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Immunochemical studies on the tryptophan-modified cobrotoxin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Laser Raman studies of conformational variations of poly-L-lysine   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The frequencies and intensities of the laser Raman spectra of poly-L -lysine (PLL) have been observed in the following studies: (1) the thermally induced α-to-β transition which occurs with increasing temperature at high pH; (2) the ionized form to α transition at 10°C by increasing pH; and (3) the ionized form to α transition by ionic strength at low pH. The frequency-dependent bands which have been observed are the amide I (in H2O), amide I′ (in D2O), amide III, and C–C stretch. It has been found possible to assign an unique set of frequencies and intensities to each conformation of PLL of α, β, and ionized form. In this way the nature of the conformations intermediate in the transitions can be determined. The frequencies of the amide III and amide III′ are very weak in the α-helix and somewhat higher than usual in the β form. Hence it appears the amide III and amide III′ bands may differ from one type of polypeptide to another with the same backbone conformation.  相似文献   

M C Chen  R C Lord 《Biochemistry》1976,15(9):1889-1897
The reversible thermal denaturation of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A at pH 5 in 0.1 M NaCl over the range 32-70 degrees C as studied by Raman spectroscopy proceeds in a gradual manner consistent with a stepwise unfolding process rather than as a transition between two states. Conversion of residues from helical or pleated-sheet geometry to some intermediate geometry, as followed by means of the amide I and III lines, reveals that substantial amounts of the helical and pleated-sheet conformations remain at 70 degrees C. Changes in the strength of hydrogen bonding by the tyrosyl residues are indicated by the intensity ratio of the doublet at 830-850 cm(-1) and changes in the geometry of the disulfide bridges by the frequency and half-width of the Raman line near 510 cm(-1) due to the S-S vibration. Vibrations of C-S bonds in the methionines and cystines are used to monitor conformational changes in these residues. While there are small quantitative differences in temperature dependence among these probes, all agree in placing the malting temperature at or near 62 degrees C. The Raman data are quantitatively consistent with the six-stage scheme of unfolding of A.W. Burgess and H.A. Scheraga [(1975), J. Theor, Biol. 53, 403], except that no change in the environment of the tyrosines is seen until 45 degrees C.  相似文献   

The water-soluble proteins of the bovine lens were separated on a column of Sephadex G-200 into five fractions designated as alpha-, beta1-, beta2-, and gamma-crystallin. Laser Raman scattering studies on these isolated proteins (both in the lyophilized state and in solution) and insoluble albuminoid reveal that they contain predominantly antiparallel pleated sheet structure in the main chains and that sulfhydryl groups are highly localized in gamma-crystallin. This light-scattering technique was also applied to probe the homogeneity of protein structure in the intact lens. The analysis of the scattered light selectively collected from various parts of the lens indicated that these proteins also exist in an antiparallel beta structure throughout the entire lens. However, the central (nucleus) and outer (cortex) portions have somewhat different amino acid composition. Based on the relative intensities of the lines at 624 (phenylalanine) and 644 cm-1 (tyrosine), it is concluded that the nuclear part has the highest concentration of gamma-crystallin and that the content of alpha-crystallin increases significantly from the nucleus to the cortex. By examining the Raman spectra in the 2582 cm-1 and the amide I and III regions, we have demonstrated that the sulfhydryl groups and the beta conformation of the lens proteins are unaffected in the conversion of transparent to totally opaque lens by heat denaturation at 100 degrees. This means that the opacification of a lens does not necessarily involve the oxidation of sulfhydrul groups or conformation changes.  相似文献   

Complexes of the B-protein of fd phage with the model lipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) were made by sonication of the fd phage in the presence of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. Both laser Raman spectra and circular dichroism show the protein in the membrane to be almost entirely in the beta-sheet conformation. This beta-sheet conformation is found to be independent of the temperature between 10 degrees C and 50 degrees C. On the other hand, the protein has a very dramatic effect on the organization of the lipid bilayer. An aqueous dispersion of 1 : 1 lipid/protein mixture gives a broad conformational transition of DPPC which occurs between 10 degrees C and 30 degrees C. This contrasts markedly with simple aqueous DPPC dispersions which show a sharp transition at 41 degrees C. This appears to be the first reported example of the lowering of the conformational transition of a membrane bilayer by an intrinsic membrane protein.  相似文献   

Venom toxins were isolated from Formosan cobra (Naja naja atra) by cation-exchange chromatography. The near-IR FT-Raman analytical method has been applied to the characterization and classification of the toxin components in their lyophilized forms. Structural analysis and comparison of various purified toxin fractions were made with respect to their amino acid compositions and near-IR Fourier-transform Raman spectra. The results indicate that the major secondary structure of cobra toxins including cobrotoxin and various cardiotoxins is mainly anti-parallel beta-pleated sheet as judged by the Raman signals at 1238 cm-1 (amide III) and 1671 cm-1 (amide I). It is also found that the relative Raman signal intensities of Tyr, Phe, Trp and Met residues in purified toxins correlate very well with the structural data obtained from amino acid analysis. The advantage and improvement of applying the near-IR FT-Raman spectroscopy to the unambiguous classification and comparison of venom toxins are evident and the discrepancies with previous Raman studies on these venom toxins are also revealed and discussed.  相似文献   

High affinity antibodies to cobrotoxin were obtained by immunization with derivatives of glutaraldehyde (GA)-modified cobrotoxin. The derivatives completely lost lethality and binding activity to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), but retained the same antigenicity as cobrotoxin toward anti-cobrotoxin antibody. Owing to hyperimmunization with these low toxicity derivatives, a high affinity antibody to cobrotoxin was induced in a short period. We also showed that the derivatives of cobrotoxin may have altered local conformation, and residues which contribute to the intensity of binding between antigen and antibody may consequently be exposed. Hence, the modified derivatives have increased binding affinity to anti-cobrotoxin antibody. In addition, since high affinity antibodies prepared using the derivatives exhibit more potent binding affinity to cobrotoxin than conventional anti-cobrotoxin antibody, the specific neutralizing capacity of the high affinity antibodies is greatly increased. These results lead to the conclusion that the derivatives of GA-modified cobrotoxin have the same antigenicity as the native toxin, and can be used as immunogens for the production of high affinity antibodies to cobrotoxin.  相似文献   

R Chen  S E Robinson 《Life sciences》1992,51(13):1013-1019
By using multiple time-point constant-rate infusions of deuterium-labeled phosphorylcholine, appropriate kinetic parameters were obtained for use in the calculation of the turnover rate of acetylcholine (TRACh) in selected mouse brain regions. After obtaining these data, the relationship between the analgesic agent cobrotoxin (CT) and the activity of central cholinergic neurons was investigated by determination of TRACh in selected mouse brain regions 3 hours following intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of CT. There were no obvious changes in the concentrations of ACh and choline (Ch) in the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, midbrain, striatum, or thalamus of the mouse after injection of an analgesic dose of CT (2 micrograms, i.c.v.). TRACh in the thalamus and the striatum were significantly increased, as compared to controls. On the other hand, i.c.v. injection of CT was found to significantly reduce TRACh in the hippocampus and midbrain. These results suggest that the activity of hippocampal and midbrain cholinergic neurons is suppressed by CT, whereas the activity of striatal and thalamic cholinergic neurons is increased by CT at a time when a maximum analgesic response to CT is expressed.  相似文献   

Cobrotoxin (Mr 6949), which binds tightly to the acetylcholine receptors, contains no phenylalanines and only two histidines, two tyrosines, and one tryptophan that result in well-resolved aromatic proton resonances in D2O at 360 MHz. His-32, Tyr-25, and the Trp are essential for toxicity and may interact with the acetylcholine receptor. We assign two titratable resonances (pKa = 5.1) at delta = 9.0 and 7.5 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.7 and 7.1 ppm at pH 9.5 to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons, respectively, of His-4. Two other titratable resonances (pKa = 5.7) at delta = 8.8 and 6.9 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.8 and 6.7 ppm at pH 9.5 are assigned to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons of His-32, respectively. The differences in delta values of the two histidines reflect chemically different microenvironments while their low pKa values could arise from nearby positive charges. A methyl resonance gradually shifts upfield to delta approximately 0.4 ppm as His-4 is deprotonated and is tentatively assigned to the methyl group of Thr-14 or Thr-15 which, from published X-ray studies of neurotoxins, are located in the vicinity of His-4. Further, we have identified the aromatic resonances of the invariant tryptophan and individual tyrosines and the methyl resonance of one of the two isoleucines in the molecule. Several broad nontitrating resonances of labile protons which disappear at pH greater than 9 may arise from amide groups of the beta sheet in cobrotoxin.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectra of cobrotoxin, a neurotoxic protein isolated from Formosan cobra Naja naja atra, have been studied by two-dimensional NMR techniques. Of 62 amino acid residues in cobrotoxin, the complete assignments of 58 residues have been made. The resonances from several of the remaining residues have been identified but not yet specifically assigned. The secondary structure of an antiparallel triple- and double-stranded beta-sheet has also been determined by observing the NOE.  相似文献   

Sea anemone contain a number of closely related peptide heart stimulants. In the present investigation, the conformation of anthropleurin A from Anthopleura xanthogrammica was investigated by laser Raman, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectral methods and by the Chou-Fasman method using sequence data. The recent 13C NMR data of the peptide (Norton, R.S., and Norton, T.R. (1979) J. Biol. Chem., in press) provided useful information for the interpretation of the above-mentioned spectral data. The results from these spectral methods suggested that anthropleurin A and the related sea anemone peptides are roughly spherical in shape due to the presence of some beta-bends, possibly due to a beta-pleated sheet region and due to the 3 cystine residues in the peptide which exist in the gauche-gauche-gauche configuration. The sole tyrosine residue is exposed to the solvent, a finding which has now been confirmed by 13C NMR. The laser Raman and fluorescence spectral procedures showed that one or more of the tryptophan residues are buried. Interestingly, the reduction of the native protein with dithioerythritol did not change the spherical shape even in the presence of 5 M guanidine HCl and the carboxymethylcysteine derivative of the peptide was folded even in the presence of the denaturing agent, guanidine HCl.  相似文献   

Raman studies of bovine serum albumin.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
V J Lin  J L Koenig 《Biopolymers》1976,15(1):203-218
The Raman Spectra of bovine serum albumin have been obtained in the solute state, in alkaline and acidic solutions, and in the gel. The reversible denaturations of bovine serum albumin solutions by heat, acid's, and alkali were studied and a new mechanism for heat denaturation has been proposed based on a continuous unfolding of the α-helices.  相似文献   

J B Dunn  D F Shriver  I M Klotz 《Biochemistry》1975,14(12):2689-2695
Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used as a probe of the structure of ligands at the active site of hemerythrin. Molecularly revealing insights have been obtained with oxyhemerythrin and with metazidohemerythrin. This spectroscopic technique has also facilitated a comparison of oxygen carrier within erythrocytes with that in solution. The electronic state of the bound O2 is the same in the natural environment as in the artificial one.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are reported for the [2Fe-2S] Rieske protein from Thermus thermophilus (TRP) and phthalate dioxygenase from Pseudomonas cepacia (PDO) as a function of pH and excitation wavelength. Depolarization ratio measurements are presented for the RR spectra of spinach ferredoxin (SFD), TRP, and PDO at 74 K. By comparison with previously published RR spectra of SFD, we suggest reasonable assignments for the spectra of TRP and PDO. The spectra of PDO exhibit virtually no pH dependence, while significant changes are observed in TRP spectra upon raising the pH from 7.3 to 10.1. One band near 270 cm-1, which consists of components at 266 cm-1 and 274 cm-1, is attributed to Fe(III)-N(His) stretching motions. We suggest that these two components arise from conformers having a protonated-hydrogen-bonded imidazole (266 cm-1) and deprotonated-hydrogen-bonded imidazolate (274 cm-1) coordinated to the Fe/S cluster and that the relative populations of the two species are pH-dependent; a simple structural model is proposed to account for this behavior in the respiratory-type Rieske proteins. In addition, we have identified RR peaks associated with the bridging and terminal sulfur atoms of the Fe-S-N cluster. The RR excitation profiles of peaks associated with these atoms are indistinguishable from each other in TRP (pH 7.3) and PDO and differ greatly from those of [2Fe-2S] ferrodoxins. The profiles are bimodal with maxima near 490 nm and > approx. 550 nm. By contrast, bands associated with the Fe-N stretch show a somewhat different enhancement profile. Upon reduction, RR peaks assigned to Fe-N vibrations are no longer observed, with the resulting spectrum being remarkably similar to that reported for reduced adrenodoxin. This indicates that only modes associated with Fe-S bonds are observed and supports the idea that the reducing electron resides on the iron atom coordinated to the two histidine residues. Taken as a whole, the data are consistent with an St2FeSb2Fe[N(His)]t2 structure for the Rieske-type cluster.  相似文献   

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