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IL-6 production by pulmonary dendritic cells impedes Th1 immune responses   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Mucosal tissues, such as the lung, are continually exposed to both foreign and environmental Ags. To counter the potential inflammatory tissue injury of chronic Th1-mediated responses against these Ags, mucosal sites may skew toward Th2 immune responses. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Dendritic cells (DC), as orchestrators of the immune response, skew Th1/Th2 differentiation by cytokine secretion and expression of specific cell surface markers. We compared DC from mucosal and systemic locations. In this study, we show that the lung lacks a CD8alpha(+) DC subpopulation and contains DC that appear less mature than splenic DC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pulmonary DC produce significant levels of IL-6 and fail to produce the Th1-polarizing cytokine IL-12. Importantly, we demonstrate that IL-6 negatively regulates IL-12 production, as pulmonary DC from IL-6(-/-) mice produce significant levels of IL-12 and induce Th1 polarization of naive CD4(+) T cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that IL-6 is sufficient to explain the differential polarizing abilities of pulmonary and splenic DC, as splenic DC cocultures supplemented with IL-6 polarize naive T cells toward Th2, and pulmonary DC cultures in which IL-6 was removed with neutralizing Ab resulted in more Th1 polarization, pointing to IL-6 as the mechanism of Th2 polarization in the lung. We propose that the Th2 response seen in the lung is due to DC-mediated inhibition of Th1 responses via IL-6 production, rather than enhanced Th2 responses, and that this regulation decreases the likelihood of chronic inflammatory pathology in the lung.  相似文献   

We have shown that human thymic epithelial (TE) cells produce IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, and TE cells bind to thymocytes by CD2 and LFA-1 molecules on thymocytes and LFA-3, ICAM-1 on TE cells. We investigated whether ligand binding to LFA-3 on human TE cells can modulate TE cell IL-1 production. First, we investigated the ability of human thymocytes to regulate IL-1 release by TE cells. Both autologous and allogenic emetine-treated thymocytes when cultured with TE cells augmented IL-1 release by TE cells. The augmentation of IL-1 release was cell density dependent. Inasmuch as the interaction between thymocytes and TE cells is mediated in part by CD2 molecules on thymocytes and LFA-3 molecules on TE cells we next determined the effect on IL-1 release of ligand binding (anti-LFA-3 mAb TS2/9) to TE cell surface LFA-3. Purified anti-LFA-3 mAb augmented IL-1 release in a concentration-dependent fashion. The anti-LFA-3-mediated augmentation of IL-1 release required both new protein and RNA synthesis as shown by the ability of cycloheximide and actinomycin-D to inhibit augmentation of IL-1 production by TE cells, and by direct quantitation of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA by Northern blot analysis. Both F(ab)'2 and Fab' fragments of anti-LFA-3 mAb augmented IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA production, indicating that monovalent binding to cell surface LFA-3 was sufficient to provide the inducing signal. The identification of LFA-3, the cell surface ligand for thymocyte CD2 molecules, as a molecule via which TE cell-derived cytokine production may be regulated suggests a mechanism at the cell surface by which direct TE cell-thymocyte interaction might result in the triggering of local IL-1 release within the human thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) are the principal producers of IFN-alpha in response to viral infection. Because pDC are present in the thymus, we investigated the consequences of HIV-1-induced IFN-alpha production by thymic pDC. We observed that thymic pDC as well as thymocytes express intracellular IFN-alpha upon infection with HIV-1. However, only the pDC could suppress HIV-1 replication, because depletion of pDC resulted in enhancement of HIV-1 replication in thymocytes. Thymic pDC could also produce IFN-alpha in response to CpG oligonucleotides, consistent with the observations of others that peripheral pDC produce IFN-alpha upon engagement of TLR-9. Importantly, CpG considerably increased IFN-alpha production induced by HIV-1, and addition of CpG during HIV-1 infection enhanced expression of the IFN response protein MxA in thymocytes and strongly reduced HIV-replication. Our data indicate that thymic pDC modulate HIV-1 replication through secretion of IFN-alpha. The degree of inhibition depends on the level of IFN-alpha produced by the thymic pDC.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L) is a membrane-bound molecule expressed by activated T cells. CD40L potently induces dendritic cell (DC) maturation and IL-12p70 secretion and plays a critical role during T cell priming in the lymph nodes. IFN-gamma and IL-4 are required for CD40L-mediated cytokine secretion, suggesting that T cells are required for optimal CD40L activity. Because CD40L is rapidly up-regulated by non-T cells during inflammation, CD40 stimulation may also be important at the primary infection site. However, a role for T cells at the earliest stages of infection is unclear. The present study demonstrates that the innate immune cell-derived cytokine, IL-1beta, can increase CD40L-induced cytokine secretion by monocyte-derived DC, CD34(+)-derived DC, and peripheral blood DC independently of T cell-derived cytokines. Furthermore, IL-1beta is constitutively produced by monocyte-derived DC and monocytes, and is increased in response to intact Escherichia coli or CD40L, whereas neither CD34(+)-derived DC nor peripheral blood DC produce IL-1beta. Finally, DC activated with CD40L and IL-1beta induce higher levels of IFN-gamma secretion by T cells compared with DC activated with CD40L alone. Therefore, IL-1beta is the first non-T cell-derived cytokine identified that enhances CD40L-mediated activation of DC. The synergy between CD40L and IL-1beta highlights a potent, T cell-independent mechanism for DC activation during the earliest stages of inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption inhibits accessory cell function and Ag-specific T cell responses. Myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) coordinate innate immune responses and T cell activation. In this report, we found that in vivo moderate alcohol intake (0.8 g/kg of body weight) in normal volunteers inhibited DC allostimulatory capacity. Furthermore, in vitro alcohol treatment during DC differentiation significantly reduced allostimulatory activity in a MLR using naive CD4(+) T cells, and inhibited tetanus toxoid Ag presentation by DCs. Alcohol-treated DCs showed reduced IL-12, increased IL-10 production, and a decrease in expression of the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Addition of exogenous IL-12 and IL-2, but not neutralization of IL-10, during MLR ameliorated the reduced allostimulatory capacity of alcohol-treated DCs. Naive CD4(+) T cells primed with alcohol-treated DCs showed decreased IFN-gamma production that was restored by exogenous IL-12, indicating inhibition of Th1 responses. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells primed with alcohol-treated DCs were hyporesponsive to subsequent stimulation with the same donor-derived normal DCs, suggesting the ability of alcohol-treated DCs to induce T cell anergy. LPS-induced maturation of alcohol-treated immature DCs partially restored the reduced allostimulatory activity, whereas alcohol given only during DC maturation failed to inhibit DC functions, suggesting that alcohol primarily impairs DC differentiation rather than maturation. NFkappaB activation, a marker of DC maturation was not affected by alcohol. Taken together, alcohol both in vitro and in vivo can impair generation of Th1 immune responses via inhibition of DC differentiation and accessory cell function through mechanisms that involve decreased IL-12 induction.  相似文献   

It has been reported that IL-27 specifically induces the production of IgG2a by mouse B cells and inhibits IL-4-induced IgG1 synthesis. Here, we show that human na?ve cord blood expresses a functional IL-27 receptor, consisting of the TCCR and gp130 subunits, although at lower levels as compared to na?ve and memory splenic B cells. IL-27 does not induce proliferative responses and does not increase IgG1 production by CD19(+)CD27(+) memory B cells. However, it induces a low, but significant production of IgG1 by na?ve CD19(+)CD27(-)IgD(+)IgG(-) spleen and cord blood B cells, activated via CD40, whereas it has no effect on the production of the other IgG subclasses. In addition, IL-27 induces the differentiation of a population of B cells that express high levels of CD38, in association with a down-regulation of surface IgD expression, and that are surface IgG(+/int), CD20(low), CD27(high), indicating that IL-27 promotes isotype switching and plasma cell differentiation of naive B cells. However, as compared to the effects of IL-21 and IL-10, both switch factors for human IgG1 and IgG3, those of IL-27 are modest and regulate exclusively the production of IgG1. Finally, although IL-27 has no effect on IL-4 and anti-CD40-induced Cepsilon germline promoter activity, it up-regulates IL-4-induced IgE production by naive B cells. These results point to a partial redundancy of switch factors regulating the production of IgG1 in humans, and furthermore indicate the existence of a common regulation of the human IgG1and murine IgG2a isotypes by IL-27.  相似文献   

Human PBMC were cultured in medium containing human rIL-2, and the supernatants and cell lysates were analyzed for IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta using specific RIA. IL-2, but not the excipient detergents included in the rIL-2 preparation, induced the synthesis of both cytokines. The concentrations of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta in the cell lysates and supernatants depended on both the concentration of rIL-2 in the culture medium and the duration of the incubation. After 24 h of stimulation, IL-2-induced IL-1 alpha remained almost entirely cell-associated. In contrast, IL-1 beta was present in both cell lysates and supernatants and was more abundant in the latter. SDS-PAGE analysis after radioimmunoprecipitation with anti-IL-1 antibodies indicates that cell-associated IL-1 resulting from IL-2 stimulation was in the form of the 35 kDa IL-1 precursor whereas secreted IL-1 was almost entirely in the form of the mature 18 kDa product. Depletion of monocytes from the PBMC culture substantially reduced IL-2-induced IL-1 production. In addition, Leu M3+ monocytes obtained through FACS, but not CD16+ NK cells, produced both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta in response to IL-2. The low level of endotoxin present in the IL-2 preparation used in our studies and the selective inhibition by polymyxin B of LPS-induced, but not IL-2-induced, IL-1 production by PBMC indicate that IL-2-induced IL-1 production was not due to endotoxin contamination. Furthermore, an anti-IL-2 antiserum selectively inhibited IL-1 production in response to IL-2 stimulation. We conclude that IL-2 is a potent inducer of IL-1 synthesis and secretion in vitro and propose that IL-1 may be generated in vivo in patients undergoing IL-2 immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Mouse splenic dendritic cells (DCs) produce IFN-gamma in response to IL-12. In the present study, we analyzed effects of Th1 and Th2 cytokines on IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 produced by DCs and macrophages acts in an autocrine manner and augments IL-12-induced IFN-gamma production by DCs as also observed in T and NK cells. Surprisingly, IL-4, a Th2 cytokine, also acts synergistically with IL-12 on IFN-gamma production by DCs. In addition, IL-4 markedly enhances IFN-gamma production when DCs are stimulated through CD40 or MHC class II. These results indicate that both Th1 and Th2 cytokines act on DCs during T cell-DC interaction upon Ag presentation. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is constitutively activated in mature DCs and is required for IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 but not IL-4 or IL-12 further activates the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, suggesting that IL-4 and IL-18 enhance IFN-gamma production through distinct intracellular signal transduction pathways in DCs.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are professional APCs with an unmatched ability to interact with and activate T cells. There is accumulating evidence that DC not only efficiently stimulate T cell activation but also regulate T cell responses. However, little is known about cell surface structures on DC involved in the regulation of T cell responses. We demonstrate that human rhinoviruses (HRV) can efficiently inhibit the accessory function of DC through induction of inhibitory cell surface receptors. We observed that treatment of DC with HRV14 (R-DC), a member of the major group HRV family, diminished their T cell stimulatory capacity and induced a promiscuous and deep anergic state in cocultured T cells despite high levels of MHC molecules as well as costimulatory molecules, e.g., B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86), and independent of inhibitory soluble factors such as IL-10. In contrast, expression of inhibitory B7-H1 molecules was up-regulated and R-DC de novo expressed sialoadhesin (Sn). Most importantly, blocking of B7-H1 and Sn on R-DC with specific mAbs against both receptors reverted the inhibitory phenotype. Thus, inhibitory signals delivered from R-DC to T cells via B7-H1 and Sn were critical for the induction of anergy. These observations suggest that an altered accessory molecule repertoire on DC upon interaction with HRV down-modulates adaptive immune responses during the viral infection.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of morphine on human dendritic cells (DCs). Interestingly, immature DCs were found to express all 3 (mu, kappa, delta) opioid receptors on the cell surface. Chronic morphine treatment (10(-8) to 10(-12) M) during the development of DCs from monocytes augmented LPS-induced upregulation of HLA-DR, CD86, CD80, and CD83 and increased the T cell stimulatory capacity of DCs, which could be inhibited by naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist. The change in surface phenotype was paralleled by a p38 MAPK-dependent decrease in IL-10 and increase in IL-12 secretion. Our data indicate that morphine exerts an immunostimulatory effect by modulating LPS-induced DC maturation.  相似文献   

Control of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis usually requires the production of interferon-gamma. Whilst this can be produced by CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells are another important source of this cytokine, and are known to be recruited early to the infected genital tract. We show that both IL-12 and IL-18, which synergise to stimulate NK cells to produce interferon-gamma, are produced following the infection of dendritic cells and epithelial cells respectively, since supernatants from infected cells could substitute for recombinant cytokines. These results suggest that conditions, which lead to NK cell production of interferon-gamma will be present at the site of infection, where epithelial cells are the primary targets of infection and dendritic cells within the epithelium can also access the bacterium.  相似文献   

Although the development of an acidic tissue environment or acidosis is a hallmark of inflammatory processes, few studies analyze the effect of extracellular pH on immune cells. We have previously shown that exposure of murine dendritic cells (DCs) to pH 6.5 stimulates macropinocytosis and cross-presentation of extracellular Ags by MHC class I molecules. We report that the transient exposure of human DCs to pH 6.5 markedly increases the expression of HLA-DR, CD40, CD80, CD86, CD83, and CCR7 and improves the T cell priming ability of DCs. Incubation of DCs at pH 6.5 results in the activation of the PI3K/Akt and the MAPK pathways. Using specific inhibitors, we show that the maturation of DCs induced by acidosis was strictly dependent on the activation of p38 MAPK. DC exposure to pH 6.5 also induces a dramatic increase in their production of IL-12, stimulating the synthesis of IFN-gamma, but not IL-4, by Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. Interestingly, we find that suboptimal doses of LPS abrogated the ability of pH 6.5 to induce DC maturation, suggesting a cross-talk between the activation pathways triggered by LPS and extracellular protons in DCs. We conclude that extracellular acidosis in peripheral tissues may contribute to the initiation of adaptive immune responses by DCs, favoring the development of Th1 immunity.  相似文献   

Dectin-1 is a fungal pattern recognition receptor that binds to beta-glucans and triggers cytokine production by facilitating interaction with TLR2 or by directly activating spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk). To assess the possible role of Dectin-1 in the innate response to mycobacteria, we used an in vitro system in which IL-12p40 production is measured in splenic dendritic cells (SpDC) following exposure to live Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli. Treatment of SpDC with laminarin or glucan phosphate, two molecules known to block Dectin-1-dependent activity, led to a reduction in M. tuberculosis-induced IL-12p40 as well as IL-12p70 production. Moreover, SpDC from Dectin-1-/- chimeric mice displayed reduced IL-12p40 production in response to mycobacteria when compared with Dectin-sufficient DC. Laminarin treatment also inhibited mycobacterial-induced IL-12p40 production in DC from TLR2-/- mice, arguing that Dectin-1 functions independently of TLR2 signaling in this system. Importantly, a Dectin-1 fusion protein was found to directly bind to live mycobacteria in a laminarin-inhibitable manner indicating the presence of ligands for the receptor in the bacterium and laminarin pretreatment resulted in reduced association of mycobacteria to SpDC. In additional experiments, mycobacterial stimulation was shown to be associated with increased phosphorylation of Syk and this response was inhibited by laminarin. Furthermore, pharmacologic inhibition of Syk reduced the M. tuberculosis-induced IL-12p40 response. Together, these findings support a role for Dectin-1 in promoting M. tuberculosis-induced IL-12p40 production by DC in which the receptor augments bacterial-host cell interaction and enhances the subsequent cytokine response through an unknown mechanism involving Syk signaling.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) from normal rats were separated into 4 different density fractions by centrifugation on a discontinuous Percoll gradient. These fractionated (I-IV) AM, as well as unfractionated (UF) AM, were then tested for their capacities to regulate mitogen-induced T cell proliferation. Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced response of nylon wool-passed non-adherent splenic T lymphocytes was suppressed by addition of UF or higher density (III and IV) AM, while an intermediate density (II) AM fraction could enhance T cell response in a dose-dependent manner. Similar effects of UF or fractionated (I-IV) AM on T cell responses were noted when the cultures were exposed in vitro to inert, non-fibrogenic titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles. On the contrary, T cell response was sustained by addition of UF or higher density (III and IV) AM, and was also more prominently enhanced by an intermediate density (II) AM after the in vitro exposures to fibrogenic dust particles, like silica and asbestos. Higher interleukin 1 (IL-1) activity was detected from these silica- or asbestos-exposed cultures of UF and fractionated (II, III, and IV) AM. The IL-1 activity was also highly detectable from the cultures of an intermediate density (II) AM fraction when cultures were unexposed or exposed in vitro to TiO2 particles. The Ia antigen expression on the surface of UF or fractionated (II, III, and IV) AM was elevated in the Con A-pulsed co-cultures, but not significantly different whether or not they were exposed in vitro to dust particles. These results may indicate the presence of heterogeneity in accessory cell functions and IL-1 production among rat AM.  相似文献   

The production of cytokines is a key event of inflammation. In this report we demonstrate that normal human T cells are capable to produce IL-1 alpha, IL-6, and TNF-alpha, cytokines formerly considered to be monokines. This production was optimal after stimulation with a combination of anti-CD2, PMA, and anti-CD28. All three cytokines were produced in a bioactive form. Both naive (CD4+CD45RA+) and memory (CD4+CD45RO+) subsets of T cells were shown to produce similar amounts of IL-6 and TNF-alpha. In contrast the production of IL-1 alpha was found to be completely restricted to the CD4+CD45RO+ subset. The finding that T cells are such potent producers of these important mediators of the inflammatory response might be a key observation in the appreciation of the role of T cells in chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells (EC) produced IL-1 alpha but not IL-1 beta into extracellular fluids. Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), on the other hand, produced both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta, and IL-1 beta produced was much higher than IL-1 alpha. The addition of recombinant human IL-1 beta or recombinant human TNF-alpha significantly enhanced IL-1 alpha production in EC, and IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta production in SMC. IL-1 beta release was not observed even when EC were stimulated with TNF-alpha. These results suggest that the species of released form of IL-1 are different in different cell types and that cytokines enhance IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta production in SMC and IL-1 alpha production in EC.  相似文献   

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