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In micromere-derived cells of sea urchin embryos, treatment with insulin started for up to 24 h during culture at 20°C resulted in augmentation of 32P incorporation into protein (protein phosphorylation) followed by activation of 32P incorporation into RNA (RNA synthesis) and then induced pseudopodial cable growth, accompanied by considerable decreases in the rates of protein phosphorylation and RNA synthesis. This augmentation of RNA synthesis and cable growth induced by insulin were blocked by H-7, which inhibited protein phosphorylation, and were also inhibited by actinomycin D without any inhibition of protein phosphorylation. Similar results were obtained on treatment with horse serum, found to contain insulin-like compounds. In cells treated with horse serum treated cells, high rates of protein phosphorylation and RNA synthesis were maintained even after the initiation of cable growth and about 5 h later, spicule rods were produced. Insulin treatment did not induce spicule rod formation. In cells treated with horse serum, actinomycin D treatment started at the time of initiation of cable growth, cables were formed but formation of spicule rods was blocked. These results suggest that horse serum contains some other substance besides insulin-like ones, which induces expression of genes that are indispensable for spicule rod formation.  相似文献   

Two main gangliosides (G-1 and G-2) were isolated from eggs and embryos S. intermedius . They contain glucose, N-glucolylneuraminic acids, phytosphyngosine, fatty acids and α-hydroxy fatty acids. Molar ratios and sequence of these components are the same for both gangliosides, but G-2 contains sulphate residue which is attached to the terminal neuraminic acid. To obtain specific antisera rabbits were immunized by G-1 or G-2, which were mixed with bovine serum albumin and Freund's adjuvant. Both gangliosides possessed electrophoretic and antigenic heterogeneity. G-1 and G-2 gangliosides have common and individual antigenic determinants. Glucosylceramide of gangliosides is immunologically inactive. Individual antigenic specificity of the gangliosides depends on the presence of N-glycolylneuraminic acid (G-1) and SO3H-group (G-2). Egg gangliosides were demonstrated by immunofluorescence throughout the cell surface. After fertilization the immunofluorescent label was concentrated on one pole of the embryo only. During the development the specific fluorescence was again uniformly distributed at the blastomer surface. The most intense fluorescence was observed in the junction areas of the blastomers.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) of a histone fraction isolated from nuclei of embryos of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus exhibited almost all histone species at all stages examined. At the gastrula stage, a spot of H1A became evident and three spots closely associated with one another were found in place of a single spot of H2A.1. In the histone fraction isolated from [adenylate-32P] NAD+-treated nuclei of all stages examined, autoradiograms of 2D-PAGE exhibited spots of mono [ADP-ribosyl] ated H1 and polymodified H2B.2, H3.1, H3.3 and H4 but did not show ADP-ribosylated H2A.1, H2A.2 or H2B.1. Poly [ADP-ribosyl] ated H3.2, found in morulae, was not detectable in blastulae and gastrulae. Treatment with dimethylsulfate, known to activate ADP-ribosylation in other cell types, induced poly [ADP-ribosyl] ation of H2A.2 and H2B.1 in embryos at all stages examined, and also polymodification of H3.2 in gastrulae. ADP-ribosylation of H1, H2B.2, H3.1 and H3.3 was hardly affected by dimethylsulfate treatment, though modification of H4 was blocked by this treatment. Probably, strong regulation of ADP-ribosyltransferase reactions causes failures of modification of H2A.2 and H2B.1 throughout early development and also of H3.2 at the gastrula stage. Regulation of histone ADP-ribosylation is thought to alter chromatin structures and the rate of gene expression, contributing to cell differentiation.  相似文献   

A protocol was developed to fractionate micromeres, mesomeres and macromeres of 16-cell stage sea urchin embryos by elutriation. The purities of these fractions were 99%, 93%, and 90%, and their recoveries were 75%, 31%, and 42%, respectively. Using this method, several hundred milligrams of each blastomere type were obtainable from a single-pair mating. On culture, micromeres formed spicules in the presence of horse serum, mesomeres developed into ciliated ectodermal vesicles and macromeres formed gastrula-like or exogastrula-like embryoids with spicules. To analyze the different structures characteristic of the blastomere lineage, we examined the expressions of marker genes. Cells of the micromere lineage expressed the primary mesenchyme-specific SM50 gene exclusively, those of the mesomere lineage expressed the ectoderm-specific arylsulfatase gene strongly, and SM50 and the endoderm-specific Endo 16 genes weakly, whereas those of the macromere lineage expressed all three marker genes. These results indicate that blastomeres fractionated by elutriation were equivalent to those isolated by hand under a microscope with respect to development and gene expression.  相似文献   

Embryos kept with omeprazole, a specific H+, K+-ATPase inhibitor, in a period of development between the mesenchyme blastula and the pluteus corresponding stage became abnormal plutei having quite small spicules, somewhat poor pluteus arms and apparently normal archenterons. In micro-mere-derived cells, kept with omeprazole at pH 8.2 in a period between 15 and 40 hr of culture at 20°C, omeprazole strongly inhibited spicule formation but did not block the outgrowth of pseudopodial cables, in which spicule rods were to be formed. These indicate that omeprazole probably exerts no obvious inhibitory effects other than spicule rods formation. Omeprazole-sensitive H+, K+-ATPase, an H+pump, seems to be indispensable for CaCO3 deposition (formation of spicule rod) in these spicule forming cells. H+, produced in overall reaction for CaCO3 formation: Ca2++ CO2+H2O°CaCO3+2H+, is probably released from the cells by this H+pump and hence, this reaction tends to go to CaCO3 production to form spicule rods. Omeprazole, known to become effective following its conversion to a specific inhibitor of H+, K+-ATPase at acidic pH, is able to inhibit formation of spicule rod at alkaline pH in sea water. This is probably due to an acidification of sea water near the cell surface by H+ejection in H+, K+-ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

The ADP-ribosylations of proteins in nuclei, plasma membrane vesicles, mitochondria, microsome vesicles and the soluble fraction of sea urchin embryos isolated at various stages of development were examined by measuring the radioactivities of proteins after exposure of these subcellular fractions to [adenosine-14C]NAD or [adenylate-32P]NAD. ADP-ribosylation of proteins was detected only in the nuclear and plasma membrane fractions. In the nuclear fraction, the rate of ADP-ribosylation of the histone fraction did not change appreciably during early development. In the TCA-insoluble protein fraction of the nuclei, the rate of ADP-ribosylation increased from fertilization to the morula stage, then decreased and again increased from the mesenchyme blastula to the late gastrula stage. After exposure of the nuclear fraction to [adenylate-32P]NAD, a protein band with a molecular weight of 90 kDa was detected by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and radioautography at all stages examined. Its labeling intensity indicated that its ADP-ribosylation is higher at the morula and late gastrula stages than at other stages. In the plasma membrane fraction, proteins with molecular weights of 22 and 68 kDa were ADP-ribosylated and their rates of ADP-ribosylation hardly changed during early development.  相似文献   

In cultured cells derived from isolated micromeres of 16-cell stage sea urchin embryos, which undergo insulin-induced pseudopodial cable growth, specific and reversible insulin binding by a 52-kDa protein, probably an insulin receptor in the plasma membrane, is augmented during 5 h of culture without any change in the dissociation constant (Kuno et al : 1994). The increase in insulin-binding capacity in micromere-derived cells was only minimally blocked by actinomycin D and cycloheximide, which inhibited [U-3H]uridine incorporation into RNA and [35S]methionine incorporation into protein, respectively. Insulin binding capacity was found in the plasma membrane fraction and the microsome fraction of isolated micromeres. The capacity in the plasma membrane fraction increased, accompanied by its decrease in the microsome fraction, during 5 h of culture of micromere-derived cells. The insulin receptor is probably accumulated in microsomes of presumptive micromeres prior to the 16-cell stage and transferred to the plasma membrane, resulting in an increase in the insulin binding capacity of micromere-derived cells during 5 h of culture.  相似文献   

A study was made of 1st cell cycle of small micromeres, segregated at the 5th cleavage cycle, in the sea urchin embryos of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus . For identification of small micromeres, the embryos were pulse labeled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) at the 1st cleavage. Using multiparametric microfluorometry equipped with a scanning stage (Tanaka, 1990), DNA content, extent of BrdU incorporation, protein content and the extent of 3H-thymidine labeling were measured on identical individual cells dissociated from an embryo. The findings of the present study are as follows. There is a short period of time between the telophase and onset of DNA replication. The period of DNA replication is 5 hr and after which, asynchronous mitosis takes place to produce 8 cells before hatching. The long S period is 83% the total 6 hr of the cell cycle. The rate of DNA accumulation is quite small during the initial one third of S but increases later in this phase. The degree of chromatin condensation remains high even during the S phase but it is low in large micromeres. The cell cycle may possibly be related causally to the development of small micromeres. The developmental significance of cell cycle duration, particularly that of DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

The development of the serotonergic component of the nervous system of larvae of S. purpuratus is traced using indirect immunofluorescence with a polyclonal antibody against the neurotransmitter serotonin. Initially one or two neuroblasts can be detected in the thickened epithelium of the animal plate of late gastrulae (56 hr). The number of immunoreactive cells increases to about eight during formation of the pluteus (85–90 hr). Immunoreactive axons appear simultaneously from all neuroblasts present in the 79 hr prism stage larva and form the apical ganglion. It is proposed that this component of the larval nervous system is derived from a small number of ectodermal cells associated with the apical tuft.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa can enter the separated blastomeres of 8- and 16-cell stage embryos, the cells of blastulae and even somatic cells of the oesophagus wall of an adult sea urchin, under certain conditions. In the presence of egg jelly solution, the rate of entrance of spermatozoa is remarkably increased. In the case of the blastomere of 8-cell stage embryos, characteristic cytoplasmic protrusions are formed at the sites of sperm entry, in succession to the formation of the cytoplasmic bulge. These protrusions elongate until 4 min after insemination, and then they retract gradually. The nucleus of penetrated sperm swells and decondenses to form a pronucleus. In most cases, the pronucleus seems to fuse with the preexisting diploid nucleus of the blastomere. When the dissociated oesophagus cells were inseminated, a certain type of the cells was found to fuse with spermatozoa, although the percentage of fused cells was very low.  相似文献   

In cultured cells derived from micromeres isolated at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryos, the activity of H+, K+-ATPase became detectable after 15 hr of culture, when the cells started to form spicules, and then increased reaching a plateau from 25 hr of culture. The Na+, K+-ATPase activity of isolated micromeres increased to a maximum at 20 hr of culture and thereafter decreased gradually. Allylisothiocyanate, an inhibitor of H+, K+-ATPase, caused a decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) accompanied by blockage of 45Ca deposition in spicule rods in spicule-forming cells at 30 hr of culture. Ouabain and amiloride had scarcely any effect on the pHi or 45, deposition. In cultured cells exposed to nifedipine, which blocked 45Ca deposition in spicule rods, allylisothiocyanate did not cause any decrease in pHi. These results show that H+, which is generated in the overall reaction to produce CaCO3 from Ca2+ and HCO3, is probably released from the cells mainly in the reaction catalyzed by H+, K+-ATPase to maintain successive production of CaCO3.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of donor cells as a major factor that affects cloning efficiency remains debatable. G2/M phase cells as a donor can successfully produce cloned animals, but a minimal amount is known regarding nuclear remodeling events. In this study, porcine fetal fibroblasts (PFFs) were carefully synchronized at G1 or M phase as donor cells. Most of the cloned embryos reconstructed from PFFs at G1 (G1-embryos) or M (M-embryos) phase formed a pronucleus-like nucleus (PN) within 6-h post fusion (hpf), but the M-embryos formed PN earlier than the G1-embryos did. Moreover, 77.4% of the M-embryos formed two PNs, whereas the G1-embryos formed a single PN. The rate of extrusion of polar body-like structures by the M-embryos was significantly lower than that extruded by the G1-embryos (26.3% vs. 37.1%, P?相似文献   

Starfish blastomeres are reported to be totipotent up to the 8-cell stage. We reinvestigated the development of blastomeres of 8-cell stage embryos with a regular cubic shape consisting of two tiers of 4 blastomeres. On dissociation of the embryo by disrupting the fertilization membrane at the 8-cell stage, each of the 4 blastomeres of the vegetal hemisphere gave rise to an embryo that gastrulated, whereas blastomeres from the animal hemisphere did not. By injection of a cell lineage tracer into blastomeres of 8-cell stage embryos, we found that only those of the vegetal hemisphere formed cells constituting the archenteron. Next, we compressed 4-cell stage embryos along the animal-vegetal axis so that all the blastomeres in the 8-cell stage were in a single layer. When these 8 blastomeres were then dissociated, an average of 7 of them developed into gastrulae. By cell lineage analysis, all the blastomeres in single-layered embryos at the 8-cell stage were shown to have the capacity to form cells constituting an archenteron. Taken together, these findings indicate that the fate to form the archenteron is specified by a cytoplasmic factor(s) localized at the vegetal hemisphere, and that isolated blastomeres that have inherited this factor develop into gastrulae.  相似文献   

The effect of copper ions in seawater (0.02 mg/l) on the early stages of development of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius was studied. Copper exposure from fertilization or the prism stage retarded development and growth and led to abnormalities in the morphology of the embryos and larvae. However, if development to the pluteus stage proceeded in clean seawater, an increased copper concentration did not inhibit the growth of larvae. If sea urchin embryos at fertilization and the prism stage were maintained for 1–2 days in seawater containing 0.02 mg Cu/l and then transferred to clean seawater, the adverse consequences of this exposure remained present after 48 h.  相似文献   

In sea urchin embryos at the stages from hatch out to the pluteus stage, [14C]proline incorporation into hot trichloroacetic acid TCA-extractable proteins occurred during an exposure to [14C]proline for 3 hrs at 20°C. The rate of [14C]proline incorporation into hot TCA-extractable proteins was higher in gastrulae and plutei than in blastulae. Percentage of [14C]hydroxyproline residue to whole radioactivity of the hot TCA-extractable proteins was quite low at the blastula stage and increased exponentially during futher development. Production of [14C]hydroxyproline residue at the blastula stage, as well as at the later stages, was stimulated by ascorbate and α-ketoglutarate, activators of protocollagen proline hydroxylase, and inhibited by α, α'-dipyridyl, an inhibitor of this enzyme. It is also probable that the enzyme in the embryos is not fully activated because of low amounts of activating substances. These suggest that blastulae,…, also have a potency of protocollagen hydroxylation. Blastula kept in sea water containing ascorbateand α-ketoglutarate became undeveloped embryo with large exogut. Gastrula developed normally to pluteus even in the presence of these compounds. The embryos, kept in sea water containing these compounds from fertilization to hatch out, also developed normally. Exogut formation in the embryos treated by these compounds, as well as normal archenteron formation, was inhibited by α, α'-dipyridyl.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide was formed in isolated cell walls from Marchantiapolymorpha L. in the presence of MnCl2 by either NADH or NADPHoxidation. This reaction was stimulated by phenols such as 2,4-dichlorophenolor p-coumarate, suggesting a reaction similar to that proposedfor the last step of lignification in higher plant cells, althoughbryophytes have been reported to be devoid of lignin. (Received June 16, 1987; Accepted March 3, 1987)  相似文献   

Vegetal plate forming cells (VPCs) of the vegetal plate blastulae of the sea urchin, Clypeaster japonicus , had a layer of microfilaments on the basal side. The VPCs specifically protruded from the embryos after a treatment with 1 μg/ml of cytochalasin B (CB). Based on scanning electron microscopy, unlike other epithelial cells the protruded VPCs possessed neither cilium nor microvilli on their surface. The protruded VPCs were easily separated from the embryos by stirring the embryo suspension with pipette. An in vitro immunohistochemistry using a primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) surface-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) raised against PMCs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus showed that the MAb also specifically bound to the PMCs in mesenchyme blastulae of C. japonicus . The MAb bound in 81% of the separated VPCs in C. japonicus vegetal plate blastulae examined. However, the MAb binding occurred only after the separated VPCs were incubated in artificial sea water (ASW) for at least 1 hr. In the VPC-deprived embryos, gastrulation occurred after they were transferred to normal ASW. However, the PMCs and the spicules were not formed in these embryos.
In conclusion, a majority of the VPCs separated from the CB-treated blastulae were presumptive PMCs. These VPCs provide an excellent source of presumptive PMCs.  相似文献   

Chromogenic mesenchymal cells in plutei of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus express a tissue specific epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody Sp–1. In transmission electron micrographs of pre-embed immunoperoxidase labelled plutei, the epitope is localized to pigment cell surfaces. Cell membranes of epidermal cells apposed to pigment cells are also immunoreactive, but endodermal cells apposed to pigment cells are not. Separation of Sp–1 immunoreactive material into the aqueous phase after embryo extraction in butanol indicates that the antigen is a protein or glycoprotein, and other solubilization characteristics suggest that it is an integral membrane constituent. The epitope is destroyed by general proteases and treatment with guanidine hydrochloride, and is resistant to oxidation by periodate and glycosyloxidases, suggesting that it is peptide rather than carbohydrate. On immunoblots of whole embryo extracts, or after SDS-PAGE analysis of 35S-methionine-labelled embryos immunoprecipitated with Sp–1, a band showing an apparent molecular mass of 110 kD is seen at all stages from mid-gastrula to 26-day pluteus. We conclude that the Sp–1 antigen is a 110 kD integral membrane protein which may interact with the epidermal cells over which the pigment cells migrate.  相似文献   

In plasma membrane fraction isolated from eggs and embryos of sea urchin, 32P-labeled proteins were found on the fluorographs of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, performed after an exposure of the fraction to [adenylate-32P] nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in the presence of cholera toxin, pertussis toxin or botulinum toxin D. The molecular weights of proteins, thus ADP-ribosylated in the presence of cholera toxin and pertussis toxin are 45 and 39 K, which correspond to Gs and Gi or Go, respectively. Protein with the molecular weight of 24 K, labeled in the presence of botulinum toxin D, corresponds to small molecular weight G-protein. The labeling intensity of 45 K protein, probably proportional to its amount, became high at the blastula stage. The labeling intensity of 39 K protein was hardly altered up to the blastula stage. The labeling intensity of 24 K protein increased after fertilization and further increase occurred at the blastula stage. At the gastrula stage, the labeling intensities of these proteins became somewhat lower than at the blastula stage. Transmembrane signaling system, in which these G-proteins are involved, is probably altered in its function during early development.  相似文献   

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