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The Author describes some cases of bandage of vine branchs and bunchs of grapes in a cultivated vine in the form of a bower. About various cases of natural bandage, he retains that these phenomenons cannot well habe a determined origin but various causes possibly have on influence over the manifestation of these abnormal processes about the susceptibility of some subyects towards forms of deviating development. The vine branch's bandage is for the delineated cases, in correlation to the simultaneous development of two vegetative cones from someone bud, with the following conyoined development with two increased together vine branchs, while the bandage of bunchs of grapes springs from the union of floral secondary aces and from very great activity of the productive organs.  相似文献   


The changes in carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism of tomato ovaries stimulated to growth by pollination or auxin treatment found in previous studies prompted an investigation of the enzymatic systems concerned. In this research, the effects of pollination and of auxin treatment on phosphorylase and on phosphatase activity were studied. Phosphatase splitting inorganic P from adenosine triphosphate was characterized as different from that acting on glycero- and hexose-phosphate by the difference in inhibition by beryllium and fluoride.

Two phases of growth occurring during the earlier stages of fruit development were clearly defined by the behavior of the enzymes considered. During the first (induction) phase both phosphomonoesterase and ATP-ase activity markedly dropped. This was followed by a marked rise in activity during the later stages of growth.

Phosphorylase activity, unlike that of the phosphatases, showed no relationship to the two phases of growth, and increased steadily during the period of observation. This agreed with the rate of starch synthesis observed in the growing auxin treated or pollinated tomato fruits.

Changes in the activity of these enzymes in the not pollinated, not auxin treated ovaries during the period of observation were, on a comparative basis, very small.  相似文献   


L'A. facendo delle osservazioni comparative tra le caratteristiche di sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale rilevate tanto sui rametti ordinari che nei casi anomali di formazione di gemme su spine di Aurantiaceae mette in rilievo il presumibile antagonismo tra sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale che si verifica in genere tra le due importanti attività fisiologiche della pianta.

Nello stesso tempo dà notizia di nuovi casi di formazione di gemme e di foglie su spine di Citrus limonum L. che, confrontati con quelli descritti in precedenti lavori dell'A. riguardanti lo sviluppo di fiori su spine di Aurantiaceae, confermano che gli abbozzi fogliari contigui alle gemme si evolvono regolarmente quando la gemma sia polarizzata nello sviluppo vegetativo o sia allo stato latente, mentre restano in genere allo stato rudimentale quando la gemma viene a polarizzarsi verso lo sviluppo fiorale. Ciò si verifica in generale negli abbozzi fogliari che si sviluppano sulle rachidi fiorali ed eccezionalmente in quelli che sono in rapporto con la gemma che dà origine ad una rachide fiorale.  相似文献   


Comparative researches on morphology and physiology of PICEA and LARIX. The chlorophyll content of seeds and seedlings during germinations in darkness. — Very different are the chlorophyll contents of the seeds and the seedlings of Picea excelsa and Larix decidua grown in darkness.

In Picea chlorophyll is abundantly synthetized in cotyledons in the passage from seed to seedling stages. In Larix however this synthesis is very poor. These differences are more evident after the outgrowth of cotyledons from the primary endosperm and its exhaustion.

If seedlings of both species are exposed to 3.000 lux of light intensity for 24 hours, after development in darkness, one can observe much stronger chlorophyll synthesis in Larix cotyledons than icea.

These figures quanti atively express the different light-dipendence of chlorophyll synthesis in these two plants and offer a more adherent interpretation of the different ecological behaviours that are caracteristic of these two plants.  相似文献   


Inactivation and riactivation of enzymes in endosperms of castor bean seeds. — On the basis of previous results, the possibility has been investigated of the reversible interconversion of active and inactive form of enzymes in castor bean seeds, during their development.

The results described here indicate that:

  1. the activity of some glycolytic enzymes increases greatly (81% and 400% increase of, respectively, Gl-6-P-dehydrogenase and aldolase) upon incubation of dry seeds for few hours at 4 °C.

  2. The decrease of enzyme activity upon dehydration of seeds and the increase during the subsequent imbibition can be shown reproducibly.

  3. This same observation is made for oxygen uptake.

These results are interpreted to indicate the reversible inactivation of enzymes caused by dehydration of seeds.  相似文献   

Al Dr. C. Cavallero, per il presente lavoro, è stato conferito il premio Dr. Carlo Biroli, bandito dalla R. Università di Pavia per 1'anno 1937.  相似文献   


Action of some respiratory inhibitors on growth and greening of seedlings of Picea and Larix.—The effects of sodium azide, arseniate, jodoacetate, fluoride and 2,4-dinitrophenol on growth and greening of dark germinated seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua were studied.

All the inhibitors showed a negative influence on growth (determined as fresh weight) of Picea seedlings and even more remarkably on Larix seedlings.

Greening was significantly inferior to that of control plants only for groups of Picea seedlings treated with sodium azide, at all the concentrations used, and for groups treated with fluoride and arseniate at the highest concentrations.

All the groups of Larix seedlings, instead, treated with inhibitors, with the exception of the ones treated with sodium fluoride at the lowest concentrations, presented a chlorophyll content inferior to that of control groups.

From the above results the different influence of inhibitors on Picea and on Larix seedlings might be due to the different metabolic pathways through which the pigment synthesis in the two species under study takes place.  相似文献   


The functional roles of seagrasses in the economy of coastal waters are to be fully realised and more clearly delineated. The biology, ecology and energetics of seagrasses meadows of the Mediterranean Sea, and in particular of Posidonia oceanica inclusing the stabilization of coastal sediments, this role as a base for major detrital food chains, nutrient resources contributory to general productivity of the open sea and the support of dense epiphytic communities, are discussed.  相似文献   


Purpose of this paper is to point out the residues of Quercus Ilex woods in the hilly region of Murgia di Putignano (Puglia) which lies inside the distribution area of Q. trojana, now the main wood-forming tree-species of this territory.

Fourteen different small Q. Ilex stands are mentioned, as marked on alleged map. One of them (n° 1 on the map) has been more carefully studied through a whole year, and all plants growing in it have been collected.  相似文献   


Action of cyanide on growth and greening of seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua.—The effects of cyanide on growth and greening of dark germinated seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua are studied. While growth of Picea seedlings is scarcely inhibited, the effect of the inhibitor on Larix seedlings is very drastic. Greening of Picea seedlings is never inhibited while, at stronger concentrations, cyanide weakly inhibits greening of Larix seedlings. When seedlings are treated with cyanide and salicylhydrossamic acid, an inhibitor of mithocondrial respiration cyanide non-sensible, growth is inhibited more strongly than when cyanide only is used and greening too is inhibited. Cyanide is shown to be able to reach megagametophyte and embryo and to be incorporated steadily.  相似文献   

Summary Common frogs (Rana edulis) were inoculated intraperitoneally with the following fungi: 1) pathogenic for man and animals:Coccidioides immitis, Gilchristia dermatitidis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Phialophora verrucosa andSporotrichum beurmanni; 2) pathogenic for man and plants:Sporotrichum poae; 3) pathogenic for plants:Botrytis cinerea. The fungi of the group 1) (and, to a lesser extent, the group 2) produced a localized granuloma, without (or almost without) dissemination, with a reduced, aspecific reaction, chiefly in the gastro-duodenal plica. The species of the group 3) is not pathogenic at all.On the contrary, for broad bean young plants (and, to a lesser extent, castor bean plants) the fungi of the group 1) were not pathogenic, while the fungus of the group 3) was fully pathogenic.S. poae appears to be of moderate pathogenicity; less pathogenic has beenS. beurmanni.

Un riassunto parziale di queste prove è stato presentato dai due Autori al Third International Congress for Microbiology, New York, 2–9 September 1939 (Sect. VI, Paper No. 5) e pubblicato nel 1940 (Redaelli P., Ciferri R. eBaldacci Blastomycosis, Sporotrichosis and Coccidioidal granuloma on animals and plants. Mycopathologia,II, 322–326 1940. Le esperienze furono quindi proseguite dai due Autori seniores, secondo una più vasta scala di ricerche, sinchè il sopraggiungere della guerra e le difficoltà di lavoro inerenti obbligarono a sospenderle. Ancora nell'intento di onorare la memoria del compianto amico e collaboratore Prof.P. Redaelli, ci decidiamo a dare alla luce queste note, ora pubblicate in esteso, completate con le prove eseguite dopo la presentazione della nota suddetta. R. C.  相似文献   

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