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For malaria vector control in Madagascar, 10 WP (lambda-cyhalothrin 10% wettable powder) was compared with DDT 75% WP for house-spraying, from November 1997 to September 1998. This study was implemented at the fringe of the malaria epidemic zone, in villages on western slopes of the central highlands, outside the area covered for the past five years by routine DDT house-spraying (OPID). Four types of treatment were compared in different areas: 1) DDT 2 g ai/m2 and 2) lambda-cyhalothrin 30 mg ai/m2 in previously unsprayed villages, 3) no intervention (control); 4) yearly DDT spraying (OPID fifth cycle). To investigate the malariological impact of spraying, cross-sectional surveys of the village populations were performed in each study area at intervals of two months, before and after spraying. In the newly sprayed areas, from December to June, malaria indices decreased by 62% in the ICON area and 44% in the DDT area, whereas in the unsprayed village malaria increased by 32% during the same season. There was a similar decrease in the number of gametocyte carriers in the newly sprayed areas. Active malaria case detection among febrile individuals was performed fortnightly in each village outside the OPID area. Results showed decreased malaria incidence from February (two months post-spraying) in the sprayed villages, despite the rainy season, whereas in the unsprayed area the decline occurred only after the main transmission season. This study demonstrated that, parasitologically as well as entomologically, house-spraying with residual insecticide (DDT or ICON) was an effective method for controlling malaria on the western fringes of the Madagascar highlands epidemic zone. Both products were effective, but ICON had slightly better impact than DDT, i.e. more reduction of malaria indices and of vector longevity, less irritancy of mosquitoes. For best results in this area of transition between stable and unstable malaria, we recommend earlier annual spraying (as soon as November) and extension of the OPID barrier towards western and northern slopes of the Plateau.  相似文献   

We monitored the productivity of the critically endangered Madagascar Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vociferoides inside and outside of the Tsimembo-Manambolomaty Protected Area (T-M PA), western Madagascar from 2010 to 2015. We recorded 14 breeding pairs inside and 13 outside T-M PA. The T-M PA and surrounding habitat hosted respectively 10 and six breeding polyandrous pairs, composed of one adult female and two adult males. During the six-year study period, 101 eggs were laid in nests in T-M PA of which 60 hatched and 58 young fledged. We recorded 62 eggs laid in nests outside the T-M PA of which 39 hatched and 36 young fledged. Productivity was similar at both sites, inside and outside T-M PA, with 0.84 (58/69) and 0.76 (36/47) fledgling per nesting attempt and 0.69 (58/84) and 0.5 (36/72) fledglings per territorial pair, respectively. Polyandrous pairs have higher productivity compared with normal pairs. Threats to Madagascar Fish Eagles and their habitat were low due to the existence of a community-based resource management system called the Local Management Secured System (GELOSE) inside and outside the T-M PA. This system is based on strengthening local traditional customs and rules, and involving local people in managing their natural resources sustainably along with biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of applied programmes and treatment methods against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). Two vine cultivars (Frankovka and Game) were tested in an experimental field (in Rahovec, Kosovo) for a two-year period (2010–2011). The fungicides used were Quadris (azoxystrobin), Antracol EP-70 (propineb), Dithan M-45 (mancozeb), Ridomil (metalaxyl), Curzate (cymoxanil), Bordeaux mixture (calcium hydroxide and copper sulphate) and Mikal (fosetyl-aluminium) applied three treatment methods. The evaluation of the disease severity was performed using the McKinney index. In both tested cultivars and in both treatment years (2010 and 2011), all of the programmes tested significantly reduced the severity of grape downy mildew compared to the control. The highest efficacy against grape downy mildew was achieved with the combined use of Ridomil and Dithan (programme 3); this treatment was more than 80% effective in both cultivars and in both years.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Anopheles gambiae s.s. Giles (Diptera: Culicidae), the primary African malaria vector, has been characterized at the subspecies level in Madagascar, where only the molecular form S and haplotype gIA occur. The haplotype gIC proposed by other authors was not observed amongst the 35 mosquito genomes sequenced. These S/gIA characteristics are also found on the Comoros archipelago and in continental Africa.  相似文献   

1. Thirty-five years ago malaria was eradicated from Sardinia by massive application of DDT directed against the mosquito vector species, Anopheles labranchiae, but the long-term effects on the mosquito fauna have not been investigated previously. 2. A 5-year mosquito survey (1980-85) involved in the inspection of 348 sites (plus 173 reinspections) and the processing of nearly 60,000 specimens. 3. Twenty-four species in six genera were identified from larval and adult collections. Species of the genera Culex (41%) and Aedes (22%) were more commonly encountered than Culiseta (18%) and Anopheles (17%) species. Orthopodomyia (1.6%) and Coquillettidia (0.6%) were far less frequent. 4. The species composition was similar to that described for the years of the eradication campaign, except for the genus Anopheles. Of the eight Anopheles species previously recorded, only four species were identified in collections of 1159 larvae from eighty-five positive sites. 5. Anopheles labranchiae was the most frequently collected species of its genus (49%), but was represented in only 12% of the total collections. Comparison with previous records indicated a progressive increase in sites positive for An.labranchiae over the past 35 years. 6. Anopheles hispaniola was not found, although it had apparently replaced An.labranchiae soon after the eradication campaign. An. labranchiae was common in the sites where the replacement phenomenon has been observed.  相似文献   

Abstract. In villages of northern Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, where the predominant malaria vector is An.farauti No. 1 and An. puctulatus is also involved, malaria transmission rates were compared for three zones: (1) non-intervention: 438 people in seventeen villages; (2) residual DDT house-spraying two cycles per year: 644 people in thirty villages; (3) bednets impregnated with permethrin 0.5 g/m2 twice per year, used by 580 people in sixteen villages. Regular DDT spraying in zones 1 and 3 had been withdrawn 18 months previously. Malariological blood smear surveys of children aged 1-9 years in August 1986 to January 1987 showed a mean-baseline malaria parasite rate of 38% (32/84). By February 19 88 , 18 months after introduction of impregnated bednets, the Plasmodium falciparum infection rate in children was lowest in the zone using impregnated bednets (21% of 29), intermediate in the untreated zone (29% of 34) and highest in the DDT zone (46% of 53), but these differences were not statistically significant. P.vivax infection rates were 9–14%. Using ELISA tests for malaria circumsporozoite antigen in the vectors, overall positivity rates were 0.7% of 49 ,902 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.punctulatus, comprising 228 P.falciparum and 124 P. vivax infections. In the study zones, vector positivity rates were 0.93% of 31 ,615 An.farauti in the untreated zone; 0.32% of 16, 883 An.farauti in the DDT zone; 0.07% of 1404 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.puctulatus in the impregnated bednet zone. There was no significant correlation between malaria parasite rates in the vectors and the children. Entomological inoculation rates were consistently highest in the untreated zone (1.6–2.8 infective bites/night), intermediate in the DDT zone (0.8– 1.1/night) and significantly lowest in the bednet zone (0.03-0.23/night). Geometric mean densities of P.falciparum sporozoites were also significantly higher in the DDT zone (50% > 10,000 sporozoites/mosquito compared with 20% in untreated zone). The highest individual infection density was an estimated 52,080 sporozoites of P.falciparum in a specimen of An.punctulatus from the bednet zone. P.vivax sporozoite densities were not significantly different between zones, and both species of vector had similar mean sporozoite loads for both species of malaria. It is concluded that permethrin-impregnated mosquito nets exerted significantly more impact on vector infectivity and the inoculation rate than resulted from DDT spraying. Even so, the inoculation rate for people in the bednet zone remained at one infective bite every 4–32 days, an insufficient reduction to control malaria without additional countermeasures. Ineffectiveness of house-spraying and the limited impact of impregnated bednets are attributed to exophily and other behavioural aspects of An. farauti.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine historically the alternative between control and eradication of the infectious diseases, starting with the idea of eradication itself, a result of the Pasteurian revolution. The eradication of malaria in Italy is taken as a case study. Through an extensive use of the archival sources, the alternative between control and eradication is analysed for the first years of the Sardinian Project, directed by the Rockefeller Foundation, that resulted in the eradication of malaria in Sardinia. This program is compared with the different program, grounded in the Italian malariological tradition, that in the same years carried out the eradication of malaria in the rest of Italy.  相似文献   

Langrand, O. & Wilme, L. 2000. The effects of forest fragmentation on bird species abundance: a case study of the central high plateau of Madagascar. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 315.

Considering the high rate of endemism in Malagasy organisms, which are mostly restricted to forest ecosystems, and the accelerating rate of deforestation, it is critical to understand the effects of forest fragmentation on Malagasy biota to allow for better management of species. The Ambohitantely Special Reserve, located on the central high plateau at 1 500 m asl, was selected as a study site for research on the effects of forest fragmentation on forest-department bird species in Madagascar. The forest, described as East Malagasy moist montane forest, is 2 737 ha in area, of which 1 487 ha make up 513 forest fragments scattered around the largest block totalling 1 250 ha. To investigate the effects of forest fragmentation on forest-dependent bird species, seven forest fragments were selected, ranging from 0.64 ha to 136 ha, in addition to the largest block, referred to as the control site. The relative abundance of a selection of bird species in the different-sized fragments was assessed in reference to the control site, by using a combination of two standardised sampling methods: mist-netting and point-counts. A total of 1 804 mist-net-days were accrued; 1 026 in the control site and 778 in the seven forest fragments, leading to the capture of 491 birds of 26 species. A total of 160 point-counts was made at 39 different sample plots totalling 53h 29 min of cknsusing, and a record of 30 species. The analysis of the relative abundance of bird species in different size fragments indicates a decrease in the number of forest dependent bird species and an increase in the generalist, or in non-forest dependent bird species, in relation to decreasing size of forest fragment.  相似文献   

The Palearctic forest-steppe biome is a narrow vegetation zone between the temperate forest and steppe biomes, which provides important habitats for many endangered species and represents an important hotspot of biodiversity. Although the number of studies on forest–grassland mosaics is increasing, information currently available about the general compositional and structural patterns of Eurasian forest-steppes is scarce. Our study aimed to compare the habitat structure, species composition and diversity patterns of two distant sandy forest-steppes of Eurasia. We compared 72 relevés made in the main habitat components (forest, forest edge and grassland) of sandy forest-steppes in three Hungarian and three Kazakh sites. The size of the plots was 25 m2. Species number, Shannon diversity and species evenness values were calculated for each plot. Fidelity calculations and linear mixed effects models were used for the analyses. We found that the vegetation and diversity patterns of the two forest-steppes are similar and their components play important roles in maintaining landscape-scale diversity. Despite the higher species richness in Hungary, Shannon diversity was higher in Kazakhstan. The deciduous forest edges of both areas had significantly higher species richness than the neighbouring habitats (forests and grasslands); therefore they can be considered local biodiversity hotspots. Due to the special characteristics of this vegetation complex, we emphasize the high conservation value of all landscape components as a coherent system throughout the entire range of the Eurasian forest-steppe biome.  相似文献   

F Darriet 《Parassitologia》1991,33(2-3):111-119
Three pyrethroids, OMS-3002, OMS-3004 and OMS-3021 were tested in the experimental station of Soumousso (Burkina Faso), a WHO reference centre. Total indoor house-spraying was carried out in Bobo and Mossi huts, using a Hudson type sprayer at doses of 1 g/m2 for OMS-3002, 0.1 g/m2 for OMS-3004 and OMS-3021. The density of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus collected in huts treated with OMS-3002 was reduced by 70%: a 94% exit rate was observed in the treated huts (compared to 33% in the control) as well as a significant drop in the feeding rates and an overall mortality of 48%. With OMS-3004 and OMS-3021, the number of females entering the huts dropped by 73% and 55%, respectively; the feeding rates were also significantly reduced. Exit rates increased (81% and 91%, respectively) as well as the overall mortality (83% for OMS-3004 and 89% for OMS-3021). These promising results offer favourable prospects for the use of these insecticides in an integrated malaria vector control policy.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports on possible effects of selective logging on vegetation structure and its consequences for two tenrec species in a dry forest in western Madagascar. On a small scale semi-mechanized logging of less than 10 m3 per ha alters forest structure significantly. However on a large scale most of these changes are smaller than the variation of forest structure due to natural causes. The most profound ecological effect of logging is a reduction in the number of woody species in the regenerating cohort of trees. Potential longterm consequences of this feature are discussed. Microhabitat variables influencing the habitat utilization of two tenrec species,Echinops telfairi andTenrec ecaudatus, were identified in an area of unlogged forest. The conclusions derived from this analysis were then tested in other parts of the forest which had been modified by selective logging. Logging of the extent described above slightly impairs habitats forE. telfairi but has no effect onT. ecaudatus. Though the latter species is hunted extensively in the logged areas, loggingper se does not threaten the survival of either species.
Résumé Cette étude met en évidence quelques effets de l'exploitation séléctive de la forêt sur la structure de la végétation et les conséquences pour deux espèces de tenrecs dans une forêt sèche à l'ouest de Madagascar. Dans un domaine limité, l'exploitation de bois de moins de 10 m3 par ha change considérablement la structure de la forêt. Mais si on considère une échelle plus grande, ces effets sont inférieurs à la variabilité naturelle. L'effet le plus grave de l'exploitation forestière sélective est la reduction du nombre d'espèces végétales ligneuses dans le processus de regénération naturelle de la forêt. Quelques conséquences possibles de cette réduction pour les animaux sont discutées. Quelques caractères distinctifs de la végétation qui influencent l'utilisation de l'habitat par deux espèces de tenrec,Echinops telfairi etTenrec ecaudatus, ont été identifiés dans une partie de la forêt qui n'a pas encore été exploitée. Les conclusions de cette analyse sont vérifiées dans une autre partie de la forêt qui a été modifiée par l'exploitation du bois. L'exploitation forestière sélective du bois détériore légèrement l'habitat pourE. telfairi, mais elle n'a pas d'effets remarquables surT. ecaudatus. L'exploitation sélective du bois favorise la chasse par l'ouverture de chemins d'accès. La chasse deT. ecaudatus est particulièrement intense, mais cependant ni l'une ni l'autre des espèces de tenrec considérées ne sont en danger d'extinction par cette form d'exploitationper se.

Anopheles stephensi is the primary vector of malaria, an endemic disease in India. An effort to control An. stephensi larvae by leaf extracts of Aloe barbadensis (Liliaceae) and Cannabis sativa (Moraceae) was made under laboratory conditions. A carbon tetrachloride extract of A. barbadensis was the most effective of all the extracts tested for larvicidal activity against the anopheline larvae, with LC50 15.58 and 8.04 p.p.m. after 24 and 48 h of exposure, respectively. Thus, the leaf extract of A. barbadensis has active components that could be useful as a larvicide of ecocongenial nature against malaria vectors.  相似文献   

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