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A new species of the genusSyllis is described feeding on a colony of corals of the genusXenia (Xeniidae, Alcyonaria) in the coral aquarium of the Löbbecke Museum Düsseldorf. The origin of the corals is very probably Bali (Indonesia).  相似文献   

From the Buschmann-Klippe-Formation, mainly considered as Late Precambrian in age until now, the ArchaeocyathaBuschmannia roeringi, n. gen., n. sp. is described. Based on this discovery, an Early Cambrian age for the Nama-group is assumed.  相似文献   

The laminated sediments of the Lower Oligocene ‘Sieblos-Schichten’ (dysodile and kieselgur-sediments) contain many individuals of a naviculoid diatom species. Formerly this group of diatoms would have been classified without doubt as Navicula (section ‘Minusculae’). After splitting this extremely heterogeneous genus in Navicula sensu stricto and some other homogeneous genera, the pattern of structures of this fossil species does not correspond to any established genus. For that reason this form will be described as the generotype of a new genus Eolimna. Furthermore it became evident that some Recent species (assigned to Navicula) show the same pattern of structures as the new genus Eolimna (generotype: E. martinii) which represents one of the first naviculoid diatoms of limnic origin. The essential criteria of this genus are: comparatively small cells with narrow girdle; simple alveolated rib system; areolae with a hymen in approximately medium position between relatively large sized foramina outside and inside of the valve; a single row of more or less irregular arranged areolae in close position to each other, on one or several of the copulae. The differences to supposed related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of percoid fishes (Pisces, Perciformes) from the Middle-Eocene Messel-Formation is introduced and delimitated from other palaeogene percoids. A preliminary diagnosis is proposed. As the relationships of this new taxon still remain somewhat imprecise, it is provisionally classified as “Percoidei incertae familiae”.  相似文献   

A completely perichondrally ossified endocranium of a generalized reprsentative of the Eubrachythoraci,Beyrichosteus radiatus n. g., n. sp., is described. The specimen shows a typical platybasie skull with widely separated nasal capsules like that of the mainly Early Devonian Dolichothoraci. This is contrary to the spezialized generaTapinosteus andPholidosteus from Wildungen, being previously often regarded as model for the endocranium of coccosteomorph arthrodires. However, characters of the orbit and the nasal capsule are more similar to other Eubrachythoraci than to those of Dolichothoraci and primitive Brachythoraci. Until now, there are not enough other examples of sufficiently preserved endocrania of brachythoracid arthrodires known for a phylogenetic analysis. Nevertheless, the observations made onBeyrichosteus are questioning the assignment of the Pholidosteidae to the Coccosteomorphi.  相似文献   

One new genus and 11 new species belonging to a group of problematic protozoan forms are described from the Northwest German Tertiary basin. Stratigraphic ranges of the different species are given.  相似文献   

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