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Atrazine, a herbicide widely used in corn production, is a frequently detected groundwater contaminant. Fourteen bacterial strains able to use this herbicide as a sole source of nitrogen were isolated from soils obtained from two farms in Canada and two farms in France. These strains were indistinguishable from each other based on repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR genomic fingerprinting performed with primers ERIC1R, ERIC2, and BOXA1R. Based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis of one representative isolate, strain C147, the isolates belong to the genus Pseudaminobacter in the family Rhizobiaceae. Strain C147 did not form nodules on the legumes alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), and soybean (Glycine max L.). A number of chloro-substituted s-triazine herbicides were degraded, but methylthio-substituted s-triazine herbicides were not degraded. Based on metabolite identification data, the fact that oxygen was not required, and hybridization of genomic DNA to the atzABC genes, atrazine degradation occurred via a series of hydrolytic reactions initiated by dechlorination and followed by dealkylation. Most strains could mineralize [ring-U-(14)C]atrazine, and those that could not mineralize atrazine lacked atzB or atzBC. The atzABC genes, which were plasmid borne in every atrazine-degrading isolate examined, were unstable and were not always clustered together on the same plasmid. Loss of atzB was accompanied by loss of a copy of IS1071. Our results indicate that an atrazine-degrading Pseudaminobacter sp. with remarkably little diversity is widely distributed in agricultural soils and that genes of the atrazine degradation pathway carried by independent isolates of this organism are not clustered, can be independently lost, and may be associated with a catabolic transposon. We propose that the widespread distribution of the atrazine-degrading Pseudaminobacter sp. in agricultural soils exposed to atrazine is due to the characteristic ability of this organism to utilize alkylamines, and therefore atrazine, as sole sources of carbon when the atzABC genes are acquired.  相似文献   

Six previously undescribed microorganisms capable of atrazine degradation were isolated from an agricultural soil that received repeated exposures of the commonly used herbicides atrazine and acetochlor. These isolates are all Gram-positive and group with microorganisms in the genera Nocardioides and Arthrobacter, both of which contain previously described atrazine degraders. All six isolates were capable of utilizing atrazine as a sole nitrogen source when provided with glucose as a separate carbon source. Under the culture conditions used, none of the isolates could utilize atrazine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. We used several polymerase-chain-reaction-based assays to screen for the presence of a number of atrazine-degrading genes and verified their identity through sequencing. All six isolates contain trzN and atzC, two well-characterized genes involved in the conversion of atrazine to cyanuric acid. An additional atrazine-degrading gene, atzB, was detected in one of the isolates as well, yet none appeared to contain atzA, a commonly encountered gene in atrazine impacted soils and atrazine-degrading isolates. Interestingly, the deoxyribonucleic acid sequences of trzN and atzC were all identical, implying that their presence may be the result of horizontal gene transfer among these isolates.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this study is to isolate and characterize organisms capable of utilizing high concentration atrazine from the contaminated sites.
Methods and Results:  A selective enrichment was used for isolating atrazine-degrading organisms from the contaminated sites resulting in isolation of an efficient atrazine-degrading organism designated as strain MB-P1. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, total cellular fatty acid analysis and physiological and biochemical tests, strain MB-P1 was identified as a member of genus Rhodococcus . High performance liquid chromatography was performed to identify the atrazine degradation intermediates demonstrating that the degradation proceeds via formation of 'de-ethylatrazine' and 'de-isopropylatrazine'. Further, plasmid curing by SDS method showed atrazine-degrading gene(s) to be plasmid-encoded.
Conclusions:  We have successfully isolated a Rhodococcus sp. strain MB-P1 which is capable of utilizing atrazine as sole source of carbon and energy at very high concentrations of 1000 ppm. The pathway for degradation of atrazine has also been determined. The metabolic gene(s) responsible for atrazine degradation was found to be plasmid-encoded.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Rhodococcus sp. strain MB-P1 could be used as an ideal model system for in-situ degradation and restoration of ecological niches which are heavily contaminated with atrazine.  相似文献   

The chemolithoautotroph, Arthrobacter sp.15b oxidizes arsenite to arsenate using a membrane bound arsenite oxidase. The enzyme arsenite oxidase is purified to its homogeneity and identified using MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Upon further characterization, it was observed that the enzyme is a heterodimer showing native molecular mass as ~100 kDa and appeared as two subunits of ~85 kDa LSU and 14 kDa SSU on SDS–PAGE. The V max and K m values of the enzyme was found to be 2.45 μM (AsIII)/min/mg) and 26 μM, respectively. The purified enzyme could withstand wide range of pH and temperature changes. The enzyme, however, gets deactivated in the presence of 1 mM of DEPC suggesting the involvement of histidine at the binding site of the enzyme. The peptide analysis of large sub unit of the enzyme showed close match with the arsenite oxidases of Burkholderia sp. YI019A and arsenite oxidase, Mo-pterin containing subunit of Alcaligenes faecalis. The small subunit, however, differed from other arsenite oxidases and matched only with 2Fe–2S binding protein of Anaplasma phagocytophilum. This indicates that Rieske subunits containing the iron–sulfur clusters present in the large as well as small subunits of the enzyme are integral part of the protein.  相似文献   

Arthrobacter nicotinovorans HIM was isolated directly from an agricultural sandy dune soil 6 months after a single application of atrazine. It grew in minimal medium with atrazine as sole nitrogen source but was unable to mineralize 14C-ring-labelled atrazine. Atrazine was degraded to cyanuric acid. In addition to atrazine the bacterium degraded simazine, terbuthylazine, propazine, cyanazine and prometryn but was unable to grow on terbumeton. When added to soil, A. nicotinovorans HIM did enhance mineralization of 14C-ring-labelled atrazine and simazine, in combination with naturally occurring cyanuric acid degrading microbes resident in the soil. Using PCR, the atrazine-degradation genes atzABC were identified in A. nicotinovorans HIM. Cloning of the atzABC genes revealed significant homology (>99%) with the atrazine degradation genes of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. The atrazine degradation genes were held on a 96 kbp plasmid.  相似文献   

不同土壤类型钾矿物分解细菌资源调查和高效稳定释钾、促生细菌的筛选鉴定有助于丰富微生物资源库,发掘和利用钾矿物分解细菌以及探究矿物生物风化机理等。作者采用以钾长石为唯一钾源的选择性细菌培养基, 从山东地区不同土壤和不同植物根际土壤中分离纯化了23株生长势良好的钾矿物分解细菌, 通过测定细菌代谢产物IAA和铁载体,研究其产生促生物质的能力, 通过摇瓶试验筛选高效释钾菌株, 采用16S rDNA限制性酶切多态性分析(amplified rDNA restriction analysis, ARDRA)方法研究了钾矿物分解细菌的遗传多样性, 根据16S rDNA同源性对高效释钾菌株进行了鉴定。结果表明, 供试菌株均产吲哚乙酸或其衍生物, 43.5%的分离菌株产极高量铁载体。ARDRA结果表明供试菌株在60%相似性水平上可分为11个基因型, 同一类型土壤上不同作物根际或不同类型土壤上同一作物根际的钾矿物分解细菌存在明显的遗传差异。摇瓶试验结果表明供试菌株中具有较显著释钾能力的菌株占17%, 39%的供试菌株无释钾能力。筛选到2株高效释钾菌株AFM2、AC2, 分别使溶液中钾含量增加了29.8%和25.4%。16S rDNA同源性分析表明菌株AC2、AHZ1与Bacillus mucilaginosus聚为一群, 该群与包含菌株AZH4的Paenibacillus sp.中的种聚为一大发育分支, 该分支在细菌分类地位上隶属于Firmicutes; 菌株AFM2与Rhizobium sp. 和Agrobacterium tumefaciens聚为另一大发育分支, 该分支在细菌分类地位上隶属于Alphaproteobacteria。  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty strains, all of them representatives of native Bradyrhizobium sp., isolated from soils cultivated with soybean have been characterized by their denitrification activity. In addition, the denitrification potential of those soils was also measured by evaluating the most-probable-number (MPN) of denitrifying bacteria and the denitrification enzyme assay (DEA). Of the 250 isolates tested, 73 were scored as probable denitrifiers by a preliminary screening method. Only 41 were considered denitrifiers because they produced gas bubbles in Durham tubes, cultures reached an absorbance of more than 0.1 and NO3− and NO2− were not present. Ten of these 41 were selected to confirm denitrification and to study denitrification genes. According to N2O production and cell protein concentration with NO3−, the isolates could be differentiated in three categories of denitrifiers. The presence of the napA, nirK, norC and nosZ genes was detected by production of a diagnostic PCR product using specific primers. RFLP from the 16S-23S rDNA spacer region (IGS) revealed that denitrifiers strains could be characterized as Bradyrhizobium japonicum and strains which were non-respiratory denitrifiers as B. elkanii.  相似文献   

Aims:  To analyse the arsenic-resistant bacterial communities of two agricultural soils of Bangladesh, to isolate arsenic-resistant bacteria, to study their potential role in arsenic transformation and to investigate the genetic determinants for arsenic resistance among the isolates.
Methods and Results:  Enrichment cultures were performed in a minimal medium in the presence of As(III) and As(V) to isolate resistant bacteria. Twenty-one arsenic-resistant bacteria belonging to different genera of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were isolated. The isolates, with the exception of Oceanimonas doudoroffii Dhal Rw, reduced 2 mmol l−1 As(V) completely to As(III) in aerobic conditions. Putative gene fragments for arsenite efflux pumps were amplified in isolates from Dhal soil and a putative arsenate reductase gene fragment was amplified from a Bacillus sp. from Rice soil.
Conclusions:  Phylogenetically diverse arsenic-resistant bacteria present in agricultural soils of Bangladesh are capable of reducing arsenate to arsenite under aerobic conditions apparently for detoxification purpose.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study provides results on identification, levels of arsenic resistance and reduction of arsenate by the bacterial isolates which could play an important role in arsenic cycling in the two arsenic-contaminated soils in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

We discovered a D-phenylserine deaminase that catalyzed the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent deamination reaction from D-threo-phenylserine to phenylpyruvate in newly isolated Arthrobacter sp. TKS1. The enzyme was partially purified, and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was analyzed. Based on the sequence information, the gene encoding the enzyme was identified and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was purified to homogeneity and characterized. The enzyme consisted of two identical 46-kDa subunits and showed maximum activity at pH 8.5 and 55°C. The enzyme was stable in the range of pH 7.5 to pH 8.5 and up to 50°C. The enzyme acted on the D-forms of β-hydroxy-α-amino acids, such as D-threo-phenylserine (K(m), 19 mM), D-serine (K(m), 5.8 mM), and D-threonine (K(m), 102 mM). As L-threonine, D-allo-threonine, L-allo-threonine, and DL-erythro-phenylserine were inert, the enzyme could distinguish D-threo-form from among the four stereoisomers of phenylserine or threonine. The enzyme was activated by ZnSO(4), CuSO(4), BaCl(2), and CoCl(2) and strongly inhibited by phenylhydrazine, sodium borohydride, hydroxylamine, and DL-penicillamine. The enzyme exhibited absorption maxima at 280 and around 415 nm. The enzyme has an N-terminal domain similar to that of alanine racemase, which belongs to the fold type III group of pyridoxal enzymes.  相似文献   

Aminopropionaldehyde dehydrogenase was purified to apparent homogeneity from 1,3-diaminopropane-grown cells of Arthrobacter sp. TMP-1. The native molecular mass and the subunit molecular mass of the enzyme were approximately 20,5000 and 52,000, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme is a tetramer of identical subunits. The apparent Michaelis constant (K(m)) for 1,3-diaminopropane was approximately 3 microM. The enzyme equally used both NAD(+) and NADP(+) as coenzymes. The apparent K(m) values for NAD(+) and NADP(+) were 255 microM and 108 microM, respectively. The maximum reaction rates (V(max)) for NAD(+) and NADP(+) were 102 and 83.3 micromol min(-1) mg(-1), respectively. Some tested aliphatic aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes were inert as substrates. The optimum pH was 8.0-8.5. The enzyme was sensitive to sulfhydryl group-modifying reagents.  相似文献   

Arthrobacter oxydans DSM 419 and DSM 420 have chemical and microbiological properties that are consistent with assignment to the genus Arthrobacter. Both organisms have the lysine-alanine-threonine-alanine peptidoglycan type. DNA-DNA pairing studies indicated that A. oxydans DSM 419 should be reclassified as Arthrobacter ureafaciens and that A. oxydans DSM 420T forms the nucleus of a distinct genomic species. We propose that A. oxydans DSM 420 should be reclassified as Arthrobacter nicotinovorans sp. nov. The type strain is strain DSM 420.  相似文献   

Atrazine is one of the most environmentally prevalent s-triazine-ring herbicides. The widespread use of atrazine and its toxicity necessitates search for remediation technology. As atrazine is still used in India as a major herbicide, exploration of atrazine-degrading bacterial community is of immense importance. Considering lack of reports on well characterized atrazine-degrading bacterial cultures from India and wide diversity and density of microorganisms in rhizosphere, soil sample from rhizosphere of atrazine-resistant plant was studied. Arthrobacter sp. strain isolated in this investigation utilizes atrazine as the sole nitrogen source. In addition, the bacterium degrades other triazines such as ametryn, cyanizine, propazine and simazine. PCR analysis confirms the presence of atzBCD and triazine hydrolase (trzN) genes on chromosomal DNA. Sequencing of the trzN gene reveals high sequence similarity with trzN from Nocardioides sp. C190. An inducible and intracellular atrazine chlorohydrolase enzyme was isolated and partially purified from this isolate. This study confirms the presence of atrazine-degrading microbial population in Indian soils and could be used efficiently for remediation of contaminated soils. Presence of trzN gene indicates possible presence of bacterial community with more efficient and novel enzymatic capabilities. Comparison of enzyme and gene structure of this isolate with other geographically distinct atrazine-degrading strains will help us in the better understanding of gene transfer and evolution.  相似文献   

Prospection of cellulose-degrading bacteria in natural environments allows the identification of novel cellulases and hemicellulases that could be useful in second-generation bioethanol production. In this work, cellulolytic bacteria were isolated from decaying native forest soils by enrichment on cellulose as sole carbon source. There was a predominance of Gram positive isolates that belonged to the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Many primary isolates with cellulolytic activity were not pure cultures. From these consortia, isolation of pure constituents was attempted in order to test the hypothesis whether microbial consortia are needed for full degradation of complex substrates. Two isolates, CB1-2-A-5 and VG-4-A-2, were obtained as the pure constituents of CB1-2 and VG-4 consortia, respectively. Based on 16S RNA sequence, they could be classified as Variovorax paradoxus and Paenibacillus alvei. Noteworthy, only VG-4 consortium showed measurable xylan degrading capacity and signs of filter paper degradation. However, no xylan or filter paper degrading capacities were observed for the pure cultures isolated from it, suggesting that other members of this consortium were necessary for these hydrolyzing activities. Our results indicated that Paenibacillus sp. and Variovorax sp. as well as VG-4 consortium, might be a useful source of hydrolytic enzymes. Moreover, although Variovorax sp. had been previously identified in metagenomic studies of cellulolytic communities, this is the first report on the isolation and characterization of this microorganism as a cellulolytic genus.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate and characterize atrazine-degrading bacteria in order to identify suitable candidates for potential use in bioremediation of atrazine contamination. METHODS AND RESULTS: A high efficiency atrazine-degrading bacterium, strain AD1, which was capable of utilizing atrazine as a sole nitrogen source for growth, was isolated from industrial wastewater. 16S rDNA sequencing identified AD1 as an Arthrobacter sp. The atrazine chlorohydrolase gene (atzA) isolated from strain AD1 differed from that found in the Pseudomonas sp. ADP by only one nucleotide. However, it was found located on the bacterial chromosome rather than on plasmids as previously reported for other bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Atrazine chlorohydrolase gene, atzA, either encoded by chromosome or plasmid, is highly conserved. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Comparison analysis of atrazine degradation gene structure and arrangement in this and other bacteria provides insight into our understanding of the ecology and evolution of atrazine-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

一株阿特拉津降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从农药厂废水处理池的活性污泥中分离到一株阿特拉津降解菌X-4, 根据其生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列相似性分析, 将其初步鉴定为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.)。该菌能以阿特拉津为唯一碳氮源生长, 42 h内对100 mg/L的阿特拉津降解效果为95.7%, 降解阿特拉津的最适温度为30 °C, pH为7.0。该菌对多种重金属离子都存在抗性, 显示了其在去除阿特拉津和重金属复合污染方面的应用潜力。对其降解基因的初步研究显示, 该菌含有trzN、atzB和atzC 3个阿特拉津降解相关基因。  相似文献   

An enzyme capable of dehalogenating vicinal haloalcohols to their corresponding epoxides was purified from the 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol-utilizing bacterium Arthrobacter sp. strain AD2. The inducible haloalcohol dehalogenase converted 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol, 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol, 1-chloro-2-propanol, and their brominated analogs, 2-bromoethanol, as well as chloroacetone and 1,3-dichloroacetone. The enzyme possessed no activity for epichlorohydrin (3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane) or 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol. The dehalogenase had a broad pH optimum at about 8.5 and a temperature optimum of 50 degrees C. The enzyme followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and the Km values for 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol and 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol were 8.5 and 48 mM, respectively. Chloroacetic acid was a competitive inhibitor, with a Ki of 0.50 mM. A subunit molecular mass of 29 kDa was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. With gel filtration, a molecular mass of 69 kDa was found, indicating that the native protein is a dimer. The amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence are given.  相似文献   

A method for the extraction of the high molecular weight plasmid AO 1 from the gram-positive soil bacterium Arthrobacter oxidans is presented.Following digestion of this DNA with the restriction endonucleases Accl, Bam HI, Eco RI and Hind III, an average molecular mass of 157.8 kb was estimated. This value is in good agreement with the 160 kb size determined previously by electron microscopy (Brandsch et al. 1982).Using the same method, no plasmid DNA was found in strains of the genus Arthrobacter which do not degrade nicotine, e.g., A. albidus, A. globiformis and A. auricans.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - Kb kilobasepairs - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan  相似文献   

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