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Revealing the links between species functional traits, interaction strength and food‐web structure is of paramount importance for understanding and predicting the relationships between food‐web diversity and stability in a rapidly changing world. However, little is known about the interactive effects of environmental perturbations on individual species, trophic interactions and ecosystem functioning. Here, we combined modelling and laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of warming and enrichment on a terrestrial tritrophic system. We found that the food‐web structure is highly variable and switches between exploitative competition and omnivory depending on the effects of temperature and enrichment on foraging behaviour and species interaction strength. Our model contributes to identifying the mechanisms that explain how environmental effects cascade through the food web and influence its topology. We conclude that considering environmental factors and flexible food‐web structure is crucial to improve our ability to predict the impacts of global changes on ecosystem diversity and stability.  相似文献   

Recently, a theoretical hypothesis was proposed that the coexistence of antagonism and mutualism may stabilize ecological community and even give rise to a positive complexity-stability relationship (interaction-type diversity hypothesis). This hypothesis was derived from an analysis of community model, which was developed based on two specific assumptions about the interaction strengths: those are, (i) different interaction types, antagonism and mutualism, have quantitatively comparable magnitude of effects to population growth; and (ii) interaction strength decreases with increasing interaction links of the same interaction type. However, those assumptions do not necessarily hold in real ecosystems, leaving unclear how robust this hypothesis is. Here, using a model with those two assumptions relaxed, we show (i) that the balance of interaction strength is necessary for the positive complexity effect to arise and (ii) that interaction-type diversity hypothesis may still hold when interaction strength decreases with increasing links of all interaction type for some species.  相似文献   

We analyse the robustness of food webs against species loss by considering the influence of several structural factors of the networks, such as connectance, degree distribution and expansibility. The last concept refers to the absence of structural bottlenecks in the food web, whose removal separate the network into large isolate clusters. In theory networks with identical connectance can display different expansibility characteristics. Using the spectral scaling method we studied 17 food networks and classified them as good expansion (GE) and not-GE networks. The combination of GE properties and degree distribution of species permitted the classification of food webs into six different classes. These classes characterize the differences in robustness of food webs to species loss. While the webs having uniform degree distributions and displaying GE properties are the most robust to species loss, the presence of bottlenecks and skewed distribution of the number of links per species make food webs very vulnerable to primary removal of species.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated patterns of species richness and composition of the aquatic food web found in the liquid‐filled leaves of the North American purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae), from local to continental scales. Location We sampled 20 pitcher‐plant communities at each of 39 sites spanning the geographic range of S. purpurea– from northern Florida to Newfoundland and westward to eastern British Columbia. Methods Environmental predictors of variation in species composition and species richness were measured at two different spatial scales: among pitchers within sites and among sites. Hierarchical Bayesian models were used to examine correlates and similarities of species richness and abundance within and among sites. Results Ninety‐two taxa of arthropods, protozoa and bacteria were identified in the 780 pitcher samples. The variation in the species composition of this multi‐trophic level community across the broad geographic range of the host plant was lower than the variation among pitchers within host‐plant populations. Variation among food webs in richness and composition was related to climate, pore‐water chemistry, pitcher‐plant morphology and leaf age. Variation in the abundance of the five most common invertebrates was also strongly related to pitcher morphology and site‐specific climatic and other environmental variables. Main conclusions The surprising result that these communities are more variable within their host‐plant populations than across North America suggests that the food web in S. purpurea leaves consists of two groups of species: (1) a core group of mostly obligate pitcher‐plant residents that have evolved strong requirements for the host plant and that co‐occur consistently across North America, and (2) a larger set of relatively uncommon, generalist taxa that co‐occur patchily.  相似文献   

谢斌  李云凯  张虎  张硕 《生态学杂志》2017,28(7):2292-2298
基于稳定同位素技术对2015年春季海州湾海洋牧场海域采集的中小型生物消费者,包括鱼类、虾类、蟹类、头足类、螺类和双壳类等与其潜在碳源样品进行分析,利用IsoSource模型计算该海域消费者碳源贡献率,并对2014年夏季生物学样品与2015年春季样品比较,分析食物网营养结构的季节性变化,根据稳定同位素测定结果绘制二维双标图,计算出6种营养结构的量化指标.结果表明: 2015年春季海州湾海洋牧场海域消费者的δ13C值范围为-18.9‰~-17.1‰,3种潜在碳源[浮游植物、悬浮颗粒有机物(POM)、沉积物(SOM)]的δ13C值范围为-18.1‰~-23.4‰,根据模型计算得出浮游植物对消费者的平均碳源贡献最大,为80.8%,其余依次为SOM和POM,分别为10.8%和8.4%.2014年夏季生物样品与2015年春季样品的δ13C值存在显著差异,而δ15N值无显著性差异;6种量化指标表明群落营养结构存在季节性差异, 2014年夏季的δ13C比值范围(CR)、总面积(TA)、平均最邻近距离(NND)和平均最邻近距离标准差(SDNND)均大于2015年春季,δ15N比值范围(NR)和平均离心距离(CD)无明显变化,夏季群落营养结构冗余度小于春季,且食源多样性水平高于春季,存在季节差异.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of small mammals and predators in semi-arid Chile is positively correlated with rainfall associated with incursions of El Niño (El Niño Southern Oscillation: ENSO). However, the causal relationships between small mammal fluctuations, predator oscillations, and climatic disturbances are poorly understood. Here, we report time series models for three species of small mammal prey and two species of owl predators. The large differences in population fluctuations between the three small mammal species are related to differences in their respective feedback structures. The analyses reveal that per capita growth rate of the leaf-eared mouse is a decreasing function of log density and of log barn owl abundance together with a positive rainfall effect. In turn, per capita population growth rate ( R -function) of the barn owl is a negative function of log barn owl abundance and a positive function of leaf-eared mouse abundance, suggesting a predator–prey interaction. The dramatic population fluctuations exhibited by leaf-eared mouse ( Phyllotis darwini ) are caused by climate effects coupled with a complex food web architecture.  相似文献   

In forests, local site conditions can affect both trees and herbivores and hence site-related factors act indirectly on herbivores mediated by tree growth rates. Here, tree foliage represents a fundamental prerequisite for insect herbivore development providing energy in the form of plant tissue quality. Resource-based theories, on the other hand, assume that the synthesis of defensive compounds is a trade-off with growth and peaks at low resource availability. However, the extent to which plant tissue quality in response to site productivity is relevant in the species-energy relationship is unknown. Therefore, we aimed at a better understanding of the form and structure of the species-energy relationship in forest insects. We used census data of foliage-feeding insects along a productivity gradient of Scots pine forests defined by relative growth rates of trees (RGR). As a result, diversity monotonically increases with decreasing RGR (as a proxy for energy) during almost two decades of sampling. Herbivore assemblages become more similar with available energy as species turnover linearly decreases and proportions of sites occupied by individual species rise. The results suggest that tree growth rate influences herbivore dynamics in this system by altering the chemical composition of needles, without necessarily affecting the form in the relationship. The site-specific resource availability requires trees to adjust their allocation to synthesis of carbon-based secondary metabolites or growth, which then results in fundamental differences in herbivore dynamics at low vs. lowest RGR (regular cycles (dominance) vs. dampened cycles (evenness)). However, these differences inevitably demonstrate that species richness is not necessarily a result of more individuals and implicate that different mechanisms are involved (facilitation vs. competition/temporal heterogeneity). The resulting pattern and structure of foliage-feeding insects advance our understanding of herbivore dynamics in response to site quality and tree growth, which may ultimately improve our knowledge of plant-insect interactions in the face of environmental change.  相似文献   

It is commonly understood that the cumulative impact of increased habitat destruction on biological systems does not scale linearly. Despite this, current environmental decision-making strategies often fail to incorporate these non-linearities because impact assessments are regularly performed independently without considering contributions to future cumulative impacts, which are, instead, externalised to the environment. Here we used a stochastic modelling framework to examine the effect of three decision-making strategies – externalised, individually-borne and shared cumulative costs – on the number of species driven to extinction by the development of a region. We also tested how different levels of vulnerability (quantified as the correlation between development benefits and species richness) and irreplaceability (expressed as the average area of occupancy of an assemblage) influence the outcomes of development. Overall, the inclusion of cumulative impacts in our simulations resulted in the destruction of fewer patches and, as a consequence, more modest benefits obtained from developments. Moreover, these patterns were strongest when cumulative costs were shared by all developers. The most striking finding was that the distinction between decision-making strategies was highest in landscapes of high vulnerability and irreplaceability. Environmental decision-makers are recommended to commit to a strategy for incorporating the cumulative costs of development because, as this study suggests, this affects the endpoints of conservation and development considerably; especially in the most vulnerable and irreplaceable landscapes.  相似文献   

Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 1503-1514 ABSTRACT: The phylogenetic structure and distribution of functional traits in a community can provide insights into community assembly processes. However, these insights are sensitive to the spatial scale of analysis. Here, we use spatially explicit, neighbourhood models of tree growth and survival for 19 tree species, a highly resolved molecular phylogeny and information on eight functional traits to quantify the relative efficacy of functional similarity and shared ancestry in describing the effects of spatial interactions between tree species on demographic rates. We also assess the congruence of these results with observed phylogenetic and functional structure in the neighbourhoods of live and dead trees. We found strong support for models in which the effects of spatial neighbourhood interactions on tree growth and survival were scaled to species-specific mean functional trait values (e.g., wood specific gravity, leaf succulence and maximum height) but not to phylogenetic distance. The weak phylogenetic signal in functional trait data allowed us to independently interpret the static neighbourhood functional and phylogenetic patterns. We observed greater functional trait similarity in the neighbourhoods of live trees relative to those of dead trees suggesting that environmental filtering is the major force structuring this tree community at this scale while competitive interactions play a lesser role.  相似文献   

Currently, Brzeziecki et al. 2016 (Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 460–467.) are using data from permanent study plots established in 1936 in Bia?owie?a National Park (NE Poland) to develop theoretical equilibrium tree size distributions and to then compare modelled and actual distributions with a view to assessing the population dynamics of the species involved. As part of their discussion, the authors address the question of possible consequences for the overall diversity of forest ecosystems under strict protection if long‐term trends relating to tree population densities and size structures are maintained. In the overall context of the above, the goal of the present paper is to respond to Jaroszewicz et al. (Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 218–222.) who suggest that the paper of Brzeziecki et al. (2016) is not representative for the whole Bia?owie?a National Park, and that – in this connection – strict protection should not be seen as a cause for concern. In this paper, we show that the data analysed by Brzeziecki et al. (2016) adequately characterize conditions in the wider Park. We also point out that the thorough scientific understanding of the long‐term dynamics of woodland communities under strict protection should indeed be taken into account as efforts are made to arrive at an effective conservation strategy capable of ensuring that the uniquely valuable features of the Bia?owie?a Forest are retained.  相似文献   

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