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N-glycosylation in the endoplasmic reticulum is an essential protein modification and highly conserved in evolution from yeast to man. Defects of N-glycosylation in humans lead to congenital disorders. The pivotal step of this pathway is the transfer of the evolutionarily conserved lipid-linked core-oligosaccharide to the nascent polypeptide chain, catalysed by the oligosaccharyltransferase. One of its nine subunits, Ost2, has homology to DAD1, originally characterized in hamster cells as a defender against apoptotic death. Here we show that ost mutants, such as ost2 and wbp1-1, display morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis upon induction of the glycosylation defect. We observe nuclear condensation, DNA fragmentation as well as externalization of phosphatidylserine. We also demonstrate induction of caspase-like activity, both determined by flow cytometric analysis and in cell-free extracts. Similarly, the N-glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin in combination with elevated temperature is able to challenge the apoptotic cascade. Heterologous expression of anti-apoptotic human Bcl-2 diminishes caspase activation, improves survival of cells and suppresses the temperature-sensitive growth defect of wbp1-1. Furthermore, accumulation of reactive oxygen species occurs in response to defective glycosylation. As deletion of the metacaspase YCA1 does not seem to abrogate glycosylation-induced apoptosis, we postulate a different proteolytic process to be involved in this death pathway.  相似文献   

CWH8/YGR036c of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been identifiedas a dolichylpyrophosphate (Dol-PP) phosphatase that removesa phosphate from the Dol-PP generated by the oligosaccharyltransferase(OST), while it adds N-glycans to nascent glycoproteins in theendoplasmic reticulum (ER). Lack of CWH8 was proposed to interruptthe so called dolichol (Dol) cycle by trapping Dol in the formof Dol-PP in the ER lumen. Indeed, cwh8D mutants display a severedeficiency in N-glycosylation. We find that cwh8D mutants havestrongly reduced levels of inositolphosphorylceramide (IPC),whereas its derivative, mannosyl-(inositol-P)2-ceramide (M(IP)2C)is not affected. Microsomes of cwh8D contain normal ceramidesynthase and IPC synthesis activities. Within a large panelof mutants affecting Dol dependent pathways such as N- or O-glycosylation,or glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchoring, only the mutantshaving a deficiency of N-glycan addition show the defect inIPC biosynthesis. By mutating genes required for the additionof N-glycans or by treating cells with tunicamycin (Tm) onecan similarly reduce the steady state level of IPC and exactlyreproduce the phenotype of cwh8D cells. Some potential mechanismsby which the lack of N-glycans could lead to the sphingolipidabnormality were further explored.  相似文献   

The protein N-glycosylation in plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In plants, most of the extracellular compartment and the endomembrane system are glycosylated by N-linked oligosaccharides. The N-glycosylation of proteins has a great impact both on their physicochemical properties and on their biological functions. Over the last ten years, a number of laboratories have contributed considerably to the structure, the biosynthesis and the function of plant N-linked glycans. In this review, data on this domain will be summarized and the recent results on the N-glycosylation of a vacuolar lectin, the bean phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) will also be included. This PHA, used as a model glycoprotein, was expressed in different plant systems and the N-glycosylation patterns of different recombinant PHA were compared. In addition to this study on plant-specific glycosylation, the same model glycoprotein was used to investigate whether or not N-glycosylation and N-glycan maturation is organ-specific in plants.Keywords: N-linked oligosaccharide, biosynthesis and function, phytohaemagglutinin.   相似文献   

The discovery that the transducing G protein of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating pheromone response figures centrally in signal adaptation was the focus of considerable excitement in the past year. Not only does activated G alpha in this system stimulate an adaptive signal but G beta undergoes a desensitizing phosphorylation in response to pheromone signaling.  相似文献   

IRE1 and HAC1 are essential for the unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). IRE1- and HAC1-disruptants require high concentrations of inositol for its normal growth. The ALG6, ALG8, and ALG10 genes encode the glucosyltransferases necessary for the completion of the synthesis of the lipid-linked oligosaccharide used for the asparagine-linked glycosylation of proteins in that order. Here we show that, given a combination of the hac1 defect with a disruption of ALG6, ALG8, and ALG10, no strains grow on inositol-free medium. However, the growth defect of the hac1-alg10 double disrupted was partially, but significantly, suppressed by the addition of inositol to the medium. These results indicate that inositol, according to the numbers of glucose residues in the oligosaccharide, plays an important role in the stress response and quality control of glycoproteins in the ER.  相似文献   

G O Osuji 《FEBS letters》1979,108(1):240-242

Whether or not yeast cell death is altruistic, apoptotic, or otherwise analogous to programmed cell death in mammals is controversial. However, growing attention to cell death mechanisms in yeast has produced several new papers that make a case for ancient origins of programmed death involving mitochondrial pathways conserved between yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

Secretory proteins in yeast are N- and O-glycosylated while they enter the endoplasmic reticulum. N-glycosylation is initiated by the oligosaccharyl transferase complex and O-mannosylation is initiated by distinct O-mannosyltransferase complexes of the protein mannosyl transferase Pmt1/Pmt2 and Pmt4 families. Using covalently linked cell-wall protein 5 (Ccw5) as a model, we show that the Pmt4 and Pmt1/Pmt2 mannosyltransferases glycosylate different domains of the Ccw5 protein, thereby mannosylating several consecutive serine and threonine residues. In addition, it is shown that O-mannosylation by Pmt4 prevents N-glycosylation by blocking the hydroxy amino acid of the single N-glycosylation site present in Ccw5. These data prove that the O- and N-glycosylation machineries compete for Ccw5; therefore O-mannosylation by Pmt4 precedes N-glycosylation.  相似文献   

Regulation of cross-talk in yeast MAPK signaling pathways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MAP kinase (MAPK) modules are conserved three-kinase cascades that serve central roles in intracellular signal transduction in eukaryotic cells. MAPK pathways of different inputs and outputs use overlapping sets of signaling components. In yeast, for example, three MAPK pathways (pheromone response, filamentous growth response, and osmostress adaptation) all use the same Ste11 MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK). How undesirable leakage of signal, or cross-talk, is prevented between these pathways has been a subject of intensive study. This review discusses recent findings from yeast that indicate that there is no single mechanism, but that a combination of four general strategies (docking interactions, scaffold proteins, cross-pathway inhibition, and kinetic insulation) are utilized for the prevention of cross-talk between any two MAPK modules.  相似文献   

Yeast has been increasingly used as a host for the expression of enzymes. Compared to other expression systems, the yeast expression system has many advantages including its suitability for large-scale fermentation and its ability to modify enzymes. When expressed in yeast, many recombinant enzymes are N-glycosylated, and this may play an important role in their activity, thermostability and secretion. Although the mechanism underlying this process is not clear, the regulation of N-glycosylation by introducing or eliminating N-glycosylation at specific sites has developed into an important strategy for improving the production or catalytic properties of recombinant enzymes. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in understanding the effects of N-glycosylation on the expression and characteristics of recombinant enzymes, and discuss novel strategies for regulating N-glycosylation in yeast. We hope that this review will help improve the understanding of the expression and the catalytic properties of N-glycosylated proteins.  相似文献   

Treatment of taipoxin with p-bromophenacyl bromide resulted in modification of single histidine residues in the alpha and beta subunits. The modification decreased the neurotoxicity (lethality) 350-fold, but the inhibitory action on high-affinity choline transport was reduced only threefold. The phospholipase activity and Ca2+-association constants for taipoxin and its subunits were determined. A model for the neurotoxicity of taipoxin indicates the alpha subunit as the ultimate cause of the disruption of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Developmental phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related yeasts include responses such as filamentous growth, sporulation, and the formation of biofilms and complex colonies. These developmental phenotypes are regulated by evolutionarily conserved, nutrient-responsive signaling networks. The signaling mechanisms that control development in yeast are highly pleiotropic--all the known pathways contribute to the regulation of multiple developmental outcomes. This degree of pleiotropy implies that perturbations of these signaling pathways, whether genetic, biochemical, or environmentally induced, can manifest in multiple (and sometimes unexpected) ways. We summarize the current state of knowledge of developmental pleiotropy in yeast and discuss its implications for understanding functional relationships.  相似文献   

The influence of N glycosylation on the production of yeast acid phosphatase was studied. A set of synthetic hypoglycosylation mutants was generated by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of the 12 putative sequons (Asn-X-Ser/Thr). Derepression of the hypoglycosylation mutants and analysis of their molecular sizes showed that all 12 sequons of the wild-type acid phosphatase are glycosylated. Activity measurements in combination with pulse-chase experiments revealed that the specific activity was not impaired by the introduced amino acid exchanges. However, absence of N glycosylation severely affected protein folding. Protein folding was found to be the rate-limiting factor in acid phosphatase secretion, and improper folding resulted in irreversible retention of malfolded acid phosphatase in the endoplasmic reticulum. With a decreasing number of attached glycan chains, less active acid phosphatase was secreted. Efficiency of correct folding was shown to be temperature dependent; i.e., lower temperatures could compensate for the reduction in attached oligosaccharides. In addition, protein folding and stability were shown to depend on both the number and the position of the attached oligosaccharides. N glycosylation was found to occur in a process independent of secondary structures, and thus our data support the model of a cotranslocational mechanism of glycosylation.  相似文献   

Frederick RL  Okamoto K  Shaw JM 《Genetics》2008,178(2):825-837
Yeast mitochondria form a branched tubular network. Mitochondrial inheritance is tightly coupled with bud emergence, ensuring that daughter cells receive mitochondria from mother cells during division. Proteins reported to influence mitochondrial inheritance include the mitochondrial rho (Miro) GTPase Gem1p, Mmr1p, and Ypt11p. A synthetic genetic array (SGA) screen revealed interactions between gem1Delta and deletions of genes that affect mitochondrial function or inheritance, including mmr1Delta. Synthetic sickness of gem1Delta mmr1Delta double mutants correlated with defective mitochondrial inheritance by large buds. Additional studies demonstrated that GEM1, MMR1, and YPT11 each contribute to mitochondrial inheritance. Mitochondrial accumulation in buds caused by overexpression of either Mmr1p or Ypt11p did not depend on Gem1p, indicating these three proteins function independently. Physical linkage of mitochondria with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has led to speculation that distribution of these two organelles is coordinated. We show that yeast mitochondrial inheritance is not required for inheritance or spreading of cortical ER in the bud. Moreover, Ypt11p overexpression, but not Mmr1p overexpression, caused ER accumulation in the bud, revealing a potential role for Ypt11p in ER distribution. This study demonstrates that multiple pathways influence mitochondrial inheritance in yeast and that Miro GTPases have conserved roles in mitochondrial distribution.  相似文献   

In mammals, mitochondria are important mediators of programmed cell death, and this process is often regulated by Bcl-2 family proteins. However, a role for mitochondria-mediated cell death in non-mammalian species is more controversial. New evidence from a variety of sources suggests that mammalian mitochondrial fission/division proteins also have the capacity to promote programmed cell death, which may involve interactions with Bcl-2 family proteins. Homologues of these fission factors and several additional mammalian cell death regulators are conserved in flies, worms and yeast, and have been suggested to regulate programmed cell death in these species as well. However, the molecular mechanisms by which these phylogenetically conserved proteins contribute to cell death are not known for any species. Some have taken the conserved pro-death activity of mitochondrial fission factors to mean that mitochondrial fission per se, or failed attempts to undergo fission, are directly involved in cell death. Other evidence suggests that the fission function and the cell death function of these factors are separable. Here we consider the evidence for these arguments and their implications regarding the origins of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

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