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Coevolution between granivorous crossbills (Loxia spp.) and conifers has been a prominent process in the diversification of crossbills. A striking example occurs in western North America where coevolution between crossbills and Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia) is ongoing in isolated ranges without the crossbill’s dominant competitor for seeds, the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Preferential foraging by crossbills on lodgepole pine cones in the South Hills and Albion Mountains, two small mountain ranges in southern Idaho where red squirrels are absent, has led to the evolution of larger, thicker-scaled cones than in nearby ranges where red squirrels are present. This in turn has favored the evolution of larger-billed crossbills that have diverged from other crossbills in the region. However, such diversifying coevolution, resulting from geographic variation in the distribution of strongly interacting species, is vulnerable to species introductions. For example, the introduction of red squirrels caused the precipitous decline and perhaps extinction of the Newfoundland crossbill and perhaps a crossbill endemic to the Cypress Hills, Canada. In general, species introductions act to reduce the geographic variation in species interactions, which may be critical for the diversification of many taxa.  相似文献   

McPartland JM  Norris RW  Kilpatrick CW 《Gene》2007,397(1-2):126-135
Genes for receptors and ligands must coevolve to maintain coordinated gene expression and binding affinities. Researchers have debated whether anandamide or 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG) is a more "intrinsic" ligand of cannabinoid receptors. We addressed this debate with a coevolutionary analysis, by examining genes for CB1, CB2, and ten genes that encode ligand metabolic enzymes: abhydrolase domain containing 4 protein, cyclooxygenase 2, diacylglycerol lipase paralogs (DAGLalpha, DAGLbeta), fatty acid amide hydrolase paralogs (FAAH1, FAAH2), monoglyceride lipase, N-acylethanolamine acid amidase, NAPE-selective phospholipase D, and protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22. Gene trees (cladograms) of CB1, CB2, and ligand enzymes were obtained by searching for orthologs (tBLASTn) in the genomes of nine phylogenetically diverse species, aligning ortholog sequences with ClustalX, and applying Bayesian analysis (MrBayes). Mirrored cladograms provided evidence of coevolution (i.e., parallel cladogenesis). Next we constructed phylograms of CB1, CB2, and the ten enzymes. Phylogram branch lengths were proportional to three sets of maximum likelihood metrics: all-nucleotide-substitutions and NS/SS ratios (using PAUP()), and Ka/Ks ratios (using FUGE). Spurious correlations in all-nucleotide-substitutions trees (due to phylogenetic bias) and in Ka/Ks ratio trees (due to simplistic modeling) were parsed. Branch lengths from equivalent branches in paired trees were correlated by linear regression. Regression analyses, mirrored cladograms, and phylogenetic profiles produced the same results: close associations between cannabinoid receptors and DAGL enzymes. Therefore we propose that cannabinoid receptors initially coevolved with a fatty acid ester ligand (akin to 2-AG) in ancestral metazoans, and affinity for fatty acid ethanolamide ligands (e.g., AEA) evolved thereafter.  相似文献   

Epidemiological models generally explore the evolution of parasite life-history traits, namely, virulence and transmission, against a background of constant host life-history traits. However, life-history models have predicted the evolution of host traits in response to parasitism. The coevolution of host and parasite life-history traits remains largely unexplored. We present an epidemiological model, based on resource allocation theory, that provides an analysis of the coevolution between host reproductive effort and parasite virulence. This model allows for hosts with either a fixed (i.e., genetic) or conditional (i.e., a phenotypically plastic) response to parasitism. It also considers superinfections. We show that parasitism always favors increased allocation to host reproduction, but because of epidemiological feedbacks, the evolutionarily stable host reproductive effort does not always increase with parasite virulence. Superinfection drives the evolution of parasite virulence and acts on the evolution of the host through parasite evolution, generally leading to higher host reproductive effort. Coevolution, as opposed to cases where only one of the antagonists evolves, may generate correlations between host and parasite life-history traits across environmental gradients affecting the fecundity or the survival of the host. Our results provide a theoretical framework against which experimental coevolution outcomes or field observations can be contrasted.  相似文献   

食虫蝙蝠与昆虫之间的相互作用和协同进化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食虫蝙蝠与昆虫之间是捕食和被捕食的关系,夜行性昆虫是食虫蝙蝠主要的食物来源。在漫长的协同进化中,蝙蝠施加的捕食压力导致夜行性昆虫一系列特征的进化,其中一部分昆虫进化出能听到蝙蝠的超声波信号并采取逃跑行为或者能通过其它方式躲避蝙蝠,同时昆虫的适应性特征同样影响着蝙蝠的回声定位和捕食策略。本文从蝙蝠捕食昆虫的种类、昆虫对蝙蝠捕食的反应和食虫性蝙蝠对昆虫防卫的适应对策等三个方面对食虫蝙蝠与昆虫之间的相互关系进行了概述。  相似文献   

The Origin and Diversification of Language. Nina G. Jablonski and Leslie C. Aiello. eds. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. 202 pp.  相似文献   

Our purpose in these experiments was to study short-term (immediate) and long-term memory in the memorization of the same subject matter. By memory capacity is meant the number of units a person is able to reproduce in one repetition, or on an average in one repetition. In short-term reception and full reproduction of the material to be memorized, short-term memory capacity is commensurate with the number of units reproduced. Long-term memory capacity reflects the ability to accumulate as well as to retain information. When the material to be remembered exceeds the short-term memory capacity, the first reproduction is incomplete, and multiple presentation and repetition of the information are necessary for error-free and complete reproduction. In this case the memory capacity is equal to the number of units contained in the presented material divided by the number of repetitions.  相似文献   

A paper (Amirnovin R, J Mol Evol 44:473–476, 1997) seems to undermine the validity of the coevolution theory of genetic code origin by shedding doubt on the connection between the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and the organization of the genetic code, at a time when the literature on the topic takes this for granted. However, as a few papers cite this paper as evidence against the coevolution theory, and to cast aside all doubt on the subject, we have decided to reanalyze the statistical bases on which this theory is founded. We come to the following conclusions: (1) the methods used in the above referred paper contain certain mistakes, and (2) the statistical foundations on which the coevolution theory is based are extremely robust. We have done this by critically appraising Amirnovin's paper and suggesting an alternative method based on the generation of random codes which, along with the method reported in the literature, allows us to evaluate the significance, in the genetic code, of different sets of amino acid pairs in biosynthetic relationships. In particular, by using this method and after building up a certain set of amino acid pairs reflecting the expectations of the coevolution theory, we show that the presence of this set in the genetic code would be obtained, purely by chance, with a probability of 6 × 10−5. This observation seems to provide particularly strong support to the coevolution theory. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 23 October 1999  相似文献   

Selection due to cuckoo parasitism is responsible for the evolution of anti-parasitism defenses in hosts. Different host species breeding sympatrically with a single parasitic cuckoo may evolve different strategies to reduce the risk of counter cuckoo parasitism, resulting in different interactions between cuckoos and hosts in areas of sympatry. Here, we studied the coevolutionary interactions between Himalayan cuckoos Cuculus saturatus and 2 sympatric and closely related potential hosts belonging to the family Pycnonotidae, the brown-breasted bulbul Pycnonotus xanthorrhous and the collared finchbill Spizixos semitorques. We investigated parasitism rates and nest-site selection (nest height, nest cover, human disturbance, perch height, forest distance, and degree of concealment) related to parasitism risk, nest defense against a cuckoo dummy, and egg rejection against cuckoo model eggs. Bulbuls used specific nest sites that were further away from forests than those of finchbills, and they behaved more aggressively toward cuckoos than finchbills. In contrast, bulbuls possessed moderate egg rejection ability, whereas the finchbill rejected 100% of cuckoo model eggs. We suggest that selection of a nest site away from forests by the bulbul explains the absence of parasitism by Himalayan cuckoos. We suggest that these interspecific differences in nest-site selection and nest defense indicate alternative responses to selection due to cuckoos.  相似文献   

Thomas Sebeok and Noam Chomsky are the acknowledged founding fathers of two research fields which are known respectively as Biosemiotics and Biolinguistics and which have been developed in parallel during the past 50 years. Both fields claim that language has biological roots and must be studied as a natural phenomenon, thus bringing to an end the old divide between nature and culture. In addition to this common goal, there are many other important similarities between them. Their definitions of language, for example, have much in common, despite the use of different terminologies. They both regard language as a faculty, or a modelling system, that appeared rapidly in the history of life and probably evolved as an exaptation from previous animal systems. Both accept that the fundamental characteristic of language is recursion, the ability to generate an unlimited number of structures from a finite set of elements (the property of ‘discrete infinity’). Both accept that human beings are born with a predisposition to acquire language in a few years and without apparent efforts (the innate component of language). In addition to similarities, however, there are also substantial differences between the two fields, and it is an historical fact that Sebeok and Chomsky made no attempt at resolving them. Biosemiotics and Biolinguistics have become two separate disciplines, and yet in the case of language they are studying the same phenomenon, so it should be possible to bring them together. Here it is shown that this is indeed the case. A convergence of the two fields does require a few basic readjustments in each of them, but leads to a unified framework that keeps the best of both disciplines and is in agreement with the experimental evidence. What is particularly important is that such a framework suggests immediately a new approach to the origin of language. More precisely, it suggests that the brain wiring processes that take place in all phases of human ontogenesis (embryonic, foetal, infant and child development) are based on organic codes, and it is the step-by-step appearance of these brain-wiring codes, in a condition that is referred to as cerebra bifida, that holds the key to the origin of language.  相似文献   

This article considers natural signs and their role in the origin of language. Natural signs, sometimes called primary signs, are connected with their signified by causal relationships, concomitance, or likeliness. And their acquisition is directed by both objective reality and past experience (memory). The discovery and use of natural signs is a required prerequisite of existence for any living systems because they are indispensable to movement, the search for food, regulation, communication, and many other information-related activities. It is argued that the birth of conventional signs, sometimes called secondary signs, was determined by a connotative use of natural signs and that, regulated and maintained by them, human language developed. At the same time, the origin and development of human language presupposes a ‘rational turn’ from the given and external reality of natural signs to the rationally constructed reality of artificial signs and rules that are internally maintained by the subjects’ deliberate activities, and actual and inherited social tradition (social memory). In view of this, language is defined as a dynamic system that must both be natural and artificial, empirical and a priori, inductive and deductive. This bilateral origin and regulation of language is the dual-inference of language.  相似文献   

Coevolution and maladaptation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Many of the most commonly cited examples of exquisite adaptationare of coevolved symbioses. As we learn more about the coevolutionaryprocess, however, it is becoming increasingly evident that coevolutionmay also keep populations moderately maladapted much of thetime. As a result, coevolving populations may only rarely occupyadaptive peaks, because the selective landscape is under continualchange through reciprocal selection on the species themselves.These shifting patterns of coadaptation are further shaped bythe geographic structure of most species. Selection mosaicsacross landscapes and coevolutionary hotspots can favor differentevolutionary trajectories in different populations. The combinedaction of gene flow, random genetic drift, and local extinctionof populations may then continually remold these local patterns,creating a geographic mosaic in the degrees of maladaptationfound within local interactions. Recent mathematical modelsof the geographic mosaic of coevolution suggest that complexmosaics of maladaptation are a likely consequence of spatiallystructured species interactions. These models indicate thatthe spatial structure of maladaptation may depend upon the typeof coevolutionary interaction, the underlying selection mosaic,and patterns of gene flow across landscapes. By maintaininglocal polymorphisms and driving the divergence of populations,coevolution may produce spatial patterns of maladaptation thatare a source of ongoing innovation and diversification in speciesinteractions.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between host and parasite drives species evolution. However, most of the studies only focus on parasitism adaptation and do not explore the coevolution mechanisms from the perspective of both host and parasite. Here, through the de novo sequencing and assembly of the genomes of giant panda roundworm, red panda roundworm, and lion roundworm parasitic on tiger, we investigated the genomic mechanisms of coevolution between nonmodel mammals and their parasitic roundworms and those of roundworm parasitism in general. The genome-wide phylogeny revealed that these parasitic roundworms have not phylogenetically coevolved with their hosts. The CTSZ and prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta (P4HB) immunoregulatory proteins played a central role in protein interaction between mammals and parasitic roundworms. The gene tree comparison identified that seven pairs of interactive proteins had consistent phylogenetic topology, suggesting their coevolution during host–parasite interaction. These coevolutionary proteins were particularly relevant to immune response. In addition, we found that the roundworms of both pandas exhibited higher proportions of metallopeptidase genes, and some positively selected genes were highly related to their larvae’s fast development. Our findings provide novel insights into the genetic mechanisms of coevolution between nonmodel mammals and parasites and offer the valuable genomic resources for scientific ascariasis prevention in both pandas.  相似文献   

Proteins encoded by antigen-processing genes (APGs) provide major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I (MHC-I) with antigenic peptides. In mammals, polymorphic multigenic MHC-I family is served by monomorphic APGs, whereas in certain nonmammalian species both MHC-I and APGs are polymorphic and coevolve within stable haplotypes. Coevolution was suggested as an ancestral gnathostome feature, presumably enabling only a single highly expressed classical MHC-I gene. In this view coevolution, while optimizing some aspects of adaptive immunity, would also limit its flexibility by preventing the expansion of classical MHC-I into a multigene family. However, some nonmammalian taxa, such as salamanders, have multiple highly expressed MHC-I genes, suggesting either that coevolution is relaxed or that it does not prevent the establishment of multigene MHC-I. To distinguish between these two alternatives, we use salamanders (30 species from 16 genera representing six families) to test, within a comparative framework, a major prediction of the coevolution hypothesis: the positive correlation between MHC-I and APG diversity. We found that MHC-I diversity explained both within-individual and species-wide diversity of two APGs, TAP1 and TAP2, supporting their coevolution with MHC-I, whereas no consistent effect was detected for the other three APGs (PSMB8, PSMB9, and TAPBP). Our results imply that although coevolution occurs in salamanders, it does not preclude the expansion of the MHC-I gene family. Contrary to the previous suggestions, nonmammalian vertebrates thus may be able to accommodate diverse selection pressures with flexibility granted by rapid expansion or contraction of the MHC-I family, while retaining the benefits of coevolution between MHC-I and TAPs.  相似文献   

We reassess the coevolution between actinomycete bacteria and fungus-gardening (attine) ants. Actinomycete bacteria are of special interest because they are metabolic mutualists of diverse organisms (e.g., in nitrogen-fixation or antibiotic production) and because Pseudonocardia actinomycetes are thought to serve disease-suppressing functions in attine gardens. Phylogenetic information from culture-dependent and culture-independent microbial surveys reveals (1) close affinities between free-living and ant-associated Pseudonocardia, and (2) essentially no topological correspondence between ant and Pseudonocardia phylogenies, indicating frequent bacterial acquisition from environmental sources. Identity of ant-associated Pseudonocardia and isolates from soil and plants implicates these environments as sources from which attine ants acquire Pseudonocardia. Close relatives of Atta leafcutter ants have abundant Pseudonocardia, but Pseudonocardia in Atta is rare and appears at the level of environmental contamination. In contrast, actinomycete bacteria in the genera Mycobacterium and Microbacterium can be readily isolated from gardens and starter-cultures of Atta. The accumulated phylogenetic evidence is inconsistent with prevailing views of specific coevolution between Pseudonocardia, attine ants, and garden diseases. Because of frequent acquisition, current models of Pseudonocardia-disease coevolution now need to be revised. The effectiveness of Pseudonocardia antibiotics may not derive from advantages in the coevolutionary arms race with specialized garden diseases, as currently believed, but from frequent recruitment of effective microbes from environmental sources. Indeed, the exposed integumental structures that support actinomycete growth on attine ants argue for a morphological design facilitating bacterial recruitment. We review the accumulated evidence that attine ants have undergone modifications in association with actinomycete bacteria, but we find insufficient support for the reverse, modifications of the bacteria resulting from the interaction with attine ants. The defining feature of coevolution--reciprocal modification--therefore remains to be established for the attine ant-actinomycete mutualism.  相似文献   

Many host species interact with a specific parasite within only a fraction of their geographical range. Where host and parasite overlap geographically, selection may be reciprocal constituting a coevolutionary hot spot. Host evolution, however, may be driven primarily by selection imposed by alternative biotic or abiotic factors that occur outside such hot spots. To evaluate the importance of coevolutionary hot spots for host and parasite evolution, we analyse a spatially explicit genetic model for a host that overlaps with a parasite in only part of its geographical range. Our results show that there is a critical amount of overlap beyond which reciprocal selection leads to a coevolutionary response in the host. This critical amount of overlap depends upon the explicit spatial configuration of hot spots. When the amount of overlap exceeds this first critical level, host-parasite coevolution commonly generates stable allele frequency clines rather than oscillations. It is within this region that one of the primary predictions of the geographic mosaic theory is realized, and local maladaptation is prevalent in both species. Past a further threshold of overlap between the species oscillations do evolve, but allele frequencies in both species are spatially synchronous and local maladaptation is absent in both species. A consequence of such transitions between coevolutionary dynamics is that parasite adaptation is inversely proportional to the fraction of its host's range that it occupies. Hence, as the geographical range of a parasite increases, it becomes increasingly maladapted to the host. This suggests a novel mechanism through which the geographical range of parasites may be limited.  相似文献   

Ronneberg et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97:13690–13695, 2000) recently suggested abandoning the coevolution theory of genetic code origin on the basis of two pieces of evidence. They (1) criticize the use of several pairs of amino acids in a precursor–product relationship to support this theory and (2) suggest a new set of codes in which to investigate the statistical bases of the coevolution theory, reaching the conclusion that this theory is not statistically validated in this set. In this paper I critically analyze the robustness of these conclusions. Observations and arguments lead to the belief that the pairs of amino acids in a precursor–product relationship originally used by the coevolution theory are such, or may at least be interpreted as such, and are therefore a manifestation of this theory. Furthermore, the new set of codes that Ronneberg et al. suggest is open to criticism and is thus substituted by the set of amino acid permutation codes, in which even the pairs of amino acids they favor end up by supporting the coevolution theory. Overall, the analysis seems to show that the paper by Ronneberg et al. is of minor scientific value while the coevolution theory seems to be one of the best theories at our disposal for explaining the evolutionary organisation of the genetic code and is, contrary to their claims, statistically well validated. Received: 21 February 2001 / Accepted: 22 May 2001  相似文献   

UML应用建模研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了UML产生的背景、基本内容、应用机制及其扩展性。在此基础上,对UML建模的一般过程做了概述,并以商业管理信息系统(MIS)的开发过程为例,具体介绍了UML的建模过程。  相似文献   

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