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Single fibers isolated from walking leg muscles of crayfish have 8- to 10-µ sarcomeres which are divided into A, I, and Z bands. The H zone is poorly defined and no M band is distinguishable. Changes in the width of the I band, accompanied by change in the overlap between thick and thin myofilaments, occur when the length of the sarcomere is changed by stretching or by shortening the fiber. The thick myofilaments (ca. 200 A in diameter) are confined to the A band. The thin myofilaments (ca. 50 A in diameter) are difficult to resolve except in swollen fibers, when they clearly lie between the thick filaments and run to the Z disc. The sarcolemma invaginates at 50 to 200 sites in each sarcomere. The sarcolemmal invaginations (SI) form tubes about 0.2 µ in diameter which run radially into the fiber and have longitudinal side branches. Tubules about 150 A in diameter arise from the SI and from the sarcolemma. The invaginations and tubules are all derived from and are continuous with the plasma membrane, forming the transverse tubular system (TTS), which is analogous with the T system of vertebrate muscle. In the A band region each myofibril is enveloped by a fenestrated membranous covering of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sacculations of the SR extend over the A-I junctions of the myofibrils, where they make specialized contacts (diads) with the TTS. At the diads the opposing membranes of the TTS and SR are spaced 150 A apart, with a 35-A plate centrally located in the gap. It appears likely that the anion-permselective membrane of the TTS which was described previously is located at the diads, and that this property of the diadic structures therefore may function in excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

The effects of osmotic concentration, ionic strength, and pH on the myofilament lattice spacing of intact and skinned single fibers from the walking leg of crayfish (Orconectes) were determined by electron microscopy and low-angle X-ray diffraction. Sarcomere lengths were determined by light diffraction. It is demonstrated that the interfilament spacing in the intact fiber is a function of the volume of the fiber. It is also shown that the interfilament spacing of the skinned (but not of the intact) fiber is affected in a predictable manner by ionic strength and pH insofar as these parameters affect the electrostatic repulsive forces between the filaments. From these combined observations it is demonstrated that the unit-cell volume of the in vivo myofilament lattice behaves in a manner similar to that described for liquid-crystalline solutions.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in rat hepatocytes during a 5 day period of treatment with phenobarbital were determined by morphometric and biochemical methods, particular attention being paid to the endoplasmic reticulum. The hepatocytic cytoplasm played an overwhelming part in the liver hypertrophy, while the hepatocytic nuclei contributed to only a moderate extent. The endoplasmic reticulum accounted for more than half of the increase in cytoplasmic volume. The increase in the volume and number of hepatocytic nuclei in the course of phenobarbital treatment was associated with changes in the ploidy pattern. Until the 2nd day of treatment both the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) participated in the increase in volume and surface of the whole endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Subsequently, the values for RER fell again to control levels, whereas those for SER continued to increase, with the result that by the 5th day of treatment the SER constituted the dominant cytoplasmic element. The specific volume of mitochondria and microbodies (peroxisomes) remained constant throughout the duration of the experiment, while that of the dense bodies increased. The specific number of mitochondria and microbodies displayed a significant increase, associated with a decrease in their mean volume. The phenobarbital-induced increase in the phospholipid and cytochrome P-450 content of the microsomes, as well as in the activities of microsomal reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-cytochrome c reductase and N-demethylase, was correlated with the morphometric data on the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The tubular fibers of the claw-closer muscle of the scorpion have a central core containing nuclei and mitochondria. The myofibrils have the shape of thin lamellae (1 µ) extending radially from the core to the surface membrane (20 µ). The thick myofilaments are organized in a hexagonal array with orbits of 10–13 thin myofilaments. The ratio of thick-to-thin filaments is 1:5. Transverse tubular system (TS) openings are located between lamellated myofibrils. In each sarcomere two TS's are found, one on each side of the H band. The TS is composed of a transverse tubule and tubular pockets (TP). The TP's form diadic contact with the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The TS can be traced from the cell membrane down to the cell core. The surface area of the TS was calculated to be six times that of the outer surface membrane.  相似文献   

This paper describes the subfractionation of nuclei isolated from guinea pig liver by the procedure presented in the first article of the series (8). Centrifugation in a density gradient system of nuclear fractions disrupted by sonication permits the isolation of the following subfractions: (a) a nucleolar subfraction which consists mainly of nucleoli surrounded by a variable amount of nucleolus-associated chromatin and contaminated by chromatin blocks derived primarily from von Kupffer cell nuclei; (b) and (c), two nucleoplasmic subfractions (I and II) which consist mainly of chromatin threads in a coarser (I) or finer (II) degree of fragmentation. The protein, RNA, and DNA content of these subfractions was determined, and their RNA's characterized in terms of NaCl-solubility, nucleotide composition, and in vivo nucleotide turnover, using inorganic 32P as a marker. The results indicate that there are at least three types of RNA in the nucleus (one in the nucleolus and two in the nucleoplasm or chromatin), which differ from one another in NaCl-solubility, nucleotide composition, turnover, and possibly sequence. Possible relations among these RNA's and those of the cytoplasm are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers can develop tension and shorten after being stretched to such a length that the primary and secondary filaments no longer overlap. A method was devised to measure the initial sarcomere length and the ATP-induced isotonic shortening in prestretched isolated fibers subjected to a small preload (0.02 to 0.15 P0). At all degrees of stretch, the fiber was able to shorten (60 to 75 per cent): to a sarcomere length of 0.7 µ when the initial length was 3.7 µ or less, and to an increasing length of 0.9 to 1.8 µ with increasing initial sarcomere length (3.8 to 4.4 µ). At sarcomere lengths of 3.8 to 4.5 µ, overlap of filaments was lost, as verified by electron microscopy. The variation in sarcomere length within individual fibers has been assessed by both light and electron microscopic measurements. In fibers up to 10 mm in length the stretch was evenly distributed along the fiber, and with sarcomere spacings greater than 4 µ there was only a slight chance of finding sarcomeres with filament overlap. These observations are in apparent contradiction to the assumption that an overlap of A and I filaments is necessary for tension generation and shortening.  相似文献   

From the stage of a completed membranous forespore to that of a fully ripened free spore, synchronously sporulating cells of a variant Bacillus cereus were studied by cytological and chemical methods. Particular attention was paid to the development of the three spore layers—cortex, coat, and exosporium—in relation to the forespore membrane. First, the cortex is laid down between the recently described (5) double layers of the forespore membrane. Then when the cortex is ⅓ fully formed, the spore coat and exosporium are laid down peripheral to the outer membrane layer covering the cortex. As these latter layers appear, the spores, previously dense by dark phase contrast, gradually "whiten" or show an increase in refractive index. With this whitening, calcium uptake commences, closely followed by the synthesis of dipicolinic acid and the process is terminated, an hour later, with the formation of a fully refractile spore. In calcium-deficient media, final refractility is lessened and dipicolinic acid is formed only in amounts proportional to the available calcium. If calcium is withheld during the period of uptake beyond a critical point, sporulating cells lose the ability to assimilate calcium and to form normal amounts of dipicolinic acid. The resulting deficient spores are liberated from the sporangia but are unstable in water suspensions. Unlike ripe spores, they do not react violently to acid hydrolysis and, in thin sections, their cytoplasmic granules continue to stain with lead solutions.  相似文献   

This paper describes electron microscopic studies of developing connective tissue in granulomata induced by the subcutaneous injection of carrageenin into guinea pigs. Seven days after injection the granulomata contained many fibroblasts and exhibited rapid production of collagen. The fibroblasts were characterised by an extensively developed endoplasmic reticulum and showed numbers of fine, unstriated filaments in the outer regions of the cytoplasm. The filaments, about 50 A in diameter, tended to lie parallel to and closely adjacent to the cell boundary. The cytoplasmic membrane was frequently ill defined or disrupted, particularly bordering regions in which filaments occurred. In longitudinal sections of extended cell processes, filaments were abundant and, in some instances, the cytoplasmic membrane was barely detectable. In the extracellular space striated collagen fibrils were usually accompanied by filaments, 50 to 100 A in diameter, and these often exhibited the characteristic periodicity of collagen, particularly after intense electron bombardment. Much cellular debris was present in the extracellular space. These observations have led to the suggestion that connective tissue precursors are released from fibroblasts by the disintegration or dissolution of the cytoplasmic membrane and the shedding of cytoplasmic material, as in the apocrine gland cells. In some instances this release may take the form of the elongation from the cell of extended processes; disintegration of the cytoplasmic membrane surrounding these processes then leaves the contents in the extracellular phase.  相似文献   

The spacing between the thick myofilaments of muscle fibers from the walking legs of crayfish (Orconectes) was determined by optical transform analysis of electron micrograph plates of fixed single fibers and by X-ray diffraction of living single fibers. Sarcomere lengths were determined by light diffraction prior to fixation and prior to the in vivo experiments. From these combined measurements, it is demonstrated that the unit-cell volume of the myofilament lattice is constant during muscle shortening, indicating that the myofilament lattice works in a constant-volume manner. It is further demonstrated with X-ray diffraction measurements of living single fibers that the myofilament lattice continues to work at constant volume after the sarcolemma is removed from the fiber. This indicates that the constant-volume behavior of muscle is inherent to the myofilament lattice.  相似文献   

Membrane fractions from the shoots of Suaeda maritima have beenseparated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Certain stainingand enzymatic activities were studied with the aim of identifyingspecific membrane types, particularly the plasma membrane. Chloroplastand mitochondrial membranes were largely distributed in thedenser regions of the gradient ( 1.16). A plasma membrane fractionwas not easily identifiable and the problems of separating thesemembranes from plant cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of thin sections of nuclear, microsomal, and mitochondrial fractions obtained from a carrageenin-induced granuloma showed considerable contamination of the heavier by the lighter fractions. Striated collagen fibrils could be identified in the nuclei + debris fraction. Only a few striated fibrils occurred in the mitochondrial fraction; very fine filaments (diameter 50 A) could be seen in this fraction, but could not be distinguished with certainty from fibrillar material derived from broken nuclei. 35 per cent of the mitochondrial and 80 per cent of the microsomal collagen was extractable by 0.2 M NaCl and could be purified by the standard methods of solution and reprecipitation. The amino acid composition of these collagen fractions determined by ion exchange chromatography was within the range normally found for collagen and gelatin from other mammalian species, allowing for 10 to 20 per cent of some non-collagenous contaminant of the microsomal collagen. Hydroxyproline and proline were isolated by chromatography on paper from hydrolysates of the nuclear, mitochondrial, and microsomal collagen fractions, after incubation of tissue slices with L-14C-proline. The specific activities of the hydroxyproline from these collagens were in the approximate ratio 1:2:6, while that of bound hydroxyproline derived from the supernatant was only 1, indicating primary synthesis of collagen in the microsomes. Attempts to demonstrate incorporation of L-14C-proline into collagen or into free hydroxyproline in cell free systems were unsuccessful, nor was it possible to demonstrate non-specific incorporation of L-14C-valine into TCA-insoluble material by various combinations of subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

This report describes a rapid, efficient method for isolating macronuclei from Tetrahymena. The macronuclear fraction contains only small amounts of micronuclear material and little detectable whole cell or cytoplasmic contamination. A method is also described for preparing a "micronuclear fraction" which contains 20–40 micronuclei for every macronucleus present. Electron microscope observations indicate that the ultrastructure of the nuclei in the macronuclear fraction closely resembles that of nuclei in situ. The presence of ribosomes on the outer membrane of micronuclei and of pores in the micronuclear envelope is also described.  相似文献   

The zonal ultracentrifuge was used to separate the subcellular components of rat liver brei into soluble phase, microsomal, mitochondrial, membranous fragments, and nuclear fractions during a single centrifugation. The centrifuge was run at 10,000 to 30,000 RPM for 15 to 240 minutes, and the rotor contained a 1200 ml sucrose gradient, varying linearly with radius from 17 to 55 per cent sucrose with a "cushion" of 66 per cent sucrose at the rotor edge. The distribution of the mitochondria was determined using cytochrome oxidase as the marker enzyme. An automated assay system for cytochrome oxidase was developed utilizing reduced cytochrome c as substrate, modules of the Technicon Autoanalyzer, and the Beckman DB Spectrophotometer. All of the cytochrome oxidase activity was restricted to a single peak in the gradient, and no activity could be detected in the zones occupied by the microsomes and nuclei. The mitochondrial fraction was isolated from rat liver brei in 0.25 M sucrose by differential centrifugation, and then run in the zonal ultracentrifuge.This fraction behaved in the zonal ultracentrifuge in the same way as mitochondria separated directly from intact brei. Observations of the isolated fractions in the phase contrast microscope indicated that a wide variety of granules was present in the mitochondrial zone in addition to the true mitochondria. Under the conditions employed, the mitochondria were sedimented essentially to their isopycnic position in the gradient at approximately 43.8 per cent sucrose, density 1.20 gm/cc.  相似文献   

Pearson, J. and Havill, D. C. 1988. The effect of hypoxia andsulphide on culture-grown wetland and non-wetland plants. II.Metabolic and physiological changes.—J. exp. Bot. 39:431–439. Two non-wetland (Agropyron pungens, Hordeum vulgare) and fivewetland species (Oryza sativa, Aster tripolium, three Salicorniaspp.) were grown in aerated, unaerated and sulphide-treatedculture solution. Changes in the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) and cytochrome oxidase (COase) in the roots were measured.In the non-wetland species, treatment with hypoxia or sulphideincreased ADH activity by 900–1 800%, whereas COase activitydecreased by 80–92% of the aerated control. In the wetlandspecies, except S. europaea which was not affected, hypoxiaincreased ADH activity by 350–550%, while COase activitywas little affected. Generally, when treated with sulphide theactivity of ADH increased to about 750% in most of the wetlandspecies, but increases as low as 175% (S. europaea) and as highas 1400% (S.fragilis) were recorded. The effect of sulphideon the COase activity in the wetland plants was not as markedas in the non-wetland plants. The Salicornia spp. were the leastaffected by the sulphide treatment and they also had intrinsicallyhigher levels of COase activity than the other species sampled.Of the wetland plants the Salicornia species had the lowestvalue for root aerenchyma, 3–6%. Therefore, there wasno correlation between the possession of aerenchyma and thephysiological changes measured. Measurement of malate, lactateand ethanol in roots of the first four species listed abovegave no evidence for alternative anaerobic fermentation pathways.While in the flood-intolerant species, high ADH activities werenot able to maintain the energy charge. It is suggested thatmaintenance of relatively high COase activity in wetland plantsmay help to ‘scavenge’ any available oxygen withinroots and thus help reduce energy loss. Key words: Cytochrome oxidase, alcohol dehydrogenase, metabolic adaptation  相似文献   

The zonal ultracentrifuge has been used to separate the major components of rat liver brei (soluble phase, ribosomes, microsomes, mitochondria, membranous fragments, and nuclei) during one centrifugation, by using a 1200 ml sucrose gradient varying linearly with radius from 17 to 55 per cent (w/w) with a "cushion" of 66 per cent sucrose at the rotor edge at speeds up to 30,000 RPM. Liver brei was found to contain a family of phosphatases (phenol disodium phosphate substrate, sodium malonate buffers and Turgitol NPX, a non-ionic detergent). Activity maxima at pH 4.1 and 5.9 were observed in untreated brei prepared in 0.25 M sucrose. The addition of the non-ionic detergent Turgitol NPX selectively caused the release of considerable additional activity between these optima. The activity measured at pH 4.1 was primarily associated with the cytoplasmic granules, while the activities at pH 4.8, 5.4 and 5.9 were found in both soluble phase and particulate-mitochondria and membranous fractions. The activities present beyond the region of the gradient occupied by the soluble phase (sample layer) were all bound to particles sedimentable at 105,536 g (average) in the preparative ultracentrifuge. The data suggest that the different activities are not similarly distributed between soluble phase and particulate fractions. When the data are expressed in terms of specific activity, the area in the gradient between the microsomes and mitochondria now appears richest in all the acid phenyl phosphatase activities measured, while the soluble phase and larger particulate fractions appear relatively poor in activity. This part of the gradient is occupied by small, dense granules which may be the so called lysosomes. Pretreatment of the brei with Turgitol NPX prior to fractionation in the zonal ultracentrifuge resulted in the solubilization of acid phenyl phosphatase activities (almost all the activity was in the sample zone of the gradient) and the non-specific destruction of the formed elements of the brei. Essentially all of the activities present in the original brei measured under these conditions were recovered after zonal ultracentrifuge fractionations.  相似文献   

The results of several lines of investigation indicate that membrane growth in Bacillus subtilis does not occur at one or a small number of discrete zones. No indications of large regions of membrane conservation were observed. Kinetic labeling experiments of mesosomal and plasma membrane lipids indicate that the mesosomal lipids are not precursors of the plasma membrane lipids. Density shift experiments, in which the changes in buoyant density of membranes were studied after growth in deuterated media, showed no indication of large zones of conservation during membrane growth. Radioautography of thin sections of cells pulse labeled with tritiated glycerol showed no indication of specific zones of lipid synthesis. The consequences of these results for models of cell growth and division are discussed.  相似文献   

The proposal made in the preceding paper that the species-specific shape of Ochromonas is mediated by cytoplasmic microtubules which are related to two nucleating sites has been experimentally verified. Exposure of cells to colchicine or hydrostatic pressure causes microtubule disassembly and a correlative loss of cell shape in a posterior to anterior direction. Upon removal of colchicine or release of pressure, cell shape regenerates and microtubules reappear, first in association with the kineto-beak site concomitant with regeneration of the anterior asymmetry, and later at the rhizoplast site concomitant with formation of the posterior tail. It is concluded that two separate sets of cytoplasmic tubules function in formation and maintenance of specific portions of the total cell shape. On the basis of the following observations, we further suggest that the beak and rhizoplast sites could exert control over the position and timing of the appearance, the orientation, and the pattern of microtubule distribution in Ochromonas. (a) the two sites are accurately positioned in the cell relative to other cell organelles; (b) in regenerating cells microtubules reform first at these sites and appear to elongate to the cell posterior; (c) microtubules initially reappear in the orientation characteristic of the fully differentiated cell; (d) the two sets of tubules are polymerized at different times, in the same sequence, during reassembly or resynthesis of the microtubular system. Experiments using cycloheximide, after a treatment with colchicine, have demonstrated that Ochromonas cannot reassume its normal shape without new protein synthesis. This suggests that microtubule protein once exposed to colchicine cannot be reassembled into microtubules. Pressure-treated cells, on the other hand, reassemble tubules and regenerate the normal shape in the presence or absence of cycloheximide. The use of these two agents in analyzing nucleating site function and the independent processes of synthesis and assembly of microtubules is discussed.  相似文献   

While it is an established fact that histamine and serotonin increase the permeability of blood vessels, the exact portion of the vascular tree which is so affected has not been conclusively demonstrated. The present study was undertaken to clarify this point. Our experiments were based on a method to which we refer as "vascular labeling," and which permits one to identify leaking vessels by means of visible accumulations of foreign particles within their walls. The mechanism of the labeling, elucidated by previous electron microscopic studies, is the following. Histamine and serotonin cause the endothelial cells of certain vessels to separate, and thus to create discrete intercellular gaps. Plasma escapes through these gaps, and filters through the basement membrane. If the plasma has been previously loaded (by intravenous injection) with colloidal particles of a black material such as carbon or mercuric sulfide, these particles—too large to pass through the basement membrane—will be retained and accumulate in visible amounts within the wall of the leaking vessel. This method is used to maximal advantage if the tissue is cleared and examined by transillumination in toto, so that leaking vessels can be accurately identified in their relationship to the vascular tree. As a test tissue we used the rat cremaster, a laminar striated muscle which can be easily excised with its vascular supply virtually intact. The rats were prepared with an intravenous injection of carbon or HgS, and a subcutaneous injection into the scrotum of histamine, serotonin, or NaCl (as a control). The injected drug diffused into the underlying cremaster and the vessels became labeled. One hour later, when the carbon had been cleared from the blood stream, the animal was killed. The cremaster was excised, stretched, fixed in formalin, cleared in glycerin, and examined by transillumination under a light microscope. The lesions induced by histamine and serotonin were identical. The leaking vessels, as indicated by the carbon deposits, always belonged to the venous side of the circulation. The heaviest deposits were found in venules 20 to 30 micra in diameter. The deposits decreased towards larger venules up to a maximum diameter of 75 to 80 micra, and towards the finer vessels until the caliber reached approximately 7 micra. Essentially spared by the deposits were the finest vessels, 4 to 7 micra in diameter, and constituting an extensive network oriented along the muscular fibers. By killing animals at varying intervals after the injections, it was found that the carbon particles were slowly removed from the vascular walls by the action of phagocytic cells. After 10 months there was still enough carbon locally to be recognized by the naked eye.  相似文献   

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