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To investigate the pharmacologic effects of the interaction between ethanol and cocaine, eleven male, paid volunteers familiar with the use of both ethanol and cocaine were tested in a dose-response, placebo-controlled, single-blind, randomly-assigned, cross-over design. Ethanol (0.85 g/kg) or placebo was administered in divided doses over a thirty minute period. Fifteen minutes after the termination of ethanol ingestion, cocaine HCl (1.25 and 1.9 mg/kg) or placebo (lidocaine and mannitol) was given by nasal insufflation (snorting). Cocaine and cocaethylene plasma concentrations, blood ethanol levels, subjective ratings of drug effects, and cardiovascular parameters were measured. Statistical analysis of the results indicate that: 1) cocaine administration did not alter blood ethanol concentrations nor the ratings of ethanol intoxication; 2) ethanol caused a significant increase in cocaine plasma concentrations, ratings of cocaine "high", and heart rate; 3) acute tolerance to the subjective and heart rate effects of cocaine was observed; 4) when combined with cocaine, ethanol led to the slow formation of cocaethylene in amounts much lower than those of its parent compound; and 5) the appearance of cocaethylene in plasma did not alter cocaine's subjective and cardiovascular effects.  相似文献   

This study examined whether acute exercise would impair the body's capability to maintain thermal balance during a subsequent cold exposure. Ten men rested for 2 h during a standardized cold-air test (4.6 degrees C) after two treatments: 1) 60 min of cycle exercise (Ex) at 55% peak O(2) uptake and 2) passive heating (Heat). Ex was performed during a 35 degrees C water immersion (WI), and Heat was conducted during a 38.2 degrees C WI. The duration of Heat was individually adjusted (mean = 53 min) so that rectal temperature was similar at the end of WI in both Ex (38.2 degrees C) and Heat (38.1 degrees C). During the cold-air test after Ex, relative to Heat 1) rectal temperature was lower (P < 0.05) from minutes 40-120, 2) mean weighted heat flow was higher (P < 0.05), 3) insulation was lower (P < 0.05), and 4) metabolic heat production was not different. These results suggest that prior physical exercise may predispose a person to greater heat loss and to experience a larger decline in core temperature when subsequently exposed to cold air. The combination of exercise intensity and duration studied in these experiments did not fatigue the shivering response to cold exposure.  相似文献   

Melanoma antigen genes (Mage) were first described as tumour markers. However, some of Mage are also expressed in healthy cells where their functions remain poorly understood. Here, we describe an unexpected role for one of these genes, Maged1, in the control of behaviours related to drug addiction. Mice lacking Maged1 are insensitive to the behavioural effects of cocaine as assessed by locomotor sensitization, conditioned place preference (CPP) and drug self‐administration. Electrophysiological experiments in brain slices and conditional knockout mice demonstrate that Maged1 is critical for cortico‐accumbal neurotransmission. Further, expression of Maged1 in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the amygdala, but not in dopaminergic or striatal and other GABAergic neurons, is necessary for cocaine‐mediated behavioural sensitization, and its expression in the PFC is also required for cocaine‐induced extracellular dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). This work identifies Maged1 as a critical molecule involved in cellular processes and behaviours related to addiction.  相似文献   

Prenatal substance use remains a significant issue in the United States. Initial reports regarding prenatal cocaine and methamphetamine exposure suggested profound adverse effects on child development. However, subsequent prospective, longitudinal investigations have found more subtle effects. What follows is a brief review of the health, growth, behavioral, and intellectual outcomes for children exposed to prenatal cocaine and prenatal methamphetamine. Factors that may mitigate or intensify subtle adverse effects manifested in exposed children will also be discussed. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:142–146, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding adaptation to complex environments requires information about how exposure to one selection pressure affects adaptation to others. For bacteria, antibiotics and viral parasites (phages) are two of the most common selection pressures and are both relevant for treatment of bacterial infections: increasing antibiotic resistance is generating significant interest in using phages in addition or as an alternative to antibiotics. However, we lack knowledge of how exposure to antibiotics affects bacterial responses to phages. Specifically, it is unclear how the negative effects of antibiotics on bacterial population growth combine with any possible mutagenic effects or physiological responses to influence adaptation to other stressors such as phages, and how this net effect varies with antibiotic concentration. Here, we experimentally addressed the effect of pre‐exposure to a wide range of antibiotic concentrations on bacterial responses to phages. Across 10 antibiotics, we found a strong association between their effects on bacterial population size and subsequent population growth in the presence of phages (which in these conditions indicates phage‐resistance evolution). We detected some evidence of mutagenesis among populations treated with fluoroquinolones and β‐lactams at sublethal doses, but these effects were small and not consistent across phage treatments. These results show that, although stressors such as antibiotics can boost adaptation to other stressors at low concentrations, these effects are weak compared to the effect of reduced population growth at inhibitory concentrations, which in our experiments strongly reduced the likelihood of subsequent phage‐resistance evolution.  相似文献   

This study examined the immunological responses to cold exposure together with the effects of pretreatment with either passive heating or exercise (with and without a thermal clamp). On four separate occasions, seven healthy men [mean age 24.0 +/- 1.9 (SE) yr, peak oxygen consumption = 45.7 +/- 2.0 ml. kg(-1). min(-1)] sat for 2 h in a climatic chamber maintained at 5 degrees C. Before exposure, subjects participated in one of four pretreatment conditions. For the thermoneutral control condition, subjects remained seated for 1 h in a water bath at 35 degrees C. In another pretreatment, subjects were passively heated in a warm (38 degrees C) water bath for 1 h. In two other pretreatments, subjects exercised for 1 h at 55% peak oxygen consumption (once immersed in 18 degrees C water and once in 35 degrees C water). Core temperature rose by 1 degrees C during passive heating and during exercise in 35 degrees C water and remained stable during exercise in 18 degrees C water (thermal clamping). Subsequent cold exposure induced a leukocytosis and granulocytosis, an increase in natural killer cell count and activity, and a rise in circulating levels of interleukin-6. Pretreatment with exercise in 18 degrees C water augmented the leukocyte, granulocyte, and monocyte response. These results indicate that acute cold exposure has immunostimulating effects and that, with thermal clamping, pretreatment with physical exercise can enhance this response. Increases in levels of circulating norepinephrine may account for the changes observed during cold exposure and their modification by changes in initial status.  相似文献   

Cocaine-induced enhancement of motor activity and extracellular dopamine concentrations exhibits sensitization upon repeated exposure. In this study, the neuroendocrine responses to cocaine were examined following cocaine pretreatment regimens which have been shown to produce behavioral sensitization. Adult male rats were injected with cocaine (15 mg/kg, IP) once daily for 14 days, followed by a dose-response challenge with cocaine (1-15 mg/kg, IP) either 18 hours or 7 days after the final pretreatment injection. Blood was collected 15 minutes following injections for radioimmunoassay of ACTH, corticosterone, prolactin, and renin. Cocaine increased plasma ACTH and corticosterone, while it decreased prolactin and renin concentrations. Pretreatment with cocaine for 2 weeks did not alter any of these endocrine responses after either the 18 hour or 7 day interval between pretreatment and challenge injections. In contrast, sensitization to the locomotor stimulant effects of cocaine was observed on the final day of pretreatment injections, and 7 days later. These data suggest that these endocrine effects of cocaine do not exhibit sensitization following repeated cocaine exposure.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of a spinal cord injury on the brain and spinal cord, and whether exercise provided before the injury could organize a protective reaction across the neuroaxis. Animals were exposed to 21 days of voluntary exercise, followed by a full spinal transection (T7-T9) and sacrificed two days later. Here we show that the effects of spinal cord injury go beyond the spinal cord itself and influence the molecular substrates of synaptic plasticity and learning in the brain. The injury reduced BDNF levels in the hippocampus in conjunction with the activated forms of p-synapsin I, p-CREB and p-CaMK II, while exercise prior to injury prevented these reductions. Similar effects of the injury were observed in the lumbar enlargement region of the spinal cord, where exercise prevented the reductions in BDNF, and p-CREB. Furthermore, the response of the hippocampus to the spinal lesion appeared to be coordinated to that of the spinal cord, as evidenced by corresponding injury-related changes in BDNF levels in the brain and spinal cord. These results provide an indication for the increased vulnerability of brain centers after spinal cord injury. These findings also imply that the level of chronic activity prior to a spinal cord injury could determine the level of sensory-motor and cognitive recovery following the injury. In particular, exercise prior to the injury onset appears to foster protective mechanisms in the brain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

同伴间的社会互作是一种天然奖赏,能够影响成瘾药物使用的敏感性。催产素(Oxytocin,OT)能够调节社会行为,并提高社会互作的奖赏价值。然而不同背景的同伴互作以及与OT合并使用是否对可卡因的奖赏效应有不同的影响尚不清楚。棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)是一种单配制田鼠,个体间具有较复杂的社会行为。利用雌性棕色田鼠,我们首先检测了可卡因(20 mg/kg)单独强化以及与不同背景关系的同伴(熟性雌性、陌生雌性和陌生雄性)同时强化诱导的条件位置偏爱(conditioned place preference, CPP)及持续时间;其次检测了实验鼠外周注射OT (1 mg /kg)并给予不同背景同伴强化对可卡因CPP的影响。结果表明,可卡因单独强化时,实验鼠能够形成可卡因CPP并能持续至3周;用熟悉的雌性同伴强化时,实验鼠对可卡因CPP的维持时间缩短;用陌生的雌性或雄性同伴强化时可抑制可卡因CPP的形成。实验鼠注射OT后,用熟悉雌性或陌生雄性同伴分别强化时会抑制或反转可卡因CPP。这些结果表明不同背景关系的同伴强化对可卡因奖赏效应的影响不同。OT可促进同伴强化的奖赏价值,降低动物对可卡因的偏爱,且该效应因强化同伴的背景而不同。  相似文献   

妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响: 小鼠动物模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Song J  Guan XW  Ren JQ  He W 《生理学报》2002,54(4):342-348
探讨妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响。妊娠小鼠分为3组:可卡因注射组(每日两次注射盐酸可卡因10mg/kg,COC);盐水对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,SAL);饮食对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,饮食参考可卡因给药组,SPF)。用高压液相色谱分析法检测胎鼠血中可卡因浓度及纹状体中神经递质多巴胺和5-羟色胺的含量,并结合HE染色观察胎鼠肝脏和胎盘的形态学改变。尽管COC和SPF组母鼠摄食量和体重增长量均降低,但是仅仅COC组胎鼠的体重和脑重减少。高压液相色谱分析结果显示,在COC组胎鼠血浆中可检测出可卡因,并伴有纹状体神经递质含量的异常增高。同时,也观察到了COC组胎盘和肝脏的形态学变化。本研究表明,妊娠期给予可卡因能引起妊娠母体营养不良,子代脑、肝脏和胎盘发育异常;可卡因引起的胎儿发育异常是由可卡因的毒性作用而不是母体营养不良产生的。  相似文献   

Impaired attention is the hallmark consequence of prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE), affecting brain development, learning, memory and social adaptation starting at an early age. To date, little is known about the brain structures and neurochemical processes involved in this effect. Through focusing on the visual system and employing zebrafish as a model, we show that PCE reduces expression of dopamine receptor Drd1, with levels reduced in the optic tectum and other brain regions, but not the telencephalon. Organism‐wide, PCE results in a 1.7‐fold reduction in the expression of the dopamine transporter (dat), at baseline. Acute cocaine administration leads to a 2‐fold reduction in dat in drug‐naive larvae but not PCE fish. PCE sensitizes animals to an anxiogenic‐like behavioral effect of acute cocaine, bottom‐dwelling, while loss of DAT due to genetic knockout (DATKO) leads to bottom‐dwelling behavior at baseline. Neuronal calcium responses to visual stimuli in both PCE and DATKO fish show tolerance to acute cocaine in the principal regions of visual attention, the telencephalon and optic tectum. The zebrafish model can provide a sensitive assay by which to elucidate the molecular mechanisms and brain region‐specific consequences of PCE, and facilitate the search for effective therapeutic solutions.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to cocaine has been shown to produce a variety of effects on skeletal development and mineralization in humans, mice, and rats. The effects of cocaine on bone cell function and mineral metabolism pre- and postnatally are poorly understood. The present study examined the long term effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on femoral growth and mineralization in male rats. Pregnant rats were given 80 or 100 mg cocaine hydrochloride/kg during days 7-20 of gestation. At birth, body weights of pups born to these females were significantly decreased compared to normal and pair-fed controls. At the termination of the study (32 weeks), body weights of offspring from C100-treated females were still lower than normal. Long term effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine on femoral growth were most pronounced in offspring of C80-treated females. Femur dry weight, ash weight, organic matrix weight and density were significantly reduced in these animals compared to normal or pair-fed controls. The apparent osteopenic effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine suggests some long term postnatal impact on bone cell or mineral metabolism. Previous studies of cocaine use during pregnancy in humans and animals have focused primarily on physical and behavioral defects in offspring. The present findings indicate that prenatal exposure to cocaine may also have long term consequences to the skeleton.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in blind laboratory experiments using spatial affinity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles reared with full-sibs displayed a significant preference for familiar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin, but failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs and unfamiliar paternal half-sibs. Tadpoles reared in social isolation (with or without maternal egg jelly) from the two-celled embryonic stage displayed a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin. Tadpoles reared on a meat diet with their full-sibs: 1) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat over unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 2) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce and unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 3) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar non-kin fed meat over unfamiliar non-lin fed lettuce, 4) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat and unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce, and 5) displayed a significant spatial preference for odors associated with meat (a familiar food) over odors associated with lettuce (an unfamiliar food). Our results, together with those of Cornell et al. (1989), indicate that the recognition cue of larval R. sylvatica has both genetic and environmental (dietary) components. Our findings establish that previous exposure to maternal egg jelly, kin, or conspecifics is not necessary for the development of kin recognition ability in larval R. sylvatica. Our results are more consistent with the self-learning of recognition cues (a form of phenotype matching) than with a recognition mechanism that involves a genetically fixed recognition template. Finally, our results indicate that increasing similarity between the recognition template and perceived cue does not necessarily result in increasing spatial affinity for kin.  相似文献   

Cocaine is used by over 20% of women of reproductive age. Although there have been numerous studies focusing on its effects on reproductive processes, none has evaluated its direct effect on preimplantation development. We have investigated the effect of cocaine and its major metabolite, benzoylecgonine, on in vitro preimplantation mouse embryogenesis. One-cell embryos were exposed at the one-, two-, four-, or eight-cell stage for 24 hr to medium containing 0-400 micrograms/ml cocaine or benzoylecgonine and then cultured to the blastocyst stage. Cocaine had its strongest inhibitory effect at the earliest stages of development. At the one- and two-cell stages, there was a significant inhibition of blastocyst formation following exposure to cocaine concentrations of 25-400 micrograms/ml, and at the four-cell stage there was an inhibitory effect at 100 and 400 micrograms/ml cocaine. Benzoylecgonine inhibited the development of embryos to blastocyst only at the one- and two-cell stages, at concentrations of 100-400 micrograms/ml. These findings suggest that cocaine is capable of blocking preimplantation embryogenesis, particularly following exposure at the earliest stages, and that this toxicity may abate as cocaine is biotransformed to benzoylecgonine.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken in order to assess the organization of the prelimbic area of the medial prefrontal cortex of rats exposed prenatally to cocaine. Pregnant Wistar rats were assigned to the following groups:
  1. Cocaine—60 mg/kg body wt/d sc, from gestational days 8–22; 0131
  2. Saline;
  3. Pair-fed; and
  4. Nonmanipulated.
Male offspring were perfused on postnatal days 14 and 30. Six brains per group and per age were embedded in celloidin to calculate the volumes of the prelimbic area; sections from the other six brains were embedded in resin and processed for electron microscopy. Using semithin sections (2 μm) of layers II–III and V–VI, the following parameters were calculated:
  1. The fraction of the neuropil occupied by neurons (VV);
  2. The packing (NA) density; and
  3. The numerical (NV) density.
Qualitative alterations consisted of dispersed profiles of degenerated neurons and dendrites in the medial prefrontal cortex. No significant differences were found in the gross morphometric parameters when the cocaine group was compared with the other groups. A high interanimal variation was shown in the prelimbic volumes of postnatal day (PND) 14 cocaine-treated rats, and a decrease in volumes was detected at PND30. Although there are some alterations in the main afferent cortical target area for dopaminergic input, its gross morphometric parameters do not seem to be sufficiently affected to account for the behavioral alterations referred to as being dependent on this brain region.  相似文献   

The glycogenolytic effect of glucagon has been studied in fetal hepatocytes cultured for 3 to 4 days in the presence of cortisol (10 muM). The hepatocytes, when transplanted from young fetuses (15-day-old), contain only minute amounts of glycogen, whereas when cultured 3 to 4 days in the presence of cortisol, they contain high levels of stored glycogen. Glucagon induced a rapid but partial mobilization of glycogen, which was maximal after 2 hours. The half-maximal response was observed with about 0.1 nM glucagon. The glycogenolytic effect of glucagon in fetal hepatocytes is probably mediated by cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) as in adult liver. This effect was mimicked by cyclic AMP and N-6, O-2-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, (dibutyryl cyclic AMP), and potentiated by theophylline. Glucagon addition was followed by accumulation of cyclic AMP in the cells within 2 min. Glucagon produces a marked stimulation of the rate of glycogen breakdown and an inhibition of the rate of incorporation of [14-C] glucose into glycogen. The glycogeneolytic effect of a single addition of glucagon was reversed within 4 hours. A second addition of glucagon at this time was unable to induce a new glycogenolytic response. A resistance to glucagon stimulation appeared in the cells after a first exposure to the hormone. This refractoriness was also shown by the loss of glucagon-dependent cyclic AMP accumulation and was not linked to the release by the cells of a "hormone antagonist" into the medium. The hepatocytes resistant to the action of glucagon retained their response to cyclic AMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and norepinephrine. Finally, glycogenolytic concentrations of cyclic AMP and of its dibutyryl derivative failed to induce a refractoriness to glucagon.  相似文献   

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