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Due to the high content of viable seeds, topsoil is usually spread on ground left bare during railway and motorway construction to facilitate the regeneration of vegetation cover. However, during handling of the topsoil, seeds are often buried deeply and they cannot germinate or the seedlings cannot emerge from depth. This study experimentally explores the predictive value of seed mass for seed germination, mortality and seedling emergence at different burial depths for 13 common annual species in semiarid Mediterranean environments. We separate the effect of burial depth on germination and emergence by means of two experiments. In the germination experiment, five replicates of 20 seeds for each species were buried at depths ranging from 0 to 4 cm under greenhouse conditions. Germinated and empty or rotten seeds were counted after 8 weeks. In the emergence experiment, five replicates of four newly-germinated seeds per species were buried at the same depths under controlled conditions and emergence was recorded after 3 weeks. The effect of burial depth on percentage of germination and seedling emergence was dependent on seed size. Although all species showed a decrease in germination with burial depth, this decrease was greater for small-than large-seeded species. Percentage of emergence was positively related to seed mass but negatively related to burial depth. Seed mortality was higher for small-than large-seeded species, but there was no general effect of burial depth on this variable. Thus, the current practice of spreading 30 cm deep layers of topsoil in post-construction restoration projects is unadvisable. In this restoration scenario, thinner layers of topsoil should be used to achieve the maximum potential of the topsoil for germination and seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Butia odorata (Barb. Rodr.) Noblick is a palm tree that grows in savanna‐like formations in subtropical regions of South America, and whose regeneration is threatened by agricultural management. Its diaspores are dormant after dispersal which takes place during the summer and early autumn. The aim of this study was to investigate seasonal and microhabitat effects on the germination and seedling recruitment of this palm species. Diaspores were sown in the field, in both open lands and forest patches. During 2 years, we measured seed germination, viability and moisture, seedling emergence and germination response to warm stratification of those seeds that failed to germinate in the field. Germination was concentrated during the summer, when soil temperatures were highest, whilst seedling emergence peaked in the autumn and early winter, when temperature and humidity conditions became less extreme. In open lands, there were two pulses of germination (first and second summer), whilst in forest patches, a single pulse (second summer) was detected. Although overall germination did not differ between microhabitats, the percentage of seedling emergence from seeds that remained buried until the end of the experiment was almost twice as large in the forest patches compared with open areas. The viability of seeds declined over time, particularly in open areas. Laboratory‐induced warm stratification was found to act on seed dormancy release in a cyclic way, being far more effective on seeds retrieved from the field in spring–summer months than in those retrieved in the winter. This cyclic pattern of dormancy in B. odorata seeds results in major seedling recruitment after the summer, under wetter and cooler conditions, thus reducing mortality risk. This process can be enhanced by the presence of surrounding vegetation, which both increases seedling emergence and/or prolongs seed viability.  相似文献   

Werger  Marinus J. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(2):243-248
We determined the role of bird dispersal in seed and seedling dynamics of the tree Kalopanax pictus from 7 years of observing seed rain and seedling emergence in a broad-leaved deciduous forest in central Japan. We also performed an experiment on the influence of seed pulp on germination of seeds of K. pictus. Seeds of this species can lie dormant for several years, and this causes rather constant yearly seedling emergence in spite of irregular seed production. The spatial distribution of the seedlings that emerged each year (maximum distance from nearest conspecific seed-bearing tree of 90 m) was wider than that of gravity-dispersed seeds (max. distance of 37 m), suggesting seed dispersal by birds in winter. Emerged seedling densities at sites over 20 m from the nearest conspecific seed-bearing tree were highest in the spring of 1991, about half a year after the largest seed fall of the observation period. However, emerged seedling densities within 20 m from seed-bearing trees were highest in 1992, 1.5 years after the largest seed fall. These field observations may be explained by the experimental results on the effects of seed pulp on germination. Intact seeds germinate slowly at low germination rates, while seeds without seed pulp germinate quickly at high germination rates. Fallen seeds with seed pulp thus appear to form a seed bank near seed sources (temporal dispersal), while seeds scattered by birds appear to increase the possibility of reaching the present safe sites in distant areas with quick germination (spatial dispersal).  相似文献   

Seed germination and seedling emergence of ‘Arctic’ and ‘Lineta’ orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) and ‘Walsh’ and ‘LC9078a’ western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb.] L.) were studied both in the field and laboratory. Four seeding dates were conducted each year over 2 years and seedling emergence and seed fate in the soil were monitored. The effects of alternating temperature and light on germination were quantified and correlated with seedling emergence from soil and in the field. Orchardgrass seeds were less dormant than western wheatgrass as indicated by the disparity in germination percentage between constant and alternating temperatures. Seed germination percentage was usually higher than seedling emergence in the field for orchardgrass but lower for western wheatgrass, and temperature was not responsible for the difference. Exposing orchardgrass seeds to light during germination check helped break dormancy in orchardgrass when temperature was unfavorable (low and/or constant temperatures), while favorable temperatures (optimal, alternating temperatures) conditions overcame the inhibiting effect of light in western wheatgrass. The final seedling emergence of orchardgrass was either similar among the four seeding dates or decreased slightly from early May to early June. For western wheatgrass, however, final seedling emergence increased with seeding dates from early to late May and decreased in early June. Soil temperatures of the first 2 weeks after seeding increased from the early May to late May and then decreased. These temperatures were below or near the optimal temperatures for western wheatgrass seeds to release dormancy and germinate. Germination of the previously buried seeds indicated that orchardgrass and western wheatgrass had the potential for a high germination percentage under field conditions for all seeding dates. While soil temperatures close to the optimal temperature for dormancy breaking and germination promoted germination of orchardgrass, the same conditions could cause deterioration of seeds if they failed to germinate. For western wheatgrass, deeper dormancy reduced seed mortality.  相似文献   

Temperate forest herbs with seeds exhibiting both a physical and a physiological dormancy mechanism are rare, and knowledge on the factors regulating germination of these species is fragmentary. The biennial Geranium robertianum L. grows mainly in temperate woodlands, but can also be found in exposed habitats. Seedlings of G. robertianum are known to emerge from spring until autumn, but little is known about the environmental factors regulating germination. In this study, phenology of seedling emergence and of physical dormancy loss was examined for seeds buried at shaded or sunny exposed locations. The role of temperature in regulating dormancy and germination was analysed by incubating seeds in temperature sequences simulating temperatures that seeds experience in nature. The results indicate that most seeds of G. robertianum buried in sunny conditions germinate immediately after physical dormancy loss in summer. Seeds buried in shaded conditions also lose physical dormancy mainly during summer, but remain physiologically dormant and do not germinate until late winter or early spring. Besides physical dormancy, seeds of G. robertianum also initially have a high level of physiological dormancy, which is reduced during dry storage. Physiological dormancy is reduced through chilling in winter, thus enabling the seeds to germinate at low temperatures. We conclude that a complex combination of physical and physiological dormancy ensures that G. robertianum seeds germinate in summer at exposed sites and in early spring at shaded sites.  相似文献   

The impact of seed size (seed mass) on seedling emergence beneath a leaf litter layer and post-dispersal seed predation was investigated in two field experiments including 16 forest herbs and one dwarf-shrub in southeastern Sweden. In the first experiment, I studied the relationship between seed mass of eight forest herbs (0.3–16.7 mg) and seedling emergence after removal of litter and reduction of seed predation (rodents and insects). Removal of litter and reduction of seed predation did not affect seedling emergence. However, regardless of treatment, species with large seeds (> 3 mg) had a higher seedling emergence than those with small seeds (< 1 mg). In the second experiment, I investigated the relationship between seed mass of 12 species (0.007–18.4 mg) and seedling emergence after removal of litter, reduction of seed predation (insects) and seedling herbivory (molluscs). Total emergence over three years was significantly higher in species with large seeds (> 3 mg) than in those with small seeds (< 2 mg). Removal of litter increased total seedling emergence, while application of insecticide and molluscicide had no effect. Similar results were obtained from both a deciduous and a mixed coniferous forest, but seedling emergence was in general higher in the mixed coniferous forest. Seedling emergence in temperate forest herbs and dwarf-shrubs seems to be higher in species with large than in those with small seeds, and it is often enhanced by disturbance.  相似文献   

Tobe K  Zhang L  Omasa K 《Annals of botany》2005,95(4):649-659
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Information on the initial growth characteristics of annuals found in Chinese deserts is very limited. The aim of this study was to investigate seed germination and interactive effects of irrigation and seed burial depth in sand on seedling emergence and seedling survival in three annuals (Agriophyllum squarrosum, Bassia dasyphylla and Aristida adscensionis) commonly growing on sand dunes in these regions. METHODS: Effects of temperature, light and polyethylene glycol-6000 on seed germination were examined by irrigating seeds sown on filter paper in Petri dishes. Seedling emergence was examined for seeds sown on the surface of, or at different depths (5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mm) in, sand-filled pots, which were irrigated under different regimes. For seeds buried at a depth of 50 mm, seed viability was examined after irrigation of the pots. KEY RESULTS: Seeds of three species germinated at most temperatures recorded between spring and autumn in their native habitats. No seed dormancy was found in any species. For all three species, seedling emergence was most favoured when seeds were buried at a depth of 10 mm. When seeds sown on the sand surface were irrigated, seed germination was considerably suppressed due to water deficiency, but many seeds remained viable. For A. squarrosum and B. dasyphylla, many seeds that were deeply buried and irrigated remained ungerminated but viable, while for A. adscensionis deeply buried seeds germinated, but the seedlings did not emerge due to unfavourable seedling growth in deep sand. CONCLUSIONS: Precipitation is the most crucial factor in determining the seasonal emergence of seedlings of the three tested species in the field. The vertical distribution of seeds in sand determines the proportion of seeds that germinate after precipitation and acts to maintain seed banks over multiple years.  相似文献   

The effects of plant‐derived smoke and of heat on the emergence of seedlings from seeds were assessed. Seeds had been stored in forest topsoil used for mine site rehabilitation. The study was carried out in a dry sclerophyll, spotted gum (Corymbia maculata), forest community at the Mount Owen open‐cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales. Samples of the surface 2.5 cm of topsoil were either exposed to cool smoke from eucalypt foliage for 60 min, heated to 80°C, or left untreated. Seedling emergence from the seed bank in this soil was then monitored in a glasshouse. Within the first month, smoke alone promoted a 4.3‐fold increase in the density of seedlings relative to control. There were 540 emergents per m2 in the control and 2309 per m2 in the smoke treated topsoil. Many annual and perennial herbs emerged but grasses responded most strongly to smoke. Germination in seven of the 20 grass species was promoted by smoke. Smoke promoted the germination of some introduced species as well as native species, and accelerated the rate at which seedlings emerged, although these differences sometimes declined with time. Heat also stimulated germination but smoke and heat stimuli appeared to be complementary in their promotion of seedling emergence from the topsoil seed bank. Each treatment increased the density of different species, enhanced the species richness of different components of the seed bank, and had different effects on the rate of emergence. The results suggest that increased seed germination in the field immediately following a moderate intensity fire may sometimes be the result of smoke stimulation and sometimes the result of heat stimulation of the soil seed bank. These findings may have important implications for minesite revegetation programs where topsoils are replaced after mining and rapid germination of seeds stored in these soils is required during short periods when conditions are favourable for germination.  相似文献   

Chen  Hua  Maun  M.A. 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(1):53-60
A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the effects of sand burial on seed germination and seedling emergence of Cirsium pitcheri, a threatened species along Lake Huron sand dunes. In October 1996, seeds of C. pitcheri were sorted into three groups (small, medium and large) and artificially buried at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 cm depths in plastic pots filled with unsterilized sand from Lake Huron sand dunes. These pots were placed outside in sand boxes for natural stratification. In early February, the pots were brought into the greenhouse for germination of seeds. Data showed that percent seed germination and emergence of seedlings were not related to seed size. However, both variables were negatively correlated with depth. Seedling emergence occurred from a maximum depth of 6 cm with most seedlings emerging from 2 cm depth. Only one seedling emerged from 8 cm depth. Seedlings from large seeds produced longer roots than those of small seeds. Larger root system would probably enhance seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Topsoil is a valuable resource for revegetation of mine sites as it contains seeds of plant species indigenous to the local environment. As mine site restoration is undertaken after the completion of mining, it is a common practice to stockpile topsoil in preparation for restoration activities. While many studies have found a decrease in seedling emergence with increasing stockpile age in temperate regions around the world, a few examine the effect of stockpile age on topsoil seed bank and seedling recruitment in arid environments. Seed longevity is promoted under dry conditions whereas viability loss is increased under warm and moist conditions. Here in a study in Australia's Great Sandy Desert, the effect of topsoil storage age and method of storing topsoil (under‐cover and exposed) on seedling recruitment was examined for a major gold mining site. There was a trend for lower seedling emergence (68% lower) and species richness (30% lower) from topsoil stored for 2 years than from topsoil direct returned and topsoil stored for 1 year. Seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiled for 2 years was more than 3.5‐fold higher from covered topsoil stockpiles than uncovered topsoil stockpiles. For two ecologically dominant species, after 2 years of storage, seedling emergence of the grass Triodia basedowii was 13% of direct returned topsoil and seedling emergence of the shrub Acacia stellaticeps was 68% of direct returned topsoil. The implication of the decline in seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiling on mine site revegetation in a biodiverse arid region is discussed.  相似文献   

Frugivorous birds are among the most important consumers of fleshy fruits particularly in sub-tropical and tropical forest ecosystems. Whether or not such plant–frugivore interactions contribute to germination enhancement is still a subject of much debate. We tested the effect of gut treatment by four captive species of avian frugivores in comparison to manually depulped seeds and whole fruits on seedling emergence and germination probability of seeds from sixteen plant species in South Africa. Moreover, we determined whether fruit weight of each plant species affected germination patterns. Across plant species, a total of 2795 seeds were planted, of which 50% germinated. Both seedling emergence and germination probability neither differed among the bird species nor in comparison to manually depulped seeds or whole fruits. Further, seedling emergence and germination probability were both unaffected by fruit weight. However, the germination probability of all treatments increased similarly with increasing number of weeks after planting. Overall, these results suggest that seed depulping, neither by gut treatment nor manually improved germination of seeds, irrespective of their fruit weights. Thus, the major contribution of frugivores to forest regeneration may be more confined in transporting seeds away from the mother plant than in germination enhancement per se.  相似文献   

Mesic deciduous forest herbs often disperse seed with morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) that prevents germination during unfavorable periods for seedling survival. However, for seeds of some species with MPD, seasonal separation of root and shoot emergence and variation in dormancy levels can complicate interpretation of seedling emergence timing in the field. We tested whether dormancy-break and germination requirements differed among co-occurring perennial forest herbs, Actaea racemosa, Hydrastis canadensis, and Sanguinaria canadensis, which are wild-harvested for their medicinal properties and known to have MPD. Seeds of all species exhibited a summer → autumn → winter requirement for seedling emergence in spring. However, species differed in seed-bank persistence due to variation in primary dormancy levels and stratification requirement of seeds. A. racemosa and H. canadensis can form short-term persistent seed bank, whereas S. canadensis can form a long-term persistent seed-bank, regardless of whether elaiosomes were removed from seeds prior to burial. A. racemosa seeds are dispersed in autumn with weak physiological dormancy, as seeds germinated to high rates at 15/6°C after 8 weeks. In contrast, most seeds of the summer dispersed species, H. canadensis and S. canadensis, require summer temperatures to overcome physiological dormancy. Consequently, seedling emergence is reduced and delayed by 1 year if seeds are not sown immediately following the period of natural dispersal. Seedling emergence was much lower in the field than in controlled conditions for all species, especially in the small-seeded A. racemosa. Interspecific variation in dormancy levels and germination traits must be considered when establishing populations for conservation purposes and in understanding recruitment limitation in perennial forest herbs.  相似文献   

Abundance, species composition, and distribution of buried seeds in a San Francisco Bay salt marsh were studied by collecting soil samples in October and February and observing seedling emergence in the greenhouse. Results were compared with existing vegetation patterns and field germination. Average numbers of buried viable seed down to a 5-cm depth were 380/ m2 in October and 700/m2 in February, with field germination averaging 118/m2. Salicornia virginica dominated the seed bank in the greenhouse and in field germination. Most other marsh species were present in the seed bank but numbers of seeds were low. A significant correlation was found between highest species diversity and proximity to channels. The nature of this low-diversity, low-density seed bank reflects dominance of long-lived perennial species, seed dispersal patterns and selective environmental pressures.  相似文献   

  • The impact of global warming on seed dormancy loss and germination was investigated in Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), a common woodland/hedgerow plant in Eurasia, considered invasive in North America. Increased temperature may have serious implications, since seeds of this species germinate and emerge at low temperatures early in spring to establish and grow before canopy development of competing species.
  • Dormancy was evaluated in seeds buried in field soils. Seedling emergence was also investigated in the field, and in a thermogradient tunnel under global warming scenarios representing predicted UK air temperatures through to 2080.
  • Dormancy was simple, and its relief required the accumulation of low temperature chilling time. Under a global warming scenario, dormancy relief and seedling emergence declined and seed mortality increased as soil temperature increased along a thermal gradient. Seedling emergence advanced with soil temperature, peaking 8 days earlier under 2080 conditions.
  • The results indicate that as mean temperature increases due to global warming, the chilling requirement for dormancy relief may not be fully satisfied, but seedling emergence will continue from low dormancy seeds in the population. Adaptation resulting from selection of this low dormancy proportion is likely to reduce the overall population chilling requirement. Seedling emergence is also likely to keep pace with the advancement of biological spring, enabling A. petiolata to maintain its strategy of establishment before the woodland canopy closes. However, this potential for adaptation may be countered by increased seed mortality in the seed bank as soils warm.

Field experiments were designed to examine tree and shrub seedling emergence in temperate grassy woodlands on the New England Tablelands. The effects of study sites, intensity of previous grazing, removal of ground cover by fire or clearing, burial of seeds and ant seed theft on seedling emergence were tested in two field experiments. Six tree and seven shrub species were used in the experiments and their cumulative emergence was compared with laboratory germination studies. All species used in field experiments had lower cumulative emergence than those in laboratory germination studies despite prolonged periods of above average rainfall before and after seeds were sown. Eucalypt species emerged faster in the field than the shrub species and generally attained higher cumulative emergence than the shrubs. Spatial effects of sites and patches within sites, and of previous grazing history did not strongly influence patterns of seedling emergence in most species. Ground and litter cover generally did not enhance or suppress the emergence of seedlings, although the removal of cover in recently grazed areas enhanced the emergence of some species. Burning enhanced the emergence of some tree and shrub species where plots had more fuel and intense fires, but this effect was not strong. Compared with other treatments, seedbed manipulations produced the strongest effects. In the absence of both invertebrate and vertebrate predators, seedling emergence was lower for surface‐sown seed, compared with seed sown on scarified soil surfaces. Higher seedling emergence of buried seeds in the presence of invertebrate predators probably resulted from the combined effects of predator escape and enhanced moisture status of the germination environment. Some promotion of emergence was achieved for all species in most sown treatments probably as a result of a prolonged above average rainfall. In contrast, the natural recruitment of trees and shrubs was negligible in experimental plots, highlighting the importance of seed supply and dispersal as ultimate determinants of recruitment.  相似文献   

Seed‐hoarding vertebrates may survive yearly periods of food scarcity by storing seeds during the preceding fruiting season. It is poorly understood why rodents creating long‐term reserves, especially those in the tropics, incorporate seeds from plant species that germinate rapidly and hence seem unsuitable for long‐term storage. We carried out a series of experiments to understand why red acouchies (Myoprocta exilis) scatter‐hoard Carapa procera (Meliaceae) seeds, which lack dormancy and germinate rapidly. Hypotheses tested were: (1) even germinated seeds are still significant long‐term energy reserves for acouchies, (2) acouchies use the seeds only as short‐term supplies, and (3) acouchies manipulate the seeds to slow down germination. The first two hypotheses were not supported; seed reserves were rapidly depleted during experimental planting, and acouchies did use seeds for long‐term storage. We did find support for the third hypothesis. Acouchies intervened in germination by removing the protruding radicle and epicotyl after which they re‐cached seeds. Pruning stopped further seedling development, yet the pruned seeds did not decay. The cotyledons apparently stayed alive and physiologically active as “zombie seeds” that only formed undifferentiated calli. Pruned seeds were suitable for long‐term storage, with negligible loss of endosperm over time. Pruning was most effective after sprouting of the epicotyl, and germinating seeds were most susceptible to pruning during two weeks upon emergence. Acouchies actively managed their food supplies and must continuously survey for germinating seeds to timely intervene in seed reserve depletion, within the brief period of seedling emergence. We suggest that the trees use the rodents to achieve seed dispersal, and gain from imperfect intervention in germination by the rodents. Because scatter‐hoarding rodents and large‐seeded plant species with similar germination co‐occur in tropical forests world‐wide, it is plausible that the phenomenon of seed pruning to preserve seeds is more general than currently appreciated.  相似文献   

该文研究了野外条件下不同深度的沙埋对沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响,以及温室条件下种子大小对不同深度沙埋后的种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响。结果表明,沙埋深度显著影响沙鞭的种子萌发率、幼苗出土率和种子休眠率。沙子表面的种子不能萌发。2 cm的浅层沙埋时的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率最高,1 cm 沙埋的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率次之。沙埋深度超过2 cm之后,沙鞭的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率与沙埋深度呈负相关。2 cm的种子休眠率最低。从2 ~12 cm,种子休眠率随着沙埋深度的增加而增加。在幼苗能够出土的深度(1~6 cm),幼苗首次出土所需的时间随着沙埋深度的增加而延长。种子大小对沙鞭的种子萌发率没有显著影响。但是在深层沙埋(6 cm)时,与小种子相比,大种子产生的幼苗的出土率较高。从2~6 cm,大种子形成的幼苗的茎长度都较长。  相似文献   

Agriophyllum squarrosum Moq. is a dominant annual on sand dunes in the arid regions of central Asia. A high percentage of seeds is retained on dead plants which become covered by moving sand, but little is known about the ecological significance of burial of canopy-stored seeds. We investigated the size and dynamics of the buried canopy-stored seed bank and effects of burial on seed germination. In March (during the windy season), May (beginning of the germination season), and July (middle of the growing season), the number of seeds per square meter in sample plots in the dunes was 623, 223 and 22, respectively, with 54.6, 30.6 and 12.9% of the total seeds retained on buried plant canopies. In a controlled experiment, more seedlings emerged from released (dispersed) than from canopy-stored seeds when burial depth was the same. No viable ungerminated released seeds were found, but 45–80% of the ungerminated canopy-stored seeds were viable. In general, with an increase in applied water germination of released seeds buried at a depth of 1 or 2 cm and of canopy-stored seeds buried at 1 cm increased, but regardless of watering regime few or no released seeds at 4 cm or canopy-stored seeds at 2 or 4 cm germinated. Significantly more seedlings emerged from plants buried in a horizontal than in a vertical position. Seedlings originating from buried canopy-stored seeds on an active dune accounted for only 5.4% of the total seedlings emerging, and most of them emerged later than those from released seeds. Thus, seed release is more effectively postponed in buried than in exposed canopies, and burial of canopy-stored seeds is a mechanism that helps regulate seed germination and seedling emergence of A. squarrosum on active dunes.  相似文献   

Seed survival in soil could be strongly influenced by habitat characteristics, but little is known about the behaviour of seeds sensitive to desiccation in seed banks installed in natural or disturbed habitats. Cryptocarya aschersoniana seeds disperse at the end of the rainy season but do not germinate immediately; thus, they may form seed banks in soil. This study evaluated the behaviour of C. aschersoniana seed banks induced in the natural environment of the species and in a disturbed area. Recently harvested C. aschersoniana germination units were characterized according to their water content, germination and viability. In 2011 and 2012, seed banks were established by burying samples of seeds in the understory of a semi‐deciduous forest. In 2012, samples were also buried in a disturbed area. The seed banks were sampled at certain time intervals, and the samples were characterized as described above. Precipitation and air temperature data were collected. As a result, seeds in the seed bank established in the natural environment form a transient seed bank and showed the same behaviour in both years studied. A germination peak was observed starting 210 days after burial (coinciding with the onset of the rainy season) and reached germination percentages higher than 80% at the end of the experiment for both years. Seed mortality did not exceeded 28% in the natural environment. However, in the disturbed environment, the seeds lost their viability more rapidly, with 90% of the seeds becoming unviable 240 days after burial. Germinated seeds in the disturbed environment (maximum 21%) were not able to establish seedlings. These results underscore the importance of maintaining a natural, undisturbed forest for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

This research was performed to resolve temperature requirement for embryo growth, dormancy break and seed germination of Aconitum lycoctonum, an Eurasian perennial herb growing in deciduous forests. The dormancy strategy of A. lycoctonum was compared with that of other Ranunculaceae species growing in the temperate deciduous forest habitat. Seeds of A. lycoctonum germinate immediately after embryo growth is completed during winter and seedlings subsequently emerge in early spring. Experiments in controlled conditions revealed that (1) embryo growth and germination only occurred at low temperatures (<10 °C), (2) a high-temperature pre-treatment was not required for germination, and (3) application of gibberellic acid did not overcome the chilling requirement. Based on these results, seeds of A. lycoctonum can be classified as having deep complex morphophysiological dormancy. Dormancy breaking requirements of A. lycoctonum are very similar to related species studied before, suggesting stasis in seed dormancy traits has occurred in the Aconitum–Delphinium clade.  相似文献   

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