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Both proteolipid proteins (PLP) and DM-20 were found to be present by the immunoblot technique in myelin isolated from quaking mouse brain; however, the relative concentration of these proteins in myelin from quaking brain was substantially reduced when compared to the control. Brain slices from littermate control and quaking mice were incubated with [3H]palmitic acid to determine the incorporation of fatty acid into myelin proteolipid proteins. Fluorography of gels containing myelin proteins from control and quaking mice brain revealed that both PLP and DM-20 were acylated. The incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 was reduced by 75% and 20% respectively of those in control brain. The significance of differential acylation of quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 is discussed with respect to availability of non-acylated pools of proteolipid proteins and the activities of acylating enzymes.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have created transgenic mice bearing varying copy numbers of a transgene coding for normal DM-20, the alternatively spliced quantitatively minor isoform of myelin proteolipid protein. Demyelination of the CNS occurs as a consequence of 70 copies of this transgene. Overt symptoms begin at ∼3 months with a wobbling gait. Occasional seizures lasting a few seconds begin at 3–4 months. These symptoms progress in severity with age. Death occurs by 8–10 months. Myelination in 2-month-old animals, before the onset of any overt symptoms, appears morphologically normal at the electron microscopic level. However, the myelin in these 2-month-old animals has a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein and about three times as much DM-20 as normal animals. In 7-month-old animals that appear to be undergoing demyelination in the CNS, both the major myelin proteolipid protein and DM-20 are greatly reduced relative to the 2-month-old animal. Mice with 17 copies of the transgene also have a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein but appear to be otherwise normal and have normal life spans (>2 yr). Mice with low copy numbers of the transgene (2–4 copies) appear to be unaffected and have normal life spans.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of the shiverer mouse is known to be severely deficient in myelin. Animals heterozygous for this autosomal-recessive mutation were crossed, and the myelin proteins were examined in the brains and spinal cords of shiverers and unaffected littermates among the offspring. In the brains and spinal cords of nine of the 14 unaffected littermates examined, the quantities of the myelin basic and proteolipid proteins were lower than normal. Furthermore, in the brains of heterozygotes 33 to ~ 150 days old, the myelin basic and proteolipid proteins were reduced in amount, compared to wild-type controls; the myelin basic protein was also present in subnormal amounts in the spinal cords from heterozygous animals at the ages of 17 to 150 days. More severe reductions in the quantities of the myelin proteins were observed in central nervous system tissue from homozygous shiverer mice, and the quantity of the myelin proteolipid protein in the central nervous system of the shiverer mouse, expressed as a ratio to the control value at each age, underwent a developmental decline. In heterozygotes, as well as shiverers, the peripheral nerves were also deficient in the P1 and Pr proteins, which are the same as the basic proteins in rodent central nervous system myelin. The findings regarding heterozygotes suggest that the defective primary gene product in the shiverer mouse could be the myelin basic protein itself or a protein required for a rate-limiting step in the processing of the myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM-20 were intensely labeled after immunoprecipitation of total cellular proteins and myelin proteins labeled with [35S]methionine in nerve slices. These results provided evidence that PLP and DM-20 are incorporated into the myelin membrane following their synthesis in Schwann cells. In contrast, PLP and DM-20 were not fatty acylated after incubation of the nerve slices with [3H]palmitic acid, however, PO glycoprotein and 24kDa protein were heavily fatty acylated. The lack of fatty acylation of PLP and DM-20 in the peripheral nervous system suggests that fatty acyltransferase responsible for their acylation is absent or non-functional in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), a soluble lipid transporter, and Po, the major glycoprotein of myelin, are actively synthesized during myelination. To explore the status of post-translational modifications of these proteins in the avian PNS during rapid myelination, endoneurial slices from one day old chick sciatic nerves were incubated with various radioactive precursors that could serve as indicators of such processes. The proteins were isolated from the incubation medium (secreted fraction), the 1% Triton-X-100-soluble intracellular-endoneurial (intracellular) fraction, and myelin-related and purified compact myelin fractions by immunoprecipitation with monospecific anti-apo A-I or anti-Po antisera. Our results demonstrated that secreted apo A-I is fatty acylated, but not phosphorylated or sulfated. Avian Po protein was phosphorylated by a phorbol ester sensitive protein kinase. Sulfation, as well as fatty acylation, of avian Po protein was observed in organ culture using highly sensitive methods of detection. These results indicate that fatty acylation of secreted apo A-I and phosphorylation, sulfation and fatty acylation of Po have been conserved during evolution, and that these post-translational modifications may play a common function in various species.  相似文献   

The shaking pup is an X-linked canine mutant with a severe hypomyelination of the CNS. Proteolipid protein (PLP) and the related DM-20 protein were examined in this mutant by densitometric scanning of Western blots stained with PLP antiserum. In the spinal cord of 4-week-old mutants, PLP was reduced to less than 1% of the control level, which is a greater deficiency than was found for other myelin proteins. On Western blots of control spinal cord, PLP stained much more intensely than DM-20. However, on Western blots of the mutant spinal cord, a component with the electrophoretic mobility of DM-20 stained slightly more intensely with PLP antiserum than PLP itself. This component was shown to be DM-20 by its lack of reactivity with an antiserum raised to a synthetic peptide corresponding to part of the PLP sequence that is missing in DM-20. Thus PLP and DM-20 are expressed in approximately equal and greatly reduced amounts in the mutant spinal cord. Although PLP or DM-20 could not be detected in brain from the 4-week-old mutant, similar disproportional expression of these two proteins was demonstrated in both spinal cord and brain from a 10-week-old mutant pup. Immunostaining of tissue sections showed that the small amounts of PLP and/or DM-20 synthesized in the mutant are present in the thin myelin sheaths. The results suggest that the shaking pup could have a primary defect in the PLP gene leading to a severe deficiency of PLP and DM-20 as well as disproportional expression of these two proteins.  相似文献   

High efficiency transient transfection was used to introduce cDNA corresponding to various G protein alpha subunits into Cos-7 cells. The proteins that were subsequently synthesized were detected with specific G protein alpha subunit antipeptide antiserum and were localized in the membrane fraction of the cell. Cells that were prelabeled with the [3H]inositol and transfected with G alpha q and G alpha 11 cDNA showed marked increases in formation of [3H]inositol phosphates after stimulation with aluminum fluoride. Co-transfection with cDNAs corresponding to phosphoinositide specific phospholipase C beta 1 (PI-PLC beta 1) and to G alpha q or G alpha 11 resulted in even higher levels of inositol phosphate formation. The introduction of mutations that convert residue glutamine 209 to leucine in G alpha q and G alpha 11 resulted in persistent activation of PI-PLC and high steady state levels of inositol phosphates. On the other hand, transfection with a variety of other G alpha subunit cDNAs, i.e. G alpha Z, G alpha OA, G alpha OB, transducin, and the glutamine 205 to leucine mutants of G alpha Z and of G alpha OA did not increase inositol phosphate formation. To further test the specificity of G protein activation of PI-PLC, a cell-free system was prepared by using washed membranes of transiently transfected cells and purified PI-PLC beta 1. Membranes derived from G alpha q and G alpha 11, but not G alpha OA transfected cells, showed guanosine 5-O-thiotriphosphate (GTP gamma S)-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis. The activity seen in the system reconstituted with membranes derived from G alpha 11-transfected cells was blocked by preincubation with specific G alpha 11 antipeptide antibodies. All of these results are consistent with the conclusion that G alpha q and G alpha 11 cDNA encode proteins that in the presence of GTP gamma S specifically activate PI-PLC.  相似文献   

P2 protein, a myelin-specific protein, was detected immunocytochemically and biochemically in rabbit central nervous system (CNS) myelin. P2 protein was synthesized by rabbit oligodendrocytes and was present in varying amounts throughout the rabbit CNS. Comparison of P2 and myelin basic protein (MBP) stained sections revealed that P2 antiserum did not stain all myelin sheaths within the rabbit CNS. The proportion of myelin sheaths stained by P2 antiserum and the amount of P2 detected biochemically were greater in more caudal regions of the rabbit CNS. The highest concentration of P2 protein was found in rabbit spinal cord myelin, where P2 antiserum stained the majority of myelin sheaths. P2 protein was barely detectable biochemically in myelin isolated from frontal cortex, and in sections of frontal cortex only occasional myelin sheaths reacted with P2 antiserum. These results suggest the the regional variations in the amount of P2 protein are dut to regional differences in the number of myelin sheaths that contain P2 protein. P2 protein was detected immunocytochemically and biochemically in rabbit sciatic nerve myelin. Immunocytochemically, P2 antiserum only stained a portion of the myelin sheaths present. The myelin sheaths not reacting with P2 antiserum had small diameters and represented less than 10% of the total myelinated fibers.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp1) expression is temporally regulated in brain, which peaks during the active myelination period of CNS development. Previous studies with Plp1‐lacZ transgenic mice demonstrated that (mouse) Plp1 intron 1 DNA is required for high levels of expression in oligodendrocytes. Deletion‐transfection analysis revealed the intron contains a single positive regulatory element operative in the N20.1 oligodendroglial cell line, which was named ASE (a ntis ilencer/e nhancer) based on its functional properties in these cells. To investigate the role of the ASE in vivo, the element was deleted from the native gene in mouse using a Cre/lox strategy. Although removal of the ASE from Plp1‐lacZ constructs profoundly decreased expression in transfected oligodendroglial cell lines (N20.1 and Oli‐neu), the element was dispensable to achieve normal levels of Plp1 gene expression in mouse during development (except perhaps at postnatal day 15) and throughout the remyelination period following cuprizone‐induced (acute) demyelination. Thus, it is possible that the ASE is non‐functional in vivo, or that loss of the ASE from the native gene in mouse can be compensated for by the presence of other regulatory elements within the Plp1 gene.  相似文献   

Activated macrophages secrete a variety of neutral proteinases, including plasminogen activator. Since macrophages are implicated in primary demyelination in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in Guillain-Barré syndrome and experimental allergic neuritis, we have investigated the ability of plasmin and of conditioned media from cultured macrophages, in the presence of plasminogen, to degrade the proteins in bovine and rat PNS myelin. The results indicate that (a) the major glycoprotein P0 and the basic P1 and Pr proteins in PNS myelin are extremely sensitive to plasmin, perhaps more so than is the basic protein in CNS myelin; (b) the initial product of degradation of P0 by plasmin has a molecular weight higher than that of the "X" protein; (c) large degradation products of P0 are relatively insensitive to further degradation; and (d) the neuritogenic P2 protein in PNS myelin is quite resistant to the action of plasmin. Results similar to those with plasmin were obtained with conditioned media from macrophages and macrophage-like cell lines together with plasminogen activator, and the degradation of the PNS myelin proteins, Po and P1, under these conditions was inhibited by p-nitrophenylguanidinobenzoate, an inhibitor of plasmin and plasminogen activator. The results suggest that the macrophage plasminogen activator could participate in inflammatory demyelination in the PNS.  相似文献   

The myelin and lymphocyte protein (MAL) proteolipid is localized in central and peripheral compact myelin membranes, as well as in apical membranes of particular polarized cells. In this study, we addressed the question whether MAL and other peripheral myelin proteins are sorted and targeted to myelin membranes using mechanisms similar to those observed in polarized epithelial cells. To investigate the presence of raft-mediated sorting pathways in Schwann cells, we have isolated and analysed their composition in myelin membranes. Here, we show that rafts are present in adult human and rat peripheral compact myelin membranes and contain MAL, the GPI-anchored protein CD59, and substantial amounts of the PMP22 and P0. Colocalization studies show that CD59, and MAL have an almost identical expression pattern within compact myelin. Moreover, immuno-electron microscopy revealed that MAL, besides its localization in compact myelin, is also localized to Schmidt-Lanterman incisures. Taken together, our results demonstrate the presence of detergent-insoluble glycolipid-enriched complexes (DIGs) in different compartments of myelin membranes and indicate an important role for DIG-mediated transport mechanisms in the maintenance of the adult myelin sheath.  相似文献   

It was shown in previous studies that the giant freshwater alga Chara corallina does not control its Na+‐dependent Pi uptake by monitoring the internal Pi concentration and it was hypothesized that Chara may instead detect changes in Pi supply from the environment. The present work investigated the conditions that control the induction and inactivation of high affinity Na+/Pi influx in Chara. Withdrawal of Pi from the external medium resulted in a gradual increase in the rate of uptake measured immediately after Pi was resupplied. The increase continued for at least 7 d of starvation. In the initial stages, 0·5 or 1 µm Pi were more effective at inducing transport activity than no Pi, suggesting that low levels of Pi are actually required for induction. The high Na+‐dependent Pi uptake observed in Pi‐starved cells was inactivated by treatment with as little as 1 µm Pi over 6 d. External Na+ plays a major role in controlling the capacity for Na+/Pi cotransport activity, and in the absence of Na+, both induction and inactivation were either delayed or abolished. Na+ starvation stimulated Na+ uptake even though there were no measurable changes in the concentrations of Na+, or of K+ or Pi in either the vacuole or cytoplasm. It was concluded that both substrate (Pi) and driver ion (Na+) are required at adequate concentrations for the induction of the cotransporter. In the case of Pi, it was suggested that passive leakage of Pi from the cell into the apoplast is sufficient for this purpose but that supplementation by up to 1 µm Pi is more effective at the earlier stage. A mechanism for sensing the external supply of Pi is proposed.  相似文献   

Various types of human blood cells were tested for expression of the Tag7/PGRP-SA and TagL/PGRP-L proteins, which belong to the family of proteins possessing the lysozyme-like peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) domain. Expression regulation by several factors was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Most heat shock proteins operate as molecular chaperones and play a central role in the maintenance of normal cellular function. In skeletal muscle, members of the alpha-crystallin domain-containing family of small heat shock proteins are believed to form a cohort of essential stress proteins. Since alphaB-crystallin (alphaBC/HspB5) and the cardiovascular heat shock protein (cvHsp/HspB7) are both implicated in the molecular response to fibre transformation and muscle wasting, it was of interest to investigate the fate of these stress proteins in young adult versus aged muscle. The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, now generally referred to as sarcopenia, is one of the most striking features of the senescent organism. In order to better understand the molecular pathogenesis of age-related muscle wasting, we have performed a two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis, immunoblotting and confocal microscopy study of aged rat gastrocnemius muscle. Fluorescent labelling of the electrophoretically separated soluble muscle proteome revealed an overall relatively comparable protein expression pattern of young adult versus aged fibres, but clearly an up-regulation of alphaBC and cvHsp. This was confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoblot analysis, which showed a dramatic age-induced increase in these small heat shock proteins. Immunodecoration of other major stress proteins showed that they were not affected or less drastically changed in their expression in aged muscle. These findings indicate that the increase in muscle-specific small heat shock proteins constitutes an essential cellular response to fibre aging and might therefore be a novel therapeutic option to treat sarcopenia of old age.  相似文献   

STARD4, a member of the evolutionarily conserved START gene family, has been implicated in the nonvesicular intracellular transport of cholesterol. However, the direction of transport and the membranes with which this protein interacts are not clear. We present studies of STARD4 function using small hairpin RNA knockdown technology to reduce STARD4 expression in HepG2 cells. In a cholesterol-poor environment, we found that a reduction in STARD4 expression leads to retention of cholesterol at the plasma membrane, reduction of endoplasmic reticulum-associated cholesterol, and decreased ACAT synthesized cholesteryl esters. Furthermore, D4 KD cells exhibited a reduced rate of sterol transport to the endocytic recycling compartment after cholesterol repletion. Although these cells displayed normal endocytic trafficking in cholesterol-poor and replete conditions, cell surface low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) levels were increased and decreased, respectively. We also observed a decrease in NPC1 protein expression, suggesting the induction of compensatory pathways to maintain cholesterol balance. These data indicate a role for STARD4 in nonvesicular transport of cholesterol from the plasma membrane and the endocytic recycling compartment to the endoplasmic reticulum and perhaps other intracellular compartments as well.  相似文献   

Myelin provides important insulating properties to axons allowing for propagation of action potentials over large distances at high velocity. Disruption of the myelin sheath could therefore contribute to cognitive impairment, such as that observed during the normal aging process. In the present study, age-related changes in myelin, myelin proteins and oligodendrocyte proteins were assessed in relationship to calpain-1 expression and cognition in the rhesus monkey. Isolation of myelin fractions from brain white matter revealed that as the content of the intact myelin fraction decreased with age, there was a corresponding increase in the floating or degraded myelin fraction, suggesting an increased breakdown of intact myelin with age. Of the myelin proteins examined, only the myelin-associated glycoprotein decreased with age. Levels of the oligodendrocyte-specific proteins 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) and myelin/oligodendrocyte-specific protein (MOSP) increased dramatically in white matter homogenates and myelin with age. Age-related increases in degraded CNPase also were demonstrable in white matter in association with increases in activated calpain-1. Degraded CNPase was also detectable in myelin fractions, with only the floating fraction containing activated calpain-1. The increases in the activated enzyme in white matter were much greater than those found in myelin fractions suggesting a source other than the myelin membrane for the marked overexpression of activated calpain-1 with age. In addition, CNPase was demonstrated to be a substrate for calpain in vitro. In summary, changes in myelin and oligodendrocyte proteins occur with age, and they appear to have a significant relationship to cognitive impairment. The overexpression of CNPase and MOSP suggests new formation of myelin by oligodendrocytes, which may occur in response to myelin degradation and injury caused by proteolytic enzymes such as calpain.  相似文献   

Katrin Martens 《FEBS letters》2010,584(5):1054-1058
aP2-Cre mice have amply been used to generate conditional adipose selective inactivation of important signaling molecules. We show that the efficiency of Cre mediated recombination in adipocytes and adipose selectivity is not always guaranteed. In particular, Cre activity was found in ganglia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), in adrenal medulla and in neurons throughout the central nervous system (CNS). Because these tissues have an important impact on adipose tissue, care should be taken when using aP2-Cre mice to define the role of the targeted genes in adipose tissue function.  相似文献   

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