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Abstract.— A persistent question in the evolution of life histories is the fitness trade-off between reproducing only once (semelparity) in a lifetime or reproducing repeated times in different seasons (iteroparity). The problem can be formulated into a research agenda by assuming that one reproductive strategy is resident (has already evolved) and by asking whether invasion (evolution) of an alternative reproductive strategy is possible. For a spatially nonstructured system, Bulmer (1994) derived the relationship v + PA < 1 (PA is adult survival; vbs and bs are offspring numbers for iteroparous and semelparous breeding strategies, respectively) at which semelparous population cannot be invaded by an iteroparous mutant. When the inequality is changed to v + PA > 1, invasion of a semelparous mutant is not possible. From the inequalities, it is easy to see that possibilities for evolutionary establishment of a novel reproductive strategy are rather narrow. We extended the evolutionary scenario into a spatially structured system with dispersal linkage among the subunits. In this domain, a rare reproductive strategy can easily invade a population dominated by a resident reproductive strategy. The parameter space enabling invasion is far more generous with spatially structured evolutionary scenarios than in a spatially nonstructured system.  相似文献   

Toxic properties are more often associated with microalgal blooms than with macroalgal blooms, although herbivore deterrents are well known in macroalgae, and inhibition of invertebrate larval development by extracts from Ulva spp. has been suggested. This study was prompted from our observation that substantial discoloration of seawater occurred in small bays after mass desiccation-induced mortality of Ulvaria obscura (Kützing) Gayral. We examined the effects of extracts from Ulva fenestrata Postels et Ruprecht and Ulvaria obscura on Fucus gardneri Silva zygote development, growth of Ulva and Ulvaria , epiphytic algal accumulation, and oyster larval development. Fucus zygote development was inhibited by extracts from both species, although the effects of Ulvaria extracts were significantly greater. Epiphytic algal accumulation and the growth of Ulva and Ulvaria were inhibited by extracts from both species. Oyster larval development was arrested by the presence of extracts from each species. We conclude that extracts from both Ulva fenestrata and Ulvaria obscura have allelopathic properties. The effects are more widespread and occur at lower concentrations for extracts from Ulvaria than Ulva. These properties could alter competitive interactions by inhibiting germination or development of algae and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Most of the world's health problems afflict poor countries and their poorest inhabitants. There are many reasons why so many people die of poverty‐related causes. One reason is that the poor cannot access many of the existing drugs and technologies they need. Another, is that little of the research and development (R&D) done on new drugs and technologies benefits the poor. There are several proposals on the table that might incentivize pharmaceutical companies to extend access to essential drugs and technologies to the global poor. 1 Still, the problem remains – the poor are suffering and dying from lack of access to essential medicines. So, it is worth considering a new alternative. This paper suggests rating pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies based on how some of their policies impact poor people's health. It argues that it might be possible to leverage a rating system to encourage companies to extend access to essential drugs and technologies to the poor.  相似文献   

The frequency of colony formation in monolayers of cultured frog cell lines treated with puromycin was compared in (a) haploid and heteroploid lines and (b) mutagen-treated and nontreated haploid lines. Evidence that resistant colonies result from gene mutation was negative, since the colony frequency is independent of both ploidy and mutagen treatment. A study of five frog cell lines showed that colony formation in puromycin depends on (a) the concentration of puromycin, (b) preselection of the population with puromycin, and, particularly, (c) the capacity of the treated population to survive some exposure to puromycin. One haploid and one heteroploid strain showing stable resistance to puromycin have been isolated; comparison of those variants with sensitive populations has shown that resistance to puromycin is correlated with the cells' capacity to exclude the drug. The evidence for different levels of membrane permeability, combined with evidence for many degrees of resistance among and within cell populations, suggests a model of self-determining membrane units. The evolution of a resistant phenotype may result from changes in the proportion of specific units in the membrane population.  相似文献   

There has been recent criticism of experiments that applied enforced monogamous mating to species with a long history of promiscuity. These experiments indicated that the newly introduced monogamy reversed sexually antagonistic coevolution and caused males to evolve to be less harmful to their mates and females to evolve reduced resistance to harm from males. Several authors have proposed alternative interpretations of these experimental results based on qualitative analysis. If well-founded, these criticisms would invalidate an important part of the empirical foundation for sexually antagonistic coevolution between the sexes. Although these criticisms have a reasonable basis in principle, we find that after quantitative evaluation that they are not supported.  相似文献   

SIRT1 is a protein deacetylase that has emerged as a therapeutic target for the development of activators to treat diseases of aging. SIRT1-activating compounds (STACs) have been developed that produce biological effects consistent with direct SIRT1 activation. At the molecular level, the mechanism by which STACs activate SIRT1 remains elusive. In the studies reported herein, the mechanism of SIRT1 activation is examined using representative compounds chosen from a collection of STACs. These studies reveal that activation of SIRT1 by STACs is strongly dependent on structural features of the peptide substrate. Significantly, and in contrast to studies reporting that peptides must bear a fluorophore for their deacetylation to be accelerated, we find that some STACs can accelerate the SIRT1-catalyzed deacetylation of specific unlabeled peptides composed only of natural amino acids. These results, together with others of this study, are at odds with a recent claim that complex formation between STACs and fluorophore-labeled peptides plays a role in the activation of SIRT1 (Pacholec, M., Chrunyk, B., Cunningham, D., Flynn, D., Griffith, D., Griffor, M., Loulakis, P., Pabst, B., Qiu, X., Stockman, B., Thanabal, V., Varghese, A., Ward, J., Withka, J., and Ahn, K. (2010) J. Biol. Chem. 285, 8340–8351). Rather, the data suggest that STACs interact directly with SIRT1 and activate SIRT1-catalyzed deacetylation through an allosteric mechanism.  相似文献   

Size increments following interindividual fusions appear as a general benefit for organisms, such as coalescing seaweeds and modular invertebrates, with the capacity to fuse with conspecifics. Using sporelings of the red algae Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, McLachlan et E. C. Oliveira and Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fredericq, we measured the growth patterns of sporelings built with different numbers of spores, and the magnitude and persistence of the size increments gained by fusions. Then we studied three morphological processes that could help explain the observed growth patterns. Results indicate that in these algae, coalescence is followed by immediate increase in total size of the coalesced individual and that the increment is proportional to the number of individuals fusing. However, the size increments in sporelings of both species do not last >60 d. Increasing reductions of marginal meristematic cells and increasing abundance of necrotic cells in sporelings built with increasing numbers of initial spores are partial explanations for the above growth patterns. Since sporelings formed by many spores differentiate erect axes earlier and in larger quantities than sporelings formed by one or only a few spores, differentiation, emergence, and growth of erect axes appear as a more likely explanation for the slow radial growth of the multisporic sporelings. Erect axis differentiation involves significant morphological and physiological changes and a shift from radial to axial growth. It is concluded that the growth pattern exhibited by these macroalgae after fusion differs from equivalent processes described for other organisms with the capacity to fuse, such as modular invertebrates.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns of morphological variation have been useful in addressing hypotheses about environmental adaptation. In particular, latitudinal clines in phenotypes have been studied in a number of Drosophila species. Some environmental conditions along latitudinal clines—for example, temperature—also vary along altitudinal clines, but these have been studied infrequently and it remains unclear whether these environmental factors are similar enough for convergence or parallel evolution. Most clinal studies in Drosophila have dealt exclusively with univariate phenotypes, allowing for the detection of clinal relationships, but not for estimating the directions of covariation between them. We measured variation in wing shape and size in D. melanogaster derived from populations at varying altitudes and latitudes across sub‐Saharan Africa. Geometric morphometrics allows us to compare shape changes associated with latitude and altitude, and manipulating rearing temperature allows us to quantify the extent to which thermal plasticity recapitulates clinal effects. Comparing effect vectors demonstrates that altitude, latitude, and temperature are only partly associated, and that the altitudinal shape effect may differ between Eastern and Western Africa. Our results suggest that selection responsible for these phenotypic clines may be more complex than just thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Introgression from a resident species into an invading one is predicted to occur through the demographic process of "allele surfing," and to particularly affect genomic regions transmitted by the lower migrating sex, such as mtDNA. This could explain that northern Iberian populations of Lepus granatensis harbor high frequencies of mtDNA from L. timidus, an arctic hare it replaced there after deglaciation. We report that variation of introgressed timidus-like mtDNA reflects several predicted effects of this process: increasing frequency and diversity in the direction of expansion, strong perpendicular phylogeographic structure and signs of postglacial demographic growth. However, demographic inferences for the granatensis and timidus-like mtDNA lineages suggest the latter may have outcompeted the former in northern Iberia. Autosomal introgression occurs at low frequencies and species-wide rather than only in the north. If this difference with mtDNA resulted from sex-biased migration, an intermediate pattern should prevail for the X-chromosome, but we report species-wide and high-frequency introgression of an X-fragment. Either selection favored this ubiquitous X-introgression, or more complex postglacial expansion patterns prevailed, with different consequences depending on the genomic and geographic region. This illustrates the difficulty of distinguishing demographic and selective effects and the need for genome and species-wide based demographic models.  相似文献   

Coevolution is thought to be a major factor in shaping plant-pollinator interactions. Alternatively, plants may have evolved traits that fitted pre-existing preferences or morphologies in the pollinators. Here, we test these two scenarios in the plant family of Araceae and scarab beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) as pollinators. We focused on floral volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and production/detection of VOCs by scarab beetles. We found phylogenetic structure in the production/detection of methoxylated aromatics in scarabs, but not plants. Within the plants, most of the compounds showed a well-supported pattern of correlated evolution with scarab-beetle pollination. In contrast, the scarabs showed no correlation between VOC production/detection and visitation to Araceae flowers, with the exception of the VOC skatole. Moreover, many VOCs were found in nonpollinating beetle groups (e.g., Melolonthinae) that are ancestors of pollinating scarabs. Importantly, none of the tested VOCs were found to have originated in pollinating taxa. Our analysis indicates a Jurassic origin of VOC production/detection in scarabs, but a Cretaceous/Paleocene origin of floral VOCs in plants. Therefore, we argue against coevolution, instead supporting the scenario of sequential evolution of floral VOCs in Araceae driven by pre-existing bias of pollinators.  相似文献   

Physiological traits that control the uptake of carbon dioxide and loss of water are key determinants of plant growth and reproduction. Variation in these traits is often correlated with environmental gradients of water, light, and nutrients, suggesting that natural selection is the primary evolutionary mechanism responsible for physiological diversification. Responses to selection, however, can be constrained by the amount of standing genetic variation for physiological traits and genetic correlations between these traits. To examine the potential for constraint on adaptive evolution, we estimated the quantitative genetic basis of physiological trait variation in one population of each of two closely related species (Lobelia siphilitica and L. cardinalis). Restricted maximum likelihood analyses of greenhouse-grown half-sib families were used to estimate genetic variances and covariances for seven traits associated with carbon and water relations. We detected significant genetic variation for all traits in L. siphilitica, suggesting that carbon-gain and water-use traits could evolve in response to natural selection in this population. In particular, narrow-sense heritabilities for photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and water-use efficiency (WUE) in our L. siphilitica population were high relative to previous studies in other species. Although there was significant narrow-sense heritability for A in L. cardinalis, we detected little genetic variation for traits associated with water use (gs and WUE), suggesting that our population of this species may be unable to adapt to drier environments. Despite being tightly linked functionally, the genetic correlation between A and gs was not strong and significant in either population. Therefore, our L. siphilitica population would not be genetically constrained from evolving high A (and thus fixing more carbon for growth and reproduction) while also decreasing gs to limit water loss. However, a significant negative genetic correlation existed between WUE and plant size in L. siphilitica, suggesting that high WUE may be negatively associated with high fecundity. In contrast, our results suggest that any constraints on the evolution of photosynthetic and stomatal traits of L. cardinalis are caused primarily by a lack of genetic variation, rather than by genetic correlations between these functionally related traits.  相似文献   

Highland populations of several Drosophila species in Argentina were active early in the afternoon in the field as opposed to populations from a much warmer lowland site, where flies were mainly active in the early evening prior to sunset. For one of these species, Drosophila buzzatii, we tested for a genetic component of activity differences by carrying out crosses within and between populations and measuring oviposition activity of the progeny in the laboratory. We found that activity in the highland population exceeded that in the lowland one during the midafternoon, whereas activity in the lowland population exceeded that in the highland one prior to the beginning of the dark period. Oviposition activity for the period corresponding to the field observations was regressed on the proportion of the genome derived from the highland population. This variable significantly predicted oviposition activity between 1400 and 1600 and between 2000 and 2200 h. Activity of both reciprocal crosses was intermediate and not significantly different from each other, suggesting that nuclear genetic, rather than cytoplasmic factors contribute to differences in oviposition activity between the populations. Two morphological, one genetic, and one stress resistance trait were also scored to examine whether temperature differences between environments were associated with other differences between populations. Wing length of wild-caught and laboratory-reared flies from the highland population significantly exceeded that in the lowland. Thorax length of laboratory-reared flies from the highland population also significantly exceeded that from the lowland. Chromosomal inversion frequencies differed significantly between the two populations with a fivefold reduction in the frequency of arrangement 2st in the highland as compared to the lowland population. This arrangement is known for its negative dose effect on size, and thus, the highland population has experienced a genetic change, perhaps as a result of adaptation to the colder environment, where body size and the frequency of arrangement 2st have changed in concert. Finally, a heat knockdown test revealed that the lowland population was significantly more resistant to high temperature than the highland one. In conclusion, we suggest that temperature has been an important selective agent causing adaptive differentiation between these two populations. We also suggest that the activity rhythms of the two populations have diverged as a consequence of behavioral evolution, that is, through avoidance of stressful temperatures as a mean of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Crossbills (Aves: Loxia) and several conifers have coevolved in predator-prey arms races over the last 10,000 years. However, the extent to which coevolutionary arms races have contributed to the adaptive radiation of crossbills or to any other adaptive radiation is largely unknown. Here we extend our previous studies of geographically structured coevolution by considering a crossbill-conifer interaction that has persisted for a much longer time period and involves a conifer with more variable annual seed production. We examined geographic variation in the cone and seed traits of two sister species of pines, Pinus occidentalis and P. cubensis, on the islands of Hispaniola and Cuba, respectively. We also compared the Hispaniolan crossbill (Loxia megaplaga) to its sister taxa the North American white-winged crossbill (Loxia leucoptera leucoptera). The Hispaniolan crossbill is endemic to Hispaniola whereas Cuba lacks crossbills. In addition and in contrast to previous studies, the variation in selection experienced by these pines due to crossbills is not confounded by the occurrence of selection by tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus and Sciurus). As predicted if P. occidentalis has evolved defenses in response to selection exerted by crossbills, cones of P. occidentalis have scales that are 53% thicker than those of P. cubensis. Cones of P. occidentalis, but not P. cubensis, also have well-developed spines, a known defense against vertebrate seed predators. Consistent with patterns of divergence seen in crossbills coevolving locally with other conifers, the Hispaniolan crossbill has evolved a bill that is 25% deeper than the white-winged crossbill. Together with phylogenetic analyses, our results suggest that predator-prey coevolution between Hispaniolan crossbills and P. occidentalis over approximately 600,000 years has caused substantial morphological evolution in both the crossbill and pine. This also indicates that cone crop fluctuations do not prevent crossbills and conifers from coevolving. Furthermore, because the traits at the phenotypic interface of the interaction apparently remain the same over at least several hundred thousand years, divergence as a result of coevolution is greater at lower latitude where crossbill-conifer interactions have been less interrupted by Pleistocene events.  相似文献   

Brain implants, such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which are designed to improve motor, mood and behavioural pathology, present unique challenges to our understanding of identity, agency and free will. This is because these devices can have visible effects on persons' physical and psychological properties yet are essentially undetectable when operating correctly. They can supplement and compensate for one's inherent abilities and faculties when they are compromised by neuropsychiatric disorders. Further, unlike talk therapy or pharmacological treatments, patients need not ‘do’ anything for the treatment to take effect. If one accepts, as we argue here, that brain implants are unique among implantable types of devices, then this can have significant implications for what it means to persist as the same person and be the source of one's thoughts and actions. By examining two of the most common indications for DBS in current use, namely in the motor (Parkinson's Disease) and psychiatric (Major Depression) domains, we further argue that although DBS, as it is currently applied, does not necessarily represent a unique threat to personal identity and agency per se, it introduces an unprecedented ‘third party’ into the debate on these concepts. In this way, DBS can be used as a tool to begin probing, both conceptually and empirically, some of philosophy's most perennial metaphysical questions.  相似文献   

In a freshwater mesocosm experiment, we explored the potential for direct and indirect effects of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), two planktivorous fishes with different feeding behaviors, on the morphology of Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Dujard., a large dinoflagellate. Three morphs were detected: one with two hypothecal horns, one with a third rudimentary horn, and one with three well‐developed horns. We observed a strong negative relationship between the presence of fish and the proportion of three‐horned cells. The two fishes had strikingly similar effects on Chirundinella morphology, despite their different capabilities to retain particles of the size of Chirundinella. This finding suggests that the morphological variation in Chirundinella was not related to selection by fish. Morphological variations in Chirundinella could not be explained by fish‐mediated variations in turbidity (i.e., light climate) or by predation pressure by the fish. In contrast, the proportion of three‐horned cells was directly related to the biomass of filter‐feeding cladocerans. This result was unexpected since cladocerans are not considered to consume C. hirundinella and they did not depress C. hirundinella numbers in our experiment. Without excluding other possible mechanisms, we suggest that the third horn might help these dinoflagellates avoid physical contact with the filtering apparatus of the cladocerans and the consequent potential damage caused by these herbivores, which were more abundant in the absence of planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

A method is presented for assessing whether changes in a binary character are more concentrated than expected by chance on certain branches of a phylogenetic tree. It can be used to test for correlated evolution of two characters by asking whether changes in the first character are significantly concentrated on those branches on which the second character has a specified state. Thus, one could test whether this specified state is associated with, and thus might enable or select, gains or losses in the first character. The probability of achieving a concentration as or more extreme than that observed under the null hypotheses that changes are distributed randomly on the cladogram is obtained by calculating (a) the number of ways that n gains and m losses can be distributed on the cladogram and (b) the number of ways that p gains q losses can be distributed on the branches of interest given n gains and m losses in the cladogram overall. Summing (b) for appropriate p and q then dividing by (a) yields the desired probability. Simulations suggest that biases resulting from errors in parsimony reconstructions of ancestral states are not extreme.  相似文献   

Although the crystal structure of α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ϵ-semialdehyde decarboxylase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was solved as a dimer, this enzyme is a mixture of monomer, dimer, and higher order structures in solution. In this work, we found that the dimeric state, not the monomeric state, is the functionally active form. Two conserved arginine residues are present in the active site: Arg-51 and an intruding Arg-239* from the neighboring subunit. In this study, they were each mutated to alanine and lysine, and all four mutants were catalytically inactive. The mutants were also incapable of accommodating pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid, a competitive inhibitor of the native enzyme, suggesting that the two Arg residues are involved in substrate binding. It was also observed that the decarboxylase activity was partially recovered in a heterodimer hybridization experiment when inactive R51(A/K) and R239(A/K) mutants were mixed together. Of the 20 crystal structures obtained from mixing inactive R51A and R239A homodimers that diffracted to a resolution lower than 3.00 Å, two structures are clearly R51A/R239A heterodimers and belong to the C2 space group. They were refined to 1.80 and 2.00 Å resolutions, respectively. Four of the remaining crystals are apparently single mutants and belong to the P42212 space group. In the heterodimer structures, one active site is shown to contain dual mutation of Ala-51 and Ala-239*, whereas the other contains the native Arg-51 and Arg-239* residues, identical to the wild-type structure. Thus, these observations provide the foundation for a molecular mechanism by which the oligomerization state of α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ϵ-semialdehyde decarboxylase could regulate the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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