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HIV-1 retroviral genomic RNA dimerization is initiated by loop-loop interactions between the SL1 stem-loops of two identical RNA molecules. The SL1-SL1 unstable resulting kissing complex (KC) then refolds irreversibly into a more stable complex called extended dimer (ED). Although the structures of both types of complex have been determined, very little is known about the conformational pathway corresponding to the transition, owing to the difficulty of observing experimentally intermediate conformations. In this study, we applied targeted molecular dynamics simulation techniques (TMD) to the phosphorus atoms for monitoring this pathway for the backbone, and a two-step strategy was adopted. In a first step, called TMD(-1), the dimer structure was constrained to progressively move away from KC without indicating the direction, until the RMSD from KC reaches 36A. A total of 20 TMD(-1) simulations were performed under different initial conditions and different simulation parameters. For RMSD ranging between 0 and 22A, the whole set of TMD(-1) simulations follows a similar pathway, then divergences are observed. None of the simulations leads to the ED structure. At RMSD=22A, the dimers look like two parallel Us, still linked by the initial loop-loop interaction, but the strands of the stems (the arms of the Us) are positioned in such a manner that they can form intramolecular as well as intermolecular Watson-Crick base-pairs. This family of structure is called UU. In a second step (TMD simulations), 18 structures were picked up along the pathways generated with TMD(-1) and were constrained to move toward ED by decreasing progressively their RMSD from ED. We found that only structures from the UU family are able to easily reach ED-like conformations of the backbones without exhibiting a large constraint energy.  相似文献   

Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations (in total almost 800 ns including locally enhanced sampling runs) were applied with different ion conditions and with two force fields (AMBER and CHARMM) to characterize typical geometries adopted by the flanking bases in the RNA kissing-loop complexes. We focus on flanking base positions in multiple x-ray and NMR structures of HIV-1 DIS kissing complexes and kissing complex from the large ribosomal subunit of Haloarcula marismortui. An initial x-ray open conformation of bulged-out bases in HIV-1 DIS complexes, affected by crystal packing, tends to convert to a closed conformation formed by consecutive stretch of four stacked purine bases. This is in agreement with those recent crystals where the packing is essentially avoided. We also observed variants of the closed conformation with three stacked bases, while nonnegligible populations of stacked geometries with bulged-in bases were detected, too. The simulation results reconcile differences in positions of the flanking bases observed in x-ray and NMR studies. Our results suggest that bulged-out geometries are somewhat more preferred, which is in accord with recent experiments showing that they may mediate tertiary contacts in biomolecular assemblies or allow binding of aminoglycoside antibiotics.  相似文献   

Cao S  Chen SJ 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2011,17(12):2130-2143
We develop a statistical mechanical model to predict the structure and folding stability of the RNA/RNA kissing-loop complex. One of the key ingredients of the theory is the conformational entropy for the RNA/RNA kissing complex. We employ the recently developed virtual bond-based RNA folding model (Vfold model) to evaluate the entropy parameters for the different types of kissing loops. A benchmark test against experiments suggests that the entropy calculation is reliable. As an application of the model, we apply the model to investigate the structure and folding thermodynamics for the kissing complex of the HIV-1 dimerization initiation signal. With the physics-based energetic parameters, we compute the free energy landscape for the HIV-1 dimer. From the energy landscape, we identify two minimal free energy structures, which correspond to the kissing-loop dimer and the extended-duplex dimer, respectively. The results support the two-step dimerization process for the HIV-1 replication cycle. Furthermore, based on the Vfold model and energy minimization, the theory can predict the native structure as well as the local minima in the free energy landscape. The root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) for the predicted kissing-loop dimer and extended-duplex dimer are ∼3.0 Å. The method developed here provides a new method to study the RNA/RNA kissing complex.  相似文献   

The equilibrium properties of a HIV‐1‐protease precursor are studied by means of an efficient molecular dynamics scheme, which allows for the simulation of the folding of the protein monomers and their dimerization into an active form and compare them with those of the mature protein. The results of the model provide, with atomic detail, an overall account of several experimental findings, including the NMR conformation of the mature dimer, the calorimetric properties of the system, the effects of the precursor tail on the dimerization constant, the secondary chemical shifts of the monomer, and the paramagnetic relaxation enhancement data associated with the conformations of the precursor. It is found that although the mature protein can dimerize in a unique, single way, the precursor populates several dimeric conformations in which monomers are always native‐like, but their binding can be non‐native. Proteins 2014; 82:633–639. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

SL1 is a stem-loop RNA sequence from the genome of HIV-1 thought to be the initiation site for the dimerization of the retroviral genomic RNA. The aim of this study is to check the stability in solution of different experimental dimeric structures available in the literature. Two kinds of dimer have been evidenced: an extended duplex looking like a double helix with two internal bulges and a kissing complex in which the monomers with a stem/loop conformation are linked by intermolecular loop-loop interactions. Two divergent experimental structures of the kissing complex from the Lai isolate are reported in the literature, one obtained from NMR (Mujeeb et al., Nature Structural Biology, 1998, Vol. 5, pp. 432-436) and the other one from x-ray crystallography (Ennifar et al., Nature Structural Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). A crystallographic structure of the Mal isolate was also reported (Ennifar et al., Nature Structure Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). Concerning the extended duplex, a NMR structure is available for Lai (Girard et al., Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1999, Vol. 16, pp. 1145-1157) and a crystallographic structure for Mal (Ennifar et al., Structure, 1999, Vol. 7, pp. 1439-1449). Using a molecular dynamics technique, all these experimental structures have been simulated in solution with explicit water and counterions. We show that both extended duplex structures are stable. On the contrary, the crystallographic structures of the Lai and Mal kissing complexes are rapidly destabilized in aqueous environment. Finally, the NMR structure of the Lai loop-loop kissing complex remains globally stable over a 20 ns MD simulation, although large rearrangements occur at the level of the stem/loop junctions that are flexible, as shown from free energy calculations. These results are compared to electrophoresis experiments on dimer formation.  相似文献   

Yan MC  Sha Y  Wang J  Xiong XQ  Ren JH  Cheng MS 《Proteins》2008,70(3):731-738
HIV-1 protease (HIV-PR) consists of two identical subunits that are united together through a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet formed of the peptide termini of each monomer. Since the active site exists only in the dimer, a strategy that is attracting more and more attention in inhibitor design and which may overcome the serious drug resistance caused by competitive inhibitors is to block the peptide termini of the monomer, thereby interfering with formation of the active dimer. In the present work, we performed several extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the HIV-PR monomer in water to illustrate its solvated conformation and dynamics behavior. We found that the peptide termini usually assembled into beta-sheet after several nanoseconds' simulation, and became much less flexible. This beta-sheet is stabilized by intramolecular interactions and is not easily disaggregated under the present MD simulation conditions. This transformation may be an important transition during the relaxing and equilibrating of the HIV-PR monomer in aqueous solution, and the terminal beta-sheet may be one of the major conformations of the solvated HIV-PR monomer termini in water. This work may provide new insights into the dynamics behavior and dimerization mechanism of HIV-PR, and more significantly, offer a more rational receptor model for the design and discovery of novel dimerization inhibitors than crystalline structures.  相似文献   

Mazier S  Genest D 《Biopolymers》2008,89(3):187-196
The SL1 stem-loop is the dimerization initiation site for linking the two copies of the RNA forming the HIV-1 genome. The 26 nucleotides stem contains a defect consisting on a highly conserved G-rich 1-3 asymmetrical internal loop, which is a major site for nucleocapsid protein binding. Several NMR attempts were undertaken to determine the internal loop structure in the SL1 monomer. However, the RNA constructs used in the different studies were largely mutated, in particular with replacement of the nine nucleotides apical loop by a tetraloop, and divergent results were obtained ranging from a rigid structure to a particularly large flexibility. To investigate the reasons for such discrepancies, we used molecular dynamics simulation of the SL1 monomer to probe the effect of mutations on the conformational stability of the internal loop and of the whole stem. It is found that in the wild-type sequence, the internal loop displays conformational variability originating mainly from the nine nucleotides apical loop flexibility that causes large conformational fluctuations (without changing the average structure) in the 7 bp duplex linking the apical and internal loops. The large amplitude atomic motions in the duplex are transmitted to the internal loop in which they induce conformational changes characterized by a labile hydrogen bond network such as G5 successively H-bonded to A29 and G30. On the contrary, with a four nucleotides apical loop, conformational fluctuations in the duplex are reduced by a factor of 2 and are not sufficiently energizing for promoting changes in the internal loop structure at the time scale of the simulations.  相似文献   

Best RB  Mittal J 《Proteins》2011,79(4):1318-1328
Although it is now possible to fold peptides and miniproteins in molecular dynamics simulations, it is well appreciated that force fields are not all transferable to different proteins. Here, we investigate the influence of the protein force field and the solvent model on the folding energy landscape of a prototypical two‐state folder, the GB1 hairpin. We use extensive replica‐exchange molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the free‐energy surface as a function of temperature. Most of these force fields appear similar at a global level, giving a fraction folded at 300 K between 0.2 and 0.8 in all cases, which is a difference in stability of 2.8 kT, and are generally consistent with experimental data at this temperature. The most significant differences appear in the unfolded state, where there are different residual secondary structures which are populated, and the overall dimensions of the unfolded states, which in most of the force fields are too collapsed relative to experimental Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) data. Proteins 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The envelope proteins, gp 120 and gp41 of HIV-1, play a crucial role in receptor (CD4+ lymphocytes) binding and membrane fusion. The fragment 254-274 of gp120 is conserved in all strains of HIV and, as a part of the full gp120 protein, behaves as 'immunosilent', but as an individual fragment it is 'immunoreactive'. When this fragment binds to its receptor, it activates the fusion domain of gp41 allowing viral entry into the host CD4+ cells. The conformation of fragment 254-274 of the gp120 domain and fragment 519-541 of the gp41 domain was studied by NMR and MD simulations. The studies were carried out in three varied media--water, DMSO-d6 and hexafluoroacetone (HFA). The fusogenic nature of the gp41 domain peptide was investigated by 31P NMR experiments with model bilayers prepared from dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The solvent was seen to exert a major effect on the structure of the two peptides. Fragment (254-274) of gp120 in DMSO-d6 had a type I beta-turn around the tetrad Val9-Ser10-Thr11-Gln12 while in HFA a helical structure spanning the region Ile5 to Gln12 was seen with the remaining part of the peptide in a random coil structure. It is possible that the beta-turn may constitute an initiation site for the formation of the helix. In water at pH 4.5, the peptide adopted a beta-sheet. The NMR results for fragment 519-541 of gp41 are conclusive of a beta-sheet structure in DMSO-d6, a conformation which may help in insertion into the membrane, a notion also put forward by others. The 31P NMR studies of DMPC vesicles with this fragment show its fusogenic nature, promoting fusion of unilamellar vesicles to larger agglomerates like multilamellar ones.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to characterize the non-cooperative denaturation of the molten globule A-state of human alpha-lactalbumin by urea. A solvent of explicit urea and water molecules was used, corresponding to a urea concentration of approximately 6M. Three simulations were performed at temperatures of 293K, 360K and 400K, with lengths of 2 ns, 8 ns and 8 ns respectively. The results of the simulations were compared with experimental data from NMR studies of human alpha-lactalbumin and related peptides. During the simulations, hydrogen bonds were formed from the protein to both urea and water molecules as intra-protein hydrogen bonds were lost. Urea was shown to compete efficiently with water as both a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor. Radial distribution functions of water and urea around hydrophobic side chain atoms showed a significant increase in urea molecules in the solvation shell as the side chains became exposed during denaturation. A considerable portion of the native-like secondary structure persisted throughout the simulations. However, in the simulations at 360K and 400K, there were substantial changes in the packing of aromatic and other hydrophobic side chains in the protein, and many native contacts were lost. The results suggest that during the non-cooperative denaturation of the molten globule, secondary structure elements are stabilized by non-specific, non-native interactions.  相似文献   

We have characterized the viral RNA conformation in wild-type, protease-inactive (PR-) and SL1-defective (DeltaDIS) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), as a function of the age of the viruses, from newly released to grown-up (>or=24 h old). We report evidence for packaging HIV-1 genomic RNA (gRNA) in the form of monomers in PR- virions, viral RNA rearrangement (not maturation) within PR- HIV-1, protease-dependent formation of thermolabile dimeric viral RNAs, a new form of immature gRNA dimer at about 5 h post virion release, and slow-acting dimerization signals in SL1-defective viruses. The rates of gRNA dimer formation were >or=3-fold and >or=10-fold slower in DeltaDIS and PR- viruses than in wild-type, respectively. Thus, the DIS, i.e. the palindrome in the apical loop of SL1, is a dimerization initiation signal, but its role can be masked by one or several slow-acting dimerization site(s) when grown-up SL1-inactive virions are investigated. Grown-up PR- virions are not flawless models for immature virions because gRNA dimerization increases with the age of PR- virions, indicating that the PR- mutation does not "freeze" gRNA conformation in a nascent primordial state. Our study is the first on gRNA conformation in newly released mutant or primate retroviruses. It shows for the first time that the packaged retroviral gRNA matures in more than one step, and that formation of immature dimeric viral RNA requires viral protein maturation. The monomeric viral RNAs isolated from budding HIV-1, as modeled by newly released PR- virions, may be seen as dimers that are much more fragile than thermolabile dimers.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease is essential for virus replication and maturation and has been considered as one of the important drug target for the antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection. The majority of HIV infections are caused due to non-B subtypes in developing countries. Subtype AE is spreading rapidly and infecting huge population worldwide. Understanding the interdependence of active and non-active site mutations in conferring drug resistance is crucial for the development effective inhibitors in subtype AE protease. In this work, we have investigated the mechanism of resistance against indinavir (IDV) due to therapy selected active site mutation V82F, non-active site mutations PF82V and their cooperative effects PV82F in subtype AE-protease using molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations. The simulations suggested all the three complexes lead to decrease in binding affinity of IDV, whereas the PF82V complex resulted in an enhanced binding affinity compared to V82F and PV82F complexes. Large positional deviation of IDV was observed in V82F complex. The preservation of hydrogen bonds of IDV with active site Asp25/Asp25′ and flap residue Ile50/50′ via a water molecule is crucial for effective binding. Owing to the close contact of 80s loop with Ile50′ and Asp25, the alteration between residues Thr80 and Val82, further induces conformational change thereby resulting in loss of interactions between IDV and the residues in the active site cavity, leading to drug resistance. Our present study shed light on the effect of active, non-active site mutations and their cooperative effects in AE protease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease is most active under weakly acidic conditions (pH 3.5-6.5), when the catalytic Asp25 and Asp25' residues share 1 proton. At neutral pH, this proton is lost and the stability of the structure is reduced. Here we present an investigation of the effect of pH on the dynamics of HIV-1 protease using MD simulation techniques. MD simulations of the solvated HIV-1 protease with the Asp25/25' residues monoprotonated and deprotonated have been performed. In addition we investigated the effect of the inclusion of Na(+) and Cl(-) ions to mimic physiological salt conditions. The simulations of the monoprotonated form and deprotonated form including Na(+) show very similar behavior. In both cases the protein remained stable in the compact, "self-blocked" conformation in which the active site is blocked by the tips of the flaps. In the deprotonated system a Na(+) ion binds tightly to the catalytic dyad shielding the repulsion between the COO(-) groups. Ab initio calculations also suggest the geometry of the active site with the Na(+) bound closely resembles that of the monoprotonated case. In the simulations of the deprotonated form (without Na(+) ions), a water molecule bound between the Asp25 Asp25' side-chains. This disrupted the dimerization interface and eventually led to a fully open conformation.  相似文献   

To test the anticorrelated relationship that was recently displayed in conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, several different restrained MD simulations on a wild type and on the V82F/I84V drug-resistant mutant of HIV-1 protease were performed. This anticorrelated relationship refers to the observation that compression of the peripheral ear-to-cheek region of HIV protease (i.e., the elbow of the flap to the fulcrum and the cantilever) occurred as the active site flaps were opening, and, conversely, expansion of that ear-to-cheek region occurred as both flaps were closing. An additional examination of this anticorrelated relationship was necessary to determine whether it can be harnessed in a useful manner. Consequently, six different MD experiments were performed that incorporated pairwise distance restraints in that ear-to-cheek region (i.e., the distance between the alpha-carbons of Gly40 and Gln61 was restrained to either 7.7 or 10.5 A, in both monomers). Pushing the backbones of the ear and the cheek regions away from each other slightly did force the flaps that guard the active site to remain closed in both the wild type and the mutant systems-even though there were no ligands in the active sites. Thus, these restrained MD simulations provided evidence that the anticorrelated relationship can be exploited to affect the dynamic behavior of the flaps that guard the active site of HIV-1 protease. These simulations supported our hypothesis of the mechanism governing flap motion, and they are the first step towards validating that peripheral surface as a new target for drug design.  相似文献   

The conformational space and structural ensembles of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides and their oligomers in solution are inherently disordered and proven to be challenging to study. Optimum force field selection for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the biophysical relevance of results are still unknown. We compared the conformational space of the Aβ(1‐40) dimers by 300 ns replica exchange MD simulations at physiological temperature (310 K) using: the AMBER‐ff99sb‐ILDN, AMBER‐ff99sb*‐ILDN, AMBER‐ff99sb‐NMR, and CHARMM22* force fields. Statistical comparisons of simulation results to experimental data and previously published simulations utilizing the CHARMM22* and CHARMM36 force fields were performed. All force fields yield sampled ensembles of conformations with collision cross sectional areas for the dimer that are statistically significantly larger than experimental results. All force fields, with the exception of AMBER‐ff99sb‐ILDN (8.8 ± 6.4%) and CHARMM36 (2.7 ± 4.2%), tend to overestimate the α‐helical content compared to experimental CD (5.3 ± 5.2%). Using the AMBER‐ff99sb‐NMR force field resulted in the greatest degree of variance (41.3 ± 12.9%). Except for the AMBER‐ff99sb‐NMR force field, the others tended to under estimate the expected amount of β‐sheet and over estimate the amount of turn/bend/random coil conformations. All force fields, with the exception AMBER‐ff99sb‐NMR, reproduce a theoretically expected β‐sheet‐turn‐β‐sheet conformational motif, however, only the CHARMM22* and CHARMM36 force fields yield results compatible with collapse of the central and C‐terminal hydrophobic cores from residues 17‐21 and 30‐36. Although analyses of essential subspace sampling showed only minor variations between force fields, secondary structures of lowest energy conformers are different.  相似文献   

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