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Atovaquone is a substituted hydroxynaphthoquinone that is widely used to prevent and clear Plasmodium falciparum malaria and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. Atovaquone inhibits respiration in target organisms by specifically binding to the ubiquinol oxidation site at center P of the cytochrome bc(1) complex. The failure of atovaquone treatment and mortality of patients with malaria and P. jirovecii pneumonia has been linked to the appearance of mutations in the cytochrome b gene. To better understand the molecular basis of atovaquone resistance, we have introduced seven of the mutations from atovaquone-resistant P. jirovecii into the cytochrome b gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and thus obtained cytochrome bc(1) complexes resistant to inhibition by atovaquone. In these enzymes, the IC(50) for atovaquone increases from 25 nm for the enzyme from wild-type yeast to >500 nm for some of the mutated enzymes. Modeling of the changes in cytochrome b structure and atovaquone binding with the mutated bc(1) complexes provides the first quantitative explanation for the molecular basis of atovaquone resistance.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae histidine auxotrophs are unable to use L-histidinol as a source of histidine even when they have a functional histidinol dehydrogenase. Mutations in the hol1 gene permit growth of His- cells on histidinol by enhancing the ability of cells to take up histidinol from the medium. Second-site mutations linked to HOL1-1 further increase histidinol uptake. HOL1 double mutants and, to a lesser extent, HOL1-1 single mutants show hypersensitivity to specific cations added to the growth medium, including Na+, Li+, Cs+, Be2+, guanidinium ion, and histidinol, but not K+, Rb+, Ca2+, or Mg2+. The Na(+)-hypersensitive phenotype is correlated with increased uptake and accumulation of this ion. The HOL1-1-101 gene was cloned and used to generate a viable haploid strain containing a hol1 deletion mutation (hol1 delta). The uptake of cations, the dominance of the mutant alleles, and the relative inability of hol1 delta cells to take up histidinol or Na+ suggest that hol1 encodes an ion transporter. The novel pattern of ion transport conferred by HOL1-1 and HOL1-1-101 mutants may be explained by reduced selectivity for the permeant ions.  相似文献   

We have previously used inhibitors interacting with the Qn site of the yeast cytochrome bc(1) complex to obtain yeast strains with resistance-conferring mutations in cytochrome b as a means to investigate the effects of amino acid substitutions on Qn site enzymatic activity [M.G. Ding, J.-P. di Rago, B.L. Trumpower, Investigating the Qn site of the cytochrome bc1 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with mutants resistant to ilicicolin H, a novel Qn site inhibitor, J. Biol. Chem. 281 (2006) 36036-36043.]. Although the screening produced various interesting cytochrome b mutations, it depends on the availability of inhibitors and can only reveal a very limited number of mutations. Furthermore, mutations leading to a respiratory deficient phenotype remain undetected. We therefore devised an approach where any type of mutation can be efficiently introduced in the cytochrome b gene. In this method ARG8, a gene that is normally encoded by nuclear DNA, replaces the naturally occurring mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, resulting in ARG8 expressed from the mitochondrial genome (ARG8(m)). Subsequently replacing ARG8(m) with mutated versions of cytochrome b results in arginine auxotrophy. Respiratory competent cytochrome b mutants can be selected directly by virtue of their ability to restore growth on non-fermentable substrates. If the mutated cytochrome b is non-functional, the presence of the COX2 respiratory gene marker on the mitochondrial transforming plasmid enables screening for cytochrome b mutants with a stringent respiratory deficiency (mit(-)). With this system, we created eight different yeast strains containing point mutations at three different codons in cytochrome b affecting center N. In addition, we created three point mutations affecting arginine 79 in center P. This is the first time mutations have been created for three of the loci presented here, and nine of the resulting mutants have never been described before.  相似文献   

Three nuclear mutants, affected to various degrees with respect to cytochrome b are described. Detailed genetical study revealed that each mutant strain carried a single gene mutation; in complementation test the three mutations proved to be non-allelic. The measurements of enzymatic activities strongly suggest that the bc1 complex is the target of the mutations.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between post-translational processing of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its assembly into the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex we used iron-sulfur proteins in which the presequences had been changed by site-directed mutagenesis of the cloned iron-sulfur protein gene, so that the recognition sites for the matrix processing peptidase or the mitochondrial intermediate peptidase (MIP) had been destroyed. When yeast strain JPJ1, in which the gene for the iron-sulfur protein is deleted, was transformed with these constructs on a single copy expression vector, mitochondrial membranes and bc1 complexes isolated from these strains accumulated intermediate length iron-sulfur proteins in vivo. The cytochrome bc1 complex activities of these membranes and bc1 complexes indicate that intermediate iron-sulfur protein (i-ISP) has full activity when compared with that of mature sized iron-sulfur protein (m-ISP). Therefore the iron-sulfur cluster must have been inserted before processing of i-ISP to m-ISP by MIP. When iron-sulfur protein is imported into mitochondria in vitro, i-ISP interacts with components of the bc1 complex before it is processed to m-ISP. These results establish that the iron-sulfur cluster is inserted into the apoprotein before MIP cleaves off the second part of the presequence and that this second processing step takes place after i-ISP has been assembled into the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas tabaci produces a toxin, tabtoxin, that causes wildfire disease in tobacco. The primary target of tabtoxin is presumed to be glutamine synthetase. Some effects of tabtoxin in tobacco can be mimicked by methionine sulfoximine (MSO), a compound that is known to inactivate glutamine synthetase. To understand how organisms can be made resistant to tabtoxin and MSO, we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate that yeast strains carrying the glutamine synthetase gene, GLN1, on a multicopy plasmid overproduced glutamine synthetase and showed increased drug resistance. These and other data indicate that glutamine synthetase is the primary target of tabtoxin and MSO in S. cerevisiae. We also isolated three S. cerevisiae DNA inserts of 2.1, 2.3, and 2.8 kilobases that conferred tabtoxin and MSO resistance when the inserts were present on a multicopy plasmid. These plasmids conferred resistance to MSO by blocking intracellular transport of the drug. Transport appeared to occur by one or more methionine permeases. Resistance to tabtoxin could also occur by blockage of intracellular transport, but the drug was transported by some permease other than a methionine permease. These drug resistance plasmids did not block transport of citrulline, indicating that they did not affect the general amino acid permease.  相似文献   

Cisplatin is a potent DNA-damaging agent that has demonstrated anticancer activities against several tumors. However, manifestation of cellular resistance is a major obstacle in anticancer therapy that severely limits the curative potential of cisplatin. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis of cisplatin resistance could significantly improve the clinical efficacy of this anticancer agent. Here, we employed Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism to study cisplatin resistance mechanisms and describe a one-step cisplatin selection to identify and characterize novel cisplatin resistance genes. Screening a multicopy yeast genomic library enabled us to isolate several yeast clones for which we could confirm that the cisplatin resistance phenotype was linked to the introduced fragment. In a first attempt, a number of open reading frames could be identified. Among these genes, PDE2 and ZDS2 were repeatedly identified as genes whose overexpression confers cellular resistance to cisplatin. PDE2, encoding cAMP-phosphodiesterase 2, is of particular interest because the overexpression of this yeast gene is known to induce cisplatin resistance in mammalian cells as well, providing proof of the principle of our experimental approach. In addition, the identification of PDE2 shows that our yeast screening system can directly be informative for drug resistance in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Reduction of cytochrome b-560 (analogous to cyt b-562 of mitochondria) via an antimycin-sensitive route has been revealed in chromatophores of the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides Ga. Indeed, the results suggest that two reductive mechanisms can be operative. One is consistent with the idea that the quinol generated at the reaction center QB site enters the Q pool and, via the Qc site, equilibrates with cytochrome b-560. The other reductive mode circumvents redox equilibrium with the pool; we consider that this could result from a direct encounter of the reaction center with the bc1 complex perhaps involving a direct QB-Qc site interaction. This latter reaction is suppressed by occupancy of the Qc site, not only by antimycin but by ubiquinol and ubiquinone.  相似文献   

We have examined the pre-steady-state kinetics and thermodynamic properties of the b hemes in variants of the yeast cytochrome bc1 complex that have mutations in the quinone reductase site (center N). Trp-30 is a highly conserved residue, forming a hydrogen bond with the propionate on the high potential b heme (bH heme). The substitution by a cysteine (W30C) lowers the redox potential of the heme and an apparent consequence is a lower rate of electron transfer between quinol and heme at center N. Leu-198 is also in close proximity to the b(H) heme and a L198F mutation alters the spectral properties of the heme but has only minor effects on its redox properties or the electron transfer kinetics at center N. Substitution of Met-221 by glutamine or glutamate results in the loss of a hydrophobic interaction that stabilizes the quinone ligands. Ser-20 and Gln-22 form a hydrogen-bonding network that includes His-202, one of the carbonyl groups of the ubiquinone ring, and an active-site water. A S20T mutation has long-range structural effects on center P and thermodynamic effects on both b hemes. The other mutations (M221E, M221Q, Q22E and Q22T) do not affect the ubiquinol oxidation kinetics at center P, but do modify the electron transfer reactions at center N to various extents. The pre-steady reduction kinetics suggest that these mutations alter the binding of quinone ligands at center N, possibly by widening the binding pocket and thus increasing the distance between the substrate and the bH heme. These results show that one can distinguish between the contribution of structural and thermodynamic factors to center N function.  相似文献   

Rajagukguk S  Yang S  Yu CA  Yu L  Durham B  Millett F 《Biochemistry》2007,46(7):1791-1798
Long-range movement of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP) between the cytochrome (cyt) b and cyt c1 redox centers plays a key role in electron transfer within the cyt bc1 complex. A series of 21 mutants in the cyt b ef loop of Rhodobacter sphaeroides cyt bc1 were prepared to examine the role of this loop in controlling the capture and release of the ISP from cyt b. Electron transfer in the cyt bc1 complex was studied using a ruthenium dimer to rapidly photo-oxidize cyt c1 within 1 mus and initiate the reaction. The rate constant for electron transfer from the Rieske iron-sulfur center [2Fe2S] to cyt c1 was k1 = 60 000 s-1. Famoxadone binding to the Qo site decreases k1 to 5400 s-1, indicating that a conformational change on the surface of cyt b decreases the rate of release of the ISP from cyt b. The mutation I292A on the surface of the ISP-binding crater decreased k1 to 4400 s-1, while the addition of famoxadone further decreased it to 3000 s-1. The mutation L286A at the tip of the ef loop decreased k1 to 33 000 s-1, but famoxadone binding caused no further decrease, suggesting that this mutation blocked the conformational change induced by famoxadone. Studies of all of the mutants provide further evidence that the ef loop plays an important role in regulating the domain movement of the ISP to facilitate productive electron transfer and prevent short-circuit reactions.  相似文献   

Deletion of QCR9, the nuclear gene encoding subunit 9 of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, results in inactivation of the bc1 complex and inability of the yeast to grow on non-fermentable carbon sources. The loss of bc1 complex activity is due to loss of electron transfer activity at the ubiquinol oxidase site (center P) in the complex. Electron transfer at the ubiquinone reductase site (center N), is unaffected by the loss of subunit 9, but the extent of cytochrome b reduction is diminished. This is the first instance in which a supernumerary polypeptide, lacking a redox prosthetic group, has been shown to be required for an electron transfer reaction within the cytochrome bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c1, the electron donor for cytochrome c, is a subunit of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex (complex III, cytochrome c reductase). To test if cytochrome c1 is the cytochrome c-binding subunit of the bc1 complex, binding of cytochrome c to the complex and to isolated cytochrome c1 was compared by a gel-filtration method under non-equilibrium conditions (a bc1 complex lacking the Rieske ironsulfur protein was used; von Jagow et al. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 462, 549–558). The approximate stoichiometries and binding affinities were found to be very similar. Binding of cytochrome c to isolated cytochrome b which is another subunit of the reductase was not detectable by the gel-filtration method. Further, the same lysine residues of cytochrome c were shielded towards chemical acetylation in the complexes c:c1 and c:bc1. From this we conclude that the same surface area of cytochrome c is in direct contact with cytochrome bc1 and with cytochrome c1 in the respective complexes and that therefore cytochrome c is most probably the structural ligand for cytochrome c in mitochondrial cytochrome c reductase.  相似文献   

The 14-kDa Qcr7 protein represents one of the 10 subunits that are components of a functional cytochrome bc(1) complex in Sacharomyces cerevisiae. Previous studies have shown that the N-terminus of the Qcr7 protein may be involved in the assembly of the cytochrome bc(1) complex and its C-terminus by interacting with cytochrome b and QCR8 proteins. It has also been suggested that Qcr7 protein may be involved in proton pumping. The coding sequence for two highly conserved aspartate residues, D46 and D47, in the QCR7 gene was altered by site-directed mutagenesis and the mutated genes expressed in cells lacking a functional QCR7 gene. Mutants D46E, D46G, D46N, and D47E were comparable to wild type in growth phenotype on nonfermentable carbon sources. Mutants D47G and D47N were respiratory deficient and analysis of complex components by immunoblotting and spectral analysis of cytochrome b suggests defective assembly. Despite being respiratory competent and having normal electron transport rates in broken mitochondria, the mutant D46G had markedly reduced ATP synthesis from electron transport reactions catalyzed by complexes II plus III of the respiratory chain. This suggests that the geometry of proton uptake by the bc(1) complex is disturbed by the mutation in D46.  相似文献   

Hypoxia activates all components of the unfolded protein response (UPR), a stress response initiated by the accumulation of unfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Our group and others have shown previously that the UPR, a hypoxia-inducible factor-independent signaling pathway, mediates cell survival during hypoxia and is required for tumor growth. Identifying new genes and pathways that are important for survival during ER stress may lead to the discovery of new targets in cancer therapy. Using the set of 4,728 homozygous diploid deletion mutants in budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we did a functional screen for genes that conferred resistance to ER stress-inducing agents. Deletion mutants in 56 genes showed increased sensitivity under ER stress conditions. Besides the classic UPR pathway and genes related to calcium homeostasis, we report that two additional pathways, including the SLT2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway and the osmosensing MAPK pathway, were also required for survival during ER stress. We further show that the SLT2 MAPK pathway was activated during ER stress, was responsible for increased resistance to ER stress, and functioned independently of the classic IRE1/HAC1 pathway. We propose that the SLT2 MAPK pathway is an important cell survival signaling pathway during ER stress. This study shows the feasibility of using the yeast deletion pool to identify relevant mammalian orthologues of the UPR.  相似文献   

1) An isolation and purification procedure is reported for an active cytochrome b-c1 complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The complex acts as an antimycin A-sensitive duroquinone-cytochrome c reductase and contains cytochromes b and c1 at a concentration of 8 nmol/mg protein and non-heme iron at a concentration of 15 nmol/mg protein. 2) Difference spectra at room temperature and at 70 degrees K show that the preparation is free from contamination with cytochromes c or aa3. Assays of enzyme activity indicate the absence of any of the other catalytic functions normally associated with the mitochondrial respiratory chain. 3) On dissociation and separation on sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gels the complex gives rise to seven bands corresponding to subunit polypeptide molecular weights of 43 000, 40 000, 32 000, 24 000, 22 000, 20 000 and 18 000. These appear in a regular stoichiometry of 1:1:3:1:1:1:1.  相似文献   

Allelism of pleiotropic drug resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Allelism of pleiotropic drug resistant (pdr) mutants was evaluated by complementation tests, linkage to chromosome-VII centromere markers and response to a partial suppressor (sur). Complementation tests were confounded by incomplete dominance and somatic segregation. Phenotypic suppression by sur was observed for all mutant and wild type alleles and thus could not be used to distinguish alleles. Five different alleles were tentatively identified by their close linkage to leul; 88 tetrads from three factor crosses produced the following linkages--leul (4.7) pdrl (17.0) trp5. Resistance of DRI 9/T7, a [cir o] strain of French origin, was not inherited as an allele of pdr but was controlled by a different pleiotropic centromere linked gene. An evaluation of published data suggest that antl, AMYl, till, cyh3, BOR2, and axe1 may be alleles of pdr. Thus pdr appears to be an allele that influences permeability to many inhibitors.  相似文献   

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