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Ubiquitin (Ub) is a sorting signal that targets integral membrane proteins to the interior of the vacuole/lysosome by directing them into lumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). The Vps27-Hse1 complex, which is homologous to the Hrs-STAM complex in mammalian cells, serves as a Ub-sorting receptor at the surface of early endosomes. We have found that Hse1 interacts with Doa1/Ufd3. Doa1 is known to interact with Cdc48/p97 and Ub and is required for maintaining Ub levels. We find that the Hse1 Src homology 3 domain binds directly to the central PFU domain of Doa1. Mutations in Doa1 that block Hse1 binding but not Ub binding do not alter Ub levels but do result in the missorting of the MVB cargo GFP-Cps1. Loss of Doa1 also causes a synthetic growth defect when combined with loss of Vps27. Unlike the loss of Doa1 alone, the doa1Delta vps27Delta double mutant phenotype is not suppressed by Ub overexpression, demonstrating that the effect is not due to indirect consequence of lowered Ub levels. Loss of Doa1 results in a defect in the accumulation of GFP-Ub within yeast vacuoles, implying that there is a reduction in the flux of ubiquitinated membrane proteins through the MVB pathway. This defect was also reflected by an inability to properly sort Vph1-GFP-Ub, a modified subunit of the multiprotein vacuolar ATPase complex, which carries an in-frame fusion of Ub as an MVB sorting signal. These results reveal novel roles for Doa1 in helping to process ubiquitinated membrane proteins for sorting into MVBs.  相似文献   

Late endosomes, which have the morphological characteristics of multivesicular bodies, have received relatively little attention in comparison with early endosomes and lysosomes. Recent work in mammalian and yeast cells has given insights into their structure and function, including the generation of their multivesicular morphology. Lipid partitioning to create microdomains enriched in specific lipids is observed in late endosomes, with some lumenal vesicles enriched in lysobisphosphatidic acid and others in phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Sorting of membrane proteins into the lumenal vesicles may occur because of the properties of their trans-membrane domains, or as a result of tagging with ubiquitin. Yeast class E Vps proteins and their mammalian orthologs are the best candidates to make up the protein machinery that controls inward budding, a process that starts in early endosomes. Late endosomes are able to undergo homotypic fusion events and also heterotypic fusion with lysosomes, a process that delivers endocytosed macromolecules for proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Endocytosed receptors are either recycled to the plasma membrane or trapped within intralumenal vesicles of multi-vesicular bodies for subsequent degradation in lysosomes. How the cell is able to sort receptors in endosomes has so far been largely unknown. The hepatocyte growth factor regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, Hrs, is an essential protein that has been implicated in cell signalling and intracellular membrane trafficking. Very recently, several reports have demonstrated a role for Hrs in endocytic sorting of ubiquitinated membrane proteins. Here, we review current knowledge about how Hrs recognises ubiquitinated cargo that is destined for lysosomal degradation, and how Hrs may act as a key regulator of the molecular machinery involved in receptor sorting and multivesicular body formation.  相似文献   

Lloyd TE  Atkinson R  Wu MN  Zhou Y  Pennetta G  Bellen HJ 《Cell》2002,108(2):261-269
Signaling through tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) is thought to be modulated by receptor-mediated endocytosis and degradation of the receptor in the lysosome. However, factors that regulate endosomal sorting of TKRs are largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Hrs (Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate) is one such factor. Electron microscopy studies of hrs mutant larvae reveal an impairment in endosome membrane invagination and formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). hrs mutant animals fail to degrade active epidermal growth factor (EGF) and Torso TKRs, leading to enhanced signaling and altered embryonic patterning. These data suggest that Hrs and MVB formation function to downregulate TKR signaling.  相似文献   

Exosomes are part of the family of "bioactive vesicles" and appear to be involved in distal communications between cells. They vehiculate bioactive lipids and lipolytic enzymes and their biogenesis require specific lipids and a membrane reorganisation. Their biogenesis pathway could be a way to secrete enzymes involved in lipid signalling and to generate "particulate agonists". However, this pathway seems also to be used by pathogens such as HIV. This review will consider several aspects of lipidomics studies which might help to understand the fate and role of these fascinating vesicles.  相似文献   

Precursor forms of vacuolar proteins with transmembrane domains, such as the carboxypeptidase S Cps1p and the polyphosphatase Phm5p, are selectively sorted in endosomal compartments to vesicles that invaginate, budding into the lumen of the late endosomes, resulting in the formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). These proteins are then delivered to the vacuolar lumen following fusion of the MVBs with the vacuole. The sorting of Cps1p and Phm5p to these structures is mediated by ubiquitylation, and in doa4 mutant cells, which have reduced level of free ubiquitin, these proteins are missorted to the vacuolar membrane. A RING-finger ubiquitin ligase Tul1p has been shown to participate in the ubiquitylation of Cps1p and Phm5p. We show here that the HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitylation of these proteins, and therefore for their sorting to MVBs. Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase containing an N-terminal C2 domain followed by three WW domains, and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain. In cells with low levels of Rsp5p (npi1 mutant cells), vacuolar hydrolases do not reach the vacuolar lumen and are instead missorted to the vacuolar membrane. The C2 domain and both the second and third WW domains of Rsp5p are important determinants for sorting to MVBs. Ubiquitylation of Cps1p was strongly reduced in the npi1 mutant strain and ubiquitylation was completely abolished in the npi1 tul1Delta double mutant. These data demonstrate that Rsp5p plays a novel and key role in intracellular trafficking, and extend the currently very short list of substrates ubiquitylated in vivo by several different ubiquitin ligases acting cooperatively.  相似文献   

Wang J  Li Y  Lo SW  Hillmer S  Sun SS  Robinson DG  Jiang L 《Plant physiology》2007,143(4):1628-1639
Plants accumulate and store proteins in protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) during seed development and maturation. Upon seed germination, these storage proteins are mobilized to provide nutrients for seedling growth. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of protein degradation during seed germination. Here we test the hypothesis that vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) proteins play a role in mediating protein degradation in germinating seeds. We demonstrate that both VSR proteins and hydrolytic enzymes are synthesized de novo during mung bean (Vigna radiata) seed germination. Immunogold electron microscopy with VSR antibodies demonstrate that VSRs mainly locate to the peripheral membrane of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), presumably as recycling receptors in day 1 germinating seeds, but become internalized to the MVB lumen, presumably for degradation at day 3 germination. Chemical cross-linking and immunoprecipitation with VSR antibodies have identified the cysteine protease aleurain as a specific VSR-interacting protein in germinating seeds. Further confocal immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy studies demonstrate that VSR and aleurain colocalize to MVBs as well as PSVs in germinating seeds. Thus, MVBs in germinating seeds exercise dual functions: as a storage compartment for proteases that are physically separated from PSVs in the mature seed and as an intermediate compartment for VSR-mediated delivery of proteases from the Golgi apparatus to the PSV for protein degradation during seed germination.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by cbl and its cognate adaptor cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa (CIN85) is known to play an essential role in directing this receptor to the lysosome for degradation. The mechanisms by which this ubiquitin modification is regulated are not fully defined, nor is it clear where this process occurs. In this study we show that EGFR activation leads to a pronounced src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of CIN85 that subsequently influences EGFR ubiquitination. Of importance, phospho-CIN85 interacts with the Rab5-positive endosome, where it mediates the sequestration of the ubiquitinated receptor into multivesicular bodies (MVBs) for subsequent degradation. These findings provide novel insights into how src- kinase-based regulation of a cbl adaptor regulates the fate of the EGFR.  相似文献   

A ubiquitin-binding endosomal protein machinery is responsible for sorting endocytosed membrane proteins into intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) for subsequent degradation in lysosomes. The Hrs-STAM complex and endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-I, -II and -III are central components of this machinery. Here, we have performed a systematic analysis of their importance in four trafficking pathways through endosomes. Neither Hrs, Tsg101 (ESCRT-I), Vps22/EAP30 (ESCRT-II), nor Vps24/CHMP3 (ESCRT-III) was required for ligand-mediated internalization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) or for recycling of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors (CI-M6PRs) from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). In contrast, both Hrs and ESCRT subunits were equally required for degradation of both endocytosed EGF and EGFR. Whereas depletion of Hrs or Tsg101 caused enhanced recycling of endocytosed EGFRs, this was not the case with depletion of Vps22 or Vps24. Depletion of Vps24 instead caused a strong increase in the levels of CI-M6PRs and a dramatic redistribution of the Golgi and the TGN. These results indicate that, although Hrs-STAM and ESCRT-I, -II and -III have a common function in degradative protein sorting, they play differential roles in other trafficking pathways, probably reflecting their functions at distinct stages of the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Niehrs C  Acebron SP 《Cell》2010,143(7):1044-1046
Two key events in Wnt signal transduction, receptor endocytosis and inactivation of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3), remain incompletely understood. Taelman et?al. (2010) discover that Wnt signaling inactivates GSK3 by sequestering the enzyme in multivesicular bodies, thus linking these two events and providing a new framework for understanding Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, integral plasma membrane proteins destined for degradation and certain vacuolar membrane proteins are sorted into the lumen of the vacuole via the multivesicular body (MVB) sorting pathway, which depends on the sequential action of three endosomal sorting complexes required for transport. Here, we report the characterization of a new positive modulator of MVB sorting, Ist1. We show that endosomal recruitment of Ist1 depends on ESCRT-III. Deletion of IST1 alone does not cause cargo-sorting defects. However, synthetic genetic analysis of double mutants of IST1 and positive modulators of MVB sorting showed that ist1Delta is synthetic with vta1Delta and vps60Delta, indicating that Ist1 is also a positive component of the MVB-sorting pathway. Moreover, this approach revealed that Ist1-Did2 and Vta1-Vps60 compose two functional units. Ist1-Did2 and Vta1-Vps60 form specific physical complexes, and, like Did2 and Vta1, Ist1 binds to the AAA-ATPase Vps4. We provide evidence that the ist1Delta mutation exhibits a synthetic interaction with mutations in VPS2 (DID4) that compromise the Vps2-Vps4 interaction. We propose a model in which the Ist1-Did2 and Vta1-Vps60 complexes independently modulate late steps in the MVB-sorting pathway.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation promotes multivesicular body (MVB) formation and inward vesiculation within MVB. Annexin 1 is required for EGF-stimulated inward vesiculation but not MVB formation, demonstrating that MVB formation (the number of MVBs/unit cytoplasm) and inward vesiculation (the number of internal vesicles/MVB) are regulated by different mechanisms. Here, we show that EGF-stimulated MVB formation requires the tumor susceptibility gene, Tsg101, a component of the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery. Depletion of Tsg101 potently inhibits EGF degradation and MVB formation and causes the vacuolar domains of the early endosome to tubulate. Although Tsg101 depletion inhibits MVB formation and alters the morphology of the early endosome in unstimulated cells, these effects are much greater after EGF stimulation. In contrast, depletion of hepatocyte growth factor receptor substrate (Hrs) only modestly inhibits EGF degradation, does not induce tubulation of the early endosome, and causes the generation of enlarged MVBs that retain the ability to fuse with the lysosome. Together, these results indicate that Tsg101 is required for the formation of stable vacuolar domains within the early endosome that develop into MVBs and Hrs is required for the accumulation of internal vesicles within MVBs and that both these processes are up-regulated by EGF stimulation.  相似文献   

Three large protein complexes known as ESCRT I, ESCRT II and ESCRT III drive the progression of ubiquitinated membrane cargo from early endosomes to lysosomes. Several steps in this process critically depend on PtdIns3P, the product of the class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Our work has provided insights into the architecture, membrane recruitment and functional interactions of the ESCRT machinery. The fan-shaped ESCRT I core and the trilobal ESCRT II core are essential to forming stable, rigid scaffolds that support additional, flexibly-linked domains, which serve as gripping tools for recognizing elements of the MVB (multivesicular body) pathway: cargo protein, membranes and other MVB proteins. With these additional (non-core) domains, ESCRT I grasps monoubiquitinated membrane proteins and the Vps36 subunit of the downstream ESCRT II complex. The GLUE (GRAM-like, ubiquitin-binding on Eap45) domain extending beyond the core of the ESCRT II complex recognizes PtdIns3P-containing membranes, monoubiquitinated cargo and ESCRT I. The structure of this GLUE domain demonstrates that it has a split PH (pleckstrin homology) domain fold, with a non-typical phosphoinositide-binding pocket. Mutations in the lipid-binding pocket of the ESCRT II GLUE domain cause a strong defect in vacuolar protein sorting in yeast.  相似文献   

A subset of proteins that transit the endosomal system are directed into the intralumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). MVB formation is critical for a variety of cellular functions including receptor down-regulation, viral budding, antigen presentation, and the generation of lysosome-related organelles. Entry of transmembrane proteins into the intralumenal vesicles of a MVB is a highly regulated process that is positively modulated by covalent modification of cargoes with ubiquitin. To identify additional MVB sorting signals, we examined the previously described ubiquitination-independent MVB cargo Sna3. Although Sna3 ubiquitination is not essential, Sna3 MVB sorting is positively modulated by its ubiquitination. Examination of MVB sorting determinants within a form of Sna3 lacking all lysine residues identified two critical regions: an amino-terminal tyrosine-containing region and a carboxyl-terminal PPAY motif. This PPAY motif interacts with the WW domains of the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5, and mutations in either the WW or, surprisingly, the HECT domains of Rsp5 negatively impacted MVB targeting of lysine-minus Sna3. These data indicate that Rsp5 function is required for MVB targeting of Sna3 in a capacity beyond cargo ubiquitination. These results uncover a series of determinants impacting Sna3 MVB sorting, including unexpected roles for Rsp5.  相似文献   

Summary Stimulation of secretion by pilocarpine results in a 70% loss of zymogen granules from pancreatic acinar cell during the first hr after injection of the drug. In previous work (Geuze and Poort, 1973), we found that the amount of membrane stored in the surface of the microvilli and of the numerous infoldings present in highly stimulated cells, increases during the first 2 hr and then decreases again during the 3rd hr after stimulation, concurrently with maximal endocytosis of sorbitol-[su14C].Further observations on the fine structure of stimulated cells at various time intervals after injection of pilocarpine showed that during the first hr numerous smooth vesicles and multivesicular bodies (mvb's) appear in the apical cytoplasm, while the number of coated vesicles and their relative total volume increase significantly 3 hr after stimulation.By infusion of ferritin in the pancreatic duct system in vivo and application of cytochemical techniques (osmium impregnation, electron microscope autoradiography and acid phosphatase cytochemistry) it could be established that after stimulated exocytotic secretion, redundant apical cell membrane is withdrawn by at least two routes: 1) During the initial rapid increase of the amount of apical cell membrane, withdrawal is accomplished by interiorization of luminal invaginations into smooth endocytotic vesicles, which in turn give rise to mvb's by infolding and subsequent fission of their limiting membrane. 2) Once the bulk of stored secretion granules has been discharged, endocytotic coated vesicles become gradually more prominent as carriers for redundant cell membrane. The contents of endocytotic structures ultimately become incorporated in residual bodies, suggesting lysosomal degradation of cell membrane prior to eventual reutilization.Coated vesicles also originate by pinching off from mature Golgi cisternae and condensing vacuoles. A possible function of the coated membranes in the concentration of exportable protein within forming secretory granules is discussed.  相似文献   

We compared the internalization and intracellular sorting of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) and point mutant kinase-negative EGF-R separately expressed in NIH 3T3 cells lacking endogenous receptor. Both EGF-Rs internalized rapidly, but kinase-negative receptor was surface down-regulated only with monensin or at 20 degrees C. Furthermore, EGF internalized by mutant receptor alone was, in significant proportion, returned to the cell surface undegraded. Hence unlike wild-type receptor, kinase-negative EGF-R recycles. By electron microscopy the early pathways of endocytosis for the two receptors were identical; however, after 10-20 min the pathways diverged at the multivesicular body (MVB). Wild-type EGF-R, destined for degradation, localized to internal vesicles, while kinase-negative EGF-R, destined for recycling, localized to surface membranes of the MVBs and moved to small tubulovesicles. We conclude that sorting of internalized receptor for degradation or recycling can occur through spatial segregation within the MVB, and sorting of EGF-R is controlled by tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-I protein complex functions in recognition and sorting of ubiquitinated transmembrane proteins into multivesicular body (MVB) vesicles. It has been shown that ESCRT-I contains the vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) proteins Vps23, Vps28, and Vps37. We identified an additional subunit of yeast ESCRT-I called Mvb12, which seems to associate with ESCRT-I by binding to Vps37. Transient recruitment of ESCRT-I to MVBs results in the rapid degradation of Mvb12. In contrast to mutations in other ESCRT-I subunits, which result in strong defects in MVB cargo sorting, deletion of MVB12 resulted in only a partial sorting phenotype. This trafficking defect was fully suppressed by overexpression of the ESCRT-II complex. Mutations in MVB12 did not affect recruitment of ESCRT-I to MVBs, but they did result in delivery of ESCRT-I to the vacuolar lumen via the MVB pathway. Together, these observations suggest that Mvb12 may function in regulating the interactions of ESCRT-I with cargo and other proteins of the ESCRT machinery to efficiently coordinate cargo sorting and release of ESCRT-I from the MVB.  相似文献   

ESCRT complexes and the biogenesis of multivesicular bodies   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are crucial intermediates in the trafficking of ubiquitinated receptors and other cargo destined for lysosomes. The formation of MVBs by invagination of the endosomal limiting membrane is catalyzed by the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complexes, a process that has recently been visualized in three-dimensional detail by electron tomography. Structural and biochemical analysis of the upstream components, Vps27-Hse1, ESCRT-I, and ESCRT-II, shows how these complexes assemble and cluster cargo. Rapid progress has been made in understanding the assembly and disassembly of the ESCRT-III complex and the interactions of its subunits with MIT domain and other proteins. A key role for deubiquitination in the regulation of the system has been demonstrated. One central question remains largely unanswered, which is how the ESCRTs actually promote the invagination of the endosomal membrane.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the role of sorting nexin 12 (SNX12) in the endocytic pathway. SNX12 is a member of the PX domain-containing sorting nexin family and shares high homology with SNX3, which plays a central role in the formation of intralumenal vesicles within multivesicular endosomes. We found that SNX12 is expressed at very low levels compared to SNX3. SNX12 is primarily associated with early endosomes and this endosomal localization depends on the binding to 3-phosphoinositides. We find that overexpression of SNX12 prevents the detachment (or maturation) of multivesicular endosomes from early endosomes. This in turn inhibits the degradative pathway from early to late endosomes/lysosomes, much like SNX3 overexpression, without affecting endocytosis, recycling and retrograde transport. In addition, while previous studies showed that Hrs knockdown prevents EGF receptor sorting into multivesicular endosomes, we find that overexpression of SNX12 restores the sorting process in an Hrs knockdown background. Altogether, our data show that despite lower expression level, SNX12 shares redundant functions with SNX3 in the biogenesis of multivesicular endosomes.  相似文献   

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