1 DM). Total soil Se concentrations all harvest were significantly (p<0.05) lower for all species at all salt treatments. Removal of Se from soil was greatest by canola followed by birdsfoot trefoil, kenaf and tall fescue. Among the four species, canola was the best candidate for removing Se under the tested salinity conditions. Kenaf may be effective because of its large biomass production, while tall fescue and birdsfoot trefoil may be effective because they can be repeatedly clipped as perennial crops.  相似文献   

Notoya  Masahiro  Aruga  Yusho 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):241-246
Ecklonia stolonifera is distributed along the coast facing the Sea of Japan. The size of various parts of the shoot (blade length and width and stipe length and diameter) and the age were determined at Ooma, Aomori Prefecture. The smaller the holdfast, the higher the percentage of one-year-old shoots. Holdfasts 10 cm in diameter seemed to be three years old, whereas holdfasts 40 cm in diameter seemed to be five or more years old. Zoosporangial sori were observed on blades three or more years old. Ecklonia stolonifera holdfast diameter expands only vegetatively by stoloniferous rhizoids. Zoospores, formed on shoots three or more years old, serve for the formation of new populations.  相似文献   

Although the treatments for overcoming the high pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of bauxite residue are well known, there is little information on long-term nutrient management of vegetation after rehabilitation. The present study examined the chemical and physical amendment of fine fraction residue (red mud) at the Aughinish Alumina Ltd. Bayer Plant, Ireland followed by a two-year field investigation. Gypsum and sewage sludge were incorporated into the residue and amended mud sown with Lolium perenne and Holcus lanatus. Aerial portions were harvested and nutrient composition determined annually for the first two years growth. Amended substrate was low in manganese and magnesium. After year one herbage contained adequate calcium levels, but there were deficiencies for nitrogen, manganese, potassium and magnesium. Sodium levels were not considered excessive and levels declined further in year two. Levels for nitrogen, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium were also reduced in the second year. As levels were already deficient in year one the further decreases suggest severe nutrient shortage in the residue substrate. For long-term success of revegetation of bauxite residue, even after gypsum and organic amendment, the deficiencies of nutrients in the substrate must be overcome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop antagonistic strains specific for the coastal agricultural niche in Southern India. Indigenous Pseudomonas strains isolated from rhizosphere of rice cultivated in the coastal agri-ecosystem were screened for in vitro antibiosis against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzaeand Rhizoctonia solani– the bacterial leaf blight (BB) and sheath blight (ShB) pathogens of rice (Oryza sativa) respectively. The strains exhibiting antibiosis were tested in the greenhouse under normal and saline soil conditions. The antagonists suppressed BB by 15 to 74% in an unamended soil. The efficient strains were tested under saline soil conditions and found to suppress disease by 46 to 82%. Similarly, incidence of ShB was also suppressed by 30 to 57% in the unamended soil by the efficient strains which, under saline soil conditions, were found to suppress ShB by 19 to 51%. Four strains of Pseudomonas tested suppressed both BB and ShB diseases in rice, of which three were efficient under both natural and saline soil conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. VF 145) plants were grown with Typic Xerofluvents soil in a greenhouse irrigated with recycled nutrient solutions having increasing levels of N and salinity. Positive response of plants to increasing levels of N was obtained at the lowest initial salinity level of 1 dS/m (dS/m=mmho/cm, referenced at 25°C). At the higher initial salinity levels of 5 and 9 dS/m, increasing N was ineffective in counteracting adverse effects on growth and yield caused by the presence of enhanced salt concentrations of the nutrient solution. Total N uptake was linearly correlated with the total water uptake and was severely suppressed by impaired growth associated with the two higher initial salinity levels, irrespective of N levels. The effect of salinity on leaf N concentrations changed over time. Leaf Cl and P concentrations indicated a possible suppressing effect of Cl on P uptake into plant tops.Based on portions of the thesis submitted by the senior author in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Soil Science. Supported in part by a grant from the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science.  相似文献   

Competition for available water resources in both arid and semi-arid locations has led to greater scrutiny of turfgrass irrigation. Irrigation management strategies, including deficit irrigation, need further investigation. The objective of this research was to determine the physiological response of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) to prolonged water deficits under saline conditions. Bermudagrass was grown in large columns packed with three different soil types (sandy loam, silt loam and clay). Synthesized saline irrigation water was applied at three different salinity levels (1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 dS/m). Two previous experiments that were conducted with these columns over a 3.5 year period led to differential profile salinization in all 27 columns. At the end of this 3.5 year period, all irrigations were terminated and plant growth and water status were monitored over a 95 day dry-down period. Midday stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, canopy temperature, soil water in storage and stolon elongation were measured over the experimental period. On day 95, above ground tissue was harvested for dry weight and elemental tissue analysis. Midday stomatal conductance decreased around day 30 in all columns regardless of soil salinity. This decrease was not associated with a threshold leaf water potential, as midday leaf water potentials remained constant over a 60 day period. Stolon elongation also ceased before any deviation in the midday leaf water potential occurred. A concomitant reduction in evapo ranspiration was not associated with the measured decrease in stomatal conductance. This would suggest that bermudagrass may have regulated stomatal activity to compensate for lower conductances during periods of greater stress and/or that measured midday stomatal conductances cannot always be directly coupled to extended time evapotranspiration measurements.  相似文献   

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