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The number of cases of lateral or horizontal gene transfer ineukaryotic genomes is growing steadily, but in most cases, neitherthe donor nor the recipient is known, and the biological implicationsof the transfer are not clear. We describe a relatively well-definedcase of transfer from a cyanobacterial source to an ancestorof dinoflagellates that diverged before Oxyrrhis but after Perkinsus.This case is also exceptional in that 2 adjacent genes, a paralogueof the shikimate biosynthetic enzyme AroB and an O-methyltransferase(OMT) were transferred together and formed a fusion proteinthat was subsequently targeted to the dinoflagellate plastid.Moreover, this fusion subsequently reverted to 2 individualgenes in the genus Karlodinium, but both proteins maintainedplastid localization with the OMT moiety acquiring its own plastid-targetingpeptide. The presence of shikimate biosynthetic enzymes in theplastid is not unprecedented as this is a plastid-based pathwayin many eukaryotes, but this species of OMT has not been associatedwith the plastid previously. It appears that the OMT activitywas drawn into the plastid simply by virtue of its attachmentto the AroB paralogue resulting from their cotransfer and oncein the plastid performed some essential function so that itremained plastid targeted after it separated from AroB. Genefusion events are considered rare and likely stable, and suchan event has recently been used to argue for a root of the eukaryotictree. Our data, however, show that exact reversals of fusionevents do take place, and hence gene fusion data are difficultto interpret without knowledge of the phylogeny of the organisms—thereforetheir use as phylogenetic markers must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is orchestrated by the action of several accessory factors that provide time and directionality to the process. One such accessory factor is the GTPase EFL1 involved in the cytoplasmic maturation of the ribosomal 60S subunit. EFL1 and SBDS, the protein mutated in the Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SBDS), release the anti-association factor eIF6 from the surface of the ribosomal subunit 60S. Here we report a kinetic analysis of fluorescent guanine nucleotides binding to EFL1 alone and in the presence of SBDS using fluorescence stopped-flow spectroscopy. Binding kinetics of EFL1 to both GDP and GTP suggests a two-step mechanism with an initial binding event followed by a conformational change of the complex. Furthermore, the same behavior was observed in the presence of the SBDS protein irrespective of the guanine nucleotide evaluated. The affinity of EFL1 for GTP is 10-fold lower than that calculated for GDP. Association of EFL1 to SBDS did not modify the affinity for GTP but dramatically decreased that for GDP by increasing the dissociation rate of the nucleotide. Thus, SBDS acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for EFL1 promoting its activation by the release of GDP. Finally, fluorescence anisotropy measurements showed that the S143L mutation present in the Shwachman-Diamond syndrome altered a surface epitope for EFL1 and largely decreased the affinity for it. These results suggest that loss of interaction between these proteins due to mutations in the disease consequently prevents the nucleotide exchange regulation the SBDS exerts on EFL1.  相似文献   

Endosymbiosis has spread photosynthesis to many branches of the eukaryotic tree; however, the history of photosynthetic organelle (plastid) gain and loss remains controversial. Fortuitously, endosymbiosis may leave a genomic footprint through the transfer of endosymbiont genes to the "host" nucleus (endosymbiotic gene transfer, EGT). EGT can be detected through comparison of host genomes to uncover the history of past plastid acquisitions. Here we focus on a lineage of chlorophyll c-containing algae and protists ("chromalveolates") that are postulated to share a common red algal secondary endosymbiont. This plastid is originally of cyanobacterial origin through primary endosymbiosis and is closely related among the Plantae (i.e., red, green, and glaucophyte algae). To test these ideas, an automated phylogenomics pipeline was used with a novel unigene data set of 5,081 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the haptophyte alga Emiliania huxleyi and genome or EST data from other chromalveolates, red algae, plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. We focused on nuclear-encoded proteins that are targeted to the plastid to express their function because this group of genes is expected to have phylogenies that are relatively easy to interpret. A total of 708 genes were identified in E. huxleyi that had a significant Blast hit to at least one other taxon in our data set. Forty-six of the alignments that were derived from the 708 genes contained at least one other chromalveolate (i.e., besides E. huxleyi), red and/or green algae (or land plants), and one or more cyanobacteria, whereas 15 alignments contained E. huxleyi, one or more other chromalveolates, and only cyanobacteria. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of these data sets turned up 19 cases of EGT that did not contain significant paralogy and had strong bootstrap support at the internal nodes, allowing us to confidently identify the source of the plastid-targeted gene in E. huxleyi. A total of 17 genes originated from the red algal lineage, whereas 2 genes were of green algal origin. Our data demonstrate the existence of multiple red algal genes that are shared among different chromalveolates, suggesting that at least a subset of this group may share a common origin.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA for yeast cytosolic polypeptide chain elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) was partially purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Double-stranded complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized and cloned in Escherichia coli with pBR327 as a vector. Recombinant plasmid carrying yEF-1 alpha cDNA was identified by cross-hybridization with the E. coli tufB gene and the yeast mitochondrial EF-Tu gene (tufM) under non-stringent conditions. A yeast gene library was then screened with the EF-1 alpha cDNA and several clones containing the chromosomal gene for EF-1 alpha were isolated. Restriction analysis of DNA fragments of these clones as well as the Southern hybridization of yeast genomic DNA with labelled EF-1 alpha cDNA indicated that there are two EF-1 alpha genes in S. cerevisiae. The nucleotide sequence of one of the two EF-1 alpha genes (designated as EF1 alpha A) was established together with its 5'- and 3'-flanking sequences. The sequence contained 1374 nucleotides coding for a protein of 458 amino acids with a calculated mol. wt. of 50 300. The derived amino acid sequence showed homologies of 31% and 32% with yeast mitochondrial EF-Tu and E. coli EF-Tu, respectively.  相似文献   

Here we use phylogenomics with expressed sequence tag (EST) data from the ecologically important coccolithophore-forming alga Emiliania huxleyi and the plastid-lacking cryptophyte Goniomonas cf. pacifica to establish their phylogenetic positions in the eukaryotic tree. Haptophytes and cryptophytes are members of the putative eukaryotic supergroup Chromalveolata (chromists [cryptophytes, haptophytes, stramenopiles] and alveolates [apicomplexans, ciliates, and dinoflagellates]). The chromalveolates are postulated to be monophyletic on the basis of plastid pigmentation in photosynthetic members, plastid gene and genome relationships, nuclear "host" phylogenies of some chromalveolate lineages, unique gene duplication and replacements shared by these taxa, and the evolutionary history of components of the plastid import and translocation systems. However the phylogenetic position of cryptophytes and haptophytes and the monophyly of chromalveolates as a whole remain to be substantiated. Here we assess chromalveolate monophyly using a multigene dataset of nuclear genes that includes members of all 6 eukaryotic supergroups. An automated phylogenomics pipeline followed by targeted database searches was used to assemble a 16-protein dataset (6,735 aa) from 46 taxa for tree inference. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of these data support the monophyly of haptophytes and cryptophytes. This relationship is consistent with a gene replacement via horizontal gene transfer of plastid-encoded rpl36 that is uniquely shared by these taxa. The haptophytes + cryptophytes are sister to a clade that includes all other chromalveolates and, surprisingly, two members of the Rhizaria, Reticulomyxa filosa and Bigelowiella natans. The association of the two Rhizaria with chromalveolates is supported by the approximately unbiased (AU)-test and when the fastest evolving amino acid sites are removed from the 16-protein alignment.  相似文献   

Genes for elongation factor EF-1 alpha in the brine shrimp Artemia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neurospora crassa had a heat-stable (up to 95 degrees C), soluble cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE). Both unheated and heat-stable PDE activities were inhibited by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+. This inhibition was reversed by EGTA or EDTA in molar excess of the Ca2+ concentration. Calmodulin was not involved in the Ca2+ inhibition, nor was Ca2+ inhibition of the heat-stable PDE due to cleavage inactivation of the enzyme by a Ca2+-stimulated protease. In addition to Ca2+, several other cations inhibited the activity of the heat-stable enzyme. Cyclic AMP and cGMP, but not 2'3' cAMP were substrates for both unheated and heat-stable PDEs. This is the first report of a PDE which is inhibited by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 1α (EF-1α) and elongation factor-like (EFL) proteins are considered to carry out equivalent functions in translation in eukaryotic cells. Elongation factor 1α and EFL genes are patchily distributed in the global eukaryotic tree, suggesting that the evolution of these elongation factors cannot be reconciled without multiple lateral gene transfer and/or ancestral co-occurrence followed by differential loss of either of the two factors. Our current understanding of the EF-1α/EFL evolution in the eukaryotic group Rhizaria, composed of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Filosa, and Endomyxa, remains insufficient, as no information on EF-1α/EFL gene is available for any members of Radiolaria. In this study, EFL genes were experimentally isolated from four polycystine radiolarians (i.e. Dictyocoryne, Eucyrtidium, Collozoum, and Sphaerozoum), as well as retrieved from publicly accessible expressed sequence tag data of two acantharean radiolarians (i.e. Astrolonche and Phyllostaurus) and the endomyxan Gromia. The EFL homologs from radiolarians, foraminiferans, and Gromia formed a robust clade in both maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, suggesting that EFL genes were vertically inherited from their common ancestor. We propose an updated model for EF-1α/EFL evolution in Rhizaria by incorporating new EFL data obtained in this study.  相似文献   

The GTPase activity of purified EF-1 alpha from calf brain has been studied under various experimental conditions and compared with that of EF-Tu. EF-1 alpha displays a much higher GTPase turnover than EF-Tu in the absence of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) and ribosomes (intrinsic GTPase activity); this is due to the higher exchange rate between bound GDP and free GTP. Also the intrinsic GTPase of EF-1 alpha is enhanced by increasing the concentration of monovalent cations, K+ being more effective than NH+4. Differently from EF-Tu, aa-tRNA is much more active than ribosomes in stimulating the EF-1 alpha GTPase activity. However, ribosomes strongly reinforce the aa-tRNA effect. In the absence of aa-tRNA the rate-limiting step of the GTPase turnover appears to be the hydrolysis of GTP, whereas in its presence the GDP/GTP exchange reaction becomes rate-limiting, since addition of EF-1 beta enhances turnover GTPase activity. Kirromycin moderately inhibits the intrinsic GTPase of EF-1 alpha; this effect turns into stimulation when aa-tRNA is present. Addition of ribosomes abolishes any kirromycin effect. The inability of kirromycin to affect the EF-1 alpha/guanine-nucleotide interaction in the presence of ribosomes shows that, differently from EF-Tu, the EF-1 alpha X GDP/GTP exchange reaction takes place on the ribosome.  相似文献   

In the secondary endosymbiotic organisms of cryptomonads, the symbiont actin genes have been found together with the host one. To examine whether they are commonly conserved and where they are encoded, host and symbiont actin genes from Pyrenomonas helgolandii were isolated, and their specific and homologous regions were digoxigenin (DIG) labeled separately. Using these probes, Southern hybridization was performed on 13 species of cryptomonads. They were divided into three groups: (1) both host and symbiont actin gene signals were detected, (2) only the host actin gene signal was detected, and (3) host and unknown actin signals were detected. The phylogenetic analysis of these actin gene sequences indicated that the evolutionary rates of the symbiont actin genes were accelerated more than those of the hosts. The unknown actin signals were recognized as the highly diverged symbiont actin genes. One of the diverged symbiont actin sequences from Guillardia theta is presumed to be as a pseudogene or to its precursor. Southern hybridizations based on the samples divided by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that all actin genes were encoded by the host nuclei. These results possibly represent the evolutionary fate of the symbiont actin gene in cryptomonads, which was firstly transferred from the symbiont nucleus or nucleomorph, to the host nucleus and became a pseudogene and then finally disappeared there.  相似文献   

A recently identified GTPase, elongation factor-like (EFL) protein is proposed to bear the principal functions of translation elongation factor 1alpha (EF-1alpha). Pioneering studies of EF-1alpha/EFL evolution have revealed the phylogenetically scattered distribution of EFL amongst eukaryotes, suggesting frequent eukaryote-to-eukaryote EFL gene transfer events and subsequent replacements of EF-1alpha functions by EFL. We here determined/identified seven new EFL sequences of the photosynthetic cryptomonad Cryptomonas ovata, the non-photosynthetic cryptomonad (goniomonad) Goniomonas amphinema, the foraminifer Planoglabratella opecularis, the haptophyte Chrysochromulina sp., the centroheliozoan Raphidiophrys contractilis, and two red algae Chondrus crispus and Gracilaria changii. The analyses of these EFL sequences successfully brought new insights into lateral EFL gene transfer amongst eukaryotes. Of most interest is a complex EFL evolution in a monophyletic assemblage comprised of cryptomonads and haptophytes. Since our analyses rejected any phylogenetic affinity amongst the EFL sequences from Goniomonas, photosynthetic cryptomonads, and haptophytes, the EFL genes of the three lineages most likely originated from different phylogenetic sources.  相似文献   

Abstract: Piriformospora indica (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota) is a newly described endophyte which interacts with the roots of a great variety of plants, showing a positive effect on biomass production. In order to obtain a tool for molecular studies on P. indica, Pitef 1 encoding the translation elongation factor EF-1α in P. indica has been cloned and analysed. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequence revealed the presence of seven introns in the coding part of the gene and at least one in the 5'untranslated region. Pitef 1 is only present as one copy in the genome, as determined by Southern blot analysis. Interaction with roots of Zea mays in a time course experiment was analysed in relation to hyphal development and RNA accumulation, showing high expression of this gene. The Pitef 1 promoter should therefore be a good tool to construct vectors for the development of a transformation system for P. indica. The gene Pitef 1 might, in addition, be useful for estimating the amount of active mycelium during in planta development and for the calibration of RNA accumulation analyses of differentially expressed fungal genes.  相似文献   

Summary The gene family encoding the Arabidopsis thaliana translation elongation factor (EF-1) was analysed. This family contains four genes (A1-A4) organized in a similar manner in different varieties of Arabidopsis. Based upon both their physical separation and a comparison of their sequences, it is suggested that the A4 gene and the A1, A2, and A3 genes constitute two distinct subfamilies within the genome. By introducing chimaeric gene constructs into Arabidopsis cells, we showed that the Al gene promoter mediates a transient expression about twofold higher than that obtained using the CaMV 35 S promoter. This expression depends on a 348 by DNA fragment extending from –982 to –634 by upstream of the initiation codon. This element contains a characteristic telomeric sequence (AACCCTAA) which is also found in the promoters of the A2 and A4 genes as well as in the promoters of the Drosophila EF-1 F1 gene and of several highly expressed plant genes.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships of the Pelobionta, an amitochondriate amoeboflagellate group, are not yet completely settled. To provide more information, we obtained sequences for the large subunit rDNA gene, the gene for translation elongation factor 1alpha, and for a large part of the gene encoding translation elongation factor 2 from a representative of this group, Mastigamoeba balamuthi (formerly Phreatamoeba balamuthi). The gene for the large subunit rDNA was unusually large compared to those of other protists, a phenomenon that had previously been observed for the gene encoding the small subunit rDNA. Phylogenetic reconstruction using a maximum likelihood method was performed with these sequences, as well as the gene encoding the small subunit rDNA. When evaluated individually, the M. balamuthi genes for the small and large subunit rDNAs and elongation factor 1alpha had a most recent common ancestor with either the Mycetozoa (slime molds) or with Entamoeba histolytica. A clade formed by M. balamuthi, E. histolytica, and Mycetozoa was not rejected statistically for any of the sequences. A combined maximum likelihood analysis using 3,935 positions from all molecules suggested that these three taxonomic units form a robust clade. We were unable to resolve the closest group to this clade using the combined analysis. These findings support the notion, which had previously been proposed primarily on cytological evidence, that both M. balamuthi and E. histolytica are closely related to the Mycetozoa and that these three together represent a major eukaryotic lineage.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, the O-antigen-encoding genes may be transferred between lineages, although mechanisms are not fully understood. To assess possible lateral gene transfer (LGT), 21 Argentinean Vibrio cholerae O-group 1 (O1) isolates were examined using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to determine the genetic relatedness of housekeeping genes and genes from the O1 gene cluster. MSLT analysis revealed that 4.4% of the nucleotides in the seven housekeeping loci were variable, with six distinct genetic lineages identified among O1 isolates. In contrast, MLST analysis of the eight loci from the O1 serogroup region revealed that 0.24% of the 4943 nucleotides were variable. A putative breakpoint was identified in the JUMPstart sequence. Nine conserved nucleotides differed by a single nucleotide from a DNA uptake signal sequence (USS) also found in Pastuerellaceae . Our data indicate that genes in the O1 biogenesis region are closely related even in distinct genetic lineages, indicative of LGT, with a putative DNA USS identified at the defined boundary for the DNA exchange.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium poae isolates from South America (Argentina) and Europe (mainly England, Germany, Italy) was performed using 98 F. poae, four Fusarium culmorum, two Fusarium sporotrichioides and one Fusarium langsethiae isolates. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using nuclear (translation elongation factor 1-alpha, EF-1 alpha) and mitochondrial (mitochondrial small subunit rDNA, mtSSU) sequences. Partitioned (each dataset separately) and combined (EF-1 alpha+mtSSU) analyses did not reveal any clear correlations from the inferred branching topology, between the distribution of observed haplotypes and the geographic origin and/or host species. Results from the present study confirmed that isolates from F. poae form a monophyletic group, and the low variability within isolates from a broad geographic range suggests a common lineage history. Among F. poae isolates from Argentina, however, some were found to possess an insert within mtSSU with structural similarities to group IC2 introns. F. poae isolates differing by the presence/absence of a mtSSU insertion were characterized further by analysis of a portion of the Tri5 gene, but this sequence was unable to reveal variability. The presence of this insert only within isolates from Argentina suggests that evolutionary events (insertions/deletions) are probably taking place within the Argentinian F. poae isolates, and that the acquisition of this insert occurred after geographic isolation of the Argentinian and European populations.  相似文献   

As the Human Genome Project and other genome projects experience remarkable success and a flood of biological data is produced by means of high-throughout sequencing techniques, detection of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) becomes a promising field in bioinformatics. This review describes two freeware programs: T-REX for MS Windows and RHOM for Linux. T-REX is a graphical user interface program that offers functions to reconstruct the HGT network among the donor and receptor hosts from the gene and species distance matrices. RHOM is a set of command-line driven programs used to detect HGT in genomes. While T-REX impresses with a user-friendly interface and drawing of the reticulation network, the strength of RHOM is an extensive statistical framework of genome and the graphical display of the estimated sequence position probabilities for the candidate horizontally transferred genes.  相似文献   

The trichloroethene reductive dehalogenase gene (tceA) of Dehalococcoides spp. was detected in 12 of 21 trichloroethene-to-ethene dechlorinating enrichment cultures established from aquifer and sediment samples collected from diverse geographic locations in the USA. Analysis of the tceA chromosomal regions indicated that the tceA genes shared greater than 95% sequence identity, and all shared identical tceAB spacer sequences and tceB genes downstream of tceA. A putative transposable element (PTE) was present 1077 bp downstream of the tceB stop codon in three of eight chromosomal regions analyzed. Sequence identity was interrupted downstream of tceB and upstream or downstream of the PTE, suggesting that intrachromosomal or interchromosomal transfer of tceAB had occurred.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic peptide elongation factor, EF-1 alpha, is anchored at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by phosphatidylinositol via ethanolamine bridging presumably to Asp306 of the protein.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis oocytes two distinct systems catalyze the mRNA-dependent binding of aminoacyl tRNA to the A site of ribosomes. These systems are elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) and the 42S nucleoprotein particle. This particle is also implicated in the long-term storage of 5S RNA and aminoacyl tRNA during early oogenesis. We report here that the ribosomes and the storage particles are distributed uniformly in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic (stage I) oocytes. In contrast, EF-1 alpha is concentrated in a small region of the cytoplasm, known as the mitochondrial mass or Balbiani body. When the Balbiani body disperses in early vitellogenic oocytes (stage II), EF-1 alpha becomes evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. The main phase of EF-1 alpha accumulation follows the disappearance of the 42S particles (stage II), but coincides with the main phase of ribosome accumulation (stages III and IV).  相似文献   

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