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Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins--what is their physiological role?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The physiological functions of the mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCP2 and UCP3) are still under debate. There is, however, ample evidence to indicate that, in contrast to UCP1, they are not crucial for nonshivering thermogenesis and do not catalyze the basal proton conductance of mitochondria. Rather, there is good evidence that they increase mitochondrial proton conductance when activated by superoxide, reactive oxygen species derivatives such as hydroxynonenal, and other alkenals or their analogues. This review critically examines the evidence of the different proposed mechanisms for UCPs functions, namely (a) to export fatty acid anions from mitochondria, (b) to regulate insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells, and (c) to cause mild uncoupling and so diminish mitochondrial superoxide production, hence protecting against oxidative damage. Beside, available scientific data on UCP4 and UCP5/BMCP1 will be reviewed. However, their physiological function has not yet been established.  相似文献   

Pulses of O2 added to anaerobic mitochondria in the presence of antimycin, but in the absence of exogenous reductants, led to H+ translocation until the amount of oxidizing equivalents exceeded the number of endogenous reducing equivalents capable of rapid reduction of cytochrome oxidase. This demonstrates that either the heme of cytochrome alpha or that CuA is the redox center, the function of which is coupled to proton translocation in cytochrome oxidase. Chemical labeling of subunit III of cytochrome oxidase by dicyclocarbodiimide (DCCD), or removal of this subunit by treatment of the enzyme at high pH, results in loss of proton translocation by the isolated and membrane-reconstituted enzyme. Possible roles of subunit III in proton translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

Using site-specific mutagenesis, we have probed the structural and functional roles of lysine-21 and lysine-27 of adenylate kinase (AK) from chicken muscle expressed in Escherichia coli. The two residues were chosen since according to the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) model [Mildvan, A. S., & Fry, D. C. (1987) Adv. Enzymol. 58, 241-313], they are located near the alpha- and the gamma-phosphates, respectively, of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) in the AK-MgATP complex. In addition, a lysine residue (Lys-21 in the case of AK) along with a glycine-rich loop is considered "essential" in the catalysis of kinases and other nucleotide binding proteins. The Lys-27 to methionine (K27M) mutant showed only slight increases in kcat and Km, but a substantial increase (1.8 kcal/mol) in the free energy of unfolding, relative to the WT AK. For proper interpretation of the steady-state kinetic data, viscosity-dependent kinetics was used to show that the chemical step is partially rate-limiting in the catalysis of AK. Computer modeling suggested that the folded form of K27M could gain stability (relative to the wild type) via hydrophobic interactions of Met-27 with Val-179 and Phe-183 and/or formation of a charge-transfer complex between Met-27 and Phe-183. The latter was supported by an upfield shift of the methyl protons of Met-27 in 1H NMR. Other than this, the 1H NMR spectrum of K27M is very similar to that of WT, suggesting little perturbation in the global or even local conformations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, E.C., a validated antibiotic target, catalyses the first committed step in the lysine biosynthetic pathway: the condensation reaction between (S)-aspartate β-semialdehyde [(S)-ASA] and pyruvate via the formation of a Schiff base intermediate between pyruvate and the absolutely conserved active-site lysine. Escherichia coli DHDPS mutants K161A and K161R of the active-site lysine were characterised for the first time. Unexpectedly, the mutant enzymes were still catalytically active, albeit with a significant decrease in activity. The kcat values for DHDPS-K161A and DHDPS-K161R were 0.06 ± 0.02 s−1 and 0.16 ± 0.06 s−1 respectively, compared to 45 ± 3 s−1 for the wild-type enzyme. Remarkably, the KM values for pyruvate increased by only 3-fold for DHDPS-K161A and DHDPS-K161R (0.45 ± 0.04 mM and 0.57 ± 0.06 mM, compared to 0.15 ± 0.01 mM for the wild-type DHDPS), while the KM values for (S)-ASA remained the same for DHDPS-K161R (0.12 ± 0.01 mM) and increased by only 2-fold for DHDPS-K161A (0.23 ± 0.02 mM) and the Ki for lysine was unchanged. The X-ray crystal structures of DHDPS-K161A and DHDPS-K161R were solved at resolutions of 2.0 and 2.1 Å respectively and showed no changes in their secondary or tertiary structures when compared to the wild-type structure. The crystal structure of DHDPS-K161A with pyruvate bound at the active site was solved at a resolution of 2.3 Å and revealed a defined binding pocket for pyruvate that is thus not dependent upon lysine 161. Taken together with ITC and NMR data, it is concluded that although lysine 161 is important in the wild-type DHDPS-catalysed reaction, it is not absolutely essential for catalysis.  相似文献   

Laminin α1 (Lama1), which is a subunit of laminin-1 (laminin-111), a heterotrimeric ECM protein, is essential for embryonic development and promotes neurite outgrowth in culture. Because the deletion of Lama1 causes lethality at early embryonic stages in mice, the in vivo role of Lama1 in neural development and functions has not yet been possible to determine. In this study, we generated conditional Lama1 knockout (Lama1(CKO)) mice in the epiblast lineage using Sox2-Cre mice. These Lama1(CKO) mice survived, but displayed behavioral disorders and impaired formation of the cerebellum. Deficiency of Lama1 in the pial basement membrane of the meninges resulted in defects in the conformation of the meninges. During cerebellar development, Lama1 deficiency also caused a decrease in the proliferation and migration of granule cell precursors, disorganization of Bergmann glial fibers and endfeet, and a transient reduction in the activity of Akt. A marked reduction in numbers of dendritic processes in Purkinje cells was observed in Lama1(CKO) mice. Together, these results indicate that Lama1 is required for cerebellar development and functions.  相似文献   

An experimental test constraining the intrinsic time scale of a primary physical mechanism that detects extremely-low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in biological systems is proposed. The suggested test postulates that a transductive mechanism operating on time scales much shorter than the period of an applied magnetic field cannot obtain any information about the exposure conditions other than the absolute magnitude of the field. By generating field exposures that differ in their vector properties but are equivalent in their time-varying absolute amplitude, it is possible to differentiate between two broad classes of mechanisms: 1) those with intrinsic time scales comparable with or longer than those of the external influence, and 2) those that are much faster than the period of the applied field. The hypothesis assumes an experimental model proven to respond to magnetic fields and sensitive to a change of about a factor of two in one of the field parameters (AC, DC amplitude or frequency). The case of general linearly polarized fields is discussed, and an analytical solution for the case of perpendicular AC/DC fields is given. Bioelectromagnetics 18:244–249, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

International Microbiology - Using sphygmomanometers to measure blood pressure is a common practice in the healthcare context. The disinfection and maintenance of these devices is essential in...  相似文献   

Why is entry exclusion an essential feature of conjugative plasmids?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Entry exclusion is a property of plasmids by which the cells that contain them become bad recipients in additional conjugation rounds. This work reviews entry exclusion essential features and analyzes the mechanisms of action of the best studied systems. We searched for homologs of the proteins responsible for experimentally known exclusion systems. Results were used to classify exclusion systems in families of related elements. We arrive to the conclusion that all conjugative plasmids contain at least one entry exclusion gene. Although entry exclusion genes seem to be part of the plasmid conjugative machinery, they are systematically absent in phylogenetically related type IV protein exporting machines involved in virulence for plants and animals. We infer from this fact that entry exclusion is an essential feature of conjugative plasmid biology. Mathematical models suggest that plasmids expressing entry exclusion selectively eliminate plasmids lacking it, reinforcing its essential character and suggesting that entry exclusion plays a direct role in plasmid survival. Other experimental results confirm that entry exclusion is essential for the stability of a conjugative plasmid. We suggest that entry exclusion limits the damage of lethal zygosis (bacterial death produced by excessive rounds of conjugation). Additionally, it avoids competition in a host among identical plasmid backbones. Conversely, the lack of entry exclusion in conjugative transposons can be understood as a means of generating rapid evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The dissociation of insulin from its receptor is reportedly enhanced when the dissociation is induced by dilution in the presence of insulin. This experiment is frequently conducted when curvilinear Scatchard plots of insulin binding are observed in order to infer negative cooperative site-site interactions amongst insulin receptors. However, when insulin binding to purified liver plasma membranes was measured at 15 degrees C in 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5 containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin and 100 U/ml bacitracin, the insulin binding data was characterised by a linear Scatchard plot and a Hill plot with a slope equal to unity. Thus, under the conditions of this binding assay, insulin apparently bound to a single non-interacting class of homogeneous binding sites. But, despite the apparent absence of cooperative interactions under these specific conditions, the dissociation of receptor-bound insulin was still enhanced when the dissociation of insulin from its receptor was induced by dilution in the presence of insulin. This result cast serious doubt on the validity of inferring negative-cooperative site-site interactions amongst insulin receptors based solely on the observation that the dissociation of receptor-bound insulin is enhanced by dilution in the presence of insulin.  相似文献   

What is the Job?     

Using primers corresponding to conserved regions of the bacterial regulatory gene fur, a homologue of this gene from the genome of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of peas, was isolated and sequenced. The fur gene is normally expressed constitutively, independent of the presence of Fe in the medium, but in one Rhizobium strain it was transcribed at a low level. Attempts to isolate a fur knockout mutant failed, suggesting that the gene is essential for free-living growth. In other bacteria, certain fur mutations confer manganese resistance; however, none of the manganese-resistant mutants of R. leguminosarum which we isolated was corrected by the cloned fur gene. When the cloned R. leguminosarum fur gene was introduced into a fur mutant of Escherichia coli, it caused some Fe-dependent reduction in the amount of siderophore, indicating that it can function heterologously.  相似文献   

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