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Human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV/SIV) exhibit enormous sequence heterogeneity within each infected host. Here, we use ultradeep pyrosequencing to create a comprehensive picture of CD8+ T-lymphocyte (CD8-TL) escape in SIV-infected macaques, revealing a previously undetected complex pattern of viral variants. This increased sensitivity enabled the detection of acute CD8-TL escape as early as 17 days postinfection, representing the earliest published example of CD8-TL escape in intrarectally infected macaques. These data demonstrate that pyrosequencing can be used to study the evolution of CD8-TL escape during immunodeficiency virus infection with an unprecedented degree of sensitivity.Rapid sequence evolution is a hallmark of immunodeficiency virus infection and represents a major obstacle toward the development of a successful human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine (2, 3). Viral evolution has implications for HIV treatment and provides critical information about host immune responses. Although the viral population contains an enormous amount of sequence diversity, standard sequencing methods are limited to the detection of high-frequency variants. Techniques that permit characterization of rare variants, such as molecular cloning, single-genome amplification, or quantitative RT-PCR, are either labor intensive or restricted to the detection of a single variant, limiting their widespread use (9, 11, 12, 18). As a result, the functional consequences of low-frequency variants and subtle differences in the kinetics of viral evolution are not well understood.CD8+ T lymphocytes (CD8-TL) play a critical role in the suppression of immunodeficiency viruses and are a driving force in HIV/SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) viral evolution (7, 8, 15, 20). Because the emergence of escape mutations within CD8-TL epitopes alters the recognition of infected cells, monitoring viral variation within epitopes has important implications (10, 16). Due to the sequencing limitations noted above, studies of CD8-TL escape are generally limited to the detection of high-frequency variants. As a result, CD8-TL escape is frequently viewed as a binary event: an epitope is either wild type or escaped.In this study, we applied ultradeep pyrosequencing to evaluate acute CD8-TL escape in SIV-infected macaques. We validated this method by sequencing the Tat28-35SL8 (SL8) epitope in eight Indian rhesus macaques, demonstrating the ability to detect amino acid variants with a frequency as low as 1%. We then examined Nef103-111RM9 (RM9) viral escape in four Mauritian cynomolgus macaques (MCMs), demonstrating that viral escape within RM9 occurs as early as 17 days postinfection. Pyrosequencing detected a considerable heterogeneity in the diversity, frequency, and kinetics of viral variation between animals that was undetectable by conventional methods. This exceptional variability is present in the viral population until at least 20 weeks postinfection. These studies demonstrate that ultradeep pyrosequencing is a high-throughput method that can be used to sensitively detect and characterize CD8-TL escape variants in any given epitope.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is characterized by immune activation, while chronic malaria is associated with elevated interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels. How these apparently antagonizing forces interact in the coinfected host is poorly understood. Using a rhesus macaque model of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-Plasmodium fragile coinfection, we evaluated how innate immune effector cells affect the balance between immune activation and regulation. In vitro Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses of peripheral blood myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) and monocytes were temporarily associated with acute parasitemic episodes and elevated plasma IL-10 levels. Prolonged infection resulted in a decline of mDC function. Monocytes maintained TLR responsiveness but, in addition to IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, also produced IL-10. Consistent with the role of spleen in the clearance of parasite-infected red blood cells, coinfected animals also had increased splenic IL-10 mRNA levels. The main cellular source of IL-10 in the spleens of coinfected animals, however, was not splenic macrophages but T cells, suggesting an impairment of adaptive immunity. In contrast to those in spleen, IL-10-positive cells in axillary lymph nodes of coinfected animals were predominantly mDC, reminiscent of the immunosuppressive phenotype of peripheral blood mDC. Concurrent with IL-10 induction, however, SIV infection promoted elevated systemic IL-12 levels. The continuously increasing ratio of plasma IL-12 to IL-10 suggested that the overall host response in SIV-P. fragile-coinfected animals was shifted toward immune activation versus immune regulation. Therefore, SIV-P. fragile coinfection might be characterized by earlier manifestation of immune dysfunction and exhaustion than that of single-pathogen infections. This could translate into increased morbidity in HIV-malaria-coinfected individuals.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus-associated motor and cognitive disorders is poorly understood. In this context both a protective and a harmful role of the immune system has been discussed. This question was addressed in the present study by correlating the occurrence of neurologic disease in simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaques with disease progression and the humoral and cellular intrathecal antiviral immune response. Overt neurologic signs consisting of ataxia and apathy were observed at a much higher frequency in rapid progressor animals (6 of 12) than in slow progressors (1 of 7). Whereas slow progressors mounted a strong antiviral antibody (Ab) response as evidenced by enzyme-linked immunosorbent and immunospot assays, neither virus-specific Ab titers nor Ab-secreting cells could be found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or brain parenchyma of rapid progressors. Similarly, increased infiltration of CD8+ T cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for viral antigens were detected only in the CSF of slow progressors. The finding that neurologic signs develop frequently in SIV-infected macaques in the absence of an antiviral immune response demonstrates that the immune system does not contribute to the development of motor disorders in these animals. Moreover, the lower incidence of neurologic symptoms in slow progressors with a strong intrathecal immune response suggests a protective role of the virus-specific immunity in immunodeficiency virus-induced central nervous system disease.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of macaques can result in central nervous system disorders, such as meningitis and encephalitis. We studied 10 animals inoculated with brain-derived virus from animals with SIV encephalitis. Over half of the macaques developed SIV-induced neurologic disease. Elevated levels of systemic immune activation were observed to correlate with viral RNA in the cerebral spinal fluid but not with plasma viral load, consistent with a role for SIV in the pathogenesis of neurologic disease.  相似文献   

The prominent role of antiviral cytotoxic CD8+ T-lymphocytes (CD8-TL) in containing the acute viremia of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1 and SIV) has rationalized the development of T-cell-based vaccines. However, the presence of escape mutations in the acute stage of infection has raised a concern that accelerated escape from vaccine-induced CD8-TL responses might undermine vaccine efficacy. We reanalyzed previously published data of 101,822 viral genomes of three CD8-TL epitopes, Nef103-111RM9 (RM9), Tat28-35SL8 (SL8), and Gag181-189CM9 (CM9), sampled by ultradeep pyrosequencing from eight macaques. Multiple epitope variants appeared during the resolution of acute viremia, followed by the predominance of a single mutant epitope. By fitting a mathematical model, we estimated the first acute escape rate as 0.36 day−1 within escape-prone epitopes, RM9 and SL8, and the chronic escape rate as 0.014 day−1 within the CM9 epitope. Our estimate of SIV acute escape rates was found to be comparable to very early HIV-1 escape rates. The timing of the first escape was more highly correlated with the timing of the peak CD8-TL response than with the magnitude of the CD8-TL response. The transmitted epitope decayed more than 400 times faster during the acute viral decline stage than predicted by a neutral evolution model. However, the founder epitope persisted as a minor population even at the viral set point; in contrast, the majority of acute escape epitopes were completely cleared. Our results suggest that a reservoir of SIV infection is preferentially formed by virus with the transmitted epitope.A critical role of CD8+ T-lymphocytes (CD8-TL) in controlling the peak of acute viral replication has been demonstrated both in HIV-1 (10, 31, 57) and experimental SIV infections (51). HIV-1-infected patients with strong HIV-1-specific CD8-TL responses early after the onset of the acute retroviral syndrome showed more effective control of primary viremia than patients with low or undetectable virus-specific CD8-TL activity (10). Delayed HIV-1-specific CD8-TL responses within an acutely infected individual was found to be one factor contributing to the patient''s persistent viremia, symptoms, and low CD4+ T-cell counts (31). A close temporal association between the magnitude of immunodominant B57-restrcited HIV-1-specific CD8 T cells and viral load was observed (57). In nonhuman primate models, the effect of CD8+ T cells on acute viral containment has been more directly probed by administering an anti-CD8 antibody to transiently deplete CD8+ lymphocytes from the peripheral blood (51). The resolution of peak viremia was much slower in the CD8+ lymphocyte-depleted rhesus macaques than in the untreated control animals (51).CT8-TL responses provide selective pressure within human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted regions of the viral genome, which can select for escape variants. Understanding the kinetics of viral escape has important implications for the development of T-cell-based vaccines. Recently, in acutely infected HIV-1 subjects, single-genome amplification (SGA) and sequencing have shown that while only random mutations were observed prior to peak viremia (50), CD8-TL escape mutations were prominent as early as 20 to 30 days after the acute peak of viremia (24), well before the establishment of the viral set point. Indeed, it was observed that the emergence of viral escape mutants occurred coincidently with the expansion of the epitope-specific CD8-TL population in the acutely infected host, and that it resulted in amino acid substitutions in the transmitted/founder virus that diminished recognition by CT8-TL specific for the original (transmitted) epitope (24).Quantitatively, the average rate of CD8-TL escape mutation within 20 days of HIV-1 infection since the first screening has been estimated as 0.33 day−1 (24). This early escape rate is substantially greater than the chronic escape rate, which has been estimated as 0.04 day−1 (6). However, these prior estimates (6, 24) have been based on Sanger sequencing data from a limited number of virus clones. The availability of ultradeep pyrosequencing methods provides the opportunity to revisit these estimates using much richer data sets, which can detect mutations with a frequency of as little as 1% (8). The quantification of the rate of CD8-TL escape in SIV and HIV-1 is important, since it can serve as a surrogate measure of the magnitude and effectiveness of the host CD8-TL response. Mathematical models have been developed to quantify the process of viral CD8-TL escape (6, 7, 23), which framed the escape phenomenon as a synergetic outcome of the differences of wild and mutant epitopes in terms of susceptibility to cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) killing versus their intrinsic viral fitness.The goal of the present study was to quantify escape dynamics within three well-defined CD8-TL epitopes by rigorously analyzing both previously published and newly generated ultradeep pyrosequencing data from a set of eight SIV-infected macaques (8). Bimber and colleagues (8) previously demonstrated multifarious patterns of CTL escape in these SIV-infected macaques, and a recently published analysis of the same data set by Hughes et al. revealed that the persistence of low levels of inoculum sequence and its consistent loss kinetics enable the reliable inference of the wild-type sequence when only samples from later in infection are available for study (26). Here, we used the same extensive sequence data set, in combination with newly generated data, to quantify viral escape dynamics for three well-defined CD8-TL epitopes relative to the transmitted (wild-type) epitope sequence. By fitting a mathematical model of CD8-TL escape (6) to the experimentally determined CT8-TL escape kinetics, we compared the rate of the first CD8-TL escape of the escape-prone epitopes, Nef103-111RM9 and Tat28-35SL8, to that of the escape-resistant epitope, Gag181-189CM9. For this purpose, we define the time to first CD8-TL escape as the time when the first CD8-TL escape mutant comprises 50% of the combined population of the transmitted (wild) sequence and the first escape mutant clone. This definition is different from the timing of the first emergence of amino acid variants within an epitope. Our definition can be used when individual clones are obtained either by single-genome amplification (42, 49) or pyrosequencing (32, 48).In this study, by employing a rich data set from ultradeep pyrosequencing, we tested the hypothesis that the transmitted epitope contributes to the formation of a reservoir of infection. Our results suggest that this is indeed the case, and they also suggest that viral reversion (13, 21, 34, 37) is complicated in some cases by the unexpected persistence of wild-type, transmitted virus strains long after initial infection.  相似文献   

Here we describe a novel vaccine vector for expressing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens. We show that recombinant attenuated yellow fever vaccine virus 17D expressing simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239 Gag sequences can be used as a vector to generate SIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in the rhesus macaque. Priming with recombinant BCG expressing SIV antigens increased the frequency of these SIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses after recombinant YF17D boosting. These recombinant YF17D-induced SIV-specific CD8+ T cells secreted several cytokines, were largely effector memory T cells, and suppressed viral replication in CD4+ T cells.None of the vaccine regimens tested in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine efficacy trials to date have either reduced the rate of HIV infection or reduced the level of HIV replication. Structural features and the enormous variability of the envelope glycoprotein have frustrated efforts to induce broadly reactive neutralizing antibodies against HIV (10). Investigators have therefore focused their attention on T-cell-based vaccines (40). Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) challenge of rhesus macaques vaccinated with T-cell-based vaccines has shown that it is possible to control virus replication after SIV infection (22, 41, 42). The recent STEP trial of a recombinant Ad5-vectored vaccine was widely seen as an important test of this concept (http://www.hvtn.org/media/pr/step111307.html) (9, 25). Unfortunately, vaccinees became infected at higher rates than the controls (9). While it is still not clear what caused the enhanced infection rate in the vaccinated group, future Ad5-based human vaccine trials may be difficult to justify. We therefore need to develop new vaccine vectors for delivering SIV and HIV genes. Several other viral vectors currently under consideration include nonreplicating adenovirus (Ad)-based vectors (1, 21, 22), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus (12, 20), adeno-associated virus (AAV) (19), modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) (3, 4, 13, 15, 18, 38), NYVAC (6), cytomegalovirus (CMV) (16), and replicating Ad (30). However, only a few of these have shown promise in monkey trials using rigorous SIV challenges.We explored whether the small (11-kb) yellow fever vaccine flavivirus 17D (YF17D) might be a suitable vector for HIV vaccines. The YF17D vaccine is inexpensive, production and quality control protocols already exist, and it disseminates widely in vivo after a single dose (27). Importantly, methods for the manipulation of the YF17D genome were recently established (7, 8, 24, 28). This effective vaccine has been safely used on >400 million people in the last 70 years (27). Additionally, the YF17D strain elicits robust CD8+ T-cell responses in humans (26). Chimeric YF17D is presently being developed as a vaccine for other flaviviruses, such as Japanese encephalitis virus (28), dengue virus (14), and West Nile virus (29). Inserts expressing a malaria B-cell epitope have been engineered into the E protein of YF17D (7). In murine models, recombinant YF17D viruses have generated robust and specific responses to engineered antigens inserted between the 2B and NS3 proteins in vivo (24, 35).We first used the YF17D vaccine virus to infect four Mamu-A*01-positive macaques. The vaccine virus replicated in these four animals and induced neutralizing antibodies in all four macaques by 2 weeks postvaccination (Fig. 1A and B). To monitor the CD8+ T-cell immune response against YF17D, we scanned its proteome for peptides that might bind to Mamu-A*01 using the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) pathway algorithm (31). We synthesized the 52 YF17D-derived peptides most likely to bind to Mamu-A*01 based on their predicted affinity for this MHC class I molecule. We then used a gamma interferon (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay to screen these peptides in YF17D-immunized animals at several time points after vaccination and discovered that four Mamu-A*01-binding peptides, LTPVTMAEV (LV91285-1293), VSPGNGWMI (VI93250-3258), MSPKGISRM (MM92179-2187), and TTPFGQQRVF (TF102853-2862), were recognized in vivo (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). Using a previously reported protocol (26), we also observed CD8+ T-cell activation in all four animals (Fig. 1D and E). Thus, as was observed previously, the YF17D vaccine virus replicates in Indian rhesus monkeys (36) and induces neutralizing antibodies, yellow fever 17D-specific Mamu-A*01-restricted CD8+ T-cell responses, and CD8+ T-cell activation.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.YF17D replicates and induces neutralizing antibodies, virus-specific CD8+ T cells, and the activation of CD8+ T cells in rhesus macaques. (A) Replication of YF17D during the first 10 days after vaccination with two different doses, as measured by quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) using the following primers: forward primer YF-17D 10188 (5′-GCGGATCACTGATTGGAATGAC-3′), reverse primer YF-17D 10264 (5′-CGTTCGGATACGATGGATGACTA-3′), and probe 6-carboxyfluorescein (6Fam)-5′-AATAGGGCCACCTGGGCCTCCC-3′-6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine (TamraQ). (B) Titer of neutralizing antibodies determined at 2 and 5 weeks after YF17D vaccination. (C) Fresh PBMC from vaccinees (100,000 cells/well) were used in IFN-γ ELISPOT assays (41) to assess T-cell responses against YF17D. We used 4 epitopes (LTPVTMAEV [LV91285-1293], VSPGNGWMI [VI93250-3258], MSPKGISRM [MM92179-2187], and TTPFGQQRVF [TF102853-2862]) predicted to bind to Mamu-A*01 as defined by the MHC pathway algorithm (31). All IFN-γ ELISPOT results were considered positive if they were ≥50 SFC/106 PBMC and ≥2 standard deviations over the background. (D) Identification of activated CD8+ T cells after vaccination with YF17D based on the expression of the proliferation and proapoptotic markers Ki-67 and Bcl-2, respectively (26). We stained whole blood cells with antibodies against CD3 and CD8. We then permeabilized and subsequently labeled these cells with Bcl-2- and Ki-67-specific antibodies. The flow graphs were gated on CD3+ CD8+ lymphocytes. (E) Expression kinetics of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 in CD8+ T cells after vaccination with YF17D.We next engineered the YF17D vaccine virus to express amino acids 45 to 269 of SIVmac239 Gag (rYF17D/SIVGag45-269) by inserting a yellow fever codon-optimized sequence between the genes encoding the viral proteins E and NS1. This recombinant virus replicated and induced neutralizing antibodies in mice (data not shown). We then tested the rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 construct in six Mamu-A*01-positive Indian rhesus macaques. We found evidence for the viral replication of rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 for five of these six macaques (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). However, neutralizing antibodies were evident for all six animals at 2 weeks postvaccination (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). Furthermore, all animals developed SIV-specific CD8+ T cells after a single immunization with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 (Fig. (Fig.2C).2C). To test whether a second dose of this vaccine could boost virus-specific T-cell responses, we administered rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 (2.0 × 105 PFU) to four macaques on day 28 after the first immunization and monitored cellular immune responses. With the exception of animal r04091, the rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 boost did not increase the frequency of the vaccine-induced T-cell responses. This recombinant vaccine virus also induced CD8+ T-cell activation in the majority of the vaccinated animals (Fig. (Fig.2D2D).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 replicates and induces neutralizing antibodies, virus-specific CD8+ T cells, and the activation of CD8+ T cells in rhesus macaques. (A) Replication of rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 during the first 10 days after vaccination with two different doses as measured by Q-PCR using the YF17D-specific primers described in the legend of Fig. Fig.1.1. (B) Titer of neutralizing antibodies determined at 2 and 5 weeks after rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination. The low levels of neutralization for animal r02013 were observed in three separate assays. (C) Fresh PBMC from vaccinees (100,000 cells/well) were used in IFN-γ ELISPOT assays to assess T-cell responses against the YF17D vector (red) and the SIV Gag(45-269) insert (black) at several time points postvaccination. We measured YF17D-specific responses using the same epitopes described in the legend of Fig. Fig.1.1. For SIV Gag-specific responses, we used 6 pools of 15-mers overlapping by 11 amino acids spanning the entire length of the SIVmac239 Gag insert. In addition, we measured Mamu-A*01-restricted responses against the dominant Gag181-189CM9 and subdominant Gag254-262QI9 epitopes. Four animals received a second dose of rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 on day 28 after the first vaccination (dashed line). (D) Expression kinetics of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 in CD8+ T cells after vaccination with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269. This assay was performed as described in the legend of Fig. Fig.11.We could not detect differences in vaccine-induced immune responses between the group of animals vaccinated with YF17D and the group vaccinated with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269. There was, however, considerable animal-to-animal variability. Animal r02034, which was vaccinated with YF17D, exhibited massive CD8+ T-cell activation (a peak of 35% at day 14) (Fig. (Fig.1E),1E), which was probably induced by the high levels of viral replication (16,800 copies/ml at day 5) (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). It was difficult to see differences between the neutralizing antibody responses induced by YF17D and those induced by rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 (Fig. (Fig.1B1B and and2B).2B). However, neutralizing antibodies in animal r02013 decreased by 5 weeks postvaccination. It was also difficult to detect differences in the YF17D-specific CD8+ T-cell responses induced by these two vaccines. Peak Mamu-A*01-restricted CD8+ T-cell responses against YF17D ranged from barely detectable (animal r02110 at day 11) (Fig. (Fig.1C)1C) to 265 spot-forming cells (SFCs)/106 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (animal r02034 at day 28) (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). Similarly, three of the rYF17D/SIVGag45-269-vaccinated animals (animals r04091, r04051, and r02013) made low-frequency CD8+ T-cell responses against the Mamu-A*01-bound YF17D peptides, whereas the other three animals (animals r03130, r02049, and r02042) recognized these epitopes with responses ranging from 50 to 200 SFCs/106 PBMC (Fig. (Fig.2C).2C). For almost every rYF17D/SIVGag45-269-vaccinated animal, the Gag181-189CM9-specific responses (range, 50 to 750 SFCs/106 PBMC) were higher than those generated against the Mamu-A*01-restricted YF17D epitopes (range, 0 to 175 SFCs/106 PBMC), suggesting that the recombinant virus replicated stably in vivo (Fig. (Fig.2C).2C). Thus, the recombinant YF17D virus replicated and induced both virus-specific neutralizing antibodies and CD8+ T cells that were not demonstrably different from those induced by YF17D alone.Most viral vectors are usually more efficient after a prime with DNA or recombinant BCG (rBCG) (4, 11, 15, 18). We therefore used rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 to boost two macaques that had been primed with rBCG expressing SIV proteins (Fig. (Fig.3A).3A). We detected no SIV-specific responses after either of the two priming rBCG vaccinations. Unfortunately, while the recombinant YF17D virus replicated well in animal r01056, we found evidence for only low levels of replication of rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 on day 5 postvaccination for animal r01108 (7 copies/ml) (Fig. (Fig.3B).3B). Both animals, however, generated neutralizing antibodies at 2 weeks postvaccination (Fig. (Fig.3C).3C). Encouragingly, we detected high-frequency CD8+ T-cell responses in the Mamu-A*01-positive macaque (animal r01056) after boosting with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 (Fig. 3D to F). These responses were directed mainly against the Mamu-A*01-restricted Gag181-189CM9 epitope, which is contained in the peptide pool Gag E (Fig. (Fig.3D).3D). Furthermore, the boost induced a massive activation of animal r01056''s CD8+ T cells, peaking at 35% at 17 days postvaccination (Fig. (Fig.3E).3E). Of these activated CD8+ T cells, approximately 10% were directed against the Gag181-189CM9 epitope, with a frequency of 3.5% of CD8+ T cells (Fig. (Fig.3E).3E). These epitope-specific CD8+ T cells made IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), macrophage inflammatory protein 1β (MIP-1β), and degranulated (Fig. (Fig.3F3F and data not shown). Thus, an rBCG prime followed by a recombinant yellow fever 17D boost induced polyfunctional antigen-specific CD8+ T cells.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination induced a robust expansion of Gag-specific responses in an rBCG-primed macaque. (A) Vaccination scheme. We immunized two rhesus macaques with rBCG intradermally (i.d.) (2.0 × 105 CFU), rBCG orally (107 CFU), and rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 subcutaneously (2.0 × 105 PFU) at 6-month intervals. rBCG was engineered to express 18 minigenes containing sequences of Gag, Vif, Nef, Rev, and Tat from SIVmac239. (B) Replication of rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 during the first 10 days after vaccination as measured by Q-PCR using the YF17D-specific primers described in the legend of Fig. Fig.1.1. (C) Titer of neutralizing antibodies determined at 2 and 5 weeks after rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination. (D) Fresh PBMC from animal r01056 (100,000 cells/well) were used in IFN-γ ELISPOT assays to assess T-cell responses against the YF17D vector (red) and the SIV Gag(45-269) insert (black) at several time points postvaccination. (E) Kinetics of CD8+ T-cell activation (as described in the legend of Fig. Fig.1)1) and expansion of Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells in animal r01056 after vaccination with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269. (F) Vaccination with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 induced robust CD8+ T-cell responses against Gag181-189CM9 in r01056. CD8+ T-cell activation (Ki-67+/Bcl-2) for baseline and day 13 are shown. Gag181-189CM9-specific responses were measured by tetramer staining and intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) with antibodies against MIP-1β and IFN-γ.Vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells are usually central memory T cells (TCM) or effector memory T cells (TEM). These two subsets of CD8+ T cells differ in function and surface markers (23). Repeated boosting drives CD8+ T cells toward the TEM subset (23). We therefore determined whether a rBCG prime followed by a rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 boost induced TCM or TEM CD8+ T cells. Staining of PBMC obtained on day 30 postvaccination revealed that the SIV-specific CD8+ T cells were largely TEM cells since the majority of them were CD28 negative (Fig. (Fig.4A).4A). Furthermore, these cells persisted with the same phenotype until day 60 after vaccination (Fig. (Fig.4B).4B). It was recently suggested that TEM cells residing in the mucosae can effectively control infection after a low-dose challenge with SIVmac239 (16).Open in a separate windowFIG. 4.rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination of animal r01056 induced effector memory Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells that suppressed viral replication in CD4+ targets. (A and B) Frequency and memory phenotype of tetramer-positive Gag181-189-specific CD8+ T cells in animal r01056 on day 30 (A) and day 60 (B) after rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination. CD28 and CD95 expression profiles of tetramer-positive cells show a polarized effector memory phenotype. Cells were gated on CD3+ CD8+ lymphocytes. (C) Ex vivo Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells from animal r01056 inhibit viral replication from SIVmac239-infected CD4+ T cells. Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells from three SIV-infected Mamu-A*01-positive animals and rYF17D/SIVGag45-269-vaccinated animal r01056 were tested for their ability to suppress viral replication from SIV-infected CD4+ T cells (39). Forty-eight hours after the incubation of various ratios of SIV-infected CD4+ T cells and Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells, the supernatant was removed and measured for viral RNA (vRNA) copies per ml by Q-PCR. We observed no suppression when effectors were incubated with CD4+ targets from Mamu-A*01-negative animals (data not shown). Animal rh2029 was infected with SIVmac239 (viral load, ∼105 vRNA copies/ml) containing mutations in 8 Mamu-B*08-restricted epitopes as part of another study (37). Animal r01080 was vaccinated with a DNA/Ad5 regimen expressing Gag, Rev, Tat, and Nef and later infected with SIVmac239 (viral load, ∼103 vRNA copies/ml) (42). Animal r95061 was vaccinated with a DNA/MVA regimen containing Gag181-189CM9 and was later challenged with SIVmac239 (undetectable viral load) (2).We then assessed whether rYF17D/SIVGag45-269-induced CD8+ T cells could recognize virally infected CD4+ T cells. We have shown that these vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells stain for tetramers and produce cytokines after stimulation with synthetic peptides (Fig. (Fig.3).3). None of these assays, however, tested whether these SIV-specific CD8+ T cells recognize SIV-infected cells and reduce viral replication. We therefore used a newly developed assay (39) to determine whether vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells can reduce viral replication in CD4+ T cells. We sorted tetramer-positive (Gag181-189CM9-specific) lymphocytes directly from fresh PBMC and incubated them for 48 h with SIVmac239-infected CD4+ T cells expressing Mamu-A*01. We assessed the percentage of CD4+ T cells that expressed SIV Gag p27 (data not shown) and the quantity of virus in the culture supernatant (Fig. (Fig.4C).4C). Vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells reduced viral replication to the same extent as that seen with Gag181-189CM9-specific CD8+ T cells purified from three SIVmac239-infected rhesus macaques, including an elite controller rhesus macaque, animal r95061 (Fig. (Fig.4C4C).The most encouraging aspect of this study is that rBCG primed a high-frequency CD8+ T-cell response after boosting with rYF17D/SIVGag45-269. These CD8+ T cells reached frequencies that were similar to those induced by an rBCG prime followed by an Ad5 boost (11). Even without the benefit of the rBCG prime, the levels of CD8+ T cells induced by a single rYF17D/SIVGag45-269 vaccination were equivalent to those induced by our best SIV vaccine, SIVmac239ΔNef. Recombinant YF17D generated an average of 195 SFCs/106 PBMC (range, 100 to 750 SFCs/106 PBMC) (n = 6), whereas SIVmac239ΔNef induced an average of 238 SFCs/106 PBMC (range, 150 to 320 SFCs/106 PBMC) (n = 3) (32). It is also possible that any YF17D/HIV recombinants would likely replicate better in humans than they have in rhesus macaques and thus induce more robust immune responses. Also, rBCG was shown previously to be effective in humans (5, 17, 33, 34) and may be more useful at priming T-cell responses in humans than it has been in our limited study with rhesus macaques. These two vectors have long-distinguished safety and efficacy histories in humans and may therefore be well suited for HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   

Despite many efforts to develop AIDS vaccines eliciting virus-specific T-cell responses, whether induction of these memory T cells by vaccination before human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure can actually contribute to effective T-cell responses postinfection remains unclear. In particular, induction of HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells may increase the target cell pool for HIV infection because the virus preferentially infects HIV-specific CD4+ T cells. However, virus-specific CD4+ helper T-cell responses are thought to be important for functional CD8+ cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction in HIV infection, and it has remained unknown whether HIV-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination without HIV-specific CD4+ T-cell help can exert effective responses after virus exposure. Here we show the impact of CD8+ T-cell memory induction without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help on the control of a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) challenge in rhesus macaques. We developed a prophylactic vaccine by using a Sendai virus (SeV) vector expressing a single SIV Gag241-249 CTL epitope fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Vaccination resulted in induction of SeV-EGFP-specific CD4+ T-cell and Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses. After a SIV challenge, the vaccinees showed dominant Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses with higher effector memory frequencies in the acute phase and exhibited significantly reduced viral loads. These results demonstrate that virus-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help could indeed facilitate SIV control after virus exposure, indicating the benefit of prophylactic vaccination eliciting virus-specific CTL memory with non-virus-specific CD4+ T-cell responses for HIV control.Virus-specific T-cell responses are crucial for controlling human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication (3, 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 37). Therefore, a great deal of effort has been exerted to develop AIDS vaccines eliciting virus-specific T-cell responses (23, 27, 30, 47), but whether this approach actually results in HIV control remains unclear (1, 6). It is important to determine which T-cell responses need to be induced by prophylactic vaccination for HIV control after virus exposure.Because HIV preferentially infects HIV-specific CD4+ T cells (5), induction of HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells by vaccination may increase the target cell pool for HIV infection and could enhance viral replication (42). However, CD4+ helper T-cell responses are important for functional CD8+ cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction (11, 40, 43, 46), and it has remained unknown whether HIV-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination with non-virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help (but without HIV-specific CD4+ T-cell help) can exert effective responses after virus exposure. Indeed, the real impact of prophylactic induction of CTL memory itself on HIV replication has not been well documented thus far.We previously developed a prophylactic AIDS vaccine consisting of DNA priming followed by boosting with a recombinant Sendai virus (SeV) vector expressing SIVmac239 Gag (26). Evaluation of this vaccine''s efficacy against a SIVmac239 challenge in Burmese rhesus macaques showed that some vaccinees contained SIV replication whereas unvaccinated animals developed AIDS (15, 27). In particular, vaccination consistently resulted in control of SIV replication in those animals possessing the major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) haplotype 90-120-Ia. Gag206-216 (IINEEAADWDL) and Gag241-249 (SSVDEQIQW) epitope-specific CD8+ T-cell responses were shown to be involved in SIV control in these vaccinated macaques (14, 16).In the present study, focusing on CD8+ T-cell responses directed against one of these epitopes, we have evaluated the efficacy of a vaccine expressing the Gag241-249 epitope fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) against a SIVmac239 challenge in 90-120-Ia-positive rhesus macaques. The animals exhibited this single-epitope-specific CD8+ T-cell response and SeV-EGFP-specific CD4+ T-cell responses after vaccination and showed rapid, dominant induction of potent secondary Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses after a SIV challenge. Plasma viral loads in these vaccinees were significantly reduced compared to those of naive controls. These results indicate that induction of CD8+ T-cell memory without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help by prophylactic vaccination can result in effective CD8+ T-cell responses after virus exposure.  相似文献   

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